Does Karachentsev have a son? Andrey Karachentsov. Fatal accident and years of illness

Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov - People's Artist of Russia, " powerful actor with phenomenal magnetism", which has always been in the spotlight, wherever it was

Date of Birth: October 27, 1944
Place of Birth: Moscow, RSFSR, USSR
Zodiac sign: Scorpion
Date of death: October 26, 2018
A place of death: Istra village, Krasnogorsk district, Moscow region, Russia

"Any artist passes everything he creates through himself, through his heart."

“Greed, acting hunger, you are afraid of not being able to do something, you still want to play as much as possible. This immediately spurs me on: so I went out alone, can I hold the auditorium for two and a half hours?

Biography of Nikolai Karachentsov

Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov was born in Moscow in the family of a graphic artist who worked in the Ogonyok magazine - Pyotr Yakovlevich and a choreographer - Yanina Evgenievna. When my mother studied at GITIS, little Kolya had nowhere to go, so she took the boy with her everywhere: to classes, to performances at the Bolshoi Theater.

Then little Kolya fell ill with ballet, it seemed to him that there was no better job for a man. He even dreamed about how he was dancing on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.
But when he was 9 years old, and it was time to enter the choreographic school, my mother was categorically against it: if there was a girl, she would have given it to a ballet school, and a boy - for nothing.

Mom saw a lot of unfortunate male destinies in ballet and did not want such a fate for her son.

After secondary school was the Moscow Art Theater School, which he graduated with honors. Nikolai Petrovich was offered a job at the Lenin Komsomol Theater. At that time, a wonderful director, artistic director of the theater - Anatoly Vasilyevich Efros, was removed from work. He was appointed the second director at the theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Then the director took ten leading actors with him, and the troupe was naked.

The theater of the Lenin Komsomol was gradually losing popularity, when suddenly a new director came - Mark Zakharov. It was good luck, the theater began to revive. And Karachentsov got roles in such sensational productions as "Avtograd 21" - this was Zakharov's first performance, then "Til", "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murietta" and "Juno and Avos" appeared, where the music was not just a background, but a component performance.

Karachentsov's romance with cinema began with the films "Strokes to the Portrait of V. I. Lenin" and "... And Again May." As the actor himself admitted, when he started acting in films, he agreed to everything: he just perfectly understood that he needed to "get his hand" in the profession.

“Find that middle ground so that on the one hand I don’t squander myself, but on the other hand, suppose I give up everything, and in ten years they will give me a role that you can only dream of, I won’t play it, I’ll lose my shape ".

Peak of popularity

The actor believed that the cinema did not offer him roles equal in scale to the roles of Til, or Count Rezanov from Juno and Avos, or Yuri Zvonarev from the play Sorry. But, on the other hand, Karachentsov played such iconic roles as Volodya Busygin in The Elder Son (1975), Marquis Ricardo in The Dog in the Manger and Dicky Meloni in Kings and Cabbage, gangster Urry in The Adventures of Electronics and Pastrana in Pious March, cowboy Billy in The Man from Capuchin Boulevard and others.

The popularity of the actor grew rapidly, he began acting on TV, and spoke on the radio, voiced foreign films and cartoons, recorded records as a singer.

Even at the age of 60, the actor learned to dance step dance and performed on tour with a dancer, a graduate of the art school near Moscow, laureate international competitions tap dance by Marina Shirshikova. All this time he did not stop acting, played in his native Lenkom, participated in charity concerts.

“I can only work in friendly atmosphere. Even if I joke awkwardly and not in the highest way, but, for example, the illuminator smiles, and it becomes easier in my soul.

car accident

When fame reached its peak, on February 28, 2005, a terrible disaster occurred, as a result of which Nikolai Petrovich received a severe head injury, then underwent brain surgery and was in a coma for several days. The actor survived, and the painful process of rehabilitation began in the centers of Israel, China and Russia. But he did not fully recover.

In February 2017, the actor again got into a major accident and received a concussion. And in September 2017, doctors discovered an oncological disease in Karachentsov: a tumor of the left lung.

On October 26, the day before his birthday, Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov died in hospital 62.

