Birthday with Dracula scenario. Scenario for an extracurricular event “Not quite a pure power ball or Halloween. Bloody dishes and drinks

Scenario for Halloween 2014

First buffoon: Hey, you brothers, gentlemen!
Where are you from and where?
Don't pass us by!
Everyone hurry to visit them for the holiday!

Second buffoon: Kings or barbers
Run to us quickly!
Hey servant or master
Everyone's here for Halloween!

Presenter: Today the gates opened,
And we stand between them.
Something in the past and in the future
They could see behind him.

To know your place in eternity,
Unravel the tangle of cobwebs,
Fall into the depths of infinity,
See other pictures...

The gates are open on Halloween,
But so that the stream does not burst in,
And the evil spirits did not pour in like an avalanche,
The passage and the lock are under guard.

There are shadows of guardians - demons
And witches fly on brooms -
It's not an easy task...
And the uninitiated are scared...

Leshy: Oh, how many of you are gathered here?
What, more space not found?
Imagine this forest as mine
Let's go home!
What? you have nothing to say?!!!
We need to put a spell on you!!! (casts a spell)
Fu-you - well-you! That way, that way
It doesn't work out here
Forgot how to cast spells
We must call upon the evil spirits!

Song about Halloween.

Witch: Have a terrible evening everyone!

Dracula: Ha ha! Hello, vampires, ghouls and other not entirely pure forces. My respect to you, witch! And bon appetit!

Witch: Count, I see you’ve already bitten, some fresh blood?

Dracula: Come on, I'm not yet in one tooth!☺ Witch, don’t you have a mug with you?

Witch: No...!

Dracula: Okay, then from the throat!! (Touches to bite the witch)☺

Witch: It’s easier, Count, a witch is not a witch, but on occasion I can bend so hard that it doesn’t seem too much...☺

Witch: Friends, today there will be a grandiose Sabbath, which you will remember for the number of nasty things, troubles and other dirty tricks committed!!!

Dracula: So how does the Sabbath go?

Dracula: Does mom know!?☺

Zombie: On this night we worship our Lords! Lift it all up left hand, and now the right one - and let's clap for all of us! We flew here from all points and places of the afterlife in order to have a wonderful and terrible time! Today is the night of dirty tricks and horrors!.. So, we begin our night!

A short excerpt from a gothic melody plays.

Ghost: Zombie, and Zombie...

Zombie: What, my nasty and disgusting best friend?

Casting: There is no doubt that this night is terribly terrible... but... don't you think that we should choose our queen of the night? Two unusually vile leaders cannot only be in male company. ... What do you think, our invited evil spirits?

The audience supports Dracula.

Zombie: Well, since our scary and vile guests agree, it means...

Casting: This means we invite all witches, sorceresses, drowned women, fortune tellers, voodoo dolls, cats and other scary and disgusting ladies to come to us.Dracula: My favorite activity! I will choose with great pleasure delicious dinner, that is, a worthy Queen!

Baba Yaga: (stands crying)
Student : Grandma, what’s wrong with you?
Baba Yaga: Who are you?
Student: I’m Vanya, and who are you?
Baba Yaga: And I am Baba Yaga of the swamp
Student: Why are you crying?
Baba Yaga: They don’t let me go to Halloween.
Student: How come they won’t let me in?
Baba Yaga: Everyone says you’re not fashionable, not famous, this mummy is famous, but they only know you in Russia and you’re not scary at all and you don’t know how to do evil.
Student: What about you?
Baba Yaga: I want it for Halloween, but they won’t take me.
Student: And who do they take?
Baba Yaga: None of our Koscheys were laughed at at all - they say it’s worse for us to eat any evil spirits.
Student: And you, too, play a dirty trick.
Baba Yaga: Which one?
Student: Well, for example, write on the wall of the school - “Santa Claus is a fool”, he will be offended and will not come for New Year...
Baba Yaga: No, everyone will call him and he will come, he is kind and easygoing, and then he will find the one who wrote and beat him with a staff.
Student: Already hit?
Baba Yaga: That's what I would do.
Student: Well then, you can ruin Halloween - cast a spell on them! They only have all sorts of terrible maniacs there; in principle, no one seriously knows how to do magic.
Baba Yaga: What can they conjure? I’ve ruined New Year’s a lot of times, it’s clear - put Santa Claus to sleep, put him in prison and lose the keys... but how can I ruin Halloween?
Student: And conjure everyone so that their teeth hurt and there is no dentist anywhere?
Baba Yaga: This is not enough... maybe someone will come, the pumpkin has no teeth.
Student: Make the pumpkin hurt, in the sense of the head and its substitutes...
Baba Yaga: (crying) Where will I hang out then?

Evil spirits roam in the forest area,

Everyone is running away from the evil spirits

They are standing up, screaming and squealing

And they rush to deal with her


They say you won't have any luck

If evil spirits cross your path,

In the meantime, it's the other way around:

Only the unfortunate evil spirits have no luck!

Apparently, living with evil spirits is not easy:

Do not go to a cafe or to the cinema,

They don't let her into the store

They won't pour gasoline at the gas station!


Year after year on this earth

The evil spirits are crying, sobbing in the darkness.

Tired of being evil spirits - creepy.

Someone have pity on her!

Chorus The disco begins.

Student: Why don’t you gather all your people and hang out, play Valeria’s new records or turn on R&B and have a disco.
Baba Yaga: (sobs, pause) And this is an idea, just wait, I’ll quickly put on my makeup and gather everyone. (runs to collect everyone)
Student: No, this holiday will pass without me

Witch: On this day, all the harpies, witches, furies gather in one place and have... a bachelorette party...

Witch: Count, I am a hereditary witch...

