Business on goods from China - how to start a business from scratch. Doing Business with China - A Complete Guide to Getting Started

There are few now who can dispute the fact that thanks to the development of the Chinese economy, which began in the mid-80s. As a result of the reforms of Deng Xiao Ping (Secretary General of the Communist Party of China), the population of most countries of the former USSR was able to dress relatively normally, equip their homes comfortably, and in some cases even eat. Who remembers well those not so old times, the beginning of the 90s, then in fact the entire consumer market was filled with famous Chinese down jackets, furniture, adult and children's clothing, household appliances and much more. Now on the market Chinese goods significantly squeezed out by competitors, but there is still a large share of imports from the Middle Kingdom, which provides the population not only with goods of acceptable quality, but also gives many people the opportunity to build their small business on this.

This article will talk about how you can build your own business or just recoup your expenses for a trip to China, buying and selling ordinary goods, what you need to pay attention to in the first place and which areas of the consumer market should be considered the most promising in the future. .

Before you make a trip to China, setting yourself the goal of earning money, you must at least answer a simple question - what do you need and can buy there, so that you can sell it at home with a guarantee and at a profit?

For this, it is necessary to produce, as experts say, a marketing analysis of the market, i.e. find out in what assortment, in what quantity, it is in demand on the consumer goods market, what amount of profit should be expected, etc.

Such, even the most elementary analysis, should answer the following questions:

  1. How often this or that type of product is in demand - is it needed on a daily basis or is it used periodically, such as gifts and toys for the New Year, which are needed only 1 time in 365 days.
  2. What is the approximate number of customers - consumers will use. Those. either this is a product that everyone needs, or it is needed for a separate group, for example, those who have cars, or it is generally an elite brand. Such an important parameter as the sale price and markup depends on this, which in the end will generate profit. The more massive the product, the lower the markup (margin), the more frequent turnover of goods is needed. The more expensive, the more elite - the higher the markup (margin), the less often it is supplied to the market
  3. How convenient is transportation, what factors and conditions accompany the passage of customs control - the maximum weight, permits, certificates, invoices, etc. It is clear, for example, that it is more profitable to transport furniture from China than bed linen - but is it possible to pay fare for the delivery of oversized cargo from China by road or container?
  4. Where and how will the sale be carried out already at home - do you have your own store or boutique, or will you have to sell through someone, sharing the corresponding profit. You can work on pre-order, you can sell a part to friends, colleagues at work or through private ads on the Internet.

Those. Initially, it should be determined at what price, to whom to sell goods from China, so that later you do not regret not only the lost money, for unnecessary things, but also the time and effort spent to bring all this.

In order to conduct such a marketing analysis on your own, as they say to an amateur, you can recommend:

  • see what is sold in local stores, boutiques, compare prices;
  • read what they write on the forums, in in social networks;
  • to study the catalogs of online stores, ranging from such as Eway, Aliexpress, Tao Bao, and ending with the Internet sites of local retail chains.
  1. Various medicines, dietary supplements and other medicinal substances, preparations and devices. Here you need to specifically and professionally understand what is needed on the market, how all this is applied, what are the risks.
  2. Complex electronic equipment - there is a risk that the goods may be damaged, defective, there may be problems with the return, repair.
  3. It is worth avoiding food products, as there are certain customs regulations, sanitary control, without knowing the specifics of such a market, you can get into extremely unpleasant situations and have problems with the law.

Start with little things

And it really is, in literally this expression. Luckily, there is one almost win-win option for starting your commercial business with China (remembering the famous phrase from the movie "Operation - Y" - "Train on cats").

In many Chinese cities, especially in the border areas, there are format stores where everything is sold at the same price, and at the very lowest. These are the so-called "shops all for 2 yuan" or in the folk version - "two-huanniki".

These stores sell all sorts of household and household trifles - from toothpicks to thermoses, haberdashery, dishes, socks, linen. There are kitchen utensils, key chains, lighters, flashlights, stationery. An incredible amount of gifts, small toys, accessories for mobile phones. An approximate list of commodity items in such stores is at least 1500 -3000. Of course, there are also departments where everything is sold for 5 or 10 yuan. But basically the goods are bought, both by tourists and locals, in departments for 2 yuan.

In fact, they sell something that no house, cottage, office or picnic in nature can do without.

With only $ 500, you can purchase a product in the amount of approximately 1,500 units. If we assume that for each such commodity item we make an extra charge of only $ 1, we get a net profit of $ 1,000. Not much, but it’s definitely enough to pay off your trip and still have a little left as income.

Car owners - never spare money

A true car enthusiast will not spare any money for his car in order not only to decorate it, but also to equip it with the most modern means and equipment. Such popular accessories and devices include, first of all:

  • auto mobile devices navigation;
  • onboard video cameras;
  • security alarm devices;
  • video recorders;
  • hands-free devices for mobile gadgets;
  • information displays (for minivans and buses);
  • steering wheel covers;
  • various toys for salon, stickers.

This product group belongs to high margin, i.e. they can be sold at a minimum markup of 100-200% without compromising demand.

The price range (average) for this group in China is between 300 and 600 yuan.

Home interior - art requires sacrifice

For every hostess, her own house, tenant is sacred and she will try to do everything to make it look cozy and special - unique.

China has everything for the interior:

  • curtains and curtains
  • tablecloths and bedspreads for furniture
  • covers for armchairs and sofas
  • 3D Wallpaper
  • various planters, flower stands, paintings and artistic compositions.

The Chinese have always been a good judge of how to decorate this or that interior, trying to learn diligently from the whole world, they are masters of all sorts. art products, which give even the most modest room some unique charm and comfort.

Bed linen and household items

China has always been famous for its fabrics from natural silk, cotton, bamboo, and even from ordinary synthetics they can make pillowcases, duvet covers of good quality.

Bed linen, towels, pillows are a sought-after product from China. Moreover, the demand for it has neither seasonality, nor is it associated with any difficulties in transporting across the border.

The average price, for example, of a good bed set is 50-60 yuan (if taken in a relatively large batch). In the CIS, all this is sold 2-3 times more expensive.

Mobile gadgets and peripherals

How can a trip to China be without buying a new mobile phone, smartphone or tablet. Moreover, all this is in demand in the markets and at home. The list of headings for phones and their accessories is so extensive that it is better for beginners to concentrate on a certain technique - for example, Xiao Mi smartphones, NTS, chargers, headphones for them. Chinese routers and peripherals are also in demand.