Personal life

With his wife, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Lyudmila Porgina, Nikolai Karachentsov has been married for 43 years since 1975. The couple had a son Andrei in 1978. There are three grandchildren: Peter, Yanina and Olga.


1968 - ... And May again!
1970 - Strokes to the portrait of V. I. Lenin. Film 4th "VHUTEMAS Commune"
1970 - Red Square
1974 - My destiny
1974 - Once alone 1975 - Eldest son
1976 - Long, long business
1976 - Sentimental novel
1976 - 12 chairs (4th series)
1976 - Soldiers of Freedom
1977 - Dog in the manger
1977 - Moment of luck
1978 - While the dream is mad
1978 - Yaroslavna, Queen of France
1978 - Kings and cabbage
1978 - Mistakes of youth
1979 - This fantasy world. Issue 1. "The Man Who Could Work Miracles" (film-play)
1979 - Adventures of Electronics
1979 - Connoisseurs are investigating. Shepherd with cucumber
1979 - Nightingale
1979 - Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. bloody inscription
1980 - Pious March
1980 - Ladies invite gentlemen
1981 - Comrade Innokenty
1982 - The trust that burst
1982 - Treasure Island
1982 - The House That Swift Built
1982 - Donkey skin
1982 - Room for maneuver
1983 - White dews
1983 - Kindergarten
1983 - Long road to yourself
1984 - Eight days of hope
1984 - A small favor
1984 - Before parting
1984 - Together with Dunaevsky (film-concert to the music of I. Dunaevsky)
1985 - Battalions ask for fire
1985 - Blue Cities (concert film to music by A. Petrov)
1985 - Stained glass master (film-concert, with songs to the verses of A. Voznesensky)
1985 - Sunday Dad
1985 - How to be happy
1985 - Contract of the century
1985 - One for all!
1985 - Today and always
1986 - Who will enter the last carriage
1986 - The right people
1986 - What is Yeralash? (concert film)
1986 - Confrontation
1987 - Moonzund 1987 - Man from the Boulevard des Capucines
1987 - Habitat 1988 - Miss Millionaire
1988 - One, two - grief does not matter!
1989 - Bright personality
1989 - Deja vu
1989 - Two arrows. stone age detective
1989 - Crime Quartet
1990 - Trap for a lonely man
1990 - Witch's Dungeon
1991 - Fool 1991 - A woman for everyone
1991 - Kitty
1991 - And to hell with us!
1991 - Crazy 1992 - Good luck, gentlemen!
1992 - Romance about a poet
1992 - Murder at Sunshine Menor
1993 - And here I am ...
1993 - Tango on Palace Square
1993 - Our urchin ripened everywhere (Auction)
1994 - Innocent
1994-1995 - Petersburg secrets
1996 - Queen Margot
1998 - The denouement of Petersburg secrets
1998 - The circus burned down and the clowns fled
1999 - D. D. D. Dossier of detective Dubrovsky
2000 - Secrets palace coups. Film 1st "Testament of the Emperor"
2000 - The game of love
2001 - On the corner, at the Patriarchs-2
2001 - The perfect couple. Series 8
2001 - The lion's share
2001 - Salome
2002 - Excitement
2003 - Photo
2003 - Tartarin from Tarascon
2003 - Kolkhoz entertainment
2004 - December 32
2004 - The Mystery of the "Wolf's Mouth" (If tomorrow is on a hike)
2004 - Pa 2004 - Bat
2004 - You are my happiness
2006 - Quiet Don
2014 - White dew. Return

Andrei Karachentsov is a famous Russian businessman whom everyone knows first of all as the son of Nikolai Karachentsov, beloved by many. Andrei does not like publicity, but the death of his father on October 26, 2018 forced the man to get in touch with journalists. So what kind of person is he?

Biography of Andrei Karachentsov

Our hero was born in February 1978 in Moscow (Russia). His family was creative, but this did not play a role in the further choice of the guy's profession. His father, Nikolai Karachentsov, was a famous Russian film and theater actor, as well as a songwriter. Andrei's mother is an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

The boy was glad that his parents were doing what they loved and were “burning” with it. Many envied Andrei, but he understood that if he had followed in the footsteps of the pope, he would not have been able to avoid comparison with him. And he, as you know, from childhood had leadership qualities. Andrei did not tolerate when he was compared with others. Already in kindergarten he showed his displeasure when the teacher cited other children as an example for little Andrey. He always complained to his parents in such cases.

