Other ancient reptiles. Tyrannosaurus rex - the largest predatory dinosaur: description with photos and videos Dino t rex what function it performs


During its habitat - in the Cretaceous period, Tyrannosaurus - the "Tyrant Lizard" - was the largest terrestrial carnivore.
If we compare all known to science, then Tyrannosaurus is the fourth longest among carnivorous dinosaurs, second only to the predatory dinosaurs of the mid-Cretaceous period - Spinosaurus, Giganotosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus.
More than 30 finds of tyrannosaurs have been described, all of them belong to formations approximately 68-65 million years old.
Paleontologist Robert T. Bakker of the Wyoming Museum called Tyrannosaurus "the 10,000-foot marathon runner from hell," in tribute to its size, ferocity and power.
Scientists are particularly fascinated by the monster’s teeth: some researchers compare them to railroad spikes, and Kevin Padian from the University of California figuratively called these sharp 18-centimeter daggers “deadly bananas.”
In fact, in their shape and size, Tyrannosaurus's teeth resemble very large bananas.

But despite such a powerful “weapon” of the lizard, many scientists believed that the Tyrannosaurus was not a predator, but an ordinary scavenger. Back in 1917, Canadian paleontologist Lawrence Lamb suggested that these were peculiar land vultures.

Supporters of the scavenger lizard appealed to the “weak teeth theory,” which was based on the fact that the elongated teeth of Tyrannosaurus rex could not withstand impacts on the bones of victims and were adapted only for snatching huge pieces of half-decomposed meat.

In addition, they also argued that the dinosaur's small arms did not contribute to its deadly attacks, and the Tyrannosaurus was quite slow to pursue prey.
Proponents of the idea that Tyrannosaurus was a carnivorous predator argued that the lizard’s teeth were quite strong, and its “little hands” could lift about 180 kg.
Some scientists even claim that there was not and is not a single animal that can compare with the tyrannosaurus in strength...
As for the speed of movement of the lizard, there is an opinion that, according to data based on the proportions of the limbs of the Tyrannosaurus, it could reach 47 km per hour (some scientists claim even 72 km/h or more)!
(discussion of Tyrannosaurus's speed abilities...)

Now most scientists are sure that the Tyrannosaurus was still a predator and enough evidence has been found for this.
Firstly, a large number of Tyrannosaurus rex tooth marks found on bones herbivorous dinosaurs, secondly, paleontologists found crushed bones of these same harmless lizards in the famous Tyrannosaurus coprolite sample - a fossilized feces of a monster measuring 44 by 16 by 13 cm.
The remains of the world's largest Tyrannosaurus were discovered in August 1990 on the territory of the Maurice Williams ranch in South Dakota (USA).
Sue, as the dinosaur was named after the paleontologist Sue Hendrickson who discovered it, reached a height of 4 meters, a length of 12 meters, and weighed almost 8 tons!
And the length of the toothy skull of the giant lizard was 1.5 meters.
But what made Tyrannosaurus Sue famous was not only its size, but the almost detective story associated with its remains...
The leader of the team of paleontologists from the Black Hills Institute of Geological Research, which included Sue Hendrickson, Peter Larson, wrote the farmer a check for $5,000 for excavations at the Williams ranch and the fossils discovered there.
After this, the found remains of the Tyrannosaurus were sent to the institute, where Larson intended to dissect them, study them and assemble a skeleton from them. While studying the remains of the Tyrannosaurus rex, Larson began reading public lectures and write popular articles about Sue.
IN literally crowds of tourists began to arrive at the institute to look at the now famous lizard.
With all this, very specific visitors began to visit the institute - agents of the FBI and national law enforcement. The remains of Sue's Tyrannosaurus and other fossils were confiscated, as were photographs, recordings and business documentation.