The markup level used by merchants for these types of products is at least 100%. For example, an average Xiao Mi smartphone costs 500 yuan, in Russian stores its price is at least 6-7 thousand rubles.

Lighting equipment - household and professional

This group includes not only lamps, lamps, LED panels for the interior, but also various devices that use household lasers for decorating concerts, shows, lighting devices for adjoining areas, park areas, for landscape design etc.

The range of this product group in China is also impressive, and in almost every city there are several specialized large stores that sell lighting equipment for various purposes.

It is also worth noting that lighting devices are among high-margin goods, where there is a minimum mark-up of 100-300%, since almost no one produces products of such a range and quality in the CIS.

Naturally, the range of interests should also include clothes, shoes, sporting goods, handbags, suitcases and briefcases, backpacks for adults and schoolchildren, toys - designers, etc. Here, some experience in the market is already needed in order to feel not only the conjecture, the solvency of buyers, but also be able to navigate styles, choose the right brands, sizes. It doesn't come all at once, so it's best to start with what's easiest, almost impossible to go wrong, and always stay profitable.

Popular goods from China: is it profitable to trade them + 3 online platforms with suppliers + TOP-10 product categories.

If you decide to engage in trade, then you probably want to know what are the popular products from China.

But it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question, because sales affect all aspects of our lives, and what one buyer needs is not at all interesting to another.

It is also worth considering that it will not always allow you to determine the popularity of goods, since they all have different costs and margins.

Why is it profitable to trade goods from China?

The stereotype that everything made in China is poor quality and defective is beginning to lose its strength.

AT last years one can notice a trend towards the fact that manufactured goods (including fakes) have become better and more expensive. But still their cost remains more affordable. Even deciding to purchase something for yourself in a single copy directly from China, you can save a lot.

What makes goods from China stand out from the rest:

    Low cost

    Since the goods are produced in large quantities, and their deliveries are established around the world, the cost price is quite low. And given the fact that in the end they are sold with a margin of up to 300%, it is quite profitable to trade popular goods from China.

    Wide range of products

    It is probably easier to list what is not produced in China. Therefore, any entrepreneur can find those products that he will be interested in selling.

    Availability and well-established delivery schemes

    Not a problem, moreover, you can get in touch with them remotely, so you don’t even have to go to this country. Of course, there are many risks associated with this, but before cooperation, you can familiarize yourself with samples of goods.

You also need to find a logistician who will live in China. He will take over some of the duties of checking, packing and shipping the goods.

Thus, you only need to find reliable suppliers and set up trade - open a stationary store or an online store and make yourself known.

If you wish, you can even create own brand. Certain products will be produced under your name and logo. You will be required to promote your business and develop an advertising campaign to make yourself known.

Why are buyers willing to buy popular Chinese products from us?

It's no secret that you can order the item you like directly from China. Then the question arises: why trade in popular goods from China?

And there are several reasons for this:

    Time saving

    Not all buyers are ready to wait for an order for several weeks or even months, many are willing to pay for the goods to be in their hands a few days later.

    Reluctance to look for something yourself

    Again, not many Internet users can independently search for a product that suits them, view reviews and study seller ratings. Some of them will prefer to pay extra, but get the most understandable and full information in Russian.


    Not everyone can cross psychological barrier and decide to order goods directly from China.

    Many people prefer to shop locally, and this applies to both stationary stores and online shopping, where you can pay in cash or cash on delivery.

    In addition, many appreciate live communication when you can call a consultant or contact the seller to clarify the details of interest.

Thus, all the work on the search, description and shooting of goods is carried out by you. By the way, the last point is very important, as buyers are interested in how the product looks live.

And you include all your work in the margin, for which buyers are still willing to pay, which once again confirms the profitability of trading in popular goods from China.

3 large online platforms with suppliers of goods from China

And before moving on to an overview of the top most popular products from China, let's go through the popular online platforms with suppliers:

    Everyone has heard of this site. Here you can buy anything. Due to the fall of the ruble, many goods here have ceased to be budget, but still many people continue to buy goods here.

    The undoubted advantage is free shipping, which applies to most goods, the Russian language, the ability to communicate with the seller and bargain with him.

    This site is designed for small and large wholesale, that is, it is a vivid example of an intermediary working on B2B principles. Before you need to pay attention to the status of the seller, the presence of a good website, as well as a retail store.

    A large Asian hypermarket with a wide range and decent quality of goods. There is a multilingual support service, the ability to pay for an order in several currencies (including rubles), but delivery is paid, and prices are an order of magnitude higher than in other inmags.

The most popular goods from China: TOP 10 categories

1. Electronic gadgets and accessories for them.

The crisis has left its mark on the purchasing power of many citizens of our country, so the demand for electronic gadgets from China has grown. Most of them are distinguished by a reasonable price and a good “stuffing”, but still there is a “more expensive” category, which is also popular among technology lovers.

So, these include:

  • smartphones and tablets;
  • memory drives;
  • wired and wireless headphones;
  • smart watch;
  • fitness trackers;
  • media players.

As for the first option, Asian versions of gadgets are cheaper, but then you have to take care of the global firmware yourself. Or you can immediately purchase international versions of smartphones.

Before ordering a large batch of gadgets, start by testing a few copies, take them to service center to ensure their quality.

Separately or additionally, you can trade various accessories: covers, protective glasses and films, portable batteries. In any case, the output from such sales will, of course, be subject to their competent organization.

2. Small household appliances.

Electronic gadgets are followed by small household appliances. These popular products from China include electric kettles, coffee makers, juicers, blenders, and food processors. This can also include various gadgets for the "smart home" - climate stations, cleaning robots, video surveillance.

Chinese manufacturers follow trends and new technologies, so you can always offer customers relevant products at affordable prices.

But, as in the first case, investments in the business will be impressive, because you need to provide customers with a wide range of goods.

3. Clothes, shoes and accessories.

Fakes and replicas of well-known brands are in demand, but in this case, you should indicate this when reselling goods and choose quality copies. But you can go the other way - follow fashion trends and look for clothing and footwear options that match them.

Since many sellers resell this category of goods, both in stationary showrooms and on the Internet, order small quantities of the most popular items and test your business so that you can then proceed to larger purchases.

4. Goods for the home.

Chinese market differs by a variety of goods for the house which can be picked up under any style of an interior and a season. This includes various decor, bedding, textiles, hobby items, and garden accessories.

You can stop at one category of goods or cover most of the range.

Investing in a business will depend on what you choose to deal with. Relatively little capital will be needed to trade in small decor items: garlands, frames, wall stickers, artificial flowers.

