Yuri Stoyanov - biography and personal life of the actor. In "Gorodok" you played hundreds of ladies' images

Among humorists separate place is occupied by such a wonderful actor as Yuri Stoyanov. The biography, personal life and work of the artist are of interest to many fans of his talent. He received the greatest fame as the creator and performer of one of the two main roles in the program "Town". But Yuri also has many wonderful works in theater and cinema.

Childhood and parents of the actor

Yuri Stoyanov was born on July 10, 1957 in the village of Borodino, Odessa region. The parents of the future actor had nothing to do with art: his father worked as a gynecologist, and his mother worked as a head teacher at school.

They had quite definite plans for the future of their son - the father wanted the heir to follow in his footsteps. And Yura's mother, having learned that already from the second grade he began to make fun of the teachers, parodying their habits, threatened to throw him out of the window if he did not stop. To which Yuri said: “Don’t throw me out, mommy, you'll still be proud of me".

Education and first steps in the profession

Yura fell in love with the theater back in lower grades. Then he began to participate in all school productions, studied in a poetry studio and at a music school in the guitar class. Parents gave their son to saber fencing so that he would throw excess weight. Yuri not only tightened his figure, but also received the title of master of sports.

AT adolescence Yura entered the drama club at the Odessa Film Studio and then realized that his real vocation was acting. Since then, the young man began to actively prepare for admission to VGIK. The dream came true with slight variations - a talented guy was enrolled in acting department GITIS. Stoyanov's roommate was the later famous Viktor Sukhorukov.

Despite all the efforts, during his studies, Yuri could not stand out from the rest of the students. The young man himself assessed himself adequately and understood that he did not shine with special talent, but stubbornly walked towards his dream. A year before receiving a diploma, Stoyanov was assigned to the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater. The actor worked there for 17 years, but he could not boast of big roles. Just once he got leading role in the production of "Amadeus".

Professional activity

Noticeable actor career began with Yuri Stoyanov in 1990, when they had a historic meeting with Ilya Oleinikov. The artists met on the set of the humorous film "Jokes". They worked together a lot before "Gorodok":

  • hosted a small show "Kergudu";
  • were the authors of the column in the comic program "Adam's Apple".

"Gorodok" - the path to glory

Three years later, Stoyanov and Oleinikov decided to create their own humorous program, which they called "Gorodok". The actors then did not suspect that it would become new milestone on the road to glory. It is difficult to find a person who would not see this project. The transfer turned the actors into real favorites of the public.

The creative tandem turned out to be incredibly successful - for 19 years 250 episodes of the humorous show were aired. The actors together played all the roles in mini-performances. Stoyanov got everything female characters, since Oleinikov wore a magnificent mustache and could not resemble a lady with all his desire.

The program was awarded the prestigious TEFI award four times as the best television entertainment show. The town also became the first broadcast seen by residents of the countries of the European Union.

Gorodok aired every weekend until the death of Ilya Oleinikov in 2012. Yuri Stoyanov was very upset by the death of his friend.

Filmography of the actor

The program "Gorodok" made Stoyanov famous and he was finally offered roles in films. One of the notable was the role in the film "Silver Lily of the Valley", where Stoyanov played along with Alexander Tsekalo and Olesya Zheleznyak.

In the movie "12" by Nikita Mikhalkov, Yuri got a dramatic role. He had to play in the company of such luminaries as Makovetsky, Garmash, Efremov, Mikhalkov. After that, Stoyanov was more often offered roles, but most of them were still comedic. He has acted in films:

  • "The Man at the Window";
  • “Balzac age, or all men are their own…”;
  • "You can call me dad" and others.

Stoyanov, as a master of disguise, was invited to become a member of the jury in the parody show "One to One". He continues to portray famous people. For example, during the 2015 New Year's show, Stoyanov performed as Elton John, and then parodied Western politicians Trump and Merkel.

