Why dream of eating fish while pregnant. Why dream of catching a pregnant fish: various interpretations

If a non-pregnant woman simply dreams of a fish, this indicates that she will soon become pregnant and that she needs to prepare now for replenishment in the family. It can also mean that soon fate can generously reward a person who has such a dream. But you should be careful if you dream of a dead fish, then you need to wait for losses and losses.

What if a pregnant fish dreams?

According to the dream book for people who have name days in September, October, November and December, a fish in a pregnant woman’s dream tells who will be a boy or a girl. If you catch and catch a fish with a male name, then there will be a boy, the same with a girl.

Pregnant women who celebrate their name days in May, June, July and August and see fish in their dreams will take good care of their babies and think a lot about them.

Often, a pregnant woman dreams of fish as a symbol of fertility, even if the girl does not yet know about pregnancy, such a dream can give a good hint and prompt thoughts about whether it is time to get checked.

Fish of various sizes and colors portends trouble: the patient will worsen the disease, the healthy will have trouble at work and quarrels with relatives. A dead fish means a deceived hope. If a large fish is caught in a dream, a person will be lucky, and if a small one, disappointment.

There are too many interpretations and they are all different, therefore, in order to understand which one is suitable, for this you need to remember the dream and the context of the appearance of the fish well. Having calculated everything possible options preparation for future circumstances, you can avoid major troubles, or be prepared for them, or wait for good news.

Why is the fish dreaming? Great-grandmothers and grandmothers always told us - if you see a fish in a dream - expect a baby. And the wisdom of the ages is confirmed every time. The brain receives information about pregnancy long before the girl herself understands it. Based on the information received, the brain gives signals to the entire body to "go into motherhood mode." During this period, the brain tries in every possible way to hint to a woman about her readiness to become a mother in the form of such symbols as a fish.

However, do not get hung up on one meaning of this symbol. Fish can dream and mean completely different things.

In Russian folk dream book it is written that this image can arise in a dream in connection with such expressions as: be silent like a fish, beat like a fish on ice. And already, based on the context of sleep and these proverbs, you need to draw conclusions about how to proceed.

fish swimming in clean waterhappy romance, and in a muddy one - for a long time you will not have to meet a good partner in life.

What portends?

The dream book of the 21st century claims that to see a lot of big fish in a dream means you will soon have to slander and wait for trouble. Eating boiled fish in a dream is a quick financial decline. If a girl dreams of tadpoles, then soon she will connect her life with a rich man. The choice of fish in a dream - there will be boredom, and catching - it will rain. And, of course, the fry in the aquarium means the children in the house.

If a pregnant woman dreamed of a dead fish, a miscarriage will occur and you need to be prepared for such a moral burden.

Nostradamus said about fish in dreams that it is a symbol of duality, inconstancy. Seeing fish rain in a dream is a harbinger of disasters or catastrophes. If you dreamed of three fish, then this is a lucky sign, the number three is absolutely positive and will bring only happiness. Rotten fish - to unexpected rumors about relationships.

Carp in a dream is a sign of praise from above, the Universe likes such human stamina and endurance.

All dreams are important, their interpretation can be very helpful in life, but you should not rely entirely on them. Dreams are just fantasies of the imagination that often reproduce what we want. You should always listen to common sense and do the right thing, it's just that dreams push us to do it.

The article on the topic: "a dream book of a pregnant woman dreams of a fish" provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

A dream about a fish seen by a pregnant woman portends an early birth that will go well. The child will be born healthy and strong. The well-being of the expectant mother is also not in danger. There may be some discomfort in the near future, but it should not be a cause for concern. This shows nervous tension.

Avoid anxious thoughts. Tune in to the positive, and it will be much easier to transfer the pregnancy.

  • to fish with a rod
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  • catch big fish
  • fish in the water
  • rotten fish
  • fish head
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  • fish girl
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  • dead fish
  • Fried fish
  • fry fish
  • fish woman
  • live fish
  • frozen fish
  • spoiled fish
  • smoked fish
  • feed the fish
  • school of fish
  • red fish
  • pieces of fish
  • eat fish
  • to fish
  • small fish
  • dead fish
  • a lot of fish
  • fish in the sea
  • fish man
  • release the fish
  • swim with fish
  • catch a fish
  • buy fish
  • sell fish
  • catch a fish with your hands
  • catch fish with your hands
  • net fish
  • fresh fish
  • to fish with a net
  • salty fish
  • catfish
  • dried fish
  • raw fish
  • rotten fish
  • kill fish
  • bitten by a fish
  • worms in fish
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  • clean the fish
  • pike fish

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A personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in what areas of life you will succeed in the new year.