Dracula: Does mom know!?☺

Dracula: Here comes the heir of Lucifer. Vivat terrible Isabella! the most unpredictable and terribly beautiful!

(The vampire and witch bows before Isabella in respect.)

Dracula: Greetings, Isabella! You are, as always, deadly charming, like a true child of darkness.

Isabella: Have a bad evening everyone! It was no coincidence that I appeared here today - October 31, the Great Holiday of Horrors. Tremble, he is coming! Solemn and terrible All Saints Day! Or, as it is also called, autumn holiday evil spirits Halloween.

Dracula: Isabella, may I be curious, how many years have you been decorating this world of the living?

Isabella: More than 2000 years...

Dracula: Would you like to go to the realm of dreams? (Tries to bite Isabella)

Isabella: No thanks! When I want, then I’ll die, without outside help - first I’ll make a will, write a farewell note, wash myself, change clothes, put on makeup, hair, heels... And in general, maybe I’ll change my mind ten more times!!! (Making eyes at anyone from the audience)

Witch: Isabella, I ask you to help me complete the assignment: your dear dad Lucifer asked me to elect the king and queen of the evening.

Isabella: I will be happy to help you choose the King of our monstrous ball!

I will even introduce him to you today and he will choose a queen for himself.

Dracula: here comes my favorite pastime! With great pleasure I will choose a delicious dinner, that is, I will help you choose a worthy Queen!

Witch: And so anyone can become the queen of the ball. But for this you need to pass all the tests. are you ready?

Dracula: Witch, do you even know how to cast a spell...??? I bit someone with a cold and there’s no way to heal it...

Witch: Easy! Garlic - in the mouth, onion - in the nose, honey - on the chest, mustard on the heels,
nettle on the lower back and a huge glass of milk with honey and beetle fat
for internal influence...
Let's poison all the microbes!
If you live until the morning, you will be as good as new...☺

Isabella: Friends, there is not much history of our holiday. You should know that All Saints' Day came to us from Western Europe, and there it is associated with a number of unique traditions.

Witch: For example, in Scotland there is still a belief that in last night October, the young Witch, wanting to become a real powerful sorceress, certainly strives to sell her soul to the Devil. And after this deal, she, joyful, goes to fly over the city on a broom.

Dracula: Are you from Scotland - do you have a broom?..

Witch: No, I'm local!

Isabella: Why do witches still use brooms even in the 21st century?

Dracula: Vacuum cleaners are just too heavy to fly...

Witch: They're just environmentally friendly!

Isabella: By the way, do you know when it appeared, the foreign holiday - Halloween, All Saints Day?

Dracula: This holiday appeared more than 2000 years ago among the ancient Celts. This is a night festival. According to Celtic legends, this Great night the souls of deceased relatives come to people, with whom you can easily chat or drink tea. But, besides these benevolent ghosts, from the darkness other world on a festive night, evil spirits also crawled out to people - a real evil spirits.

Isabella: Gentlemen, we still have guests!

Pirate: Negative mood to everyone! Echo-ho and a bottle of poison! I cooked with my beautiespresent. My late friend Joe, a thousand devils, really wanted to go to the holiday, but on my ship and without me! That's why it arrived in parts! Ha ha ha! Who wants to communicate with him closer, ATTENTION!!

(Explains the rules for visiting the cabin of fear): The sailor girls choose one person from the audience to visit the cabin (this happens several times). You can only enter one at a time! You can't talk about what you saw, heard or felt! Otherwise you will be devoured by the Kraken! Ha ha ha! You are not allowed to talk while visiting the cabin! YOU CAN SCREAM AND RUN IN FEAR! Like bilge rats! Ha ha ha!

And so, my dears (addresses the girls), who will be the first daredevil?

Witch: We see off the Pirate with applause!


Witch: Attention!!! Attention!!! My friends, Count Dracula and Isabella! Here is the King and Queen of Halloween 2014

Dracula: The newly made King and Queen must drink fresh blood!

Are the guys brought a glass of tomato juice???

And now, you faithful subjects, let out the most terrible scream!!

IN present from higher demonic forces you receive two tickets to the fair and can exchange them for any one product! Applause!


Dear ladies and gentlemen, the last composition of our ominous evening sounds for you! Please do not forget the bitten victims and your body parts!

Parked brooms and other vehicles left unattended automatically become the property of our school!

Song about ghouls

Halloween is one of the oldest holidays that has come down to us practically unchanged. The fascinating and unusual traditions of the holiday (carnivals, dressing up) make it one of the most beloved in many countries around the world. Halloween is celebrated on the night from October 31 to November 1, city residents come out into the streets dressed as all sorts of evil spirits, and parties are held (sabbaths of evil spirits). To have an interesting Halloween at home, prepare a good party script. Interesting competitions They will amuse your guests and help create the right atmosphere.

Halloween holiday scenario

An integral attribute of the interior design should be the symbol of Halloween - a pumpkin head with carved eyes and a mouth, inside which a burning candle is placed. It is recommended to decorate the room in orange and black colors: balloons, tablecloth, curtains. In the corners there are figures of devils and ghosts cut out of paper and foil, cobwebs, scary faces, and candlesticks. How to decorate your house for Halloween, YOU can read. The dishes on the table may be different, but at least one must be made from pumpkin. You can decorate each dish by placing a rubber spider on top (sold in joke shops), and a peeled orange resembling a small pumpkin on each guest’s plate.

Halloween Contests

The party begins. The light in the room is dim, and 2 presenters come out dressed as Count Dracula and a witch. Dracula greets those gathered and announces the beginning of the holiday.

Competition "Witch's Potion":

Pre-hide in different corners of the room rubber snakes and lizards. The witch says that today she must brew a potion, but for this she needs to find the ingredients (she announces which ones) and asks to help her with this. The winner is the one who finds the most snakes.

