Themed party New Year's scenario for the year of the rooster. New Year's holiday scenario for middle grades "traveling the world with a rooster"

We invite you to consider the scenario for the New Year 2019 Year of the Pig for adult company. In principle, this version of the scenario can be adapted for children if desired. At the end of this material you can find interesting competitions, which can be carried out within any scenario.

Of course, on New Year's Eve you want to create an atmosphere of fairy tales and magic around yourself. If there is going to be a celebration in a group, then a script prepared in advance and adapted for a specific company will help relieve the burden of responsibility regarding the fact that the guests will need to be entertained with something. Given in the material, as well as various additional competitions, is a guarantee happy holiday in children and adults.

You need to think in advance about how to decorate the room, what costumes to choose for the participants in the show itself.

Scenario for the New Year 2019 Year of the Pig for a corporate party

Host: Once again, welcome everyone to the festive table. Our environment is warm and comfortable. So, you can relax and finally start celebrating the most important and favorite holiday of the year - New Year. I suggest you raise your glasses and drink to it right away.

Host: Of course, it’s simply impossible to imagine even an adult New Year without Santa Claus. Despite the fact that the real Santa Claus is probably delivering gifts to children now, we still need him at the holiday. So, you need to choose a person who can play this role perfectly. In order to, of course, decide on a candidate for this important position, I propose holding a competition.

Hold one of the competitions. A list of possible competitions is given in the second part of this material. Please note that if the scenario for the New Year 2019 is the Year of the Pig for children, then the competitions must be appropriate: no hints, intimacy or obscene jokes.

Host: Santa Claus is great at giving gifts. So, everyone who wants to become the boss actor of our holiday, can come to me to take part in the competition. You will need to prepare various small items for the competition: buttons, hairpins, a piece of fabric. During the allotted time, participants in the competition must make a gift with their own hands. The winner will be determined by voting.

Host: Well, well, there’s no point in arguing here, and new Grandfather Frost in our holiday hall has already been set. So, while you are applauding, all I can do is hand him a suit in such a .

Host: Well, the first magic happened. It seemed that he was just the Name of the Participant, but became a real Santa Claus. He got a beard and a stunning outfit. There is a feeling that he is missing someone in the company. Of course, Snow Maidens. Now it is the turn of the beautiful ladies to take part in the competition to choose the Snow Maiden of the evening. This girl sings great, so a thematic competition will help us choose the right Snow Maiden.

Host: I invite everyone who wants to take part in the casting. You will need to remember songs, as well as poems on the New Year theme and recite them. The girl who knows the most poems or songs and tells them last will win. Although, let's also check how our Snow Maidens dance. As a result, the audience also chooses the winner by voting. To the accompaniment of solemn music, the girl is presented with an outfit.

Host: Now, as part of our scenario for the New Year 2019, the Year of the Pig, we invite the animal itself to the stage, which will be the symbol of the year. Perhaps there are volunteers in the hall? Because the costume we prepared for the Pig is simply excellent.

Pig: I see that you are having a lot of fun at your holiday. It would seem that the evening has just begun, but how many great jokes have already been made!

Host: Dear Pig, do you know what will happen to each of us in the coming year.

Pig: Of course I know. Still, it was not for nothing that Asians appointed me as the symbol of 2019. I won’t wait for your persuasion and will try to tell you what exactly awaits you next year. Take a large basket with leaves on which predictions are written,

The pig takes them out and reads aloud:
Career advancement;
Addition to the family;
Great holiday on the sea;
New acquaintances, etc.

You need to prepare a prediction for each guest in advance and the piece of paper should be pulled out when the Pig is standing next to a specific person. So that everyone understands who exactly is going to do what.

Host: Honestly, I didn’t even expect that the year would be so great and successful for everyone. You should definitely drink to such predictions! Now I propose to recall the events of the year that is leaving us. I'm sure everyone will have something to be grateful for in the old year.

Each guest in a circle says what exactly he is grateful for in the outgoing 2018, the Year of the Dog.

Host: Again we concentrated only on good events and this is a huge plus. So, you also need to drink to see off the old year. By the way, look how beautifully our hall is decorated. But it seems to me that something is missing. The best decoration New Year's holidays are snowflakes.

I propose to hold a competition to cut out the most beautiful snowflake from a napkin. Call the participants, hand out napkins and news, let them cut out a snowflake for a minute under beautiful music and hang it for everyone to see.

Presenter: Each participant tried hard and receives a small souvenir for this. But, there is no need to go back to the tables. I think it's time current time for a fun dance break. I invite everyone to get up from their tables and go dance.

Cheerful music plays and then there is a disco. During the disco, the host can also hold competitions. What kind of competitions and games for the New Year can be held for children and adults are given below. Please note that if you choose a scenario for the New Year 2019 Year of the Pig, the choice of game must be age appropriate.

What games can be included in the scenario for the New Year 2019 Year of the Pig

How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? Answer: only one;
How many minutes does it take to boil a hard-boiled egg? Answer: not at all, because the egg is already boiled;
Without which you will never be able to bake bread: Answer: without crust;
In which year do people eat more? Answer: in leap year, by the way, 2019 will be like this, so you need to stock up on more food;
What kind of water can you bring in a sieve? Answer: water that is already frozen;
What tree do crows like to sit on when it rains? Answer: on a wet tree.

Take it

Two people take part in the competition. You need to place a prize in the middle of the table and, on command, the players must grab this prize with their hand as quickly as possible. Whoever is faster will win. Have you already decided which ones to cook?

The Snow Queen
The main task of this competition is the need to melt the spell Snow Queen. Each participant receives an ice cube and whoever melts it the fastest wins. Each participant in the competition can decide on their own how to melt the ice.


This game is good because the participants do not have to leave the table to play it. Plus, any number of people can take part in the game. In turns, players must name an event that happened at the company or in their family during the past year. If possible, you should choose funny events. Anyone who cannot remember the event is out of the game. The game is played until the last participant, who gets the prize.

Frost Breath

Each player is given a snowflake, which is placed in front of him on the table. Participants stand next to the snowflake. Their task is to blow a snowflake to the opposite end of the table. Whoever does this faster will win the competition and also receive the title “Frost Breath 2019.”

Red nose

This competition is only held in adult company, of course. Each participant needs to drink a glass of vodka or other alcoholic drink. Then all the guests choose who has the reddest nose. This person gets a bonus point and is given a Santa Claus mask. Other participants, of course, must receive their incentive prizes. Relevant on the New Year's table.

New Year's song

Participants in this competition take turns singing the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” with maximum expression and artistry. Santa Claus, together with the audience, chooses the winner.


Santa Claus names five items that he needs right now. The competition participant must find these items in the hall and bring them as quickly as possible. These could be fruits, decorative elements, glasses with a certain drink, shoes, accessories, clothing.

Affectionate guest

Contestants must compliment Santa Claus one by one. The winner is the participant who holds on until the last. Alternatively, if the competition does not end, Santa Claus can independently appoint a winner.

North, south wind

To play the game you need two participants and one snowflake. Place the snowflake on the table, and place the participants on both sides of the table. On command, start blowing on the snowflake, at the same time, and try to throw it off the opponent’s table.