I dreamed of a pregnant fish, but the right interpretation there is no sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Pregnant Fish is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

The first half of this day will bring an increased desire for personal freedom and independence. You want to express yourself in an original way, to prove your uniqueness.

The magazine's website contains the largest online dream book, which contains 90 dream collections and over 450,000 dream interpretations. Regularly updated horoscopes for today, tomorrow, week, month and year, including love, compatibility and many others.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a fish?

What if a pregnant fish dreams?

What portends?

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a fish? It is impossible to say unequivocally what it means to see a fish in a dream for a girl in position. In this case, you should take into account the details of sleep, look at its emotional coloring. However, we can say that it is not bad / good sign. Dreams are only hints, and what to do is up to the one who dreamed them.

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How to understand what a pregnant fish is dreaming of

A very interesting dream that a woman can see without even knowing about pregnancy. Among the people, a widespread symbol of this change in a woman's life is a marine life, various perches, herrings, or even ordinary aquarium fish.

However, often dreams for pregnancy are associated specifically with her, since this symbol shows not only the presence of a developing fetus in the woman’s body, but also the course of this situation and whether the baby will be born or the woman decides to get rid of him.

You should also pay attention to the following symbols, which, in addition to fish, can predict pregnancy for you.

How to interpret dreams with marine life

The dream interpretation writes a lot about what any pregnant fish dreams of. Even if the girl doesn't know anything yet. However, remember that this marine inhabitant may also be dreamed of as a symbol with a different meaning.

Therefore, several interpretations of such a dream will be given. And, if a pregnant woman who knows about her situation, the fish shows the course of this condition, then the rest of her appearance in a dream can promise a completely different thing.

Therefore, it is impossible to unambiguously interpret the appearance of fish in a girl’s dreams, if there is a possibility of pregnancy. That's what fish means most often. An inhabitant of the ocean big size such as a whale or killer whale, pregnancy does not promise you. Her appearance may indicate that you will soon have a rich patron or you will experience a very strong sense of fear.

The dream interpretation writes that very large fish never dream of pregnancy. Especially if their size is much larger than human height. Pay attention to whether she was dangerous in a dream or not.

Whale, killer whale dream of patronage the mighty of the world this. Sometimes such a dream predicts success in a risky business or activity. And, if you dreamed of a shark, but the dreamer has a very severe and powerful enemy that can greatly harm her.

Therefore, large individuals do not portend pregnancy to you. And, even if a woman in this position sees a shark or a whale in a dream, she is in danger or she will experience a strong sense of fear.

However, embryos and cubs of sharks, dolphins or whales may well dream of pregnancy.

Seeing them in the water, in their environment, often predicts an interesting position for you. Although dead fish in a dream can predict abortion and miscarriage, as well as various complications.

If a woman dreamed of a small fish, this dream is a dream for pregnancy.

Edible breeds such as pike, herring or even catfish mean the birth of a son in a dream.

In other situations, the dream book interprets their appearance to profit and material achievements, even if not too great.

Decorative aquarium fish of a pregnant woman predict the birth of a daughter, but if you don’t know yet whether you can have such a situation or not, then she dreams of a love date or an invitation to dance.

For those who are preparing for dance competitions, the appearance of a beautiful and bright ornamental fish predicts good luck or even victory.

A man dreams of such a fish as a hobby beautiful girl, perhaps a dancer or just a bright and attractive person with whom you can forget everything in the world.

If you dreamed of fish such as pilengas, herring or pike perch, as well as eel, such a dream hints at sexual interaction and pregnancy portends extremely rarely.

Most likely, a fleeting romance will happen in your life soon or a man, boyfriend, friend will appear in your life very soon.

In some cases, a bucket of such fish predicts profit for you, receiving money that you will spend on some of your needs.

Delicious fish, for example, chinook, salmon, beluga and many others, especially with caviar, can predict you an unexpected receipt of money, winning in a difficult business, as well as luxury and improving the material side of your life.

It is very favorable if you see fresh caviar of excellent quality in a dream. The more it will be in a dream, the more money You'll get. However, red delicacy fish often dreams of poisoning. The same can be said about the poisonous, albeit bright, inhabitant southern seas and oceans.

For a pregnant woman who is aware of her condition, such a dream often predicts the onset interesting position, complications. Also poisonous and very bright, even frightening fish with spikes and various growths, dreams not only of conflict situations, but also portends you danger and a very bad state of affairs.

The modern dream book writes that in this case, the danger of poisoning with low-quality products, tumors and inflammations increases. Pregnancy such a dream portends either with very great complications, or even abnormal.

For example, an ectopic or non-viable embryo. In addition, after such a dream, one should be wary of poisoning, poisons and dangers. It is likely that you could lose your child due to an accident or injury.

Fish caviar also contributes to pregnancy. red or white caviar in a dream, it predicts a favorable course, the birth of a healthy, successful and strong child, but the black one threatens with various complications and diseases.

