Exercises for psychics. Aura perception with hands. Determining your own capabilities

Extrasensory perception is a form of perception that does not use the conventional senses. Information comes in the form of thoughts, sometimes it can be pictures or voices. All this is individual, and can manifest itself in different ways. Varieties of the manifestation of extrasensory perception are clairvoyance, telekinesis, telepathy, vision of the aura and others.

Often, the tendency to manifest psychic abilities is associated with the size of the biofield of psychics. It is much large sizes than the field of an ordinary person. People with developed extrasensory perception can see the aura of living beings, various objects, and also influence them. If there is some kind of negative program in the human field, psychics can help to get rid of it safely.

Extrasensory perception over the past decade has spread quite widely among the townsfolk. This is no longer surprising and many want to study it. Not everyone wants to heal people, but to use such a gift for their healing as an alternative to pills, then why not?

We all have psychic abilities from birth, but as we grow up and socialize, these abilities are forgotten and lost. And all because parents do not contribute to the development of this gift. It is not enough to have it, it is necessary that the development of extrasensory perception be regular and systematized. If you forget about such development for a certain period, then you will have to catch up not only with new skills, but also with old ones that have managed to be forgotten. This applies to both adults and children.

Extrasensory perception will become even more commonplace in the future, and the majority of the population will own it. Now, at the time of the transition of the planet Earth, its vibrations rise many times, and along with this, the vibrations of people. And the discovery of super abilities at the same time is a bonus and as a matter of course. It's not as easy as it might seem. To increase their vibrations, each person must go through hard work on himself, observe asceticism as much as possible and pacify his ego.

At this time, the development of extrasensory perception and telepathy is widespread in esoteric circles, but will soon gain even greater momentum. If a person wants to have such abilities, but the development of extrasensory perception has not yet been observed, one can turn to professional psychics for help. Many of them pass on their knowledge in courses, lectures, and lessons. Some open entire schools where extrasensory perception and teaching it is the main idea. In them you can get the development of extrasensory perception in yourself, but also training in the basics of healing and energy work.

If you notice that there are some inclinations and you have extrasensory perception, learning will be much easier and faster. Also, a well-developed intuition will contribute to learning.

If you are interested in extrasensory perception and where to start learning, then the first thing, of course, is to try to work on yourself. Practice all kinds of practices and meditations, clear your chakra energy channels. The big leap can be the practice of dry fasting. In this case, the sensitivity of a person increases significantly. Vegetarianism and a raw food diet are favorable for such development. In general, everything that contributes to spiritual growth and development.

It also happens that a person suddenly has extrasensory abilities after a lightning strike, an accident and other difficult extreme situations. It is very important to remember for everyone who is interested in how extrasensory perception develops and where to start, what is spent for this work. a large number of energy. It is important to be able to replenish the stock correctly and in a timely manner. This can be done with the help of the sun, earth, trees. A stable nervous system also contributes to the accumulation of energy.

On the Internet you can find a lot of auxiliary materials for everyone who is interested in extrasensory perception - videos, books, articles, forums with like-minded people. In them you can find a lot of useful information and exercises for development.
It will be very exciting and informative for you to watch videos with stereo images or fractals on the topic of extrasensory perception. Such videos develop the imagination, expand the consciousness, and contribute to the vision of the human aura. There are a large number of feature films on this subject, and more and more of them have been made in recent years.

Extrasensory perception for beginners can be difficult, for example, for those who have reduced sensitivity. Qigong is an excellent activity for developing such sensitivity and, in general, extrasensory perception. Practicing it, you will quickly learn to feel the energies, for you they will become easily perceived, almost like material objects.

Equally important in the development of extrasensory perception for beginners is the ability to distinguish and hear your inner voice, or in other words, intuition. There are numerous tests for her training. Equally important is the stated intention to develop ESP, and spend a small amount of time each day visualizing this process. After all, what a person focuses on is what he receives in the future.

Extrasensory perception and clairvoyance

Extrasensory perception and clairvoyance are closely related concepts. Clairvoyance is one of the manifestations of extrasensory abilities. This is hypersensitive perception, in which information is perceived by astral vision. Information about upcoming events, current or those that have happened in the past. Clairvoyants describe the process of vision as an observation before the eyes of the likeness of a film, on which you can view any part of a person’s life of interest.

