French TV presenter Igor Bogdanov: biography, activities and interesting facts. TV presenter Igor Bogdanov amazed the Cannes Film Festival with his face (6 photos) Brothers of plastic surgery victims

Twins Igor and Grishka Bogdanov are among the most famous victims plastic surgery on the planet. Once upon a time, brothers with a Russian surname and noble roots (in their homeland in France they are called Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff) were handsome and hosted their own TV show. In the 80s, the Bogdanovs were real stars of the French screen, but over time, their appearance, like their fame, faded. Trying to preserve their youth, the brothers performed dozens of plastic surgeries: they tightened the skin of their faces and eyelids, installed implants in their chins and cheeks, and pumped fillers into their lips. Today, the 68-year-old twins look like two monsters from a horror movie. That doesn’t stop them from still appearing in gossip columns and news releases. Last evening, Igor and Grishka Bogdanov appeared on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival at the premiere of the Hollywood film “Star Wars”. Painting “Han Solo. Star Wars: Stories".

Shining with a fresh tan and taut facial skin, the brothers diligently smiled for photographers - which was not easy for them after Botox injections. She walked the red carpet with her twins young beauty. Who is this fairy, you ask? Imagine, 24-year-old French woman Julie Jardon is the lover of one of the brothers, Igor Bogdanov.

The TV presenter met a biology student and aspiring fashion model two years ago, and the couple have been together ever since. God knows that the blond goddess found in this man not the most ordinary appearance, and besides, he was 44 years older than her. But the couple’s passions are so boiling that the French tabloids are crying with delight and sharpening their feathers in anticipation of each new trick of the lovers. In November 2017, for example, Julie and Igor had a big fight and broke up. A few days later, Bogdanov broke into the house of his former passion, begging her for forgiveness. In response, Julie called the police, and the elderly Romeo was arrested. At that time, the entire Internet and newspaper pages were full of photographs of Igor.

My brother is just a passionate person, he is so temperamental! - his twin Grishka Bogdanov justified himself to journalists. Grishka himself, by the way, is not noticed in his heartfelt adventures; he leads a quiet and measured lifestyle. So all the glory of the hero-lover went to his brother.

Apparently, it was Igor’s very temperament that melted Julie’s heart: already in January 2018, the couple was seen together again. Lovers hang out in nightclubs, go on expensive resorts and post touching selfies of the two of them on Instagram.

By the way, Julie is far from the first victim of Igor Bogdanov’s charms. The TV presenter was married three times. The last time he got married was in 2009 with the French writer Amelie de Bourbon-Parme, the heiress of the Bourbons and the great-great-great-granddaughter of Louis VI. The couple had two children, which, however, did not save their marriage.

IN recent years The Bogdanov brothers (for obvious reasons) no longer host television programs. But they write books and actively participate in social events and book fairs.

Igor and Grishka Bogdanov were born in France, their father, the artist Yuri Mikhailovich Ostasenko-Bogdanov, was from Leningrad. During the war, 12-year-old Yuri, who was evacuated to Slutsk, was captured by the Germans and taken to work in Germany. From there he managed to escape to Spain and then to France. After the war, Yuri married the Czech Countess Maria Dolores Kolowrat-Krakowska.

The brothers became famous thanks to physics - they started as scientists. In the 1980s, the cute twins made their way onto French television, where they had their own science fiction TV show. The brothers also wrote many scientific books about the Big Bang theory, although they were criticized by other researchers - according to competent scientists, the brothers’ works have no scientific value.

