What you need to carry a bladed weapon. Law on bladed weapons: main provisions, changes. Download the law on bladed weapons in the latest edition

Illegal sale of civilian smooth-bore long-barreled weapons, firearms limited destruction, gas weapons, edged weapons, including throwing weapons - (as amended by Federal Laws dated 08.12.2003 N 162-FZ, dated 28.12.2010 N 398-FZ) (see text in the previous edition) is punishable by mandatory labor for a term of up to four hundred eighty hours, or correctional labor for a term of one to two years, or restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years, or forced labor for a term of up to two years, or arrest for a term of three to six months, or imprisonment freedom for a term of up to two years with a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months or without it. (as amended by Federal Law dated December 7, 2011 N 420-FZ) (see text in the previous edition) Note.

Law on carrying bladed weapons

The main one is the law “On Weapons”, which was adopted back in 1996.

The norms of the document determine that this type of weapon can be used civilians and is intended for self-defense.

But, at the same time, the types of weapons and areas of their use, as well as individual restrictions, are described.

The second important document is the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which contains standards of liability for violation of the basic requirements for the operation of such weapons.
Another type of punishment is administrative penalties, which are provided for in the articles of the Code of Administrative Offences.


Legal system Russia has many similarities with the legislation of other CIS countries.

In particular, there is almost absolute similarity with the law of Ukraine.
A somewhat smaller list of restrictions for owners of combat knives is established in Kazakhstan.

And the most severe punishments for violators are fixed by the legislation of Belarus.

Carrying edged weapons: general information, punishment

The use of a new type of plastic as a consumable material in the production of covers for knives with a fixed blade or for folding objects was revolutionary.


In such a sheath, thanks to its elasticity, the weapon was securely held in any position, as well as quick removal.

Manufacturers began to produce sets of knives with carrying systems that made it possible to fix the item in the way the owner preferred.

Transportation procedure Today regulations The rules for carrying edged weapons are not clearly established.
However, there are a number of prohibitions. So, in the Law “On Weapons”, in Art. 6, it is determined that wearing products from this category as a means of self-defense is not allowed.

In addition, there is an obligation to have accompanying documents.

What is the penalty for carrying a bladed weapon?

The same acts committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy are punishable by imprisonment for a term of two to six years with or without a fine in the amount of up to one hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months. 3.

Acts provided for in parts one or two of this article, committed by an organized group, are punishable by imprisonment for a term of five to eight years with a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one year. up to eighteen months or without it.


The illegal carrying of firearms, their main parts, ammunition, explosives or explosive devices should be understood as being in the clothes or directly on the body of the accused, as well as being carried in a bag, briefcase and similar items (clause 11 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dated 12.03 .2002 N 5). 4. When considering cases of violations of the rules for the circulation of weapons and ammunition, it is necessary to keep in mind that the unlawful actions of a person may simultaneously contain elements of both an administrative offense and a crime, and therefore it is necessary to limit the types of liability of weapon owners.

Illegal possession of bladed weapons is sanctioned according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

These can be chopped, stabbed, crushed, or stabbed wounds.

The nature and form of the alleged bladed weapon is determined by the form of injury itself. Prohibited types of bladed weapons Among the general range of devices for causing mutilation, the circulation of such types of combat devices as a flail, brass knuckles, suriken, and boomerang is completely prohibited by law. All these devices are designed for impact-crushing actions, throwing, and pose an increased threat to society. The ban also applies to the distribution of specific social and service weapons.

Knife and law

Main features In accordance with the Federal Law, questions about classifying any specific item as a bladed weapon are resolved solely on the basis of the results of forensic examination or certification.

In doing so, specialists are guided by regulations and relevant requirements.

In particular, the classification of an item as a bladed weapon is influenced by:

  • Butt thickness.
  • Blade length.
  • Handle design.
  • Blade hardness and so on.

IN modern practice the knife manufacturer or their seller certifies the products in a specialized center.

The latter, in turn, must be accredited and registered in the register of relevant authorities. The seller or manufacturer receives a certificate according to which the knife belongs to the household category (sports, tourism, kitchen) or to a weapon.