In order for extrasensory perception and clairvoyance to develop without obstacles, it is important to practice awareness in every moment, which is also a condition for raising vibrations. Only work on yourself will help you reach a higher level of life, become a sensitive being with super powers.

There is an opinion that the ability to clairvoyance is inherent in a person from birth. To open them, you need to practice diligently, performing special exercises. Methods and techniques will help you understand how to develop extrasensory abilities.

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How to determine the ability to clairvoyance?

Signs that will help identify paranormal abilities:

  1. Luck. If a person is constantly lucky, this is a clear sign of an unusual gift. So he is protected by a guardian angel - a faithful companion of a psychic.
  2. Strange animal behavior. If a person is afraid of animals, then he has a strong energy. It is a well-known fact that pets (especially dogs and cats) subtly feel otherworldly forces.
  3. Technological problems. Technical devices, if you get close to them, start to act up or work better. Such energy is able to influence the world around us.
  4. Fear of open space. A person always closes the door to the room and does not like it when it is left open. By closing the door, he unconsciously tries to protect his energy. This indicates the presence of abilities.
  5. The ability to empathize. A person subtly feels the emotions and experiences of other people. This suggests that he acutely feels someone else's energy.
  6. Prophetic dreams. One of the main signs of the gift of clairvoyance.
  7. The power of thought. The offenders get what they deserve without any involvement of the person they offended. This means that the latter can unconsciously influence other people.
  8. Materialization of thoughts and desires. A person attracts what he thinks about. Some people get this ability from birth, while others develop it all their lives.

This video goes into more detail about the signs of psychic abilities. Filmed by Elizaveta Lileeva channel.

There are two ways to become a clairvoyant:

  1. Learn from an experienced psychic. This method consists of theoretical and practical exercises. At every step the teacher will help and give instructions. Of course, training will bear fruit, but it will cost a lot.
  2. Independent development of extrasensory abilities. In this case, the learning process will take more time and effort, but with due diligence, the result will not be long in coming.

When training psychic abilities on your own, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Relax. Make sure the internal energy is cleared. Get rid of unnecessary thoughts and experiences, tune in to the positive. Be in harmony with yourself. Yoga and meditation can help you achieve this.
  2. Don't be lazy. Perform psychic exercises daily, otherwise there will be no sense from the classes. The acquired skills must be constantly improved.
  3. Read esoteric literature. There is no practice without theory. But be careful in choosing books and trust only trusted authors.
  4. Get rid of bad habits. Try not to overeat and stick to a healthy diet, give up smoking and alcohol. Good health and lightness in the body contribute to better circulation of internal energy.
  5. Keep your activities private. Do not talk about the fact that you develop paranormal abilities in yourself. This is purely a personal matter.
  6. Develop concentration. Learn to focus and notice details. These skills will be very useful in the future.
  7. Trust your intuition. Listen to the inner voice - it will guide you on the right path.
  8. Train the senses (sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing). Skillful management of these habitual sensations will help to open up new possibilities.
  9. Keep a diary. Make an exercise plan, write about successes and failures. This will help to analyze the shortcomings and develop in the future. You also need to write down your dreams.
  10. Mentally reproduce pictures and images in your mind. You can use any photos and images. Look at them for a few seconds and then try with your eyes closed.

Learn to focus

The future psychic needs to be able to focus on his body and sensations in order to be better imbued with the nature of the unknown in the future.

To develop the ability to concentrate, you should start with this technique:

  1. Try to feel how the blood circulates through the body. Relax, put unnecessary thoughts out of your head, take a comfortable position and listen to your body. The main thing is not to lose patience.
  2. As you look at your palms, feel your fingertips pulsate. Imagine how energy envelops your hands, charging your body with strength. Feel the warmth emanating from your hands. It may not work the first time, so train daily until the result appears.
  3. Put your palms together and feel the warmth. Then disconnect and reconnect them. You need to repeat until the heat emanating from the hands becomes clearly visible.


It is with the help of meditation that the psychic tunes in to the right mood, opens energy channels and makes the most of power.

When conducting meditation at home, make sure that no one and nothing will distract you from this activity.

It is advisable to do this when no one is at home, in complete silence. Get into a comfortable position, sitting or lying down. Close your eyes and imagine a place where there are no people, such as a forest or a deserted beach. Breathe less and deeply. The main task is to free the mind and feel the energy that fills the body. Learn to meditate at home first, and then you can practice anywhere.

