Seth godin all marketers are liars download fb2. Reading the right books: “All marketers are liars”

Seth Godin (July 10, 1960) is an American entrepreneur and economist, computer scientist. Author of business books, popular speaker. Seth also runs a well-known marketing blog. His first work, which gained great popularity, was a book about trust marketing.

Author of many books (“Purple Cow”, “Irreplaceable”, “A gift in addition. Another brilliant marketing idea”, “Trust marketing. How to make a friend out of a stranger and turn him into a buyer”, “All marketers are liars” were translated into Russian) . The talent to create stories that this distrustful world is waiting for,” “The idea is a virus? Make customers work for your sales,” “The Pit.

Seth received his marketing education from Stanford Business School. From 1983 to 1986, he served as brand manager at Spinnaker Software, where he led the development team for the first generation of multimedia products.

Godin then created YoYoDyne, an interactive online marketing company. The company was later sold to search giant Yahoo!, where Seth became vice president of marketing. He subsequently left Yahoo! (while remaining nevertheless its external adviser) and launched the Internet startup Squidoo.

Books (11)

Bootstrapper's Bible

Who is a bootstrapper? How to start a business from scratch and make it effective? What is a business model? What is the advantage of small companies over industry giants and why great ideas can destroy you?

Seth Godin answers these and other questions in a manner unique to him - with a fair amount of humor, so easily and unobtrusively that even people who are far from business in any of its manifestations do not remain indifferent and eagerly absorb the postulates of bootstrapping. The laws of marketing, the observance and violation of which, paradoxically, do not always lead to success or failure, are perceived easily and vividly, because their action is illustrated real examples from stories of successes and failures of famous and not so famous people.


There are people who support, if not the world, then at least the organization where they work.

They always do more than what is prescribed - this is their gift to others. They add uniqueness to everything they undertake - this is their way of expressing themselves. They know how to attract people with their charm - this is the result of their people-oriented nature. They are sincere in their altruism and inimitable in their work. They are Irreplaceable. Employers are really hunting for such people because they are more efficient than hundreds of mediocre workers. They don’t skimp on Irreplaceables: without them, the company cannot survive.

This book is about how to find and keep Irreplaceable people in your company. And about how to become Irreplaceable.

Stop stealing dreams

This is not a book in the usual sense, it is, as Seth Godin himself writes, a manifesto, an expression of his opinion, or maybe a cry of the soul and mind.

Seth tells the story of the formation of mass education in America, talks about its development and, of course, that it is outdated.

A lot is said about choice: choosing yourself and your path, and not waiting for someone to choose you; being dumb, or learning on your own throughout your life; be like everyone else, or not betray your dreams, take responsibility and be different from others.

Try it - it will work!

When you're in last time Did you do something for the first time?

When was the last time you started something truly new? New business? New project? If you have been doing this for a long time, if you are stopped by the fear of failure, or if you do not understand how to approach this, then “Try it - it will work!” - a book for you. Often, not daring to take the first step, we forget that everything good companies, ideas and products created by those who constantly experimented and went beyond their “comfort zone”.

The implementation of any project is always fraught with risks, but if you are doing something you are passionate about, you should not be afraid of failure. Sooner or later you will definitely achieve success.

Lessons from Icarus

In the book "Lessons of Icarus" everything is based on one simple statement: our path is to be a person with capital letters, create and soar much higher than we were taught.

We have created a world in which we can fly higher than ever before, and our tragedy is that we have been tricked into believing that we must fly as low as possible.

It is generally accepted that marketers cannot be trusted. Their task is to sell the product by hook or by crook. But have you ever thought that people believe in fairy tales about brands? Moreover, the more incredible promises a brand makes, the more willingly people believe in it.

Our regular columnist of business literature, online marketing director of Digital Ventures Viktor Krivenko does book review "All Marketers Are Liars" by Seth Godin.

The first edition of the book was published under the title All Marketers Are Liars: The Power of Telling Authentic Stories in a Low-Trust World.

The second edition is entitled: All Marketers tell stories. This is no coincidence; I’ll tell you why later.

