“We consider our daughter’s illness a reward from God. To the beloved abbot - all the best

I discovered an amazing thing: the Kingdom of Heaven can be bought with cash.
The Gospel says a lot about money, everyone knows this. There are also gifts that the Lord does not need (just as He did not need myrrh, incense and gold), but always accepts regardless of their cost - from two coins to poured oil. And the despicable metal rounds that were given to Him tempted Him with them, and they sold Him for them. And human relationships with each other and with God, tied to earthly wealth. There is even a precedent where ill-gotten gains, returned with interest, brought salvation to an entire family.
I don’t give a tenth of the income to the temple, to be honest. I do not burn with love, virtue, mercy or lack of self-interest. I’m generally barely warm, like a battery in a test run - I somehow warm myself up, but it’s all the same to the rest. But the fact is that there will be no real launch. And there is little time left. I forget that, going down the stairs, I can trip and break my spine, that, leaving the entrance, I can easily catch a pot from the neighbor’s balcony with the back of my head, that any car passing by can become my killer, that my own Bug is an iron box with a spark and gasoline, that the road claims thousands of lives a day, that moose jump out onto the roadway from time to time, that drunken and crazy people walk the streets, in the end, that cancer, tuberculosis and other joys live in me constantly, but inactively. Death turns out to be much closer than the dacha - and I don’t even take this path into account when making plans: “I’ll arrive now, and...”

The Lord waits - from the den to the Mount of Olives, and accepts everything - from myrrh to two kopecks. Accepts and rewards a hundredfold both on earth and in eternity. But time passes, and this Mazda is still missing, but this Fordik is not on target?..

The Kingdom of Heaven is selling out. Prayer, deeds, fasting, pillars, forests, monasteries, sisterhoods, relatives, random passers-by, words, money - these are ways to acquire part of it, and the greater the payment, the larger and better the allotment. Money is probably the weakest currency, but it is still quoted, and with it, without spending much effort, you can get a scrap of land and a visa to a place where many of us would be denied entry due to our personal merits.

It is unlikely that there are church people who have not heard about the Pestov-Sokolov family. Father Theodore and his driver Yura Beloborodov died in the accident and were buried nearby, behind the altar. And their children, Lyubochka and Seryozha, became adults and got married, Seryozha was ordained and became a priest, and Lyubochka became a mother. Have you ever seen the Light of God in people? This is the Sokolov family, their children and grandchildren. This is Lyubochka with her father Sergius. Next to them, you feel how dirty you are against the background of their purity, but you experience not shame, but amazing joy and elation: how good, how quiet and sparklingly happy, yes, I can be like that too, I’m with you!
Lizonka, their first-born, was born seemingly healthy, but every month she became more and more developmentally delayed: we met by chance in a store, got to talking, and Lyuba, without hiding her anxiety, said that the baby was not even turning over yet, although my Varyukha, who was not much older than her, she was already sitting down. I bleated about “anything can happen, all children have their own pace,” but what could a graduate painter say to his mother-doctor?..
Lizochka's suffering, fear of uncertainty and examinations wherever possible took months. Finally, a disappointing diagnosis was made: Rett syndrome. The parents began to save their daughter: they took up regular massages, some kind of supportive exercises, bought a special walker and a stroller, and the priest’s salary of 25,000 rubles ended. Then they announced a collection of donations, found doctors and a rehabilitation clinic in Italy (alas, in Russia, apparently, they do not deal with this disease) and go there for entire courses.
This family does not suck paws and does not starve. But if you know how much effort and despicable paperwork it costs to treat a sick child, how difficult it is for parents and how easy it is for us to help, you will understand why Liza’s disease is not only their business.
I'm not the sun, I won't warm everyone. But you can try someone :)
If only for the sake of sometimes being a person who not only absorbs and fertilizes, gives birth to animals and dies, but gives to the world not-self for the sake of not-self. Violating the instinctive, bestial part of their nature for the sake of some other, real human, eternal part of it.

However, Dickens said it much better than me:
- O slave of your vices and passions! - the ghost cried. - Do not know that every Christian soul, doing good, even in the most humble field, will find its earthly life too fleeting for the limitless possibilities of good! Not knowing that even centuries of repentance cannot compensate for the opportunity lost on earth to do a good deed. I didn't know! I didn't know!
“But you’ve always done your business well, Jacob,” muttered Scrooge, who had already begun to apply his words to himself.
- Affairs! - cried the ghost, wringing his hands again. - Caring for my neighbor was what should have become my business. The public good is what I should have strived for. Mercy, compassion, generosity, this is what I had to direct my activities towards. And engaging in commerce is just a drop of water in the boundless ocean of deeds destined for us.

The worst punishment

The kitchen has always been and remains our favorite family place; it is here that everyone gets together, talks, discusses, rejoices and grieves.

My childhood memories are connected specifically with the kitchen. When you get up after a nap and already know that there will be an afternoon snack, the delicious smells of baked goods, pancakes, and cheesecakes come from the kitchen. You go into the kitchen, which is flooded with bright sunshine, there mommy, like the sun herself, is setting the table, all her movements are very fast and at the same time neat. Everything is done with love and care. I still love watching my mother do something, she does everything so quickly. I don’t remember that we children saw our mother very tired or depressed, as it is fashionable to say now; on the contrary, it was always clear that she was happy about everything. Although now I understand how difficult it is to have many children, and at the same time manage to keep the house in perfect order, cook food, be joyful and friendly... colossal work!

I also remember how my mother put us to bed. In Grebnevo, a large room was allocated for our family. And now it’s evening, we are lying on the beds, and the mother is rocking the baby in her arms and singing lullabies, but more often she sang chants: “To my Queen, Most Blessed,” “Under Your Mercy”... and my soul felt so good and calm from my mother’s quiet prayer ...

Children's ideas about parents: mom is so big, warm, bright, dad is an unquestioned authority, but at the same time, very dear and kind. If we misbehaved during the day, we had to quickly ask mom for forgiveness, because it’s scary to imagine: dad will come and mom will tell him. We were afraid to offend dad, to upset him, we knew that he was very tired. Although his whole punishment was that he looked at us with a stern look. He himself said that he adopted the manner of looking like that from his father, our grandfather, and said that for him there was nothing more terrible than this look.

We had a tradition: in the evening, mom always gathered us all and said that dad would come in five minutes. We quickly put things in order and always met dad in a clean house. If dad was in time for dinner, it was real happiness for us.

Having breakfast together was also a joy. If we knew that dad would be able to have breakfast with us, we got up early, prepared something ourselves: made sandwiches, fried cheesecakes or scrambled eggs, set the table - tried to please our parents. I even remember they wrote various notes and slipped them under the door: “We invite you to breakfast! On the menu: tea, cheesecakes, sandwiches!”

Ordinary children

We always knew that you would come, for example, to school, and there they would ask how many children there are in our family. And then surprise will follow. But we didn’t feel any special: we were the same as everyone else. Yes, many classmates have their own separate rooms, but I don’t. But this did not disadvantage me in any way. I didn’t think at all in this way, that what a nightmare, someone has something, but I don’t.

In high school, everyone already has a computer, mobile phone. And we have one computer for everyone, and our classmates were surprised how we share it. But again, I didn’t feel any disadvantage. There was something different in the family, the main thing that compensated for such little things a thousand times over.

We have four rooms in our apartment. Girls' room, boys' room, living room and mom and dad's room. Another baby was sure to live with mom and dad. The children did their homework mainly in the kitchen, some in the living room, and some in the girls’ room, where there was also a table. If my mother saw that we, the younger ones, were interfering with the older ones doing their homework, she immediately stopped it and asked us to go to another room.

As for personal space, besides the bed we only had our own shelf with things. Play area- general. Even if you play throughout the apartment, the main thing is to clean up after yourself.

We all played together, especially in the summer in Grebnevo. There, in the garden, lilacs grew, creating like a house in which we loved to play mother and daughter. Older sister Zoya, the third child in the family, has always been a dreamer and came up with different stories, which we picked up and played out. Zoechka is still our social entertainer, organizing all her nephews on bike rides, picking mushrooms, or simply teaching them to play in the fresh air. After all, now children don’t know many games, only cartoons and a computer. And as children we were taught to fantasize and play dodgeball, third wheel, croquet, 12 sticks, grandmother, gardener... Even now, when we get together, we happily run around with our kids or sit and play mafia ourselves.

All our current affairs and problems were discussed mainly with my mother. But dad also tried to talk to us. I loved waiting for dad and writing with him school essays. I remember that I was given the task of describing the childhood of one of my relatives. I decided to describe my father’s childhood. And that evening he told me interesting stories, and I wrote it down.

Dad always checked the boys' diary, but almost never the girls' diary. Our boys were playful. The hyperactive Seraphim actually had his own behavior diary, where the teacher put marks, and dad signed there every day.

Friends and strict order

We girls were rarely allowed to spend the night with our friends. In general, I was the only one who had such a friend, whose family my parents knew well, she was my classmate, and it was with her that I was allowed to spend the night and spend time together. And so, mom and dad usually allowed us to bring friends to the house and spend the night with us, so that our parents could see who we were communicating with.

There was no such thing as when you came with a friend and the house was a mess. We have always been strict with discipline, including cleaning. If you didn’t go to school because classes were canceled or you got sick, you always help your mother with the housework. There was one funny incident, I don’t remember which of the sisters, in general, someone got sick, maybe Zoya or Natasha, and so they called up a friend to learn about lessons, and she told her: “You’re lucky, you’re at home now, resting!” And she told her: “What, we always clean the house when we’re sick!”

