Stallone anthropometric data. Sylvester stallone biography. Diet recipes from Sylvester Stallone

What is the height and weight of the singer Nina Shatskaya?

We did not find any information about the height and weight of the singer Nina Shatskaya, therefore, we will find out approximate data by comparing photos with people whose height and weight we know.

In the photo on the right, Nina Shatskaya, shod in 9cm heels and next to her stands Andrey Derzhavin with a height of 179cm and shoes adding 2cm. In total, it turns out that Nina Shatskaya, shod in 9 cm heels, is about 2-3cm higher than 181cm. Accordingly, we subtract 9cm from 184cm and we get the approximate height of Nina Shatskaya at 175 cm. Outwardly, the weight of Nina Shatskaya looks at 70-75 kg

Height Nina Shatskaya 175cm

Weight Nina Shatskaya 70-75kg

How tall and weight is Irina Nizina?

Irina Nizina is famous Russian actress theater and cinema, winner of the "Seagull" and "Moscow Debuts" awards. The most famous actress brought such works in cinema as New life detective Gurov and Advocate. On the Internet, the actress is credited with a height of 174cm and a weight of 65kg.

How reliable and accurate about the height and weight of Irina Nizina, no one knows for sure.

Irina Nizina's height is 174cm

Weight of Irina Nizina 65kg

How tall and weight is Nadezhda Obolentseva?

Nadezhda Obolentseva was born in Moscow on July 24, 1983 and is best known as a socialite.

There is no information about the height and weight of Nadezhda Obolentseva, so we will roughly estimate the parameters of a celebrity.

In the photo, Nadezhda Obolentseva and Svetlana Bondarchuk are 177 cm tall. Based on the photo, it follows that Nadezhda Obolentseva's height is about 174-175 cm, and her weight is 59 kg

Height Nadezhda Obolentseva 174-175cm

Weight Nadezhda Obolentseva 59kg

How tall and weight is Tatyana Denisova?

Tatyana Denisova was born on February 11, 1981 in Kaliningrad region RSFSR. She is best known as a Ukrainian choreographer, founder and leader of the JB ballet dance group in Germany; one of the permanent members of the jury and choreographer of the Ukrainian TV project "Everybody Dance!" , as well as a mentor and choreographer of the Russian show project "Dancing".

On the Internet, the famous choreographer is credited with a height of 166 cm and a weight of 58 kg. Whether these declared parameters correspond to real data, no one knows in reality

Tatyana Denisova's height is 166cm

Tatyana Denisova's weight is 58kg

How tall and weight is Anton Makarsky?

Anton Makarsky was born on November 26, 1975 in the city of Penza. The actor gained the greatest popularity and fame thanks to his roles in films such as Smersh, Poor Nastya, as well as numerous roles in theater and cinema.

On the Internet famous actor they attribute a height of 177-178 cm, and a weight of 79 kg. No one knows how reliable and accurate the declared data are

Height of Anton Makarsky 177-178cm

Weight of Anton Makarsky 79kg

How tall and weight is Sergey Kucherov?

Sergey Kucherov was born on August 22, 1989 in the city of Magnitogorsk. He achieved the greatest fame thanks to his sports success in the field of bodybuilding and the TV project Dom2

On the Internet, Sergey Kucherov is credited with a height of 178-179 cm, and a weight of 88 kg. Whether these declared parameters correspond to reality and reality, no one knows for sure

Sergey Kucherov's height is 178-179cm

Sergey Kucherov's weight is 88-90kg

On the network you can find a lot of information about the growth of Sylvester Stallone, and these figures reach 179 centimeters. But in fact, these data are overestimated, since the press mistakenly attributed the actor to such growth due to the fact that Stallone often appears in public in high-soled shoes. Here are some photos for an example.

As you can see, the height of the heel can reach as much as five centimeters. Nevertheless, let's try to figure out what Stallone's real height is.

To begin with, let's compare the growth of Sylvester Stallone with the growth of Leonardo DiCaprio (180 cm). Both photos are from the same event, but taken from different angles, and as you can see, the difference between the actors ranges from 6 to 8 centimeters. Approximately Stallone's height stopped at around 173-174 centimeters.

Next, consider a couple more photos where Sylvester Stallone stands next to Harrison Ford (1 photo) and Clint Eastwood (2 photos), who are 180 centimeters tall each. Here the difference between them and Stallone is approximately the same - 5-6 centimeters.

Based on the presented photos and articles, we can conclude that the real growth of Sylvester Stallone is just below 175 centimeters, namely, his height is 174 centimeters.

Stallone played in more than 200 films, and for many he had to change not only the psychological images, but also the physical parameters. His muscles are growing along with his granddaughters. What is the secret to unstoppable muscle growth?