Cold steel - conditions of storage and carrying according to the law

The legislator has fixed individual characteristics that make it possible to distinguish household products from edged weapons.

If you own the latter, you must obtain the appropriate license.

To counter criminal acts, liability is provided for illegal carrying cold steel under the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Why do you need a permit to carry bladed weapons? The uncontrolled use of weapons on the territory of the state is fraught with the emergence of mass unrest and an increase in the level of street crime.

Therefore, control of the use of edged weapons is an important area law enforcement. And one of the main methods is the provision of permits to citizens to carry and store weapons.

In particular, the law limits the conditions for the legal acquisition of weapons.

Is there administrative liability for carrying bladed weapons? In addition, in order to be held accountable under this norm, it will be necessary to prove the fact of violation of the rules for storing edged weapons, which in in this case not seen.

When an act is excluded from criminal law, a new administrative offense usually appears.

But with regard to carrying knives, there is also no such composition. The only norm whose provisions can in any way be attributed to such actions is Article 20.8, which provides for administrative liability for violations of the rules for storing edged weapons. However, wearing and storing are various actions, therefore, the question of the possibility of prosecution under this norm when facts of carrying knives are discovered is controversial.
It is allowed to purchase products for self-defense, hunting, and sports.

The document gives the right to purchase and carry bladed and hunting bladed weapons with national costumes or Cossack uniforms.

Get necessary paper for a specific type of product, it is possible at the place of residence in the police department.

Administrative responsibility For carrying a bladed weapon without the appropriate documents, or violating other requirements, appropriate measures may be taken against a citizen.

They are quite clearly stated in Administrative Code offenses.

The civil circulation of the products in question is regulated by the Law on the carrying of bladed weapons, their acquisition, transportation, use, exhibition, sale, and production.

The regulatory act also establishes the procedure for recording and destroying items of this category.

Carrying edged weapons article of the criminal code of the Russian Federation 2017 art. 223

A person who voluntarily surrenders the items specified in this article is exempt from criminal liability under this article. Their seizure during the detention of a person, as well as during investigative actions to detect and seize them, cannot be recognized as voluntary surrender of the items specified in this article, as well as in Articles 222.1, 223 and 223.1 of this Code. (edited)

The section “The Knife and the Law” examines the signs, if present, that knives are NOT edged weapons.
Answers to frequently asked questions are given, the main one being

What is a bladed weapon?

The most interesting and important things come first. Penalties for carrying knives are:

  • For sales cold steel - imprisonment for up to two years (Article 222.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
  • For making cold steel - imprisonment for up to two years (Article 223.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
  • In accordance with Art. 6 of the Weapons Law, trafficking (read carrying bladed weapons) is prohibited. Punishment for wearing cold - administrative fine up to 2000 rubles (Article 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) plus seizure. A warm and friendly conversation with people in uniform, where you will act as a person being checked for involvement in all unsolved domestic crimes using piercing and cutting tools, is also guaranteed.

Also covered here

Signs on the basis of which knives are not chemical weapons, but belong to household, tourist, cutting or skinning knives are described in the Law “On Weapons” No. 150-FZ and in the following GOSTs:

  • GOST R 51501-99 Touring and special sports knives.
  • GOST R 51644-2000 Cutting and skinning knives.
  • GOST R 51215-98 Cold steel. Terms and definitions.
  • GOST R 51500-99 Hunting knives and daggers. General technical conditions.
  • GOST R 51548-2000 Survival knives.
  • GOST R 51715-2001 Decorative and souvenir products, similar in external structure with bladed or throwing weapons.
  • GOST R 51549-2000 Crossbows and sports bows. Crossbows and bows for recreation and entertainment.

And if you think that a knife in your pocket is a more relevant item than small detachment personal bodyguards or protective voodoo spirits, it is better to learn these few signs in order to feel confident when talking with friends in uniform.