Table quiz.

Dracula announces a competition for the smartest ghoul of the season.

1. In which country do they make paper boats on Halloween? (China).

2. How many episodes are there in your favorite horror movie “A Nightmare on Elm Street”? (8).

3. How many witches are sisters in the movie “Charmed”? (3).

4. How many vampires are there in the Cullin family from the movie “Twilight” (7).

Competition for couples “Crown Heads of the Ball”(the king and queen of the party are chosen).

2 couples come out and face each other. Their task: for 1 - 2 minutes, speak to each other, without stopping, words that are flattering for the evil spirits (terrible, monster, etc.). Words should not be repeated. The pair that talks the longest wins. Dracula puts crowns on their heads.

Table game.

The witch suggests remembering all the hunters of evil spirits. The answers may vary: from Van Helsing to Ivanushka from the Russian fairy tale.

At the end of the holiday party, Dracula announces that he needs to fly to Trancy lion and he must leave here his council of his deputies. The competition is announced:

"The road to the blood transfusion station."

Guests are divided into 2 teams. A line (road) is conventionally drawn in front of each one. The task is to close the line with your things. At the signal, players begin to take off their things (whatever they want) and lay out a line with them. Dracula's council includes members of the team that made the most long way from clothes.

To make the party a success, remember:

- about the suit for theme party need to take care in advance. You can make a ghoul outfit yourself or rent it.

- prizes for competition winners may include masks, toy spiders and bats, hats with horns. All this can be purchased in specialized stores.

- the party should be accompanied by music and dancing.

- in conclusion, you can watch a horror movie.

Have a restful night and a fun holiday!

The preparation for the holiday itself went like this. All guests were given the task to come to the holiday in a suit (preferably a negative character, but if someone came without a suit, and this happened, then this person automatically became a “VICTIM” of evil spirits, just like those who came to the holiday in costumes of goodies). Each holiday hero comes up with a name for himself.

We had previously reserved a table at the cafe, and we were allowed to purchase alcohol ourselves, in exchange for our photos (the cafe staff later posted them on their website).

Therefore, our holiday cost us very little. We made the costumes ourselves from whatever we could; those who couldn’t sew them themselves ordered them for inexpensive money from the studio, because... there are ordinary rags and cloaks. Masks can be purchased in specialized stores, as well as various equipment that will be needed during the scenario.

They also baked a cake for the whole company and smeared it with “blood”; it was not a pleasant sight, but it was delicious.

Two presenters are selected. For celebrations and various competitions.

Halloween Scenario

Witch: On the day when the doors open between the world of the living and the world of shadows, you never know what surprises fate has in store for you.

Witch : There are no random guests in this castle. If you came here today, it means that there are fragments of the black sun stuck in your heart.

Sinister Laughter.

Vampirella : What a pity that summer has died forever. Now the dark walls of the castle, drafts and squeaks bats surround me. I got the Black Sun.
Witch: Why such despondency? And the black sun has its own bright sides. Only once a year does such a wonderful day happen, - dark side takes over for a day. Look how many guests there are?!
Vampirella: I am Vampirella. And there will be no peace today. I promise you this.
Vampirella: Where can I get hot blood today? There are our own people around.
Witch: I feel, I feel a living heart.(attacks a man without a suit in a frightening manner)
Vampirella : Be careful not to lose your fangs!
Witch: Look, guests have arrived with gifts for great spirits!!!

Who will say the most terrible, vile, terribleTOAST!!!??? We give our word to Dracula himself to drink the cupblood!!! (red wine)

Reading Jokes (Black Humor)

The guests of the holiday were given the task in advance to prepare jokes (black humor). After each joke there was an ominous laugh. Which made everyone else laugh hysterically.

Witch: Flying through darkness and gloom
I see everything that happens next.
You opened the door jokingly
Into the world of fear, envy and falsehood.
Those who are weak in spirit will perish,
And those in whom strength is primordial
Still, they will tear you out of the clawed paws
The living mystery of the universe.


And now questions for you, how well do you know about evil spirits!!!

Questions for the audience: Who will answer my first question:
1. Where was Dracula's castle?(Transylvania)
2. Which writer told about the ghoul’s family?(Alexey Tolstoy)
3. How to kill a vampire?(aspen stake)
4. How to defeat a werewolf?(silver bullet)
5. What plant accompanies a hanged man?(mandrake root)
6. What do witches fly on? (mortar, broom, cat, just like that, pig)

Witch: The great spirits of darkness, those whose names are unpronounceable, await our gifts. Everyone who bears the stamp of darkness in their hearts wants to please them. After all, their favor can open any door.

Who will give the most terrible, vile, terrible TOAST!!!???

If in your eyes -
Moon reflection
So you hate light.
You came to this castle
Under the power of darkness
And there is no turning back.


Sinister pouch

You will need: a small bag; a number of strange or unpleasant to the touch objects (dried plums, wrinkled carrots, mushroom caps, wet sponges, etc.)

First, you need to put all the items in a bag (preferably before the guests arrive). Participants sit in a circle (at a table). The presenter, in a creepy tone, tells a chilling story about where and how he found the bag (for example, in a cemetery, in a haunted house, or is it a gift from a ghost, etc.) The first player is invited to take something in the bag (look inside and You cannot feel the bag!). It is prohibited to remove the item. After the player grabs an item, he must invent as much as he can about it. scary story. For example, a player finds a dried plum and assumes that it is someone's plucked out, shrunken eye. And makes up a story about him. At the end of the story, the narrator finally pulls this thing out of the bag and, as a rule, is surprised at how far his imagination can take him. After this, the bag is passed to the next player, who tells his story about another item.

Spirits of the sky, spirits of the sea,
Wind spirits in an open field
Be there in difficult times,
This sacrifice is for you again.

