In what case is the ending ing written? Ed, -Ing endings in English

English grammar has its own characteristics.In order to speak fluently foreign language, you need to know the rules of sentence construction and the basics of word formation. When the basics become clear, expressing your thoughts in English language will not cause any difficulties. One of the important components of grammar is ending ing in English. Rules We will look at its use below.

In what cases is the ending -ing used?

There are three such cases:

  1. Gerund.
  2. Verbal noun.
  3. Present participle.

In order to understand in what cases ing (the ending in English) is used, the rules of use need to be thoroughly memorized. This will help you understand the essence of the above concepts.

What is a gerund?

The gerund is difficult to understand because it does not have a similar grammatical form In russian language. A gerund is a verb in impersonal form that is used to name an action. The peculiarity of the gerund is that it combines an action and an object or process. When it is formed, the ending ing in English is used. The rules for constructing sentences are quite simple. For example: I love playing different games. - I like to play different games.

When to use the gerund

The gerund is used in the following cases:

  1. After certain verbs such as enjoy, finish, suggest and others.
  2. During education stable phrases using some prepositions. For example, the idea of to be good at, the advantage of and so on .
  3. After the adjectives worth and busy.
  4. After the prepositions on (upon), after, before and others.

In what cases is a verbal noun used?

When forming a verbal noun, the ending ing is used in English. The rules for its translation are quite simple, since a noun is also used to denote it in Russian.

Verbal nouns are used in speech with an article or a possessive pronoun. A verbal noun can be either singular or plural. For example: Her loud talking gets on my nerves.

In what cases is the present participle used?

  1. A participle is used before a noun, in which there is ending ing. Rules in English The construction of a sentence can be clearly seen in the following example: The rising sun is very beautiful.
  2. In sentences with participle phrases:The girl standing by the door is my sister.
  3. In sentences that consist of a verb, an object and a participle: She saw him getting on the bus.
  4. When forming the tenses Present, Perfect, Future and Past Continuous. To form this group of tenses, a verb ending - ing. For example: She was watching TV when somebody knocked at the door. In this sentence the Past Continuous tense is used. He is driving to office at the moment (time Present Continuous). He was very tired, he had been working hard all week (time Past Perfect Continuous). Don"t call me tomorrow between 1 and 2, I’ll be having dinner ( Future time continuous).

The phrase to be going to, what it means and when it is used

In addition to the above cases of using the ending -ing in English, there is a stable phrase to be going to, in which a verb with the ending -ing is also used. Using this phraseological unit, any actions that will be performed in the near future are expressed. The infinitive is attached to this phrase and means the action that a person is going to perform. This expression is translated into Russian as “going to do or accomplish something.” For example, I "m going to visit my friend. - I will go to visit my friend.

Ing is the ending in English. Writing rules

There are few writing rules, only 4.

  1. When a verb ends with a consonant preceded by a stressed vowel, the consonant is doubled: run - running.
  2. If there is no stressed vowel before the last consonant, then there is no doubling either: open - opening .
  3. When a word ends in -e, the ending is omitted: take - taking.
  4. If a word ends in -ie, this combination of letters is replaced by y: lie - lying.

Many students are often confused -ed And -ing endings in English. For example, you want to say that you miss ( bored ), but it turns out that you are boring ( boring ) or vice versa. Between these two values a big difference, embarrassment may occur, and this is due to misuse endings. But the rule is actually very simple. You will find in this article rules for using adjective endings, examples of their use, exercises with answers, and.

Rules of use -ed And -ing endings in English

Many adjectives have endings -ing or -ed. It's best to understand the difference by looking at specific examples:

Oleg has been reading the same story for a very long time. He does it for his little son John, because John likes the story very much. Oleg is already bored with it.

(Oleg spends a lot of time reading the same story to his little son John, because John really likes this story. Oleg is already bored with this story.)

Ending -ed used to express the feelings and emotions of a person or any living creature.

Ending -ing used in an adjective that describes an object that evokes feelings or emotions.

Oleg is reading the very boring story. Oleg is bored because the story is boring. (Oleg is reading a very boring story. Oleg is bored because the story is boring)

Can a person be boring? Of course, then he causes boredom in others:

Oleg is boring, I am bored with him.(Oleg is boring, I'm bored with him)

Comparisons and examples

IMPORTANT: you cannot use –ed endings with things, since things do not have feelings and emotions.