A brief summary of the above GOST requirements, in the presence of which knives are not edged weapons:

Examples. These knives are not edged weapons in accordance with GOST standards:

Knife without a tip (item 1)

The tip is above the butt line (item 2)

The tip is above the butt line (item 3)

Knife with a concave spine (item 4)

Knife with a concave spine (item 5)

Knife with hook for ripping (item 6)

Knife with a deflection in the form of a “rocker arm” (item 7)

Knife blade shorter than 90 mm (item 8)

A knife with a convergence angle between the blade and butt of more than 70 degrees (item 9)

Knife with a handle shorter than 70 mm (item 12)

The difference in the width of the handle does not exceed 8 mm (item 13)

Knife with a single stop less than 5 mm (item 14)

The size of the limiter is less than 4 mm (item 15)

Examination of knives for signs of edged weapons. 04:16

Attention! When purchasing a knife in a store, ask for a Certificate for the knife, also called an “Information Sheet”, which contains a note stating that the knife is not a bladed weapon and belongs to household, tourist, or other knives that can be safely carried. It is advisable to carry this Information Sheet with you, for example in your wallet. This will allow if questions arise from law enforcement agencies significantly save your time.

Example of an Information Sheet:




Possession of bladed weapons - responsibility and article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for carrying bladed weapons

Edged weapons are weapons that are used to hit a target using human muscle power through direct contact with the target. Such weapons can be piercing, slashing, piercing-cutting, crushing, and the like. Therefore, edged weapons include Finnish knives, daggers, knives, checkers, sabers, stilettos, brass knuckles, dirks and other objects that are specially adapted or directly intended to hit a living target.

Weapons are not products that are certified as products for industrial or household purposes. These are garden, shoe, kitchen, penknives and the like. You should know that there is responsibility for storing and carrying bladed weapons in 2019. This should be taken into account when purchasing metal products of a piercing or cutting nature. The issue of recognizing a certain object as a cold weapon is decided by forensic examination.

Distinctive features of edged weapons

Melee weapons have the following distinctive features:

1. Blade length is over 90mm;

2. The blade thickness is over 2.4 mm;
3. the angle of convergence of the butt and blade is no more than 70 degrees;

4. blade roll is no more than 9 mm;

5. The hardness of the steel is at least 25 Rockwell;

6. the blade penetrates to a depth of at least 20 mm;

7. there is a pronounced limiter for the fingers;

8. the tip of the blade, which is convenient for stabbing in the presence of the other above point;

Edged weapons can be recognized as such only based on the results of certification or forensic examination. Punishment for carrying a bladed weapon may occur in the absence of a permit.

What bladed weapons are prohibited?

The article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on carrying bladed weapons prohibits the circulation as official weapons, including civilian weapons boomerangs, shurikens, brass knuckles, flails, as well as other objects of throwing and impact-crushing action specially adapted for use as weapons. In Russia, according to Article 6 of the weapons law, the circulation of the following weapons as service weapons, including civilian weapons, is prohibited:

1. knives and cold bladed weapon, blades and blades are longer than 90 mm:

2. are removed from the handle automatically by pressing a button or a special lever, and are also fixed by them;

3. They extend using accelerated movement or gravity, and also lock automatically.

What bladed weapons are citizens entitled to have?

The rules for carrying edged weapons require it.

1. Citizens who have permission to carry, including storage of hunting firearms, have the right to purchase hunting bladed weapons. Upon purchase of this weapon The seller notes the entry in the citizen’s hunting license. In this case, a permit to carry this bladed weapon will be a permit to carry a hunting weapon.

2. Some citizens can also buy bladed weapons, which are used to wear with the national costumes of the peoples of Russia, as well as Cossack uniforms. These are daggers, knives, checkers and sabers. The Russian government determines the attributes of national costumes.

In other cases, carrying edged weapons is prohibited.

Responsibility for illegal carrying or storage

At the moment, violation of the rules for carrying or storing edged weapons is subject to administrative liability. Before the advent of Law N 162-FZ of 2003, Article 222 of the Criminal Code could be used. A fine is imposed on the citizen with or without the confiscation of weapons. Paid seizure involves the seizure of weapons and sale in accordance with the established procedure. The proceeds, in addition to the costs incurred, are returned to the former owner.

Article 222 of the Criminal Code establishes only liability for illegal sales. Article 223 of the Criminal Code establishes liability only for illegal production. This is imprisonment for up to two years, including arrest for up to six months, and correctional labor.