5. Pet supplies.

Most of the pet products are made in China, but we sell them at a hefty markup, although some items may cost a few dollars to purchase.

What will be in constant demand are toys for pets, brushes, rugs, beds and pillows.

But goods with a maximum markup, such as costumes, unusual collars, houses, have a maximum markup, since such purchases are approached more deliberately.

Do not be lazy and look for something that is not offered in other stores in order to stand out from their background and thereby win over customers.

6. Office.

High-quality and stylish stationery has always been in demand. At any time of the year (about the eve school year you can not say at all) people buy notebooks, pens, pencils, sketchbooks.

But now diaries (of which there are a lot in China), multi-colored adhesive tapes, stickers, stickers are especially popular.

You can also trade in items for artists - brushes, paints, easels, which are inferior in price to European copies.

7. Goods for sports and recreation.

Sports and outdoor activities are now in vogue. These two categories of popular goods from China stand side by side, so if you decide to open a store, you can combine them, thereby controlling the level of sales.

For example, in autumn and winter, many people buy sports equipment, and before summer, tents, backpacks, and barbecues are extremely popular.

As a rule, the sizes of goods are small and medium, which significantly reduces the cost of delivery of goods, and on some sites where you can order small lots, it is completely free.

8. Lighting items.

Another important category of the most popular products from China is lighting items: chandeliers, night lamps, table lamps, decorative garlands, LED lamps.

As a rule, the purchase cost of small items is not large, and delivery will not be expensive either, so doing such a business is quite profitable. Again, do not forget that most of These products are made in China, so buying them from there is the most profitable option.

In addition, buyers always want to check the light bulbs and diodes in operation, so as not to purchase defective goods.

9. Crockery and kitchen utensils.

Most of the products in this category that we see on store shelves come from China. Here you can find everything - from silicone molds to expensive pots and dinner sets.

Various fashionable water bottles and devices that make our lives easier (cup teapots, food-grade silicone, decorative cutting knives) can be purchased directly from China.

And here such a moment is important that many people prefer to find all sorts of little things in the place, rather than ordering via the Internet and waiting for a small parcel for several weeks, which, moreover, can be lost along the way (and this is a fairly common occurrence).

What are the most popular products from China?

In this video you will learn about the TOP 5 cheapest and most popular things:

10. Furniture.

And finally, we left the most interesting ...

Probably, many will be surprised, but China is by far the leader in the production of furniture. Many eminent companies moved here, and this did not affect the quality of the furniture produced.

Selling furniture from the Middle Kingdom is quite profitable and interesting, despite the fact that the niche may seem busy. From there you can carry a variety of specimens, which we simply do not have.

But in this case, looking for suppliers via the Internet is quite risky, because the investments in the business are huge.

In the province of Guangdong, namely in the city of Foshan, there is the largest wholesale center where furniture tours are organized. At the exhibitions, you can personally see the samples and directly order the furniture you are interested in.

The time of its production and delivery will take about one and a half months, and the amount of prepayment is often 30% of the total order value.

In one article it is difficult to fully cover all the most popular products from China, because it's easier to list what is unprofitable to buy here.

Manufacturers from the Celestial Empire always follow the latest fashion trends, “peep” the secrets at branded factories, and implement cheaper options, which are in great demand in our country as a result.

You are required to find goods with acceptable quality at the best prices and sell them, thereby building your own profitable business.

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How to start a business with China, starting from scratch and without investments? How to make money on the resale of Chinese goods and what is better to sell? How to find suppliers and intermediaries?

Hello dear friends! Welcome to the founder of the HeatherBober magazine, Alexander Berezhnov!

It's no secret that many people made their first million by reselling goods from China.

In this article, I will reveal all the chips about doing business with China from "A" to "Z", we will analyze the advice of experts and consider the most effective and profitable business models.

So far, this niche is relatively free: if you decide to start your own business and don’t know what to choose, it’s time to turn your attention towards the East.

Let's get it right, friends!

1. Business on goods from China - is it possible to start a business from scratch

Products Chinese made constitutes a significant share of the entire world market. In Russia about 60-80% light industry goods is represented by Chinese consumer goods. Modern Chinese products are no longer as handicraft and low-quality as they were 20 years ago: goods have become more functional and durable, they look much better.

Even if you have never been involved in sales and are familiar with Chinese goods only from a consumer point of view, no one and nothing can prevent you from starting a business with China and acquiring a new (and very profitable) source of income.

In this area, without making extra efforts (and without even leaving home) you can earn from 50 000 rubles every month and at the same time have time for life and rest.

Today, only the lazy do not do business with China. Business with China for resale without investments (well, or almost without them) is relatively simple and accessible to everyone with basic knowledge and business skills. You don't have to be a trade school or business school graduate to understand how the market works.

In fact, the scheme of work with China comes down to three points:

  • find goods in China as cheaply as possible;
  • deliver it to the Russian Federation;
  • sell at a premium.

Do not rush to object "but what about customs, certificates, document flow, taxes?". Below we will consider this scheme and all related questions in more detail and in detail. Exactly narrow-minded skepticism - the main obstacle to any successful entrepreneurial activity.

The second hurdle is lack of necessary knowledge . With the advent of the Internet, information has become more accessible and practically free: an example of this is the article you are reading.

Trade is the most attractive field of activity for beginner businessmen. It is much easier than manufacturing: you just need to purchase goods from wholesale suppliers and sell them at retail prices. Learning to do business with China does not take much time, especially if a person has a desire and a goal.

So, if you have this same goal and a great desire, then you can build a business on goods from China in just 6 weeks.

And the expert in training in this area, verified by me, will help you get started.

I myself am already implementing this guy's chips in my business and they really work.

2. Chinese manufacturers are more profitable than any other

Interest Russian business to Chinese goods is growing steadily. China produces everything without which it is difficult to imagine life modern man: clothes, cosmetics, accessories, household appliances, gadgets. Surely your apartment is full of things marked "Made in China".

Even 15-20 years ago, plastic Chinese products crumbled in the hands of the buyer, now the quality of goods from China is quite satisfactory, and sometimes excellent. The stereotype “Chinese means short-lived and miserable” has almost lost its relevance. Even iPhones and other expensive brands are now made in Chinese factories, as it is inexpensive due to cheaper labor.

This graph reflects the growth of China's trade relations with Russia in 2015-2016:

As you can see, the turnover is not small and it increases over time.

The quality of Chinese products is constantly growing, but prices (at least wholesale prices) are still low.

What conclusion can be drawn from these facts? Correctly: you can make good money on buying and reselling goods from the “Celestial Empire”.

