The most beautiful love story to read. Beautiful real stories of great love

This love story completely real. It all started in the distant 90s, or rather, in 1991, when the USSR collapsed, and everything went topsy-turvy. My girlfriend and I, the beautiful Rimma, were then studying at the philological faculty of the university and, of course, were in search of worthy husbands and great love. Rimma dreamed of a Viking with bank account Onassis, and my requirements were, frankly, a little more modest. And now, at one of the student parties, my girlfriend meets Misha - a poor graduate student of one of the Leningrad universities, whose appearance is only slightly better than that of Denis de Vito. Of course, Mikhail fell in love with the tall and stately Rimma without memory. As you understand, she did not want to reciprocate. It's been 2 years. Misha has already firmly entered Rimma's life and has become an integral part of it. As a friend, of course. He was affectionate, helpful and generous, since, having opened his own computer company, he began to earn good money. That could not captivate Rimma. In 1993, in late autumn, the guys got married. Came in 1998, the crisis. Mishin's company went bankrupt, and he decided to immigrate to Israel. He really had no other choice. And then Rimma categorically stated that she would not go anywhere with him and would stay at home. Maybe someone else appeared with her, I don’t know, at this time we were no longer so close. The great love ended and they divorced. And after the departure of Mishka, they stopped communicating at all.

Two more years passed, and I also immigrated to Israel. What a shock I had when I met Rimma in the supermarket, proudly pacing arm in arm with Mikhail! It turned out that she came to Israel a year ago and, as befits a decent Jewess, went with Mishka to the chuppah, this is such a Jewish marriage ceremony. So, beautiful story love repeated. Everything went well until Rimma fell in love with some local rich man. She abruptly broke up with Mikhail, filed an official divorce with him, and Misha, tearing his hair on his already balding head, drove off to New York. Rimma got married, she began another love story, and again she forgot me. It was in 2004.

Another six years have passed. Our days. I hear a Skype call before the new year 2011. You understand who I see there. Two muzzles shining with happiness, Rimkin and Mishkin, and ... two charming kids. It turns out that a beautiful love story was continued in 2008. Rimma left everything and left for Misha, realizing that she could not live without him. Now they are together, hopefully forever. They promised to come to Israel with the children on the New Year, 2012. I'm waiting. Here it is, true, long and great love. Envy with me!

Deep night. Somewhere a quiet breeze runs through, dispersing the last dust on the damp pavement. A little night rain added freshness to this stuffy, tortured world. Added freshness to the hearts of lovers. They stood embracing in the light of a street lamp. She is so feminine and tender, who said that at the age of 16 a girl cannot be feminine enough?! Here, age does not matter at all, only the one who is nearby, the closest, dearest and warmest person on earth, is important. And he, most of all, is glad that she is finally in his arms. Indeed, they really say that hugs, like nothing else, convey all the love of a person, no kisses, only a gentle touch of his hands. Each of them in this minute, the minute of hugs, experiences unearthly feelings. The girl feels safe knowing that she will always be protected. The guy takes care, feels responsible - an unforgettable feeling in relation to his beloved and the only one.
Everything was like in the finale of the most beautiful film about happy love. But, let's start from the beginning.

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