IN everyday life citizens, many controversial issues arise when the use and storage of household items is interpreted as the storage and use of dangerous equipment that can cause harm to others. When the law on weapons was adopted, characteristics and definitions were given for a more understandable and detailed consideration of individual types of weapons.

General information

The law on carrying and storing bladed weapons was adopted State Duma November 13, 1996. The last changes to it were made on March 7, 2018. Federal Law 150 contains 32 articles. This law controls and regulates legal relations arising when carrying and storing any type of weapon on the territory of Russia. It also regulates and defines measures and processes for the protection of citizens, civil and state property, measures and processes for the safety of the population, nature and natural resources. Federal Law 150 ensures the development of weapons intended for use in various sports, defines the processes international relations in the fight against crime and illegal distribution and storage of all categories of weapons.

Summary of Federal Law No. 150 on weapons:

  • 1 tbsp. – a list of concepts and terms used in the law and their definitions is given;
  • 2 tbsp. – various types and categories of weapons are listed and described;
  • 3 tbsp. – information about weapons that can be used by citizens of the Russian Federation has been compiled;
  • 4 tbsp. – information about weapons that can be used by government employees and officials has been compiled;
  • 5 tbsp. – information on the use of categories of weapons defined as hand-held cold and hand-held small arms has been compiled;
  • 6 tbsp. – describes the prohibitions and restrictions established by law on the storage and use of weapons;
  • 7 tbsp. – a list of conditions and requirements for weapons and ammunition is presented;
  • 8 tbsp. – information on entering information into the state register has been prepared. a register of equipment and ammunition used by the population;
  • 9 tbsp. – describes the process and methods of obtaining a license to purchase and collect weapons and ammunition;
  • 10 tbsp. – a list of persons entitled to arms is given;
  • 11th century – a list of rights, powers and guarantees of state rights is given. military organizations for armament;
  • 12 tbsp. – a list of rights, powers and guarantees of rights to purchase and use legal weapons is given. persons with special permission;
  • 13th century – a list of rights and guarantees of rights to the acquisition and storage of equipment by citizens of the Russian Federation is given;
  • 14th century – the processes and nuances of the acquisition, import and export of weapons to the territory have been formalized Russian Federation foreigners;
  • 15th century – other categories of persons who have the rights to purchase the described objects are listed;
  • 16th century – the process and legal side of the production of equipment and ammunition has been formalized;
  • 17th century – the processes and nuances of the import and export of weapons and ammunition into the territory of the Russian Federation have been formalized;
  • 18th century – trade described various types weapons on Russian territory;
  • 19th century – describes the process and nuances of the sale or transfer of equipment by citizens to various military state companies;
  • 20 tbsp. – the purchase and sale, inheritance, donation of weapons and ammunition have been formalized;
  • 21 Art. – the process of resale of weapons belonging to citizens to other persons has been formalized;
  • 22 art. – the nuances and basic provisions for storing equipment and ammunition as personal property are described;
  • 23 Art. – the amount of the fee and the method of payment for the use of the described legal objects are presented. persons;
  • 24 Art. – a list of situations is given when citizens have the right to use equipment;
  • 25 Art. – information is provided on the registration, transfer, transportation, wearing in everyday life and in service, collecting, destruction, etc. of existing weapons;
  • 26 Art. – cancellation of the license and seizure of the described objects;
  • 27 Art. – seizure of equipment and ammunition;
  • 28 Art. – state control over trade and circulation of weapons in the country;
  • 29 Art. – date and period of entry into force of this Federal Law;
  • 30 tbsp. – registration of other laws, acts and regulations to comply with the described law;
  • 31 art. – programs used by government. employees to comply with the requirements of the law;
  • 32 Art. – invalidation of certain articles and provisions of the law.

WITH latest changes The Federal Law on Trade in the Russian Federation can be found

The legal definition of a bladed weapon is a weapon designed to be used, using human musculature and strength, to kill a subject by direct contact with him.

There is equipment different types, categories are divided into piercing, cutting and chopping. These include knives, daggers, stilettos, checkers, brass knuckles, swords, broadswords, dirks, etc. Kitchen, pen and garden knives have complex system and large blades, but are not melee weapons.