I believe in large family It is very important to teach children order. This is very disciplined, teaches inner composure and prevents laziness. I saw in some families where you come, there is chaos everywhere, and the inability to cope with it is passed on to the children, they grow up unaccustomed to discipline.

Children should have their own responsibilities. We always had a distribution: one sweeps, another washes the mirrors, the third the floors, and so on. You can always find something to do in the house.

Every Saturday the apartment was thoroughly cleaned. And during the week, if you come home from school, you have a free minute, and you see that it’s not tidy, you clean up. And, as I already said, they made sure to put things in order before dad arrived.

When we were little, my mother told us what to do and who should do the cleaning, and when we grew up, on Saturday after breakfast we came up with activities ourselves and agreed among ourselves. Mom could only correct it. For example: “It’s better to let Zoya wash the floor, and Kolya do something else.” Because mom knows that Zoya will do it better.

Mommy often instructed us like this: “Everything must be done carefully, as for the Lord. And you need to clean up well, don’t miss anything, and you need to write carefully in your notebook!” During the cleaning, cheerful music was played in our apartment; if there was a fast, then hymns or the lives of saints. Time goes by and everything changes, now together with my mother we can listen and modern music, but don’t forget our old habits.

Of course, I didn’t want to clean: again this Saturday, again this cleaning. But you do it anyway and know that there is no other way. And there’s no getting around it. And then, as you grow up, you happily tidy up and force the younger ones to do it.

Brothers and sisters

I am often asked the question of how it happened that we have such friendly relations between brothers and sisters. There were, of course, quarrels, but for very minor reasons, and they were quickly forgotten. Something from the series: he took my notebook, she stretched out my sweater.

Or, for example, once my younger sister Ksyusha, she was three years old, when I walked away from the table for a minute, at which I was diligently doing a difficult task. homework, painted all my notebooks. There are already tears of resentment, and you run to complain to your mother. Mom will reprimand Ksyusha, and at the same time she will tell you that there is no need to be offended, your sister is little, most likely she did not do it on purpose.

Mom always stopped quarrels. WITH early childhood I heard: “You are brothers and sisters, you must live peacefully.” Mom also said that you shouldn’t fall asleep with a grudge. And after evening prayer we always asked for forgiveness if we harbored a grudge against each other. Mom taught us every day that we should love each other.

It’s interesting that the younger ones chose their own “nannies” from the older ones. Anya chose me. From the age of ten I was already fully able to look after her. I went with her to doctors, to stores for clothes, to school for parent-teacher meetings. Once I went to deal with “advanced” classmates who began to put pressure on a vulnerable girl who was different from them. Sometimes they consider me her mother and are surprised when they find out that I am just a sister. And now Anya herself helps me with my girls.

Clothing by inheritance

Of course, clothes were passed down through generations. But this did not cause offence, on the contrary, if I bought something beautiful for my sister, I thought: she will soon grow up, and this beautiful dress will pass on to me. And she was happy when the clothes were inherited. In our country, if one of the sisters has lost weight or gained weight, the clothes are given to the one for whom they fit.

And we pass on children’s things to each other. In Grebnevo we have a whole storage room for children's trousseau, there are containers there that are labeled, for example, “clothing for a baby from 0-3 months”, and you yourself choose everything you need, then return it to its place.


Our parents tried to arrange for us good rest. Mostly we went to Grebnevo for the summer, it was always a lot of fun there. Once I went to the sea with my dad, Kolya and I were the lucky ones. Kolya was sent away because of asthma, and I was sent away because of weak kidneys. This was my first trip to the sea, and even with my dad, without my mother. I remember waking up every morning and counting down the days: “So, in 10 days we are leaving for the sea!”

Daddy very diligently braided my hair every morning and taught me to swim. He took us with Kolya to various excursions, to parks and mountains. While climbing the mountains, Kolya and I were freezing, and dad allowed us to drink mulled wine. I remember it was so surprising for me, but dad said: “You’re cold, and you need to drink for your health!”

I can imagine now what a sacrificial act it was for the parents. Firstly, it was probably a lot of money, which was always required in big family, and secondly, how much Mommy wanted to spend Dad’s only vacation with him or go to the sea herself, because she only started vacationing a few years ago, and before that we were all children.

When we got sick, dad often made us mulled wine himself. Or he liked to clean our ears after a bath, trim our nails, pull out a loose tooth - he did it very deftly and painlessly.

Sometimes I went on pilgrimage trips with my dad and mom, which became memorable moments in my life.

I especially remember my dad’s last summer, 1999. Mom was already carrying Anechka then. We drove to Diveevo, Murom, Vladimir, along the Golden Ring, it seems, in three cars. We had a gazelle, and there were benches instead of seats, because our friends also went with us.

I remember how we stopped in Diveevo and spent the night at the monastery: the men slept in a huge room on mattresses spread on the floor. The women and girls were placed in a room with bunk beds. This year, my husband and I, along with our daughters, also visited Diveevo and remembered that trip. Of course, we were already staying at a hotel and in completely different conditions. But then we perceived those conditions completely normally, easily, without whims, although my mother was pregnant, Vovochka was three years old, and there were many of us children.

Bright holidays

What I remember most from my childhood was the preparation for the holidays - Easter, Christmas. If it’s Christmas, then we learned poems, learned them piece of music To play the piano, they staged small performances. If it was Easter, then my mother talked in detail and very colorfully about the Great Days, we tried to go to church more often, and we didn’t watch TV throughout Lent. The Nativity Fast was somehow fun, but the Great Lent was already stricter, more restrained.

On Strastnaya the most interesting thing began - cooking Easter cakes and Easter cakes, cooking jellied meat. So much food was prepared that we never went to consecrate it in the temple - we couldn’t take it away, we waited for dad to come and consecrate everything for us. Now Father Mikhail or my husband is consecrating.

Mom always taught us to dress neatly and beautifully for church. It happened that you would dress somehow wrong, my mother would say: “When you go to visit a friend, you will carefully select clothes, but when you go to God, all the more so you must think through everything and dress neatly and appropriately!”

All this preparation is an integral part of the upcoming holiday, without all this you will not feel any joy. The end result, of course, is church, service, Communion - and a common feast, common happiness, common joy...

Right doubts

IN adolescence I began to have doubts: was what our parents taught us and invested in us really true? Orthodox faith- is it the only correct one?

I shared my doubts with my mother: I was fourteen years old, and my father had not been with us for four years. Mom quoted my dad’s words - he said that the appearance of such questions at a certain age is even good. This means that a person is growing up, thinking, moving forward. The most important thing during this period is to guide the child in the right direction, give him reading interesting book, instruct, do not leave alone with your thoughts.

And the example of parents gives a great chance not to go astray. After all, from childhood we absorbed everything connected with faith and the Church like sponges. Yes, even before: when my mother was carrying us during pregnancy, she prayed a lot and read akathists.

“So that mommy is happy!”

Only now, having already become an adult, do you understand what the words mean: the main example of parents is their relationship. When you grow up, you, of course, don’t understand this; it’s natural for you to see it day after day. happy mom and dad. And when you grow up, you realize: indeed, the most important and valuable thing that parents can pass on to their children is their love for each other and for them.

I remember my parents always happy loving friend friend who loves us. And now, when I already have my own family, I want my children to see only good things, only love, and in no case quarrels. What is laid in childhood is like a foundation for life, and if you lay such love, then there is a great chance that your child will be able to bear the hardships of life easier.

When mom was carrying another baby, dad prepared something tasty and healthy for her, for example, baked meat. And this despite being so busy! We always saw how dad takes care of mom. For example, when leaving on a business trip, he gathered us and instructed us on how to behave, how to help mom: “So that I come, and mommy is happy and not tired!”

And our parents really sacrificed a lot for us. Children's concerns and children's needs were put in the foreground. I remember that dad would save some money (and this was very difficult to do then, especially since the temple was still being restored), and he would go and buy clothes for the older girls, although he himself had far from new shoes, and mom had few things. And then, satisfied, at home he organized a “fashion show” for his mother, sat her on the sofa, and asked the girls to get dressed and walk in front of their mother, to show themselves. He really liked to dress us beautifully. And my parents always bought what we needed first for us, and then for ourselves, if there was anything left.

Even now, when my mother and I go to the store to buy her something she needs, she begins to look not for herself, but for one of the children. Recently, she and I went to the store, it’s autumn, winter is coming, and she only has one sandals, but she doesn’t buy anything for herself, because “Sima, Vova, Anya, Ksyusha need to pay for their studies.”

Let's hold on with love

For 18 years family life Dad gave so much love that even we, children, hold on to this love. We feel it.

And we always feel that dad is nearby. Many people say: “When you come to you, it seems as if Father Fyodor is in another room.” Dad managed to live his life in such a way, left such a mark on it that 14 years have passed since his passing, and everyone still remembers him.

Anya, our little sister, was only two months old when dad passed away, but she knows him well and feels him. She grew up with this knowledge thanks to her mother's stories, the constant memories of others. And she has more internal wounds than other children, because she had the least contact with her dad during his lifetime. She often cries when we think about dad or watch family video, in which dad plays with little Anechka.