The same competition can be carried out blindfolded. Then it will be twice as interesting to take part and watch the game. You can also replace the snowflake, as soon as the participants are blindfolded, with a saucer of flour. It will be fun when the participants begin to actively blow flour on each other.

Important! Humorous competitions should only be held in a company where there is 100% confidence that they will be interpreted correctly. As a rule, such competitions are good in the company of friends, but for a corporate event it is better to hold regular competitions without making any additions. Practice shows that colleagues do not always like being laughed at, even as part of a completely harmless New Year's competition.

As you can see, any scenario for the New Year 2019, the Year of the Pig, can be adapted to a specific company and the age of its participants. But, be sure to follow the appropriate theme at the New Year's holiday. With our ideas, competitions and riddles you will definitely be able to organize a great holiday.

Characters and participants:

Presenter in the image of a judge (wig and robe as attributes);
Red Scallop Cockerel (symbol of the New Year);
Monkey (symbol of the old year);
Dear beloved Guests;


All rise, the court is in session!
Get up, the court has already come!
Stand up, the court will now be offended!
That's it! You asked for it yourself!

Anyone who does not stand up is fined for contempt of court!

Approaches one of those sitting.


Say your name.

For example, a name begins with the letter A.

Now pay the fine - think up New Year's greetings or a wish for everyone that begins with this letter.

Each of those who did not get up (and these will be the majority, if not all, of the guests and hosts of the New Year's party) comes up with a New Year's wish.

For example: Alexander - angelic patience and devilish efficiency or Sasha - Happy New Year! Boris - more positivity, prosperity and well-being! Vladimir - Important discoveries. Good luck and bad luck! Dmitry - prosperity and well-being.
Long time to live. Money so the chickens don't peck! Tatyana - talents and fans! Accurate hits in life goals! Philip - phenomenal achievements in 2017! And so on in the same spirit!


Well, everyone has paid the New Year's fine, and now it's time to announce the verdict. Under article number 2016 and under article number 2017, for violating the passport regime, citizen Monkey was detained at the New Year’s border on suspicion of attempting to illegally cross the border and move from 2016 to 2017. In the name of the New Year's law, citizen Monkey is sentenced to house arrest for a period of 12 years, on her own recognizance from the old year! The verdict is final and cannot be appealed. The defendant is given the last word.


Hey, did you fall off the tree or did you eat too many bananas in my old year of the monkey? I didn’t intend to go anywhere! I just came so everyone could spend the old year! Isn't it possible? I didn’t even step the tip of my paw into New Year! And what’s the point of condemning me, I’ll still stay in the old year and wait 12 years to bring the new year to the people again! And you, and you... For this I am depriving you of my monkey ability! Well, stop monkeying around! Look, you are pretending to be a judge, but who are you?

And then the wig and robe fall off the presenter.


Oh, why am I doing this? Where am I? Who am I? Help!


Well, help a person find himself in this big world! Moreover, New Year is coming soon! What about the New Year for a person without a place? Give him a place, put a chair, a plate, a spoon and fork, as it should be. And pour it, of course. Penalty! And also as a fine - you are owed a wish to everyone and to me in particular, as the guardian of the outgoing year!


Don't judge each other harshly
Don’t swear, even if it’s difficult at times.
After all, we all have one road -
In the New Year, which will make us happy.
This is how we celebrate the Monkey!
Old year– thank you for being there!
And let's go early in the morning.
If only someone would wake us up!


Now let's call the symbol of the New Year together! Who is this? No, not the Snow Maiden, not Father Frost. They come to the children for a holiday, they are busy! And they won't come to us. Let’s take a little plunge into childhood, and let the song help us with this.

The backing track of the song “Bu-ra-ti-no!” from a Soviet children's film. Everyone has leaves, Monkey helps everyone sing this song together:

Who good fairy tale enters the house?
Who is everyone familiar with since childhood?
Who wears a red comb?
Who looks east in the morning?
Who doesn't let us sleep sweetly?
Tell me, how does he sing to us?

Ku! Ka! Re! Ku!

There is fire on his head.
And that's why don't touch him.
He brought the New Year to all of us.
And he will make his friends laugh until they cry.
He will come to us very soon,
Tell me, what will he sing to us?

Ku! Ka! Re! Ku!

He is surrounded by people's rumors,
It's red and fiery!
In his hands is the key to happiness,
And that's why he's so lucky!
All songs are sung about him.
Tell me, what should we sing to him?

Ku! Ka! Re! Ku!

The Cockerel appears.


I am the New Year's Cockerel.
Are you all experiencing culture shock?
I am the brightest and most beautiful!
I'm not quiet, I'm not lazy.
I get up in the morning before everyone else.
And success accompanies me!

Give me, Monkey, the right to rule this year!


With pleasure, here you go, take it. Bye then! See you in 12 years!


Wait, don't go! Spend the old year with us! Because a treat is on the table! It's time to crow!

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HOW A FOX STEALED A ROCK. New Year's musical parody script for adults.


ROOSTER. Beautiful. Narcissistic. Loves flattery and the female sex. Proud to be nominated for the title "Symbol of the Year".
FOX. Cunning. Bright. Daring. Naturally, red. He has long dreamed of catching the Rooster, but so far he has only caught the admiring glances of the male representatives, that is, the males.
WOLF. Gray in every way. I gave up on the past and at the same time gave up on myself. A typical "collective farmer".
CHICKEN. Legitimate wife of the Rooster. Despite his tough temper, I got used to putting up with his antics. Where can you go - love...
CROW. A typical representative of the crow family. Loves everything bright and shiny. She endlessly repeats that she is old and sick, but despite this, she desperately hopes to brighten up someone’s loneliness.
BABA YAGA. Ever since Santa Claus “encoded” her with his staff, she has been kind... Right up to the point of stupor. He breeds snowdrops and Leshy - for clicks.
TIPTOE. Three. Daughters of the Rooster and Hen. Modern teenagers.
FATHER FROST. Despite the red nose, he is completely sober. Appears, as always, at the end.
SNOW MAIDEN. The eternal tail of his grandfather. But without it, what would a holiday be?


Forest. To the side of the stage is Baba Yaga's hut. Baba Yaga sits by the porch and cross-stitches. Lisa runs onto the stage. She is wearing a fashionable red outfit, in her hands are car keys, and “BMW” is written on a huge keychain.

FOX. Hello Yaga! Have you heard the news?
BABA YAGA. Hello, Lisa. I haven't heard anything! See, I’m sitting, cross-stitching a gift for Leshy.
FOX. What are you talking about? Don't know this news!
BABA YAGA. What's the news? Speak already!
FOX. Tomorrow is New Year! Do you know who will be the symbol of the New Year?
BABA YAGA. Koschey?
FOX. No!
BABA YAGA. Dragon?
FOX. Did not guess!
BABA YAGA. Is it really possible that this is an overseas monster?!
FOX. Not overseas! Is our!
BABA YAGA. Who is this?!
FOX (indignantly). Rooster! Can you imagine?! This upstart! Why didn’t I fry it at the time?! Listen, Yaga... Help! I need to catch this Rooster... Together we’ll roast it in your oven and eat it for the New Year! Come up with some dirty tricks, huh? I will not remain in debt!
BABA YAGA (distressed). I can't! I'm coded! The year before last, Santa Claus coded me with his staff, so I can’t do any more dirty tricks. It turns my bones, like I want to do some harm to someone! And instead of this, the daisies will bloom, or the rainbow will light up. Ugh!
FOX. Like this?!
BABA YAGA. And like this!