Do you have psychic abilities?

This video is about meditation. Filmed by the Simple Thoughts channel.

Feel the energy of objects

At the heart of this stage of training is a practical lesson. For its successful implementation, settle in a comfortable place, preferably at a table or on a sofa.

Close your eyes and try to feel the energy of things nearby. Close your palms a little so that the energy accumulates in the center of the hand. If it doesn’t work out, you can first try with your eyes open, and then, complicating the task, close your eyes. In the future, learn to define a thing without touching it. There is hard and painstaking work that requires patience.


To develop supernatural abilities in oneself, constant practice is necessary.

There are several special exercises that will help you unlock your magical potential:

  1. Clairvoyance exercise. For him, you need a transparent vessel (bottle or glass), complete privacy and silence. It should not have any patterns or decorations. Concentrate on the vessel, look at it and ask an exciting question. The main thing is not to be distracted and focus on this thought. After a while, in the vessel you can see an image that will be the answer to the question. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work the first time - this exercise requires multiple repetitions.
  2. Card exercise. Aimed at the development of intuition and the ability to foresee. Take cards (playing cards, children's picture cards, or any other) and lay them out face down. After that, try to guess what is shown on each card. Try the same thing with items: ask someone to put the item in a drawer or box. Then try to feel what is there.
  3. Photography exercise. For him, you need a photo that captures an unfamiliar person. At the same time, there must be a relative who communicates closely with him. The point is to tell about a person using only a photo. This exercise requires a lot of practice, insight usually comes after a few days. Then be sure to check the assumptions with the facts and evaluate the result.
  4. Candle exercise. In a quiet and dark place, light a candle. Gaze into the flame, mentally asking a question. The flame should be at eye level. Wait until you see an image or vision in front of you. The result is possible at the first training session.

This video covers several clairvoyant techniques. Shot by Sergey Ratner's channel.

How to learn to see the aura

At the first stage, for several days, look at the small dots and lines that appear when you close your eyes. Do it in the evening or at night before bed. Just 15 minutes a day of exercise is enough.

To proceed to the second stage, follow these steps:

  1. Take an object, preferably plain. The thing should be on a light background, so use a white sheet of paper.
  2. Start peering into the object, but do not look directly, but as if through it. After a while, a barely noticeable haze will appear around the object. Then you can see its color, which depends on the color of the object. For example, a yellow item has a blue aura, while a green one has a red one.

This video talks about one of the techniques that will help you see the aura. Filmed by the Enlightenment channel.

How to feel the aura with your hands?

Try the following exercise:

  1. Sit in a chair, keeping your back straight.
  2. Try to relax completely and not think about anything for a few minutes.
  3. Spread your palms about 30 cm apart, keeping them parallel to each other. Then slowly bring them together until they touch.
  4. Slowly open your arms again.

After a few sessions, you can feel the borders of the aura with your palms, which will manifest itself in the form of warmth or a feeling of elasticity.

This video shows an exercise to help you feel the aura with your hands. Filmed by Esoteric channel secret knowledge.

How to start seeing prophetic dreams?

Give yourself a clear intention to see in a dream what will happen tomorrow. Practice for a month.

Over time, the ability to see fragmentary events that will soon occur will appear. More practice and dreams will come true. Memorize each dream in detail or write them down. In the future, you can create your own personal system for interpreting dreams.

Learn the technique of lucid dreaming - it will help open up new possibilities.

This video is about the method of lucid dreaming. Filmed by the Kostik and Gek channel.


Being engaged in extrasensory perception, it is necessary to study the relevant literature on esotericism and parapsychology. It will provide theoretical material, without which it is impossible to start practice. Books will also help you understand how strong the desire to have paranormal abilities is.

Selectively approach the choice of literature: there are many charlatans among the authors of works on extrasensory perception and esotericism. Refer only to reputable and trusted sources.

You can study the following books:

  1. Jane Roberts, Psychic Powers. This book tells about how to develop the ability to clairvoyance, to foresee the future, to master the art of telepathy. It will help awaken hidden possibilities and get on the right path.
  2. Gennady Kibardin, "Secrets of clairvoyance: how to develop extrasensory abilities." Psychologist by education, the author talks about personal clairvoyant experience.
  3. Alexey Pokhabov, "Vertical Will". In this book, the winner of one of the seasons of the Battle of Psychics program teaches how to feel the world and its energy.

