Dream Interpretation interpretation flowers live beautiful. Dream Interpretation - Fish. The meaning of sleep about aster

If any one color scheme prevails in your dream, then this color is the main symbol of its dream and needs to be interpreted.

White color means purity and clarity in relationships. However, you are too cold towards people, you can be left alone.

If your dream was in white, imagine that another warm color (yellow, orange) is added to white.

Yellow or Orange color means the flourishing of friendships and entertainment in the company of friends.

Green color - all your hopes will come true. The business to which you give your strength will bear good fruit, good luck will accompany you in everything. If you dreamed green color It means that the time has come for new beginnings.

Red color - a new romantic hobby awaits you. But be careful: love affair can take all your strength. For married people, the predominance of red in a dream is a serious warning. Your family happiness is at stake. Try to control your emotions: the passion will soon go out and you will be left with nothing.

If your dream was dyed red, imagine washing off the red paint and coloring your dream any other color with a positive meaning.

Blue color - someone's idea will give a new impetus to your inspiration. good period for creativity.

Blue color - finally, all your worries will subside, life will go into a calm rut.

Purple color - you should trust your premonitions. Time of intuitive discoveries and mystical revelations.

Burgundy color - exaltation in society awaits you. However, be able to adequately dispose of the new position, try not to lose face in the dirt.

Brown means hard work, which, however, will be an excellent reserve for the future. Don't expect quick results: what you do now will pay dividends in a few years.

Black color - a period of failure and suffering has come. But you should accept them with humility: adversity will teach you a lot. You will come out of the crisis hardened.

To make it easier for you hard times, work out the dream by imagining that you add any positive color to black - for example, green.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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Mysterious, secret world dreams - we will never be able to understand and unravel it entirely.

However, thanks to dream books, we have the opportunity to get in touch with the mysterious, reveal secrets and understand what the dream wants to tell us, and how to interpret it. And most importantly - how to act in reality, given the dream?

Among the countless signs, flowers occupy a special place. AT flora it is they who stand out most clearly - they cannot but be loved and not noticed, they seem to be created for admiration and joy. How to determine what flowers dream of, what they symbolize and what they warn about in dreams?

The flower is a very good symbol. It is unlikely that anyone will associate a beautiful rose or a delicate lily of the valley with misfortune, disaster or illness, right?

In general, a flower is a symbol of beauty, flowering, health, happiness. But do not rush to conclusions when deciding what flowers are dreaming of - despite the positiveness of this symbol, a dream can also warn of possible dangers.

It all depends on which flowers your dreams visited, what happened in them, and what you did. For example, "flower" dreams can be as follows:

  • You saw a single flower in a vase or pot.
  • You dreamed about indoor plants.
  • You saw wild flowers.
  • You collect, tear them.
  • In dreams they give you a bouquet.
  • Making a bouquet.
  • You are going to give them.
  • You had to transplant plants.
  • You plant them in the ground.
  • You see or make artificial flowers.
  • You had to buy a bouquet in a dream.
  • Smell the flowers.
  • Burn the bouquet.

Separately, it is important to know what kind of flowers you dreamed about - they gave you daisies or roses, you pick sunflowers or tulips to give a bouquet, they were red, yellow, they grow in a flower bed or a pot, and so on.

Considering all the nuances and remembering all the details, you can determine exactly what the flowers are dreaming of. And understand what awaits you in reality, in real life.

see the beautiful

1. Wildflowers are often seen in dreams. It's not the best best sleep, as field plants promise sadness, tears, disappointment.

2. The dream in which you saw artificial flowers portends sadness. Why dream of artificial flowers, no matter red, yellow, pink? This always promises the collapse of hopes and longing.

3. And why do white flowers dream, Miller's dream book will answer. If you believe him, such a dream promises bright and sincere joy.

4. Red flowers are a symbol of passion and happiness. Blooming red roses, poppies, tulips are always a lot of pleasant emotions.

5. To see buds in your dream - to unexpected happiness, which can literally fall from the sky.

6. And a dream in which wilted flowers are present warns you of an illness. So take care of your health and be careful.

7. If you saw in a dream a lonely flower in a vase, it means that all your thoughts are occupied by one person.

8. A bouquet in a dream is a wonderful sign! A lot of happiness in love awaits you, a bright period of pleasure and joy from a loved one.

9. Houseplants in pots is not a very good symbol. He rather talks about your unsociableness, isolation, and you should go out more in people. You are too closed from people, and suffer from it. Make an effort on yourself, start trusting people - your life will become more pleasant.