The thing is that it turned out that the land in which Sue was discovered was under the jurisdiction of the government, so the deal with the farmer was illegal...
In 1993, a U.S. grand jury indicted Larson and five of his colleagues on 39 counts, including theft of fossils from public lands. It turned out that Larson did not have the right to excavate and buy fossils without permission from the US Department.
The Black Hills Institute's counterclaim for the return of Sue's Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton was rejected...
The story ended with Sue's remains being sold at Sotheby's in 1997. Bidding started at $500,000, and by the end of the auction the price had risen to $8.36 million.
The dinosaur was bought by a museum in Chicago, which was helped to assemble one astronomical amount numerous sponsors. Many paleontologists are concerned about this precedent for selling a fossil at auction, because it was possible that Sue would have been bought by some rich exotic lover and the famous lizard would have disappeared from the field of view of scientists for a long time, if not forever.
It was initially believed that Tyrannosaurus was a solitary, ruthless predator, but over time, evidence has accumulated that suggests these dinosaurs hunted in packs.

The thing is that the remains of Tyrannosaurs are often found together: such mass death animals is possible if they hunt in a pack and the animals, one after another, fall into a trap (swamp bog, mud spring, quicksand) in pursuit of prey.
For example, in Alberta (Canada) in 1910, 9 Tyrannosaurs were discovered in one place. The lizards in this dead flock were from 4 to 9 meters in length, which indicates a different age of the animals.
Another one interesting feature Tyrannosaurus - judging by the structure of the pelvic bones and the number of chevrons on the tail, females were larger than males, like crocodiles or some birds of prey.
Tyrannosaurs also fought with each other. Most likely, they fought for leadership in the pack or divided females and territory. Researchers have found traces of Tyrannosaurus teeth on the bones of their relatives, especially young ones.
One lizard even carried a “souvenir” tooth stuck in its jaw from its fellow.
It is possible that these dinosaurs even ate their relatives, but still their main prey were herbivorous dinosaurs.
Recent studies of proteins found in a Tyrannosaurus rex femoral fossil have shown the dinosaurs' closeness to birds. Tyrannosaurus is descended from small carnivorous dinosaurs from the late Jurassic era, not from carnosaurs. The currently known small ancestors of Tyrannosaurus (for example, Dilong from the Early Cretaceous of China) were feathered with thin hair-like feathers.
Tyrannosaurus itself may not have had feathers (known impressions of the skin of the thigh of Tyrannosaurus bear the typical dinosaur pattern of polygonal scales).
In 1988, employees of the Botanical Institute named after. Komarova RAS, in Chukotka on the river. The remains of Tyrannosaurus rex bones were discovered. These are the first discoveries of dinosaurs located beyond the Arctic Circle.

The tyrannosaurus had a very acute sense of smell, more acute than that of a dog, and it could smell blood from several kilometers away.
The maximum opening of the powerful jaws of the tyrannosaurus reached 1.5 m.
Tyrannosaurus marked its territory the way modern felines do and never left it.
Thanks to the pads in its paws, the tyrannosaurus felt the slightest vibration of the earth. Sound waves were transmitted through the pads to the paws, then up the skeleton and reached the inner ear.
Thus, the tyrannosaurus felt what was happening around.

Information sources:
1. Bailey J., Seddon T. “The Prehistoric World”
2. “The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs”
3. Wikipedia website

History of the study

general description

The two-fingered forelimbs are relatively small in comparison with the powerful legs. The tail is long and heavy. The spine consists of 10 cervical, 12 thoracic, five sacral and about 40 caudal vertebrae. The neck, like that of other theropods, is S-shaped, but short and thick to support the massive head. Some bones of the skeleton have voids, thus reducing total weight bodies without significant loss of strength. Body mass adult Tyrannosaurus reached 6-7 tons, the largest individuals (Sue) could weigh about 9.5 tons.