Wholesale deliveries from China can become a reliable and constant source of profit.

Initial costs will be minimal if modern information technologies (meaning the Internet) are involved in the business. There are already hundreds of companies on the market that act as intermediaries in the delivery of goods from the producer to the consumer: why don't you join the number successful businessmen earning stable income through a simple and understandable commercial scheme.

Benefits of doing business with China

We list the main advantages of working with China:

  1. Low prices. When working with local (domestic) suppliers, the margin is usually 10-20% (in the most successful cases - 50%). Buying goods in China and selling them will bring you from 50% to 1000% markup. Cheap labor reduces the cost of production to a minimum.
  2. Huge selection of goods. The range of Chinese goods is almost endless and limited only by your imagination. You can find absolutely everything in China, so you can fill your market niche with any kind of goods - say, an exclusive that has no analogues in the local market.
  3. The focus of Chinese sellers is exclusively on sale. Due to competition and dumping, the Chinese value every client. They are in touch 24/7, you can start working with them with minimal lots, bargain, request free samples and models, photos and descriptions, and set favorable delivery terms. An experienced buyer knows how to reduce the purchase price to a minimum and conclude the most profitable contract.
  4. Opportunity to purchase exclusive goods. As your business progresses, you can move on to bigger and more profitable deals. It is not necessary to work with intermediaries: you can establish direct contacts with the manufacturer and purchase goods of a specific brand that is poorly represented on the market.

Why is business with China profitable?

  • Firstly due to the modern pace of life. The buyer today values ​​his time: he will not spend it on ordering and delivering goods from China, it is easier for him to place an order with you.
  • Secondly, not everyone will understand the variety of sites offering goods from China.

To understand the functionality, check the integrity of the seller, calculate the cost of the goods, taking into account the delivery, you need skills and knowledge. Most people will prefer to turn to domestic intermediaries operating through sites with simple and understandable terms of cooperation.

It is much easier for an ordinary buyer to choose a product on a Russian-language site: they always have the opportunity to call the seller or discuss the terms of interaction and delivery.

3. How to start a business with China - 10 easy steps from A to Z

Let's move on to practice and learn how to start a business with China from the first step.

Step 1. We study business models on goods from China

There are several proven and effective business models that you can use to initial stage of your entrepreneurial career:

  • dropshipping;
  • Joint purchases;
  • wholesale sales offline;
  • retail sales;
  • work through the online store.

Now more about each business model.

1) Dropshipping

Dropshipping- a method that allows you to start a business with virtually no investment. The essence of this model is extremely simple: you receive money from buyers, and then transfer the request for this product to a third-party supplier, who sends it to the buyer.

You get a percentage for mediation. At the same time, the client does not even realize that he is purchasing goods from someone else.

Your goal is to attract buyers, to convince them to buy goods from you. Intermediary commissions with this business model range from 30 to 500%. Agree, not the lowest profit in the absence of initial costs. At the same time, you do not need to worry that the goods you bought will lie in the warehouse for months - you redeem it only when you receive a specific order from the client, paying with his own money.

2) Joint purchases

Joint purchases- this is when several people join a group and buy goods from an official supplier.

The commercial idea of ​​this event is to save money through bulk purchases. Another advantage of this option is the reduction in shipping costs. Usually the cost of transporting goods from China is much higher than the price of the product itself.


A company of our friends of 3 has united their financial opportunities to buy wholesale sportswear famous brand, which has a production site in China.

The purchase allowed them to start a business selling goods first through social networks, then through one-page sites, and then through their online store.

3) Wholesale

Approximately similar model, only the goods are sold not at retail, but in large quantities. You again act as intermediaries and receive a certain percentage for your services. Business offers from China are numerous and diverse: finding a profitable partner is quite a feasible task.

The scheme of work is as follows:

  1. You find a reliable wholesale supplier.
  2. You are looking for a client with a ready-made trading business or an aspiring entrepreneur. You tell him that you already have your own supply chain for Chinese products at a bargain price. The cost should, of course, be lower than the one at which the businessman buys the goods at the moment.
  3. The client makes an advance payment, you buy the goods. You get commissions for your actions.

How to find local partners? At first, it is enough to use free ad sites and social networks. Be sure to mark "wholesale" in your ads. When the business starts to make a profit, move on to more effective paid advertising tools, such as . You can start with Yandex.Direct.

4) Online store

Option for the "advanced" entrepreneur. we have written before.

Typically, an Internet site for commercial activities requires initial costs, but in the end it brings more solid income. On the initial stage a store landing page (target or “landing” page) or a promoted group in social networks will be enough.

We are setting up the work of the online store step by step:

  1. Forming an offer- We offer customers a low price for a sought-after and attractive product.
  2. We spend advertising campaign : here the scope of creativity is unlimited - business ideas can be generated independently or used already ready-made solutions, taken from the Internet (on forums on business with China and other resources).
  3. Store promotion (marketing). Discounts, profitable offers, promotions for new and regular customers. Use any options to attract buyers. For effective promotion our article about will help you.

In online stores, the most important are 3 constituent elements: Prices, Service, Assortment. Before sales become consistent and the store gains stable popularity, you will have to try many ways to increase sales until you find the most effective ones.

An example of an effective sale

You offer the buyer an ultra-modern knife sharpener for 100 rubles. The buyer orders a call, you confirm your offer, but at the same time specify that the delivery costs 200 rubles.

But you can make the purchase more cost-effective and profitable if you order the "Housewife's Dream" kit, which, in addition to the aforementioned sharpener, includes ultra-precise electronic scales for the kitchen and an ax for chopping meat from "bulletproof" steel.

The set costs 650 rubles, but the entrepreneur takes care of the delivery. Some buyers will definitely accept such an attractive offer.

In this example, we see an effective option to increase the amount of the sale (average check) when conducting telephone conversations.

Step 2. Define your resources

The amount of money you have available directly affects the choice of business model. If this stock is close to zero, then you should start with dropshipping: intermediary eliminates monetary risk and minimizes your own costs for the purchase of goods.

If the resources allow you to open an online store and promote it, then you immediately get to a higher level of business: in this case profits will be higher, but the volume of work will also increase.

Step 3. We find our niche in business - we evaluate the prospects of the product

The most important question for anyone starting a business with China is what to sell?

Friends, my business acquaintances who are already engaged in this business say that anything can be successfully sold. But if you are just starting out, it is better to work with products that are in stable consumer demand.