Recently, a lot of different schools and courses on extrasensory perception have appeared. Is it possible to become a psychic if you don't consider yourself one? What is needed for this? In most cases, such schools are built on one person. That is, there is a person who, for one reason or another, possessed or developed extrasensory abilities from birth. Further, he himself or his students begin to teach the theory, practice of extrasensory perception. But how effective is such a transfer of knowledge and experience? The fact is that in most cases they give correct theoretical information, give really working practices, they themselves use them. But for some it all works, while for others it doesn't, why?

Empathy training

Is it possible to become a psychic through initiation?

This the most popular and exciting question for those who aspire to become a psychic. A strong psychic for a beginner can do something, but just like that, with a wave of his hand, so that an inexperienced and ignorant person became a full-fledged psychic, impossible. Even if all channels are opened to you - information, energy, will connect you to the field of universal consciousness, it will give nothing but pain, despair and disappointment, and it is also likely that a person can seriously injure himself or others. Yes, and these links channels still need to be retained. Being abruptly connected to all this is like being in the cockpit of a flying plane, and you are given control without warning, and the pilots themselves are jumping out with a parachute. And then you realize that you have everything for the flight and landing .... but you don't know how to use it all. So is it possible to initiate a person into psychics? Probably possible, but I have not seen this in practice. There is something similar to initiation - attunement, for example, two psychics can tune in to each other's abilities and learn from them, that is, how to get infected with them. But for that to happen you have to be a psychic, and this ability is also not manifested in everyone. After all there are many directions in extrasensory perception, and in which area they will appear is not so easy to predict, you need to create conditions for their manifestation. In other words, you need to try all directions if there is an interest in this.

What does it take to become a psychic?

Purely theoretically, every person is given such an opportunity, but in practice in life everything looks different. There are people who not only have this gift, but require that a person begin to use it. Some call this phenomenon shamanic disease. If a person is not aware that he has this gift, and naturally does not use it, then his life can become emotionally unbearable, the next stage of the disease .... and the corresponding outcome. What is called the gift of a psychic, also called a strong soul, strong or ancient Soul, though it's not always so clear . The Gift of the Psychic- The soul begins to knock on the human consciousness through feelings, emotions. In other words, a person's life becomes oversaturated with negative emotions, anger, resentment and even hatred, more often not even something specific, but simply for everything, there is everything. It's simple the pain of the soul from the fact that a person does not notice her-Soul in itself, and she, of course, knocks in all available ways. But feelings and emotions are the native language of the soul, so she screams in her own language to a man - "Notice me, I'm here, I'm alive" Of course, everything will go quickly for such people, for them they only need to establish contact with the soul, learn to understand it, “communicate”. Then the soul itself will show and tell everything, so to speak, will give instructions for use.
But not every angry and touchy person is a hidden psychic. It could just be bad temper or upbringing.

In order to become a trained psychic, you need to train yourself all your free time, that is it becomes a way of life.

There are many people who have extrasensory abilities, so to speak, in principle, but they do not yet crush a person, that is, they are, but in their infancy or almost inactive. In this case, you can reach them, wake them up, train them. This is where the principle comes into play. Extrasensory perception is a way of life. In other words, a person begins to think, live, perceive the world as a psychic. In practice, it looks like this - at every opportunity everything needs to be looked at from the point of view of extrasensory perception. But at the same time, we should not forget that we live in a world where a psychic is still considered a phenomenon, not the norm. Therefore, it is worth reacting to everything in such a way that people do not start to look askance and insist on being checked for mental disorders.

Are there people who cannot be taught extrasensory perception?

Yes, of course there is.

  • First of all, these are the people who have this ability closed karmically, for whatever reasons in this incarnation.
  • The next common reason is low level of consciousness human, levels of consciousness of the first-second chakra.
  • The third case of widespread - This is a strong clogging of negativity in its various manifestations. Simply put, a person initially has the data to become a psychic, but for various reasons (more often this is a way of life, beliefs) he is immersed in low vibrations and, accordingly, his field is very polluted, which is simply according to the laws of the universe (one can say by laws of physics) does not allow psychic abilities to manifest. Brick can't float!!! And no matter how hard we try, it will not float, but it is in our power to change ourselves and not be a brick.
  • Weak willed human.
  • And of course laziness!

