Concerns of young parents: Anne Hathaway and Adam Shulman on a walk with their son

The parents named them after the life partner of the great Shakespeare. Therefore, it is not surprising that one day she herself had to experience Shakespeare’s passions. But all this was before meeting Adam Shulman...

Premonition of love

Anne was born in New York, the middle of three children, to a lawyer and an actress. She grew up with her brothers and was a tomboy just like them. Until the age of 14, Ann wore only her older brother and boy’s shoes, and after 14 she generally wore some kind of rags with an ethnic accent and despised cosmetics. Ann's teenage hormone riot resulted in depression, bouts of rage and hatred of herself and her own body. At 18, the hormones began to subside, and Ann suddenly realized that she was not so ugly. From an angular teenager, Anne suddenly turned into a beautiful girl. Shiny hair, perfect porcelain skin, fluffy eyelashes, almond-shaped eyes, sensual lips... Anne was created for love, and, like all young girls, she passionately waited for it.

Instead of a thousand words

Raffaello Follieri led fairy tale life Deputy of God: an apartment in Trump Tower on 5th Avenue, the rent of which cost $37 thousand a month, an office on Park Avenue, travel on a private jet, a huge yacht in the Caribbean, a two-story loft in Olympic Tower, a mansion overlooking Central Park , a bodyguard constantly following him, personal doctor, coming to New York from London for just 30 thousand dollars...

His story is exactly reminiscent of Gogol’s “The Inspector General”. The young man, finding himself in a country where no one knew him, pulled off a fantastic scam, making the most influential people in America believe that he was a member of the highest circles of the Vatican.

In 2001, the Catholic Church was shocked by a series of revelations of pedophile priests. To fend off claims from victims, the Church began selling off real estate it owned. Raffaello came up with a truly brilliant idea - to sell it on behalf of Catholic Church on market conditions. A few correct contacts, deceptive maneuvers and a little dust in the eyes - and Follieri has $55 million in initial investments in his pocket.

Raffaello was 25 when he met Anne. He understood perfectly well what it was beautiful woman For business man. Hathaway, 21, had already starred in The Princess Diaries and was a sophomore at Vassar, a private liberal arts college. The continuation of “Diaries” was released in the summer, and work in “Brokeback Mountain” loomed on the horizon. She was balanced and reasonable beyond her years, but at heart she remained a teenager.

He was late for the first date. She was furious, but she waited. At first she tried to keep her distance, but could not resist his charms. Besides, he was so fabulously rich and generous. On New Year he took her to the Bahamas. A beautiful house on the ocean shore awaited them there, which Follieri rented for three thousand dollars a day.

Raffaello blinded Anne with his external brilliance, but his project made an even greater impression on her charitable foundation helping children from poor families developing countries. Charity is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs in the world. Do you want to impress a girl? Fund vaccinations for children. Ann became a member of the foundation's board and began organizing vaccinations for Latin American children against hepatitis A.

In July 2006, they flew to Nicaragua, where they announced the start of a five-year vaccination program. This event was widely covered by the press due to participation in it Anne Hathaway. Approximately a thousand children were vaccinated. When the journalists left, it turned out that there was no money in the fund to continue the program. Raffaello assured his friend that he would soon make a lot of money from church real estate, and the money would have nowhere to go.

Vaccination of Nicaraguan children remained a project. Follieri ran out of money and began to have problems. Anne was now paying for the loft in Olympic Tower. She was still crazy about her boyfriend, and when asked by interviewers about why they weren’t getting married, she answered: because he hadn’t proposed to her yet.

Meanwhile, Ann's father, a successful lawyer, hired a private detective to investigate the activities of his daughter's boyfriend. In addition to the detective, FBI agents and the New York prosecutor had been watching Raffaello for several months.

Anne was accused of leaving her lover immediately after looming trial. The actress assures that it was not Raffaello’s financial scams that caused the breakup. By that time, things had been going very badly for them for a year, and one day she simply decided to call it a day. Ann packed her things and went to her brother.