10. A well-groomed and neat flower bed is a symbol of your excessive focus on the outside.

11. It is clear why fresh flowers dream in a variety of bouquets - you will be surrounded good people and pleasant acquaintances will simply begin to haunt you.

12. Blooming garden symbolize all sorts of pleasures.

13. But a faded, faded bouquet symbolizes the cooling of relations. There is a crisis between you and your soulmate.

Get in touch with beauty

More often in dreams you have to not only contemplate flowers, but also touch them - smell, water, replant, give and rejoice if they were presented to you.

1. If you happen to inhale a floral scent in a dream, be prepared for losses.

2. As the dream book says, picking flowers - cutting roses, picking daisies, peonies - expect great and sincere joy.

3. But the dream book also indicates that planting plants in the ground or a pot is not a very favorable sign. If you happened to plant flowers in a dream, expect some kind of trouble in matters of the heart.

4. If you had to transplant flowers in dreams, you must be careful, because there will be a temptation to deceive loved one, even change.

5. It is curious why one dreams of watering flowers - after all, this ordinary action is very ambiguous in dreams. As the dream book says, watering flowers is a sign that you will do everything possible for your happiness.

6. If in a dream you were presented with a bouquet, it is pleasant no less than in reality.

And a good sign - because if in a dream they give a bouquet, in reality, expect a pleasant acquaintance and courtship from the opposite sex.

If roses were given to you in a dream, you should know that it will be simply unrealistic to resist the boyfriend.

7. If you happened to buy a bouquet in your dreams, this is a hint that you are dishonest with your loved ones, and your conscience is not clear enough. Think about it - maybe it's worth fixing everything and acting differently so as not to lose a good relationship?

If you had to buy artificial flowers or in pots in your dreams, this further exacerbates the meaning of sleep - you should reconsider your relationship with those to whom you are dear.

8. But to make a bouquet - good dream, many joys and pleasant moments await you.

9. Burn flowers in a dream - break with past relationships, let them go.

10. Pick a flower - find a friend, start a new romance.

What kind of flowers did you see?

Most often in dreams there are the most familiar and familiar types of flowers. What are they talking about?

  • - as you might guess, a symbol of passion and love. Pink - tender, pure love, red - passion by the river. Yellow roses can promise marriage!
  • symbolize a gentle, romantic, sensitive person.
  • The cactus says about you that you are too callous and aloof. Turn to face people, become softer!
  • in a dream - a symbol of the fact that in reality you are too busy with your own person. Start paying attention to those around you too, otherwise you will be left alone and suffer.
  • Dreamed? Expect small but numerous joys, they will brighten up your everyday life.
  • Lilac promises you erotic adventures - just don't lose your head!
  • - a symbol of fidelity. Very good when they dream family people.
  • in dreams symbolizes a proud, arrogant person.

How rich nature is in unique and such different plants, and fate does not skimp on bright, more unusual dreams. Use the knowledge that the dream book gives, but connect your own imagination and intuition - your heart will always tell you the right path.

And if you manage to interpret your dream, then you will never take a wrong step, and you will always follow a happy and bright life path! Author: Vasilina Serova

Why did the Flowers dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

  • Why dream of flowers in the garden? Flowers are a harbinger of joy, happiness, good luck and advancement. career ladder but only if they are fresh and bright.
  • If you dream of wilted or white buds, this is a sign of imminent trouble and great sadness.
  • Seeing irises on the grave is fortunate.
  • Flowers on a dry tree - good luck for you, your children and grandchildren.
  • Why dream of lilies on the water- to a stormy feast.
  • If you smell roses, you will receive unexpected help in a seemingly hopeless business.
  • Giving flowers tulips - to irreversible separation.
  • Collecting beautiful bouquets or watering flowerpots is a sudden family joy. The dream in which you find yourself in the middle of a fragrant fragrant flower garden has the same meaning.

Why did the Flower dream (Psychiatric dream book)

  • Why do you dream of beautiful, fragrant, bright and fragrant flowers, you yourself understand that there is very little left before full prosperity in your life. It is enough just to make a certain amount of effort, and sleep will really bring you success in any endeavor.
  • And here withered petals symbolize your fears that something in your life might not go according to plan. You need a bit of self-confidence to prepare yourself to fight hard for your own success.
  • If you dreamed of artificial flowers, you are already ripe to give up the old and unsuccessful life and enter a new stage full of energy and optimism.