Here are some of the most common reasons why you can't become a psychic.

Experience of the first vision.

Often a person striving to become a psychic begins his experiments with objects. Tries to find hidden objects, guess colors, or drawn shapes. Someone is experimenting with playing cards. After trying several times, a person realizes that the percentage of guessing is so low that it is not worth paying attention to it. This is a fairly common mistake. The fact is that it is easiest to see the flows of energy. Streams of living energy, in the sense of living beings. It's always easier to see what's moving. And the energy flows from people are closer in range to the consciousness of a person trying to see something than inanimate energy. Below is a quote from the article: "How to learn to see the flows of energy"

Energy connections and flows, channels- this is the most visible on the subtle plane, the real vision of the subtle plane begins with this, not visualization and imagination. The visualized picture has nothing to do with reality. To learn to see on a subtle plane, you need to create a flow, something bright: mutual interest in each other, money debt, family relationships. Although no, in family relationships the field almost merges and if there is little experience, then it is difficult to see something. Relationships between people are also a stream, a connection, or several streams, connections. The personal relationship of a person to something, or someone, is also an energy-information flow, a connection. But in order to see them, serious training is needed, because such connections are less mobile, active.

Necessary conditions for the ability to see energy flows:

  1. High energy of the Soul.
  2. Active, well-functioning, trained chakras and subtle bodies.
  3. Calm concentrated mind, but at the same time relaxed.
  4. The psychological state is not anxiety and disinterest in the result.

When everything you need is there, it remains only to see. Just look, but not with your eyes, although with open eyes it is better to see with consciousness. To see, you need the intention to see. Look and don't doubt what you see. You can comprehend and doubt what you saw later, if you want, but at the moment of looking, there should be no doubts, let alone fears. If there is fear, even a small one, it is almost impossible to see what is becoming.

Remember that the real “vision” of the subtle plane, and even more so the work with it, in most cases is accompanied by physical sensations in the body: a chill inside the body or outside, warmth, tingling, and so on. And also most of the energy-information flows are filled with feelings, desires, intentions, relationships - all this should be reflected in you. More often it is felt as one's own experiences, but with a certain amount of experience, the difference between one's own sensual manifestations and those with which the object of your observation is filled will be visible.

Important points for a beginner psychic.

The foundation of everything you can master is observation.
An observation for a psychic is like the alphabet, like a multiplication table.

Observation is the path to awareness.

What should be observed?

  • Watch your actions.
  • Observe your physical body sensations.
  • Observe your feelings and emotions.
  • Watch your thoughts.
  • Watch people around you.
  • Observe the feelings and emotions of the people around you.
  • Observe the events in your life and in the lives of people around you.
  • See the states, events of your life on a scale of several months.
  • See the states, events of your life on a scale of several years.
  • See states, events on a scale of all life.

Observation makes it possible to be aware of everything that is happening to you and around you. A person who observes first thinks, then does, thereby protecting himself from mistakes. An observer always knows what happened to him and when (within his own capabilities), this makes it possible to see many chains of cause and effect.

You must always watch, every minute, every second of your life, it is scary and difficult at first, but later it will become automatic. After all, we always smell smells when we are awake, we always see when our eyes are open, and with observation.

  1. A necessary and important action is the education of the will, whether you are a man or a woman. Nothing can be done without will.
  2. Always be sincere and open, at least with yourself.
  3. Feel worthy to be with the people around you, and don't forget that they are just as worthy to be around you.
  4. Whatever actions you take, always keep warmth and love in your heart.
  5. Don't judge yourself or other people.
  6. Rejoice in your achievements. Even small ones.
  7. Be in the present, do not get bogged down in the past and do not fly away into dreams.
  8. Accept that we will all come to the threshold of death, but realize that we are immortal.
  9. Take responsibility for your life, for your every action, every word, every thought. Even if you do not agree to do this, the responsibility still lies with you.
  10. Always remember that everything in this world has a wave structure. There will be ups and downs, sorrow and joy, wealth and poverty.
  11. Believe yourself.
  12. Trust others. But always think before you do anything.
  13. Be grateful.
  14. Patience is one of the keys to understanding that you can do everything in this life, you are the wizard of your destiny.
  15. Always remember that you pay for everything in this life with your own life.