If you are not at all guided by market trends, I will give you the following tips:

  • to determine the demand for product categories will help the statistics of the service from Yandex Wordstat (;
  • the goods sold should not be excessively competitive;
  • the product must be of high quality. If you trade a product with a low functionality indicator, the first purchases on your resource will be the only ones;
  • It is desirable to understand the products with which you work. If you are aware of the latest fashion trends in the field of mobile devices, you should pay attention to this particular market niche;
  • what are your hobbies? Maybe you love football. And you are well aware of what quality balls and sports uniforms are. In this you are already an expert and will be able to choose the right product and successfully sell it.


One unique gadgets for "iPhone" or "iPad" can be found in the Chinese wholesale markets hundreds of varieties - take care of them (the question should be studied in as much detail as possible) and sell to everyone with almost zero competition.

Do not purchase goods you do not know in large wholesale quantities. It's always best to start with the smallest amount. Many vendors offer to purchase small trial lots. If the goods do not go, the monetary losses will be minimal.

Step 4. Search for goods in China - we find suppliers and intermediaries

Where to start looking for suppliers and intermediaries? First you need to decide who you are going to work with. If your goal is wholesale, you should contact direct suppliers: manufacturers or their distributors. If you are into dropshipping, then intermediary sites fall into the scope of your interests.

Today, to do business with China, it is not at all necessary to go on business trips to the "Celestial Empire" and negotiate directly with sellers. All products can be found and ordered online. If you are afraid to work on your own, turn to the services of companies that will help you promote your business and save you from typical mistakes of beginners.

For small and medium wholesale, the following Internet sites Aliexpress, Alibaba, Taobao, Dinodirect, Tmart, Focalprice are suitable. There are others, but these will suffice for a start.

Comparison table of the most popular sites selling Chinese goods:

Name Peculiarities Pros (+) Minuses (-)
1 RetailFinancial protection of the clientPrice rise
2 Medium and large wholesalePrices are 2-3 times lower than on other resourcesNo retail
3 One of the most visited sites in the world.More than 750 million items of goodsPrices and information in Chinese
4 Wide range of productsThere is a Russian version. Payments via Qiwi.High price
5 Wide range of productsDropshipping possibleNo Russian version

To work and make transactions, you must register on the selected web resource. You should not abandon the site just because of the lack of a Russian-language version: use an Internet translator - including for communicating with suppliers.

By the way, the ability to communicate online is the main condition for successful and profitable work. With the help of dialogue, you can evaluate the professionalism and adequacy of the partner.

Step 5. Checking a partner in China so as not to run into scammers

When choosing a particular intermediary, be sure to study its documents and try to find real reviews and recommendations from customers who have already worked with this supplier. Never work with an unverified or the first partner you come across: in China they know how to deceive.

When communicating, it is imperative to stipulate sanctions in case of unreliable information or a sudden change in the terms of the contract. If you are in the mood for a serious and long-term relationship, the option of checking the reliability of the company is possible. Insist on delivering product samples before making a deal.

Let's list the series possible problems that new entrepreneurs may face:

  1. Fake shell companies. A non-existent company registers a domain and conducts an active advertising campaign on the Web. The buyer is told about favorable conditions and low prices. After the payment is made, the company disappears without a trace.
  2. Selling low-quality goods. Sometimes even the conclusion of a contract with a real manufacturer does not guarantee the supply of the products you were counting on. In China, clandestine mini-factories still continue to operate, supplying the market with low-quality conveyor products.
  3. Hacking your computer: scammers get your mail data, bank details and payment systems.

To avoid meeting with scammers, check and double-check your business partner. A pragmatic approach and caution will save your finances and peace of mind.

Below we will consider the main nuances when choosing a reliable supplier:

  1. Set the domain lifetime(if it exists only a couple of days or weeks, refuse to cooperate).
  2. Check contacts, which will help you get the real coordinates of the company. If only the city is indicated on the site, but there is no specific address, this is a reason to doubt the status of the company. Contacting a supplier who leaves incomplete or fake details is an unjustified risk.
  3. Check the supplier's website carefully. If, along with jewelry, cars and household appliances are traded on the resource, it is unlikely that you are dealing with a real resource of the manufacturer.
  4. Check the binding of electronic coordinates supplier to free mail services. The absence of your own postal service is a sign of a dubious company.
  5. Examine the conditions of prepayment and details of the supplier. It is necessary that these be company accounts, and not personal accounts of employees.
  6. Pay attention to the language of the site: if only the English version is present, this is a reason to be wary. Fraudsters usually don't bother translating the resource into Chinese.
  7. Check the company in the list of scammers. This is easy to do through search engines.
  8. Examine all references about the company on the web.
  9. Communicating with suppliers require the provision of statutory and registration documents companies.
  10. Ask the company for an official invitation for a study tour to the manufacturer's factory. By the reaction of a partner, you can tell a lot about his status.

Ideally, you should find an expert Chinese and find out information about the company on the resource of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Step 6. We study the conditions of ordering and delivery of goods

The terms of delivery of the order are usually detailed on the website, but in practice, each buyer may have the right to choose more favorable options for himself. For small wholesale parties, customs clearance, certification, tax reporting and other manipulations with documents are not required.

Spend quality time on this issue, this will save you a significant part of your money.

Difficulties arise if you move to the next stage of the business and start working with large deliveries from the manufacturer.

Step 7. How and where to sell - we find a buyer

We have already talked about ways of doing business above. If you are a novice businessman without start-up capital, you will have to work as an intermediary and show imagination in attracting customers. You can create landing pages on the Internet - landing pages (their cost is minimal compared to the cost of creating a site), you can sell through social networks.

Step 8. Calculate profitability

Acting at random, even if you are not investing finances in your project, but only your own time, is unjustified and inappropriate. Be sure to pre-calculate the profitability of your enterprise.

If you receive without upfront costs 100-300% from the initial cost of the product, acting only as an intermediary, which means that the business is profitable and promises good profit in the future. If your income is calculated in units of percent, you should think about optimizing your activities.

Such a simple calculation will give you an understanding of the effectiveness of your business.

Step 9. We buy goods and conduct a quick test of the product

I have already mentioned the need to purchase samples and trial batches. The received product must be tested. If you start to “drive” customers with a low-quality product, your business will wither before it has time to flourish.


The product must certainly be tested for functionality, aesthetics, strength and other qualities declared by the manufacturer.

If for some reason the characteristics of the product do not satisfy you, it is better to refuse the transaction than to ruin your reputation. In business, an honest name is more valuable than momentary profit.

Your business will be successful to the extent that customers are satisfied with the quality of the product.

