Divination for relationships on matches. Different ways of divination with matches

Fortune telling with matches is an easy way to find out the future, determine how your loved one treats you and get answers to other questions that concern you. Let's talk about how to guess on matches correctly.

Fortune telling with matches seems very simple, so it is not clear why it can provide answers to many questions. But the fact is that fire is a very powerful element. It has a lot of energy, passion, strength and power. Fire is able to purify, energize, destroy or revive a person. That is why it is so attractive for use in magical rituals.

Fortune telling on matches for a loved one

This is a very popular fortune-telling among girls who want to know how their chosen one treats them.

For divination, you will need a box of matches. Draw two at random - they will symbolize you and your lover.

Fasten the matches so that they stand upright. To do this, it is convenient to use plasticine or any other viscous material. Choose which match will be you and which will be the man. Then set them on fire at the same time.

Watch how the matches burn out. Divination has the following meanings:

  1. If the “match-guy” burned out quickly, remaining straight and even, then the chosen one does not have any romantic feelings for you. Stop trying to make him fall in love with you and pay attention to a more worthy gentleman
  2. If the matches, burning out, leaned towards each other, this auspicious sign. It indicates that there is a lot of tension between you. But keep in mind that it can be either love or just a strong sexual attraction. Your task is to determine what
  3. If the match of a man deviated in the opposite direction from the match of a girl, then he has feelings for another. You have a rival, but he does not have feelings for you. On the contrary, there is a strong rejection - he would not want to see you in his environment, even as a friend.

If the result of fortune-telling was disappointing - do not be discouraged. You should not dream about a man who does not love you. Pay attention to those who are interested in you - your "prince" is waiting for you to reciprocate.

Love triangle

This fortune-telling method helps you choose from the two choices of the one who suits you best. You can also find out which of the two girls the guy is more drawn to - you or your opponent.

It is necessary to get three matches from the box. One will symbolize you, the other two - other people from the existing "triangle".

Matches must be placed vertically so that they are very close to each other. In the center is the match of the person who chooses - yours, if you are rushing between two suitors, or a guy who cannot decide between you and your rival.

Light the center match and wait until it burns out. In which direction it will lean - the choice will stop there. If it remains even, then the chooser will be left alone - he does not feel feelings for anyone, but only plays.

If the match is completely tilted in the opposite direction from the rest, there is one more person in the situation with whom a pair will turn out.

Complicated fortune-telling with matches

This is a more complex version of fortune telling, for which, in addition to matches, you will have to cook wax candles and a container of clean water.

Using a sharp object (needle, toothpick, knife), scratch your name on one candle, and the name of the chosen one on the other.

Light the candles with two different matches, which then need to be thrown into a container of water. Wait a few seconds for the flame to ignite. Then tilt the candles over the water and start dripping wax onto its surface.

Pay attention to outlines wax figures formed on the surface of the water:

  • Did you see one big wax blotch? This is an auspicious sign that indicates that you and your chosen one are one and are perfect for each other. You are either very similar, or, on the contrary, opposite, and this attracts you to each other. There is every chance to create a strong and harmonious union
  • If you saw a heart, in the near future there will be a strong emotional shake-up in your relationship. It can be both positive and negative character. The outcome of events depends on you - whether it will be a bright romantic date or a stormy scandal with breaking dishes
  • If a single figure did not work out, wax drops float on the surface of the water, this is an unfavorable sign. You and your chosen one are completely unsuitable for each other, so the relationship will end soon - there is no reason to continue it

Watch a video on how to guess with matches:

Effective fortune-telling with matches and a cigarette

If you smoke, you can apply this method. You will need two matches from a new box and a cigarette.

Set the matches vertically. One of them will symbolize you, the other - the guy you are guessing at. Light both matches and light from them. Take a few puffs, wait until the flame goes out. See which way the matches are leaning:

  • If they "turned away" from each other, your relationship with the chosen one will decline. You realize that the feelings have passed, and peacefully part, but remain good friends.
  • If the matches are leaning towards each other, all is well. There is a strong emotional bond between you. There is every chance to create a healthy and harmonious relationship
  • If one match deviated from the other, then the one whom it symbolizes is indifferent to the partner, or will soon fall out of love

Important: do not use this way divination too often, otherwise a truthful interpretation will not work. It is best to guess during the full moon, at night. You should also use only new matches purchased specifically for the magic ritual.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Fortune telling with matches is considered by many to be an easy way to determine what a person who is important to a fortuneteller really feels. With the help of these simple items, you can find out if a wish for the future will come true.

Fortune telling on matches at home, a person turns to fire. This is one of the basic elements revered in antiquity. It is believed that it cannot give an incorrect answer to a person's request. This is not only a strong, but also a light element, because fire gives light.


Preparation for fortune-telling should set the mood for the participants in the ritual, which will help to carry it out. the best way and accurately define the future. The first rule is not to guess next to people who do not believe in such a method of prediction. A place should be chosen so that only persons who consider this method to be real are in it. It is advisable not to allow people who are unwell or in a mood to enter the room. If their presence is unavoidable, it is better to postpone fortune-telling.

The best true fortune-telling with matches

People who start fortune-telling should have exceptionally bright thoughts, their souls should be calm. People participating in fortune-telling should be positively disposed towards each other.

Christmas divination with matches

Traditional Christmas divination talk about your relationship with your partner. Take a box and a couple of matches, which are indicated as a fortuneteller and as his partner. Matches are placed around the edges of the box and lit.

During burning, they occupy a certain position, by which they judge what feelings a man and a woman have for each other. If both heads are facing each other, there is love between the guy and the girl. If one of the matches goes out faster, and the second one continues to burn, this means that the feelings of one of the partners will also be short-lived. At the same time, the relationship itself can continue, just love will cease to be mutual, one person will cool off.

For love and boyfriend

Fortune telling about love and a guy to a lonely person can be done by pulling out an indefinite number of matches from a matchbox. Next, consider how many of them are in hand.

  • If the number is even, true love will have to wait some more time, while light novels are quite possible in the near future, but they will only be a prelude to a real betrothed.
  • If the number is odd, it means that love is waiting just around the corner. The second half is already nearby, you just need to take a closer look at others.

On desire

To tell fortunes whether a wish will come true or not, take a match and say your wish on this item. After that, the fortuneteller tosses the match and watches in which direction it falls.

  • When the match gets closer to the window, it means that the wish will come true quickly.
  • When it is closer to the door, the wish will come true, but help is needed.
  • If she lands closer to the wall, she says “no”, that is, what a person wants will not happen.

On matches and water

Take matches and a glass of water, think about a certain desire, accurately pronounce its wording so that there are no inaccuracies (otherwise the answer will become inaccurate).

The fortuneteller lights matches and throws them into the water, after which he watches how they are placed next to each other. If they lie in parallel, this is a good signal. Matches with water promise that the desire will come true. When they lie perpendicular, the prediction is not the most favorable. This means that on the way to the realization of desire you will encounter difficulties. In the worst case, the wish will not come true.

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How to use matches to determine the presence of damage

Now the composition is ready and go to the matches. They are lit one by one and wait until they burn out. It is desirable that the fire spread to the fingers, almost burning them. Following this, burnt matches are thrown into a glass.

You need to see how many matches will sink and how many will remain on the surface. If everyone was under water, damage was brought to the person. It is believed that such spells cannot be removed on their own, you need to seek help from magicians. If only a part of them turned out to be under water, this is a common negative that can be dealt with with ordinary prayers at home. If everyone remains on the surface, there is no damage and negativity.

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Fortune telling on matches is a simple action. In the general case, there are no conditions under which it may not come true if the above conditions are not violated. For example, the presence in the room of a person to whom the fortuneteller is sharply negative can undermine efficiency. Also, this method is negatively affected by the disbelief of one of those present.

Thus, fortune-telling with matches does not require complex accessories, significant skills, or long training. Prediction techniques using these items are available to everyone. In most cases, the ritual does not give ambiguous results; the future becomes quite clear from the behavior of the matches. That is why many seek to find out what awaits them using a simple box.

Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in divination and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled in Tibet and India. Conducts fortune-telling sessions for readers of our resource for free.

Articles written

Fortune-telling with matches is very popular among people, since the element of fire has a spiritual connection with the universe. It can help you find answers to some questions. From ancestors, the method of divination with matches and water passed to us.

In the article you will learn how to correctly guess on matches.

Fortune telling with matches should be done at night when it is dark outside. If you do it during the day, the results will be wrong.

Divination by desire

Option one

The easiest way to guess. You need matches and a candle. The latter will serve as a link to the universe. You need to do the following:

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Make up a question in your head and take a few matches without counting them.
  3. Throw on the table
  4. Do the math.
  5. If their number of matches is even, the wish will come true. Odd - no.

Option two

Find big matches. So that they burn longer than usual. Try to light one. If a:

  • They could not light it right away, the desire was not destined to come true.
  • It will break when you try to set it on fire, in order to fulfill a dream you will have to overcome many obstacles.
  • Not burnt out - will be good start, but it still won't work.
  • If the match burns and the fire is bright, it will soon come true.

Divination for love

Method one

Light the matches and see which way they lean:

  • If both are drawn to each other, you love each other.
  • Only one bent over - one of the lovers has more feelings.
  • The match burned out without bending. It means he doesn't have feelings for you.
  • One of the matches turned away from the other. A person experiences only negative emotions towards you. It is impossible to build a relationship with him.

Method two

Here we need matches and water. We need to do the following:

  1. Pour water into a bowl so that it is half empty.
  2. Light a match and wait for it to burn out.
  3. Throw into the water.
  4. Repeat one more time.

If between matches long distance means you can't be together. If the matches are nearby, then this person is your other half.

Method three

This fortune-telling on matches is a little more complicated than the previous ones. It is rather. You need to do the following:

  1. Find two candles. Best in church. It is you who should buy them, and not another girl.
  2. On one candle, scratch the capital letter of your name with a needle. On the second - beloved.
  3. Light one candle. Wait until the match is half burnt.
  4. Throw a match into a bowl.
  5. Repeat with the second candle.
  6. Take two candles, and drip hot wax into the center of the container for half a minute.
  7. An image will appear on the water. Look at him: Circles have appeared - you will have happy relationship; Heart - there will be some obstacles; If both matches were connected with wax, you will marry him.

There are many ways to guess on matches for love. These three are the most common.

Fortune telling on the betrothed.

This type of ritual is necessary if two guys are after you and it's hard for you to make a choice.

You need:

  1. Take three matches and put them on the table. Use plasticine.
  2. Give the matches names. Yours and loved ones. Install yours in the center, because the choice is yours. Men on the side.
  3. Set fire to the one in the middle. Wait for the result.
  • If she burned out and did not lean towards either of the others, both men will not become your betrothed.
  • If she turned, but not to other matches, but in a different direction, then there is another man whom you know and who will be your betrothed.
  • If she leaned towards one of the men, you will be with him.

Definition of spoilage on matches

Fortune telling with matches will help you find out if damage has been imposed on a person.

Method one

So you need:

  1. Take a glass and fill it halfway with water.
  2. Wrap your arms around it for a few minutes. This is how you transfer your energy to the water.
  3. After a while, throw salt into the water.
  4. Light a match. Wait for the flame to reach your fingers.
  5. Throw into the water. Repeat this two or four times.
  6. Look into the water.
  • If everyone drowns, you have been heavily corrupted. You may not be able to remove it yourself, and you will have to ask the magician.
  • If it drowned, two or three matches, then the damage is weak, and you can remove it at home.
  • If none of them drowned, then there is no damage to you.

You can use bread instead of matches.

Method two

Another way is a bit similar to the previous one. But it can only be done on Friday.

  1. It is necessary to fill the glass with water so that a couple of centimeters remain to the edge.
  2. Take three matches.
  3. Light one and throw it into the water as soon as it burns out. You can not shift it from one hand to another or put it on the table.
  4. The same goes for the rest of the matches.
  5. Leave the glass until morning. If the matches are afloat, there is no damage. If one drowned, the damage is weak. Two is strong. Everything, damage to death.

Removing damage with matches

Fortune telling on matches can not only determine damage, but also remove it. There are several ways.

Ritual with nine matches

You need to call a friend, because it is he who will guess.

  1. You need a glass of water from a spring.
  2. Take a new box and pour out all the extra ones so that only 9 matches remain.
  3. Sit opposite the assistant. He should take a match, look at you through the fire, and say:

God, help your slave(s) (name). Pure heavenly blood, save and save (name) from the black evil eye, from the evil hour, from the male, from the female, from the spoken, from the spoken, from the envious and hated. Amen.

  1. When the flame reaches his fingers, he must throw the match into the water and repeat this 8 more times.
  2. If none of the matches sank, then there was no damage. If several drowned, then it was, and you successfully removed it. If everyone drowned, then the damage is very strong and it cannot be removed in one day. It is necessary to repeat the ritual two more times over the next two days. (If even after a few days all the matches sink, then only a real magician can remove the damage)
  3. On the third day, you need to take 4 sips of this water, one on each side of the glass and say:

God help me! Do not leave your servant (name). Amen.

  • Go outside and pour out the rest of the water. Definitely over the left shoulder. (Away from your home)

Ritual with three matches

Take a jar of water. Say three times:

Holy water queen mother, save and heal, and have mercy on the day, from the noon, from the night, from the midnight, from the hour, from the half-hour, from the second, from the half-second thin eye. Amen.

  • Burn three matches one after the other. At the same time, baptize the water, repeating:

Fire and water dashing in the eye.

  • Now throw the matches into the water. Sprinkle yourself, or the one who was spoiled with water, saying:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

  • Now you need to drink this water. Recommended several times. Wet your hands, face and hair with it. Dry off the wrong side of your clothing.

Christmas divination


You need:

  1. Fill a cup with water and place it next to the bed.
  2. Make a square well out of matches. He must wrap the cup. It is important that it looks exactly like a well, and not like a fence.
  3. Put a padlock on the handle and close it.
  4. Place a thimble next to the well. It will act as a bucket.
  5. Put the key under your pillow.
  6. You will need willpower, because you will have to eat two teaspoons of salt. Go to bed quickly and don't talk to anyone until morning.

At night the bridegroom will come to open the well and give you water.

There is another option if you do not want to eat salt. Will come to you in a dream future husband. He will ask you for the key to the well in order to give his horse water to drink.

What to expect in the new year

Take 7 matches and throw them on the floor. The results will depend on what the dropped drawing resembles:

  • Home - A happy family life awaits you.
  • Bird - Mutual love.
  • Something like a roof - comrades will support you.
  • Beast - In the new year you will meet a good friend.
  • Tree - A baby will appear.
  • Cross - Problems, obstacles or conflicts.
  • Heart - You will meet your love.

Guessing with matches and water is very simple, and there are many options for guessing with matches. This article provides better ways. As a rule, the results are correct.

In addition to fortune-telling on matches for love, there are other rituals.

There are a lot of different options for fortune telling on matches. It all depends on what or who you need to guess.

Fire symbolizes love fever, and fortune-telling on matches in 80% gives a result confirmed in later life. In the article, you can read online for free the meaning of divination, which today will help you find out the result.

Divination for love with matches and water

For divination, you will need a glass of water and a box of matches. Take two matches. Give one of them the name of your loved one and say it out loud. Light a match and throw it into a glass of water, saying: “Light the fire of love in yourself!”.

Then light the second match and say your name out loud. Immediately, before it burns out, throw it into the same glass.

If the matches are arranged crosswise, or at an angle to each other, then you are waiting for romantic relationship with a chosen one. Matches placed in parallel symbolize that the relationship will not work out.

Divination for love on matches with answers

Take 9 matches, put them in left hand, move and drop them on the table. Try to see the resulting pattern - this will be your future.

For example, if the matches formed a pattern similar to a heart, then love awaits you, the sun means strong and bright friendship. Matches, located in the form of an airplane, symbolize a long journey.

In general, the answer to your question will be prompted by your imagination and intuition.

Divination by matches for the love of a man (boyfriend), woman (girl)

This type of divination has been known since ancient times. Take a match. Call her the name of a loved one, saying it out loud.

Light a match and try to keep it burning for as long as possible. When the fire begins to burn a little, put it out by blowing lightly and again pronouncing the name of your loved one.

If the head of the match turned away from you, it means that they don’t like you, remained flat - they are indifferent to you, turned towards you - your feelings are mutual.

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Prediction has always stirred the souls of people. Fortune telling on the feelings of a loved one or on future relationships will help to prioritize in a couple. Why do people look into the future?

Matches are exactly the attribute that helps to find out about upcoming events

Uncertainty scares everyone creature endowed with intelligence and consciousness. Fortune-telling and finding out events that are just about to come true is easier than guessing. desire to build a good relationship with a chosen one, this is what pushes a woman in search of magical power. What fortune-telling will allow you to see the most significant moments of the born love?

The essence of divination

It is difficult for a fortuneteller to cope with her feelings. Falling in love for a representative of the beautiful half of humanity is tantamount to a walk over a cliff. Scary and exciting at the same time. Women are sensitive by nature, receptive and open. It's easier for them to get to the point magical rituals and secret rites. Magicians or witches are more often referred to young girls and adult women.

Fortune telling is the lot of those who are not afraid to see the world from the other side. Open new facets. Prediction, the main attribute of which are matches, helps to see changes in the personal life of the asker. A simple type of divination is very popular, because in a short period of time a woman can hear answers to exciting questions.

The sensual side of human nature defies description, studying its scientists of various fields of activity, to this day they cannot answer what love is? Soul?

The feelings of another person remain a secret that a woman in love is eager to know. Fortune telling on the intentions, feelings and thoughts of another person refers to special kind magical predictions. Professional magicians and beginners are engaged in this type of fortune-telling. A simple fortune-telling carried out at home will help to predict the future of a new relationship.

The principle of fortune-telling on matches

Divination for love, love spells for a loved one, strong attachments - a woman stops at nothing to get the object of love. Divination for love is allowed at home. A girl who decides to see a picture of future events should not deviate from the recommendations of experts. Fortune telling on matches for love is accurate and easy to perform.

The results of the prediction are not perceived as a verdict. Only on the person, his decisions and actions depend love relationship. The feelings of a man will open to the gaze of his beloved, and either justify her expectations, or become heavy burden. Before calling for help magical powers you have to be aware of your own motives. Which answers will satisfy the interest, and which ones can harm?

Fortune telling that uses matches predicts:

  • feelings of the chosen one;
  • spouse's intentions
  • fulfillment of cherished desires;
  • turning point in a relationship.

Matches are able to predict the fulfillment of desires and events in a relationship.

Before fortune-telling, you should mentally tune in. Get rid of worries, fears and prejudices. They are of no use, and the increased stress of the questioner will affect the results of the prediction.


How to guess on simple matches? Instructions for quick divination:

  1. A pair of matches is selected. One of them should symbolize the chosen one, the second - the woman who started fortune telling.
  2. It is better to set fire to matches from a candle bought in a church (if this was not at hand, then any source of fire will do).
  3. There is no need to hurry, let the matches burn out calmly.
  4. It is not difficult to decipher the results of fortune-telling if you take your time and carefully study the position of the matches, the distance between them and other important factors.

Believe in simple fortune-telling or not? The decision is up to a woman or a man who wants to know the future of a promising relationship.

Who will help fortune-telling with matches?

Fortune-telling with matches and water or similar fortune-telling without additional attributes will help to see not only the feelings of another person, but also problems, exciting moments that are about to happen. To build a strong relationship, fortune-telling with matches is the best assistant that does not take much time.

Who can guess with matches? Experienced magicians recommend thinking twice before performing rituals or creating predictions at home. Carelessness in such matters can not only upset a woman, but also harm her. Moral readiness is the main condition under which any fortune-telling will pass without problems.

On the water, fortune telling is easier for a loved one, but if one of the methods of foresight does not suit a woman, she can easily find a worthy replacement for him. Fire is an irresistible force. A cleansing element that leaves neither good nor bad in its path.

Fire is an irresistible element that leaves neither good nor bad in its path.

Not for nothing in strong rites fire is used, born and dying in the hands of an alarmed woman. If the soul is drawn to magic, then its help will be timely and safe.

Fortune telling on the feelings of a loved one

For quick divination, a new box of matches is used, which no one except the woman has touched. From the box, you only need two wooden bars, which will symbolize a man and a woman in a pair. They are placed vertically, fixing the position of the matches with dough or ordinary plasticine. Then the sulfur tip is set on fire. A woman should watch the flame, not letting the matches go out.

The position of the burnt pieces of wood will indicate the attitude of the beloved:

  1. Coals leaning towards each other - a sign sincere love, long respectful relationship. A girl is dear to a man, he makes far-reaching plans with her. good value should please a woman and give her hope for a future relationship.
  2. If the match that symbolizes the guy burns out without bending over, the feelings on the part of the lover are no more than affection. You should not rely on such a man, because at any moment he can leave. If the female match bowed before the second coal, we say that there is no equality in the pair, and never will be. No matter how hard it is for a woman, she should take care of herself. About your own spiritual harmony.
  3. Matches that burn out in different directions have the hardest time. Most negative value concerns a pair, which is personified by two matches in this position. Lovers do not have good relationships. If there is sympathy, then fleeting.

It is better not to repeat simple fortune-telling on matches too often, the result will not improve from repetition. You should not worry about the interpretation, because even an incorrect forecast is only probable events, and not the final picture of the future. The will of a person predetermines the fate of relationships between people, not boxes of matches. Get an immediate response with a simple ritual It is possible both day and night, at any position of the moon.

Effective love prediction

Fortune telling on matches is more often carried out for love relationships, less often for friendships. Sometimes the tricks of fate lead to the most unexpected consequences. People fall in love, get disappointed and reopen their hearts to new feelings.

If the choice is immediately between two men, fortune-telling on a box of matches will help you sort out a difficult situation.

A box of matches will help a woman make a choice between two men.

For a prediction, you will need two pieces of wood, symbolizing possible lovers and one match, personifying a woman. In the center is a match of a person who needs to make a choice, and on the sides are the prototypes of rivals. For fixing, pieces of plasticine or fresh dough are used.

The center bar is set on fire. In which direction he bends, that man will be a more worthy party. There are times when a match does not bend at all, but burns with an even fire. Such fortune-telling speaks of indifference, which cannot be changed. The girl will stay alone or choose another guy. It is impossible to avoid such consequences.

A special case is when the match turns the other way. This behavior suggests that he loves the object of love completely third person. If the choice is made by a woman who is waiting for the reciprocity of a guy, then she should once again reconsider her own attitude to the current situation. Feelings without reciprocity are worse than love that torments a person.

Getting involved in love adventures is bad for the soul. In such confusion, vital energy is lost. A woman should flourish from the love of a man, to be a flower that grows from the quivering feelings of the chosen one. If this does not happen, then, on all visible and invisible levels, this man is not suitable for a woman. Divination gives important advice, but to listen to him or not, the fortuneteller decides.

Will the wish come true or not?

Will a wish come true or is it not worth waiting for the realization of a dream? When there is a difficult choice, one should turn to magic only in the most deadlocked situations. Divination with a match should be carried out on full moon, then the predicted situations will come true with a greater probability. I guess on large, small, hunting or fireplace matches.

A secret ceremony is performed without outside help, all alone. The fortuneteller sits down strictly to the east and lights an ordinary candle. An invisible circle is surrounded by fire. A new box is taken into the hands, the eyes are closed and the cherished words (desire) are uttered to oneself. The wording of the desired event should be clear and precise.

The person shakes the box so that a distinct thump is heard, and then throws all of its contents onto the table. The number of matches is counted. An even number indicates the imminent fulfillment of a desire, and an odd number promises bad news.

Simple divination is available to anyone who believes in magic or cooperates with it for the first time.

You can get the results and interpret them immediately, without waiting for fortune-telling to appear over time.