Why do Flowers dream (Romantic dream book)

  • A bad sign is identified by crumpled flowers in a dream. This is an omen that your loved one is consciously going to cheat on you.
  • You share a bouquet with your soulmate - in reality you will have to endure a long separation, which will only strengthen your feelings.
  • A good symbol is huge flower garden. If you are watching it from the side or are in it, soon all your hopes for a happy personal life will come true.
  • If a girl dreamed that she was holding several different bouquets, in life she will have many fans, from which it is difficult to choose true love.

Why do women dream of flowers (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

  • Seeing flowers in the garden portends pleasure and new acquisitions, an unusual, romantic meeting in reality (if they are bright and fresh).
  • Withered and dried petals promise trouble, health problems, separation.
  • White flowers- bring sadness.
  • Why dream of flowers planting flowers in your garden means that soon you will do a noble and wise act.
  • You pick the buds of carnations to make a bouquet out of them - in reality you will begin to join the knowledge and understanding of the world.
  • Against, if in a dream a woman sees how fans literally shower her with flowers- in reality, her mental loneliness can drag on.

The meaning of sleep about the smell of buds (Gypsy dream book)

  • Picking flowers means great happiness.
  • Holding a bunch of flowers in your hands or smelling them at an extraordinary time means grief, annoyance, and sometimes illness; at the proper time, this dream means consolation, pleasure and joy.
  • Field bouquets are dreaming, you pick them up and smell them - a dream marks sorrow, loss, weakness of the body and mind.
  • Generally about flowers, it should be noted that white means innocence, sincerity and good morals; yellow signifies difficulty and a small obstacle; and red almost always means illness, and sometimes even death itself.

To dream about a Flower, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

  • Dreaming withered flowers symbolize elderly age, dead feelings.
  • A broken flower in a dream portends sadness, grief, a break in relationships.
  • I dreamed of red flowers, poppies - to fall under the "hypnosis" of someone's persuasion.
  • Smell the aroma of flowers, roses - happiness in love.
  • A bouquet of wild flowers in a dream is a small joy.

I had a dream about the Flower's aroma (we guess from the Erotic Dream Book)

  • Why dream of fresh flowers - they promise you the joy of love and prosperity in the house.
  • Withered buds dream- predict the end of a long romance.
  • If a girl receives a bouquet in a dream, this predicts an abundance of admirers for her.
  • Flowers growing on infertile soil portend sadness unrequited love, to cope with which your will and optimism will help you.
  • If you dream of blooming roses, a joyful event in life and the loyalty of a loved one awaits you.
  • If a girl dreams that she is cutting fresh roses, it means that soon she will be offered a hand and a heart, and she will accept the offer.
  • Poppies in a dream represent seductive pleasures and a pleasant pastime, which, however, will harm you. Feeling the aroma of poppy in a dream means falling victim to a deceitful and corrupt person.
  • - Seeing in a dream a meadow strewn with daisies promises you the love of an innocent creature.
  • Why dream of flowers? A bouquet of white chrysanthemums means that because of pride you will sacrifice love.
  • You walk along an alley lined with white and yellow chrysanthemums, portends nostalgia for old love.
  • Dreaming of lilies with lush foliage- the image promises an early marriage and a quick subsequent separation associated with loss.
  • But if the flowers in the bouquet withered, your hopes for happiness are in vain.
  • Most of the bygone and fables, hopes and fears have long been associated with the snowdrop, which used to be called sleep-grass. The first spring flowers were brought home with evening dew, dipped into a glass of icy water and waited for the full moon. This dream also means mental anguish, dissatisfaction with oneself and life. The one who sees this dream wants to break out of the real life, strive for perfection.
  • The lotus dreamed of Siddhartha Gautama, who later became the Buddha (enlightened) - the deity of the Buddhist religion. A dream about an unusual flower is also often found in other legends.