Baba Yaga sings a song.

SONG OF BABA YAGA. (To the tune of “Childhood” from the group “Tender May”).

Santa Claus made me nervous.
And once I coded it.
I can't do any more harm
And from me - like milk from a goat.

And I want, and I want again
In the forest, you can scare passers-by at night.
Fool your head, give a kick,
And put Ivan the fool in the oven.

Recently Kashchei came to visit.
I immediately kicked him out.
I said “Shoo” to him for courage,
Don’t you see, I’m knitting socks for Lesha.

I sit and weave macrame,
And friends go around a mile away.
Various rumors are spread,
Apparently they think it's contagious.

FOX. Well, you butted in, Yaga...
BABA YAGA. I just cross-stitch Taperich and plant flowers.
FOX. Well, give me at least some potion, a sleeping pill! Some kind of tincture of spiders and frog legs... Or a decoction of fly agarics!
BABA YAGA. There is no such thing! Only cherry liqueur... And - cherries... drunk.
FOX. Bring your cherries here! (to the hall). You'll have to blackmail someone!

The Wolf enters the stage. He is wearing a padded jacket, felt boots, and a hat with earflaps. On their feet are “farewell to youth” boots.

WOLF (to the Fox). Hello, Lisa! So that's the meeting!
FOX (delighted). Hello, hello, Gray! It's you that I need!
WOLF (looks at Fox). And you, I see, are packed... (Touches the fox's tail) Fur coat... New, or what?
FOX (hits him on the paws). Well, you!.. Quiet! Don't let your paws loose here! (Shakes off his fur coat) You've already torn off one of my tails! By the way, when will you return the favor?
WOLF. What debt?
FOX. Like which one? For a new tail. Do you know how much tails are on the market today?
WOLF. How should I know? I don’t go to markets... So, I live locally...
FOX. You, Volchara, owe me three chickens, four geese and one ram!
WOLF. Why so much?!
FOX. Do the math yourself: three chickens for the tail, four geese for the plastic surgery, ram for moral damage! (proudly looks at his tail, smoothes it). By the way... I did it abroad! In the neighboring forest!
WOLF (with envy): You know how to live, Red!
FOX (boastfully): I can! That's why he's always covered in chocolate, not like you.
WOLF. A! (waves his paw doomedly). I’m completely lost!.. No family, no lair!
FOX (significantly) Well, how are you and Little Red Riding Hood?..
WOLF. No way! As soon as she took away my grandmother’s house, she left me! I found one here... Hunter...
FOX. And what about the Goat? Have you tried to approach her? True, there are seven kids there... But still, the woman is with a house, with food...
WOLF. Yes, the Goat is okay... she seems to agree... But these little goats are against her... They've grown up! Now there are seven goats!

The wolf sings a song.
SONG OF THE WOLF (To the tune of "The Smell of Spring" by "Butyrka")

I was born, apparently, in a leap year.
That's why I have no luck in life.
What happens in the forest - they immediately shout:
"It's Gray, it's Gray's fault!"
I don't set any traps or nets,
But they scare small children with me.
The soul is torn from resentment -
All the villains were recorded as sidekicks.

I'm deep in the forest
I'm sitting under a pine tree.
And one song
I sing to the moon.
Then I'll smoke
I'll make some tea
And all night
I look at the stars.

I gave up my criminal past a long time ago,
All the bustle of the forest is a bazaar-station.
Even in the pack there is no place for me now,
Because at heart I am not an animal at all.

I am not young, but rather already old.
They call me “forest orderly.”
Due to the weather, gray paws hurt,
I can’t even catch up with seven kids.

FOX (thoughtfully). Hmmm... Well, how are you going to repay the debt to me now? Look, I’ll complain to Boar!
WOLF. Don't ruin it, Lisa! I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t complain to Boar!
FOX. Don't complain, you say... Well, well... I have a job for you! If you do it, I’ll forgive you the debt... If you don’t do it, I’ll turn on the meter!
WOLF. Speak, Red! I will serve, there will be no will for a century!
FOX. Well, listen. I need to steal one Cockerel... I’ve had a grudge against him for a long time! We would then fry them together and eat them for the New Year!
WOLF (indignantly). What are you talking about, Lisa?! I don't subscribe to wet stuff anymore! (Points to his neck) I'm stuck!
FOX (threateningly). Well, you’ll tell Boar this later...
WOLF. I'm done, Lisa! I can't, you understand?! It was still summer - no matter what, but now it’s winter, Santa Claus is wandering around the forest, finds out that I’ve taken up the old thing, and turns it into ice! Also in last time threatened when Boar and I wanted to drive the Deer! Yes, I forgave you on the occasion of the New Year... I brought you under amnesty!
FOX (ingratiatingly): Come on, Wolf... Well, we are one team! Remember how you and I were in our youth... (Playfully pushes the Wolf in the side).

The Fox and the Wolf sing a song.
SONG OF THE FOX AND THE WOLF (To the tune of "Dream" by F. Kirkorov and M. Rasputina).

Do you remember our children's gang - Lynx, Bear, Boar.
They stole chickens in the village, Polkan chased us.
I even envied him - he was at the kennel,
And I've been in a rabbit hole for years now.
Do you remember how we sat in ambush, hunting a goat?

And I was a wolf cub...
I was a little fox.
They caught a rooster, but suddenly they ran into a moose.
And I was a wolf cub...
And I was sweating all over.
I remember licking the wounds from his horns.
And since then I have completely
I don't like roosters!

Chorus (together):
And even though we don’t know what to do,
We'll catch the Rooster anyway.
Well, hold on, rooster face,
We ourselves will be the symbol of the year!

We will have roast and scallop soup on New Year's Day.
I somehow felt sorry for Cockerel.
Don't relax here, Gray, but look forward.
You too will be a symbol in a year.

WOLF. And anyway, Fox... Let's get burned! As it is, let's sleep!
FOX. So, let’s go to a noble cause! Tell me, is there a Year of the Wolf?
WOLF. I've never heard of it!
FOX. And the year of the Fox?
WOLF. It never happened!
FOX. But there is a year of the Rooster! Today at midnight it will begin! This is a terrible injustice! There are all kinds of years - Snakes, Cows... even a Hare! There are even Goats! But the year of the Fox and the Wolf is not! How long will we endure all this?!
WOLF (spreads his paws in confusion): So what should we do?!
FOX. That's what I'm saying... We need to catch this Rooster and roast it! And instead, declare the year... the year of the Fox! (Looks at the Wolf, speaks insinuatingly) And on next year– Year of the Wolf... How do you like the prospects?
WOLF (scratching the back of his head thoughtfully). The prospect is good... But how to catch this Rooster? So that Moroz would not have any suspicions? You and I have been denied entry into the village... They'll figure it out right away! (Shows a criminal gesture) I’m telling you, we’ll get caught!
FOX. Stay calm! There is one bird in the forest... She will help us! Tell you what, find me Vorona. Hurry up!
WOLF. Crow? For what?
FOX. You'll see!