Adam's Rib

Accustomed to being correct and reasonable, Anne suffered the scandal that broke out with Raffaello very painfully. His monstrous reputation cast a shadow over her impeccable biography. In addition, the FBI was involved in the case personal diaries actresses...

Anne wanted to disappear, to shrink and disappear, as if she had never existed. And, of course, I didn’t even want to think about new relationships. But Adam upset all her plans.

Adam Shulman turned out to be the complete opposite of Raffaello Follieri. He was much inferior to the cunning Italian in everything related to external gloss, but Anne firmly decided not to be fooled by wealth and chic appearance anymore. Adam was an aspiring actor and quite an ordinary New Yorker. His main film success was The Dukes of Hazzart in 2007 - a rather modest achievement compared to the roles of Anne. However, let’s not suspect him of self-interest: soon after meeting Anne, Adam began designing jewelry under the James Banks brand, and left his cinematic career as an elective.

They met at a party with mutual friends. Her brother had long advised Anne to go out in public more often. Anne was absolutely devastated, Raffaello had just been sentenced to four and a half years in prison, and he begged her to wait for his return.

Hathaway thought Adam was cute. But at the party he was with a girl, and therefore the thought of something more did not arise in her head. Adam was stunned.

Upon returning home, all he could think about was Anne. The sad look of his huge eyes could not leave his head. Adam sat down at his computer and typed her name into Google. The Internet offered tons of news stories detailing Hathaway's relationship with Follieri, and even more photos of her looking unspeakably beautiful.

Adam decided to meet with Ann again at any cost. The second meeting, again in the company of mutual friends, was more productive: they even talked a little. Anne liked this cute guy, it seemed like they had known each other for a thousand years. “It’s a pity he has a girlfriend,” Anne thought.

A few months later they met again. By that time, Adam was already free: thoughts of Ann haunted him, and he did not want to deceive his girlfriend. Adam couldn't buy Anne half the world like Raffaello did. But he could give her peace of mind and restore her faith in love.

Anne fell in love. She didn't want to lose her head again, but Adam was so gentle and caring, so romantically devoted to her, that she couldn't resist happiness. Undoubted, long-awaited and now considered.

Two years later, Shulman asked Ann to move to Brooklyn with him. It was not a two-story loft - just a modest apartment by New York standards. Hathaway happily agreed. They enjoyed walks around the city, lunches in cafes and even smiled at the ever-present paparazzi. They were happy.

Adam decided long ago that Anne would be his wife. And I wanted to give my beloved the most beautiful ring in the world. Own design, of course. As soon as Hathaway was spotted with a ring on her finger, questions followed about when the wedding would be. But time passed, and the couple was still in no hurry to turn from bride and groom into husband and wife.

“I look terrible,” Anne told Shulman. For the role in the musical Les Misérables, the actress had to cut off her gorgeous locks and lose 11 kg. Would this dried herring with a boyish face look good in a wedding dress? In vain Adam tried to assure his friend that even so she was still more beautiful than all the women living in the world! Ann firmly decided to grow her hair, gain back the lost pounds, and only then go to the altar, especially since the great Valentino himself promised to sew the dress for the main event in her and Adam’s lives...

A year after the engagement, the wedding finally took place. It was the most magical day of their lives! The heavenly nature of California, only close friends and relatives nearby... The bride was miraculously beautiful in a fluffy ivory-colored silk tulle dress with a long pale pink train. The bride's head was decorated with a 20s-style veil with a wide lace ribbon with large flowers embroidered with tiny crystal beads.

Fairy tales always end with a wedding. But this story is just beginning, and I really want it to remain a fairy tale. “I always smile when my husband is around,” Anne Hathaway says in an interview. “And yes, I really like the word “husband.” But nothing else has changed.”