Exercises on endings in English -ed and -ing

  1. It’s very irritated irritating when people don’t listen when you’re tlaking to them.
  2. I think the whale is the most fascinated fascinating creature in the ocean.
  3. I heard some really interested interesting news yesterday.
  4. The new project sounds excited and exciting. I'm looking forward to working on it.
  5. It was a truly terrified terrifying experience. Everybody was very shockingly shocked.
  6. The hot chocolate was comforted comforting.
  7. The storm was threatened threatening.
  8. I was really amazingly amazed when I was offered the job.
  9. I was very annoyed annoying when my sister forgot our dinner date.
  10. My children were very hungry. The apples were satisfying satisfied.
To view the answers, click on this phrase

Ending ing very often used in English. This is perhaps one of the most popular English affixes. But, nevertheless, most students, when faced with the ending ing, feel confused in understanding and translating words with its participation. Today, we will talk about how to finally understand the intricacies of the ending ing and learn to understand, translate and use forms with its participation.

So, if you see a form ending in ing, it could be:

a) participle 1 (Participle 1)

Participle 1 is the first thing that should come to mind when you encounter the ending ing. To translate participle 1 into Russian, you need to ask two questions - “what is he doing?” or “doing what?”

I want to speak to a student sitting over there. – I want to talk to the student sitting (sitting - what is he doing?) over there.

If the question is “what do you do?” does not fit the meaning, then we ask the question “what are we doing?”, for example:

Mr Smith works hard having only five minutes for rest. - Mr. Smith works a lot, having (having - doing what?) only five minutes to rest.

b) gerund (Gerund)

The second thing you should think about when you encounter the ing ending is the gerund. A gerund is essentially a noun that names an action. For example: reading - reading, going - walking, typing - typing, etc.

I like reading English books very much. – I really like reading English books.
I'm not good at swimming. – I’m not a good swimmer (literally: I’m not very good at swimming).

c) a component of one of the long tenses

In the English language there is a group of grammatical tenses in the formation of which the ending ing is involved. These times are called Continuous, i.e. “long-lasting”. Their peculiarity is that they are formed using certain auxiliary verbs and a semantic verb with the ending ing. For example, it is formed using the auxiliary verbs am, is, are and the ending ing, which is added to the main verb. For example:

He is sleeping now. - He is sleeping now.

If you assume that the ending ing encountered is a continuous tense component, then you should first of all pay attention to the other members of the sentence - among them there must be some kind of auxiliary verb. If you have found this auxiliary verb, then your next task is to find out what exactly you encountered during the time. If you found the auxiliary verbs am, is, are, then you have the Present Continuous, which must be translated by asking the questions “what am I doing?”, “what is it doing?”, “what are they doing?” and so on. If the auxiliary verbs include will and be, then you have encountered the tense , and you need to ask the questions “what will I do?”, “what will I do?” and so on. If you see the verbs was, were, then you are dealing with, and you should translate the sentence by asking the questions “what did you do?”, “What did you do?”.

The ending ing can also be used to form group tenses Perfect Continuous, but these times are extremely rare, so we will not consider them in this publication.

So, friends, in this short article we tried to systematize information related to the ending ing and give you practical rules for translating forms with this ending. We hope that now the ending ing has ceased to be an incomprehensible blemish in English grammar for you.

In general, it’s simple in essence. But there is one catch - here, too, there are peculiar exceptions from the series. But these are the most normal verbs, we just cannot use them to denote an extended, ongoing event. In other words, even in Russian these verbs are not used for long-term actions. As a rule, these are static verbs and verbs of emotions and feelings: know, love, own, hate, prefer, realize, have, etc. After all, we don’t even say in Russian: “I’m in love now.” fried potatoes" or "Last night I hated that boring movie." So for once we are dealing with a similar situation in Russian and English!
So, verbs not used with -ing ending (that is, always used only in Present or in Perfect):

  • Believe- believe
  • Depend- depend
  • Belong- belong
  • Contain- contain
  • Forget- forget
  • Hate- hate
  • Like- like
  • Love- be in love
  • Matter- matter
  • Need- need
  • Own- own
  • Prefer- prefer
  • Realize- realize
  • Remember- remember
  • Suppose- assume
  • Want- want
  • Know- know
  • Mean- matter
  • Seem- seem
  • Understand- understand
For example:
  • Now I don't remember his name.
    I am not remembering his name now.
    I don't remember his name now
  • IN this moment there is no salt in this solution.
    At the moment this solution is not containing salt.
    At the moment this solution doesn't contain salt.
  • Unfortunately, this is where the similarities between the situations end. And the usual course of things in the English language begins, when in some cases we can put the verb in the continuous tense, and in others we can only put the same verb in simpler times. It’s good at least that there are only a couple of such verbs.