Sylvester Stallone's height is 178-179 cm. His bones have long ceased to grow in length, but the musculoskeletal system is still growing in width.

"Rocky 2"

Sly enlisted the help of the legendary Franco Columbu to give himself the look he wanted in Rocky 2. Franco is not only a massage therapist, but also a personal Hollywood star. Stallone's training in intensity at that time was similar to bodybuilding during the competition, which, in general, is logical: there is not much difference between the stage and the set.

When Stallone first came to training with Franco, he weighed 77 kg. Sly felt that he was not big enough and wanted to gain 5 kg of mass in .

From the point of view of my methodology, this is impossible: it is impossible for a body experienced in training in the best shape to increase 5 kg in a month and a half. But according to Franco Colombo and Stallone, why not?

In an interview, Stallone said that he was relentless and fought for the result. Top Athletes, when they train 6-20 hours a week, they hardly gain 5 kg per year, and then a miracle: 5 kg in a month and a half.

Sly's efforts were eight times better than any academic athlete. He managed to gain the required amount of muscle mass and now he weighed 82 kg.

His pectoral muscles and the muscles of his arms increased in volume, while his waist remained the same. The percentage of fat in Stallone's body did not exceed 4-6%. He became stronger, bigger and more embossed.

Here I also advocate for this - for increasing the biceps and maintaining the waist, if the skin in the navel area is like on the hand. It is a pity that not all of mine measure the waist, but now after reading this article, I am sure that they will start.

Best weight

Nobody knows exactly how much Stallone weighs. There is a lot of conflicting information on the Internet, as well as in the confused testimony of the actor himself. But heaviest weight which I saw on the net is 100 kilograms. Let me remind you that in the movie Rambo, the actor weighed 72 kg. Normal weight for a natural jock. But…

Stallone's weight range from thirty to seventy years was about thirty kilograms.

Of course, Stallone, even by the age of thirty, devoted a lot of time to training in order to pump up 72 on his 178 cm skeleton. But with age, his growth accelerated.

How did Sly manage to grow so old?

"The Expendables"

To "Unstoppable" Stallone was coached by fitness and extreme bodybuilding - Gunnar Peterson, who has worked with many NHL and NBA stars, as well as with most Hollywood stars.

Extreme bodybuilding is another type of bodybuilding in my vocabulary. This term I learned from the latest notes of the popular gloss.

Sly says:

“I wake up early in the morning at 7:00, then I take the BCAA complex. In 45 minutes I have the 1st breakfast. Easily digestible food is great here. For example, I use 2 boiled eggs, 4 pieces of figs and 1 sandwich. Then I allow myself to relax a little and after an hour I am in gym!

First I do a warm-up, it takes about 10-15 minutes.

The training itself begins with the study muscle fibers hands, which takes 40-50 minutes. Next I train deltoid muscles, approximately 30 minutes. After that, I do abs workout. Next, I do 450-500 reps with a gym cane.

At about 13:00 I have lunch. My diet consists mainly of salads, boiled chicken breast, fried zucchini and a couple of pieces of fresh fruit.

The second half of the day is devoted to work and business meetings. For dinner I prefer to eat fried fish, lettuce, some spinach and a couple of slices of toasted bread. In addition to chicken breast, I also eat veal.

Almost any meat that I eat contains a small percentage of fat. Once upon a time I could eat several move-dogs in a row, as a result I got painful sensations, spasms.

My workouts take place 3 days in a row, then I rest for 1 day. If I have a tough business week ahead of me, then I train only 2 days a week, and also cut the amount of food I eat by about 2 times.

In 2007, Stallone was stopped at Australian customs because the growth hormone Jintropin, one of the elements of extreme bodybuilding, was found in his luggage. The actor was accused of trying to import illegal drugs into the country and was forced to pay a fine. However, in an interview, Stallone admitted that thanks to Ginotropin, his well-being and physical form, and that this tool was necessary for him during the filming of "Rimbaud" in Burma.


To become like Stallone, you have to start somewhere. Not everyone is ready for extreme bodybuilding and gynotropin, so I suggest starting with home bodybuilding and your own.

Sylvester Stallone is talented American actor, a producer and director who, at 69, looks very imposing and young.

Almost all his life he has been involved in sports, which is why he has relief muscles and beautiful body in general, but sometimes due to frequent social events, it gains a little excess weight, which is easily eliminated with a diet that is suitable for both men and women.

Sylvester Stallone: ​​height, weight and super diet ^

Beloved by many, Sylvester Stallone is considered one of the most sought-after and gifted actors, because in his entire life he starred in more than 50 sensational films: Rocky, Rambo, The Expendables, Escape Plan, Creed, Downhole revenge”, etc.