I'm announcing a competition"Mummy"


You will need: large number toilet paper.

This is a team game. Players are divided into teams of two. One will play the role of the Mummy, the other will be the Egyptian. At the signal, the Egyptian must wrap up the Mummy as quickly as possible toilet paper from head to toe (eyes, mouth and nose, naturally, remain “free”). The one who made the Mummy faster wins. Just be careful: if the paper tears, the team is out of the game!

I conjure the powers of the night
Make the day even shorter
Make the face of the sun not bright,
And for this you receive gifts.

Witches dance

You will need: a broom (you can use a broom, mop, etc. instead), music.

Participants stand in a circle with a broom. When the music turns on, the witches begin to dance merrily and pass the broom from hand to hand. The witch who has the broom after the music stops is eliminated from the game (without the broom, of course). The winner is the one who ends up dancing alone with the broom.

Underwater spirits, earthly spirits,
heavenly spirits, other spirits
listen to the word, please
to those who are marked with the stigma of darkness.

Competition for " Old Dead Joe»

There's enough imagination here, that's how we did it. Vampirella told how she walked through the cemetery and fell into the grave "Old Dead Joe", from which she collected the remains of poor Joe and brought them to the holiday. It's disgusting isn't it? And then it gets even worse. Offered:

These are the parts of the body "Old Dead Joe"that you need manufacture and place it in " cave" in advance:
- « Old Dead Joe's Guts» - a large bowl filled with moist, slimy noodles;
- « Old Dead Joe's Heart» - a very large peeled tomato;
- « Old Dead Joe's Eyes"- a small container filled with water in which two large grapes float;
- « Old Dead Joe's Teeth» - a metal pot or kettle filled with small stones or hard candies;
- « Old Dead Joe's Hair» - a wig made of human hair, stretched over a ball;
- « Old Dead Joe's Tongue"-mucous, moist part of the raw beef liver, placed in a shallow bowl of warm water;
- « Old Dead Joe's Bones» - any bones of suitable size;
- « Old Dead Joe's ears» - two halves of an artichoke (with sharp spines trimmed);
- « Old Dead Joe's Nose» - raw potato, cut in the shape of a nose;

Fingers Old Dead Joe's - cold sausages;
- finally, " Blood of Old Dead Joe"- a pot or jug ​​filled with warm tomato juice.

You will need to have a towel on hand to dry the contestant's hands after they have put them in the " blood " The cave can be made from a large black cloth, covering the prepared “good” with it so that there is darkness.

When you leave " caves " with a participant, you can make a big difference by loudly declaring: “Hurry, John, go and wash the blood off your hands: otherwise there will be blood all over the parquet!”

You will also need a flashlight to help you navigate your way through a dark room (corridor). Of course, the participant will be blindfolded, but you will need a little light to guide him by the hand from vessel to vessel.

Be sure to videotape the entire event (including your visit to Old Dead Joe's Cave); it can be successfully demonstrated to guests closer to the end of the holiday.

It’s also possible, if anyone has enough imagination for it.

« Old Dead Joe's Fingers»:
- two briquettes of ready-made sugar cookie dough;
- one can of peanuts;
- green food coloring.
Roll out the dough into pieces in a mold
"fingers". Press one nut onto
the end of each “finger” will be “nails”. Bake as directed.
in the instructions. Then, when the cookies are ready, use green food coloring to color your “nails.”

Also, each participant in the holiday prepared his own act: a scary and original story, a dance, at our holiday there was a “pageant who is not a wizard yet, but is just learning” - he showed tricks. Vampirella and Dracula danced a beautiful dance. In general, everything comes to mind during the holiday. I have no doubt you will also have fun and have a lot of positive emotions.

Topic: "Ball of not quite pure power or Halloween"

Target:introduction to the celebration of Halloween.

Tasks:1.Introduce traditions and customs, the history of the celebration English holiday Halloween

2. Develop oral speech students, artistry, imagination

3.Cultivate interest in the culture of the language being studied.

Type extracurricular activity: musical performance using presentation

Preliminary preparation: script development, competition " Best pumpkin", drawing competition, choice of music, costumes, presentation creation

Equipment:presentation, music, tape recorder

Decoration of the hall and stage: pre-prepared pumpkin drawings, balls (orange, white, silver), bats made of paper, bones, skulls, a cauldron for witches, Dracula’s throne, table, candles.

Scenario for an extracurricular event “Ball of Not Quite Pure Power or Halloween”

The music plays, the lights are turned off, a student comes on stage in the role of the Executioner with a candle, stands in the middle of the stage, he begins to read the message.( Slide 1 “Vampire castle background»)


It's Halloween! It's Halloween!
The moon is full and bright.
And we shall see what can’t be seen
On any other night!

Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls
Grinning goblins fighting duels
Werewolves rising from their tombs,
Witches on their magic brooms.

In masks and gouns we haunt the street
And knock on doors for trick or treat.
Tonight we are the king and queen,
For oh tonight it's Halloween!

After reading the message, the same music plays as at the beginning, the Vampire lights the pumpkins and at a slow pace leaves the stage. The music fades out. Two presenters - students - come on stage.

Presenter 1: Good evening, dear friends! We are glad to meet you.

Leading 2 : Hello everyone! We've gathered together for our Halloween Party. We want all of you to enjoy the party, to be merry and jolly. Today is October, 31. But a week before… Look and listen.

Leading 1: Halloween was first celebrated many centuries ago by Celtic priests called Druids .( Slide 2) They thought that Halloween was the night when the witches came out . ( Slide 3) As they were afraid of the witches they put on different clothes and painted their faces to deceive the evil spirits ( Slide 4)

Leading 2: This festival is widely celebrated in America.(Slide 5) Young and old take part in parades together. They are dressed in costumes. ( Slide 6) There are hundreds of orange “pumpkins” in their hands. The festival lasts almost till early morning .( Slide 7)

Presenter1:We invited you to (Slide 8)“The Ball of Not Quite Pure Power or Halloween” Welcome!