The dream interpretation writes that her appearance predicts you not only a disease, but also the danger of miscarriage and stillbirth.

Also, shrimp can dream of pregnancy. Although in many situations they predict not only imminent motherhood, but also a pleasant pastime in the company, coquetry, sex and many joyful moments. Sometimes cocktail and salad shrimp dream of good news and communication.

Sea inhabitants of a strange and unusual shape predict not pregnancy, as is commonly believed, but pleasure and joy. A pregnant woman to see them in a dream - to complications and various diseases.

An octopus or a cuttlefish in a dream can dream of a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, pathology or abortion. Therefore, try to monitor your health in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

It is very bad to see bloody, dismembered, sick, predatory or dead fish during pregnancy, as well as bloody fish, like others. marine life. Such a dream promises you health complications and various diseases.

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what does every dream mean

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a fish

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a fish?

If a non-pregnant woman simply dreams of a fish, this indicates that she will soon become pregnant and that she needs to prepare now for replenishment in the family. It can also mean that soon fate can generously reward a person who has such a dream. But you should be careful if you dream of a dead fish, then you need to wait for losses and losses.

According to the dream book for people who have name days in September, October, November and December, a fish in a pregnant woman’s dream tells who will be a boy or a girl. If you catch and catch a fish with a male name, then there will be a boy, the same with a girl.

Pregnant women who celebrate their name days in May, June, July and August and see fish in their dreams will take good care of their babies and think a lot about them.

Often, a pregnant woman dreams of fish as a symbol of fertility, even if the girl does not yet know about pregnancy, such a dream can give a good hint and prompt thoughts about whether it is time to get checked.

Fish of various sizes and colors portends trouble: the patient will worsen the disease, the healthy will have trouble at work and quarrels with relatives. A dead fish means a deceived hope. If a large fish is caught in a dream, a person will be lucky, and if a small one, disappointment.

There are too many interpretations and they are all different, therefore, in order to understand which one is suitable, for this you need to remember the dream and the context of the appearance of the fish well. Having considered all possible options for preparing for future circumstances, you can avoid major troubles, or be prepared for them, or wait for good news.

Why is the fish dreaming? Great-grandmothers and grandmothers always told us - if you see a fish in a dream - expect a baby. And the wisdom of the ages is confirmed every time. The brain receives information about pregnancy long before the girl herself understands it. Based on the information received, the brain gives signals to the entire body to "go into motherhood mode." During this period, the brain tries in every possible way to hint to a woman about her readiness to become a mother in the form of such symbols as a fish.

However, do not get hung up on one meaning of this symbol. Fish can dream and mean completely different things.

In the Russian folk dream book it is written that this image can arise in a dream in connection with such expressions as: be silent like a fish, fight like a fish on ice. And already, based on the context of sleep and these proverbs, you need to draw conclusions about how to proceed.

A fish swimming in clear water is a happy romance, but in muddy water you will not have to meet a good life partner for a long time.

The dream book of the 21st century claims that to see a lot of big fish in a dream means you will soon have to slander and wait for trouble. Eating boiled fish in a dream is a quick financial decline. If a girl dreams of tadpoles, then soon she will connect her life with a rich man. The choice of fish in a dream - there will be boredom, and catching - it will rain. And, of course, the fry in the aquarium means the children in the house.

If a pregnant woman dreamed of a dead fish, a miscarriage will occur and you need to be prepared for such a moral burden.

Nostradamus said about fish in dreams that it is a symbol of duality, inconstancy. Seeing fish rain in a dream is a harbinger of disasters or catastrophes. If you dreamed of three fish, then this is a lucky sign, the number three is absolutely positive and will bring only happiness. Rotten fish - to unexpected rumors about relationships.

Carp in a dream is a sign of praise from above, the Universe likes such human stamina and endurance.

All dreams are important, their interpretation can be very helpful in life, but you should not rely entirely on them. Dreams are just fantasies of the imagination that often reproduce what we want. You always need to listen to common sense and do what is right, it's just that dreams are pushing us to do this.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a fish? It is impossible to say unequivocally what it means to see a fish in a dream for a girl in position. In this case, you should take into account, look at its emotional coloring. However, we can say that this is not a bad / good sign. Dreams are only hints, and what to do is up to the one who dreamed them.

Why see a fish in a dream?

There are simple, ordinary dreams - a set of momentary fantasies, pictures, images.

And there are also such dreams, after which the hands simply reach for the dream book themselves. Often we intuitively feel that this or that image in a dream arose for a reason, but necessarily means something important.

The fish itself is a very ancient symbol. Including a symbol of Christianity, righteousness, purity and faith.

A lot of old proverbs and sayings are associated with fish - and for good reason. Any dream book will tell you - the fish dreams of important life events.