Personal life

Yuri Stoyanov reluctantly talks about his personal life, but it is known that for the first time the young man fell in love in his first year at GITIS. Tatyana Dogileva became his chosen one. Yuri and Tatyana had a stormy romance, but after a while the couple broke up. Stoyanov's first wife was Olga Sinelchenko, a graduate of the theater department of GITIS. In 1978, young people played a modest student wedding in Odessa.

In the same year, the first-born was born, who was named Nikolai. The second son Alexei was born two years later. When younger child I was five years old and my parents divorced. Olga with her two sons left St. Petersburg for Moscow and began new life. She remarried and now lives in France. The woman even changed the surname and patronymic of her sons so that nothing would remind her of previous marriage. Olga replies to journalists' questions that she "does not know who Yuri Stoyanov is."

The children of Yuri Stoyanov supported their mother in her decision and do not maintain any relationship with their father. Both of them bear the surname and patronymic of their stepfather Maxim Yuryevich Khlopov. The eldest son Nikolai is a successful business consultant and often gives interviews in various media. Many do not even realize that he is the son of a famous actor. The second son, Alexei, who is now 36, graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, and now organizes extreme hikes in the mountains in Sochi.

The actor lived with his second wife Marina Stoyanova for eight years. Many believe that this marriage collapsed due to the fact that Marina never gave birth to a child. It was rumored that the girl in her youth made a vow not to have children. In the second marriage with Vladimir Eremin, the woman never became pregnant.

Separation in second marriage it was so painful that Stoyanov promised himself never to fall in love again. But life dictates its own rules, and the actor soon met his current wife Elena.

current family

Now Yuri Stoyanov talks about the family only with enthusiastic intonations. According to him, now he is extremely happy. He has been living with his third wife Elena for almost 20 years. Together they raise two daughters from the woman's first marriage. And in 2003, a common daughter was born - Ekaterina Yurievna Stoyanova.

now famous actor and comedian 60 years old but he leads a very active lifestyle. After all, a person is as old as he feels. His favorite hobby is fishing. Yuri leaves for nature for a long time, capturing a large number of equipment. This pastime gives him a break from the noise of the metropolis and recharges his energy for creativity. Stoyanov is still loved by the audience, and this gives him strength and inspiration for his work.

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The creative evening of Yuri Stoyanov "Neformat" was held in the Central House of Actor. Stoyanov told about BDT, Tovstonogov, "Quiet Don" and Basilashvili's shot to the incessant laughter of the hall.

Sergey Glinka will definitely give a microphone to everyone who wants to ask questions to Yuri Stoyanov, - the directors of the House of Actors Igor Zolotovitsky and Alexander Zhigalkin promised, handing the actor a bouquet.

I don’t even know who was on stage, but Glinka gave the microphones, - Stoyanov immediately quipped.

Stoyanov took the stage with two guitars - "girlfriends", as the actor put it. "Girlfriends" he has fourteen pieces. The first guitar was given to 11-year-old Yura Stoyanov by his grandfather. He found it in the "Beryozka" store in Kyiv, but it was impossible to buy an instrument without currency "checks". The guitar cost nine dollars. Grandfather begged the saleswomen to help him.

And they put a big scratch on the back of the guitar and knocked it out. The guitar began to cost 9 rubles 47 kopecks, because the ruble was more expensive than the dollar, Stoyanov recalled nostalgically.

The actor performed a pitiful urban romance about unhappy love, which he once heard in his native Odessa: "I kissed your footprints and almost prayed for you."

- "A little" - it sounds very Odessa, - the actor commented. - I would pray, but a little ...

Yuri Stoyanov spoke about the years when he served in the Leningrad Theater of the Bolshoi Theater named after. Gorky under the direction of the famous director Georgy Tovstonogov. Each story was invariably accompanied by friendly laughter.