The Wolf leaves to look for Crow. The fox sings a song.

SONG OF THE FOX. (To the tune of “Red-haired Girl” by V. Korolev).

One day I came to the poultry yard.
I hear a conversation from the chicken coop.
The Rooster boasted to Kura,
Called me a redheaded fool.
The Rooster boasted to Kura,
He said that I was a fool.

And I’m like that - I’m cunning
Fox, fox, fox, fox, fox.
And my life is only red
Solid stripe.
And since childhood, I have only wound one truth into my head:
The cockerel tastes good!

Next time I met him:
On the fence he sang at midnight.
But I couldn't grab him
Only a rooster's tail stuck in his teeth.
I couldn't catch him again
I just caught my tail.

But this time, watch out, Rooster!
Let's see which of us is a mug.
You wear your red panties
There will be a New Year with the name of Fox.
You wear your red panties
Only with the name of Lisa.

At the end of the song, the Wolf comes from behind the scenes again, dragging Crow by the hand. The crow resists and is indignant. He stops and fights off the Wolf.

CROW, what kind of disgrace is this? She sat on a tree stump and didn’t touch anyone! He grabbed me, dragged me away, crushed everything!..(rushes to the middle of the stage, theatrically wrings his “hands”) I am an old, sick crow!.. I didn’t see anything!.. I didn’t hear anything!.. I don’t give anyone away!. (to the audience) Well, if only for a very good reward...
FOX (feigning admiration). Crow! You look so wonderful!
CROW (memorized). I am an old, sick crow!..
FOX. Yes, you're slandering yourself!.. (touches feathers) Oh, what feathers!.. (touches beak) What a sock!.. Well, sing!..
CROW. Kar!
FOX (feigning admiration). And an angelic... well, just an angelic raven voice! (The crow blinks its eyes in confusion.) And with all such virtues, you are a lonely bird!.. Where are the peacocks looking?! Where the hell are the flamingos looking?!
FOX. Where is your prince, I ask? (theatrically) No! Not a prince!..
CROW (stunned) And who?!
FOX. King! Where is your king?!
CROW. Which king?
FOX. King of the Birds! Do you even know who our king will be now? And not only birds, but all, all, all!
CROW. Who?!
FOX. Rooster! WITH tomorrow he is the bird of the year! So - the king! Who does the king need?
CROW and WOLF (simultaneously). Who?!
FOX. Queen! (to the crow) You, for example... Could become his queen!
CROW (embarrassed, but she likes this idea). Well... actually... he's already married!
FOX (indignant). On whom?! On Chicken?! Just listen to this word: Ku-ri-tsa! Where is the greatness?! Where is the melody?! And listen to yours: Vo-ro-na! There is music in every letter! Every syllable is a hymn to beauty! No, no and NO! Only you should be the queen!

During Fox's speech, Crow perks up, transforms, begins to proudly walk around the stage, and admires himself.

CROW. Well... I, of course, don’t mind... (Stops, turns to face the audience, raises his “wings”) But - how?!
FOX. It's very simple! Come on, I'll tell you everything!

(The Fox and the Wolf take Crow backstage.)


House of the Rooster. Rooster and Hen on stage. The Rooster is nervous, tries on ties, and scatters them around the stage. A chicken in a dressing gown and curlers runs after him, handing him ties and socks.

COCK (runs from side to side). Where's my tie?! Where are my socks?! Coo-coo-where did my tail comb go?! (Stops opposite the Chicken). Why are you giving me all these rags?! Well, who wears ties like that now?! And the socks?! They don't match the color of my tail! Chicken!
CHICKEN (begins to get angry, hands on hips, stamps her foot). Soooo... I see. Are you going to the goose again?
ROOSTER (a little lost, apparently the wife’s suspicions are not groundless. However, she makes an indignant face). Where do these ridiculous suspicions come from? What goose? I'm expected at the coronation! I am the symbol of the year!
CHICKEN. Tomorrow you are the symbol of the year! And today you are a womanizer!
ROOSTER. What kind of expressions?! You are undermining my authority!
CHICKEN. You need to hang around women less! Where did you get goose feathers in your tail, huh?!
COCK (grabs his head). Who am I married to?! On some Chicken! Mom told me!..

The rooster and hen sing a song.
SONG OF THE COCK AND THE CHEN (To the tune of "Nicholas" by Natalie)

I'm filing for divorce!
Come on, give it!
I'm breaking the contract!
Come on, break it up!
We are not suitable for each other, we are different birds,
And I should have married so poorly!
Perhaps you were joking?
I am not kidding!
Did you forget about alimony?
I'll pay for everything!
I'd rather fly alone in the open air!
Yes, your job is to yell at the fence all day!
Well, what kind of fashion?!
What a breed!
I am the symbol of the year
From tomorrow!

Cockerel, Cockerel, Cockerel,
Don't disgrace, don't disgrace my comb!
Cockerel, Cockerel, Petya!
You have grown children!

Where's my tail shampoo?
Yes, there it is, on the shelf.
Where's my new suit?
In the closet, hanging behind the door!
Are you going to Goose again?
Or maybe to Turkey?
Look, it's Turkey again
Knock on the top of the head!
Are you scaring me again?
You know everything yourself!
You're undermining
My authority!

At the end of the song, Crow appears on stage. She is in a festive outfit, red beads, with a reticule and a cake in a box. On the box it is written in large letters: “CHERRY CAKE.” When he sees the Crow, the Rooster takes on a gallant appearance. She looks at him and pretends to faint.

The duration of the entire performance is about 1 hour. 10 min. It contains 8 musical parody numbers and includes several dance numbers.

Dear reader! If you are interested in this script and want to receive the full version, then write to:
[email protected].
Terms of purchase full version purely symbolic. Details in personal correspondence. It is possible to discuss an individual scenario.
Thank you in advance for your attention and interest!
With warmth and sincere respect, Evelina.

New Year's holiday 2017

Scenario of the New Year's gaming concert

"Traveling the World with the Rooster"

Leading : The holiday has arrived!

New Year has come to our school!

Presenter: Congratulations, friends!

We can't get bored!

Leading: New Year - magical holiday!

There is a leapfrog of smiles in it,

It contains surprises, games, jokes,

Fairy tale, fiction, game.

Presenter : So let's have fun,

I'm going through troubles in spite of everyone,

So that from joyful smiles

Weave a festive carpet.

Leading : Hello, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to today's celebration.

Presenter: It's winter outside - the time of the most short days and the longest nights. But we love this time of year.

Leading: Because on this day unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished desires come true, the most incredible miracles. Don't believe me? I am sure that you will be able to verify this if you become a member of our New Year's holiday.

Presenter: And I declare our festive concert open.

(The sound of a falling plane and a crash is heard.)

Presenter: Oh, what is this? What's happening?