AT different times he had to gain weight for roles, then lose weight, and if in the first case he succeeded without problems, then in the second he literally moved to live in a gym and sat on strict diets that not everyone can master.

What does Sylvester Stallone look like now: photo

How to lose weight Sylvester Stallone

According to some reports, Sylvester Stallone's height and weight are 174 cm and 78-80 kg, but for one of the films he had to lose weight up to 70 kg, resorting to sports and diet. At that time, he had a strict daily routine and he trained 6 times a week, so not every person can withstand such a schedule, besides, his food was limited to 400-500 Kcal per day.

Sylvester with his wife and daughters

What the training program and daily routine of Sylvester Stallone looked like:

  • In the morning - jogging (2 hours);
  • Sparring for 3 minutes, and so 18 rounds;
  • Two-hour classes in the gym, after - daytime sleep;
  • Swimming for an hour.

He had to live in such a rhythm 6 days a week, and for two months he ate only egg whites, small portions of fruit and one toast daily.

Secrets and rules of weight loss from Sylvester Stallone

  • He has been involved in sports almost all his life and believes that without him no diet will give the maximum effect, so those who want to lose weight need to learn how to combine everything;
  • Although famous actor- a vegetarian, he refuses not all food of animal origin, but only fish and meat, and sometimes even allows himself to eat beef steak: as the chef Michel Lombardi, who prepared food for the actor during the filming of the film "Rocky", said, this favorite dish Sylvester Stallone;

Sylvester Stallone: ​​height 174 cm, weight 78 kg

  • Sylvester claims that for successful weight loss, it’s enough just not to eat fatty and high-calorie foods, and also not to drink alcohol.

How does Sylvester Stallone eat?

Of course, no one can constantly sit on a strict diet, and Stallone is no exception. He only uses it for fast weight loss, and basically in his diet there is low-fat and non-calorie food (mainly vegetables and fruits), and only occasionally does he indulge himself in meat.

What diet is Sylvester Stallone on: menus and recipes ^

Sylvester, Scarlet, Sofia and Sistine Stallone

Diet Sylvester Stallone: ​​menu

According to the actor himself, every person should unload on light food at least once a week. Sylvester Stallone's fasting day menu looks like this:

  • Breakfast with tea and fruit salad;
  • For lunch, he eats spaghetti, we drink 250 g of tomato juice;
  • Dinner with Italian casserole.

Stallone with Jackie Chan at the Academy Awards

Sylvester Stallone's daily diet

After spending a fasting day, the actor returns to a balanced diet and sticks to it all the time:

  • For breakfast, he eats muesli and a couple of toasts, drinks tea;
  • For lunch - vegetable salad and spaghetti or pasta;
  • Dinner with tomato soup or baked potatoes with vegetables;
  • Eats a banana, jelly or ice cream as a dessert between main meals and no more than 2 times a week.

Diet recipes from Sylvester Stallone

Recipe for steak with vegetables

  • Grind garlic and ginger, mix everything and marinate in 300 g of beef tenderloin for 15 minutes;
  • cutting tomatoes, onion and zucchini, string them on skewers and place on the grill;
  • Spray vegetables with olive oil and sprinkle with black pepper;
  • We spread the meat on the other part of the grill, fry on both sides, serve with vegetables.

fruit salad recipe

  • Peel kiwi, apple, watermelon slice and banana, cut into pieces and mix;
  • Remove the peel from the orange, chop and add with the rest of the fruit;
  • Topped with low fat yogurt.

vegetable salad recipe

  • Boil the beans, cut the cherry tomatoes and Bell pepper, connect;
  • Top everything with grated cheese.

Nutrition Sylvester Stallone: ​​the opinion of nutritionists and reviews ^

If you do not take into account the diet that the actor used for emergency weight loss (10 proteins, toast and fruit), then his nutrition system is generally safe for health. Moreover, regular unloading days well cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, and also helps to get rid of excess fluid in the body.

Feedback from our readers

Alexandra, 27 years old:

“Of course, on his strict pre-shooting diet, I would not have been able to hold out even for 3 days, but Stallone completely mastered the usual menu, and even lost 11 kg on it. True, it took me almost 3 months, but now I look much better "

Maria, 25 years old:

"AT recent times I don’t have enough classes in the gym, and diets don’t all help, so for the sake of interest I decided to use the technique of my favorite actor. I was pleased with the result: after a month, the percentage of fat in relation to the muscles was noticeably reduced, and I decided that I would periodically go on his diet in the future "

Olga, 33 years old:

“I completely “appropriated” Sylvester Stallone’s nutrition system for myself, because. on ordinary days I eat according to his menu, and also do a similar unloading. I noticed the effect already after one month: it took almost 7 kg, and even began to look somehow fresh.

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