The lights go out, the presenters leave the stage, a voice is heard from behind the scenes. (slide 9)

Voice:On the day when the doors open between the world of the living and the world of shadows, you never know what surprises fate has in store for you. There are no random guests in this castle. If you came here today, it means that there are fragments of the black sun stuck in your heart. Welcome.

Strange laughter is heard from behind the scenes. To the accompaniment of strange music, evil spirits run out, rush around the stage, talk to each other and then begin to sing a song and dance.

Evil spirits sing and dance:

Here we dance Looby-Loo,

Here we dance Looby-Light,

Here we dance Looby-Loo

All on a Saturday night.

1. I put my right hand in,

I put my right hand out

I give my right hand a shake, shake, shake

And turn myself about.

Here we dance Looby-Loo,

Here we dance Looby-Light,

Here we dance Looby-Loo

All on a Saturday night.

2. I put my left hand in

I put my left hand out,

I give my left hand a shake, shake, shake

And turn myself about…

Their dance and song are interrupted by the Witch; to the sound of menacing music, she flies onto the stage on a broom and scatters the little evil spirits with a broom, shouting at them.


Now my house is fine and clean and it is “Halloween” ”( Slide 10)

There is a bat, a spider, a witch, a ghost, a skeleton, a pumpkin.(Slide 11)

Look at my house

( Slide12)" In a dark, dark wood

there is a dark, dark house

( Slide 13) And in the dark, dark house

There is a dark, dark room

( Slide 14) And in the dark, dark room

There is a dark, dark cupboard

( Slide 15) And in the dark, dark cupboard

There is a dark, dark box

( Slide 16) And in the dark, dark box

There is... ghost"

We'll have some fun for Halloween.

A party, a party, a very fine party!

Witch:What a pity that summer is dead forever. Now the dark walls of the castle, drafts and the squeaking of bats surround me. I got the Black Sun. (Slad 17) I am a Witch. And it is no coincidence that I appeared here today - October 31, the Great Holiday of Horrors. Tremble, he will burst! Solemn and terrible All Saints Day! Or, as it is also called there, the autumn holiday Halloween.

(Slad 18)Dracula appears on the scene.

Witch: Bah, who came! This is the king of the vampires himself - Mr. Dracula.

Dracula:Who took my place, who got ahead of me? Who was going to hold today's event without such a powerful vampire like me?


It's me - the Witch! (Waves a broom in greeting).


Ah, Ve-edma! Of course, who else could come to see us first on All Saints' Day? After all, this holiday came to us from Western Europe, and there it is associated with a number of unique traditions.


(Slide 19)Yes, for example, in Scotland there is still a belief that on the last night of October a young Witch, wanting to become a real evil witch, certainly strives to sell her soul to the Devil. And after this deal, she, joyful, goes to fly over the city on a broom.


Are you from Scotland - do you have a broom?..


No, I'm local. I came to see how you will celebrate a foreign holiday - Halloween, All Saints Day. By the way, do you know when he appeared?


(Slide 20)This holiday appeared more than 2000 years ago among the ancient Celts. This is a night festival. According to Celtic legends, on this Great Night the souls of deceased relatives come to people, with whom you can easily chat or drink tea. But, besides these benevolent ghosts, evil spirits - the real evil spirits, that is, us - crawled out of the darkness of the other world on the festive night to people.


Here I am out!


(Slide 21)Congratulations. But so as not to confuse good spirit with evil, the Celts lit resin torches. After all, the fire drives us away. When the Americans adopted this holiday, they added their own innovations to it. For example, they came up with another cunning thing to protect themselves from us evil spirits.


And which one?


But the people themselves just need to take it and dress up as some kind of scarecrow. Then we, the evil spirits, will accept him as one of our own and will not touch him.


And what, is it working out well?


But look! (Screams). (Slide 22) A parade-costume competition is announced. I, Count Dracula, will choose the cutest ones from the audience, and with the help of your applause, we will determine the best costume. The winner will receive a skull medal from my collection.

There is a costume competition. Dracula selects participants from the audience and brings them onto the stage, to the accompaniment of terrible music, the participants advertise their costumes, and the winner is chosen to the applause of the audience.

Dracula: (addresses the winner)

I reward you with a medal - skulls

The winner leaves to applause.


Oh! Great spirit of darkness! They are so scary that even I was scared of them!


Ha ha! Yes, this is a person in disguise, you know? What, witch, did they scare you well? They disguised themselves in such a way that even you mistook them for one of your own.


From creepy stories about the dead people and coffins will send shivers down everyone’s spine, and fear will pierce everyone’s heart with an icy needle.


Eh, Witch! You're a retarded girl! (Slide 23) After all, in Russia all holidays are fun - these are people with a sense of humor. They always have fun on a grand scale. And their All Saints Day is something like autumn first April, only with a certain “gloomy” theme.


Do you hear sounds, Dracula. (guitar sounds are heard)


These sounds remind me of the old "Halloween" song " Pumpking" (Slide 24)

A Vampire and 3 witches come out from behind the scenes, dancing to a guitar and starting to sing the song “ Pumpking "After which they leave the stage in the same way.

The lights go out and the Executioner comes onto the stage with a candle, he reads the message .(Slide 25)


No sun – no moon!

No morning – no noon –

No dawn – no dusk – no proper time of day –

No sky – no early view

No distance looking blue –

No road – no street – no “t’other side of the way” –

No end to any row –

No indications where the crescents go –

No top to any streeple –

No recognition of familiar people!

