Evgenia Shamaeva demands astronomical sums from her ex-husband. A DNA test proved that the eldest son of Stepan Menshchikov was not born from him. Wedding with Menshchikov and the birth of children

In the release of the “Actually” program with Dmitry Shepelev, which will soon be aired, the ex-participant of “House-2” and his son Vanya underwent a DNA test. The result shocked Stepan: the boy was not native to him!

A black cat ran between Stepan and his wife Evgenia back in June: then Zhenya changed her Instagram nickname to Evgeniyanetvoya2017, the couple stopped posting joint photos. But the couple announced their separation only at the end of September. Then the showman from Yekaterinburg sadly confessed to Woman`s Day:

- She left me. I myself do not understand what is happening.

And in an interview with StarHit magazine, he said:

Zhenya decided to live without me. She always wants to live without me. I'm tired of saying: “What are you doing - two small children, who needs you? Now it's not easy crisis time- and it’s hard for me as an artist, I still have to feed the children. Who will support them, you. Of course, I will help, but it’s not easy for me either. It's easier to live together. Such skirmishes happened all the time - as the economy sags, so I'm bad. Well, you won't be forced to be nice. For her, I was just a passing ticket to Moscow.

The wedding of Stepan Menshchikov and Evgenia Shamaeva

It turned out that problems in the family had been accumulating for more than one year. On Instagram, Evgenia did not hide her bitterness and resentment towards the father of her children:

- How sometimes a photo conveys the emotional background of a relationship well. They celebrated the birth of Ivan - 4 years. Stepan hurt and did not want to celebrate it, in general, like all holidays related to the family, us children, but, one might say, he was pulled out that day by the ears. If you look closely at the photo, you can see it very clearly. This is how you live with a person, share life, bed, but it turns out that he is completely alien to you and you lived different lives.

I initially made a mistake... I put up with what you can't put up with! So now I fix it and move on. Only Love, only understanding, respect, loyalty and common goals will make your union the strongest. Everything else is false, not leading to anything good. These are my conclusions, this is what I learned from you @stepanmen, thank you for your lessons.

And StarHit admitted:

- Styopa has been living in Sochi for the fourth month, holding events there. Of course, I knew how he loves parties, that he is surrounded beautiful girls. I wouldn't let him go for anything, but no one asked me. We often quarreled, it negatively affected the children. At some point, I decided it was time to end it.

Now Evgenia lives with two children in a one-room apartment in the Moscow region.

The same birthday Ivan. Evgenia cited this photo as proof of Stepin's indifference

The couple already had serious conflicts. For example, a year and a half ago, when Stepan was convicted of treason, but his wife forgave him. Fans hoped that this time it would cost. But…

Stepan and Zhenya decided to tell Dmitry Shepelev about the reasons for their separation in the “Actually” program on Channel One. However, things didn't quite go according to plan. The program has not yet aired, but it has already become known that ... the first son of Evgenia Shamaeva is not from Styopa! The "father" and "son" passed DNA tests before the broadcast, the results of which were announced later. This came as a shock to Stepan Menshchikov - Vanya is not his own. As many media outlets quote "a source close to the couple": "Styopa thought that he would just earn money on the transfer, but here it is."

Stepan admitted to StarHit magazine after filming:

I don't think they have any reason to lie. Moreover, this was confirmed not only by the test, but also by the polygraph, and Zhenya herself. She didn't even try to justify or explain. I don't know the potential father. I can't even imagine who it could be. But I would like to know who it is. I'm interested.

Evgenia Nikandrovna Khanaeva. Born January 2, 1921 in Bogorodsk (now Noginsk, Moscow Region) - died November 8, 1987 in Moscow. Soviet actress theater and cinema. People's Artist of the USSR (1987).

Father - Nikandr Sergeevich Khanaev (1890-1974), an outstanding Soviet Opera singer(dramatic tenor), leading soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, teacher, National artist USSR, laureate of three Stalin Prizes. Stalin himself greatly appreciated him.

Mother - Raisa (according to some sources, Iraida) Ilyinichna Ryvkina, daughter of a Bogorodsk tradesman, a member of the council of the Bogorodsk-Glukhovo Old Believer community.

Evgenia's childhood passed at the Bolshoi Theater, where her father sang. There were always many celebrities in their house - composer Molchanov, singer Lemeshev, artist Gerasimov and others. The girl often attended banquets arranged by artists.

FROM early years studied music, a piano teacher worked with her. Evgenia played and sang well.