Step 10. Starting Your Successful Business

Now everything is ready and the final touches are left before the start - this is to get answers to 3 main questions that Evgeny Guryev, an expert on business with China, analyzes in his video:

You can find out even more valuable and unique information on FREE, where he gives a step-by-step technology for starting a business with examples and numbers.

4. What goods can you earn money on - TOP-10 goods from China

Here I have described popular products, selling which many entrepreneurs have already earned good money.

Here is a list of the most popular and profitable products:

  • shoes and clothes. Low cost, widest range, aesthetic appearance goods of this category allows you to work with any age categories and social groups;
  • accessories - umbrellas, watches, belts, bags, wallets, etc.;
  • video recorders, navigators, other car gadgets;
  • cases for mobile devices;
  • actually mobile devices - smartphones, iPhones;
  • tablets, e-books;
  • small disposable goods - hygiene products, plastic tableware, kitchen utensils;
  • long-term storage foods - dried fruits, teas, nuts, dried seafood;
  • household and computer equipment;
  • toys and children's designers.

This is not a complete list of popular and sought-after products, but you can start with them.

5. How to start a business with China "in an adult way" - wholesale deliveries from China

For legitimate business activities, large firms should adhere to a certain scheme:

  1. Purchase of goods from the supplier with all necessary invoices and certificates.
  2. Official customs clearance of a consignment of goods, payment of duty.
  3. Registration of declarations and certificates of conformity for imported products.

Several channels are used to transport Chinese goods to the Russian Federation. But the most reliable is delivery by trucks. In some situations, it is more profitable to use combined options.

When choosing a product on the supplier's website, pay attention to the abbreviations in the "Price" column. The following notation is usually used there: FOB and EXW.

  • FOB– the cost of the product is indicated with the cost of transportation to Shanghai and processing of export / import documents. In this case, you simply pay only shipping to the final destination.
  • EXW- this is the provision of goods to the buyer directly from the enterprise. In such a situation, all shipping costs are borne by the buyer (wherever he is). You will have to choose which option is more profitable.

Be sure to check with your partner for an export license. This document allows the export of consumer goods outside the PRC. Otherwise, even if you have already purchased the product and paid for it, you will not be able to export the product outside the country.

If doing business with China is so profitable, why is everyone still not working in this direction?

It's not about competition, it's not about government oversight, it's not about spoilage and it's not about bad market conditions. The problem is in the very specifics of this business: there are a lot of nuances that either do not allow the entrepreneur to develop, or deprive him of profit.

Success in doing business with China is influenced by:

  • the ability to find a promising product and assess the profitability of a business;
  • the ability to calculate the final cost of the product, taking into account overhead costs;
  • the ability to find profitable and reliable suppliers and the skills of negotiating prices, delivery and business organization;
  • having the skills to build marketing and sales in the sales market.

Ideally, the process of doing business should be automated as much as possible: it is necessary to develop the most effective scheme of work and act according to it, without being distracted by extraneous circumstances.

Common Newbie Mistakes in Business with China

Below we consider the main mistakes of novice entrepreneurs in organizing their business on goods from China:

  1. Lack of a clear business idea(decide: do you want to just make money for entertainment or make entrepreneurship your life's work?). We already wrote about which business idea to choose to start.
  2. Fear of failure and failure: indecision does not allow you to start, even if internal resources are present.
  3. Focus on start-up capital.
  4. Lack of basic skills entrepreneurial activity.
  5. Unwillingness to learn new things.

There are several reliable and smart companies on the Internet that help newcomers start their business with suppliers from the PRC. In particular, Evgeny Guryev, an entrepreneur who organizes specialized trainings and courses on this topic, teaches business in China.

During the classes, he introduces everyone to various business models, tells how to start working with Chinese suppliers from scratch or make an existing business more efficient.

On special portals, you can read the lectures of this entrepreneur, where he explains the nuances and details of working with partners from the PRC and teaches how to bypass the pitfalls that deprive businessmen of profits.

10 golden rules for working with Chinese suppliers

Friends, in conclusion, I suggest you familiarize yourself with ten rules that help reduce risks when working with Chinese suppliers:

  1. Always check and double check suppliers.
  2. Conclude official contracts for the supply of goods.
  3. Test the provided samples.
  4. Choose the most optimal delivery scheme.
  5. Insist on honest and objective product specifications.
  6. Communicate personally with suppliers.
  7. Specify in advance the actions and sanctions in the event of the delivery of marriage.
  8. Conduct constant monitoring of the market situation, looking for better deals.
  9. Comprehensively examine the purchased product. Minimum prices are good, but never forget about the functionality and quality of products.
  10. Evaluate the service level of the supplier. Convenient customer service works for the future.

7. Learning to do business with China

I spent about 3 months of my life looking for really high-quality training courses on Business with China for results.

I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube on this topic, studied dozens of sites, even met with some of the "gurus" in person. And to be honest, 90% of them turned out to be amateurs or scammers.

After conducting my “investigation” and interviewing 28 friends and acquaintances who started a business on Chinese goods and are now successfully running it, I concluded that without “water” and only working techniques in the entire runet, only one guy teaches, who himself has been teaching for many years " digs” this niche and has already earned not one million rubles. It .

His achievements just helped my 28 friends to start successfully.

Finally, on the subject of training... Watch a video in which a student of Zhenya Guryev shares his impressions and, most importantly, monetary results:

I wish you the same success! How to start a small business - a step-by-step guide for aspiring entrepreneurs to start their own business + tips and examples

Despite the fact that there are a lot of companies and individual sellers in the field of trade with China now - this market is simply immense - it is quite possible to start working on it. Today I.Q. Review will consider how exactly you can organize a profitable business in the trade of goods from China using a real example.

Resale of goods from China - how did it all begin?

Hello, my name is Anna, I am from Ukraine, the city of Lugansk. I want to talk about how budget shopping in China via the Internet led to a full-fledged business and a stable income. At the time of starting the business, I was 20 years old - it was the end of 2010-beginning of 2011. I did this for 2 years, until the end of 2013.

In 2010-11, online shopping was only gaining popularity, and I, as a true shopaholic girl, quickly joined this topic. Opportunity to purchase items from different countries- America, England, China - at prices much lower than those in our stores, and also to purchase those things that no one else has.

My interest in the topic bargain shopping was very large, and so I regularly visited about a dozen different store sites. I was especially attracted by Chinese shopping (site There are a huge number of sellers registered on this site from all over China, where they represent a variety of products, ranging from clothing and shoes to furniture, medicines and much more.