Despite the fact that with early age the boy grew up in an atmosphere of love for creativity, he chose a completely different path. He admitted that since school years didn't want to be known like his parents. Andrei Karachentsov, as an adult, said that he never used the pope's star name for his own purposes.

Further fate

Karachentsov Jr. never stood out among his peers as an actor. Artistry and the ability to confidently stay on stage were not transferred to him from his father. The boy's mother repeatedly tried to lure him to the theater and send him to school. acting skills but all her attempts were in vain.

As a high school student, Andrei Karachentsov realized that he was attracted by the justice and legality of everything that was happening around him. For this reason, he began to prepare for admission to MGIMO at the Faculty of Law. He had difficult relationship with teachers in the exact sciences: physics, chemistry and mathematics. All due to the fact that the guy refused to do difficult homework and did not want to delve into the study of these subjects at all.

So, his parents decided to hire a math tutor for their son. Despite his dislike for numbers, Andrei went to classes after school, as he understood that this was his future.

Father had an accident

After receiving a diploma in higher education Andrey Karachentsov immediately started working in his specialty. He never appeared in front of the paparazzi cameras and did not give interviews. His father also preferred not to share information about his family. Nikolai - the father of our hero - always said: "Family and loved ones are the most precious thing in the life of every person, so they need to be loved, appreciated and protected!"

Karachentsov's son, Andrei, is not one of those people who likes to communicate with journalists. However, after dad had an accident, he began to periodically give interviews, where he answered questions about Nikolai that interested his fans.

In 2005, on the night of February 27-28, Nikolai Karachentsov was in a hurry to go home to his wife. At that time, her mother died, and Lyudmila was in a severe stressful condition. Her husband rushed to her to support. At high speed, he lost control and drove into a pole, as a result of which he received a severe head injury.

Treatment and rehabilitation period

Doctors urgently performed an operation. Then Andrei's father spent almost a month in intensive care in a coma. This was followed by a lengthy rehabilitation period.

The most difficult process was the restoration of speech and motor activity. In this difficult time for Nikolai, his son, Andrei Karachentsov, and his wife were nearby.

After a series of such sad events in the life of a businessman, he began to get in touch with journalists more often to answer many questions about his father.

Personal life

The personal life of Nikolai Karachentsov's son, Andrey Karachentsov, has never been made available to the public for discussion. Most often, the name of a businessman appears next to the name of the father. However, it is known about his family that it consists of a wife and three wonderful children: Peter, Olya and Yana. Andrei's wife is a female gynecologist by education.

Our hero met Irina immediately after graduation. This became known from the lips of Ira herself. Once she gave an interview to one well-known publication and briefly told the story of their love with Andrei. She had a boyfriend at that time, and she repelled Andrei's courtship, but he turned out to be persistent and was able to win the beauty's heart. A few years later, Irina thawed out and for the first time gave up slack. She agreed to a first date with a young man. A few months later, they declared themselves a couple, met their parents and began to live together. The wedding took place two months later.

Andrew today

Photos of Andrei Karachentsov with his family were rarely seen in magazines before. However, for last years he changed his father's life, began to attend social events more often with his mother and comment on his father's condition. Two or three years before the loss of a parent, he was always there and helped take care of him. Andrei took on the costs of treatment and rehabilitation not only within the Russian Federation, but also abroad.

Today, Karachentsov Jr. holds a senior position in the foundation, which was organized many years ago by his father. Now this fund continues to flourish, and Andrey is doing everything possible to keep the brainchild in memory of the closest and dear person- to his dad.

In addition to art, Nikolai Petrovich was helped to keep in shape by work on own projects and, of course, his big and Friendly family. According to Andrei, his father loved life very much and always encouraged others to do so.

Photos of Karachentsov's son, Andrey, today can sometimes be found in well-known publications. Since the accident involving his father, he has become more loyal to the work of the paparazzi and share with them some moments from his life.

According to him, he had to learn this from his dad, who during his lifetime was in front of cameras a lot. All due to the fact that often distorted facts and conjectures appear in the press. Irina supports Andrei in everything and is not only a faithful wife for him, but also a devoted friend. The tragedy in the Karachentsov family taught them to love each other even more and appreciate every moment spent together.