Leaves the stage. The Witch and Dracula appear on stage to the music again.

Witch:It's already dark. Everyone is getting ready for Halloween.

Goths: (need slides)

Halloween is celebrated in different countries.In China, Halloween is known as the day of remembrance of ancestors. On this day, food and water are placed in front of photographs of deceased relatives, as well as a lantern to light the way for the souls of ancestors traveling on Halloween night. (Slide 26) In Germany, Halloween is celebrated no less colorfully. Frankenstein's Castle in Darmstadt attracts thousands of people dressed in monster costumes on the night of November 1st, and local residents They believe that it is on this night that the ghost of the owner appears on the roof of the castle. (Slide 27) In Belgium they really believe in black cats, which is bad news. (Slide 28) In Czechoslovakia, a fire is built and chairs for dead people are placed next to it. In Ireland, bonfires are burning all over the country. (Slide 29) IN Latin America and Spain, they celebrate El Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) - and although it may seem like a somber day, this celebration lasts three days and celebrates the return of the dead to earth. The most impressive processions in France take place in the suburbs of Paris at Disneyland and Limoges. It is there that more than 30 thousand people come every year; it is there that the most memorable parades of goblins, vampires and ghosts take place, illuminating their path with lanterns - pumpkins. On this night, bars and cafes in French cities offer “witch” dishes, and visitors dress up no less colorfully than participants in parades and processions. (Slide 30)

Dracula:I want to have fun!


O Great Spirit of Darkness. I know one of the old "Halloween" contests




(Slide 31)According to legend, young girls and boys played this show jumping game, they cut out bones from paper and scattered them everywhere, on Halloween night they collected these bones and drew a skeleton for them and left it in front of the door overnight, if in the morning there was no skeleton, that means evil spirit came, but if he was there, it means their house was not subject to evil spells. Shall we play this game with guests?


A group of girls and a group of boys are called onto the stage. To the music, they must collect the bones hanging in the hall and draw a skeleton on the stage; whoever does it faster wins.

Music is playing and the game “Dice” is playing on stage.


It's already dawn, we have to go. Good-bye!


Good-bye, my dears. See you late!

They leave the stage.

The night is ending

The day is descending;

Through clouds like ashes

The red sun flashes.

Without having time to say these words, bright ghosts in white suits appear on the stage and begin to dance. After the dance, all the heroes of the event come on stage to the music and bow.

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Scenario New Year's holiday among high school students.

New Year's script sent by: Litvinova Elena Valerievna, theater teacher, Samara, Lyceum of Philosophy. email: [email protected]

  1. Festive New Year's music. Song from vocalists. "..."
  2. The introduction to the song about the Christmas tree slowly stops and turns into heavy mystical music. The hall includes:
  • Count Dracula (with cane),
  • Koschey the immortal (with a crutch),
  • Canterville Ghost(with a bunch of keys),
  • Bastinda (with an umbrella). They head straight to the stage.

DRACULA. Gentlemen children! Don't panic! Today you will not be eaten, bitten, frightened, tickled or drunk from your mmm...this....(smacking lips)...well, you get the idea.

KOSHCHEY and BASTINDA. Why don't we?

DRACULA. Shhhh! We agreed!

BASTINDA. Okay, okay!

KOSHCHEY. But I didn’t understand!

DRACULA. And here is your candidacy. Koschey, I’ll cross it off the list now!

KOSHCHEY. No, no, Count! I was joking!

DRACULA. So, we are gathered here today to correct a grave injustice! For several centuries in a row, some stupid grandfather, known to everyone by the nickname Frost, has been in charge of such a wonderful holiday as New Year's ball!

BASTINDA.(to children). By what right?

KOSHCHEY. Yes! Who appointed? - Nobody appointed! Upstart!

BASTINDA. Impostor!

THE CANTERVILLE GHOST. Unheard of insolence!

ALL. Who's here? (they stretch their hands to the place where the ghost stands, he begins to laugh demonically).

BASTINDA. Eh, we are old sclerotics! It's the Canterville Ghost! He also wanted to rule the roost! It’s just that it’s always hard to see him in the light!

DRACULA. Ghost, is that you?

The ghost laughs.

KOSHCHEY. So, I, too, would really like to see at least once a year a crowd of delicious, delicious children shout in unison “Uncle Koschey! Come!”

BASTINDA. And so be it, I agree to the role of the Snow Maiden’s granddaughter.

The Canterville Ghost laughs.

DRACULA. If you are a granddaughter, it’s scary to imagine what your grandmother looks like!

BASTINDA. But we don’t need my grandmother, God bless her. All we need for the holiday is grandpa! Koschey is quite suitable! Look - skin and bones! So I choose Koshchei!

DRACULA. Who, hag, is asking you to choose? It is they – the kids – who will choose. And if they choose me, then I promise you that you will not be the Snow Maiden.

BASTINDA. Oh-oh-oh! Scared me! Who will be the Snow Maiden then?

DRACULA. Yes, at least the Canterville Ghost!

Now Koschey is laughing. The ghost is shocked.

DRACULA. So it’s the same... Male gender!

THE CANTERVILLE GHOST(To Dracula).How your vile tongue has turned!

DRACULA. Well, that's it, that's it, don't be nervous! It's harmful. Let's compete already!

Orchestra, music! First dance!

3. Musical number from vocalists. Every monster is trying to ask someone to dance. Dracula finds a bag under the tree and drags it behind him.

4. The monsters rise to the stage again.

DRACULA. Do you know, Koschey, that New Year’s grandfather must have a bag of gifts? Do you have a bag here?

KOSHCHEY. A bag? - There will be.

BASTINDA. I suppose it smells like rotten meat!

KOSHCHEY. But-but-but! No insults! (whispers) Don't you see? - The kids are playing up their ears!