What does the Bouquet symbolize in a dream (Psychotherapeutic dream book)

  • Life, beauty; flowering of the individual, often through new relationships involving love and tenderness, as well as genitality (depending on the shape of the bud).
  • A distinction should be made between wild and cultivated flowers. Giving bouquets for food also exists among others. higher primates, so the image can be associated with orality. In dreams and creativity of a man - his anima.
  • Flowers picking- Loss of virginity.
  • Blue flowers. Soul, mystery, romance.
  • Round flowers. Mandala or mother's womb.
  • Laying bouquets of flowers, giving them, especially to the dying or the dead. Antagonism, hidden desire for death this person. gaining own life through donation to the deceased.
  • Clover. Trinity.
  • Lily. Innocence.
  • Red lily. Masculinity.
  • White Lily. Femininity, free love.
  • Rose. Actually Anima, the mother's womb.
  • Rosebud- Virginity.
  • Rose with four petals. European lotus, Rosicrucian rose.
  • Lotus. Corresponds to the symbolism of the rose in Western culture. Birth and first appearance. mystical center. Anima.
  • Flowers in a pot. Cultivation and desire to preserve love.

Why do Flowers dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Dreaming flowers symbolize the feelings, moods, emotions of the sleeping person and the events that cause them.
  • Seeing many flowers in a dream is sadness, separation, quarrel.
  • I dreamed of giving a bouquet of flowers - an offer; parting.
  • Black, brown, yellow flowers dreamed - mourning, misfortune; betrayal, divorce.
  • Withered flowers promise trouble.

Psychological analysis of the dream where the Flowers dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist D. Loff)

Flowers are a universal symbol of beauty. For accurate interpretation here it is important to analyze the color.

  • Lilac - poison, illness, death;
  • Daisy - indecision in feelings; the one who gives is the object of interest;
  • Dreaming of a blooming orchid- sexuality, sensuality;
  • Rose - red - love, yellow - friendship, white - purity, black - death;
  • Lily - renewal, spring freshness, rebirth;
  • Narcissus - self-love, a reflection of one's own self.

If the dreamer dreamed of Flowers (interpretation of the magician Yuri Longo)

  • Why dream of flowers? The appearance of flowers in dreams portends only good and joyful events. Literally every day will be full of small joys, which, in fact, give us a feeling of happiness.
  • If in a dream, while in a flowering meadow, you decide to pick up a bouquet and get down to business, then in reality you will make every effort to not only rejoice yourself, but also bring joy to others. How long the idyll will be depends only on you.
  • Put a beautiful bouquet in a vase- A calm life awaits you without worries and worries. You will have the opportunity to spend more time with the people you love. Do not skimp on attention and love for them, and they will answer you the same.

The meaning of the dream about Inflorescences (Wangi's Dream Book)

  • You pick flowers to make a bouquet of them - in reality, this dream means your familiarization with the knowledge and understanding of the world.
  • You pricked your hand on the flowers presented to you, which means that in reality you will experience severe mental and heart pain due to the betrayal of a loved one or loved one.
  • You see fans literally showering you with petals- in reality, this indicates that your spiritual loneliness may be delayed. li>
  • You receive a flower as a gift in a room pot, which means that you will receive news of a deceased person.

What does a dream with Flowers mean, taking into account the date of birth (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, why do red flowers dream - for love, yellow adonis - for separation. In the spring, why do flowers dream - for spring, for the good in your life. Pick flowers - To treason.
  • In the summer, what flowers dreamed of - to recovery from a protracted illness. In some cases, this dream is in hand; you need to check your heart. In the summer, why did you dream about flowers and hear their smell - to a joyful event in your life. Pick flowers - you will try to deceive someone, using their confidence, or maybe they will deceive you. To pick flowers - to find a friend, to take a step towards intimacy, to a date. Pick a flower- to lose innocence.
  • In autumn, why did flowers dream - to illness. In autumn, why dream of smelling fragrant flowers - goodbye. Pick flowers - To love success.
  • In winter, why dream of red flowers - for love, yellow adonis - for separation.

Flowers are a symbol of beauty and fragrance. Flowers decorate our home, not a single ceremony and celebration can do without them. Why dream of fresh flowers in bouquets? The interpretation of the dream depends on the accompanying details of the plot. Let's consider in detail.

General interpretation

The meaning of the interpretation directly depends on the type and quality of the flowers. Beautiful fragrant flowers in a bouquet - always good sign in a dream. Withered or dry flowers are considered by dream books not so optimistically.

The nuances of interpretation also depend on your actions with colors and their features:

  • indoor flowers;
  • wildflowers;
  • plants from the garden / greenhouse;
  • buy a bouquet;
  • give a bouquet;
  • accept a bouquet as a gift.

A dream in which you were presented with a bouquet of flowers promises a dream come true, unexpected joy and success. If in a dream you happened to give flowers to your opponent, soon your relationship will change into better side. A bouquet presented to a young girl prophesies a quick marriage.