She dreamed of the stage from an early age. However, the parents were against the acting of their daughter. After school, secretly from her father, she applied to the Shchepkinsky school at the Maly Theater and entered there, at the same time entering the law faculty of Moscow State University (she studied in 1938-1939).

In 1939-1941 she studied at the Theater School. Shchepkin.

In 1941-1943 she studied at the Moscow City Theater School.

In 1947 she graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School. In the same year she became an actress of the Moscow Art Theater.

Theatrical work Evgenia Khanaeva:

1948 - Squirrel - "Twelve months" S.Ya. Marshak;
1949 - Mrs. Chick - "Dombey and Son" by C. Dickens;
1949 - Tatyana - "Petty bourgeois" M. Gorky;
1951 - Princess - "The Fruits of Enlightenment" L.N. Tolstoy;
1952 - Girl Kuroslepova - "Hot Heart" A.N. Ostrovsky;
1953 - Mrs. Khlopins - "Pikvinsky club" Ch. Dickens;
1956 - An old woman with a stroller - "Kremlin Chimes" N.F. Pogodin;
1957 - Justine - "Noble Nest" by I.S. Turgenev;
1957 - Rayechka - "Golden Carriage" L.M. Leonov;
1958 - Paulina - " winter fairy tale» W. Shakespeare;
1958 - Fani Liming - "Jupiter laughs" A. Cronin;
1960 - Fru Linne - "A Doll's House" by G. Ibsen;
1962 - Queen Elizabeth - "Mary Stuart" F. Schiller;
1963 - Barbara - "Egor Bulychov and others" M. Gorky;
1963 - Mother of Vladimir Kralya - "The house where we were born";
1966 - Ksenia Petrovna - "A Grave Accusation" L. Sheinin;
1968 - Polina Andreevna - "The Seagull" A.P. Chekhov;
1973 - Anna Romanovna - "Old New Year" MM. Roshchin;
1975 - Dina Pavlovna Milenina - "Meeting of the Party Committee" A. Gelman;
1976 - Tatyana Nikolaevna - "Husband and Wife" M.M. Roshchin;
1976 - Zinaida Savvishna Lebedeva (Zyuzyushka) - "Ivanov" A.P. Chekhov;
1977 - Secretary of Sakulina - " Feedback» A. Gelman;
1979 - Violetta Matveevna Nuikina - "We, the undersigned" A. Gelman;
1981 - Fotieva - “So we will win!” M.F. Shatrov;
1986 - Sinitsyna - "Tamada" A. Galin;
1987 - Elena - " Round table under the lampshade "V. Arro.

She played on the stage of the Moscow Drama Theater "Sphere": Aunt Masha / Baba Yaga - "Until the third roosters" by V.M. Shukshin; Lyudmila Silvestrovna Pryakhina - "Theatrical novel" by M.A. Bulgakov.

She made her film debut in 1970 in the film The Experiment, playing a teacher. Then she played in the film "Day by Day".

In 1972, the actress played the role of the housekeeper Elsa Ivanovna in the film "Monologue" by Ilya Averbakh.

Immediately after the Monologue, the actress was invited to play the role of Augusta Yakovlevna in Ayan Shakhmalieva's lyrical drama Strange Adults. Then Khanaeva played Zinaida Petrovna in the office drama "... And Other Officials", Gisella in the political pamphlet "The Life and Death of Ferdinand Luce".

In 1976, the film "Joke" was released, which became calling card actresses. She played the role of the teacher Maria Vasilievna Devyatova - wise, fair woman, devoted to work with all his heart, taking the troubles of students as his own. Interestingly, at first the actress refused to shoot in the film. But Menshov insisted and his directorial instinct did not disappoint.

For the performance of the role of Maria Vasilievna Devyatova in the film "Joke" at the VKF in Riga (1977), she received an award for the best performance female role, and in 1978 she was awarded State Prize RSFSR named after N.K. Krupskaya.

Evgenia Khanaeva in the film "Joke"

Although the actress had few roles, she managed to create memorable images even in their small number. She succeeded in dramatic, comedic, and grotesque characters. But in general, she has developed the role of a sharp, eccentric, sometimes scandalous person who believes only in her own rightness and does not tolerate objections. On the screen, Khanaeva always looked like a self-confident, decisive and even domineering woman.

It is worth noting her works such as the mother of the cameraman Rachkov from the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", Anna Romanovna from the comedy "Old New Year", Izolda Tikhonovna in the family comedy "For Family Circumstances", a representative from the museum in the melodrama "Thank you all!" , a former school teacher Tatyana Vasilyevna from the comedy "Blonde around the Corner".