Since the site is in Chinese, an online translator came to the rescue. When I wanted to register, I ran into a number of problems: for example, linking a mobile number, learning how to work with payment systems.

At that time, it was difficult to solve them, I had to learn a lot on my own, in my own practice, spending several hours getting an answer to the simplest question (and there were a lot of them). Now there are ways and special services with which you can register yourself, simply and quickly. And there are also enough instructions on the Internet, so even a user who has never ordered anything from abroad is unlikely to encounter such a bunch of difficulties.

How to order goods in China? About finding an intermediary

And then I decided to look for a “intermediary” person in China who could help me with purchases. In fact, I think that it is safer this way, since a person will be able to check the thing for quality, marriage, color, and, in general, there is a guarantee that you will not get a pig in a poke.

The search for a mediator began: I started visiting all kinds of forums, sites where people offered their services. There were quite a lot of such people, the choice was very difficult, since it was assumed that I would send money to a stranger at your own peril and risk, and hope that I will not be “thrown”, and there were very few reviews at that time.

I began to learn the conditions and requirements for work from the most different people. An important criterion for me was that a person was in China, and it doesn’t matter if he is Russian, Ukrainian or Chinese, or a person of another nationality.

Chinese intermediaries are very common, they communicate in not very clear English. But if you know at least at a basic level English language, then with the online translator you will cope with the negotiations.

Clothes from China

It is highly desirable to find a Russian-speaking person, and ideally a person of Slavic nationality (since the Asian mentality is still different from ours), who knows Chinese. Often it can be our students who went to study abroad. This is very important, because any online translators are not perfectly accurate, and a mistake in communication can lead to the fact that you receive the wrong product or product of the wrong quality, or there will be some other deviations from what you want.

You can also look for an intermediary in your country: because of the comparative cheapness of education, many Chinese come to us. It is quite possible that among them there will be those who have friends, acquaintances, relatives with whom you can start doing business.

If you have a small budget and you order goods in small batches, it is unlikely that you will be able to work with professionals. It's about about those who know both Russian/English and Chinese, and at the same time perfectly know all the subtleties of the process. Where is it better to choose, how to deliver quickly, how much delivery will cost and how long it will take, how best to arrange everything so as not to arouse suspicion, and so on. Even then, at the beginning of 2011, there were such people, but usually they set limits on the minimum amount (the minimum amount of production), and did not deal with small batches.

The principle of operation of an international mediator:

  1. You choose a product, place an order, send it to an intermediary (he makes his own adjustments, advice regarding the order, checks the rating of sellers).
  2. You send the full amount for the goods, plus the percentage that the intermediary takes for their work.
  3. He receives the goods, checks for defects, etc., sends you a report on the received goods (photo), weighs the goods, calculates the total cost of delivery to you.
  4. You send the amount for shipping.
  5. The intermediary sends the parcel, and you are waiting for your order.

The percentage of intermediaries varies from 5 to 25. I found on one of the forums a girl who lives and studies in China and works as an intermediary, her initial percentage was 15% for me.

Delivery of goods from China - how it works

We discussed all the conditions, chose the most profitable money transfer system for us to China, chose the delivery method (there are several types: regular mail, air, sea, international delivery services, such as DHL, container shipping, they all differ in delivery times, cost and the possibility of transporting the dimensions of the parcel).

Chinese cargo terminal

I placed an order - clothes and shoes - transferred the money and waited for my first package. Delivery from China by regular mail - periods of two to four weeks.

Three weeks after payment, I received a notification from the post office about the arrival of my parcel at the post office, and on the same day I received my first parcel from China weighing 14 kg. When pleasant emotions from what he received and saw subsided, logic turned on. On the things that I purchased, taking into account the percentage of the intermediary, the cost of delivery and money transfer, I saved my expenses by about one and a half times compared to the price of the same product in our city. And so the idea arose: to buy and sell things with your wrapping.

Product selection and first purchase for resale

I decided to draw up a business plan, if you can call it that. I decided to take the path of least resistance: not to invest a lot of money and effort in development. To begin with, I determined the category of goods that I will trade in - this is women's clothing.

Not copies or counterfeits of luxury brands, as this may cause problems upon receipt at customs. I decided to buy the most ordinary and most popular things in one or two copies, in the most popular size S-M. Even if they don’t sell, I can always keep it for myself or give it as a gift, sell it to my friends.

After consulting with our intermediary, we came to the conclusion that we will buy things that are sewn in China and are exported, for example, Zara, Vero Moda, H&M, etc. Such things in China are cheaper by two or even more times, and are of quite good quality, as they are exported (not only to the Russian Federation and Ukraine - there are such stores in other countries, both in the CIS and in Europe ).

The issue with delivery was unambiguously resolved for me - this is regular mail, since it is the cheapest. The maximum weight of one parcel must not exceed 20 kg. We agreed with the intermediary that when sending it, it will be indicated that these are personal items - in this case, the estimated cost is minimal.

The data are given for Ukraine for 2013 according to the author. In Russia, since 2014, customs restrictions have been in place on purchases in foreign online stores in order to combat this type of small business, since it allows you to evade taxes. Per month, you can receive parcels worth no more than 150 euros and no heavier than 10 kg. - Ed..

Thus, I avoid problems with customs clearance, but at the same time things will be in a maximum of two copies, which is not wholesale. The risk in this case is that if some things are stolen, I will not be able to recover the full amount from the post office.

Realizing that receiving from two to four parcels a month in my name may arouse suspicion, I decided to register several recipients: my relatives became them. I agreed with the intermediary on further cooperation with a lower percentage, agreed on 8.

How and to whom to sell goods from China: about finding ways to sell

The next step was to determine the site - where and how I will sell things. Since I was a student, I initially understood that I would not open a store in the future, but simply provide myself with additional pocket money. I was considering the option, but this also required additional costs, and in the future there may be, let's say, problems with registering an individual business, paying taxes.

Warehouse store of clothes and shoes

Therefore, I decided to use the services of such Internet sites as Aukro .ua, then still existing Slando .ua, creating a group in Vk. The advantages are obvious: I just sell my stuff, I don't have any official activity, I don't pay for the rent of the premises or for the maintenance of the online store, there are no taxes.

The calculation of the budget for the first parcel (20 kg of clothes - sweaters, trousers, dresses, t-shirts, T-shirts, etc.) showed that everything comes out to $ 1,000, including interest and delivery. My husband provided money for my business hobby. After all the calculations, it became clear that the net income will be from $ 150. The income will depend on my margin on the product. Even if you do not add a margin, but sell at cost, including shipping costs and interest, everything will turn out to be 0, and this is no longer a minus.