We played a play in Omsk " Quiet Don". This was my second role in the crowd after three years of inactivity," said Stoyanov. "The beginning of the performance was like this. hat and yelled: "Don-father! Don!". I was also dressed as a Cossack, but for some reason I asked to make myself a beysyk and put on round Babel glasses. I knew exactly when Tolya would scream, and exactly a second before his scream asked quietly, burping: "Please, please, Can you tell me what this river is called?". "Don!" - Tolya shouted ... After the performance, Tovstonogov told me: "Yura, I wish you to achieve the same reaction in the hall as you have achieved on stage today. This is a very bad sign when they laugh on stage and don't laugh in the hall."

This was Stoyanov's first conversation with the Master. The second took place in the city of Yerevan on tour in 1980 under no less incidental circumstances. Stoyanov ran out of money, the actor did not eat for two days, and there were still six days left before the salary. Stoyanov had to send a telegram to his father. Dad sent money, of course. The evening performance ended late. Stoyanov barely endured until six in the morning. In the restaurant of the hotel "Intourist" the actor ordered a barbecue, red caviar, stuffed eggs and many more snacks. I was just about to eat everything, when suddenly Tovstonogov appeared at the door. Came for breakfast at 6 am. He came up, for a long time assessed the table of the "poor" young actor asked if you could join. Georgy Alexandrovich ordered tea, two eggs and cottage cheese. "They say you are showing our head of the personnel department well," Tovstonogov asked Stoyanov. "Show me too." Hippolyte turned pale. The head of the personnel department in the theater, which did not get out from abroad, was a nomenclature worker of "one serious organization." "With a lump in his throat and all wet," Stoyanov somehow portrayed a personnel officer. "Rumors about your comedic talent are greatly exaggerated," Tovstonogov summed up.

During the evening, Yuri Stoyanov performed several songs of his composition, written for various occasions. What he did not invent - "yes, everything that could not be useful to the artist in any way." For example, he wrote an epitaph to himself "in all seriousness", ending with the words: "Having brought two children into the world, he gave them only their appearance as a legacy." And what else could an artist playing in the crowd give in those days?

I wrote songs instead of going to Tovstonogov and saying: "I really want to play Mozart and I know that I can," Stoyanov continued. - Firstly, I did not want to, and secondly, I did not know that I could.

But Stoyanov still played Mozart in the play "Amadeus". Salieri was played by People's Artist of the USSR Vladislav Strzhelchik. The 60-year-old actor came out in an old robe, spoke in a raspy voice, coughed, mumbled, "hypertrophied old age", then suddenly took off his robe, under which there was a stunning camisole, and threw into the audience a replica worthy of Sarah Bernhardt: "I'm 34 years old!". Once Strzhelchik went on the stage "drunk".

By the end of the first act, he said things that I can’t repeat here, and this was said from the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, Stoyanov recalled. - "Mozart, I beg you, go away!" Strzhelchik roared. "Vitya, take him away, otherwise I'll kill him!" - this is a replica from behind the scenes.

The most ridiculous and at the same time saddest tour was at the theater in India. All were stabbed with injections, but many actors still fell ill with exotic diseases. The BDT brought Chekhov's play "Uncle Vanya" and the play "Khanuma" which were in great demand in Bombay in the 39-degree heat to India. Between performances, the actors were taken to an island with a temple of incredible beauty carved into the rock.

Hundreds of thousands of Hindus built this temple literally on the bones, - Stoyanov portrayed the guide. - And then the remark of the assistant chief post Yura is heard: "Well, well done, in general! We got together and did it!".

Stoyanov remembered the tragicomic story connected with the play "Uncle Vanya". The role of Uncle Vanya was played by Oleg Basilashvili. In one of the scenes, he fired a pistol. The sound of a shot was imitated behind the scenes by a certain Lesha, striking with a heavy hammer on a sheet of iron, on which, one "beautiful" day, the foot of the fire chief stepped at the wrong time. The hammer landed on him thumb legs.

- In deathly silence, instead of a shot, it flashed over the hall ..., - Stoyanov withstood the Mkhatov pause. - A simple Russian word, the same in all languages ​​of the CIS countries. It is also called the women of the first ancient profession.

