Drilling service company. System drilling service

The company provides a full range of services to provide customers necessary equipment and spare parts, their repair and maintenance during the period of exploration and production drilling. Along with this, methodological and technical support of the drilling process is provided, taking into account the use of advanced domestic and world achievements in this field.

To increase efficiency and speed up maintenance work, the company in its activities strives to ensure the presence of its divisions in all key oil and gas regions. A special place in the range of services provided to customers is occupied by the replacement of pump components with high-quality spare parts of our own production, which leads to a reduction in working hours and reduces the cost of crews during drilling operations.

The company also pays important attention to the uninterrupted supply of equipment necessary for service maintenance, which is achieved through preliminary placement necessary materials in our own warehouses in close proximity to the location of the customer’s fields. IN this moment, the company’s service unit is focused on a nationally strategic region - the Yamal Peninsula (Bovanenkovskoye oil and gas condensate field) and carries out maintenance of UNBT-1180L1 drilling pumps for the needs of the Ukhta Burenie branch of Gazprom Burenie LLC.

Servicing of mud pumps includes:

1. Diagnostics and flaw detection of customer equipment.

2. Express analysis of the results obtained and comparison with passport data.

3. Repair work on the customer’s premises without removal of the equipment being repaired.

4. Warranty service for supplied products.

5. Replacement of spare parts (bushings, pistons, valves, rods) by our specialists.

6. Routine work and major renovation directly at the company's production facilities.

7. Consultations with specialists on the use of mud pumps.

There are normal partners.

06.09.18 17:13 MoscowAnonymous,

Normal conditions in the carriage, bed, table, chair. Nothing else!!

When you get a job, you sign an agreement because you are satisfied with the terms of the agreement, which states, for example, your salary, payment days wages, work and rest schedules - you expect that these and other conditions will be observed, but how could it be otherwise!!! And how really!! Yes, they pay for the trip, but back and forth at least once every 3 months, if you want to get out of this...

24.05.18 15:17 VolgogradSergey,

usually good feedback They don’t write, but I decided to write because... I read the reviews and have two opinions. So, what good can I say after 3 months of work: + they will send you to work at the expense of the company from home. + they pay as much as they promise. net 92,000 for 15 days (8 polars, in the north) + salary not in envelopes. (officially) + straight home from the shift + extra pay for time spent on shift. p.s....

There is a salary delay. But where is she paid on time!? The delay is not critical for me. Sometimes it’s even better to get the amount at once (it will be more efficient) - to get a job you need to come to Volgograd. Pass a medical examination and testing. For out-of-towners there is a corporate apartment. (you can spend the night there, free of charge)

17.08.17 13:24 VolgogradVictor Supersuper,

I've been working for several years. Were different times- the most difficult were 3 months without salary at the end of 2016. Reason: Customer delays. And there, I don’t know who hired us... In April, we paid off all the salary debts. New management has arrived, it seems they are trying to reach the level... Good luck to you on this path))) Friends, you can work, especially if there are Polars. Now there is a shift method. Changeovers have leveled out. For the money...

3 months without salary at the end of 2016. The shift method is good for those who have a lot of polars... For the rest, depending on what object they will direct...

12.08.17 10:35 SurgutSenya Super,


The company, of course, is just brutal, it’s impossible to work, the laptops are dead, they’re 100 years old at lunchtime, and like all the office equipment, the salary is 4 months late, the maximum delay is 6 months. I’m generally silent about shift changes, you sit on a bush for 3 months, and they don’t give a damn what you need to go home and what family problems, they don't answer the phone. After the dismissal, the salary was given for 3 months, and Galina Viktorovna, after the dismissal, changed and openly...

31.07.17 14:53VolgogradOleg,

After the dismissal of the CEO at the beginning of the year, Life began to improve. Shift shifts on schedule, salaries on time. It’s very pleasant to work under such conditions!

Eradicated by the new CEO.

28.07.17 09:35 VolgogradSergey,

Shifts for 2-3 months, salaries are not paid on time!!! The entire OKSS department should have been disbanded a long time ago!!! In OKSS there are inexperienced boys who are far from production (workover work, drilling). There is 1 person there - he worked as a driver all his life, and now he is a deputy. head of OKSS - funny 1000 times))))))))))))))).

The service sector, which also includes well drilling services, is different in the twenty-first century high level competition. The Gidroinzhstroy company takes a leading position in this regard: customer satisfaction with the quantity and quality of services provided and the quality and timing of work performed is monitored. Based on the data obtained, appropriate conclusions are drawn.

On the quality of well drilling work big influence provides technical condition drilling rig fleet. The vast majority of them are exploratory drilling installations URB 2A-2, manufactured by CJSC Moscow Experimental Drilling Equipment Plant.
This enterprise is already more than 10 years old, which for current realities Russian business, already a lot.

Cooperation between JSC MOZBT and JSC Gidroinzhstroy

Most of the drilling rigs in the central and regional divisions of Gidroinzhstroy are URB 2A-2. The design of the URB 2A-2 has stood the test of time. It is easy to use and at the same time reliable. During operation, some components or structural elements are subject to strong cyclic and shock loads, which leads to accelerated wear. The use of original spare parts for the rotator, elevator, mud pump and hydraulic system allows you to increase the turnaround time. Taking into account many years of cooperation with the plant manufacturer of the units, Gidroizhstroy mechanics can always count on the necessary parts being available at the right time.

The drilling tool has a great influence on the timing and quality of work: it must be regularly checked and updated. By own experience we can say that the drilling tools produced at JSC "MOZBT" are, today, one of the best. Drilling augers, bits, bailers, subs, etc. have proven their reliability and durability in practice.

The unique service of JSC MOZBT - Emergency Service Service - makes life much easier for drillers.
When drilling a well, sometimes emergencies also occur, and the drilling team cannot always carry out repairs on their own. In this case, you can contact the Ministry of Health and Safety dispatcher and call an emergency team. The emergency service service is a specialized vehicle equipped with a full set of spare parts for the URB 2A-2 drilling rig. Any repair work according to service regulations must be completed within two hours. During this time, irreversible processes will not have time to occur in the well (if the tool remains in the trunk), and it can be safely re-drilled.

Observing the rapid development of our partners, the company ZAO Moskovsky Pilot plant Drilling Equipment”, we are sincerely happy. This is the first enterprise in the market of rigs for and for engineering surveys, which has focused its efforts on providing services for drillers and has firmly taken a stable position in the market of exploration drilling rigs in Russia. It should be noted that URB 2A-2 drilling rigs are also presented in the CIS countries.

In order to facilitate the operation of installations for its foreign partners, in 2012 a separate structure, “Trading House “MOZBT”, was allocated.
The staff of TD "MOZBT" is trained taking into account the specifics of work in the target countries. The website www.mozbt-export.com provides a detailed description of the transport chassis, the drilling rigs mounted on them, as well as the terms of delivery and warranty service.