The largest known Tyrannosaurus rex skull is 1.53 m long. There is a fragment of a jaw (UCMP 118 742), the length of which could be 1.75 meters; the estimated weight of the owner of such a jaw could reach 12 - 15 tons. The shape of the skull has significant differences in comparison with theropods from other families: it is extremely wide at the back, the skull is very narrow at the front. According to experts, with such a skull structure, tyrannosaurs had excellent binocular vision. The structural features of the skull bones in the tyrannosaurid family make their bite incomparably more powerful compared to other theropods. The apex of the upper jaws is U-shaped (most other carnivorous theropods are V-shaped), which increases the volume of meat and bone that a Tyrannosaurus can tear off in a single bite, although at the expense of additional stress on the front teeth.

Tyrannosaurus teeth vary in shape. The front teeth are D-shaped in cross section and fit tightly together. They are curved inside the mouth and reinforced with ridges on the back side. The placement and shape of the front teeth reduce the risk of them being pulled out during biting and pulling. The inner teeth are more banana-shaped than dagger-shaped. They are more widely spaced, but also have strength-enhancing ridges on the back side. The total (including root) length of the largest tooth found is estimated at 30 cm. This is the longest tooth among all the teeth of carnivorous dinosaurs found.

Tyrannosaurus walked on its hind limbs, like other members of the tyrannosaurid family.

A Tyrannosaurus rex running at 5 m/s requires almost 6 liters of oxygen gas per second, which also leads to the idea that Tyrannosaurus is warm-blooded.


At approximately the same time as the tyrannosaurus, a species almost indistinguishable from it lived on the territory of what is now Asia - Tarbosaurus. Tarbosaurs had a slightly more elegant structure and slightly smaller size.

Nutrition method

It has not been conclusively established whether tyrannosaurs were predators or whether they fed on carrion.

Many large herbivorous dinosaurs had protection on their backs, indicating the danger of being attacked by a tall predator with powerful jaws.

Tyrannosaurs are predators and scavengers. Many scientists believe that tyrannosaurs could have had a mixed diet, like modern lions - predators, but could eat the remains of animals killed by hyenas.

Way to travel

The mode of movement of the Tyrannosaurus remains a controversial issue. Some scientists are inclined to believe that they could run, reaching speeds of 40-70 km/h. Others believe that tyrannosaurs walked, not ran.

“Apparently,” writes Herbert Wells in the famous “Essays on the History of Civilization,” “tyrannosaurs moved like kangaroos, relying on a massive tail and hind legs. Some scientists even suggest that the Tyrannosaurus moved by jumping - in this case, it must have had absolutely incredible muscles. A leaping elephant would be much less impressive. Most likely, the tyrannosaurus hunted herbivorous reptiles - inhabitants of swamps. Half immersed in liquid swamp mud, he pursued his prey through the channels and pools of swampy plains, such as the present Norfolk swamps or the Everglades swamps in Florida.

The opinion about bipedal dinosaurs similar to kangaroos was widespread until the middle of the 20th century. Examination of the tracks, however, did not show the presence of tail prints. All predatory dinosaurs kept their bodies horizontal when walking, with the tail serving as a counterweight and balancer. In general, the tyrannosaurus is close in appearance to a huge running bird.


Recent studies of proteins found in a fossilized Tyrannosaurus rex femur have shown the dinosaurs' closeness to birds. Tyrannosaurus is descended from small carnivorous dinosaurs of the late Jurassic era, rather than from carnosaurs. The currently known small ancestors of Tyrannosaurus (such as Dilong from the Early Cretaceous of China) were feathered with fine hair-like feathers. The Tyrannosaurus rex itself may not have had feathers (known impressions of the skin of the Tyrannosaurus rex thigh bear the typical dinosaur pattern of polygonal scales).