With some sadness, Stoyanov recalled the remark of Kirill Lavrov in response to his departure from the Bolshoi Theater in 1995:

- "Stoyanov left the BDT - this is both good and bad. Good, because he left. Bad, because now he will have more time for this vulgarity of his -" Town ", - said Lavrov. But none of the troupe laughed.

One of the spectators, sensing a hidden offense in Stoyanov's words, asked if he had forgiven Lavrov.

I didn't take offense. And how should he have reacted to this, if in the first three episodes of the program on the channel "Russia" in the running line at the bottom the word "agency" was written without the letter "t"? - asked, in turn, Stoyanov. The actor admitted that when he saw "Ilyusha Oleinikov's concert with the "modest" and "subtle" title "Laughter-shock", he thought: "Am I really going to participate in this?". And a year later he was already in this concert.

- For twenty years of cooperation we have had everything, - Stoyanov answered the question about friendship between the co-authors of "Gorodok". - We swore, put up, lived with families, acted in films together. You can't do films alone! As a result, we came to the conclusion that a good partnership weighs more than beautiful words about friendship.

A lady from Chelyabinsk confessed her love to Stoyanov and thanked him for his subtle and kind words. female images, which he created in "Gorodok".

Playing women is not difficult acting bread, believe me, - Stoyanov thanked. - But I am convinced that women are better than men, because any intrigues, even extreme meanness, among women, as a rule, are motivated by love, and not by career and money.

The weekend on the occasion of March 8 ended with words that resonated with the heart of every woman sitting in the hall.

Anna Gorbashova, columnist

Behind the back of the 58-year-old creator of the legendary "Gorodok" Yuri Stoyanov, everything that a person of his profession can dream of: 4 TEFI awards, the Golden Eagle, awarding the Order of Honor and the title People's Artist. When asked by journalists about his personal life, the merry fellow with wide-open, slightly sad eyes prefers to remain silent.

However, in one of his recent interviews Yuri Stoyanov nevertheless spoke about the successes of two stepdaughters - Xenia and Anastasia, daughters from a previous marriage of Yuri's third wife Elena. And also spoke about the character of the youngest - 13-year-old Katya - common daughter Stoyanovs. Ironically, only autobiographical sources know about the artist’s sons: “Children from the first marriage: Nikolai and Alexei Stoyanovs.” The artist cannot boast of participation in the life of once boys, and now adult men.

Life78 managed to find out why Nikolai and Alexei changed their surname Stoyanov to Khlopov, what happened to their sons and ex-wives after a divorce from the public's favorite.
The first wife of the then unknown young man Yura Stoyanov was Olga Sinelchenko, a graduate of the theater department of GITIS. In 1978, the lovers played a modest student wedding in the groom's homeland in Odessa. In the same year, after moving to St. Petersburg, the first-born Nikolai appeared in a young family. Two years later, the second son is Alexei. Nikolasha, as the eldest was affectionately called in the family, was about five years old when mom and dad decided to get a divorce. Surrounded by Stoyanov, it was rumored that the aspiring actor of the BDT was carried away by the editor of the literary part of the theater, Marina Venskaya. It is with this that the sudden decision of the legal wife Olga to leave her husband is associated. A girl with two sons moved to live in Moscow. Stoyanov failed to stay on good terms with Sinelchenko. The painful separation of the parents was the result of the absence of any relationship between the sons and their own father. - It’s not Yura who doesn’t communicate with children, but children don’t communicate with him. This, most likely, was a projection of Olga. She left with her children. While Yura's father was alive, they still kept in touch, because he adored Olga, he did not have a soul in her, and he adored his grandchildren. Even after the divorce, Nikolai Georgievich came to Olga and the children in Moscow, and after his death in 1993, they stopped communicating. Alyosha once came to visit his grandmother and there they met Yura, it seems like they started communicating at least some, and Nikolasha categorically does not communicate with his father, cannot forgive his father, - says the artist’s childhood friend, who maintains a warm relationship with him and his mother Evgenia Leonidovna Stoyanova.

