Emotional stability of the individual and how to achieve it. How to Help Your Children Develop Emotional Resilience

To begin with, it is important to understand that experiencing emotions is not only normal, but also correct. It is a common misconception that emotional stability means complete suppression of emotions. In fact, on the contrary, the key to emotional stability is a person’s ability to experience the full range of emotions. If we know how to distinguish between emotions and are familiar with how we react to them, we can manage them.

Often we overload ourselves with work so as not to think about the problem, or we completely deny its existence, we are distracted by alcohol and food - suppressing emotions provides temporary relief, but ultimately leads to big troubles.

There is no need to be ashamed of your irritation or euphoria; it is important to learn to control emotions, accept new experience and not be afraid of uncertainty and unexpected situations.

How to develop emotional stability?

    Learn self-observation. Self-observation is useful to avoid automatic reactions in stressful situations when emotions get out of control. We are shy - our face turns red, we are excited - our voice trembles, our breathing becomes short, we are offended - we feel a lump in our throat. Focus on these feelings and you will be able to better control your rising anxiety or anger. To pull yourself together, sometimes it’s enough to simply shift your attention from the stressful situation to the body’s reactions.

    The brain develops patterns of response to certain emotional experiences, and instantly activates these patterns whenever a stimulus, such as anxiety or anger, appears. Focusing on the present moment breaks the old response pattern and creates a new one.

    Take care of your physical condition. It is important to remember about physical development; often it is poor health that becomes the cause of emotional instability. If you don't have time for regular physical exercise, you can start small:

    • train yourself to morning exercises or, conversely, walk for at least an hour before bed;
    • learn to breathe deeply. In stressful situations, breathe slowly and deeply, focus on how long each inhalation and exhalation takes;
    • smile more often. Use all the muscles of the face, and not just the muscles around the mouth, your mood will automatically improve, you will become more energetic and confident.
  • Learn to recognize cognitive distortions. The main characteristic of cognitive distortions is a lack of objectivity. Emotions get out of control and you are no longer able to think rationally:

    • do not perceive everything as a disaster, do not inflate a minor incident to enormous proportions;
    • do not generalize, perceive each situation as unique.
    • give up perfectionism. You make unrealistic demands on yourself and are unable to take constructive criticism, which can lead to depressed mood, feelings of helplessness and worthlessness.
  • Don't think about the same things. Such rumination is a common reaction to negative emotions, especially anger or sadness. Constantly replaying the same thoughts in your head, thinking about what could have been done better, endless fictitious dialogue with the offender is a trap of negative thinking, which sooner or later can lead to depression and stress.

    Solve specific problems. In stressful situations, we often ask abstract, unanswerable questions: “Why does this always happen to me?” or “Why am I so unlucky?” Instead, focus on finding solutions to specific problems. For example, you did not pass an interview for the desired position. Instead of useless thoughts about the injustice of life, determine your weak sides and think about how this can be corrected: sign up for foreign language courses, training in oratory skills or any other advanced training courses.

    Learn to accept uncertainty calmly. Uncertainty is inevitable in every person's life. Those who accept this as a given experience much less anxiety. If it’s impossible to calculate everything, isn’t it easier to relax? Perceive any situation as a valuable experience and even benefit from an unfortunate set of circumstances.

The modern rhythm of life is not only physically exhausting, but also psychologically. A huge number of people suffer from emotional instability, often break down for no reason, cry and become hysterical. There are effective recommendations that will normalize your psychological state.

Experts say that every person can create a certain shield around themselves that will protect them from negativity and help them move through life confidently and with a smile.

  1. It is important to find the so-called weak link that causes. Someone is suffering because bad relationship in the family or at work. In this case, everything needs to be done possible ways to eliminate this irritating factor. Many people suffer from lack of time. Psychologists recommend that they draw up a detailed schedule for each day, which will save a lot of time.
  2. To become emotionally stable, you need to constantly work on yourself. Experts recommend in a calm environment to understand what is missing to achieve, for example, it may be worth learning foreign language or develop thinking. Proper investments in yourself will allow you to feel more confident in life and not react to irritants.
  3. Important tip, how to become emotionally stable - come to an agreement with your inner self. Psychologists recommend learning to turn off negative and incorrect thoughts in your head. Many people suffer from constant rumination about negative situations. It’s worth learning to switch to something good and useful.

You need to react correctly to failures and perceive them as a recommendation to find new ways to move forward. It is important to be an integral person who cannot be harmed by any problem.

From a scientific point of view, psychological resilience is interpreted as the ability of an individual to function adequately under pressure. unfavorable conditions. Esotericists believe that psychological stability is the fulfillment of one’s karmic tasks in life. You can choose any point of view. Exists effective methods to develop psychological stability in your character.

Rationalization method

This method is based on the fact that it is necessary to consciously change your attitude towards the situation. In this case, the situation becomes less traumatic for the person. Most conflicts can be resolved through your efforts. You cannot direct the conflict inward, as this can resolve your internal energy. In order to master this method, you need to reduce the emotional coloring of the event that happened to you. Turn off the emotional background. Give yourself the attitude “it’s good that...”. Watch your speech, don’t even say in your thoughts “it’s a pity that...”, “how could this happen.” If you are already in a situation, then think not about it, but about how to resolve the situation.

Switching method

The ability to switch in time is a great gift. Most often, we bury ourselves in our emotions and begin to analyze what has already happened. This happens especially often if the situation is protracted. You need to switch to what you love. This could be yours favorite hobby, meetings with friends. Spending time in the company of friends, laughter and humor helps a lot. The main thing in in this case- get positive emotions and get rid of negativity.

Catharsis method

Catharsis is a spiritual cleansing of the body, a way of neutralizing negative emotions. Catharsis was used more than two centuries ago by Aristotle himself. Catharsis was actively used in psychotherapy to treat neuroses. In the modern understanding, catharsis can be considered as a sincere conversation with friends. You shouldn’t go through troubles alone, as not everyone can cope with the problems that come their way. It's better to talk to a loved one.

The "paper complaints" method

This method has been used by many since childhood, but is often forgotten over the years. Almost every person had a diary in childhood in which we wrote our experiences and problems. In adult life Putting your thoughts on paper will help you understand yourself and solve the problem. Keep a notebook in which you will record your thoughts during the conflict. When you write everything you think is necessary on paper, re-read it later and add necessary information. You can also write an action plan.

All methods are good, but the main thing to remember is that there are no unsolvable situations. In most cases, you can find the optimal solution. It all depends on your efforts and ability to be mentally resilient.