DRACULA. Well, do you, ghost, have a bag?

THE CANTERVILLE GHOST. I only have chests (shows keys). But what gifts they contain!.. Gold! Diamonds!

DRACULA.(perked up). Well, why do such nice kids need diamonds? They don’t understand anything about them! Kids need candy! Really, my sweeties?

BASTINDA. True, true! And you can, for example, decorate a Christmas tree with diamonds!

KOSHCHEY. Have you gone completely mad, Bastinda?

BASTINDA. And what?

DRACULA He calls Koshchei and Bastinda with gestures, they begin to whisper. Actively gesticulating.

THE CANTERVILLE GHOST. Not fair! Not fair! Criminal conspiracy! Gentlemen children! Do you see this? They are the ones who are plotting evil against me!

KOSHCHEY. Why should you be afraid? You've been dead for 800 years already!

THE CANTERVILLE GHOST. Oh, it's true! Why am I doing this?... My chests are still buried in the ground! And in what places - I don’t even remember years ago.

DRACULA, BASTINDA and KOSCHEY(disappointed). Eh, you! Fuck you!

THE CANTERVILLE GHOST(having dropped out). I’m announcing the first round!.. Why would I announce this?

BASTINDA. Like what? - Contest!

KOSHCHEY. What other competition?

BASTINDA. And here's what! Which of you can cheer up the kids better!

KOSHCHEY. Hang it up?

BASTINDA. Not to hang it up, but to spread it out!


KOSHCHEY. What you?


DRACULA. Well, what are you doing? Did you remember where you buried the chests?

THE CANTERVILLE GHOST. I can make you laugh! I once overheard a joke about myself!

That means a buyer is coming to me. He says: “I’ll buy your castle. But only if it’s really haunted!” And I said to him: “Where can I get you a ghost! In the 800 years that I’ve lived here, I haven’t seen one yet!” (laughs himself).

BASTINDA. Well, where has it been seen that children are told jokes on New Year’s Eve?.. So, what do you have, Koschey?


DRACULA. Look, well read!

KOSHCHEY (expressively).

Children have fun at the lyceum!

Children's songs are merrily sung!

And on the birch trees they are hung in a row

A few bad singing guys.

BASTINDA (shuts him up). Be silent, Immortal! Because of you, we will all be kicked out of here now! And the children - without a holiday, and we - without dinner...

Come on, make me laugh, Dracula!


It sounds like “Yolochka”, remade in a devilish way.

5. The Snow Maiden appears.

SNOW MAIDEN. What a strange song! The motive seems familiar, but the words... (stops in front of the stage). What…unusual carnival costumes you have! Did you buy it? Or did mom sew it?

DRACULA. Mother!

SNOW MAIDEN(suspicious). What class are you guys from? From the 11th?

KOSHCHEY(approaching from the side) From the thirteenth.

THE CANTERVILLE GHOST(behind)...Centuries.

The Snow Maiden looks around, takes a closer look, tries to touch the ghost. At this time, the monsters throw a net over her, drag her onto the stage and sit her on a chair.

SNOW MAIDEN. Ahh! What is this? No need! I understood everything! You are not children at all! You are heroes scary tales! Let me go!

BASTINDA. Here's more!

THE CANTERVILLE GHOST. Well, what will you do with it?

DRACULA (licking his lips). How - what?

THE CANTERVILLE GHOST. Well, it's made of snow! No blood, no meat!

BASTINDA. What did you say, ghost!

THE CANTERVILLE GHOST. Well...I say, neither fish nor fowl. The saying goes like this.

SNOW MAIDEN. I warn you! You can't tie me up with a net! I'll start to melt! And some people here, it seems to me, are very afraid of water!

BASTINDA(sharply opens umbrella). Ta-ta-melt?

Whoa-whoa-water?!!... Untie her immediately!

DRACULA (Snow Maiden). Do you promise that you won't run away?

SNOW MAIDEN. Look! There are four of you. And I'm alone! Well, where can I run away?!

BASTINDA (unties the net, saying). Where will she run? - She won’t run away anywhere!

SNOW MAIDEN. Where is my grandfather?

DRACULA. Is he so gray?

KOSHCHEY. With a long beard?

BASTINDA. In a fur coat and felt boots?

MANAGEMENT. Haven't seen it!!!

DRACULA. But we also have competitions for our sweet children!

KOSHCHEY. And whoever conducts the competition better will receive a super prize!

SNOW MAIDEN. The prizes are usually awarded to the person who wins the competition, not the person who runs it!

DRACULA. And with us it will be the other way around, you’re a snowman in a skirt! Because due to the absence of old man Frost, we simply have to choose someone who will perform his duties, so as not to leave the children without a holiday!

KOSHCHEY. And if the old man does not come here by the end of the Christmas tree, then he must be removed from this position as evading his direct responsibilities.

SNOW MAIDEN. For some reason, it seems to me that someone deliberately avoided him from these responsibilities.

ALL. No no!!! Well, what are you, granddaughter!

SNOW MAIDEN. I’m not your granddaughter, but Snezhanna Ivanovna Morozova!

DRACULA. How nice, Snezhanna Ivanovna! Be our guest! So the kids aren’t so scared anymore! Let's play, shall we, my little ones?

SNOW MAIDEN. No, of course, I can’t leave my children with you. You'll have to stay there yourself.

BASTINDA. So, round two! Will the kids be able to guess the proverbs and sayings turned upside down? (For each word you need to choose the opposite meaning - and you will recognize a familiar expression!)... Begin, Koscheyushka!

KOSHCHEY. To scare hares - to fly from the clearing. (to be afraid of wolves - don’t go into the forest).

BASTINDA. Good idea! What do you have, Dracula?

DRACULA. The little baby’s nose is sad. (big piece the mouth is happy).