The eminent theater and film actor was 73 years old. National artist The RSFSR passed away in one of the cancer hospitals in Moscow. Metastases affected almost all organs of Nikolai Petrovich. Next to Nikolai Petrovich were constantly his wife and son Andrew. Lyudmila Andreevna told reporters that at first her husband had problems with his lungs due to cancer, then his kidneys failed. A little later, Andrey Karachentsov got in touch, who told about the last hours of his father's life.

“He left quite easily. I did not experience any pain, physical pain. Maybe, to some extent, due to the fact that he had wonderful doctors, they helped dad with medication. Yesterday I managed to visit my dad, however, already in the intensive care unit. At 11 o'clock at night I drove up to him, and this morning he was gone. I managed to talk to him last night. That is, he opened his eyes, saw that I had arrived. It was evident that he was somehow pleased and calm from my arrival. It was already hard for him to speak, he only opened his eyes. Although he tried to say something, he had a mask on his face that supplied oxygen. Therefore, of course, it was difficult for him to say something clearly, but in any case, we understood each other, ”the son of Nikolai Karachentsov shared with the Mash Telegram channel.

Nikolai Karachentsov with his son

Previously . The eminent actor is carried out to the last let in his native "Lenkom" in Moscow on October 29. The director of the theater Mark Warsawer.

It is worth noting that tomorrow Nikolai Karachentsov would have turned 74 years old. According to the wife of the actor,. Everything was ready: the invitations had been sent out, the menu had been drawn up, the decorations had been ordered. Unfortunately, Nikolai Petrovich never lived to see the holiday.

Lyudmila Porgina and Nikolai Karachentsov

Nikolai Karachentsov

Nikolai Karachentsov is one of my favorites Soviet actors so that this genius of reincarnation does not do it in the cinema and on the stage - all this incredibly admires me. There are seven films with his participation, which I am ready to review many times, they are familiar to many of you, and you undoubtedly know them too, but I will list them anyway: “Juno and Avos”, “Trap for a Lonely Man”, “Man with Boulevard des Capucines”, “White Dew”, “Pious March”, “Adventures of Electronics” and “Dog in the Manger”. Nikolai Karachentsov is from that breed of men who outwardly seem to be imperfect and, moreover, far from handsome, but nevertheless easily drive crowds of women crazy. Just imagine that you have never seen films with this actor in your life, and they will show you a photo of Nikolai Karachentsov and tell you that he is the idol of millions! For the sake of interest, I checked this situation on my eight-year-old daughter, showed her a photo of a still healthy, full of strength Nikolay Karachentsov, the verdict was obvious! But she just didn't see his films. Nikolai Karachentsov is loved by the public, and all because this guy has an incredible, frenzied charisma. What kind of miracle is this - charisma? What does the person who possesses it do such an unusual thing, does it, that we want to look at him, not looking away for a minute, again and again? Surely this is a rare, unusual gift, look around, all people are like people, someone is boring, someone is gray, by and large a bunch of faceless, boring personalities, but there are enchanting ones and they are a rarity, worth their weight in gold, they would immediately become artists - after all, they are more than the soul of the company, they say about them that they attract all eyes, catch, attract attention.

And what is he? Nikolay Karachentsov? Large facial features, bags under the eyes, a gap between huge teeth, but an impeccable, strong figure, energy, charisma, a bewitching voice, and how delightfully this artist sang!Nikolai Karachentsov is not like anyone .. Well, except perhaps for Jean-Paul Belmondo, whom, by the way, he had to voice many times.

Nikolai Karachentsov was filming until 2005, although the cinema by that time was already not the same, there were too many who wanted to break into the director's chair. But even in dubious projects People's Artist of the RSFSR shone. And then February 2005, an unfortunate accident, Nikolai Karachentsov was 60 years old, he could still play a lot both in the cinema and on stage, besides, our cinema seemed to have already begun to rise from the ruins, but in 2005 life for our hero was divided into before and after. But this accident could have been avoided if the actor had been more careful, but on that fateful night he was in a hurry to support his wife, whose mother had died. If we could turn back time, Lyudmila Porgina would not call her husband at night, she would tell her in the morning, and he would probably at least buckle up and slow down, and then, perhaps, everything would have turned out differently.