But first, let’s make a digression and answer a couple of questions: what would a simple man in the street call someone who, having shaved 3 minutes ago with a regular razor, really begins to feel like a champion. Or, having intoxicated himself with cheap stink, will he think that the girls will run to him and stack themselves in stacks? Or, taking a drag from a cigarette, he will feel the taste of freedom in his mouth and feel like a cowboy on a horse? Or, when buying Indonesian running shoes, does he believe that he will run 100 meters 4 seconds faster? Or, buying a cheap Chinese notebook for a lot of money, he believes that Leonardo Da Vinci himself wrote in exactly the same one.

No, it’s even worse when you wear a red suit with a striped mask and believe that you will fly up, not down, from the roof of a skyscraper. There are many such examples, but the essence is the same. What are these people called? That's right, people with a distorted reality, and even more simply - sick people, idiots.

And now we will say out loud the following words: Gillette MACH3 Turbo Champion, AX, Marlboro, Nike, Moleskine, Spiderman. How cool! WOW!!

Did you catch the pattern? This is how branding works. All great brands do is tell idiotic stories like this, thereby distorting your real reality and slipping in a false one that you believe in.

We tested the new toothpaste on eggs, they became stronger. Your teeth will be as strong as our eggs. Buy!

Look at me - a handsome African, then at your pot-bellied man on the sofa. See how fat he is? Can you hear how it stinks? Buy our deodorant and rub it on your man. Now he has become like me - a handsome black man.

And so on ad infinitum. Isn't it funny? But I don’t, because this nonsense works and brings in billions of dollars of profit per year. And all this rests on your faith in promises, in history.

This is exactly the type of lie that Seth Godin wrote about in his book. Because work on reengineering human souls Marketers have to do it. It is clear that he did not write this in this form, but the essence is conveyed correctly.

But in the second edition of the book, Godin changed the title to something else: “All Marketers Tell Stories.” Beautiful, true and emotional stories that you have to believe. The book is actually the same, the introduction and title have been changed.

The essence of the book: the better your stories = tales about a brand, product, service, the faster they will believe in it, the higher the sales will be. Come up with fairy tales about everything: about your butt-kissing service, about the fabulous origin of the product, its qualities, its differences, its advantages. Let them be the most delusional and the most idiotic, as described above. It doesn't matter at all. It works. This has been verified. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Create stories about yourself as a brand and tell them constantly. And everyone will start to believe it. Even yourself. That's how it works. Interesting book. Worth reading.

This is my first list of books about Internet marketing: the books I have read over the years have really helped me develop. I put them in the order I read them so that if I had them all in stock I could do it again. They start with broad marketing concepts and then focus on them: first those related to the Internet, and then those related to the subject itself. Of course, you can read them in the order you wish.

General Study of Marketing:

If you don't know what marketing is, then you won't be able to succeed in a field like Internet marketing. First, learn the basics and then move on. Ignore them and end up like a fool.

4. "Site Redesign for Web 2.0: A Process That Works (2nd Edition)" At some point, you should be able to get people together, give them a job, and build a website. Read this beautifully designed book to learn how to manage this process.

Design and usability

Interaction design is the science of getting out of the way. Read on to learn how to create great websites that help, rather than confuse, your visitors:

1. Don't Make Me Think: A Common-Sense Approach to Web 2.0 Usability, 2nd Edition A sort of bible about web usability. I don't care how good a designer you are - if you don't read this book, you'll likely make some serious mistakes that could hinder your ability to sell.

2. “How to Create a Visited Website and Avoid Common Mistakes” This book gives you everything you need to learn about situational design. Situational design is a less commonly observed but important element in the art of creating successful online presences.

3. Information Architecture for Designers: Website Structure for Successful Businesses If you want to dig a little deeper into the art and science of creating great website structure, then this book is the ultimate introduction to information design. It also contains many valuable advice throughout the reading.

4. What about web design? I could give you a list of books about web design, but in my opinion, none of it is worth the money. Instead, read one of the great web design blogs like Smashing magazine. Also pay attention to the Google Gold Rating.