There is such a universal belief that a fish in a dream is a sign of pregnancy. However, such a hasty interpretation is not entirely correct, and because of it, many girls and women are confused after such a dream.

But do not rush to make hasty conclusions, because everything is far from being so simple! But before you find out exactly what the fish is dreaming of, it is worth considering a lot of different details.

After all, in a dream it can be big or tiny, alive or in a frying pan, but whatever you like - and you can also do anything with it in a dream. That's what a dream is for!

The most common options are:

  • The fish dreams of being edible - fried, salted, dried and so on.
  • Dreaming of raw, dead fish.
  • Live fish swimming in an aquarium or pond.
  • She can dream of a man or a girl.
  • Often you can fish in a dream - even with your hands, even with a fishing rod.
  • Floating in the water.
  • You may see a whole flock of fish - large or small.

Depending on the details, the interpretation of a dream with a fish can be very different. Therefore, it is worth understanding the different visions in order, so as not to draw false conclusions about the dream.

If a woman had a dream

Regarding pregnancy - sometimes such an interpretation of "fish" dreams can indeed take place. For example, Miller's dream book says: a young lady dreams of a fish for posterity.

But this is only if the fish was dreamed of by a young girl who never had children. And yet such a meaning is attributed to sleep when the fish simply arose, as an image, without being tied to anything.

But I wonder why a fish is dreaming of a woman or a girl who already has children? Various interpreters of dreams, not only Miller's dream book, say that if a woman or girl holds her in her hands, especially a large one, this is a very good sign.

Expect success, profit, pleasant love relationships, big happy love and attention from men. In general, a fish dreaming of a girl or woman is a very good sign in any case.

Delicious and not so good

Especially often in dreams you have to cook or eat fish. And this is not surprising - after all, in life, this is exactly what we most often do with it.

In general, eating fish, especially if in a dream it is pleasant, tasty, you enjoy a meal is extremely good dream promising tenderness, joy, pleasure, spiritual and physical health.

True, there are exceptions, it all depends on the details of sleep.

1. Did you happen to eat boiled fish in a dream? This, on the contrary, may be a sign of an imminent illness or indisposition, damage or temporary setbacks.

2. Salted fish - no matter how big or small it is, this is not so much a prediction as an indication of your character. Such a dream, which features salted, dried fish, as well as red and any fish delicacies, hints that you probably lack sharp and vivid sensations in life.

You don't get something, you don't allow yourself. You deny yourself something, and this negatively affects the quality of your life. Think it's time for a change?

3. Well, why dream of fried fish - this is a particularly common question. Most often, this is a sign that the road awaits the sleeper, and how good and pleasant it depends on the quality of the dish.

  • If you fry fish in a dream for a long time and with difficulty, it means that preparation for the road will be long and troublesome. Because frying fish is a direct symbol of packing for the journey.
  • But if you eat fried fish in a dream, remember her taste. Delicious, juicy, pleasant - know that the road will be good. And vice versa.

4. Smoked fish is not a very favorable sign. To the question of why smoked fish is dreaming, the answer is unequivocal - expect a threat to health.

It doesn't matter if you eat smoked fish in dreams, look at her, sniff or smoke - all this means one thing. Save your health - it recommends you sleep!

5. And why dream of frozen fish, for example? Often there are dreams in which raw, frozen or fresh fish appear. Such a dream often means some kind of expectation, while joyful, reverent.

If you ate such fish in a dream - be careful, you may be in danger of ailments, there is a risk of getting sick. And if in your dreams you just dreamed of fresh, raw or frozen fish, this means that now you are in a period of some kind of expectation. And it depends only on you how this period will end.

6. But rotten fish is a bad sign, and it warns of enemies, possible betrayal, dishonesty. This is a warning: look around, be very careful, it is quite possible that you have or will have envious people.


Fishing in a dream is an unusually frequent phenomenon. Fish in the water is a good sign, but only if the water is clear. Such a dream means well-being, health and even wealth.

1. If a living fish came to you in a dream, and in a dream you are trying to catch it with your hands, but to no avail, it means that in real life futile efforts lie in wait for you. Luck is slipping, but it can also mean that you better not rush, and maybe you should look for a different approach (just like in a dream it is better to get a fishing rod).

2. But if you still caught a fish with your hands, this is a great sign. Expect generous gifts from fate - it will give you good luck, recognition and prosperity.

3. If you saw in your dream that a dead fish is swimming in the water, this is clearly not a very good dream. A dead carcass dreams of a lot, but all these symbols are not good - it can be either illness, or quarrels, troubles, poverty. But all this is temporary and it is up to you to overcome difficulties.