Wife Lyudmila Porgina takes care of her Wheelchair, takes care of him, does not give up. These two have been married for a long time, since 1975, at the time of this writing, they have been together for 42 years. Many townsfolk swear at the wife of Nikolai Karachentsov because she promotes her husband’s illnesses, brings him to the light, often appears on a TV show, but this is the choice of this family. Nikolai Karachentsov married this peculiar woman, he loved and loves her, which means that all fans of the artist's talent must accept the choice of their idol. Most likely, Lyudmila Porgina knows better what will be better for her Kolenka. Artists, on the other hand, love the audience, and their perception of the world is not the same as ours.

In any case, Nikolai Karachentsov is in plain sight, everyone knows how it is and what happens in his life. After all, you can go crazy inside four walls, well, it’s okay to sit for a year or two, but after all, at the time of the accident, Nikolai Karachentsov was still a pretty young man, so everything is right - you need to appear in public and travel, live, and not exist despite the diagnosis. And Lyudmila Porgina does everything to make her husband's life bright, of course, she does this not through force, she herself needs all this movement. It is possible that earlier Karachentsov himself gave her a boost of energy, made her life interesting and eventful, and after his illness a certain void formed, and with these visits to television shows Lyudmila Porgina is trying to fill the resulting space.

Lyudmila Porgina is an unbanal woman, her fate is quite interesting. Nikolai Karachentsov is her third husband, for the first time this beauty married at the age of 17 for her same age, but quickly realized that she had made a mistake with the choice, her second husband was 18 years older than Lyudmila, and again not that. But when Lyudmila met Nikolai Karachentsov at the age of 25, she realized that he was the guy who would make her happy. She fell in love and achieved it herself, at that time Nikolai was not free, met with Svetlana Savyolova, an actress who starred in the film Seven Old Men and One Girl, and Lyudmila was in her second marriage. Whether Nikolai Karachentsov cheated on his lawful wife Lyudmila Porgina is not known for certain, but the fact that he was quite pleased with his choice is an obvious fact, his wife Lyudmila Porgina is excellent, and she will arrange life and feed deliciously and look well-groomed!

That's such a beauty Lyudmila Porgina was when she met Nikolai Karachentsov!

Nikolai Karachentsov and Lyudmila Porgina have only one son, his name is Andrei, he was born in 1978, three years after his parents' wedding. When Andrei Karachentsov matured, he decided not to follow in the footsteps of his mother and father, he became a lawyer, married a modest girl, Irina, who is a doctor by profession.

Nikolai Karachentsov has a grandson Peter, granddaughters Yanina and Olga. Pyotr Karachentsov loves to cook, dreams of becoming a cook, and Yanina does gymnastics, and it seems to me that she is somewhat similar to her legendary grandfather. Andrei Karachentsov and his family are very educated, non-public people, they make a good impression.

Childhood photo of Nikolai Karachentsov.

In this photo, the boy with a painting in his hands is the grandson of Nikolai Karachentsov - Peter.

Nikolai Karachentsov with his son.

Today, Friday, October 26, Nikolai Karachentsov, a famous Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema. This weekend, the artist should be celebrating his 74th birthday, but the disease turned out to be stronger. The death of Nikolai Petrovich was reported by his son Andrei.

Cause of death

In September 2017, the actor was diagnosed with an inoperable cancerous tumor in his left lung. To all this, pneumonia was added in October 2018, because of which the actor ended up in intensive care.

If Kolya had only oncology without disability of the first group and loss of part of the brain, without inserted metal collarbones and broken ribs, it would be much easier for doctors. And since Kolya was badly injured in that terrible car accident 13 years ago, it is not easy for doctors to put him on his feet. The body is worn out, and then new sores have increased. But Koka is well done - he does not give up. He rejoices every day, asks to read Pushkin to him, it cheers him up, - the actor's wife said in early October.

According to Lyudmila, in the hospital, Nikolai Petrovich was very bored without his pets - a parrot, a cat and a dog.