Photo: All Over Press,

Adam Shulman and Anne Hathaway met back in 2010. Both needed this meeting. The girl just broke up with her swindler boyfriend, whom she dated for 4 years. And Adam tried himself as a jeweler, support and a strong shoulder loving woman he also needed. In 2012, the tabloids of famous magazines were full of photographs of young people on their wedding day. We'll talk about how the celebration took place in the article.

Strong man

Many film fans are interested in: “Who is Adam Shulman?” The actor's biography is quite modest. The man was born in New York in 1981. Since childhood, he was interested in the film industry, and in 2007 he was lucky enough to play one of the main roles in the film “The Dukes of Hazzard. Start". After this he acted as a producer of TV series several times. I tried to voice over short films. But in this field, not everything went smoothly. Huge competition in the film industry did not leave young man chances of success.

The guy did not give up and took up the jewelry craft. By the way, he liked this business. Soon the first stores selling the master's products were opened.

Adam Shulman has never been financially strapped. He has his own own business. As a hobby, he is interested in producing.

Sad love story

Anne Hathaway - famous actress, a favorite of many directors. Her catalog contains many films that have become real hits. For example, “The Devil Wears Prada”, “Brokeback Mountain”, “Jane Austen”. Her greatest success came from her role in the musical based on Hugo's novel Les Misérables. The girl received many awards, including an Oscar.

Despite her excellent appearance, Anne’s personal life did not work out. At the age of 21, the girl met Raffaello Follieri. The guy was doing business, but as it turned out later, it was not entirely legal.

He charmed the girl from the first minutes. Wonderful holiday in the Bahamas, an apartment in the city center, the rent of which was 37 thousand dollars a month, his own doctor, massage therapist. Raffaello successfully threw dust in the eyes of the young beauty.

In addition, the guy invited Ann to do charity work with him. To begin, organize the vaccination of children in Africa and Latin America. But the whole idea burst like a soap bubble: the guy ran out of funds. Now the girl had to pay for the apartment on her own and turn a blind eye to problems in the relationship.

The novel ended rather sadly. Ann's father hired a detective. He found out complex circuits the frauds that Raffaello was involved in. He was given several years in prison. These events did not affect in the best possible way on the impeccable reputation of the young actress. She even appeared in court as a witness.

Incredible novel

Adam Shulman first met Anne Hathaway at a party of mutual friends. He immediately noticed the girl unusual beauty, but with a sad look. We didn’t manage to communicate, but upon arriving home the guy found social networks a lot of information about the actress. He was especially hurt by the situation with her ex-boyfriend.

Ann, in turn, also noticed Adam, but there could be no talk of any relationship, since he was at a party with his girlfriend. A new meeting took place a couple of weeks later. The young people realized that a real feeling had overtaken them. Adam Shulman quickly ended his previous relationship and was ready to plunge into a new whirlpool of love and passion.

Noisy celebration

After 2 years, the guy invited Ann to move to Brooklyn with him. She gladly accepted the invitation. At the same time, a ring of incredible beauty shone on the girl’s finger. Many people wondered, “Adam Shulman gave this to me?” The wedding seemed just around the corner, if not for one thing. For the next role, the girl had to cut off her gorgeous hair and lose 11 kilograms. Anne did not want to have a celebration in this way.

Everything happened a year later. The wedding was truly royal. Everyone was eagerly waiting to see which dress Anne would choose. After all, in her film works the girl has repeatedly played brides. The girl's outfit was made by Valentino. It was incredibly beautiful. Done in classic style. The basis was tulle; special attention was drawn to the silk train of a soft pink shade.

The girl did not get hair extensions. Anne's hair was kept short. She decided to play it up with a lace ribbon with large flowers on it. The veil and veil were also present when the girl's father led her to the altar.

Adam Shulman and Anne Hathaway, whose wedding took place in 2012, are still happy. They enjoy every minute spent together. In March of this year, the couple had their first child. The son was named Jonathan. I would like to wish the young family well-being and further continuation of the family.

It made for a funny headline.
In New York "Once Upon a Time in New York".
The original title of the film is Song One.

The pictures show the performer leading role, Anne Hathaway.
Great white suit. Shoes. Makeup.
She just glows, radiates joy.