If some problems arise in the family, tragedies happen, you think that if there was a dad, it would be easier. But on the other hand, you understand that if what happened had not happened, we would have been completely different. We would have a different attitude towards death, and towards Eternal life, and to the surrounding close people. Maybe less careful.

And we all feel dad’s help all the time, even at the most everyday level. When I was studying, you would go to an exam, not know any answers to questions, and ask: “Daddy, help!” And I get the ticket, which I know. You constantly feel dad’s intercession before God, as well as the intercession of his brother, Bishop Sergius, my godfather, who died six months after dad.

My first daughter is disabled. She constantly needs money for treatment. And it happens that just when you think about a problem, you mentally turn to the Pope or Vladyka Sergius, when you receive an SMS saying that mobile bank replenished

And the same thing happens to my mother: no matter what her need is, as soon as she prays, the need appears after some time.

There are difficult situations in life, dad will dream of you, support you, and in the morning you feel new strength and vigor.

Summer with snowballs

So when my husband and I started starting our family, we had a standard to look up to - our parents. We want to be like them.

We met as children. We were interviewed at our wedding for home video, and my husband and I were interviewed separately. I said that we met him in the summer, because my dad came to us in Grebnevo with a new driver (he would later die along with his dad) and his son. I also begged dad to let us stay with Seryozha: we really loved having someone stay with us. Seryozha says that we met in the winter, playing snowballs. Maybe there were snowballs, but only without me, with his older sisters and brother Kolya, at first he communicated with them more.

Then we began to grow up, we texted a lot, and even then he realized that he liked me. And I kept saying: “No, no, we are friends.” And my mother already said that Seryozha was not just texting so that I would pay attention to him, but I denied everything. Seryozha made two attempts to date me, and I kept saying: “I’m sorry, but you’re just my friend.”

One day my mother went to an all-night vigil in our church (we always call the church where dad served “our church”), and her old friend handed over two tickets to the patriarchal service: “Let one of the children go.” Mom brought tickets and told me to go as a friend. My friend got sick, and I called Seryozha. It was March 19, the feast of the icon Mother of God“Blessed Heaven”, that’s when our first date took place. We went to the patriarchal service, and there I realized that Seryozha was not “just a friend” at all, but my dear person, with whom, God willing, I could live my life.

“You don’t talk to your husband like that”

Many people ask me: “It must be hard to live with your mother?” There is just such a stereotype that living with parents is very difficult, that they interfere with a young family, do not give us peace, etc. But our mother is completely different, she understands everything, always meets us halfway, and helps us a lot. We have our own room, in which we are our own masters, but at the same time, if we want to change something, we ask our mother for advice - not because we are afraid that she will not allow it, but we simply always consult with each other. And she often asks us for advice on some everyday things.

Of course, when a family lives separately, it’s different. But we don’t regret at all that we live with our mother, and we think that this is a huge plus, because my mother helps us so much with advice and wisdom. We are very grateful to her for her instructions, for her love and care. I think that thanks to her, Seryozha and I didn’t have serious conflicts.

For example, once my mother heard me slightly raise my voice at my husband and immediately said: “Daughter, you can’t talk to your husband like that, it’s very bad, especially in front of a child.” After all, the parents never quarreled, and if they needed to figure something out, they sat next to each other, alone with each other, and quietly, with love, they opened their souls and their thoughts to each other.

And we try not to have quarrels. The eldest daughter Lizochka is a very sensitive child; she immediately understands everything and gets upset. At most, we can argue about how to calm Lisa down: she often has mood swings. Sometimes I think I need to go outside, but Seryozha thinks he can calm him down with a cartoon. But we always ask each other for forgiveness and never harbor grudges. This is what mom and dad taught us. They said that we should immediately tell each other about our thoughts or grievances, calmly, without complaints, with respect and love, just talk.

The hardest thing is ignorance

My eldest daughter was diagnosed with Rett syndrome when she was two years old. But I noticed that not everything was okay when she was four months old. She did not roll over and did not do many things according to the children's calendar. But the doctors I contacted said that everything was fine. By nine months she began to sit up on her own, and at four years she just started crawling. It was a difficult moment for me, I began to think what was wrong with her.

They looked for the reason, argued with the doctors, who convinced that everything was fine with the child, but I felt that the child had health problems. Lisa made stereotypical movements with her hands, cried at night until she vomited, and they told me that she simply had protein intolerance.

This stage of not knowing was difficult. Thanks to the support and love of my husband, family and friends, of course, it was easier to cope with the situation.

When the diagnosis was finally made, to some extent it was a reassurance. At least there is certainty. We now began to think about how to treat, how to rehabilitate. We did not give up, we did not despair. And we turned to people for help - thank God, they help. I am grateful to everyone who was and remains close to us, who helps, supports... without this, many families are left alone with their grief.

How the disease will progress is unpredictable. I ask the doctors whether the girl will walk; this moment is important for us, especially now that our second daughter, Sofia, has appeared. Now we are like two twins: both girls need to be looked after equally, even Lisa is to some extent more difficult. If I’m left alone, I sit down to breakfast very late, because while you wash one, feed, then the other, a lot of time passes.

Without the support of relatives and friends it would be difficult. To treat Liza, a lot of money is required, because the disease is incurable, we don’t know how long Lizok will live, but we want to make sure that even her short life It was at least a little easier. At first my mother helped us, but it’s hard for her herself, she has children who need to be raised. And we found a way out in creating the VKontakte group. People respond, for which we are very grateful.

Motherhood immediately changes your life; you have greater responsibility for your children. While I have little daughters, and everyday worries - clothing, feeding. Lisa does not need to be raised in the usual sense, she will remain a pure child, most likely, she educates us and teaches us a lot: patience, endurance, wisdom, she is our incentive to grow further, not to stop there.

When my niece comes - Liza’s age, who can do everything, walks, speaks like an ordinary child, it is difficult for me to compare. But you can compare the other way: there are children whose condition is much more serious, in some families they simply lie... Such a comparison is always sobering, it shows how merciful the Lord is to you, and if this was given to you, it means with God’s help, you can carry it.

Friendly family- calm teenager

In the future, I would like my husband and I to have many children. So that we can build a big, friendly family with our own traditions. These traditions keep children in adolescence from all kinds of throwing.

For example, I didn’t have any special problems as a teenager. I only remember one day I closed myself off from my mother, it was hard for me to tell her something, to talk. It was easier to tell my sister. But my mother saw this moment and emphasized it, and began to talk more often about openness to each other. And this closeness somehow went away on its own. But this does not mean that all girls experience it this way. difficult period, everyone different character, different families, everything is different, and each person is unique.

Traditions, family holidays They give the child a lot: a sense of community, unity, strength, joy. When we all get together, I think: how great it is that I have this big family, which is connected by the most important thing - the Church, the road to Christ.

It has long become a good tradition among Muscovites to donate not only money to a church under construction, but also church utensils, priestly vestments and, of course, icons.

Last week as a gift to the new parish St. Sergius of Radonezh a written image was transferred to Tushino Heavenly patron Church - Hegumen of the Russian Land (size 100x60 cm).

On the same day, October 6, in the presence of the donors: Alexander, Tatyana and Alexandra Chekomasov, the image was consecrated and placed on the altar.

“Dear friends! On behalf of our entire community, I thank you for the beautiful icon, for your desire to decorate our church, for the fact that each of you actively participates in the life of the parish and is ready to give your strength and talents for the good of the Russian Orthodox Church“, said the rector of the temple under construction, Priest Sergius Beloborodov.

“We love our rector very much,” parishioners say. “He is a man of amazing kindness and humility. He has a very difficult fate, a child is sick, but Father is always joyful, always attentive to us. And everyone feels his love. And everyone strives to do something good for him, to help, to support him in the difficult feat of temple building.”

Priest Sergius takes care of the Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of JSC Russian Railways. He told about his ministry, in particular, to the correspondent of the Pravoslavie.ru portal. We bring to your attention excerpts from this conversation so that you can draw up a portrait of the young abbot yourself:

– Father Sergius, you spiritually care for hospital patients. Surely there are cases that especially stuck in your mind?

– Once I was impressed by a family, although at that time I performed the prayer not in the hospital, but at home. They called to give communion to a man suffering from cerebral palsy, he is 67 years old. How surprised I was when I saw that his parents were caring for him! The fact is that the father is 100 years old, and the mother is 91 years old! The house is clean, tidy, the parents themselves are in good spirits. But you need to take full care of your son, since he is bedridden! This was an example of true service to one’s sick child and uncomplainingly bearing one’s cross, as well as an example of how the Lord helps such families by sending strength and health to the parents. And there was a case in the hospital when a woman suffering from cancer called a priest, and I came. I don’t remember whether it was the first time she confessed and received communion, or whether she had already done this before. A month and a half after confession and Communion, she herself came to church and said that she had no longer been diagnosed with cancer. She was very grateful to God and cried.

- Well, it’s a miracle, isn’t it?

- Yes. In my practice, this has only happened once. But in most cases, unchurched people turn to me. Usually these are the people who in everyday life do not go to church, but in the hospital it becomes difficult for them, and then they remember about God! When a person confesses, you can see how he approaches this Sacrament, whether he really realizes his sins, sincerely repents, cries or does it for show! This is all visible and immediately felt.

“My brother was in this hospital in the nephrology department together with a young guy, Dima, who had been sick since childhood, and it was in the hospital that he came to faith.