Recall that at the end of last year it became known that Nikolai Karachentsov had an inoperable cancerous tumor in his left lung. The artist was treated in Israel for some time. Most the funds for medical procedures were provided by the Nikita Mikhalkov Foundation, and several million were donated by the actor's colleagues. Unfortunately, radiation therapy did not help, and after a while the tumor began to increase in size again. However, the troubles of the Karachentsov family did not end there either.

In early October, Nikolai Petrovich ended up in intensive care in one of the clinics near Moscow with bilateral pneumonia. It was there that he died, without waiting for his birthday.

As the wife of the artist Lyudmila Porgina told the radio station "Moscow speaking", Karachentsov died at 9 am on October 26 in the Moscow city oncological hospital. His kidneys failed.

Biography of Nikolai Karachentsev

Nikolai Karachentsov was born on October 27, 1944 in Moscow, on Chistye Prudy. Father Pyotr Yakovlevich Karachentsov (1907-1998) worked for many years in the Ogonyok magazine as a graphic artist, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1967). Mother Yanina Evgenievna Brunak (1913-1992), choreographer, staged performances in the largest musical theaters, participated in staging performances at the Bolshoi Theater, the Kazan Musical Theater, musical theater Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia, led the ballet school and organized the First National Ensemble of Vietnam, worked in Syria, in London.

Graduated with honors in 1967 acting department Moscow Art Theater School (now - School-Studio, Institute, named after Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Academic Theater named after A. P. Chekhov), where he studied at the course of Viktor Monyukov.

After that, the young actor was supposed to enter the Moscow Art Theater by distribution, but the leadership of the Moscow Theater named after M.V. Lenin Komsomol (now - the Moscow State Theater "Lenkom"), which, following the departure of the chief director Anatoly Efros, left many actors. After that, ten of the best graduates of the Moscow Art Theater School, including Nikolai Karachentsov, were sent to work at Lenkom.

On the stage of "Lenkom" the actor played in more than 20 productions of different genres - from drama to rock opera. The first success brought him the role of Thiel Ulenspiegel in Mark Zakharov's play "Till" (1974). Nikolai Karachentsov was also involved in performances: " cruel games"(1972), "Motor City 21" (1973), "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta" (1976), "Optimistic Tragedy" (1983), "Hamlet" (1986), "...Sorry" (1992), "Jester Balakirev "(2001) and others. The most popular among theatrical works The artist was the role of Count Rezanov in the rock opera "Juno and Avos", which he performed since 1981 for more than 20 years.

Nikolai Karachentsov was widely known as a film actor. The debut for him was the role of Ivan Shulga in the historical and adventure television film by Maria Muat "... And May again!" (1968). Among the most famous film works of Nikolai Karachentsov are Vladimir Busygin in the drama "The Elder Son" based on the play by Alexander Vampilov (1975, director Vitaly Melnikov), Marquis Ricardo in the musical film "Dog in the Manger" based on the play by Lope de Vega (1977, Jan Fried), Mick Urry in the film "The Adventures of Electronics" based on the book by Evgeny Veltistov (1979, Konstantin Bromberg), Jefferson Hope in the film "The Bloody Inscription" from the cycle "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson" based on the works of Arthur Conan Doyle (1979, Igor Maslennikov), Vasya Khodas in the drama "White Dew" (1983, Igor Dobrolyubov), Nikolai Orlov in the military drama "Battalions Ask for Fire" based on the story by Yuri Bondarev (1985, Vladimir Chebotarev and Alexander Bogolyubov), Billy King in the adventure comedy "The Man from Capuchin Boulevard" (1987, Alla Surikova), "Japanese" in the adventurous comedy "Deja vu" (1989, Juliusz Machulsky), etc.

He also starred in films and TV series: "My Destiny" (1973, director Leonid Pchelkin), "Once Alone" (1974, Gennady Poloka), "Yaroslavna, Queen of France" (1978, Igor Maslennikov), "Pious Martha" based on the play Tirso de Molina (1980, Jan Fried), "Treasure Island" based on the novel of the same name by Robert Louis Stevenson (1982, Vladimir Vorobyov), "The Trust that Burst" based on the works of O. Henry (1982, Alexander Pavlovsky), "Moonzund" based on the novel Valentina Pikulya (1987, Alexander Muratov), ​​"Criminal Quartet" (1989, Alexander Muratov), ​​"Petersburg Secrets" (1994–1998, Vadim Zobin and others), "Dossier of Detective Dubrovsky" (1999, Alexander Muratov), ​​etc. In total, he performed various roles in more than 90 films and TV shows.