Now the first wife, Olga Sinelchenko, is married again and lives in France. New spouse women - once a professor of department No. 40 "Physics elementary particles» National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Maxim Yuryevich Khlopov. Olga does not want to hear about her ex-husband. When, at the request of Life78, a woman’s friend asked her to talk about her relationship with ex-husband, Olga wrote: "I don't know who Yuri Stoyanov is."

After the divorce, Sinelchenko gave her sons the name of the “new dad” and even changed their middle names. Nikolai Yuryevich Stoyanov is now called Nikolai Maksimovich Khlopov, Alexey Yuryevich is also listed with the surname Khlopov and a new middle name. Stoyanov's eldest son, now 38-year-old Nikolai Khlopov, graduated from Moscow State University, after which he received an MBA in e-business and innovation management. Now the young man is a partner of the British company THI, engaged in business consulting. It is noteworthy that the businessman often gives interviews and acts as an expert in various media. However, journalists do not even suspect that behind a successful man named Khlopov, the son of a people's artist is hiding.
Now Nikolai is married, his wife Victoria teaches theater design at the British high school design and in GITIS.
The youngest son of the actor, 36-year-old Alexei Khlopov, also graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and worked for the TV company VID. Now he is developing his own company, Yete Guide Bureau, organizing extreme hikes in the mountains in Sochi. Alexei is also married. With his wife Anastasia, he brings up his son Roman, the grandson of Yuri Stoyanov.

The second marriage of the author and creator of "Gorodok" did not give him any children or grandchildren. It is with this that the separation of the artist from Marina Anatolyevna Vienna is associated. On the sidelines of the Bolshoi Theater then there were legends that in her youth Dunya (as Marina Venskaya was called by all her relatives) swore not to have children. However, Vienna's mother denies these rumors. - She did not make such a vow, I once said that more than anything in the world, I am afraid of being a grandmother. Well, if you're afraid, we'll see, - said Marina. She was still a girl. Marina has no children, but she has an Alabai dog named Fanta, - says Marina's mother Nelli Konstantinovna.

After a divorce from Stoyanov, Venskaya married actor Vladimir Eremin. The artist's track record includes more than 60 films. Second spouse Marina Venskaya also did not give birth to a child.

I love Yura, I have a good relationship with him and his mother, Evgenia Leonidovna, I call her Genichka,” Nelli Konstantinovna shared with Life78.

Two or three years ago she came to Leningrad, Yura arranged a meeting for us in a cafe. And Marina and Yura are on good terms. Last time saw each other when Ilyusha Oleinikov died, Dunya went to support Yura.

In a relationship with his third wife, Elena, Yuri Stoyanov finally found happiness and family peace. The lack of communication with his own children, the actor was compensated by a warm relationship with his stepdaughters. In 2003, Elena gave her husband a daughter, Catherine.

With her song. The program was cheerful, but the song was sad. Their images were the same, and it was "Gorodok" that played a pivotal role both in the creative and personal life of Yuri Stoyanov. His path to success was long, difficult, full of disappointments and empty hopes to someday get a major role in the theater. For 17 years he played roles without words, and in best case he was allowed to go on stage with a guitar. So decided the great director Georgy Tovstonogov.

He was almost forty when he and Oleinikov, two unknown, already middle-aged actors, losers, decided to create the "Gorodok" program. Today, Gorodok has about 500 issues on its account, and Yuri Stoyanov has such a number of different images on his account that anyone else can hardly boast. Today he is in demand on television, and in the theater, and in the cinema. He played roles in many far from comedy films: "The Man at the Window", "Twelve", "silver lily of the valley".

“I really don’t like the humor of well-fed people - banter,” says Stoyanov. “I’ve never been a joker, and if you look at me, you won’t laugh. But when you start working, you have to understand in which country you are joking, with what history, with what people, with what life. And then you will see that our humor is a very serious means of salvation from great pains and great troubles."