October 3, 2009, 11:44 pm

What, you don’t know the Bogdanov brothers?... I’ll tell you in order. First about the wedding. 59-year-old French scientist and TV presenter of Russian origin Igor Bogdanov married Amelie de Bourbon-Parme. The 33-year-old newlywed is a direct descendant of King Louis XVI of France. And it is no coincidence that the wedding celebrations continued at the legendary Chambord Castle, on the banks of the Loire. The fact is that until 1947 this castle belonged to her family. About 100 guests from the world of politics and culture, as well as representatives of the European aristocracy, attended this wedding. Igor Bogdanov, Amelie de Bourbon-Parme and representative of the mayor's office of the 16th arrondissement of Paris Newlyweds Igor and Grishka Bogdanov Close friends of the Bogdanov brothers, former boyfriends of Carla Bruni, philosopher Jean-Paul Enthoven and his son, philosophy teacher and radio host Raphael The celebrations continued at the Chateau de Chambord, one of the most beautiful in France. Well, now a little about the brothers themselves. Twins Igor and Grishka Bogdanoff (Igor et Grichka Bogdanoff) were born in France in 1949. As you may have guessed from their last name, they have Russian roots. And also Austrian.
Producers and TV presenters on French television, the Bogdanov brothers are famous for their scientific knowledge. They, as they say, have been bringing science to the masses from television screens since 1979.
Cleverly mixing science fiction with the real thing, Igor and Grishka talked about space, unknown stars, aliens from other worlds and extraterrestrials... And so cleverly that their program was almost closed due to numerous complaints received from the parents of their young viewers. They say that the children were very frightened by what they were told. In 2005, the brothers were invited to teach at the University of Belgrade.
Notwithstanding the above, scientific knowledge The Bogdanov brothers cause mixed reactions from other scientists. They were repeatedly accused of hoaxes, and the French scientist and journalist Pierre Vandegenste even made revelations and stated that “the scientific content of their works is close to zero.”
Now about the appearance. As you, of course, have noticed, the Bogdanov brothers have changed slightly since their debut on television.
Whatever you think about this, Igor and Grishka are irritated by rumors about their plastic surgeries. Or even make them laugh. “We have already stopped paying attention to the gossip,” they say. Some say that we were specially operated on to look like aliens, others say that we are aliens. This is just funny!” “The strangest thing is that we have never resorted to the help of plastic surgeons. I wonder why everyone asks us about this?” they are perplexed.
Igor Bogdanoff

And, imagine, this blond fairy next to him is his fourth wife, 34 years younger!

Twin brothers with a Russian surname and noble roots, Igor and Grishka Bogdanoff (or, as they are called in their homeland in France, Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff) are among the most famous victims of plastic surgery on the planet. French TV presenters, who gained incredible popularity in the 80s, performed more than a dozen operations in an attempt to preserve youth and beauty.

It was not possible - either the surgeon they came across was cross-handed, or numerous interventions in nature did their job, but today the 67-year-old brothers look like two monsters from a horror film. One of them - Igor Bogdanov - came to the Cannes Film Festival and walked along the red carpet.

In recent years, the man’s face has finally “swimmed” and turned into a frightening mask. It would seem that with such an appearance he has little chance of love. But, incredibly, Igor enjoys unprecedented popularity among the opposite sex. Bogdanov was officially married three times, last time he got married in 2009 to the French writer Amelie de Bourbon-Parme, the heiress of the Bourbons and the great-great-great-granddaughter of Louis VI.

The couple had two children, which, however, did not save their marriage. At the Cannes Film Festival, Igor proudly led his next passion, 33-year-old model Julie Jardon, by the arm. New common-law wife TV presenter is 34 years younger than him, but it seems that this blond fairy is not at all embarrassed by either age or appearance beloved.

Another brother, Grishka Bogdanov, was never married. So all the fame as a ladies' man went to Igor. In recent years, the brothers (for obvious reasons) no longer host television programs. But they write books and actively participate in social events and book fairs.

The Bogdanov brothers were born in France, their father, the artist Yuri Mikhailovich Ostasenko-Bogdanov, is from Leningrad. During the war, 12-year-old Yuri, who was evacuated to Slutsk, was captured by the Germans and taken to work in Germany. From there he managed to escape to Spain and then to France. After the war, Yuri married the Czech Countess Maria Dolores Kolowrat-Krakowska.

The brothers became famous thanks to physics - they started as scientists. In the 1980s, the cute twins made their way onto French television, where they had their own science fiction TV show. The brothers also wrote many scientific books, although they were criticized by other researchers - according to competent scientists, the brothers’ works have no scientific value.

In the 90s, due to failures in scientific activity TV presenters became depressed. In addition, they began to notice that time was not kind to their appearance, and in the early 90s the brothers made their first plastic surgery. And then they went under the surgeon’s knife again and again. Igor and Grigory no longer look younger, but now they look a lot like monsters from horror films.

They not only did a lot of lifts, but also inserted implants into the cheeks and chins, and also pumped gel into the lips and injected Botox. But many people think that only women are obsessed with plastic surgery. The Bogdanov brothers are a living example that refutes this myth.

According to statistics, since the 2000s, the number of men seeking the services of plastic surgeons has increased by 60%. For a long time it was believed that plastic surgery is an exclusively female prerogative, but in modern world Representatives of the stronger sex undergo more than 17 million plastic surgeries annually. The most popular male procedures are, and (SMAS-lifting) - interventions capable of for a long time delay aging and make your face look fresher and younger. On the one hand, there is nothing reprehensible in the desire of men to look younger and sexier, on the other hand, a sense of proportion and a professional surgeon are very important in this matter. Photos of the Bogdanov brothers before and after illustrate the second part of this statement: their photographs are found in all ratings of the most famous victims of plastic surgery, along with and.

Igor and Grishka (Grigory) Bogdanov gained worldwide fame in the early 80s, when, after what seemed to be a fairly successful scientific career, the extremely attractive twins made their way onto television and launched their own TV show, “Time X.” Weekly they talked about new trends in astronomy and quantum physics, analyzed popular science literature and analyzed from this point of view famous films. In their youth, the Bogdanov brothers had a constant stream of female fans thanks to their courageous and exotic appearance, which they inherited from their maternal grandfather, a popular black man. opera singer Roland Hayes (who, by the way, never recognized family connection). The twins' pedigree is replete with references to ancient families of aristocrats: the Bogdanovs' father is the Russian artist Yuri Mikhailovich Ostasenko-Bogdanov, who by the will of fate ended up in the capital of France in wartime, mother is a representative of the count family of Austria. The twins were raised in the family castle of their grandmother Bertha in Saint-Lary, where they did a lot of self-education and study of their family tree.

The career of the Bogdanov brothers before plastic surgery was associated with a huge scandal: the book “God and Science,” which became a bestseller in France, was criticized by an American cosmologist. The Bogdanovs were accused of plagiarism and ignorance of the basic principles of physics and mathematics, and the success of the book was explained by their skillful juggling of complex scientific terms. The scandal was hushed up, and in 1998 the brothers defended their Ph.D. theses and continued to engage in pseudoscientific research.

By 2002, five articles authored by the brothers had been published in reputable scientific publications. The next revelation became louder - famous physicists John Baez and Alan Sokal analyzed the works of the Bogdanovs and came to the conclusion that they had no scientific value.

The “Bogdanov case” was actively discussed in the scientific community for several years, and the National Committee scientific research in mathematics and theoretical physics of France recognized the brothers’ work as profanation. This did not prevent the brothers from taking the post of heads of the cosmology laboratory at the non-state Megatrend University in Serbia in 2014. The Bogdanovs’ television career continues today, but it is now less connected with the popularization of science.

Bogdanov brothers before and after

The photo of the Bogdanov brothers before plastic surgery shows that initially nature gave them a pleasant appearance, which contributed to successful career on television and in show business. Correct facial features, dark skin, dark curly hair and defined cheekbones made them idols of their time.

However, in the early 90s, the brothers noticed the first signs of aging, which they desperately did not want to put up with.

According to rumors, Grishka Bogdanov repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with his appearance and dreamed of eternal youth. It was probably then that Igor and Grishka went under the knife at the same time plastic surgeon.

Grishka underwent surgery to implant implants in the cheekbone area, and Igor corrected the shape of his already correct chin so that it became unnaturally large. After the first not very successful plastic surgery, it became clear that the Bogdanov brothers before and after looked almost like different people.

The twins did not stop at one operation, and plastic surgery became an integral part of life.

Today, based on the unnaturally large and swollen faces of the Bogdanovs, it is already difficult to determine exact quantity and types of operations performed.

When comparing photos of the Bogdanov brothers before and after plastic surgery, one can assume numerous facelifts, Botox injections in almost all areas, implantation of implants in the cheeks, cheekbones and chin, and repeated injections of fillers into the lips.

Igor and Grishka themselves publicly deny plastic surgery and tirelessly declare that they do not understand these accusations, and call their faces “fantastic faces.”

According to some fans, the monstrous metamorphoses of the Bogdanovs’ faces are not the result of plastic surgery abuse, but symptoms of a complex genetic disease. Acromegaly (dysfunction of the anterior pituitary gland) leads to thickening of the limbs and skull, which visually gives a similar effect.

This version has a right to exist - too serious changes in the facial structure have occurred compared to what the Bogdanov brothers had in their youth. However, many facts testify in favor of plastic surgery.

Despite the terrifying appearance and old age, Igor and Grishka are still popular with the opposite sex. If Grishka still leads the life of a bachelor party-goer, then Igor recently married for the fourth time to a French model who is 34 years younger than the star. From his previous three marriages, Igor has 6 children.

Every year, the list of victims of plastic surgery among world stars is replenished with new names. The Bogdanov brothers are the most striking example of the fact that the main mistake of the stars in the pursuit of eternal youth and the attraction is lack of moderation.

The main trend in the beauty industry today is naturalness, let’s talk about it completely. At the same time, another mistake often becomes the wrong choice of a plastic surgeon. The professionalism of the doctor before the operation should be checked as thoroughly as possible. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the reviews of the doctor’s patients, the prestige of the clinic, education and duration of practice, as well as the cost of services.

And, imagine, this blond fairy next to him is his fourth wife, 34 years younger.

Twin brothers with a Russian surname and noble roots, Igor and Grishka Bogdanoff (or, as they are called in their homeland in France, Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff) are among the most famous victims of plastic surgery on the planet. French TV presenters, who gained incredible popularity in the 80s, performed more than a dozen operations in an attempt to preserve youth and beauty. It was not possible - either the surgeon they came across was cross-handed, or numerous interventions in nature did their job, but today the 67-year-old brothers look like two monsters from a horror film. One of them - Igor Bogdanov - came to the Cannes Film Festival and walked along the red carpet.

Igor enjoys unprecedented popularity among the opposite sex.

In recent years, the man’s face has finally “swimmed” and turned into a frightening mask. It would seem that with such an appearance he has little chance of love. But, incredibly, Igor enjoys unprecedented popularity among the opposite sex. Bogdanov was officially married three times, the last time he got married in 2009 with the French writer Amelie de Bourbon-Parme, the heiress of the Bourbons and the great-great-great-granddaughter of Louis VI. The couple had two children, which, however, did not save their marriage. At the Cannes Film Festival, Igor proudly led his next passion, 33-year-old model Julie Jardon, by the arm. The TV presenter’s new common-law wife is 34 years younger than him, but it seems that this blond fairy is not at all embarrassed by her lover’s age or appearance.

The TV presenter's new common-law wife, model Julie Jardon, is 34 years younger than him.

Another brother, Grishka Bogdanov, was never married. So all the fame as a ladies' man went to Igor. In recent years, the brothers (for obvious reasons) no longer host television programs. But they write books and actively participate in social events and book fairs.

The Bogdanov brothers were born in France, their father, the artist Yuri Mikhailovich Ostasenko-Bogdanov, is from Leningrad. During the war, 12-year-old Yuri, who was evacuated to Slutsk, was captured by the Germans and taken to work in Germany. From there he managed to escape to Spain and then to France. After the war, Yuri married the Czech Countess Maria Dolores Kolowrat-Krakowska.

The brothers became famous thanks to physics - they started as scientists. In the 1980s, the cute twins made their way onto French television, where they had their own science fiction TV show. The brothers also wrote many scientific books, although they were criticized by other researchers - according to competent scientists, the brothers’ works have no scientific value.

The brothers write books and actively participate in social events and book fairs.

In the 90s, due to failures in scientific activities, TV presenters fell into depression. In addition, they began to notice that time was not kind to their appearance, and in the early 90s the brothers had their first plastic surgery. And then they went under the surgeon’s knife again and again. Igor and Grigory no longer look younger, but now they look a lot like monsters from horror films. They not only did a lot of lifts, but also inserted implants into the cheeks and chins, and also pumped gel into the lips and injected Botox. But many people think that only women are obsessed with plastic surgery. The Bogdanov brothers are a living example that refutes this myth.

In the 80s, the cute twins, thanks to their good looks, were able to break into television, where they had their own science fiction TV show.