Extrasensory perception is always a lot of practice, work on yourself every day, for life.

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Each person is capable of much, but not everyone knows what he can. The article tells about what opportunities we have, how to develop psychic abilities in ourselves and describes some practices for achieving them.

Psychic abilities attract many people who come into contact with esotericism. Thousands of ordinary people also dream of opening clairvoyance or the third eye, but most of them have no idea what great effort and great responsibility are placed on the one who is given this ability.

Determining your capabilities

So is it possible to develop premonition, intuition and such a mysterious phenomenon as telepathy? All that is known as extrasensory abilities is the heritage of man, which was given to him by nature.

After all, extrasensory perception is not the machinations of demonic forces and not a divine blessing, but the ability to capture the vibrations of the bioenergy fields of the earth in a range that is inaccessible to the majority.

Each person can develop paranormal talents in himself by expanding the spectrum of perception.

What can be learned

  1. Astral vision (third eye)- allows you to see the Subtle World (creatures, energy, what is happening) in real time.
  2. inner vision- this is an ability that is realized in the form of a screen in front of the eyes. There is a request for certain information to the Higher Forces and the answer is displayed on the screen as an illustration (for example, about past lives).
  3. Clairaudience- this is the ability to hear music, sounds, creatures of the Subtle World.
  4. Connection with the Higher Powers or an open information channel - the ability to receive ready-made answers from the Forces above in the form of thoughts, ready-made ideas, complex images.

How to develop your psychic abilities

Of course, there are pitfalls on the way to the development of extrasensory perception. So, the following conditions must be met:

  • The presence of adequate motives and understanding of goals. Why do you need special abilities and why would the Higher Forces give them to you? Your answers are required for the Higher Forces to be convincing.
  • Availability of energy for the implementation of abilities. You will need a constant set of energy - the regularity of physical, spiritual and energy training (gym, the correct rhythm of life, meditation). And the absence of high costs: emotional breakdowns, stress and other energy overruns.
  • No bad habits. Complete renunciation of smoking and alcohol, which destroy subtle bodies capable of accumulating working energy.
  • spiritual purity(absence of karmic prohibitions). A person who used his magical talents for other purposes or for evil in a past life receives a ban on disclosing abilities in this life.
  • healthy eating. Often, as a condition for the discovery of abilities, there is a refusal to eat meat.

Unusual abilities are inherent in a person from birth to a certain extent. Children are psychics, parents train them in other qualities: logical, mental.

For children, the suppression of their extrasensory perception begins, so it lives in us in a half-strangled state. However, it can be released.

Practical exercises

Do not be under the delusion that everything will turn out quickly and the first time. It will take a lot of practice, since there are many exercises.

Here is a list of the most important of them:

  • perception of the aura with the help of hands;
  • development of the power of sight;
  • stimulation of prophetic dreams;
  • development of intuition;
  • aura vision.

The easiest way for our subconscious is to manipulate the subtle plane with the help of hands. Thus, it is easiest to start studying the basics of bioenergetics with the development of subtle tactile sensations.

Each exercise should begin with warming up the hands. You need to rub your palms against each other, rub the back side, as if washing your hands.

The palms should warm up on all sides. When they warm up, then you can move on to the exercises. So let's take a closer look at each of them.

Aura perception with hands

  1. You need to sit on a chair so that your back remains straight.
  2. You should completely relax, not thinking about anything and sit quietly for a few minutes.
  3. Then spread your palms at a distance of about 30 cm, while keeping them parallel. Then very slowly bring them together until the palms touch.
  4. Then, just as slowly, you need to return your hands to their original position.

After a few trainings, you can learn to catch the boundaries of the biofield (aura) with your palms. This sensation manifests itself in the form of elasticity or warmth.

Development of the power of the gaze

  1. On a sheet of paper you need to draw a circle with a diameter of 3 cm, painting it with black.
  2. The sheet must be fixed on the wall, so that the distance from the eyes to it is 90 cm.
  3. For a minute, without stopping, you need to look at the circle, then move the sheet 90 cm to the left and again hold an oblique look at it for a minute.
  4. Next, the sheet is moved 90 cm to the right of its original position, and repeat this procedure.