Or maybe her look of happiness radiating is not at all from
makeup, but from the presence of a loved one nearby.
Ann's husband, Adam Shulman, was a former actor, but
2008 is not filmed. But he acted as one
of the producers of this new film. And Hathaway is very
proud of her husband and their collaboration.

Also pictured is another producer, Jonathan Demme.

Friday, October 05, 2012 16:51 ()

Just a few days ago they tied the knot
in Big Sur, California. Anne Hathaway and her husband Adam Shulman were
spotted yesterday while shopping on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles.

Photographers noticed the newlyweds' fingers were simple but beautiful.
wedding rings - hers is gold and his is silver.

Tuesday, October 02, 2012 07:43 ()

And actress Anne Hathaway married Adam Shulman on Saturday (September 29)
in Big Sur, California.

She wore, as expected, a Valentino dress. And perhaps the style of the dress
Not everyone will like it, but look at her headdress! Especially from the outside
in profile - SO romantic, SO elegant, real Hollywood!

Ann decided not to “wear” synthetic hair/extensions. She wasn't wearing
jewelry - only a veil and a headdress.

Among the 150 guests there were only friends and relatives. Without movie stars, and only
a couple of people from the film industry, such as Anne's stunt double
during filming.

The menu was similar to the evening of the engagement day in February in New York,
and included only vegan dishes. Luxurious flowers worth $100,000
decorated the wedding ceremony (the work of The Velvet Garden florists),
The guests were entertained by the Americano Social Club jazz band trio from San Francisco.

Sunday, September 01, 2012 02:22 ()

Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway married her lover Adam Shulman. The wedding took place at a country estate located in California.
Popular Hollywood actress, The Devil Wears Prada star Anne Hathaway got engaged to her old lovers Adam Shulman. Hathaway, 29, and her 31-year-old fiancé tied the knot in a private ceremony Saturday evening in Big Sur, People magazine writes. In total, about 180 guests attended the event, arriving for the holiday on special rented shuttles. Some relatives met only at the site of the celebration. The bride wore a Valentino dress. Her look was complemented by original jewelry and a lush veil. The groom chose a classic tuxedo.
Let me remind you that the couple dated for four years. Last year, in November, the engagement was announced. “I’m very in love with him, Adam managed to ruin all my plans. I really wanted to be alone for a while, but I fell in love like a fool,” said Anne.
According to some reports, the girl is expecting her first child. About interesting position The artists spoke after she and Adam Shulman invited their parents and had a noisy feast, during which Hathaway did not even touch the wine that literally flowed like a river at the party. It was from this nuance that the gossip columnists made an unambiguous conclusion: Anne Hathaway is pregnant. It is noteworthy that the heroes of the occasion themselves categorically refuse to comment on the details of their personal lives.

0 17 August 2016, 10:05

Anne Hathaway and Adam Shulman on a walk with their son

And Adam Shulman, unlike many others star parents, do not hide the child from prying eyes. Baby Jonathan, who was born this year, has been the paparazzi's first days of life, and recently photographers managed to capture him again. Reporters caught the actress with her husband and son in New York: the family was walking along the city streets with a group of friends. The stroller and baby were alternately pushed by Ann and Adam, who, judging by their wide smiles, were in a great mood.

For a walk around Manhattan, the young mother chose a free long dress strappy, flat sandals and a straw hat, which was used to protect from the heat. Hathaway shows a figure that has changed after childbirth - and does not worry about it. The actress, who is a supporter of body positivity, believes that extra pounds, gained during pregnancy:

There is no shame in gaining weight during pregnancy (or in any other circumstances). There's no shame in returning to the same form takes longer than you thought (if you even want to get back into shape). Our bodies are changing. Bodies are growing. And they are beautiful in any form. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise

- Hathaway turned to the women.

Let us note that Anne is in her position: Blake Lively, Liv Tyler and many other stars have already made similar statements.

Anne Hathaway with her son