“His mother asked me to give unction to my son, then Dima was in intensive care. He was on the threshold of life and death, but in a clear consciousness. I gave him unction, then gave him communion once, and the next time he himself came to the temple to receive communion. The Lord brings a person to Himself in different ways and always waits for him. Much depends on the person himself, how he reacts to the situation, whether he begins to grumble or sees a special meaning in life in his situation.

– Father Sergius, please tell us about your family. I know that you too have suffered.

– I can’t say that this is suffering, because this is all a manifestation of God’s love, everything is according to God’s Providence. In 2010, my wife and I had a baby girl, we named her Elizaveta. This is our first child. At first, she seemed to be developing quite well, but after six months, even a little earlier, my wife and I began to notice that she wasn’t turning over and wasn’t doing some things that children at that age should already be doing. We started consulting with pediatricians. The doctors said that everything was fine with us, that the child was simply developing later and would catch up with his peers. A year later, of course, she was already turning over and even sitting down, but she did not walk. On top of everything else, various oddities began to appear: trembling all over the body, sleepless nights, self-aggression, isolation. We sounded the alarm, realizing that not all was well. We started visiting all the doctors that were recommended to us. Our walks ended in the office of a geneticist, who advised us to donate blood to rule out Rett syndrome. But the syndrome was not ruled out, but confirmed.

– Is this a rare disease?

– Yes, this is a rare disease. Statistics – 1:10-15 thousand, and only for girls. There are no boys with this syndrome - they die either in the womb or at birth. Some girls develop the disease more easily, while others develop it worse. When communicating with parents of the same children, you understand that each child has their own story and they are all very different, although there are certain similarities. We, thank God, are not the most difficult situation, so to speak, average. Having learned the diagnosis, we calmed down, because until that moment we could not understand what to do, because it was clear that not everything was all right with the child. But in fact, where to start was later also unclear, because this syndrome was discovered only in the 1960s, and before that it was considered autism. Few people know how to work with such children. Therefore, everything depends on the parents; they, by their intuition, try to build the child’s life as efficiently as possible, so that in this life there is healthy laughter, joy, the participation of all family members, love, and various activities.

– Father, both you and your wife’s family (she is from the Sokolov dynasty of priests) dedicated their lives to God, and suddenly such a misfortune. How did you and your mother perceive Lizonka’s illness? There was no murmur?

Lisa teaches us to enjoy little things; sometimes her smile alone brings us as much joy as the enormous success of an ordinary child would bring!

Thank God, we had no murmurs or complaints, because it is much easier for a believer to endure all these trials. Many sympathize with us, they say what a pity that Lizochka is like this... Yes, it can be very difficult, but this is life, and you can’t escape it! Every family has its own difficulties and joys, with us everything is combined in Lizochka. She teaches us to enjoy little things, sometimes one of her smiles brings us as much joy as the enormous success of an ordinary child would bring! Although my wife and I are sinners, I even consider Lisa to be a kind of reward from God, because children like our Lizochka are angels. We know for sure that this little man is sinless and pure in soul! She will not walk anywhere, she will always be with us and will be a prayer book in the future.

For those wishing to donate money to the needs of Liza Beloborodova, we publish the Details:

Sberbank of Russia

  • Add. office No. 9038 / 01249*
  • Address: 119571, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 119
  • Head of department: Moiseeva Elizaveta Vladimirovna
  • BIC: 044525225
  • Correspondent account: 30101810400000000225
  • Department code: 038903801249
  • Bank INN: 7707083893
  • Card number: 4276838092848565
  • Card account number: 40817810838181124419
  • Card owner: Beloborodova Lyubov Fedorovna

Lyubov Beloborodova is the fifth child of nine children of Archpriest Fyodor Sokolov and his wife Galina Sokolova. In 2000, Father Fedor died tragically in a car accident. Lyuba was ten years old then. In an interview with Pravmir, Lyubov spoke about her childhood in a large family, and also about her own family life. Lyubov and her husband, priest Sergius Beloborodov, have two daughters. The older one has a difficult diagnosis.

The worst punishment

The kitchen has always been and remains our favorite family place; it is here that everyone gets together, talks, discusses, rejoices and grieves.

My childhood memories are connected specifically with the kitchen. When you get up after a nap and already know that there will be an afternoon snack, the delicious smells of baked goods, pancakes, and cheesecakes come from the kitchen. You go into the kitchen, which is flooded with bright sunshine, there mommy, like the sun herself, is setting the table, all her movements are very fast and at the same time neat. Everything is done with love and care. I still love watching my mother do something, she does everything so quickly. I don’t remember that we children saw our mother very tired or depressed, as it is fashionable to say now; on the contrary, it was always clear that she was happy about everything. Although now I understand how difficult it is to have many children, and at the same time manage to keep the house in perfect order, cook food, be joyful and friendly... colossal work!

I also remember how my mother put us to bed. In Grebnevo, a large room was allocated for our family. And now it’s evening, we are lying on the beds, and the mother is rocking the baby in her arms and singing lullabies, but more often she sang chants: “To my Queen, Most Blessed,” “Under Your Mercy”... and my soul felt so good and calm from my mother’s quiet prayer ...

Children's ideas about parents: mom is so big, warm, bright, dad is an unquestioned authority, but at the same time, very dear and kind. If we misbehaved during the day, we had to quickly ask mom for forgiveness, because it’s scary to imagine: dad will come and mom will tell him. We were afraid to offend dad, to upset him, we knew that he was very tired. Although his whole punishment was that he looked at us with a stern look. He himself said that he adopted the manner of looking like that from his father, our grandfather, and said that for him there was nothing more terrible than this look.

We had a tradition: in the evening, mom always gathered us all and said that dad would come in five minutes. We quickly put things in order and always met dad in a clean house. If dad was in time for dinner, it was real happiness for us.

Having breakfast together was also a joy. If we knew that dad would be able to have breakfast with us, we got up early, prepared something ourselves: made sandwiches, fried cheesecakes or scrambled eggs, set the table - tried to please our parents. I even remember they wrote various notes and slipped them under the door: “We invite you to breakfast! On the menu: tea, cheesecakes, sandwiches!”

Ordinary children

We always knew that you would come, for example, to school, and there they would ask how many children there are in our family. And then surprise will follow. But we didn’t feel any special: we were the same as everyone else. Yes, many classmates have their own separate rooms, but I don’t. But this did not disadvantage me in any way. I didn’t think at all in this way, that what a nightmare, someone has something, but I don’t.

In high school, everyone already has a computer and a mobile phone. And we have one computer for everyone, and our classmates were surprised how we share it. But again, I didn’t feel any disadvantage. There was something different in the family, the main thing that compensated for such little things a thousand times over.

We have four rooms in our apartment. Girls' room, boys' room, living room and mom and dad's room. Another baby was sure to live with mom and dad. The children did their homework mainly in the kitchen, some in the living room, and some in the girls’ room, where there was also a table. If my mother saw that we, the younger ones, were interfering with the older ones doing their homework, she immediately stopped it and asked us to go to another room.

As for personal space, besides the bed we only had our own shelf with things. The playing area is common. Even if you play throughout the apartment, the main thing is to clean up after yourself.

We all played together, especially in the summer in Grebnevo. There, in the garden, lilacs grew, creating like a house in which we loved to play mother and daughter. The elder sister Zoya, the third child in the family, was always a dreamer and came up with different stories that we picked up and acted out. Zoechka is still our social entertainer, organizing all her nephews on bike rides, picking mushrooms, or simply teaching them to play in the fresh air. After all, now children don’t know many games, only cartoons and a computer. And as children we were taught to fantasize and play dodgeball, third wheel, croquet, 12 sticks, grandmother, gardener... Even now, when we get together, we happily run around with our kids or sit and play mafia ourselves.

All our current affairs and problems were discussed mainly with my mother. But dad also tried to talk to us. I loved to wait for dad and write school essays with him. I remember that I was given the task of describing the childhood of one of my relatives. I decided to describe my father’s childhood. And in the evening he told me interesting stories, and I wrote them down.

Dad always checked the boys' diary, but almost never the girls' diary. Our boys were playful. The hyperactive Seraphim actually had his own behavior diary, where the teacher put marks, and dad signed there every day.

Friends and strict order

We girls were rarely allowed to spend the night with our friends. In general, I was the only one who had such a friend, whose family my parents knew well, she was my classmate, and it was with her that I was allowed to spend the night and spend time together. And so, mom and dad usually allowed us to bring friends to the house and spend the night with us, so that our parents could see who we were communicating with.

There was no such thing as when you came with a friend and the house was a mess. We have always been strict with discipline, including cleaning. If you didn’t go to school because classes were canceled or you got sick, you always help your mother with the housework. There was such a funny incident, I don’t remember with which of the sisters, in general, someone got sick, maybe Zoya or Natasha, and so they called up a friend to learn about lessons, and she told her: “You’re lucky, you’re at home now, resting.” ! And she told her: “What, we always clean the house when we’re sick!”

I believe that in a large family it is very important to teach children order. This is very disciplined, teaches inner composure and prevents laziness. I saw in some families where you come, there is chaos everywhere, and the inability to cope with it is passed on to the children, they grow up unaccustomed to discipline.

Children should have their own responsibilities. We always had a distribution: one sweeps, another washes the mirrors, the third the floors, and so on. You can always find something to do in the house.