The actor performed all the tricks in the adventure films on his own, without stuntmen.

The artist performed songs for various feature and animated films, many of which were released on CDs and audio cassettes. In total, Nikolai Karachentsov recorded over 200 songs.

Nikolai Karachentsov dubbed foreign films, including all tapes with French actor Jean-Paul Belmondo, which were in the domestic box office. The actor also voiced animated films ("Trap for Bambra", "Dog in Boots", "Space Aliens", "Lost and Found", "Island of Captains", etc.), participated in audio performances ("Roadside Picnic", "Cossacks" , "Peter Pan", "Romeo and Juliet").

He was elected secretary of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia. He headed the jury of the festival of actor's song. Andrey Mironov.

He was a member of the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy cinematographic arts "Nika".

People's Artist of the RSFSR (1989).

He was awarded the Orders of Honor (1997) and "For Services to the Fatherland" IV degree (2009).

Laureate State Prize RF (2002; for the role in the play "Jester Balakirev"), awards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (2001).

Was awarded a special prize at the Amur Autumn Film Festival (2004, Blagoveshchensk, Amur region), "Own track" awards (2005; established charitable foundation Vladimir Vysotsky, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Committee for Culture of Moscow), the special prize "Crystal Rose" of the Moscow theater award "Crystal Turandot" (2005), the Russian National Actor's Prize. Andrey Mironov "Figaro" (2011) and others.

The peculiar beauty of Nikolai Karachentsov struck on the spot many women. At first glance, he might not like it, but when he went on stage, he had no equal. It was hard not to fall in love with the artist. It happened with Lyudmila Porgina, a young actress of Lenkom. At the time of her acquaintance with Karachentsov, she was married to stuntman Viktor Korzun. But what did it matter if a woman realized that she had settled in her heart real love? The couple legalized their relationship in 1975. This marriage turned out to be strong and long.

The personal life of Nikolai Karachentsov was as successful as his career. In 1978, the actor's son Andrei was born, who did not follow in the footsteps of his parents and became a lawyer.

The charismatic and popular actor was credited with many novels. Many were called his women famous actresses. Before meeting with Lyudmila Porgina, Karachentsev had an affair with a colleague Svetlana Savelova. Then there were rumors about the artist's relationship with Olga Kabo, dancer Marina Shirshikova and Irina Gribulina. But whether this is true or the conjectures of journalists thirsting for sensations is known only to Nikolai Karachentsov himself and his wife. Whatever it was, but the couple have been together for four decades.

Throughout his career, Nikolai Petrovich tried to avoid acting parties, but never refused cheerful companies in a close family circle. In contrast to the increased demands on his own creativity, in everyday life the actor was particularly unpretentious. Tennis has always been his favorite sport.

Currently, Nikolai Karachentsov has three grandchildren: Peter, Yanina and Olga.

The artist got into a car accident

On the night of February 28, 2005, the car of actor Nikolai Karachentsov got into a terrible accident. Then the star of the national cinema was in a hurry from his dacha to Moscow, excited by the news of the death of his mother-in-law Nadezhda Porgina. As a result, the icy road, unfastened seat belts and the speeding of the artist's car led to a terrible accident, as a result of which Nikolai Karachentsov received a serious head injury.

In the clinic, he urgently underwent a craniotomy and brain surgery, after which Nikolai Petrovich was transferred to the Sklifosovsky Institute. There, the actor lay in a coma for almost a month, but the efforts of the doctors were crowned with success: he went on the mend. The long recovery process allowed the star to return to life.

In 2007, Nikolai Karachentsov became a participant in the gala concert "The Stars Came Down from Heaven ...", where he presented discs with his own repertoire. At that time, many of the actors came to support him on stage. star friends, including Mikhail Boyarsky, Alexander Marshal, Oleg Gazmanov, Laima Vaikule.