THE CANTERVILLE GHOST. And I! And I came up with an idea!

You can hide the soap under the chest! (murder will out).

BASTINDA. I’ll probably make a wish too. Damn time is always full. (A holy place is never empty).

SNOW MAIDEN. Now guess mine too! A rude thought is disgusting to a dog! (A kind word – and the cat is pleased)

BASTINDA. Well, kids, who has better than a riddle did it work out? A? Can't hear?! Whoever votes for Koshchei - stomp our feet!

DRACULA. And who is for me??! (stomp)

THE CANTERVILLE GHOST. What about me? What about me? Who's the ghost? (stomp).

6. “Santa Claus” enters. Small in stature almost crying...

FATHER FROST. What's that creepy noise? It seems I'm in the wrong place again. I've been wandering around the Council for two hours. Who builds like this?

SNOW MAIDEN(uncertain). Grandfather?

FATHER FROST(pushing out his chest and trying to look taller). Granddaughter?

SNOW MAIDEN. I don't understand anything. Who are you? (examines Moroz). Knapweed??!

FATHER FROST. And not Vasilek at all, but Vasily!

SNOW MAIDEN. Shhhh! They don't have to guess anything!

DRACULA. Koschey, how much sleeping pills did you give the old man?

KOSHCHEY. As much as you gave, you added as much, miser!

DRACULA. I'm not a cheapskate! There was a huge dose in that ice cream!

BASTINDA. Maybe he didn't eat it?

DRACULA. It can’t be, he always filled himself with ice cream before Christmas trees so as not to melt in the warmth.

FATHER FROST(whispers). Our grandfather is sleeping. I couldn't shake it off. So I came instead. I feel sorry for the children. Only I didn’t find any gifts in my grandfather’s house. What should I do?

SNOW MAIDEN. These monsters stole the gifts. There they are - see? We need to get them out.

THE CANTERVILLE GHOST(having been heated). Hello, Grandfather Frost! Did you bring us gifts?

FATHER FROST. Brought it, brought it! There in that bag that your friends are blocking!

DRACULA. How does he know?

KOSHCHEY. But we won’t give you this bag. Maybe you're not cold at all? How can you prove it?

FATHER FROST. And I know how to write fairy tales better than anyone else in the world!

DRACULA. What a surprise... Good! Let's do it! Who better than a fairy tale If he composes it, he will get a bag of gifts and the position of Frost.


KOSHCHEY. And the guys will help us! Let's talk one sentence at a time - that's the fairy tale! (Together with the children he composes a fairy tale, adding after every third sentence the phrase “And he decided to eat it!”).

DRACULA. And now it’s my fairy tale’s turn! (The same thing, only Dracula constantly inserts the phrases: “Ruddy - blood with milk!” You could already hear the blood gurgling through your veins,” etc.).

THE CANTERVILLE GHOST. Nope. I give up. Over 800 years of ghostly life, all my memory has been lost. I don’t remember a single fairy tale and I can’t write one.

BASTINDA. Well, you, little old man, tell me a fairy tale yourself!

FATHER FROST. And I'll tell you. And I won’t even pester children. Do you even know where you got on the tree? A?


FATHER FROST. In the Lyceum of Philosophy. Such simple tales will not work here.

BASTINDA. And what?

FATHER FROST. But I’ll tell you a fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood.

KOSHCHEY. Oh, I was surprised! Who doesn't know her?


DRACULA. No no! Let him talk! And the kids will think which of us is the best Frost.

FATHER FROST.(recites) Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood, an amateur of decorative textiles, was featured. Somehow her mother, an urbanized feminist, delegated Little Red Riding Hood to Grandmother, an isolated subject of non-urbanized existence. And so Little Red Riding Hood transports food to Grandma - a factor in effective sanitation. But here the Gray Wolf, the object of hunting inquisitions, progresses in opposition to Little Red Riding Hood.

Where are you progressing? - Gray Wolf appeals.

“To Grandmother,” Little Red Riding Hood reacts, “I transport her products - a factor in effective sanitation.”

And Little Red Riding Hood, in an interpersonal dialogue, planned a course for the Gray Wolf to the place of Grandmother’s localization. That's when they dissociated. And Little Red Riding Hood continues the procession. And then lethal local things happen.

Gray Wolf competes with Riding Hood and arrives at Granny's with solid priority. At the place of its localization, it plenary absorbs Grandmother and is comfortably deployed at the place of its incubation. And here Little Red Riding Hood is personified. However, the image Gray Wolf does not identify at all.

Salute, Grandma! “I imported you products for effective sanitation,” Little Red Riding Hood recites.

In order to implement your audit more optimally...

Why do you have such maximum visual potency?

In order to inspect you even more optimally...

Why do you have such maximum dental potencies?

“In order to eliminate you more efficiently,” the Gray Wolf reacted and absorbed Little Red Riding Hood.

But here the Hunters - subjects of the hunting industry - approximated. They dissected Gray Wolf into adequate sections and extracted Granny and Little Red Riding Hood.

That's the story - the finale...

DRACULA. I suggest you change the location of our local deployment to a more adequate structure.

KOSHCHEY. Or maybe we can stay for the disco? Let's shake the bones.

THE CANTERVILLE GHOST. Exactly! Just, mind you, I won’t ask for forgiveness. Otherwise it will turn out corny somehow.

BASTINDA. We, grandpa, will help you give out gifts. Agreed?

FATHER FROST. OK! We distribute gifts and begin New Year's disco!

SNOW MAIDEN. Hooray!!! Disco!!! New Year! Whole year I dreamed about her! Hurry up and open the bag!

They pull the bag out into the middle and begin handing out gifts. And at this time -

7. Musical number from vocalists.

New Year's disco after the end of the New Year's ball scenario.