Every Saturday the apartment was thoroughly cleaned. And during the week, if you come home from school, you have a free minute, and you see that it’s not tidy, you clean up. And, as I already said, they made sure to put things in order before dad arrived.

When we were little, my mother told us what to do and who should do the cleaning, and when we grew up, on Saturday after breakfast we came up with activities ourselves and agreed among ourselves. Mom could only correct it. For example: “It’s better to let Zoya wash the floor, and Kolya do something else.” Because mom knows that Zoya will do it better.

Mommy often instructed us like this: “Everything must be done carefully, as for the Lord. And you need to clean up well, don’t miss anything, and you need to write carefully in your notebook!” During the cleaning, cheerful music was played in our apartment; if there was a fast, then hymns or the lives of saints. Time passes and everything changes, now together with my mother we can listen to modern music, but we do not forget our old habits.

Of course, I didn’t want to clean: again this Saturday, again this cleaning. But you do it anyway and know that there is no other way. And there’s no getting around it. And then, as you grow up, you happily tidy up and force the younger ones to do it.

Brothers and sisters

I am often asked the question of how it happened that we have such friendly relations between brothers and sisters. There were, of course, quarrels, but for very minor reasons, and they were quickly forgotten. Something from the series: he took my notebook, she stretched out my sweater.

Or, for example, once my younger sister Ksyusha, she was three years old, when I walked away from the table for a minute, where I was diligently doing difficult homework, painted all my notebooks. There are already tears of resentment, and you run to complain to your mother. Mom will reprimand Ksyusha, and at the same time she will tell you that there is no need to be offended, your sister is little, most likely she did not do it on purpose.

Mom always stopped quarrels. From early childhood I heard: “You are brothers and sisters, you must live peacefully.” Mom also said that you shouldn’t fall asleep with a grudge. And after evening prayer we always asked for forgiveness if we harbored a grudge against each other. Mom taught us every day that we should love each other.

It’s interesting that the younger ones chose their own “nannies” from the older ones. Anya chose me. From the age of ten I was already fully able to look after her. I went with her to doctors, to stores for clothes, to school for parent-teacher meetings. Once I went to deal with “advanced” classmates who began to put pressure on a vulnerable girl who was different from them. Sometimes they consider me her mother and are surprised when they find out that I am just a sister. And now Anya herself helps me with my girls.

Clothing by inheritance

Of course, clothes were passed down through generations. But this did not cause offence, on the contrary, if I bought something beautiful for my sister, I thought: she will soon grow up, and this beautiful dress will pass on to me. And she was happy when the clothes were inherited. In our country, if one of the sisters has lost weight or gained weight, the clothes are given to the one for whom they fit.

And we pass on children’s things to each other. In Grebnevo we have a whole storage room for children's trousseau, there are containers there that are labeled, for example, “clothing for a baby from 0-3 months”, and you yourself choose everything you need, then return it to its place.


Our parents tried to give us a good rest. Mostly we went to Grebnevo for the summer, it was always a lot of fun there. Once I went to the sea with my dad, Kolya and I were the lucky ones. Kolya was sent away because of asthma, and I was sent away because of weak kidneys. This was my first trip to the sea, and even with my dad, without my mother. I remember waking up every morning and counting down the days: “So, in 10 days we are leaving for the sea!”

Daddy very diligently braided my hair every morning and taught me to swim. He took Kolya and I on various excursions, to parks and mountains. While climbing the mountains, Kolya and I were freezing, and dad allowed us to drink mulled wine. I remember it was so surprising for me, but dad said: “You’re cold, and you need to drink for your health!”

I can imagine now what a sacrificial act it was for the parents. Firstly, it was probably a lot of money, which was always required in a large family, and secondly, how mommy wanted to spend daddy’s only vacation with him or go to the sea herself, because she only started vacationing a few years ago, and before This is why we are all children.

When we got sick, dad often made us mulled wine himself. Or he liked to clean our ears after a bath, trim our nails, pull out a loose tooth - he did it very deftly and painlessly.

Sometimes I went on pilgrimage trips with my dad and mom, which became memorable moments in my life.

I especially remember my dad’s last summer, 1999. Mom was already carrying Anechka then. We drove to Murom, Vladimir, along the Golden Ring, it seems, in three cars. We had a gazelle, and there were benches instead of seats, because our friends also went with us.

I remember how we stopped in Diveevo and spent the night at the monastery: the men slept in a huge room on mattresses spread on the floor. The women and girls were placed in a room with bunk beds. This year, my husband and I, along with our daughters, also visited Diveevo and remembered that trip. Of course, we were already staying at a hotel and in completely different conditions. But then we perceived those conditions completely normally, easily, without whims, although my mother was pregnant, Vovochka was three years old, and there were many of us children.

Bright holidays

What I remember most from my childhood was the preparation for the holidays - to,. If it was Christmas, we learned poetry, learned a piece of music to play on the piano, and staged small plays. If it was Easter, then my mother talked in detail and very colorfully about the Great Days, we tried to go to church more often, and we didn’t watch TV throughout Lent. The Nativity Fast was somehow fun, but the Great Lent was already stricter, more restrained.

On Strastnaya the most interesting thing began - cooking Easter cakes and Easter cakes, cooking jellied meat. So much food was prepared that we never went to consecrate it in the temple - we couldn’t take it away, we waited for dad to come and consecrate everything for us. Now Father Mikhail or my husband is consecrating.

Mom always taught us to dress neatly and beautifully for church. It happened that you would dress somehow wrong, my mother would say: “When you go to visit a friend, you will carefully select clothes, but when you go to God, all the more so you must think through everything and dress neatly and appropriately!”

All this preparation is an integral part of the upcoming holiday, without all this you will not feel any joy. The end result, of course, is church, service, Communion - and a common feast, common happiness, common joy...

Right doubts

As a teenager, I began to have doubts: was what our parents taught us and invested in us really true? Is the Orthodox faith the only correct one?

I shared my doubts with my mother: I was fourteen years old, and my father had not been with us for four years. Mom quoted my dad’s words - he said that the appearance of such questions at a certain age is even good. This means that a person is growing up, thinking, moving forward. The most important thing during this period is to guide the child in the right direction, give him an interesting book to read, provide guidance, and not leave him alone with his thoughts.

And the example of parents gives a great chance not to go astray. After all, from childhood we absorbed everything connected with faith and the Church like sponges. Yes, even before: when my mother was carrying us during pregnancy, she prayed a lot and read akathists.

“So that mommy is happy!”

Only now, having already become an adult, do you understand what the words mean: the main example of parents is their relationship. When you grow up, you, of course, don’t understand this; it’s natural for you to see a happy mom and dad every day. And when you grow up, you realize: indeed, the most important and valuable thing that parents can pass on to their children is their love for each other and for them.

I remember my parents always happy, loving each other, loving us. And now, when I already have my own family, I want my children to see only good things, only love, and in no case quarrels. What is laid in childhood is like a foundation for life, and if you lay such love, then there is a great chance that your child will be able to bear the hardships of life easier.

When mom was carrying another baby, dad prepared something tasty and healthy for her, for example, baked meat. And this despite being so busy! We always saw how dad takes care of mom. For example, when leaving on a business trip, he gathered us and instructed us on how to behave, how to help mom: “So that I come, and mommy is happy and not tired!”

And our parents really sacrificed a lot for us. Children's concerns and children's needs were put in the foreground. I remember that dad would save some money (and this was very difficult to do then, especially since the temple was still being restored), and he would go and buy clothes for the older girls, although he himself had far from new shoes, and mom had few things. And then, satisfied, at home he organized a “fashion show” for his mother, sat her on the sofa, and asked the girls to get dressed and walk in front of their mother, to show themselves. He really liked to dress us beautifully. And my parents always bought what we needed first for us, and then for ourselves, if there was anything left.

Even now, when my mother and I go to the store to buy her something she needs, she begins to look not for herself, but for one of the children. Recently, she and I went to the store, it’s autumn, winter is coming, and she only has one sandals, but she doesn’t buy anything for herself, because “Sima, Vova, Anya, Ksyusha need to pay for their studies.”

Let's hold on with love

Over 18 years of family life, dad gave so much love that even we, children, hold on to this love. We feel it.

And we always feel that dad is nearby. Many people say: “When you come to you, it seems as if Father Fyodor is in another room.” Dad managed to live his life in such a way, left such a mark on it that 14 years have passed since his passing, and everyone still remembers him.

Anya, our little sister, was only two months old when dad passed away, but she knows him well and feels him. She grew up with this knowledge thanks to her mother's stories, the constant memories of others. And she has more internal wounds than other children, because she had the least contact with her dad during his lifetime. She often cries when we remember dad or watch a family video of dad playing with little Anechka.

If some problems arise in the family, tragedies happen, you think that if there was a dad, it would be easier. But on the other hand, you understand that if what happened had not happened, we would have been completely different. We would have a different attitude towards death, and towards Eternal life, and towards the close people around us. Maybe less careful.

And we all feel dad’s help all the time, even at the most everyday level. When I was studying, you would go to an exam, not know any answers to questions, and ask: “Daddy, help!” And I get the ticket, which I know. You constantly feel dad’s intercession before God, as well as the intercession of his brother, Bishop Sergius, my godfather, who died six months after dad.

My first daughter is . She constantly needs money for treatment. And it happens that as soon as you think about the problem, you mentally turn to the pope or Vladyka Sergius, when you receive an SMS that your mobile bank has been replenished.