Leading: Did the plane crash?

(ROOSTER comes on stage. The presenters look at him silently. THE ROOSTER addresses the presenters).

ROOSTER: Well, why are you staring?

Leading : Excuse me, who? What are you doing here?

Presenter: We're actually having a holiday.

ROOSTER: It’s great that it’s a holiday. I came for the holiday.

Leading: Well, then come into the hall, sit down and don’t disturb us.

ROOSTER: Listen, why are you so impolite? Don't know who I am? I am the symbol of the year, 2017.

Leading: And we are the hosts - we are responsible for the holiday. And the symbol can sit on the sidelines.

Presenter : Wait, don't swear. The magic ROOSTER has arrived to us!

Leading: What? What magic?

Presenter: Well, just think about it, the New Year is just around the corner, and miracles happen on New Year’s Eve.

Leading: Ha! They called Yurka, a seventh-grader, dressed him in a ROOSTER costume and laughed at me.

ROOSTER: Well, then, you don’t believe that I’m a real symbol of the year?

Leading: No, you're really laughing at me. That's it, the holiday is ruined!

ROOSTER: The holiday is just beginning! And now the real fun begins! Relax, young people, the scallop will rule! Well, raise your hands, those who love to travel. Oh how many of you there are! Well, now we are going on a trip around the world.

Presenter: How will we go? By magic?

ROOSTER: Of course. I stole a globe from Svetlana Vladimirovna. Listen, such a thing! Well, where do we go?

Presenter. Oh, is it possible to go to the East?

ROOSTER. Let's go east! (twists the globe and points his finger at it)

(Sound magic wand)

(Music sounds, 7th grade girls come out and dance an oriental dance).

ROOSTER: Well, did you like it?

Presenter: Certainly.

ROOSTER: Well, did you believe that I was a magic rooster?

(The presenter silently waves his hand)

(Spins the globe. Sound of a magic wand)

Leading : Well, where are we?

Presenter: Now let's ask someone.

(a man comes out)

ROOSTER: Oh, dear man, tell me, what country are we in?

Frenchman : In France. Sorry, I'm in a hurry. I need to rehearse a play with the children for the New Year.

Presenter: The performance is great.

Frenchman: Yes, we have such a tradition: to show performances with children for the New Year.(leaves)

ROOSTER: Rehearsal! What an important one. But we can do it without rehearsal. Come on out here, 7 people.(impromptu scene, roles: kitten, breeze, piece of paper, butterfly, bumblebee, flower, cat)

Once upon a time there lived a kitten. One day he decided to go for a walk. The breeze blew and brought a piece of paper with it. The kitten saw the piece of paper and chased after it. He caught it and played with it a little. Then his attention was attracted by a butterfly that landed on a flower. The kitten jumped and did not catch the butterfly. She took off and flew away. The kitten sat down and began to lick its fur. Suddenly a fat bumblebee landed on the flower. He began to collect nectar from the flower. The kitten slowly crept up to the flower and jumped on the bumblebee. Out of fright, the bumblebee stung the kitten on the nose and flew away. The kitten jumped away from the flower and began to rub its stung nose with its paw. He was about to cry, when at that time a cat came out onto the porch - the kitten’s mother and called him to drink delicious milk.

ROOSTER: Oh artists, well done.

Leading: Well, scallop, let's move on.

ROOSTER: Yeah, did you like it?

Leading: Well, of course! When else can you visit for free?

ROOSTER: Oh, how mercantile. Okay, go ahead, spin the globe.

(sound of a magic wand)

Leading: Country UK.

Presenter: The British are a very spiritual and deep people, and also very ambitious and free. According to them, before the start of the new year, the heavens open for a moment and you can make your deepest wish. If you believe in it, it will definitely come true.

(SongLet'sitbe– 8th grade girls)

Presenter : Well, what are we going to do next? Who spins the globe?

ROOSTER: Let's ask any teacher to spin once. Ask.

(There is a roar of falling furniture. A box flies).

Presenter: Oh, what is this?!

Leading , ducking his head : Why do furniture and various things fall from the sky?

The Italian comes out .

ROOSTER: Hello, dear man. Listen, what's going on? And where are we?

Italian : We are in Italy. It is customary here to throw all old things out of the windows before the New Year. Such a sign. If you throw away the old one, then you buy a new one.

Leading : Logical!

(The Italian leaves)

Games with balloons

ROOSTER: Let's throw something too, otherwise I wanted to play some pranks! Well, come out here, 4 people: 2 students and 2 teachers.

Presenter: Divide into two teams. Here's a ball for each team. Two people stand opposite each other. One holds his hands in a ring, the second tries to throw a ball into this ring. Whichever team throws the most balls into the ring will win (for a time).

ROOSTER: Well done, here are some gifts for you.

(The presenter hands out prizes).

ROOSTER: Well, let's continue our journey.(Spins the globe)

(sound of a magic wand ) Country India.

Presenter: IN south india mothers place sweets, flowers, small gifts on a special tray. On the morning of the New Year, children should eyes closed wait until they are brought to the tray.

ROOSTER: Oh, we'll play now.

Game “Transferring objects”

(2 bowls are distributed to two participants of each team: one is empty, the other is filled ( Christmas tree decoration, tangerine, walnut, etc.). It is given by the spoon. Participants must, using a spoon and without using their hands, take turns transferring all the objects from one bowl to another).

Background - music

(Prizes for winners)

Presenter: Here we are all different countries, but by country, but our traditions are Russian, does anyone remember? Who even came up with the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year?

ROOSTER: Wait, honey, let's ask the guys this.

Well, who will answer my question? *Who came up with the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year from December 31 to January 1? (Peter 1)


*Who came up with the idea of ​​decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year? (Peter 1)

*Which country did he take this example from? (from Germany)

*How before people decorated the Christmas tree? (nuts, candies, tangerines, apples)

*Who is everyone looking forward to for the new year? (Santa Claus)

Leading, ( addressing the presenter ) By the way, where is our Santa Claus? He's late, as usual. I don't like this.

ROOSTER: Santa Claus, you say. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to call him, he doesn’t obey me. But you can do it differently. Tell me, what does Santa Claus like? (songs, dances, laughter, smiles)

In short, he loves fun. Well, let's have fun.

Presenter: And our vocal group will help us with this.

(Song – 5th grade girls)

Thanks, girls. And we will all call Grandfather Frost, 3-4...

Enter Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Father Frost : Hello, dear children and adults! I am very glad to be your guest! You are all so beautiful and elegant.

Snow Maiden : Happy New Year!

ROOSTER: Hello, old man!

Father Frost : Oh, and you're here. What destinies?

ROOSTER: Well, I decided to come visit for the holiday and help, without me it’s impossible...

Snow Maiden:

The forest and field are white, white meadows.

Snow-covered aspens have branches like horns.

The waters of the rivers slumber under the strong ice.

The snow lay on the roofs in white drifts.

In the sky, bright stars dance in circles.

The Old Year says goodbye and the New Year enters.

Leading: 6th grade girls are invited to the stage. Meet us!

(6th grade girls perform a song)

Presenter: And we continue game program. Three people are invited, if possible with large size hands!