4. If your dream showed that you are fishing, and successfully, this is a great sign. Fishing itself can mean difficulties and trials, and the longer you wait for a catch, the more serious and lengthy these tests are.

But the catch is a victory, complete success, luck and reward! After such a dream, it is very important not to be afraid of trials, to have fortitude, not to give up and to believe that guaranteed success lies ahead.

5. If, on the contrary, you left fishing in a dream with nothing, the same will happen in the near future.. Your desires and intentions are too ambitious and overstated.

It is likely that you should not wait for the result - you will be left empty-handed. Review your plans and desires - you may be able to cut them a little, make them more real, and succeed in business.

6. Well, if you caught a fish, but it suddenly slipped out of your hands - alas, your luck and success, which you have been seeking for a long time, will slip away from you. For unmarried girl such a dream can mean the loss of a loved one, a break in relationships.

But don't worry! Ahead of you, no doubt, awaits a new, better stage in life.

A sign for an expectant mother ... or dad!

Often a pregnant woman dreams of a fish - and you should pay all your attention to such a dream. There is a funny belief - to pay attention to which particular fish dreamed expectant mother.

If it has a male name, for example, sturgeon, carp, it is believed that a son will be born. Well, if a pregnant woman dreamed of a beluga, sprat, capelin and so on - wait for your daughter!

In general, a “fishy” dream is a great sign for a pregnant woman. They dream as a sign of good, healthy offspring and happy motherhood.

Men dream of fish less often, and such dreams have the same meaning. Except pregnancy and approaching motherhood, of course! However, sometimes a fresh, big fish that came to a man in a dream may mean that he will soon become a dad ...

But if in his dream he sees a fish in the hands of his beloved, this is a sure sign that the chosen one is either already pregnant or will soon be. Get ready!

Do all pregnant women dream of fish? What fish did you dream about?

I dreamed of a small perch; I told my husband that it was for pregnancy, he twisted it at the temple. I did the test on the same day and it turned out that I was really pregnant, I gave birth to twins, 1.6 years have already passed.

Personal Account Deleted

For a long time I remember exactly the guppiks were dreaming.

not always fish dreams of pregnancy, and not all pregnant women dream of fish.

And I didn't dream

ksenia semchenkova

I dreamed. I remember very well. beautiful nature. waterfalls. clean clear water. .

and in some mountain river I catch healthy shiny fish with my hands

little maria

and I kept dreaming that I was planting onions in the garden and upside down. although I can't stand gardening.

I didn’t dream about fish at all before pregnancy and now! I dreamed before pregnancy for two months in a row that I was pregnant, or giving birth

andreeva evgenia

I dreamed of a sturgeon very appetizing! And I also dreamed that I was my little girl and very often had this dream.

Maria Marchenko

When I told my own that I had a dream with a very beautiful fish I had a dream, he immediately diagnosed me)))) And I was not mistaken)) Now I am 24 weeks old.

Marina Smee

I dreamed that I was fishing with a fishing rod

Marina Makarova

I used to often dream of live fish, but now it’s been 1.5 months and nothing

I dreamed big golden fish and small, I only then moved in, that a dream in my hand))


By definition, a fish that is seen by pregnant women speaks of who will be.

At least ten or fifteen centuries ago it was thought so.

Meat: an animal, a bird, a turkey and all that says who will be and who he will become (in the sense of what kind of person. Decent or a bastard).

Animal and bird - says that there will be a boy: dexterous, fast, brave, etc.

Turkeys and every other bird speaks of his culture - decency, morality, culture, evil-kind, etc.

Fish and everything that concerns her - says that there will be a girl. The rest applies to both boys and girls.

I didn’t dream of fish at all, I dreamed that I was eating apples in huge quantities, and now my son is already 4 years old, a mischievous little boy

Lena Buchardt

A mne snilas krasivaja krasnaja riba v akvariume.

V Ijule zdem dotchku! Vot i ne ver after etogo primetam.

They say that the fish dreams of pregnancy.


To pregnancy. if you catch it with your hands, the rest is profit

fiery autumn

NONSENSE. Not only! Fish also dreams of money, enrichment profits. Catch luck second dream meaning

Nadyusha Bulycheva

I had the same dream a couple of times with fish, I caught one big fish. NOT pregnant. The dream had been dreaming for a long time and was also repeated for a long time.

u nas k udache.salam from Yemena.

Lilac fairy

The fish never dreamed, and she gave birth to three children.

Remember the goldfish?

Fish usually dream of pregnancy or when already pregnant? I had a dream, but I know that I'm definitely not pregnant (((

Arseniy Ginali

I dreamed of a fish yesterday. But somehow I'm not going to get pregnant

Galina Filyanova

so your husband is pregnant

Fish is still dreaming of profit or an expensive purchase.