And the same thing happens to my mother: no matter what her need is, as soon as she prays, the need appears after some time.

There are difficult situations in life, dad will dream of you, support you, and in the morning you feel new strength and vigor.

Summer with snowballs

So when my husband and I started starting our family, we had a standard to look up to - our parents. We want to be like them.

We met as children. We were interviewed at our wedding for home video, and my husband and I were interviewed separately. I said that we met him in the summer, because my dad came to us in Grebnevo with a new driver (he would later die along with his dad) and his son. I also begged dad to let us stay with Seryozha: we really loved having someone stay with us. Seryozha says that we met in the winter, playing snowballs. Maybe there were snowballs, but only without me, with his older sisters and brother Kolya, at first he communicated with them more.

Lyubov Sokolova - on the left in a red jacket, next to her is Sergei, her future husband

Then we began to grow up, we texted a lot, and even then he realized that he liked me. And I kept saying: “No, no, we are friends.” And my mother already said that Seryozha was not just texting so that I would pay attention to him, but I denied everything. Seryozha made two attempts to date me, and I kept saying: “I’m sorry, but you’re just my friend.”

One day my mother went to an all-night vigil in our church (we always call the church where dad served “our church”), and her old friend handed over two tickets to the patriarchal service: “Let one of the children go.” Mom brought tickets and told me to go as a friend. My friend got sick, and I called Seryozha. It was March 19, the feast of the Icon of the Mother of God “Blessed Heaven,” and that’s when our first date took place. We went to the patriarchal service, and there I realized that Seryozha was not “just a friend” at all, but my dear person, with whom, God willing, I could live my life.

“You don’t talk to your husband like that”

Many people ask me: “It must be hard to live with your mother?” There is just such a stereotype that living with parents is very difficult, that they interfere with a young family, do not give us peace, etc. But our mother is completely different, she understands everything, always meets us halfway, and helps us a lot. We have our own room, in which we are our own masters, but at the same time, if we want to change something, we ask our mother for advice - not because we are afraid that she will not allow it, but we simply always consult with each other. And she often asks us for advice on some everyday things.

Of course, when a family lives separately, it’s different. But we don’t regret at all that we live with our mother, and we think that this is a huge plus, because my mother helps us so much with advice and wisdom. We are very grateful to her for her instructions, for her love and care. I think that thanks to her, Seryozha and I had no serious conflicts.

For example, once my mother heard me slightly raise my voice at my husband and immediately said: “Daughter, you can’t talk to your husband like that, it’s very bad, especially in front of a child.” After all, the parents never quarreled, and if they needed to figure something out, they sat next to each other, alone with each other, and quietly, with love, they opened their souls and their thoughts to each other.

And we try not to have quarrels. The eldest daughter Lizochka is a very sensitive child; she immediately understands everything and gets upset. At most, we can argue about how to calm Lisa down: she often has mood swings. Sometimes I think I need to go outside, but Seryozha thinks he can calm him down with a cartoon. But we always ask each other for forgiveness and never harbor grudges. This is what mom and dad taught us. They said that we should immediately tell each other about our thoughts or grievances, calmly, without complaints, with respect and love, just talk.

The hardest thing is ignorance

My eldest daughter was diagnosed with Rett syndrome when she was two years old. But I noticed that not everything was okay when she was four months old. She did not roll over and did not do many things according to the children's calendar. But the doctors I contacted said that everything was fine. By nine months she began to sit up on her own, and at four years she just started crawling. It was a difficult moment for me, I began to think what was wrong with her.

They looked for the reason, argued with the doctors, who convinced that everything was fine with the child, but I felt that the child had health problems. Lisa made stereotypical movements with her hands, cried at night until she vomited, and they told me that she simply had protein intolerance.

This stage of not knowing was difficult. Thanks to the support and love of my husband, family and friends, of course, it was easier to cope with the situation.

When the diagnosis was finally made, to some extent it was a reassurance. At least there is certainty. We now began to think about how to treat, how to rehabilitate. We did not give up, we did not despair. And we turned to people for help - thank God, they help. I am grateful to everyone who was and remains close to us, who helps, supports... without this, many families are left alone with their grief.

How the disease will progress is unpredictable. I ask the doctors whether the girl will walk; this moment is important for us, especially now that our second daughter, Sofia, has appeared. Now we are like two twins: both girls need to be looked after equally, even Lisa is to some extent more difficult. If I’m left alone, I sit down to breakfast very late, because while you wash one, feed, then the other, a lot of time passes.

Without the support of relatives and friends it would be difficult. To treat Lisa, a lot of money is required, because the disease is incurable, we don’t know how long Lizok will live, but we want to make sure that even her short life is at least a little easier. At first my mother helped us, but it’s hard for her herself, she has children who need to be raised. And we found a way out in creating the VKontakte group. People respond, for which we are very grateful.

Motherhood immediately changes your life; you have greater responsibility for your children. While I have little daughters, and everyday worries - clothing, feeding. Lisa does not need to be raised in the usual sense, she will remain a pure child, most likely, she educates us and teaches us a lot: patience, endurance, wisdom, she is our incentive to grow further, not to stop there.

When my niece comes - Liza’s age, who can do everything, walks, speaks like an ordinary child, it is difficult for me to compare. But you can compare the other way: there are children whose condition is much more serious, in some families they simply lie... Such a comparison is always sobering, it shows how merciful the Lord is to you, and if this was given to you, it means with God’s help, you can carry it.

Friendly family - calm teenager

In the future, I would like my husband and I to have many children. So that we can build a big, friendly family with our own traditions. These traditions keep children in adolescence from all kinds of throwing.

For example, I didn’t have any special problems as a teenager. I only remember one day I closed myself off from my mother, it was hard for me to tell her something, to talk. It was easier to tell my sister. But my mother saw this moment and emphasized it, and began to talk more often about openness to each other. And this closeness somehow went away on its own. But this does not mean that all girls go through this difficult period this way, everyone has a different character, different families, everything is different, and each person is unique.

Traditions and family holidays give a child a lot: a sense of community, unity, strength, joy. When we all get together, I think: how great it is that I have such a large family, which is connected by the most important thing - the Church, the road to Christ.


Only Father Sergius earns money in the family, and his priestly salary (25,000 rubles) is not enough to provide quality care for a disabled child.

Now the most necessary thing is biomechanical rehabilitation - 36,000 rubles. per month

TOTAL: 432,000 rub. per year

We will be grateful for any help you can provide. Here are the details:

Lyubov Beloborodova is the fifth child of nine children of Archpriest Fyodor Sokolov and his wife Galina Sokolova. In 2000, Father Fedor died tragically in a car accident. Lyuba was ten years old then. In an interview with Pravmir, Lyubov spoke about her childhood in a large family, and also about her own family life. Lyubov and her husband, priest Sergius Beloborodov, have two daughters. The older one has a difficult diagnosis.

The worst punishment

The kitchen has always been and remains our favorite family place; it is here that everyone gets together, talks, discusses, rejoices and grieves.

My childhood memories are connected specifically with the kitchen. When you get up after a nap and already know that there will be an afternoon snack, the delicious smells of baked goods, pancakes, and cheesecakes come from the kitchen. You go into the kitchen, which is flooded with bright sunshine, there mommy, like the sun herself, is setting the table, all her movements are very fast and at the same time neat. Everything is done with love and care. I still love watching my mother do something, she does everything so quickly. I don’t remember that we children saw our mother very tired or depressed, as it is fashionable to say now; on the contrary, it was always clear that she was happy about everything. Although now I understand how difficult it is to have many children, and at the same time manage to keep the house in perfect order, cook food, be joyful and friendly... colossal work!

I also remember how my mother put us to bed. In Grebnevo, a large room was allocated for our family. And now it’s evening, we are lying on the beds, and the mother is rocking the baby in her arms and singing lullabies, but more often she sang chants: “To my Queen, Most Blessed,” “Under Your Mercy”... and my soul felt so good and calm from my mother’s quiet prayer ...

Children's ideas about parents: mom is so big, warm, bright, dad is an unquestioned authority, but at the same time, very dear and kind. If we misbehaved during the day, we had to quickly ask mom for forgiveness, because it’s scary to imagine: dad will come and mom will tell him. We were afraid to offend dad, to upset him, we knew that he was very tired. Although his whole punishment was that he looked at us with a stern look. He himself said that he adopted the manner of looking like that from his father, our grandfather, and said that for him there was nothing more terrible than this look.

We had a tradition: in the evening, mom always gathered us all and said that dad would come in five minutes. We quickly put things in order and always met dad in a clean house. If dad was in time for dinner, it was real happiness for us.

Having breakfast together was also a joy. If we knew that dad would be able to have breakfast with us, we got up early, prepared something ourselves: made sandwiches, fried cheesecakes or scrambled eggs, set the table - tried to please our parents. I even remember they wrote various notes and slipped them under the door: “We invite you to breakfast! On the menu: tea, cheesecakes, sandwiches!”

Ordinary children

We always knew that you would come, for example, to school, and there they would ask how many children there are in our family. And then surprise will follow. But we didn’t feel any special: we were the same as everyone else. Yes, many classmates have their own separate rooms, but I don’t. But this did not disadvantage me in any way. I didn’t think at all in this way, that what a nightmare, someone has something, but I don’t.