"Igra with the newspaper"

There is a newspaper in front of you. At my command, you take it and try to completely gather it into your fist. The winner is the one who completes the task first.

Snow Maiden: I have prepared the following questions for the audience to play with:

1. Which of these miracles came true thanks to the seven-flowered flower:

    22 balls fell straight from the sky onto a football field

    the firewood went to the hut themselves

    all the toys in the world gathered in one place (+)

    Has the old trough become new?

2. What complaint did Barbos come to Aibolit with:

    I'm a miserable, sick old dog

    A chicken pecked me on the nose (+)

    I froze my tail off in the cold

    Has my cough tormented me to tears?

3. What color does not exist in the rainbow:


    pink (+)



4. Who was not part of the Bremen musicians:



    horse (+)


5. What fuel did the cars run on in the Flower City:

    on gasoline

    on kerosene

    on mineral water

    on sparkling water? (+)

6. In which country did one and a half diggers dig a trench:

    Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors

    Land of unlearned lessons (+)

    Country of fools

    Far Far Away kingdom?

7. What the Raven dropped from her beak, succumbing to the Fox’s persuasion to sing:




    cheese? (+)

8. Who told Prince Elisha where his bride was:



    wind (+)


9. After what day of the week did Robinson Crusoe name the friend he found on the island:



    fifth (+)


10. Which of the following can be musical?




    pencil case?

12. Which part of the Cheshire Cat was the last to disappear:

    tricky glance

    wide smile (+)

    right ear

    tip of the tail?

13. What do they shout to a singer who has sung “A+”:

    Hakuna Matata

    bravo (+)


    hands up?

Father Frost: This was a workout from my granddaughter. And I have real tasks for you:

The white-white miller sat on the clouds

White flour is poured through a sieve. (snow)

The blue sheet covers the whole world. (sky)

When needed, they throw it away,

When not needed, they raise it.

What it is? (anchor)

Irons everything it touches, but if you touch it, it bites (iron)

It flies - is silent, lies - is silent.

When he dies, then he roars. (snow)

The more you take from it, the bigger it becomes. (pit)

He rides on someone else's back, but carries the load on his own. (saddle)

The sieve hangs without being twisted by hand. (web)

Answer me, kids,

What's like candy

And it shoots like a cannon!

What is her name? (cracker).

And the Christmas tree, and mom, and even grandma

Decorate with colorful, elegant... (beads).

Whiter than any chalk

And lighter than a feather,

Sat on my mitten

Patterned…. (snowflake).

The needles glow softly

The coniferous spirit comes from ... (Christmas tree).

In the ice palace

In a blue casket

This maiden lives

The Snow Queen).

Sparrows sat on a branch

They chirped loudly

They are happy like everyone else

What have they come... (vacations).

Presenter: Your questions are too simple, dear guests. Our guys are erudite and will easily answer next questions:

In the thicket, with my head raised,

Is a giraffe howling from hunger? (wolf)


Who knows a lot about raspberries?

Clubfoot, brown......wolf? (bear)

Leading :

Daughters and sons

Does an ant teach you to grunt? (pig)


In your warm puddle,

Did the barmaley croak loudly? (frog)

Leading :

From the palm tree down, to the palm tree again,

Jumps deftly.........cow? (monkey)

Presenter :

In a red hat, with a beard, he came to visit the children.

Kind and cheerful - Gena... Crocodile? (Father Frost)


We make it out of snow. This is our work.

Instead of a nose there is a carrot. Spider-Man came out? (snowman)


Don't shake your head. Answer: who is he? –

White owl, Smart head, He is a young wizard, magician,

His name is Ivan the Fool? (Harry Potter)


Come on, dear kids, guess the riddle.

Who rushes through the houses, over their roofs, along their walls.

It releases a web and flies over passers-by.

This is him, this is the Leningrad... postman. (Spiderman)

Presenter : Thank you guys for your activity. Now pick beautiful adjectives to the word “snow” (for example, sparkling, shiny..)

The presenters hold an auction of “snow epithets”. Everyone who names their options is given a paper fan. .

Leading: To whom I handed my fans, please come to me... If you again pay attention to the matinees of childhood, then the obligatory number in them was the “dance of snowflakes”. Now you will have to fulfill it. You have wind blowers, here are some snowflakes...

The presenter hands each participant a small piece of cotton wool.

Leading : The conditions are very simple. As soon as the music starts, you throw up your “snowflakes” and make them dance, that is, float in the air with the help of fans. Whose “snowflake” ends up on the floor leaves the stage. So, music...

Participants use fans to try to hold pieces of cotton wool in the air. Whose “snowflake” ends up on the floor is out of the game. The winner is the one who keeps the “snowflake” in flight the longest.

Music "Dance of Snowflakes"

Presenter : You answered all the previous questions so successfully that I'm waiting for you to be wrong! So… "Comic New Year's quiz»

1. On what night does the longest beard grow? (To the polar)

2. When does a person have as many eyes as there are days in a year? (January 2)

3. Why does Grandfather Frost bring a bag of gifts? (Behind the shoulders)

4. Sheepskin coat, which figure skaters often have a triple coat? (Sheepskin coat)

5. With what help can you turn from Baba Yaga into Vasilisa the Beautiful? (Cosmetics)

6. On New Year’s Eve she is the most dressed up of all. (Christmas tree)

7. The only female representative to whom Santa Claus gives way? (Spring)

8. What is the last rain for many Christmas trees? (New Year)

Father Frost :

There is an amazing winter quirk:

Young and old always celebrate the New Year,

Without admitting it, they believe that it is a miracle

Santa Claus will certainly bring it to them.

Snow Maiden :

So let your cherished wishes come true,

And exactly at midnight a miracle will enter every home,

May all your hopes and dreams

Fate will fulfill this new year.

ROOSTER: I also haven’t run out of questions yet.

So we haveNew Year's "Bluff Club"

Do you believe:

· That when the clock strikes 12 times on New Year's Eve, people in Portugal jerk themselves 12 times right hand behind the left ear? (No)

· What is it like in Vietnam? New Year's table don't sit down without a bouquet of flowers? (Yes)

· That in India everyone sprinkles tea on each other during the New Year? (No)

· What is the quality in France? New Year's gift bringing a thick log? (Yes)

· That on the island of Sardinia, in honor of the arrival of the New Year, matriarchy is established for a day? (Yes)

· In Hungary, do people give friends a clay figurine of a pig for New Year? (Yes)

· That elephants are led through the streets of Guinea on New Year's Day? (Yes)

· That in Denmark on the first morning of the New Year they climb onto the roof and throw copper coins into the chimney? (No)

· That in Cuba they pour water from windows on New Year's Day? (Yes)

· That in Greece on New Year's Eve they bring a goat into the house and rub its horns olive oil? (No)

Leading: We would like to express special wishes to our mentors.

Presenter : Dear teachers. Please accept these wishes from us(read in turns)

Dear friends, lovely people!

Please accept congratulations - you won't be disappointed.

Clear skies and delicious bread!

Good health to the mighty and may your Tamagucha not get sick!