Having approved all my plan, I began to place orders. The intermediary sent parcels as they received the products. On average it turned out per month from 2 to 4-5 parcels. I was lucky, and there were no problems with the delivery time, the parcel always went for about three weeks.

By creating accounts on Internet sites, began to exhibit photos of things. My advantage was that the things were in my hands, and immediately after payment I sent parcels across Ukraine using the Nova courier service. Post » (in Ukraine - the most popular carrier). Not everyone is ready to wait more than two weeks for a blouse or something else to order (this would be the case if they ordered from China themselves), so it was convenient for me to buy. The recipients usually paid for the delivery, but I paid for large orders as a bonus.

Over time - many already knew me, the rating on the site aukro .ua and other sites was high - many began to apply for things on order (so as not to deal with the registration and payment of the order on their own, as I had to do initially). In such cases, again to avoid risk, I took a 50% advance payment.

At the end of the year, my minimum income from the resale of Chinese goods was stable at $ 300 per month. For two years I did not have any loss, at least, all my expenses were always “beaten back”.

Pitfalls: what problems did I encounter?

There are quite a lot of pitfalls in such a business, even if everything is done with such caution as I did. Here are some examples:

  1. During transportation, some things can be stolen, damaged, mistakenly sent to the wrong or wrong place.
  2. The parcel may arrive damp, crumpled, and it follows that things may be damaged, they will have to be brought to normal condition, wasting time, and even money (for example, to carry to dry cleaning).
  3. You can simply not sell these things, make a mistake with the choice (I didn’t have this, because I chose the most hot commodity, and only in small batches).
  4. Now there is a lot of competition in this market, you need to try to find your client, you need additional advertising costs.
  5. You can be "thrown" by an intermediary - you will send money, but in the end you will not receive anything, it will be very difficult to figure it out, since this is connected with another country.

An intermediary is your business partner - it must be reliable, in fact, this is the complexity of the search. There are cases when an intermediary can buy things at a lower cost, and things will be of poor quality. This can and should be monitored: by the nickname of your intermediary in completed transactions, on the product page.

70% of success depends on the intermediary! Having a small capital and correctly deciding on the category of goods, you can earn good money, as well as develop your business to a more serious scale.

If you have a significant amount of money, and your purchases will be large wholesale, I recommend going to China, taking an interpreter on the spot and negotiating directly with manufacturing factories.

My business ceased to exist, as I went to live in another country. She did not continue this kind of business in a new place, as her interests and type of activity changed.

Is it possible to start this business now?

The emergence of a huge number of intermediaries who receive income for their services could not go unnoticed. At the beginning of 2014, news appeared that could radically change the market:, one of the largest Chinese online sellers, officially launched a mail forwarding service, reports Thus, overseas buyers are now relieved of the need to use the services of Chinese intermediaries who receive goods at local addresses and then ship them abroad.

“This is not a new intermediary company, not just another reseller and package consolidator. This is the official, accessible to all service of the Alibaba group, ”the online publication emphasizes.

The cost of shipping orders is 18 yuan (about 100 rubles) for the first kilogram plus 3 yuan (about 17 rubles) for each subsequent pound. In addition, the buyer should pay for the shipping cost itself. You can pay for processing and delivery by bank Visa cards, Mastercard and American Express. In order to place an order and use the delivery service, the user needs to go through the registration process and verify the account through a mobile phone number and e-mail. After that, you can start ordering. All paid parcels arrive at the warehouse, after which the buyer can order their shipment to his address.

However, this possibility still remains “raw” and not ideally debugged. Yes, in theory, anyone can place an order directly and save some money. But in fact, for this you will have to deal with the service very, very much. For those who wish to order a lot and / or often, this is relevant. But if you are a girl who saw on the Internet Nice dress, and wants to order it from China - you are unlikely to want to spend time and effort on this. Therefore, the business of intermediaries is still popular and continues to grow.

10-15 years ago, Chinese goods were no different high quality- it was the cheapest disposable consumer goods. Today the situation has changed radically - modern products from China are no different in quality from well-known European and American brands, despite the fact that their prices are 2-3 times cheaper. That is why the business of selling goods from China is profitable and promising: you will sell quality items at a competitive price and will be able to quickly occupy local markets.

How to work

There are several schemes by which you can do business:

  1. Dropshipping. This method allows you to start earning without investments, so it is ideal for beginner businessmen. The principle of dropshipping is simple - you find people who need a product, get paid for it, and place an order with the manufacturer. The manufacturer sends the product to the customer, and you get your commission. Its size can be different - on expensive goods it is usually 25-35%, on cheap ones - 200-500%. The only drawback of such a business is that the client has to wait a couple of weeks until the goods arrive by mail.
  2. Joint purchases. This business is well developed in thematic groups or communities. main idea of this scheme - a reduction in the price of a wholesale purchase. A simple example is a manufacturer sells sneakers for $30 a pair, while a retailer puts them in stores for 60. The manufacturer does not deal with single orders - he has a minimum release lot of 10 pairs. Your task is to gather 10 people and receive a certain percentage from them for their activities (usually 20%). Additionally, your group will save on shipping - its cost will be divided into 10 parts.
  3. Wholesale trade. The principle of trade is similar to classic dropshipping, but with one amendment - goods are sold in bulk. Many shops will gladly buy goods at a low price with a little delay - you just need to organize the scheme of work correctly.
  4. Creating your own online store or platform. To do this, you need to either understand information technology, or hire a person who will make a website for you. It will bring a steady income if you offer customers low prices, quality service and a good assortment. You can work according to this scheme both in the classical way (by purchasing goods and selling them from a warehouse), and by dropshipping, warning people that delivery will take some time.

Business with China will bring you good profits with the right approach

Earning without investment

How to properly organize a business with China for resale without investments, so as not to burn out and reach a more or less stable income? It's simple - work according to the first scheme (dropshipping). Choose a specific type of product that you are going to sell, find thematic groups in social networks and forums, in order to study the need for it, find a good supplier, explain to him that you want to work on the principle of dropshipping, and start earning.

Note: parcels worth up to 1000 euros are tax-free and do not require “customs clearance”, so you can safely work with most types of goods. If your parcel costs more than 1000 euros, you can always ask the supplier to lower the price for a hassle-free customs clearance.

Another good sales option is to create a one-page website. This site will have a selling page with a description of the product and reviews about it - you can create it yourself according to the template. Such sites sell goods well and require minimal investment.