For profit, so get your wallet ready!

bullshit is everything... during the entire pregnancy, not even a single, even the most seedy herring, had a dream and did not ask for a stomach, otherwise they always joke about salty

husband's wife

Julia Shaikhutdinova

I wanted fried crucians =((

I also dreamed and my husband dreamed - but so far neither he nor I are pregnant)))))

Roman Ivanov

$1 is the issue price. And this is not a dream book.

I also often dream that I, by definition, cannot get pregnant))) even for a million Charlie Chaplin)))

Alexander Vasiliev

I dreamed of a fish and after 11 months I got pregnant

Olesya Sigova

Fish dreams of profit! Pregnancy has nothing to do with it! (if the fish is rotten - then to the disease)

and for 3 days in a row I dreamed of fish, boiled, then fried, and on the 3rd day the whole sea table. After 2 weeks I found out about the pregnancy, by the way I saw carp, the result is waiting for my son))))

The world of our dreams is bizarre, and the images revealed to them sometimes make us speculate about them. secret meaning. It is not easy to understand it, because for this it is necessary to take into account the most various details of what you see. The most reliable means of avoiding mistakes is the help of experienced interpreters who have summarized their knowledge in the dream books they have compiled. Consider this using the example of what a pregnant woman dreams of a fish.

Judgment that came from the depths of time

A number of interpreters, explaining the question of why a pregnant woman dreams of a fish, points to the connection inherent in this vision with the sex of the unborn child, which, in case correct interpretation, can be determined before doctors do. So, back in the 16th century, the famous French mystic and soothsayer Nostradamus wrote that if a woman dreamed in a dream that she had caught a fish, the name of which is expressed by the word male, then she will have a son, if female, then a daughter.

In general, Nostradamus was very skeptical about the dreams in which the fish appeared, since he considered her image a symbol of duality and inconstancy. He was especially wary when it came to pregnant women. He warned them that the fish seen in large numbers promise all sorts of misfortunes. At the same time, he made some clarification, saying that rotten fish is a harbinger of rumors that discredit the reputation of a woman.

The mystic made an exception only for night dreams, in which three fish appeared to the future woman in labor. Regardless of size, breed and quality, he interpreted them as a good omen. It’s just that, according to his deep conviction, the number “three” itself carries a positive load, and is happy sign. Note that over the centuries, the correctness of many of his statements has become obvious, which gives reason to believe this statement.

The relationship of the sex of the child with the birthday of the mother

The opinion of the compilers of the Old Slavonic Dream Book is also very curious. They noted that if a live fish is dreamed of by a pregnant woman whose name day, that is, the day of the angel (not to be confused with the birthday), falls on one of three autumn months or December, then a boy will be born for sure.

In other cases, the appearance of a girl should be expected. They also indicate that the ladies who are congratulated on their name days in May, July, September and November, having seen a fish in a dream, become especially caring and loving mothers. However, the authors do not deny that these qualities are characteristic of almost all women without exception.

Ancient symbol of fertility

Looking through modern dream books, you can find a number of other, no less interesting statements regarding why pregnant women dream of fish. Girls, for example, who saw such a dream, are highly recommended to take a pregnancy test. The fact is that since the time of the ancient Slavs, fish has been one of the symbols of fertility, and its image can speak of the birth of a new life. Of course we are talking only about those girls who have real reasons for concern.

Interpretation of the image of a large fish

There is also such a statement in a number of dream books that if a woman dreamed of a big, big fish during the period when she was pregnant, then her child will be lucky in life. In what form it will manifest itself, the authors do not specify, but they are ready to congratulate these happy dreamers in advance. The situation is worse if any fish trifle appears in a dream to a future woman in labor: smelt, smelt, bleak, etc. In this case, her future child may face various life troubles.

One cannot pass by the judgment about what pregnant women dream of very large fish, well, let's say whales, although, strictly speaking, they belong to the category marine mammals. So, some compilers of dream books, such as, for example, the American psychiatrist Gustav Miller, argue that these giants foreshadow the woman's appearance of a rich and generous patron who will take care of her and her child. Of course, in this case, we are talking about those women in labor who are not connected by marriage with the father of the newborn.

Freud's opinion

In interpreting the question of why pregnant women dream of fish, Sigmund Freud, the very popular Austrian psychoanalyst of the beginning of the last century, goes beyond the traditional and very popular. Remaining true to his tradition of seeing sexual overtones in all the affairs and thoughts of people, he interpreted the fish dreams of future women in labor in his usual way. In his opinion, such dreams reflect the hidden desire of a woman, having strengthened after childbirth, to resume active sexual life, and the object of desire is not always the legal spouse.

