As they say about a hypocritical person. What is hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy- inconsistency between a person’s words and actions true feelings, beliefs, intentions.

Hypocrisy in ethics

According to Igor Kon, hypocrisy is a “negative moral quality, which consists in the fact that obviously immoral acts (committed for the sake of selfish interests) are ascribed pseudo-moral meaning, lofty motives and humane goals. This concept characterizes a way of action from the point of view of the relationship between its actual social and moral meaning and the meaning that they are trying to give it. Hypocrisy is the opposite of honesty and sincerity - qualities in which a person’s awareness and open expression of the true meaning of his actions is manifested.”

Cultural hypocrisy

A Study of Hypocrisy

The feeling of inconvenience, discomfort and anxiety that people experience when their true and declared emotions do not coincide formed the basis for the theory of cognitive dissonance developed by the American psychologist Leon Festinger based on psychological experiments. The book of the same name (“The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance” (Stanford, 1957) brought Festinger international fame. The law derived by Festinger in this book states: two elements of thinking are in a dissonant relationship if one of them implies a contradiction to the other, and this prompts the person to behave in a way that reduces the dissonance. Ways to overcome dissonance have been experimentally studied and described by Festinger in this book and in subsequent works: “Containing and Reinforcing Factors: The Psychology of Under-Reinforcement” (Stanford, 1962), “Conflict, Resolution and Dissonance” (Stanford, 1964).

Attitude to hypocrisy in religions



In Islam, hypocrites are referred to by the term munafik, and hypocrisy - nifak. Munafik outwardly shows himself to be a devout Muslim, but is not a believer. The first mention of hypocrites was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad at the very end of the Meccan period of his life. The signs of hypocrites are manifested either in beliefs or in actions.

Islam considers hypocrisy a worse sin than unbelief. According to the Quran, after death, hypocrites will forever remain in the lowest (most painful) level

Sometimes we misperceive the people around us and try our best to take care of them, although we do not receive the same in return. There are times when we see traits that are not actually present in people, or we hope for more than they can give us. Life is a series of moments and incidents, mistakes, trials and failures.

Every time we get new experience or we underestimate other people and their actions, we learn a lesson from this situation. But sometimes it is very difficult to understand what is happening when you are in this situation. Of course, we can try to look for signs, but sometimes it is quite difficult. So try to pay attention to patterns of behavior and identify people who may not be as good as they appear to be. There will always be hypocrites in our lives, but you should try to get rid of them.

They want to seem caring, but...

Soon their personal interests emerge, and it becomes quite obvious what exactly such people want. Hypocrites are not your friends. They pursue their own goals and are not interested in you as a person. These “friends” show interest in you only to gain your trust, and then identify their own needs, wanting something specific from you.

Be careful with such people, but trust your intuition! Some people only have their own agenda, but that doesn't mean you can't be open to making new friends. You may trust the wrong people from time to time. But that speaks poorly of them, not of you. Just stop this communication as quickly as possible when it becomes obvious that they are not truly interested in you.

They seem defenseless, but...

Hypocrites always want your sympathy and compassion, and thus manipulate you. And before you know it, they will ask you to sacrifice your needs to help them. These people know how to take away, but give nothing in return. They may offer you some semblance of friendship, but it will not be genuine. You should be wary that such people will not accept your advice. Initially, they will seem very appreciative of what you have to say, but you will soon realize that hypocrites keep repeating the same negative behavior patterns. And they will want you to do it with them.

They keep saying what's good for you even though...

You have already told them many times that you know what is good and what is bad for you. But they don't really care about what you need or want. They would like to have control because they believe that doing so will make them feel better. They may say they are listening to you when in fact they are not. This is a fast track to a bad relationship. No one knows better than you what you really need. Friends are there to support and discuss your options, not to decide what's best for you.

They seem interested in you, but...

They are only around from time to time, and only when they need it. Other times you may never find them. In other words, they are the ones who choose when to see or communicate with you, and you have no control over what happens. When you think rationally about this type of friendship, you will realize that this is not the kind of person who will care about you. He doesn't need to be in this situation. Most likely, he will even feel bad in it.

And true friends should always make you feel better, not worse. It's really very simple. So get rid of the haters and surround yourself with friends who make you smile. This may be quite difficult to do. But when you do, hold on to them tighter. Such people will remain your friends for life.


Hypocrisy- behavior that covers up insincerity and malicious intent with feigned sincerity or virtue.

Hypocrisy in ethics

A Study of Hypocrisy

The feeling of inconvenience, discomfort and anxiety that people experience when their true and declared emotions do not coincide formed the basis for the theory of cognitive dissonance developed by the American psychologist Leon Festinger based on psychological experiments. The book of the same name (“The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance” (Stanford, 1957) brought Festinger international fame. The law derived by Festinger in this book states: two elements of thinking are in a dissonant relationship if one of them implies a contradiction to the other, and this prompts the person to behave in a way that reduces the dissonance. Ways to overcome dissonance have been experimentally studied and described by Festinger in this book and in subsequent works: “Containing and Reinforcing Factors: The Psychology of Under-Reinforcement” (Stanford, 1962), “Conflict, Resolution and Dissonance” (Stanford, 1964).

Attitude to hypocrisy in religions


Hypocrisy is:

The manifestation of people who want to appear in front of people in some form, but feignedly. For example, showing mercy can only be a “performance for the audience,” that is, a hypocrite person pretends to give alms in order to assign himself the status of a merciful person. (Gospel of Matthew 6:2)

Pointing out someone else's mistake when you yourself are much more to blame. (Matthew 7:3-5)

Who is a hypocrite?