But after the accident, Nikolai Karachentsov did not manage to fully restore his speech and movements, so continue acting career he could not. In 2011, the artist underwent a rehabilitation course in Israel.

On June 24, 2012, some media reported the death of the great artist, which shocked not only the fans of Nikolai Karachentsov, but also his friends and colleagues from Lenkom. As it turned out, the shocking news of the death of the actor was provoked by information about sharp deterioration health of Nikolai Petrovich. Careless journalists, thirsting for a sensation, came up with a "duck" about death, exciting thousands of people.

In 2013, the artist underwent a course of treatment in leading clinics in Beijing. In October 2016, the Moscow Peace Foundation awarded the artist with the Golden Order of Service to Art.

Exactly 12 years later, on February 27, 2017, Nikolai Karachentsov again got into a serious accident. car owned by his wife Toyota Highlander collided with the "Gazelle" in the suburbs. The accident occurred on Pushkin Street in the cottage settlement Zagoryansky. After a collision with a Gazelle, the car in which Karachentsov was located turned over, and the actor had to be urgently hospitalized to the nearest clinic - he was diagnosed with a concussion.

Creativity of Nikolai Karachentsev

Roles in the Lenkom Theater

1967 - "Smoke of the Fatherland" by K. Simonov - Shurka Basargin "Farewell to Arms" by E. Hemingway (dir. A. Ginzburg, O. Chubais) - Soldier "Golden Key" by A. Tolstoy; staging by S. Stein - Cat Basilio "Sudzhan Madonnas" - Kolka "On the wedding day" by V. Rozov; staging by A. Efros - Zhenya "Molière" after M. Bulgakov - Charlatan with harpsichord, brother of the Force

1972 - "Faith, Hope, Love" by A. Arbuzov; production by V. Monakhov - Danila

1973 - "Colonists" by A. Makarenko; production by Y. Mochalov - Karabanov

1973 - "Avtograd 21"; production by M. Zakharov - choir

1974 - "Music on the 11th floor" by I. Olshansky; production by V. Monakhov - Kostya

1974 - "Til" by G. Gorin according to S. de Coster; staging by M. Zakharov - Til Ulenspiegel "The End of the Khitrov Market"; production by V. Monakhov and V. Vsevolodov - Senya Bulaev

1976 - "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta" rock opera by A. Rybnikov based on the poem by Pablo Neruda; staged by M. Zakharov) - Death and the Leader of the Rangers "Hamlet" by W. Shakespeare; production by A. Tarkovsky - Laertes

1979 - "Cruel Intentions" by A. Arbuzov; production by M. Zakharov - Misha Zemtsov

1981 - "Juno and Avos" rock opera by A. Rybnikov based on the poem by A. Voznesensky; production by M. Zakharov - Count Rezanov

1983 - "Optimistic tragedy" Sun. Vishnevsky - Aleksey "Fear and Despair in the Third Empire" by B. Brecht - Sturmovik and Young Worker

1986 - "The Dictatorship of Conscience" by M. Shatrov; production by M. Zakharov - Karbyshev

1990 - "School for emigrants" - Serge

1992 - "... Sorry" A. Galina; production by G. Panfilov - Yuri Zvonarev

1995 - "Czech photo" A. Galin; production by A. Galina - Lev Zudin

2001 - "Jester Balakirev" by G. Gorin; production by M. Zakharov - Menshikov

2004 - "City of Millionaires"; production by R. Samghin - Domenico Soriano

TV work

1970 - "Ivan and Altynshash" (teleplay) - "Ivan, projectionist"

1970 - "Boyan Chonos" (teleplay) - Costa Lazar

1974 - "Feast during the plague (teleplay)" (teleplay); production by M. Zakharov - Chairman of Walsingam

1976 - “In one microdistrict” (television play) - Valera Seregin (in the credits - Karachentsev)

1976 - "Magic Lantern" (teleplay) - Widow, Parisian

1980 - Tatyana Doronina's benefit performance - Orpheus, Gypsy, Sinbad the Sailor, Count Tinsmith, Kai

1996 - "Love of the Great" (teleplay)

2002 - " Sweet Dreams mine "(teleplay) - Vikenty Vitoldovich Largo

2002 - "Juno and Avos" (film-play) - Count Rezanov