Money is not measured - and not fake, verified!

Income of legitimate and intelligent subordinates!

Peace on Earth and delicacies on the table!

Beautiful love - divided and varied!

Sleep well and may the country prosper!

Strong muscles and less traffic jams!

So that taxes do not choke and the environment improves!

Strong support for you and your business partner!

Loud laughter and success in society!

Brilliant ideas and obedient children!

Clean atmosphere on the planet

And a dizzying personal career!

Sunshine in the window and order in the country!

Good, real friends -

Especially among the higher-ups!

New Year's fireworks and home comfort!

So that the figure does not deteriorate, and the culture in the country strengthens!

Good weather and rain for your gardens!

Respect from colleagues and may the Golden Age begin!

Good dreams and a polka dot pillowcase!

Fertilizers for the fields and stabilization of the ruble!

Bless the stars and make a successful toast!

Travel to Europe and good luck according to your horoscope!

Cakes, sweets and other small joys!

So that you love everyone in the world, and they really appreciate it!

Happiness in your personal life and decent clothes!

Order and clarity, good friends (like us in particular)!

Longer weekends and less idle chatter!

Honesty and openness and a feeling of satiety!

So that the computer does not fail and so that the state is legal!

Chocolate and sweets and don’t set fire to the box of newspapers!

National income growth and vacation favorite time of the year!

Good government in the country and overall happiness!

All possible prosperity and goodbye!

ROOSTER: And as a symbol of the year, I invite everyone to the traditional New Year's round dance. Let's join hands, friends! (Sounds: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)

List of games, numbers and attributes for the holiday:

1.Globe. Box

2. Oriental dance (7th grade girls)

3. Impromptu fairy tale

4. Song "Let'sitbe" - 8th grade

5. Game with balloons ( air balloons)

6. Game “Transfer objects” (4 bowls (bucket, any container) with something (nuts, toys), 2 spoons

7. Quiz (from Rooster)

8. Song (5th grade)

9.Song (6th grade)

10.Game with a newspaper (several newspapers)

11. Warm-up quiz from the Snow Maiden

12. Questions from Santa Claus

13. Quiz from the presenters

14. Auction of epithets (paper fans, cotton wool). Dance of snowflakes

15. New Year's quiz from the presenters

16. Bluff Club (with Rooster)

17. Round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Cool New Year's scenario "Year of the Dog - not biting at all!" - it's kind of theatrical performance with elements of games and competitions.
Suitable for celebrating in any company. The holiday begins indoors - in a home environment and, if desired, can then continue outdoors.

New Year 2018 - the year of the Yellow Dog and New Year's Eve should never be spent alone, we wrote this for you funny scenario, so that you enter the coming, undoubtedly, best year with humor, fun and enthusiasm!

Characters and props

1. Presenter.
2. Rooster (outgoing year).
3. Dog (coming year).

Clothes for the Rooster:

Feather tail;
beak and comb made of cardboard;
wings made of paper or fabric.

Dog Clothes:

Tail made of any suitable material;
dog ears made of cardboard;
tunic made of brown fabric.

Prizes and props for competitions and games:

1. Wide and long dense fabric.
2. Disposable paper plates.
3. Markers.
4. Nylon tights.
5. Balloons.
6. Elastic band for the head.
7. Deep plates - 3 pieces.
8. Beans, raisins.
9. Numbers and blanks with tasks.
10. Clairvoyant hat.


Musical accompaniment is necessary for tasks and entertainment. All cuts must be prepared in advance. Each task of the Rooster must be accompanied by music to lift the spirits of all participants. For table entertainment, you need to prepare New Year's songs that will be played backwards.

In addition to games and competitions, do not forget about the disco. You can simply turn on background music that will play while those gathered are chatting and eating at the table. Closer to New Year's Eve As a rule, there is a desire to dance or sing songs. Prepare a suitable playlist in advance.

Scenario “Year of the Dog – not biting at all!”

Leading: New Year is coming soon. He brings a lot of happiness. We say goodbye to the Old Year - our Petya the Rooster, thank him for everything and welcome the New Year - the Year of the Yellow Dog, which, of course, will arrive at our holiday as soon as its turn comes. By the way, who knows why Yellow?


Leading: But no one knows. The Chinese have come up with some fun for themselves, and the whole world indulges them. But still, let’s not lag behind the generally accepted rules. I have one gift, and it will go to the one who scores the most points. Come on, name me famous yellow objects.

(Guests name their options; for each proposed option, the participant receives one point; the one who scores the most points receives a symbolic prize in the form of a yellow lemon or a bunch of tangerines)

Leading: Winter is a cold and frosty season. Children, do you know how to avoid a snowstorm? Let's check it now.

Game "Winter Snowdrifts"

Entertainment for children with the participation of adults. Two adults hold the bare cloth at both ends. On background a melody sounds like a blizzard. Adults raise and lower the fabric. Children must have time to run to the other side one by one without being covered by the fabric. The one who didn’t make it in time is wrapped in cloth and rocked. True, it is possible that children will not refuse the opportunity to ride and will deliberately lose in this competition. But they will certainly enjoy this kind of entertainment.

Leading: As a child, you especially look forward to the New Year. This is not just a holiday, it is hope for a miracle, receiving gifts, new plans. Who did we ask for gifts from as children? No, not those who have a lot of money. At Grandfather Frost's. Although many of us have grown up now, it’s never too late to ask Grandfather for a gift.

(The presenter gives everyone a disposable paper plate and a felt-tip pen)

Leading: The gift will be given to the most talented artist, because Santa Claus loves drawings so much. Everyone put the plates on your head and draw a Christmas tree, a snowman and snowflakes with a felt-tip pen.

(All the resulting drawings can be glued to the wall or on a rope; it is advisable to distribute multi-colored markers to everyone to create a bright picture of the drawings).

Leading: Let's hope that Santa Claus will not be afraid of such “beauty.”

Leading: Well, are we spending the Old Year? Let’s say together “thank you for everything” and...

(The presenter’s words are interrupted by the appearance of the Rooster)

Rooster: Wait a second... Who told you that I was going to leave?

Leading: (surprised) Rooster?

Rooster: Well, not a chicken.

Leading: But you have to leave, otherwise 2018 will not come!

Rooster: So that's good. The world should be ruled by a handsome man like me, and not by some primitive stuffed animal.

Leading: No way! You must pass on the furrows of government.

Rooster: Here's another! I will only do this if you convince me that it is really necessary.

Leading: And how to do this?!

Rooster: We need proof! What do you know about the Dog? Tell me, for example, at least five songs in which there is a mention of this monster.

(Guests offer their options)

Rooster: Okay, what do you say to this task?

Competition "Imagine a Dog"

Two participants are called. In front of them lies a pair of flesh-colored nylon tights, an elastic band and small balloons. The participants' task is to guess how these things can be used, given that next year is the Year of the Dog.
Answer: Balloons need to be placed in tights to create ears. Place the tights over the tights and secure with an elastic band.

Rooster: Well, that was easy! Do you know that a Dog is a flea-bearing animal? Do you need such a symbol of the year? Then show me how you will cope with the next task?