A hypocrite is an insincere, cunning person. Pretending to be respectable, he uses for evil what people trust him.

Hypocrite - "very good man". It is good for everyone. How to achieve this? After all, all people are different. And everyone likes different things.

Very talented person. He is an actor. Always plays. For a grandmother, he is an exemplary grandson. For grandfather - the keeper of secrets from grandmother. But this is not a hypocrite yet. The hypocrite begins when he and his friend laugh sincerely and evilly at the elderly.

Malicious. Not just good for everyone. He pretends to be a virtuous and sincere person. His goal is to find out something by “getting into the soul.” Then this can be used against someone who just agreed, smiled and complimented.

In modern slang - a “rotten” person. On the tongue Soviet people- I wouldn’t go on reconnaissance with him. To slander, to “set up”, to betray - for a hypocrite, this is the same as for a direct, honest and sincere person - to help, suggest, lend a helping hand.

It is a great sin to judge your neighbor. First, sort yourself out, the Bible tells Orthodox Christians. Take the big log out of your own eye, then help someone else notice the speck in their eye. It is hypocrisy to ask about someone else's sin. Not for the sake of idle curiosity. Not to help fix it. In fact - for condemnation.

The word "hypocrite" has a lot of meaning. Duplicity. Doublethink. Double standard. Everything suggests that a person has not one face, but allegorically – two. You can be a hypocrite in politics. In business. Very often - in jurisprudence. In literature, the brightest hypocrite is Judushka Golovlev, the hero of the novel by Saltykov - Shchedrin. In essence, the image of integrity concealed a bigot and a traitor. His name has become a household name.

The ability to be a contact person cannot be called hypocrisy. Keep silent. Smile. Don't express your opinion negative attitude, rushing at the interlocutor like a kite at its prey. Argue, gently clarifying the question. Finding the right answer is not an easy task. If it seems to you now that everyone is a fool, cool down and count to one hundred. And, perhaps, the interlocutor will have a chance... The phrase “truth is more valuable” does not mean that in order to assert your (and only your) opinion, you need to destroy and break everything. Namely, relationships with people close to you in spirit. Change your opinion, sometimes, to the completely opposite. Change your attitude towards some issue, some topic. Change yourself. This is fine. And this is not hypocrisy.

To summarize all that has been said, I would like to throw out a cry: “Good people, unite!” And let the hypocrites go to the hypocrites.

Hypocrisy is insincerity in views and judgments. A hypocritical person often changes his life views and position depending on momentary gain.

Ozhegov’s dictionary gives the following interpretation: “Hypocrisy is behavior that covers up insincerity and maliciousness with feigned sincerity and virtue.”

But in the teacher’s dictionary the following definition is given: “Hypocrisy is a negative moral and aesthetic quality of a person. Expressed in a person’s ability to pretend to be kind, decent, moral positive person, while committing evil on the sly.”

Synonyms for hypocrisy are such concepts as deceit, double-mindedness, duplicity, crookedness, pretense.

The word "hypocrisy" comes from the word "actor". A hypocritical person puts on a mask, as it were, when he finds himself in a given situation. He seeks his own benefit in everything, even if he doesn’t need it. Often such a person is rude to his subordinates, but fawns over his superiors.

Reasons for hypocrisy

Fear. The reasons for fear can be any, but they force a person to adapt to life and be a hypocrite.
The desire to appear better. It is unusual for hypocritical people to express personal opinions. They strive to please someone with their judgments.
Unformed views on life. When a person does not have clear principles of life, he himself does not know what he wants, he has to show hypocrisy.

The danger of hypocrisy

In life, everyone has to change their behavior depending on the situation. To speak kindly to someone, to speak rudely to someone, to neglect someone, and to crush others to pieces. A person cannot behave the same way with everyone. However, hypocrisy forces a person to put on a “mask” and do and say things that are not what he really considers necessary. In fact, the hypocrite betrays himself by calling internal conflict. This is self-deception that leads to nowhere.

How to avoid hypocrisy

  • Life values. A person who has clearly formulated life rules and principles will not be a hypocrite.
  • Control over actions and words. Pass every action through the prism of your values, leaving no room for lies.
  • Honesty. Hypocrisy is a manifestation of momentary weakness. One’s own life position distinguishes strong in spirit person.
  • Self-esteem. A person is individual, with his own point of view. Confidence in your rightness does not allow you to be a hypocrite.

Hypocrisy is akin to a bad habit that makes life in society easier, but ultimately makes a person insincere and deceitful. Giving up this habit may cause some inconvenience initial stage, but over time it will give freedom.

Proverbs and sayings about hypocrisy

  • Every person is sincere alone with himself. Hypocrisy begins when someone else enters the room. (Emerson)
  • A hypocrite is a person who has killed his parents and asks for leniency on the grounds that he is an orphan. (A. Lincoln)
  • Bad person it gets even worse when he tries to appear holy. (F. Bacon)
  • A deceitful face will hide everything that a treacherous heart has in mind. (Shakespeare)
  • Where there is no equality, there is inevitably hypocrisy.
  • Don’t be angry at a rude word, and don’t give in to a kind word.
  • Speeches are like honey, and words are like wormwood.
  • With the applicant it is flexible, and with the authorities it is flexible.

The symbol of hypocrisy is ancient roman god Janus, who had two faces - young and old. Actually, he was not hypocritical and personified the beginning and the end, and other opposites of life. But his name Two-Faced Janus became a household name and began to personify hypocrisy.

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