You need to train daily, gradually increasing the period of fixing your gaze to five minutes. By achieving this result, you may notice that your gaze affects those around you.

To completely subdue the will of another person, you need the ability to focus your eyes for a full 15 minutes.

Stimulation of prophetic dreams

The essence of this method lies in the fact that, going to bed, you give yourself a certain setting, for example, to see tomorrow.

Although at first glance it is too simple, in reality, giving the command means falling asleep with a single thought. It should be about what you want to know. This can take months of regular training.

It should be noted that using this method for selfish purposes, for example, trying to find out the number of a lottery ticket, is useless. But it is quite possible to see some excerpts from the events of the next day.

Development of intuition

The purpose of the exercise is to learn to intuitively recognize the emotions of other people. To do this, you need to “reincarnate” in them, not just imagining yourself in their place, but really imbued with the consciousness that a particular person is you.

You must turn off all internal judgments about the object from your experience, and after some time you will be able to see the world through the eyes of that person.

aura vision

Do not forget that psychic abilities bring with them a colossal responsibility and a certain test!

A person who is not prepared spiritually and psychologically can end badly, up to insanity, and destroy the fate not only of himself, but of his loved ones, unknowingly contacting negative energies and, as a result, losing everything.

Therefore, you should not try to discover paranormal talents alone, but trust the guidance of an experienced mentor, spiritual healer or teacher of high moral character.

Probably everyone at least once in childhood dreamed of having extrasensory abilities: being able to read minds, move objects with the power of thought, fly or have the gift of clairvoyance.

Perhaps many at an early age noticed the makings of such skills in themselves, but over the years it remained only in children's fantasies.

Why are children more intuitive? Can adults develop clairvoyance and psychic abilities? Is it available to everyone? Today I will take a closer look at these issues.

What is psychic ability?

Many do not quite correctly understand this term. Wikipedia, for example, does not define it at all, but only restricts itself to extrasensory perception, while noting that the information contained in the article refers to pseudoscientific theories.

But we know the truth :)

The most accurate definition of extrasensory (paranormal) abilities will be the ability of a person to influence his thoughts on the surrounding physical reality directly or to read various kinds of information from space directly, bypassing the usual sense organs.

The paradox is that what is now called pseudoscientific and unproven is actually a natural component of every person.

We come into this world with great potential and almost limitless possibilities. Young children are very intuitive and for them to see what we do not see and perceive what we cannot perceive is absolutely normal.

Babies still have a very strong connection with past incarnations. There are many stories that if you ask a child who has just learned to say “where are you from?” You can hear very interesting answers, including information that he could not get in “this world”.

But gradually, over the years, under the influence of many factors, we almost completely lose these unique skills. It’s not that we lose them, it’s just that the sharpness of perception is greatly dulled and everything goes into a “sleep mode”. The main blocking factors are:

  • Wrong upbringing, in which children in the vast majority of cases are not believed when they talk about something that goes beyond traditional ideas, and even more so they do not help to develop it;
  • Not proper nutrition(which in the modern world generally becomes fatal to humans), lifestyle, poor ecology;
  • Impact of collective consciousness, aggressive information environment, etc.

This list can be continued for a long time, I have outlined only some of the essential points.

The good news is that everyone, absolutely everyone, can uncover and develop them as strongly as possible. Only his own convictions can prevent this.

What are psychic abilities

The most popular include:

and many more.

What is meant by the word "clairvoyance"

According to Wikipedia this is:

It includes:

  1. Clairaudience - receiving information through the auditory channels (usually opened last)
  2. Clairvoyance is the perception of visual images inaccessible to ordinary vision.
  3. Claircognizance is the receipt of data immediately in the form of knowledge, directly.

When talking about this, you can often hear the use of the word "gift". Why it happens?

This is due to a misunderstanding of the nature of this phenomenon.

To put it simply, for a significant part of history, people got used to contacting the Creator through egregors, and all incoming information was significantly distorted.

Any unique skills or abilities were considered a "gift", and not a natural, integral part of human nature. And they still had to pay for something.

This is one of the manifestations of the manipulation of egregores - when a person is somehow given what he already has, and they expect him to take some action in response. If a person accepts these conditions (in this case, acceptance means a banal awareness of the situation by him and internal agreement with this), then a contract appears - an agreement that imposes (in a negative sense) obligations on the person who accepted it with the presence of sanctions.