Competition "Get the extra"

Three participants are invited. In front of each person stands a deep plate containing beans mixed with raisins. The participants' task is to separate the raisins from the beans. When the time is up, the Rooster checks the “work”. If not all the raisins are selected, then he refuses to continue further negotiations. In this case, the leader must convince him to change his decision.

Rooster: You definitely won’t cope with the next task, and then I – a beautiful, smart, brave Rooster – will stay for another year instead of some inelegant, inelegant Dog!

Game "What's Behind"

The rooster places numbers on the backs of the players so that others cannot see him.
Everyone has a number in their hands that they have to find. On command, all participants look behind the others to find their mate. A pair is two participants with the same number.
When pairs are formed, they run up to the tree, where the task prepared for each pair is located, and complete it.

Examples of buildings that players will find under the tree:

1. Feed the Rooster some fruit, preferably grapes.
2. Juggling tangerines.
3. Stand on a chair and crow loudly.
4. Dance the cancan while humming the well-known melody for this dance.
5. Stuff your mouth with food and shout “Happy New Year!”

Rooster: (laughing) You made me a lot of fun. At least now I’m ready to quit the race. But! Purely out of spite, I’ll still stay.

Leading: What is this? We carried out all your stupid tasks, but you don’t want to leave out of spite? We're about to fry you!
(Swings at the Rooster)

Rooster: OK OK! No need to fry, a tan doesn't suit me. I’m just sad to leave, that’s why I behave this way. I whole year I was putting things in order here, but they chase me away. Everyone is waiting for this Dog, but they don’t even care about the Rooster...

Leading: And I don’t care at all. We were going to see you off with all honors!

Rooster: And how is this?

Leading: And like this! Now let's sit down at the table. Let's fill our glasses and thank the Year of the Rooster for all the good things it has given us. And since you're here, sit down with us.

Rooster: It’s interesting how this happens for you, yeah...

Leading(after a toast to the outgoing year and a small snack): Let's not turn the holiday into an ordinary feast. There are very few left before the chiming clock, and we haven’t sung songs yet. And the state is too sober - it doesn’t allow songs to be sung, but you can guess, so we’ll guess!

Competition "Guess the New Year's song"

The presenter includes New Year's songs played backwards; the one who guesses the most songs wins a prize.

Leading: This is something else, but do you know that men have the ability to guess not only songs, but also the thoughts of women? Now I will prove it to you!

Game "Clairvoyant"

The presenter gives each woman a piece of paper on which she must write her thought. After this, the chosen man who will play the role of a clairvoyant is put on a magic hat for respectability.
He looks at the woman point-blank, tries to concentrate and says out loud any thought he thinks this woman has in mind.
Naturally, the thoughts do not coincide, which causes laughter among those present.

Presenter: Well done! Almost, one might say, he guessed it right! Now we say goodbye to our dear Rooster: let’s drink once again to the good past year, it’s very close - the New Year is already at the very door!

Leading: All! Hooray! There are only a few minutes left, it’s time to make a wish and, according to the old tradition, burn the wish written on paper during the chimes and drink it along with champagne.

(New Year is coming; everyone congratulates each other, sits down, has a snack, after some time the Dog appears).

Dog: Woof! I'll tell you, friends: Happy New Year! with new happiness!

Rooster: And you won’t get sick. I finally got there.

Dog: As you can see, your stories didn’t stop me. So, go ahead, hand over your license to me and go on vacation. Your year will not come soon enough.

Leading: What stories?

Rooster(embarrassed): Uh, Dog is just joking. (Everyone is happy, moving the conversation to another topic) It’s New Year! It's time to receive gifts. And the one who wants to get it first comes to me.

Dog: Why is this for you - I’m in charge here - the Year of the Dog has arrived!!

Game "Princess and the Pea"

The participant is blindfolded and a chair is placed in front of him. The dog puts any object on the chair. The participant's task is to sit on a chair and guess what object was placed on him. You are given 3 attempts, if you guess correctly, you receive a gift. If not, you will be left without a gift.

Dog: And now let's drink to the coming New Year, which is, of course, better than the previous year! And let's have a good snack! And then we’ll have fun playing “The Mystery of the Number” - you’ll love it!

(After a short break for a snack, the game begins.)

The mystery of the numbers

Each person is given a piece of paper on which they write any number starting from 1.
The dog approaches any of the guests and asks him a question, the answer to which should be the number that the person wrote. For example: “How many more glasses are you planning to drink tonight?” etc.
You need to come up with a list of questions in advance.

Dog: We’ve been sitting at home, let’s go outside already.

Rooster: I won’t go outside. It's frosty there, my feathers will freeze.

Leading: (addresses the Rooster) The time has come for us to part. New Year 2018 has already arrived, transfer rights to the Dog.

Rooster: I'm in last time I suggest you think about everything carefully again. I am cheerful, bright, loud, a hundred times more beautiful and stylish. Dogs are more beautiful and stylish. You will have much more fun with me!

Leading: Don’t you want to leave in an amicable way? So, let's solve the issue differently. Let's have a competition. The Dog wins, you leave. If not, stay.


The point is to pass all the tests and the one who copes faster stays. The guests, of course, actively support the participants; music should be playing in the background. It lifts your mood and morale. There are only three tasks to avoid a draw. For obvious reasons, the Dog should win.


1. The rooster and the dog are animals that eat without using their hands. Plates with flour containing sweets are placed in front of the participants. Hands are tied behind the back. On command, participants take out candy with their mouths. When the time is up, the presenter counts whoever got the most candies wins. Flour can be replaced with buckwheat or rice.

2. The language of animals is incomprehensible to people, but this time they will have to understand. The presenter first chooses who will explain the words first. For example, Dog. She runs up to the host, reads the word and, without words, explains to the guests what the word is. Each participant is given 2 minutes and 5 words. Whoever has the most unraveled words wins.

3. The rooster can fly, but it can fly, the dog can run fast. This time they will switch places. The presenter gives each person a piece of paper and a felt-tip pen. The dog depicts what a rooster would look like if it could run fast, and the rooster depicts what a dog would look like if it could fly. The most creative drawing wins. All guests serve as the jury.

Leading: And in a fair fight the Dog wins (pauses)!

(Stormy applause, shouts of “hurray”).

Rooster: Teeek, okay! It was a fair competition, so I officially and solemnly transfer the rights for the New Year 2018 to the Dog (shakes hands)! And we will see you in 2029. See you soon in 11 years!

Who has less


This competition requires a lot of snow. All participants are divided into teams. The task of each team is to create some kind of creature out of snow and any available means within a certain period of time. A snowman doesn't count!

Mad Dog

Outdoor play is more suitable for children, because... you will need to run a lot. First, they choose one who will play the role of a mad dog. After this, all the other participants run away, and the “dog” catches up and tries to bite someone. The one she bites (for fun) becomes a mad dog and catches up with others, without immediately touching the one who just bit him.

More children's entertainment. The idea is that you need to jump further into the snow than other opponents. To do this, you will need some kind of height from which to jump. You need to land on the ground with only two feet; it is forbidden to spread your legs with a longitudinal split when jumping.

Relay race