In high school, everyone already has a computer and a mobile phone. And we have one computer for everyone, and our classmates were surprised how we share it. But again, I didn’t feel any disadvantage. There was something different in the family, the main thing that compensated for such little things a thousand times over.

We have four rooms in our apartment. Girls' room, boys' room, living room and mom and dad's room. Another baby was sure to live with mom and dad. The children did their homework mainly in the kitchen, some in the living room, and some in the girls’ room, where there was also a table. If my mother saw that we, the younger ones, were interfering with the older ones doing their homework, she immediately stopped it and asked us to go to another room.

As for personal space, besides the bed we only had our own shelf with things. The playing area is common. Even if you play throughout the apartment, the main thing is to clean up after yourself.

We all played together, especially in the summer in Grebnevo. There, in the garden, lilacs grew, creating like a house in which we loved to play mother and daughter. The elder sister Zoya, the third child in the family, was always a dreamer and came up with different stories that we picked up and acted out. Zoechka is still our social entertainer, organizing all her nephews on bike rides, picking mushrooms, or simply teaching them to play in the fresh air. After all, now children don’t know many games, only cartoons and a computer. And as children we were taught to fantasize and play dodgeball, third wheel, croquet, 12 sticks, grandmother, gardener... Even now, when we get together, we happily run around with our kids or sit and play mafia ourselves.

All our current affairs and problems were discussed mainly with my mother. But dad also tried to talk to us. I loved to wait for dad and write school essays with him. I remember that I was given the task of describing the childhood of one of my relatives. I decided to describe my father’s childhood. And in the evening he told me interesting stories, and I wrote them down.

Dad always checked the boys' diary, but almost never the girls' diary. Our boys were playful. The hyperactive Seraphim actually had his own behavior diary, where the teacher put marks, and dad signed there every day.

Friends and strict order

We girls were rarely allowed to spend the night with our friends. In general, I was the only one who had such a friend, whose family my parents knew well, she was my classmate, and it was with her that I was allowed to spend the night and spend time together. And so, mom and dad usually allowed us to bring friends to the house and spend the night with us, so that our parents could see who we were communicating with.

There was no such thing as when you came with a friend and the house was a mess. We have always been strict with discipline, including cleaning. If you didn’t go to school because classes were canceled or you got sick, you always help your mother with the housework. There was such a funny incident, I don’t remember with which of the sisters, in general, someone got sick, maybe Zoya or Natasha, and so they called up a friend to learn about lessons, and she told her: “You’re lucky, you’re at home now, resting.” ! And she said to her: “What, when we are sick, we always clean the house!”

I believe that in a large family it is very important to teach children order. This is very disciplined, teaches inner composure and prevents laziness. I saw in some families where you come, there is chaos everywhere, and the inability to cope with it is passed on to the children, they grow up unaccustomed to discipline.

Children should have their own responsibilities. We always had a distribution: one sweeps, another washes the mirrors, the third the floors, and so on. You can always find something to do in the house.

Every Saturday the apartment was thoroughly cleaned. And during the week, if you come home from school, you have a free minute, and you see that it’s not tidy, you clean up. And, as I already said, they made sure to put things in order before dad arrived.

When we were little, my mother told us what to do and who should do the cleaning, and when we grew up, on Saturday after breakfast we came up with activities ourselves and agreed among ourselves. Mom could only correct it. For example: “It’s better to let Zoya wash the floor, and Kolya do something else.” Because mom knows that Zoya will do it better.

Mommy often instructed us like this: “Everything must be done carefully, as for the Lord. And you need to clean up well, don’t miss anything, and you need to write carefully in your notebook!” During the cleaning, cheerful music was played in our apartment; if there was a fast, then hymns or the lives of saints. Time passes and everything changes, now together with my mother we can listen to modern music, but we do not forget our old habits.

Of course, I didn’t want to clean: again this Saturday, again this cleaning. But you do it anyway and know that there is no other way. And there’s no getting around it. And then, as you grow up, you happily tidy up and force the younger ones to do it.

Brothers and sisters

I am often asked the question of how it happened that we have such friendly relations between brothers and sisters. There were, of course, quarrels, but for very minor reasons, and they were quickly forgotten. Something from the series: he took my notebook, she stretched out my sweater.

Or, for example, once my younger sister Ksyusha, she was three years old, when I walked away from the table for a minute, where I was diligently doing difficult homework, painted all my notebooks. There are already tears of resentment, and you run to complain to your mother. Mom will reprimand Ksyusha, and at the same time she will tell you that there is no need to be offended, your sister is little, most likely she did not do it on purpose.

Mom always stopped quarrels. From early childhood I heard: “You are brothers and sisters, you must live peacefully.” Mom also said that you shouldn’t fall asleep with a grudge. And after evening prayer we always asked for forgiveness if we harbored a grudge against each other. Mom taught us every day that we should love each other.

It’s interesting that the younger ones chose their own “nannies” from the older ones. Anya chose me. From the age of ten I was already fully able to look after her. I went with her to doctors, to stores for clothes, to school for parent-teacher meetings. Once I went to deal with “advanced” classmates who began to put pressure on a vulnerable girl who was different from them. Sometimes they consider me her mother and are surprised when they find out that I am just a sister. And now Anya herself helps me with my girls.

Clothing by inheritance

Of course, clothes were passed down through generations. But this did not cause offence, on the contrary, if I bought something beautiful for my sister, I thought: she will soon grow up, and this beautiful dress will pass on to me. And she was happy when the clothes were inherited. In our country, if one of the sisters has lost weight or gained weight, the clothes are given to the one for whom they fit.

And we pass on children’s things to each other. In Grebnevo we have a whole storage room for children's trousseau, there are containers there that are labeled, for example, “clothing for a baby from 0-3 months”, and you yourself choose everything you need, then return it to its place.


Our parents tried to give us a good rest. Mostly we went to Grebnevo for the summer, it was always a lot of fun there. Once I went to the sea with my dad, Kolya and I were the lucky ones. Kolya was sent away because of asthma, and I was sent away because of weak kidneys. This was my first trip to the sea, and even with my dad, without my mother. I remember waking up every morning and counting down the days: “So, in 10 days we are leaving for the sea!”

Daddy very diligently braided my hair every morning and taught me to swim. He took Kolya and I on various excursions, to parks and mountains. While climbing the mountains, Kolya and I were freezing, and dad allowed us to drink mulled wine. I remember it was so surprising for me, but dad said: “You’re cold, and you need to drink for your health!”

I can imagine now what a sacrificial act it was for the parents. Firstly, it was probably a lot of money, which was always required in a large family, and secondly, how mommy wanted to spend daddy’s only vacation with him or go to the sea herself, because she only started vacationing a few years ago, and before This is why we are all children.

When we got sick, dad often made us mulled wine himself. Or he liked to clean our ears after a bath, trim our nails, pull out a loose tooth - he did it very deftly and painlessly.

Sometimes I went on pilgrimage trips with my dad and mom, which became memorable moments in my life.

I especially remember my dad’s last summer, 1999. Mom was already carrying Anechka then. We drove to Murom, Vladimir, along the Golden Ring, it seems, in three cars. We had a gazelle, and there were benches instead of seats, because our friends also went with us.

I remember how we stopped in Diveevo and spent the night at the monastery: the men slept in a huge room on mattresses spread on the floor. The women and girls were placed in a room with bunk beds. This year, my husband and I, along with our daughters, also visited Diveevo and remembered that trip. Of course, we were already staying at a hotel and in completely different conditions. But then we perceived those conditions completely normally, easily, without whims, although my mother was pregnant, Vovochka was three years old, and there were many of us children.

Bright holidays

What I remember most from my childhood was the preparation for the holidays - to,. If it was Christmas, we learned poetry, learned a piece of music to play on the piano, and staged small plays. If it was Easter, then my mother talked in detail and very colorfully about the Great Days, we tried to go to church more often, and we didn’t watch TV throughout Lent. The Nativity Fast was somehow fun, but the Great Lent was already stricter, more restrained.

On Strastnaya the most interesting thing began - cooking Easter cakes and Easter cakes, cooking jellied meat. So much food was prepared that we never went to consecrate it in the temple - we couldn’t take it away, we waited for dad to come and consecrate everything for us. Now Father Mikhail or my husband is consecrating.

Mom always taught us to dress neatly and beautifully for church. It happened that you would dress somehow wrong, my mother would say: “When you go to visit a friend, you will carefully select clothes, but when you go to God, all the more so you must think through everything and dress neatly and appropriately!”

All this preparation is an integral part of the upcoming holiday, without all this you will not feel any joy. The end result, of course, is church, service, Communion - and a common feast, common happiness, common joy...

Right doubts

As a teenager, I began to have doubts: was what our parents taught us and invested in us really true? Is the Orthodox faith the only correct one?

I shared my doubts with my mother: I was fourteen years old, and my father had not been with us for four years. Mom quoted my dad’s words - he said that the appearance of such questions at a certain age is even good. This means that a person is growing up, thinking, moving forward. The most important thing during this period is to guide the child in the right direction, give him an interesting book to read, provide guidance, and not leave him alone with his thoughts.

And the example of parents gives a great chance not to go astray. After all, from childhood we absorbed everything connected with faith and the Church like sponges. Yes, even before: when my mother was carrying us during pregnancy, she prayed a lot and read akathists.

“So that mommy is happy!”