On average, a dangerous edged weapon has the following list of characteristics:

  • The length of the blade is more than nine centimeters;
  • A finger stop is installed when holding equipment;
  • The blade thickness is more than 0.24 cm;
  • The weapon penetrates the target to a depth of more than 2 centimeters;
  • The angle between the butt and the blade of the object does not exceed 70 degrees;
  • According to the established standard, the hardness of steel is at least 25 Rockwell;
  • When measuring transverse bending, minimum 0.9 cm.

According to the parameters listed above, the permissible length of a knife blade by law is less than nine centimeters. If the buyer cannot accurately determine the length of the blade and whether the purchased weapon meets the acceptable standard, the person can contact specialists from the forensic department to clarify the characteristics of the object.

Latest amendments

The latest changes to the law on storing and carrying military small arms and hand-held bladed weapons were made on March 7, 2018. Changes occurred in article number 26.

In the first paragraph 26 of Article 150 of the Federal Law another phrase was added after the phrase “(or) permissions.” Information was added that all persons registered in Article 10 of the described law from paragraphs 2 to 7 may be deprived of the right to a license to store or buy and sell weapons.

In the third paragraph 26 of Article 150 of the Federal Law instead of the phrase “hereby Federal law“information is now regulated by a specific paragraph of the law, namely paragraph 2 of paragraph 4 of part nine of the article and paragraphs two to ten of paragraph 20 of the thirteenth article.

Rules for carrying bladed weapons by law

Information on fines and punishments for non-compliance with the legislation regarding the carrying of edged weapons is formalized in the Code on administrative offenses, in article number 20.8. According to this article, any person caught or noticed in the unlawful use of bladed weapons will be fined from 500 to 2000 rubles. The criminal's equipment will be confiscated.

The following list of persons has the right to arms:

  • Employees of bodies in the performance of their duties;
  • With appropriate cultural events, on which knives, swords, brass knuckles, etc. can be displayed or used;
  • Persons holding a license for hunting and related fishing;
  • Citizens and other persons engaged in transport and transportation and who need equipment for self-defense;
  • Athletes whose sport matches the direction of use of weapons;
  • Persons who have passed military service and received weapons as a trophy. Such persons require special permission.

In cases of weapons, a special permit or license is not always required. Citizens only need the appropriate license in cases where they purchase equipment for hunting or the use of weapons when worn with national costumes or Cossack costumes. If a citizen has a license to firearms for hunting or other use, he also has the right to use the same permit to purchase bladed weapons. No permit is required to use the equipment in sports. In all other cases, citizens do not have the right to keep, wear or use it.

Citizens have the right to obtain appropriate permission or license to use equipment for their own purposes. Different rules apply for military and paramilitary companies and organizations. The person draws up a written application, which is sent to the police department and is considered there. If a positive decision is made, the citizen is issued a document valid for 5 years.

Storage Features

Russian legislation does not have specific conditions and requirements for the storage of edged weapons by citizens. Storing edged weapons according to the weapons law in accordance with the norms has a number of certain rules. The main rule is that the equipment must be hidden in a place inaccessible to other persons and packed in specialized cases. However, even if a person does not act according to the prescribed rules, there will be no problem. There is no fine or other punishment for improperly storing a weapon.

Knife making

In cases where citizens illegally manufacture and distribute equipment, they will bear administrative and criminal liability under the articles of the law on knives in Russia. Information on punishments and fines for the described actions is formalized in Article 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

This article lists the following types punishments for committing a crime:

  • Mandatory community service up to 480 hours inclusive;
  • Serving a term in prison for about 2 years and a fine of 50,000 rubles to 80,000 rubles;
  • Punishment in the form of correctional labor for a year or 2 years, depending on the severity of the crime.

If a citizen cooperates with the investigation and voluntarily surrenders the bladed weapons he has to officers or other employees, he automatically absolves himself of all criminal liability for the listed crimes.

Download the law on bladed weapons in the latest edition

All information about weapons is presented in the weapons law. If a citizen wishes to possess or use any type of weapon, he will need to draw up a corresponding application and send it to the police department. For more detailed information To learn how to obtain a license, it is recommended that you read the text of this Federal Law.