The judgment of our contemporaries

The authors of the very popular today "Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century" did not bypass the question of interest to us. In their essay, they claim that, having seen in a dream a large number of fish, a woman should be prepared for the troubles impending on her, which, however, will not be related to the birth of a child. Most likely, the matter will be limited to slander on the part of those who envy her happiness. It is possible, however, that it can cause complications in relations with neighbors or work colleagues.

It does not bode well for a dream in which the future woman in labor eats boiled fish. He talks about coming financial problems. At the same time, if a woman dreams that she breeds fry in a pond or aquarium, then this is a good sign. He promises her in the future a repeated repetition of pregnancy and abundant childbearing. However, such a prospect may scare someone.

We also note the popular opinion that if a pregnant woman begins to dream of a living fish, then this portends her an early, but nevertheless quite successful birth. Such a vision cannot be a cause for concern, since it does not promise any health-related complications to either the mother or her unborn child.


At the end of the article, it would be appropriate to recall that, despite the wide recognition enjoyed by the most authoritative interpreters of dreams, their opinion cannot be considered the ultimate truth. Night dreams are, first of all, a product of our own imagination, which sometimes gets out of control, and it is hardly appropriate to fully trust them. Having read this or that interpretation in the dream book, you need to take it into account, but conclusions should be drawn only those that common sense suggests.

This applies to all, without exception, the plots of night dreams. Therefore, regardless of whether a pregnant woman dreams of a lot of fish or a little, she should not build her life on the basis of what she sees, and if the interpretation contains a threat, do not consider it a reason for despair, especially since she will need peace of mind for a successful birth.

See interpretation: by the names of fish, as well as nets, a trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, illness, indifference.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, the collapse of plans and disappointments.

Catching fish in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, useless work, a waste of time and effort.

To dream of a fish caught by others portends illness, and for women, pregnancy.

If in a dream you are watching the float of your fishing rod, which is quietly swaying on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is delayed.

If in a dream the float twitches and you catch a fish, then you can count on the fulfillment of your plan.

Catching a big fish in a dream means that a profitable marriage awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business.

Watching the fish you catch means that you will soon have serious plans for the future.

To catch a lot of fish with a nonsense in a dream is a sign of big profits. The bigger the fish, the more money you get.

catch a lot small fish in a dream - a sign of great trouble, from which there will be little benefit or little money.

But to fish with nets, bait or net means that you should be wary of risky activities. However, such a dream portends success to those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find it.

Not catching anything in a dream means that your plans will not come true.

Fishing hooks in a dream portend danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you.

A motley, brightly colored fish in a dream warns you of the danger of poisoning or deception. For patients, such a dream portends death. Such a dream can also portend an insult or quarrel.

A red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation, or the discovery of some secret.

If you dream that you are picking up a fish and it slips out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person whom you will never be able to catch or expose.

It is also believed that a lake fish seen in a dream portends happiness and prosperity.

The dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in business and failure in the implementation of plans.

Eating fish in a dream is considered a good omen, unless it is raw.

Is in a dream raw fish means that you are waiting for losses, obstacles in business and disappointment. But if it is also full of bones, then you will be disappointed or unsuccessful.

Dead fish floating on the water predicts that your desires will not come true.

Watching a fish splashing in the water portends a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts the anxiety and troubles associated with your work.

Feeding fish in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies whom you will charm with your charm.

Seeing a fish in your bed in a dream is a sign of illness. For those who go on a journey by water, a dream portends the danger of a shipwreck or other misfortune.

Pregnant women to see in a dream that they gave birth to fish, the dream predicts that they future child will be in poor health and will not live long. Sometimes such a dream portends them a miscarriage.

It is believed that rotten fish in a dream portends failure in business or in personal life.

If in a dream you saw fishing tackle, then you should be wary of deception or some kind of cunning trap.

oily fish in a dream - a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation.

Fishermen in a dream are a sign of unreliable friends who should not be relied upon.

Interpretation of dreams from

To find out exactly what the fish is dreaming of, you need to take into account a lot of different details. Depending on the details, the interpretation of dreams with a fish can be very different. The most common options are:

  • The fish is dreamed of as food: fried, salted, dried, and so on.
  • Dreaming of raw or dead fish.
  • Live fish swimming in an aquarium or pond.
  • To catch fish in a dream - even with your hands, even with a fishing rod.
  • Floating in the water.
  • A whole flock of fish, large or small.

If a woman had a dream

Miller's dream book says: a young lady dreams of a fish for offspring. But this is only if the fish was dreamed of by a young girl who never had children. And yet such a meaning is attributed to sleep when the fish simply arose, as an image, without being tied to anything.

But I wonder why a fish is dreaming of a woman or a girl who already has children? Various interpreters of dreams, not only Miller's dream book, say that if a woman or girl holds her in her hands, especially a large one, this is a very good sign.