Evgenia Khanaeva in the film "Moscow does not believe in tears"

Evgenia Khanaeva in the film "Old New Year"

Evgenia Khanaeva in the film "For family reasons"

Evgenia Khanaeva in the film "Thank you all!"

I also remember the actress for the films “The Magical Voice of Gelsomino” (Aunt Corn), “Take Care of the Men!” (representative of the company "You-me, I-you", which produces electronic devices and fabric "bullshit"), "4:0 in favor of Tanechka" (Zoya Alexandrovna), "Mother Mary" (Madame Lange) and others.

Starting to act regularly, the actress got a rare opportunity to buy a car. The car was more than a hobby for her - it was a real passion, which, alas, became fatal for her. Once she had an accident, after which she began to serious problems with health. The actress experienced very severe pain, but at the same time continued to play in the theater.

Death of Evgenia Khanaeva

The above-mentioned car accident caused the death of the actress. She seriously injured her spine. She experienced severe pain. The best neurosurgeon at that time, Eduard Kandel, was engaged in her treatment. He established that the actress will either live with her for the rest of her life. unbearable pain or need surgery. At the same time, he immediately told Evgenia that he could perform the operation, but it would be a 50/50 result. Evgenia decided to agree, because by that time the pain was already unbearable.

In the fall of 1987, an operation took place, after which the actress regained consciousness only briefly. She lived only a few hours. It was during these hours that colleagues tried to congratulate her on conferring the title of People's Artist of the USSR on her. But they couldn't do it...

The actress never found out about the award of the title of People's Artist of the USSR to her and, without regaining consciousness, died on November 8, 1987 at the age of 66.

She was buried in Moscow, on the 18th section of the Vvedensky (German) cemetery, next to her father.

Personal life of Evgenia Khanaeva:

Her first love was a student of the Studio School Konstantin Gradopolov, son famous sportsman and filmmaker.

She was married to the economist Anatoly Uspensky. Married in 1953, the son Vladimir was born. Divorced in 1966.

The marriage of Khanaeva with Anatoly Uspensky broke up because of her passion for another man. Khanaeva left the family, leaving her husband 14-year-old son Vladimir. The child lived with his father and did not communicate with his mother for 19 years. Only when the actress had an accident did she call her son for the first time in 19 years. And the next day Vladimir came to his mother.

Since the mid-1960s, she had relatives romantic relationship with the actor Lev Vasilyevich Ivanov (1915-1990), who was her partner in the theater.

Filmography of Evgenia Khanaeva:

1962 - Working day V.I. Lenin (film-play) - L.A. Fotieva
1965 - Philistines (film-play) - Tatyana
1967 - Kremlin chimes (film-play) - an old woman with a child
1969 - Yegor Bulychov and others (film-play) - Barbara, Bulychov's daughter from Xenia
1970 - Experiment - Lena's teacher
1971-1972 - Day after day - Antonina Grigoryevna Mokhaleva, foreman at a weaving factory
1972 - Monologue - Elsa Ivanovna
1973 - Your boyfriend - Taisiya Petrovna, commandant
1974 - The Seagull (film-play) - Polina Andreevna
1974 - Strange adults - Augusta Yakovlevna
1976 - Siberia - Zatunaiskaya
1976 - Draw - Maria Vasilievna Devyatova, classroom teacher, math teacher
1976 - The Adventures of Nuki - Anna Zakharovna, theater director (not in the credits)
1976 - ... And other officials - Zinaida Petrovna, Ivanov's mother-in-law
1976 - Life and death of Ferdinand Luce - Gisella Dornbrock, Friedrich's sister
1977 - Own opinion - Lyudmila Ivanovna, head of the personnel department
1977 - For family reasons - Izolda Tikhonovna, mother of Nikolai
1977 - Meeting of the Party Committee (film-play) - Dina Pavlovna Milenina
1977 - The magical voice of Gelsomino - Aunt Corn
1978 - Captain's daughter(film-play) - Vasilisa Egorovna
1979 - A trip through the city (film almanac) - Titova, director of the cultural park, Lisa's mother
1979 - Moscow does not believe in tears - Rachkov's mother
1979 - Spring Olympiad, or Head of the Choir - pioneer leader Inessa Arkadyevna (voiced by Maria Vinogradova)
1980 - Sailors have no questions - Anna Evlampievna, teacher at admission committee Theater School
1980 - Quiet threesomes - Lidia Pavlovna, energetic grandmother Valentina Khrupalova
1980 - Strange Vacation
1980 - Old New Year - Anna Romanovna
1980 - The last escape - Evgenia Matveevna Chernova, Vitya's grandmother
1980 - The Ideal Husband - Lady Markby
1980 - If I were the boss ... - mother-in-law Nemolyaeva
1981 - Where did Fomenko disappear to? - Vika Romanovna, Fomenko's mother
1981 - Ivanov (film-play) - Zinaida Savishna, Lebedev's wife
1981 - Thank you everyone! - a representative from the museum (voiced by Svetlana Nemolyaeva)
1982 - Simply horror! - Antonina Georgievna, grandmother
1982 - Monogamous - Mary Clapkoff
1982 - Mother Mary - Madame Lange
1982 - Time for reflection - Irina Mikhailovna, Ali's mother
1982 - Take care of the men! - representative of the company "You - to me, I - to you"
1982 - 4:0 in favor of Tanechka - Zoya Aleksandrovna, mathematics teacher
1983 - Kiss - the general's wife
1983 - Late love - Felicity Antonovna Shablova
1983 - Sparrow on ice - police captain
1983 - Vitya Glushakov - a friend of the Apaches - Kira Ivanovna, director of the institute, head of Vitya's father
1983 - Crazy day of engineer Barkasov - Alisa Yurievna, mother-in-law of Barkasov
1984 - We are not given to predict ...
1984 - My chosen one - Beskova, host of the ceremony of solemn registration of marriage
1984 - Cancan in an English park - Valeria Sopelyak
1984 - Institute of Grandmothers (film-play) - woman Zina (Zinaida Veniaminovna)
1984 - Citizens of the Universe - grandmother of Nina Grigoryevna, director of the school
1984 - Blonde around the corner - Tatyana Vasilievna, mother of Nikolai
1985 - Dissimilar - Nina Kharitonovna, Lida's teacher
1986 - Who will enter the last car - Agnes
1987 - So let's win! (film-play) - Fotieva, Lenin's secretary
1987 - Under the sign of the Red Cross - Vera Afanasyevna
1987 - Start the investigation - Lidia Konstantinovna Ryabikova, secretary
1987 - The mysterious heir - Glasha

Having met at one party, former lovers ignored each other

Having met at the same party, the former lovers ignored each other

A couple of Alena VODONAEVOY and Stepan MENSHCHIKOV were once the most famous in the Dom-2 project. Since light hand Styopa Alena managed to unwind, become a TV presenter, successfully marry a businessman and become a well-bred society lady. However, the former warm relationship came to naught, and now, having met by chance at the same event, the former lovers stubbornly ignored each other. Perhaps the reason for this was that Stepan did not come alone that evening: his pregnant girlfriend Evgenia SHAMAEV appeared in public with him.

Stepan and Evgenia came to the opening of the photo exhibition Michele Ceppi"Bad Santa" capturing the stars Russian show business in the most unimaginable poses and costumes. This event was the first where Menshikov appeared after he was severely beaten on the street (). The TV presenter was discharged from the hospital and, according to him, feels good. Taking off his cap, Styopa stroked the injured crown, on which he received a strong blow from the intruders, and smiled: “Well, let's not talk about sad things! Better about pleasant! Then he stroked the pregnant Zhenya's tummy.

As Menshchikov said, they chose the name Vanya for their son - both of them like it. Stepan showed with all his appearance how glad he was that he would soon become a dad: hugging Evgenia, he showered her round tummy with kisses. Then he put his ear to his belly and listened. “Pushing,” the future mother laughed.

Stepan MENSHCHIKOV with his girlfriend Evgenia

This touching picture from another corner of the hall was watched by Alena Vodonaeva. The TV presenter, who not so long ago reconciled with her husband and even withdrew the divorce application from the court, came to the exhibition alone and was darker than a cloud. Seeing Stepan, pressing his cheek against Evgenia's stomach, Alena changed her face, took out a chewing gum and began to chew with concentration, trying not to betray the surging feelings.

Noticing Vodonaeva, Shamaeva also became very sad. Pushing Stepan in the side, Evgenia whispered to Menshchikov that she wanted to leave immediately, after which the future parents quickly headed for the exit.



Stepan MENSHCHIKOV with his girlfriend Evgenia

Last fall, the popular showman Styopa Menshchikov found out that his eldest son was not related to him by blood. The DNA result showed that his ex-wife Stepana Menshchikova gave birth to a child from another man. In addition to the boy, the couple has youngest daughter. Both children stayed with their mother after the separation. About the biography of Evgenia Shamaeva and her current life read our article.