Summary: the possession of clairvoyance is not a "gift", but an integral part of our natural abilities, which simply do not develop and are in an inactive state. No one can give you what is already yours. Do not fall for the tricks of egregors who are only interested in getting your energy by any means.

How to develop these abilities

  1. General recommendations on lifestyle: daily routine, nutrition, physical activity, cleansing, etc., which affect the energy level of the body as a whole, which greatly affects the disclosure of its potential;
  2. Special exercises, the regular implementation of which will help develop unique skills (below I will describe in detail the practices that we use in the ThetaHealing technology);
  3. Work with blocking beliefs that prevent the opening of clairvoyance.

The last point is the most important, because without it all efforts may not give even the minimum result.

You can read about the impact of negative programs.

I would like to clarify: I do not promise that everyone will “open their third eye” by the end of training, and he will “see” like Wolf Messing.

But I can say with certainty that:

  • In 100% of those trained, intuitive perception improves significantly;
  • The trainings give, perhaps, the most effective this moment methods of personal transformation;
  • The skills you develop will stay with you forever.

To this point, I refer all advice regarding lifestyle in general.

It's no secret to anyone that the higher the energy level of the body, the brighter all the talents and abilities inherent in a person are manifested, incl. intuitive.

To achieve this, I present the main recommendations that, in the shortest possible time, can significantly increase a person’s energy and improve the quality of life in general:

  1. Nutrition. I do not call on someone to become a vegetarian or a raw foodist, this is an eternal subject of dispute between supporters of different teachings, but it is worth noting that plant-based nutrition is natural for a person, ideally without heat treatment. Switching to plant foods is a huge step towards cleansing the body and improving the functioning of the digestive system, which gives a sharp increase in vitality.
  2. Sleep and daily routine. I think there is no need to describe the benefits of healthy full sleep and rest in general. When you do not get enough sleep, especially regularly, this is very much reflected in a negative attitude on the condition.
  3. Physical exercise and active lifestyle. It is the workouts that are the easiest. Accessible and familiar from childhood energy practice. For the majority of those interested in spiritual development, this may be unaccustomed to hearing. But it is physical activity that can reduce the time to achieve the desired results by several times. You can start small - a light workout in the morning and evening walks in the fresh air.
  4. TV rejection and other “clogging” factors.

Practical exercises

I suggest doing simple exercises from different Thetahealing® courses that will help develop psychic abilities and clairvoyance:

  1. Pretense

This is a very interesting and useful practice that has practical applications.

Order of execution:

  • Select the person whose information you want to read. It can be anyone, but for the purity of the experiment and in order not to violate personal boundaries, it’s better to ask one of your friends or relatives to be your “guinea pig” for a bit :)
  • Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes and say to yourself or out loud: “I pretend that I am ... (Vasya, Masha, Kolya ...)”
  • After that, imagine that you look like this person, or simply are in his clothes, this is not so important. Focus on your feelings and thoughts
  • Mark any information that comes: experiences, feeling of your own body, each of its parts, emotions, desires. The more details you can note, the more accurate the overall picture and result will be.
  • When you're done, say, "I've stopped pretending...". You can imagine that you are bathed in snow-white light so that other people's emotions do not remain.
  • Share with those who were scanned the information you received.

Even beginners get it 70% - 80%

  1. Room

This is an interesting exercise that will help develop visualization, as well as teach you not to get lost in space - for some this happens after long practice.

Execution rules:

  • With your eyes closed, mentally turn your attention to the upper left corner of the room;
  • Further, without losing his attention, transfer your inner gaze to the upper right;
  • Then also to the lower left, then to the right.
  • In the same way, focus on the corners behind you, also not forgetting those that were paid attention to before.
  • When you are done with all the corners, mentally connect the opposite corners with lines, focusing on the point where the lines intersect.
  • Be aware of yourself in this room.
  1. Card Guessing

This will require a partner.

Order of execution:

  • The partner draws any card from the deck without showing you;
  • Then he mentally sends the image of this card to you in the area of ​​the third eye (ajna-chakra);
  • Your task, focusing your attention in the region of the 3rd eye, is to “count” the transmitted images;
  • After you pass 5 - 10 cards, switch roles.
  1. Reading the subject