Tyrannosaurus in popular culture

Thanks to its enormous size, huge teeth and other impressive attributes, in the 20th century the Tyrannosaurus rex became one of the most recognizable dinosaurs in the world. That is why he often became a “super monster” - a killer dinosaur in films such as “The Lost World”, “King Kong”, etc. The main and most memorable film with the participation of a tyrannosaurus is Steven Spielberg’s film “Jurassic Park”, where this character had undergone careful elaboration and therefore looked very impressive.
In the sequel - the film "Jurassic Park 2" - was already present whole family tyrannosaurs - a male and a female with a cub, which significantly reduced their negative role; Moreover, the pursuit of the tyrannosaurs after the heroes of the film, and then the destruction caused by the male tyrannosaurus on the streets of San Diego, was to some extent justified by their parental instinct and desire to save their cub.
Ultimately, in the film Jurassic Park 3, the developers needed a new dinosaur to play the role of the main villain, and their choice fell on the Egyptian Spinosaurus. The Tyrannosaurus itself only made a cameo appearance in the film.

Tyrannosaurus appears in many documentaries, such as "Walking with Dinosaurs", "The Truth About Killer Dinosaurs", etc. It was most accurately presented in the series documentaries"Dinosaur Battles"

The image of the Tyrannosaurus rex has also taken root in cartoons. Under the name "Sharptooth", the tyrannosaurus appears as the main negative character in the popular series of American full-length cartoons "The Land Before Time", the characters of which are dinosaurs.

The Tyrannosaurus also became a character in a number of animated series about Transformers. So, in his “image and likeness” Trypticon was created - a colossal transformer, a Decepticon fortress city. He is also the “mount” of Zadavala, the commander of the “Battle Dinosaur” squad in the series “Transformers: Victory”. The leader of the Predacons, Megatron, transforms into a tyrannosaurus (as the most terrible earthly creature) in the series “Beast Wars”, when the transformers, having got to prehistoric Earth, take the form of earthly animals - both living and extinct. However, not only the bearers of an evil principle take on the guise of a tyrannosaurus: Grimlock, the commander of a group of Dinobots - not particularly smart, but powerful robots created by the Autobots and fighting with them against the Decepticons - also transforms into a tyrannosaurus.

Tyrannosaurus is also featured in the Dino Crisis game series. In the game Dino Crisis, he is the most powerful dinosaur (as in the game Dino Stalker) throughout the entire game, and in Dino Crisis 2, the Tyrannosaurus only at the end of the game supposedly dies in the fight against the Giganotosaurus, which in the game is presented much larger (length more than 20 meters) than is known from fossil remains. In the computer game ParaWorld, the Tyrannosaurus is the strongest unit of the Desert race and the strongest unit in the game. In the game, the Tyrannosaurus is much larger than in reality.