Expect success, profit, pleasant love relationships, great happy love and attention from a man. In general, a fish dreaming of a girl or woman is a very auspicious symbol in any case.

Delicious and not so good

It happens that in dreams you have to cook or eat fish. And this is not surprising, because in life this is exactly what we most often do with it.

In general, eating fish, especially if it is pleasant in a dream, tasty, if you enjoy a meal, is an extremely good dream, promising tenderness, joy, pleasure, spiritual and physical health.

True, there are exceptions, and here it all depends on the details of sleep.

1. Did you happen to eat boiled fish in a dream? This plot warns that illness or indisposition, any damage or temporary setbacks are possible soon.

2. Salted fish (no matter if it is large or small) is not so much a prediction as an indication of your character. A dream that features salted, dried fish, as well as red and any fish delicacies, hints that you probably lack sharp and vivid sensations in life.

You don't get something, you don't allow yourself. You deny yourself something, and this is not in the best way affects your quality of life. Think: maybe it's time to change something?

3. Why dream of fried fish - this is a particularly common question. Most often, this is a sign that the road awaits the sleeper, but how good and pleasant it depends on the quality of the dish:

  • If you fried fish in a dream for a long time and with difficulty, it means that preparing for the road will be protracted and troublesome. Because frying fish is a symbol of packing for the journey.
  • If you ate fried fish in a dream, remember its taste. Delicious, juicy, tender - the road will be good, and vice versa.

4. Smoked fish is not a very favorable sign. To the question of why smoked fish is dreaming, the answer is unequivocal: health problems are possible in the near future.

And it doesn’t matter if you ate smoked fish in your dreams, looked at it, sniffed it or smoked it - it all means the same thing. Take care of your health - this is what the dream book recommends to you!

5. What is the dream of frozen fish, for example? It happens that dreams are dreamed in which raw, frozen or fresh fish appear. Such a dream most often means some kind of expectation, while joyful, reverent.

If in a dream you ate such a fish, be careful: you may be in for ailments, there is a risk of getting sick. And if in your dreams you just dreamed of fresh, raw or frozen fish, this means that now you are in a period of some kind of expectation. And it depends only on you how this period will end.

6. But rotten fish is a bad sign, and it warns of enemies, possible betrayal, dishonesty. Take a look around, be very careful: it is quite possible that you have envious people.


Fishing in a dream is a fairly common phenomenon. Fish in the water is a good sign, but only if it is clean. Such a dream means well-being, health and even wealth.

1. If there was a live fish in a dream and you tried to catch it with your hands, but to no avail, it means that in real life your efforts are in vain. Luck is slipping, but it can also mean that you better not rush, but look for a different approach (just like in a dream it is better to take a fishing rod).

2. If you still caught a fish with your hands, this is a great sign. Expect generosity from fate: it will give you good luck, recognition and prosperity.

3. If you saw in your dream how a dead fish swims in the water, this is not a very favorable dream. A dead fish carcass dreams of problems: illness, quarrel, turmoil, poverty. But all this is temporary, and it is in your power to overcome all difficulties.

4. If in a dream you were fishing, and successfully, this is a great sign. Fishing itself can mean difficulties and trials, and the longer you wait for a catch, the more serious and lengthy these tests will be.

But the catch is a victory, complete success, luck and reward! After such a dream, it is very important not to be afraid of obstacles, to maintain strength of mind, not to give up and to believe that success will certainly lie ahead.

5. If, on the contrary, you left fishing in a dream with nothing, the same thing will happen in the near future. Your desires and intentions are too ambitious and overstated.

Probably, you should not wait for the result - you will be left empty-handed. Review your plans and desires - you may be able to make them more realistic and succeed in business.

6. Well, if you caught a fish, but it suddenly slipped out of your hands - alas, the luck and success that you have been seeking for a long time will slip away from you. For an unmarried girl, such a dream can mean the loss of a loved one, a break in relations.

But don't worry! Ahead of you, no doubt, awaits a new, better stage in life.

A sign for an expectant mother ... or dad!

Often a pregnant woman dreams of a fish, and you should pay attention to such a dream. Remember what kind of fish the expectant mother dreamed about.

If she has a "male" name - for example, sturgeon, carp - it is believed that a son will be born. But if a pregnant woman dreamed of a beluga, sprat, capelin and so on - wait for your daughter!

In general, a “fishy” dream is a great sign for a pregnant woman. He dreams as a sign of good, healthy offspring and happy motherhood.

Men dream of fish less often, but such dreams have the same meaning. In addition to pregnancy and upcoming motherhood, of course! However, sometimes a fresh, big fish that came to a man in a dream can mean that he will soon become a dad ... If in his dream he sees a fish in the hands of his beloved, this is a sure sign that the chosen one is either already pregnant or will soon be. Get ready! Author: Vasilina Serova