Childhood and the path to popularity

Little is known about Shamaeva's life before meeting Stepan. Zhenya was born on November 14, 1986. From childhood, the girl grew up very artistic, studied vocals and even sang in the choir. All my life I dreamed of becoming a singer and being a popular person. Evgenia to some extent achieved her goal. And although she did not become a singer, she was recognized.

Wedding with Menshchikov and the birth of children

The first child of Stepan and Evgenia Shamaeva, Ivan, was born in 2013. In 2014, the famous showman Stepan Menshchikov and his beloved girlfriend Evgenia played a bright fictitious wedding in Goa. Of course, according to the laws of our country, their marriage was not valid. Therefore, when Zhenya found out about the second pregnancy, they finally decided to go to the registry office and formalize the relationship. The couple dressed in bright cornflower blue clothes and went to the registry office. After some time, Evgenia gave birth to a second child - a girl Barbara.

Work on maternity leave

Despite her husband's earnings, Stepan Menshchikov's wife never sat idle. Therefore, even on maternity leave, I decided to work from home.

Zhenya started her business on the Internet, based on sports nutrition. I must say that the figure of a girl after two births looks simply amazing.

Parting with Stepa

This year, a couple of Evgenia and Stepan decided to end their relationship. The reason for this, according to the ex-wife of Stepan Menshchikov Zhenya, was her husband's infidelity and frequent spree. Also, she was not satisfied with Menshchikov's permanent projects, without which he simply could not live.

According to Zhenya, she always missed her husband at home. And the specifics of his work does not allow satisfying her desires.

The couple's fans were upset by such news and began to ask Evgenia about whether Styopa communicates with children. To which Zhenya unequivocally replied that she communicates quite often. And she, in turn, hopes that they will be able to maintain a warm parental relationship between themselves for the sake of their 7-year love story and the kids.

DNA and paternity recognition

In the fall of 2017, Stepan and Evgenia became the heroes of the "Actually" program. At the end of the showman's release, a sensational confession from his wife, confirmed by DNA results, awaited. It turned out that the eldest son Ivan was born ex-wife Stepan Menshchikov from another man. Stepan was just in shock, but at the end he said that he still would not give up the boy, whom he had raised as his own for several years. Today, a year after that release, Stepan continues to take an active part in the lives of children.

And also tries to help financially and buy everything that they need. Fans of the couple are delighted with how worthily the guys decided to end their relationship. And even the fact that was announced on the program did not change the father's relationship with his daughter, son and ex-wife. Former spouses maintain good friendships and openly wish each other to find their love.

In the cover of last year, all fans of the reality show "Dom-2" with undisguised interest watched how Stepan Menshchikov and his beautiful wife Yevgeny Shamaeva publicly sorted out the relationship. The young lady was categorical, in an interview she voiced claims to her husband and stated that reconciliation with him was impossible. A little later, reports began to appear that Stepan Menshchikov, by all means, wants to establish relations with the mother of his son Vanya. Evgenia backed down, reported that she was ready to communicate with her husband for the sake of the child, but as a man, Menshchikov ceased to be for her.

But meanwhile, on Shamaeva's Instagram, joint pictures with Menshchikov regularly appeared. And the day before, she did confess ex-husband in love. It happened on children's holiday in honor of the birthday of the heir to the couple - little Vanya on March 24 turned three years old. Evgenia Shamaeva published a photo report on a fun party in her microblog, which, apparently, they organized with her husband. Among the childish pictures with Vanya happily eating his birthday cake and having fun in the company of animators and his young guests, there is a photo in which the boy's parents are captured together. “I love, I can’t,” Yevgenia Shamaeva signed a picture with her husband. The couple are captured tenderly hugging each other and look unimaginably happy.

Recall that Stepan Menshchikov gained popularity thanks to his participation in the reality show Dom-2, where the guy was known as a natural womanizer. The most beautiful girls came to him, he broke a pile of hearts, built love with the beauties Alena Vodonaeva and Victoria Bonya. As a result, the heartthrob and natural showman realized that he would create real relationships only outside the perimeter. Evgenia Shamaeva became his chosen one. However, they civil marriage cannot be said to be harmonious. The life of spouses is endless quarrels, conflicts and intentions to part forever. Evgenia Shamaeva more than once tried to leave Stepan Menshchikov, stating that further relations with him were impossible due to constant change, rudeness and scandals that Stepan arranges in the presence of a child. However, the ex-member of "House-2" each time returned his wife, doing everything possible to save the family.

The three-year-old son of the spouses Vanya tasted his birthday cake with undisguised pleasure.
// Photo: Instagram