  1. Erickson, Gregory M.; Makovicky, Peter J.; Currie, Philip J.; Norell, Mark A.; Yerby, Scott A.; & Brochu, Christopher A. (2004). “Gigantism and comparative life-history parameters of tyrannosaurid dinosaurs.” Nature 430 (7001): 772–775. DOI:10.1038/nature02699.
  2. Brochu Christopher A. Osteology of Tyrannosaurus Rex: Insights from a Nearly Complete Skeleton and High-resolution Computed Tomographic Analysis of the Skull. - Northbrook, Illinois: Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2003.
  3. see: Denver Formation
  4. see en: Lance Formation
  5. Breithaupt, Brent H.; Elizabeth H. Southwell and Neffra A. Matthews (2005-10-18). "In Celebration of 100 years of Tyrannosaurus Rex: Manospondylus Gigas, Ornithomimus Grandis, and Dynamosaurus Imperiosus, the Earliest Discoveries of Tyrannosaurus Rex in the West" in 2005 Salt Lake City Annual Meeting . Abstracts with Programs 37 : 406, Geological Society of America. Retrieved 2008-10-08.
  6. , p. 81-82
  7. , p. 122
  8. , p. 112
  9. , p. 113
  10. , - Northern State University:: Aberdeen, SD
  11. Montana State University (2006-04-07). Museum unveils world's largest T-rex skull. Press release . Retrieved 2008-09-13.
  12. Mickey Mortimer (2003-07-21). And the Largest Theropod Is..... Press release . Retrieved 2012-04-20.
  13. Stevens, Kent A. (June 2006). "Binocular vision in theropod dinosaurs" (PDF). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 26 (2): 321–330. DOI:10.1671/0272-4634(2006)262.0.CO;2.
  14. Jaffe, Eric (2006-07-01). "Sight for "Saur Eyes: T. rex vision was among nature's best." Science News 170 (1): 3. DOI:10.2307/4017288. Retrieved 2008-10-06.
  15. Holtz, Thomas R. (1994). "The Phylogenetic Position of the Tyrannosauridae: Implications for Theropod Systematics". Journal of Palaeontology 68 (5): 1100–1117. Retrieved 2008-10-08.
  16. Paul, Gregory S. Predatory dinosaurs of the world: a complete illustrated guide. - New York: Simon and Schuster, 1988. - ISBN 0-671-61946-2 Template:Pn
  17. Sue's vital statistics. Sue at the Field Museum. Field Museum of Natural History. (inaccessible link - story) Retrieved September 15, 2007.
  18. All large dinosaurs were warm-blooded
  19. Remains of a mutant tyrannosaurus found in Mongolia
  20. T. rex, Meet Your Great-Grandfather Science Magazine September 17, 2009
  21. El antepasado enano del Tiranosaurio Rex El Mundo.es September 17, 2009 (Spanish)
  22. Denver W. Fowler, Holly N. Woodward, Elizabeth A. Freedman, Peter L. Larson, & John R. Horner. Reanalysis of "Raptorex kriegsteini": A Juvenile Tyrannosaurid Dinosaur from Mongolia // PloS ONE. - 2011. - T. 6. - No. 6. - PMID 21738646.
  23. Horner, J.R. and Lessem, D. (1993). The Complete T. rex : How Stunning New Discoveries Are Changing Our Understanding of the World’s Most Famous Dinosaur. New York: Simon & Schuster.
  24. Sue at The Field Museum
  25. David W.E. Hhone and Mahito Watabe. New information on scavenging and selective feeding behavior of tyrannosaurs. (PDF) (English)
  26. Tyrannosaurus Rex is recognized as a cannibal (Russian). Membrana (October 19, 2010). Archived from the original on August 28, 2011. Retrieved October 19, 2010.

Dinosaurs are a very diverse group of animals. Their total number is 1850 species, 75% of which are not discovered. They dominated the earth's ecosystem for more than 160 million years, and first appeared 230 million years ago. But at the end of the Cretaceous period (65 million years ago), a catastrophic extinction event ended the dominance of dinosaurs. I want to talk about the most ferocious and cruel predator of the entire era - the tyrannosaurus

Tyrannosaurs are titan lizards. The name comes from the Greek "tyranos" - tyrant, despot and "sauros" - lizard. It was first discovered in 1874 by professor of paleontology A. Lakes in Colorado

The most common places of finds are North America (Canada, USA) and Asia (Mongolia)

Tyrannosaurs are characterized by massive cheekbones and short powerful necks. These dinosaurs moved on two powerful hind limbs, while the front ones were more like “small arms”. His tail helped him maintain balance. He acted as the so-called “steering wheel”. The limbs, in turn, were divided into fingers. The front limbs had two toes, but the hind limbs had four, but one of them was bent upward and never touched the ground

Despite the fact that many dinosaurs could exceed it in size, T. rex remained the most strong predator, with a height of more than 5 meters, a length of 14 meters and a weight of 7.5-8 tons. With such data, he could reach speeds of up to 5 m/s, because his step was 4 meters long

Given his data, he had a spine of 10 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 sacral and 40 caudal vertebrae. There is a debate among scientists about who the tyrannosaurs were: predators or scavengers? One thing is clear for sure, if the main food is carrion, then such a creature would not need such powerful and developed muscles and skeletal structure with such huge legs. This is a predator model, honed by evolution, this is a killing machine, up the food chain.