    Table. Non progressive verbs

    For example:
  • I am thinking of moving to Australia.
    I'm thinking of moving to Australia.
  • I think you should move to Australia.
    I think you should move to Australia.
  • Anna is still seeing that John from the Supplies Department.
    Anna is still seeing that John from the supply department.
  • Now I see who is knocking at my door.
    Now I see who is knocking on my door.
  • There are many cases in which it is necessary to transform a word, adding a meaning that is not as strong as in Russian. Since English refers to analytical languages, grammatical relationships are expressed using various function words, unlike Russian, which belongs to the category synthetic languages. In the last grammatical functions are expressed more clearly with the help of various morphemes: prefixes, endings, suffixes.

    The “ing” ending is most often used when using non-personal verb forms(gerund, present participle, infinitive) and in the formation of continuous tenses. However, verbs ending in -ing in English are not the only cases of such word formation. There are also adjectives with this ending.

    Group of tenses Continuous and Perfect Continuous

    When forming long tenses, to be is used in combination with the participle of a verb that conveys the essence of the statement. Participle form in in this case- in present time.

    • I am watering the camomiles in my garden. - I water the daisies in my garden (Present Contiuous).
    • I had been watering the camomiles for twenty minutes when suddenly it began to rain. - I was watering the daisies for 20 minutes when it suddenly started to rain (Past Perfect Continuous).

    Using a verb ending -ing in combination with an infinitive: examples

    The infinitive is an impersonal verb form that indicates only an action in the process. In this case, the person, number and pledge are not indicated. It is translated into Russian in an indefinite form (that is, a verb that answers the question: “What to do?”). Formed by adding the particle to before the verb.

    There is such a thing as Continuous; there is no analogue to this form. It is translated mainly by a verb in the personal form. Formed by to be + a semantic verb ending in -ing. (the ending in English is added according to the rules listed in the special section of this article).

    • She was so happy to be playing the grand piano. - She was so happy to play the piano.
    • The water for our tea seems to be boiling. - The water for our tea seems to be boiling.
    • They are sorry to have been coming so late. - They're sorry they were so late.

    Present Patriciple

    Participle is one of the impersonal verbal forms of the English language. The analogues of this concept in Russian are participle and gerund. In a sentence, it most often serves as an adverbial adverb.

    • The talking girl is my friend's sister. - The girl who is talking now (the talking girl) is my friend's sister.
    • He must be listening to you. - He's probably listening to you.
    • Having visited my sister, I went home. - After visiting my sister, I went home.
    • Standing near the lake, she admired the picturesque landscape. - Standing by the lake, she admired the picturesque view.

    Using the gerund

    The Gerund is one of the impersonal verb forms. Combines the characteristics of a noun and a verb. A gerund, like a noun, can act as both a subject and minor members sentences: complements, nominal parts of the predicate.

    There are a number of words that require the use of a gerund after them. Verbs after which the gerund is required:

    • admit - admit;
      She admitted being dishonest. - She admitted that she was dishonest.
    • accuse of - accuse;
      They accused her of cheating. - They accused her of cheating.
    • be fond of - to love;
      My mother fond of knitting. - My mother loves to knit.
    • be proud of - to be proud;
      She was proud of being the best student. - She was proud of being the best student.
    • be interested in - to be interested;
      I am interested in being here. - I'm interested in being here.
    • be engaged in - to be busy;
      She was engaged in cooking. - She was busy preparing dinner.
    • complete - finish;
      He will complete teaching soon. - He will stop teaching soon.
    • mind - to object;
      I don't mind waiting there. - I don't mind waiting there.
    • practice - to train, to practice;
      I practice playing the piano every day. - I practice playing the piano every day.
    • recommend - advise;
      They recommended buying the purple dress. - They recommended buying a purple dress.
    • recall - remember;
      I recall visiting the great place - paradise of the Pacific. - I remember how I visited a wonderful place - a piece of paradise in the Pacific Ocean.

    Other uses of the "ing ending"

    The ing ending in English is found not only in verbs, but also in adjectives:

    • The end of that book was surprising. - The ending of the book was unexpected.
    • The film was interesting. - The film was interesting.

    Rules for adding endings

    There are a number of rules to keep in mind when adding the -ing ending in English.

    Rules for adding an “ing” ending:

    • The last letter of a monosyllable word is doubled:
      sit - sitting, stop - stopping;
    • The silent vowel -e at the end of the word is removed and replaced with the ending -ing:
      change - changing, make - making;
    • the vowel combination -ie at the end is replaced by -y, then the ending is simply added:
      tie - tying, lie - lying;
    • in other cases -ing is added without any transformation of the base word:
      start - starting, read - reading, play - playing.

    To better master this topic, it is important to devote some time to exercises and working on sentences that will include words ending in ing. “Ending in English” is a fairly simple topic.