Only now, having already become an adult, do you understand what the words mean: the main example of parents is their relationship. When you grow up, you, of course, don’t understand this; it’s natural for you to see a happy mom and dad every day. And when you grow up, you realize: indeed, the most important and valuable thing that parents can pass on to their children is their love for each other and for them.

I remember my parents always happy, loving each other, loving us. And now, when I already have my own family, I want my children to see only good things, only love, and in no case quarrels. What is laid in childhood is like a foundation for life, and if you lay such love, then there is a great chance that your child will be able to bear the hardships of life easier.

When mom was carrying another baby, dad prepared something tasty and healthy for her, for example, baked meat. And this despite being so busy! We always saw how dad takes care of mom. For example, when leaving on a business trip, he gathered us and instructed us on how to behave, how to help mom: “So that I come, and mommy is happy and not tired!”

And our parents really sacrificed a lot for us. Children's concerns and children's needs were put in the foreground. I remember that dad would save some money (and this was very difficult to do then, especially since the temple was still being restored), and he would go and buy clothes for the older girls, although he himself had far from new shoes, and mom had few things. And then, satisfied, at home he organized a “fashion show” for his mother, sat her on the sofa, and asked the girls to get dressed and walk in front of their mother, to show themselves. He really liked to dress us beautifully. And my parents always bought what we needed first for us, and then for ourselves, if there was anything left.

Even now, when my mother and I go to the store to buy her something she needs, she begins to look not for herself, but for one of the children. Recently, she and I went to the store, it’s autumn, winter is coming, and she only has one sandals, but she doesn’t buy anything for herself, because “Sima, Vova, Anya, Ksyusha need to pay for their studies.”

Let's hold on with love

Over 18 years of family life, dad gave so much love that even we, children, hold on to this love. We feel it.

And we always feel that dad is nearby. Many people say: “When you come to you, it seems as if Father Fyodor is in another room.” Dad managed to live his life in such a way, left such a mark on it that 14 years have passed since his passing, and everyone still remembers him.

Anya, our little sister, was only two months old when dad passed away, but she knows him well and feels him. She grew up with this knowledge thanks to her mother's stories, the constant memories of others. And she has more internal wounds than other children, because she had the least contact with her dad during his lifetime. She often cries when we remember dad or watch a family video of dad playing with little Anechka.

If some problems arise in the family, tragedies happen, you think that if there was a dad, it would be easier. But on the other hand, you understand that if what happened had not happened, we would have been completely different. We would have a different attitude towards death, and towards Eternal life, and towards the close people around us. Maybe less careful.

And we all feel dad’s help all the time, even at the most everyday level. When I was studying, you would go to an exam, not know any answers to questions, and ask: “Daddy, help!” And I get the ticket, which I know. You constantly feel dad’s intercession before God, as well as the intercession of his brother, Bishop Sergius, my godfather, who died six months after dad.

My first daughter is . She constantly needs money for treatment. And it happens that as soon as you think about the problem, you mentally turn to the pope or Vladyka Sergius, when you receive an SMS that your mobile bank has been replenished.

And the same thing happens to my mother: no matter what her need is, as soon as she prays, the need appears after some time.

There are difficult situations in life, dad will dream of you, support you, and in the morning you feel new strength and vigor.

Summer with snowballs

So when my husband and I started starting our family, we had a standard to look up to - our parents. We want to be like them.

We met as children. We were interviewed at our wedding for home video, and my husband and I were interviewed separately. I said that we met him in the summer, because my dad came to us in Grebnevo with a new driver (he would later die along with his dad) and his son. I also begged dad to let us stay with Seryozha: we really loved having someone stay with us. Seryozha says that we met in the winter, playing snowballs. Maybe there were snowballs, but only without me, with his older sisters and brother Kolya, at first he communicated with them more.

Lyubov Sokolova - on the left in a red jacket, next to her is Sergei, her future husband

Then we began to grow up, we texted a lot, and even then he realized that he liked me. And I kept saying: “No, no, we are friends.” And my mother already said that Seryozha was not just texting so that I would pay attention to him, but I denied everything. Seryozha made two attempts to date me, and I kept saying: “I’m sorry, but you’re just my friend.”

One day my mother went to an all-night vigil in our church (we always call the church where dad served “our church”), and her old friend handed over two tickets to the patriarchal service: “Let one of the children go.” Mom brought tickets and told me to go as a friend. My friend got sick, and I called Seryozha. It was March 19, the feast of the Icon of the Mother of God “Blessed Heaven,” and that’s when our first date took place. We went to the patriarchal service, and there I realized that Seryozha was not “just a friend” at all, but my dear person, with whom, God willing, I could live my life.

“You don’t talk to your husband like that”

Many people ask me: “It must be hard to live with your mother?” There is just such a stereotype that living with parents is very difficult, that they interfere with a young family, do not give us peace, etc. But our mother is completely different, she understands everything, always meets us halfway, and helps us a lot. We have our own room, in which we are our own masters, but at the same time, if we want to change something, we ask our mother for advice - not because we are afraid that she will not allow it, but we simply always consult with each other. And she often asks us for advice on some everyday things.

Of course, when a family lives separately, it’s different. But we don’t regret at all that we live with our mother, and we think that this is a huge plus, because my mother helps us so much with advice and wisdom. We are very grateful to her for her instructions, for her love and care. I think that thanks to her, Seryozha and I had no serious conflicts.

For example, once my mother heard me slightly raise my voice at my husband and immediately said: “Daughter, you can’t talk to your husband like that, it’s very bad, especially in front of a child.” After all, the parents never quarreled, and if they needed to figure something out, they sat next to each other, alone with each other, and quietly, with love, they opened their souls and their thoughts to each other.

And we try not to have quarrels. The eldest daughter Lizochka is a very sensitive child; she immediately understands everything and gets upset. At most, we can argue about how to calm Lisa down: she often has mood swings. Sometimes I think I need to go outside, but Seryozha thinks he can calm him down with a cartoon. But we always ask each other for forgiveness and never harbor grudges. This is what mom and dad taught us. They said that we should immediately tell each other about our thoughts or grievances, calmly, without complaints, with respect and love, just talk.

The hardest thing is ignorance

My eldest daughter was diagnosed with Rett syndrome when she was two years old. But I noticed that not everything was okay when she was four months old. She did not roll over and did not do many things according to the children's calendar. But the doctors I contacted said that everything was fine. By nine months she began to sit up on her own, and at four years she just started crawling. It was a difficult moment for me, I began to think what was wrong with her.

They looked for the reason, argued with the doctors, who convinced that everything was fine with the child, but I felt that the child had health problems. Lisa made stereotypical movements with her hands, cried at night until she vomited, and they told me that she simply had protein intolerance.

This stage of not knowing was difficult. Thanks to the support and love of my husband, family and friends, of course, it was easier to cope with the situation.

When the diagnosis was finally made, to some extent it was a reassurance. At least there is certainty. We now began to think about how to treat, how to rehabilitate. We did not give up, we did not despair. And we turned to people for help - thank God, they help. I am grateful to everyone who was and remains close to us, who helps, supports... without this, many families are left alone with their grief.

How the disease will progress is unpredictable. I ask the doctors whether the girl will walk; this moment is important for us, especially now that our second daughter, Sofia, has appeared. Now we are like two twins: both girls need to be looked after equally, even Lisa is to some extent more difficult. If I’m left alone, I sit down to breakfast very late, because while you wash one, feed, then the other, a lot of time passes.

Without the support of relatives and friends it would be difficult. To treat Lisa, a lot of money is required, because the disease is incurable, we don’t know how long Lizok will live, but we want to make sure that even her short life is at least a little easier. At first my mother helped us, but it’s hard for her herself, she has children who need to be raised. And we found a way out in creating the VKontakte group. People respond, for which we are very grateful.

Motherhood immediately changes your life; you have greater responsibility for your children. While I have little daughters, and everyday worries - clothing, feeding. Lisa does not need to be raised in the usual sense, she will remain a pure child, most likely, she educates us and teaches us a lot: patience, endurance, wisdom, she is our incentive to grow further, not to stop there.

When my niece comes - Liza’s age, who can do everything, walks, speaks like an ordinary child, it is difficult for me to compare. But you can compare the other way: there are children whose condition is much more serious, in some families they simply lie... Such a comparison is always sobering, it shows how merciful the Lord is to you, and if this was given to you, it means with God’s help, you can carry it.

Friendly family - calm teenager

In the future, I would like my husband and I to have many children. So that we can build a big, friendly family with our own traditions. These traditions keep children in adolescence from all kinds of throwing.

For example, I didn’t have any special problems as a teenager. I only remember one day I closed myself off from my mother, it was hard for me to tell her something, to talk. It was easier to tell my sister. But my mother saw this moment and emphasized it, and began to talk more often about openness to each other. And this closeness somehow went away on its own. But this does not mean that all girls go through this difficult period this way, everyone has a different character, different families, everything is different, and each person is unique.

Traditions and family holidays give a child a lot: a sense of community, unity, strength, joy. When we all get together, I think: how great it is that I have such a large family, which is connected by the most important thing - the Church, the road to Christ.


Only Father Sergius earns money in the family, and his priestly salary (25,000 rubles) is not enough to provide quality care for a disabled child.

Now the most necessary thing is biomechanical rehabilitation - 36,000 rubles. per month

TOTAL: 432,000 rub. per year

We will be grateful for any help you can provide. Here are the details: