Lottery horoscope for April Libra. lottery horoscope

Recently I read in another article, which aims to expose astrology and astrologers, the following statement: “It is strange that people who can predict the future cannot win a lot of money for themselves in the lottery. A couple nights at the poker table would make them millionaires."

Such arguments have to be read and heard from time to time.
In this article, I want to touch on one of the most important topics related to astrology as a science and knowledge about the fate of a person, and give a few concrete examples directly related to the ability to win large sums of money.

I always tell my clients - we must keep the logic and common sense. Astrology is not magic.
Astrology is only one of the factors influencing Destiny. These factors include:

1. Heredity. Note: For example, it is impossible to determine nationality by a horoscope, it is impossible to say whether we have a horoscope of a person or animal, animate or inanimate object.

2. Upbringing. This factor largely determines the level of human culture, can have a decisive influence on the choice of profession, etc.

3. social conditions. Our realization, among other things, depends on which country we were born in, in which particular historical period, from the general context of conditions at a given location at the current time.

4.Space. Actually, astrology and those possibilities, that potential, which is determined by the moment of birth, can be read in our horoscope (a map or diagram of the starry sky, built on the basis of taking into account the date, time and geographical coordinates places of birth).

5. Karmic memory (past life experience, personality potential, level of personality development). An important factor that affects the realization of the potential inherent in the horoscope is the accumulated experience and merits of past incarnations.

6. Free will. We can change our place of residence and improve the circumstances of our lives, for example, moving from a place of unhappiness to a place of happiness, to a place where it will be easier for us to arrange a personal life or organize our business. Astrology allows us to use our free will. We can control Destiny if we know it.

7. Supreme will. Or the miracle factor. Space is not the only factor that determines Destiny, a miracle is always possible!

The result of the foregoing will be precisely that we must maintain common sense and soberly evaluate all the factors that affect our Destiny.

As for the quote I quoted in the introduction to this article. The explanation is simple: something cannot happen to a person that is not in his local map!!!

If there is no indication in the horoscope that you will become a millionaire, then you will not become one, regardless of the promising forecast. A woman in whom we find indications of childlessness is unlikely to become a mother in a particular place if she does not have the opportunity to move to other coordinates and thereby change her horoscope.

In the same way, if my horoscope does not indicate the possibility of winning large sums of money, no matter how much I buy lotteries, it will be useless. And vice versa. A person whose local card contains the probability of winnings is thus able to receive "gifts of Fate" if at the right time it occurs to him to buy a lottery ticket or place a bet.

S. V. Shestopalov in his concept of "Event Formulas" gives a specific winning formula:

The winning formula includes the following house relationships: II+/-V+/-VIII+/-XI

In order for a person to really win large amounts of money, this formula must be clearly expressed in the horoscope.

If the formula is not even partially present, one can hardly hope for great luck in various games, lotteries and more.

In particular, in the book "Astrology of Events" a component of this formula is given, the interaction of elements of 5 and 8 houses:

“The harmonious interaction of 5 and 8 houses (Win Formula) means a happy chance in material matters, indicates income from financial and currency transactions, games, entertainment, ..., winnings in gambling, betting, lotteries, etc.”

In the context of this article, I am considering precisely these possibilities, but, of course, that the formula can be interpreted more broadly, based on the astrological symbolism of houses.

I will give an example of a horoscope of a person who regularly wins large enough amounts of money for himself by participating in various bets, and earns by betting on sport events. The potential inherent in the chart does not work at every moment, but precisely during periods when an actual aspect is created in the Slow progression (and other methods) according to the 5 + 8 formula.


The man was born on January 12, 1969, Bechey, Serbia. Time of birth: 09:31:37.
Didn't move anywhere, so we analyze natal chart.

The winning formula is not fulfilled in full, but the man's winnings, although several times higher than his earnings in official work, are still not fabulous.

So, I consider the formula 5 + 8 (harmonious indications):

Moon, rules 5, stands in 8th house - 1 indication;
Moon in conjunction with the element and ruler of the 8th house (Mars) - 2 indications;
The Moon is in trine with Venus ruling the 8th house.

The rule of three indications is fulfilled, we can conclude that a man has a chance to win the lottery or, making bets.

This case interested me after I learned that a close friend of mine regularly wins by betting on sports events. Having built his horoscope and analyzed the periods in the forecast for which the biggest successes fell, I was convinced that the winning formula worked.

There are many examples, especially since each formula was tested on more than one horoscope.

Dreams often come true, the main thing is to believe in miracles. Now horoscopes are gaining immense popularity. Many people, before entering from home, re-read several times about forecasts for a week, a month, a year. To bring success closer, astrologers have compiled a lottery horoscope that helps to win the Jack Pot.

They created a successful combination of numbers, which replenishes the player's budget. Astrologers have predicted a lottery horoscope of luck for 2018 for each zodiac sign. Many in the year of the Dog will be successful. Astrologers study the map of the starry sky, the location of the stars and their influence on a person. Thanks to this, they create different horoscopes: luck, love, cash, lottery.

Lottery horoscope for March 2018: horoscope for Aries, Gemini and Taurus

Today, family and love predictions are considered the most popular, thanks to which they learn the future, change something in a relationship. lottery horoscope compiled for March 2018 will help gamblers to attract good luck and become rich. For a successful game, you should focus on your horoscope. Do not forget about the golden rule of playing the lottery, in time for three wins, a person should stop, as fate can play a cruel joke.

For Aries, astrologers predicted a little luck in winning for March 2018. A good day to buy a ticket is Thursday. Special attention it is worth paying attention to the numbers: 34, 6, 33, 25, 14, 9. One of these numbers can become fatal. The happiest days are 20, 30.

Taurus in 2018 will be able to hope for success and great luck in winning numbers such as: 24, 19. According to astrologers, cash reward Taurus will receive thanks to the tickets bought on Friday. The numbers that can become fateful for winning are 23, 29, 30, 38, 40, 13.

Gemini in 2018 can win double wins. Astrologers have predicted success in the lottery for 2018. If there is any doubt, you should not buy tickets, success, and even more so the long-term profit, will not bring only waste. Particular attention should be paid to Friday, this particular day of the week will be successful for representatives of these zodiac signs.
The numbers that you should pay attention to when filling out tickets are: 21, 4, 1, 41, 29, 24.

Lottery horoscope for March 2018: horoscope for Cancer, Virgo, Lviv

For Cancers, one of the Tuesdays of 2018 can be fateful. Lucky date to buy a lottery ticket: 9th, 14th, 18th. Astrologers advise paying special attention to such numbers when filling in as: 32, 37, 43, 3, 28, 25. If sum of money it didn’t work out to win, Cancers will bring great luck with valuable gifts from the organizers of the purchased lotteries.

Lions in March 2018 will want to play the lottery, although they themselves are not very gambling, but special attention should be paid to Monday, it is on this day of the week that financial luck will always smile. In 2018, it is worth turning the representatives of this zodiac sign to such numbers: 13, 25. The winning combination can be hidden behind such numbers as: 19, 34, 42, 26, 44, 38.

Virgos in 2018 will be able to win a cash prize only for the purchased lottery on Tuesday. Virgos have a great opportunity to win a cash prize if they buy not one, but several tickets. When filling out tickets, special attention should be paid to numbers such as: 6, 40, 33, 7, 35.

Lottery horoscope for March 2018: horoscope for Libra, Sagittarius and Scorpio

For Libra, astrologers predicted luck in lottery tickets purchased on Tuesday. 3, 1, 8 numbers are well suited for buying. When filling out tickets, special attention should be paid to: 10, 11, 36, 3, 30, 27. The stars advise you to present yourself as a winner when buying a lottery ticket.

Scorpions in 2018 will bring good luck in lottery tickets bought on Sunday. fateful decision will bring 17, 27 numbers. When filling out a lottery ticket, astrologers advise to cross out such combinations of numbers: 1, 13, 32, 27, 7, 3.

Sagittarians buying lottery tickets on Wednesday will be able to attract money luck. To purchase a winning ticket, the Stars are advised to pay attention to such days of the week as: 1,2, 4. To fill in the playing field, you should pay attention to such numbers as: 45, 20, 33, 25, 37, 22.

Lottery horoscope for March 2018: horoscope for Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces

Capricorns are very persistent, good luck will come if representatives of this zodiac sign buy a lucky ticket on Saturday. It is advised to pay special attention to the numbers in the week: 24, 16, 13. Capricorns can play the lottery via the Internet. In 2018, success will follow. While playing the lottery, luck can be hidden behind such combinations of numbers: 19, 27, 3, 7, 2.

Aquarius is not a gambling zodiac sign. But they also like to catch luck by the tail. Astrologers advise paying special attention to Thursday, as well as to such days in the week: 18, 9, 8. They will bring great success and good luck. In a lottery ticket, you can stop your attention on numbers such as: 27, 23, 43, 45, 33, 34.

Pisces will not let go of luck, they can immerse themselves in gambling. Astrologers advise to pay attention to Thursday. Happy Days: 25, 3, 2. For good luck, cross out the numbers: 12, 21, 40, 42, 37.

Astrology for lotteries, professional lottery horoscopes for every day.

Astrology and, accordingly, the art of creating horoscopes arose in antiquity. The first documentary evidence dates back to the fifth century BC. In short, the method of constructing a horoscope comes down to calculating the position of the sun and planets relative to each other and the twelve sectors - signs of the zodiac. During the analysis of these data, the recommendations known to us for people born under a certain sign of the zodiac on certain dates, weeks, months, etc. are born. Currently, there are many varieties of horoscopes - love, business, lunar and even political. But we are primarily interested lottery horoscope.

To believe or not to believe in horoscopes is a purely personal matter. Some people think it's complete nonsense. Others, on the contrary, are ready to blindly believe in the information received from horoscopes. Well, it's up to you to decide.

Probably all people can be divided into 3 categories: those who believe that this is complete nonsense, those who treat horoscopes more as a kind of entertainment and accidentally hear a horoscope favorable for themselves, believe in it, and, finally, those who are ready blindly believe in astrology, including lottery horoscopes.

The author of this article followed a couple of times lottery horoscopes that predicted winning numbers, in particular in euromillions, but did not win anything)). In fact, some intermediaries make mailing lists themselves, where they indicate lucky numbers for each draw for your zodiac sign. Read more about intermediaries and the ability to play European lotteries over the Internet in the article lottery online.

All lottery horoscopes usually contain the following data: the date or day of the week that is most likely big win, and of course the set of numbers most favorable to winning.

lottery horoscope

February 2019.

Aries (March 21 - April 20) Best Numbers: 6,33,14,4,42,19. Lucky days: 11,25,14. Day of the week when winning is likely: Monday.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21). Best numbers: 36,21,34,26,19,18. lucky days: 27.5.4. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21). Best numbers: 33,37,17,34,44,19. Lucky days: 9,16,8. Day of the week when winning is likely: Tuesday.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23). Best numbers: 37,27,42,33,1,29. Lucky days: 5,17,18. Day of the week when winning is likely: Thursday.

Leo (July 24 - August 23). Best numbers: 2,33,17,20,3,30. Lucky days: 25,26,7. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23). Best numbers: 34,9,40,16,24,5. Lucky days: 12,1,9. Day of the week when winning is likely: Tuesday.

Libra (September 24-October 23). Best numbers: 8,2,38,31,18,45. Lucky days: 19,28,27. Day of the week when winning is likely: Saturday.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22). Best numbers: 22,7,42,18,34,10. auspicious days: 17,6,12. Day of the week when winning is likely: Thursday.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22). Best numbers: 20,42,12,21,43,29. Lucky days: 26,18,9. Day of the week when winning is likely: Thursday.

Capricorn (December 23 - January 20) Best numbers: 10,9,5,28,15,8. Lucky days: 11,22,14. Day of the week when winning is likely: Tuesday.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19). Best numbers: 31,14,9,26,29,19. Lucky days: 22,14,8. Day of the week when winning is likely: Monday.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20). Best numbers: 32,39,38,10,41,17. Lucky days: 11,13,6. Day of the week when winning is likely: Tuesday.

January 2019.

Aries (March 21 - April 20) Best numbers: 22,29,13,2,30,21. Lucky days: 5,17,23. Day of the week when winning is likely: Friday.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21). Best numbers: 14,19,22,21,20,18. Lucky days: 13,10,30. Day of the week when winning is likely: Monday.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21). Best numbers: 11,3,9,27,5,38. Lucky days: 22,12,5. Day of the week when winning is likely: Sunday.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23). Best numbers: 37,21,16,36,23,29. Lucky days: 8,26,6. Day of the week when winning is likely: Monday.

Leo (July 24 - August 23). Best numbers: 13,7,44,39,12,19. Lucky days: 27,28,16. Day of the week when winning is likely: Saturday.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23). Best numbers: 18,23,24,33,17,12. Lucky days: 20,27,4. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

Libra (September 24-October 23). Best numbers: 40,43,27,3,2,10. Lucky days: 15,12,17. Day of the week when winning is likely: Saturday.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22). Best numbers: 12,34,39,23,38,42. Auspicious days: 23,5,8. Day of the week when winning is likely: Saturday.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22). Best numbers: 45,39,4,33,10,8. Lucky days: 18,29,12. Day of the week when winning is likely: Friday.

Capricorn (December 23 - January 20) Best numbers: 35,4,30,16,18,22. Lucky days: 3,18,24. Day of the week when winning is likely: Tuesday.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19). Best numbers: 28,8,31,22,38,15. Lucky days: 8,19,9. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20). Best numbers: 35,23,20,24,27,22. Lucky days: 13,3,29. Day of the week when winning is likely: Tuesday.

December 2013.

Aries (March 21 - April 20) Best numbers: 5, 19, 21, 33, 36, 48. Lucky days in November: 11, 15 and 21. The day of the week when a win is likely is Wednesday.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21). Best numbers: 4, 47, 33, 44, 27, 12. Lucky days: November 11, 22, 26. The day of the week when a win is likely is Tuesday.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21). Best numbers: 2, 8, 15, 27, 29, 32. Lucky days: November 3, 6 and 16. Winning day of the week: Wednesday.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23). Best numbers: 9, 17, 29, 34, 45, 46. Lucky days: November 8, 17, 22. The day of the week when a win is likely is Monday.

Why is it better for you to rely on your own Lucky Horoscope? Reading these few lines, you will understand that it is impossible not to agree with this. First, let me explain to you in detail what our Good Luck Horoscope consists of, how to use it with maximum benefit for yourself. The Roman Goddess Fortuna is the equivalent Greek Goddess good luck Tyche, known since ancient times. The fact is that the Roman Goddess Fortuna has always possessed two qualities: enterprise (since all her affairs were successful) and sexuality (hence the expression "kiss of luck" originates). The Greek Goddess of luck Tyche was characterized by abundance: according to traditions, people could share both joy and grief in full, depending on how they perceived the events.

With the help of the Good Luck Horoscope, you can find out in advance what fate has prepared for you, you can act accordingly, without risking anything! The Luck Horoscope is waiting for you to help satisfy your curiosity! In the past or present, the Horoscope of Luck always finds the most important thing: everyone would like to catch luck by the tail! And you too? Then just read the Good Luck Horoscope!

If our Luck Horoscope is not enough for you to move forward, try to consult in the section: find out your lucky numbers! It is so simple!

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The lottery is big business. The very first state lotteries were organized in France in 1520. In 1680, a historic lottery was held in England to raise funds for the replacement of London's water supply. Spain has introduced the game "el gordo", and Ireland has a sweepstakes. Although private lotteries were popular in the United States, until 1963 the state did not participate in them. After the first lottery, its organizers sent part of the proceeds to education. The game proved so popular that by the end of the 1980s, more than half of the states were running lotteries.

When studying the horoscopes of those who have won large sums, the patterns are similar for everyone, regardless of whetherwhether it was a state lottery, a movie, a poker game, a slot machine, a sports sweepstakes or a TV game. This amount matters: does it change our lives in one day, when we suddenly and forever receive such a pile of money? Theoretically, winning a million dollars is not such a significant change in the horoscope of a multimillionaire, since it will not significantly affect his life. The big win is the amount thatcompared to what we are accustomed to, is sufficient to radically changeour way of life. For the minimum amount of the Big Win, we will take half a million dollars.

The most obvious indicators of the horoscopes of successful players:

1. The moon is in a trine or in a grand trine (in half of the examples, Venus or Jupiter is present in it). In those few cases when the Moon does not have a trine in the radix horoscope, by the time of the Big Win it already manifests itself as a result of the progression.

2. Jupiter in radix in at least one trine.

3. Jupiter in the radix in aspect to Neptune. He is not necessarily one of the "bigfour", it often represents one of the smaller aspects, such as a semi-sextile or semi-square.

5. Venus or Jupiter in radix or progression in aspect to Uranus (one degree forprogressive aspects).

6. In radix or progression Venus or reversible Jupiter.

7. Radix Pluto conjunct or in opposition to the ruler of the 2nd house within 4-5°or in some other aspect to the ruler of the 2nd house within 1-2 degrees or in a progressive aspect within one degree.

8. A close one and a half square in radix between two planets within one degree,to show the potential for a sudden change of direction in life, or a progressive one and a half square between two planets, one degree. (This one and a half square most often affects the MC, Moon, Venus, Jupiter or Pluto).

9. Interaction in radix or progression or close aspects of the 12th house to the 2nd house and/or 8th house.

10. Transiting Uranus in aspect up to 2-3° to MC in a radix or progression or AC in a radix orprogressions. The reason we have to look for a valid transit of Uranus within a few degrees is because Uranus will go back and forth through this aspect three times: the aspect is operating with plus or minus 1°.

To win big , it is not necessary to have all ten indicators in the horoscope,enough to have at least six or seven. The more indications of luck and the more obvious they are in the horoscope, the more likely it is to win a fortune.

Consider the horoscopes of two people who won not very large sums

1. Hugh Jeffcoat was interested in astrology as a game tool. July 29, 1981 in Reno, Nevada, he won $10,322 by investing $39 in keno. The win took place at 9:54 p.m. PT; he was paid at 22.30. Him natal moon was in tritone to Mercury, natal Jupiter in triton to the Sun, semi-sextile between Jupiter-Neptune and Mars in one and a half square to Jupiter, PR. Uranus is in conjunction with Venus and transiting Uranus is in triton with PR MC within three degrees.

Symbols used in the text:
PR - designation of progressions. progressions or secondary directorates - one of the most important forecasting techniques in astrology.
TR - transit - appliesto the daily transits of the planets.
EQHS-equal house system.
Aspects - you can read about aspects in astrology and their meaning.

2. Mimi Levin won a fully paid trip to England for the British Astrological Conference in York. She bought the ticket on June 26, 1983. at 1:53 pm EST, in New York, and reported to her the following Saturday afternoon. She has no trine natal or advanced Moon in her chart, natal Jupiter trine Pluto, no contact between Neptune and Jupiter, but natal Mars square Jupiter and PR Venus square Uranus. TR Uranus was two degrees away from PR AC when she was told she had won the trip.

Examples of horoscopes of people who have won large sums
1. Fred Drago.
F. Drago worked as a policeman for 28 years. On April 30, 1982, he went to a McDonald's restaurant for lunch, where he was handed a lottery ticket along with a hamburger at 3:30 p.m. CST, 88W.07, 30N.41. He won $500,000 on the ticket.In Drago's horoscope, the Moon is in trine to Venus and iodine to Jupiter-Uranus. Jupiter is not trine, PR Jupiter is not in aspect; we can assume that Drago did not spend money. There is no contact between Jupiter and Neptune or between Mars and Jupiter and between Mars and Neptune. Venus is in square Uranus, PR Venusin quincunx to Uranus. No reversible Venus or Jupiter. Pluto is widesextile Mars in the 2nd house, while the ruler of the 2nd house, Mercury, is insquare (1°) to PR Pluto.

Mercury's natal sesquisquare to Uranus is greater thanour limit of the orb is one degree. Sun in progression from 12th house to 2nd house. TR Uranussuperimposed in 2° reverse motion in quincunx to PR MC in sextile to PR AC. TotalDrago had six of the right indicators for money luck.

2 Kenneth Green: Lottery Winning Truck Driver

Compare the previous horoscope with that of Kenneth Green, who won $13 million. Greene was disabled former driver truck that has not been in operation for three years. His wife, Joanna, worked two jobs to support the family, and they were pushed to the limit in their struggle to survive. Joanna's parents couldn't help them because they were about to lose their 30-year-old home to a defaulted mortgage.

When Green was buying a lottery ticket on November 25, 1992, the seller (by mistake!) soldgive him a Megabucks lottery ticket instead of a Massachusetts Mass Cash ticket with lower winnings. There was no win on Megabucks for seven weeks, and the accumulation of prize money amounted to 13 million. On December 21, Green was throwing old tickets out of his wallet and decided to check the numbers on the ticket he bought a month ago. On it were all the winning numbers. When the next day Green and his wife wentto the Lottery Authority, they were given their first payout of $6.5 million. Joanna laughed and wept; twice she almost lost consciousness. Family, including Misty,15 years old, and three-year-old Ken Jr., could now celebrate Christmas in a way they never and did not dream.

1-2. Green has the Moon in trine (4°) to Venus, in trine (9°) to Jupiter.

3. Jupiter in conjunction with Neptune.

5. Venus in opposition to Uranus.

6. PR Venus is reversible.

7. PR ACC conjunct Pluto (2nd house Koch; 1st EQHS).

8. Mars in one and a half square (1°) to the MC; a PR MC is one and a half square to the Sun.

9. There is no mutual influence between the 12th house and the 2nd or 8th houses. However, the ruler of the 12th At home, the Moon is in opposition (6°) to the ruler of the 2nd house, Mercury.

10. Transiting Uranus at 15° Capricorn is one and a half square to PR AS Pluto.

By EQHS house system(equal house system),nine out of ten signs are present, according to the Koch house system - ten.

3. Kathleen McLaughlin, oh sample horoscope of a person who won the lottery

Kathleen McLaughlin worked at a bank in Chaumet, Massachusetts. Before that, she never did not play the lottery and chose numbers that were a combination of her date of birth and age and her husband's date and age.
On December 13, 1991, she won 27 million in the Massive Million Jackpot lottery.

1-2. McLaughlin's Moon-Jupiter is in trine with Mercury.

3. Jupiter semi-sextile Neptune.

5. Jupiter sextile Uranus.