Paleontologists have found the largest skull belonging to a tyrannosaurus rex. It was 1.5 meters long and the largest tooth was 30 cm (including the root). Scientists calculated that the force of the bite pressure reached several tons. At one time he could bite off a piece of meat weighing 70 kg!!!

But despite their cruelty, female tyrannosaurs are very scrupulous towards their offspring. Before laying the eggs, she created a “nest”, disguising it under foliage. And within two months she will not only not leave the incubation site, but will not even eat!!! After all, her nest attracts scavengers. After the cubs are born, she will completely protect and feed them, but after two months she leaves them.

It is a pity that history has only hypotheses. These are unique animals, inimitable. If we knew more about them, the world would be more interesting and clearer to us...

Niramin - May 30th, 2016

Tyrannosaurus (order lizard, family Tyrannosauridae) is one of the most famous dinosaurs, who lived in last era Cretaceous period, 68 - 65 million years ago. He was one of the largest, if not the largest, among the giant lizards. The body length of these animals averaged 12 m, height - 6 m, and weight - 7 tons. Strong, saw-toothed teeth measuring about 15 cm reliably held prey. The powerful and mobile neck contrasted with the tiny forelimbs, which had two fingers.

Scientists suggest that tyrannosaurs ate in much the same way as modern lions, that is, they hunted herbivorous representatives of the flora and did not neglect carrion. Most often, their victims were duck-billed dinosaurs. Since the latter ran quickly, the predators attacked them from ambush.

Zoologists have long wondered why this carnivore had such short front legs. Most believe they were used to get up after sleep.

Fossils in the form of several Tyrannosaurus rex teeth were found back in XIX century. However, it was not possible to determine who they belonged to. Only in 1905, when archaeologists excavated two almost complete skeletons, the British scientist Osborne gave this species of lizard its name ( Tyrannosaurus rex) and described them.

The remains of giant predators were found in the USA (Montana, Texas and Wyoming), Canada (Alberta, Saskatchewan), Mongolia and Asia. In 2011, Chinese scientists discovered a Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton with feather imprints in Liaoning province and suggested that it probably belonged to a juvenile, and the primitive plumage served to protect against the cold.

Tyrannosaurus rex in pictures and photos:

Photo: Tyrannosaurus rex - skeleton.

Video: Tyrannosaurus Rex T-Rex

Video: Tyrannosaurus Rex: King Of Dinosaurs

Squad - Lizard-pelvic

Family - Tyrannosaurs

Genus/Species - Tyrannosaurus rex. Tyrannosaurus rex

Basic data:


Height: 7.5 m.

Length: 15.

Weight: 7 tons.

Skull length: 1.3 m.

Teeth length: 30 cm.


Mating season: not installed.

Number of eggs: probably 12 or more eggs per clutch.

Incubation period: duration unknown.


Food: all other types of dinosaurs.

The dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex (see photo) is an amazing animal that lived on Earth 70 million years ago. From a height of 7.5 m, he looked predatorily at other dinosaurs and walked confidently on powerful, bent hind limbs. Tyrannosaurus was a carnivorous dinosaur.


Our knowledge of dinosaurs is based on findings obtained from studies of the fossilized remains of large extinct animals: bones, tooth marks on the bones of other dinosaurs, fossilized eggs. They allow in general outline restore the lifestyle of tyrannosaurs and their relatives. The first skeletons of Tyrannosaurus rex were found at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. in the northwestern part of the USA. From the bones found, an almost complete skeleton of a tyrannosaurus was compiled - only the end of the tail and a few ribs were missing. Later finds did not add much new material. And only in 1990, in Montana, paleontologists found the most complete skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus rex to date. These days, the famous skeleton belongs to the New York Museum of Natural History. Tyrannosaurus Rex had a terrifying appearance, except for its comically small forelimbs, which the dinosaur could not even reach its mouth with. Indeed, the forelimbs of the tyrannosaurus were hidden under the skin, with only short outgrowths with two thin fingers sticking out. Tyrannosaurus used its forelimbs as support when it wanted to stand on its feet. The powerful hind limbs served as support for the entire body. While moving, this dinosaur kept its tail parallel to the ground. The Tyrannosaurus was so tall that it could have looked out the window of the third floor of a modern panel house. Tyrannosaurus prey could have included Troodon, Pachycephalosaurus, and Maiasaura.