No book can teach you how to write good lyrics. you will become good author only in the process of writing many texts. But there are tips and tricks that apply to the art of online copywriting. The following books will help you find them:

1. “Persuasive Copywriting Online: How to Get Your Words into the Bank” Brian Eisenberg and his team know more than anyone about the art of copywriting. This book is crammed with ideas, tips and ways to create sales texts.

2. “The most selling letter: Attracting new customers. Explode Your Sales Dan Kennedy's big words are maddening, but he knows his subject.

3. “Incentive to Action: Secret Formulas for Improving Online Results” Another book by Eisenberg. Yes, there are two of the three books in this part. They are also competitors in their own way. So you should know that I really appreciate their stuff.

Search engines, optimization (SEO), pay per click (PPC)

Search engines control 3/4 of everything that happens on the web. Ignore them if you wish. Then I can buy your furniture cheap - when you go out of business. In other words, take a look at these books:

1. "Search Engine Visibility (2nd Edition)" Shari Turov's book focuses on a topic that you can control in the field search engine optimization.

2. Search Engine Marketing: Managing Your Company's Website Traffic (2nd Edition) The authors of this book sent me a review copy. I'm very skeptical of any book that claims to teach SEO, but this book delivers in-depth material. high level and does a good job.

3. “AdWords for Dummies” (Book Series “For Dummies”) I know that I give here a lot of books from the “for dummies” series and perhaps I am biased. But they do provide a good introduction to the subject. The book “AdWords for Dummies” is excellent material if you have not worked with this program before.

4. Having an understanding of all this, why not read another 400+ pages on search engine optimization and pay per click? This is an excellent reference book containing figures and tables. But don't read it before bed - it's very informative, but not very exciting, unless you become a search nut like me.

Web analytics

All the material on marketing is excellent, but you also need to know how to measure. This is where analytics comes in. These two books will help you get started:

1. “Web Analytics: One Hour a Day” This book is the only one I've seen that delivers on its promise.

Web analytics: one hour per day

2. I read it twice and despite my analytical nerdiness, it still teaches me something new, or reminds me of important things.

Email, Landing Pages, and Other Money-Grubbers

There are many in various ways squeezing money out of your website. These books teach some important points:

1. Landing Page Optimization: The Most Comprehensive Guide to Testing and Tweaking to Rebuild A great introduction to the subject of landing pages and their purpose in your business.

2. Email Marketing for Dummies I'm currently working on another book with John, but read this one as an introduction to our subject. This is a great introduction to email marketing with a few tips I didn't know myself.

Email Marketing for Dummies

3. Marketing Sherpa's Landing Page Handbook I've written about this book before. Save your pennies - she's expensive. But she deserves the money and pays for herself within a few hours.

4. 2009 Essential Guide to Email Marketing Another great resource from Marketins Sherpa's. It contains material on each study and the information you need to launch, monitor and improve your email marketing campaign. Again, dear, but it justifies itself right away.


If you really want to know what blogging is, then read a lot of blogs. Or read books by successful bloggers. These two books are all you need to get a solid understanding of the world of blogging:

1. Blogging Understand: How Bloggers Are Changing the World and How You Can Join Them Still the best introduction to blogging you can find. The book is a must for anyone who has never read it.

2. ProBlogger Site: Secrets to Running Your Six Figure Blog You can actually make money from a blog. Nobody knows more than Daren Rose, and who I envy all the time.

HTML and other nerdiness

You can always find people who can do nerdy work like writing boilerplate codes. But to have general idea you have to pay for what they do - so you can keep an eye on them. The following books gives a good idea:

1. “Web Design by Standards (2nd Edition)” This is just a great book, filled with good examples and written in a good way literary style. It also has a funny cover.

2. “PHP and MySQL for Dummies” Do not read this until you become a PHP programmer. Read it to know what is and isn't possible on a database website.

3. “Web Design in Flash” This is a rather outdated book about Flash and animation. But like the book above, it will give you a very, very good idea of ​​what is possible and what is not. She will also make you feel like a hair in the design world when you see what Hillman Curtis creates.