Researchers do not have data on how tyrannosaurs reproduced. Based on the fact that birds are the closest relatives of dinosaurs, it can be assumed that the tyrannosaurus, like its herbivorous relatives, laid eggs. There is no evidence that these dinosaurs exhibited parental care.


Despite its massive body, which weighed almost seven tons, the Tyrannosaurus rex was surprisingly fast in pursuit of its prey. He ran almost as fast as an ostrich. The found footprints of the Tyrannosaurus rex indicate that it moved in long leaps.

Perhaps, while chasing other large dinosaurs, he reached speeds of up to 55 km/h and at the same time showed a certain agility. Having caught up with the prey, the tyrannosaurus probably ate the prey with its teeth and drove the claws of its forelimbs into its body. Then he rested his foot on the animal and with a strong movement of his head tore off a piece of meat. Tyrannosaurus rex preyed on other species of dinosaurs. The ruthless predator even attacked the Triceratops dinosaur, armed with dangerous horns. Typically, the tyrannosaurus was not able to eat the huge prey completely, so other predators ate the leftovers. Tyrannosaurs lived alone or in small families, but not in herds. Over the course of several days, the tyrannosaurus ate an amount of meat equal to its own weight.


  • An adult human would barely reach the knees of a tyrannosaurus rex, between whose legs a passenger car would fit without any problems.
  • Tyrannosaurus is a huge predatory lizard, a lizard-lord (“tyrannos” means ruler, master, and “rex” means king).
  • The first people who found the remains of dinosaurs mistook them for the bones of giant men.
  • Dinosaurs, which belong to the class of reptiles, were warm-blooded animals, like modern birds and mammals. Modern reptiles, in contrast, are cold-blooded.


Scull: tall and massive, but with a small braincase.

A characteristic feature of this dinosaur was its elongated dorsal spine, which is why the animal developed a crest along its back. Big and flat pelvic bones dinosaur contributed to the uniform distribution of the body mass of the tyrannosaurus.

- Places where fossils have been found


Fossil remains of this dinosaur are found in North America and Asia, where tyrannosaurs appeared at the end Cretaceous, about 140 million years ago. These dinosaurs went extinct 70 million years ago.

Engels, Dinosaur Planet, Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus. Video (00:01:11)

Exhibition of moving fossils "Planet of Dinosaurs" in local history museum Engels. "Revived" Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Tyrannosaurus vs Carnotaurus. Video (00:02:01)

Dinosaur City. Tyrannosaurus Rex. Video (00:01:18)

Tyrannosaurus (Latin Tyrannosaurus - “tyrant lizard”, from ancient Greek “tyrant” and “lizard, lizard”) is a genus of carnivorous dinosaurs from the group of coelurosaurs, a suborder of theropods, including a single species - Tyrannosaurus rex (Latin rex " tsar"). Lived in the western part North America, which at that time was the island of Laramidia, was the most common of the tyrannosaurids. Tyrannosaurus rex fossils are found in various geological formations dating back to the Maastrichtian stage of the Late Cretaceous period, about 67–65.5 million years ago. It was one of the last lizard-hipped dinosaurs to exist before the cataclysm that ended the era of dinosaurs (the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event).
Like other members of its family, Tyrannosaurus was a bipedal predator with a massive skull that was balanced by a long, heavy tail. Compared to the large and powerful hind limbs of this lizard, its front paws were very small, but unusually powerful for their size, and had two clawed toes. Is largest species his family, one of the most large representatives theropods and one of the largest terrestrial predators throughout the history of the Earth.