Note what kind of flowers you were given:

  • roses - to a romantic relationship;
  • daffodils and tulips - you will soon be appreciated on merit;
  • carnations - your success is envied or admired.

Wildflowers in a dream will tell about the upcoming renewal of feelings with a partner. You will establish relationships, gain mutual understanding. A gentle romantic period in life awaits you, filled with beauty and admiration for each other.

If wild flowers were presented to a girl, she will soon meet with her soulmate and a period of harmonious relationships. Romance, tenderness, gullibility and happiness - that's what prophesies a bouquet of wildflowers. Red poppy in a dream - to be fascinated by a new meeting.

Garden flowers promise new profit, success in the plan and well-being. Making a bouquet of flowers is an attempt to find like-minded people in your life.

Indoor flowers and bouquets in a vase portend family comfort, prosperity, harmony of feelings and a quiet, measured course of life. Seeing the whole house in flowers - to harmony, joy and success at home. are coming better days for your family.

Planting flowers in a flower bed, caring for them, picking or watering them - to complete success, prosperity, joyful events.

Flowers flying through the air - a chance to make a good profit and fix financial position. Don't miss the opportunity to change!

Dream Interpretation

Miller's dream book believes that bright lush bouquets of flowers portend an inheritance, and wilted flowers - a disease. A bouquet of wild flowers - to meet a new sincere admirer. Throwing a bouquet - to parting with an annoying boyfriend. To make flowers in a bouquet - to confession of feelings. If the bouquet falls apart, the engagement will not take place.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation warns: to prick with thorns from a rose from a bouquet portends separation from a loved one. You have to survive treason and betrayal. Flowers trampled on the floor warn of enemies who are hiding important information from you.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov interprets a dream with a bouquet unambiguously: to see flowers in a bouquet - to a new pleasant acquaintance, a presented bouquet of flowers - to a strong stable relationship.

Muslim dream book interprets a dream with flowers as a portent of new opportunities for the realization of goals. Seeing wilted flowers - to treason and disappointment.

Sigmund Freud sees in the symbolism of flowers the emergence of new feelings and emotions. Bouquets of flowers herald the arrival of a new fan, development romantic relationship and happiness of mutual love. For girls, flowers in buds can portend a loss of innocence. A large number of flowers can prophesy an unexpected separation from a loved one, temporary legs.

Plant flowers, see flower bouquets, buy potted flowers- always a symbol of change for the better. Giving and receiving a bouquet - to joyful events and happiness. Picking flowers - to new acquaintances.

Weave flower wreaths— to inspiration and creative approach to the situation. However, be on the lookout if the flowers in the bouquet have an unsightly appearance or are completely dry - this is a warning of impending adversity or troubles that you can warn in advance with your right actions.

The symbolism of flowers is always unambiguous: the interpretation of a dream largely depends on your perception of the plot you see and actions with flowers. Only artificial flowers do not bode well.

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In the life of each of us there were moments of admiring wildlife. Every girl loves to receive flowers as a gift, but why dream of fresh flowers? What does this dream symbolize?

Why do fresh flowers dream - the main interpretation

Live nature, like fresh flowers - mean harmony with oneself, harmony with the outside world. In the classical interpretation fresh flowers symbolize the rise energetic human , which will allow him to achieve much more than what he expected. Beauty and success will enter his life. But when it comes to wildflowers- such a dream promises sorrows and troubles.

young girl a huge number of fresh flowers can dream, as a symbol of the fact that she hopes for the beginning of a new and very successful relationship. But it is worth evaluating your strengths and not plunging into the world of illusions, so as not to miss your happiness in reality.

If the flowers are bright and colorful- you will find a lot of emotions and impressions. You may also acquire something very useful in the near future. If you see a lot of flowers in the garden, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpleasure awaits you, such a dream portends a new meeting for you. If you walked with someone in the garden - take a closer look at this person, perhaps feelings for you arose in him.

If the flowers wither and dry, a period of trouble and loss has begun in your life;

White flowers - to sadness and disappointment;

Planting flowers - to wisdom and prudence;

If in a dream fresh flowers are plucked by you, you will become wiser and more meaningful;

Weave a wreath of fresh flowers - to create a family and great joy;

If you prick your hand on thorns - it's time to think about the possibility of treason;

Seeing in a dream a lot of different fresh flowers presented to you - you will be in demand from the opposite sex.

Why dream of fresh flowers according to the small Velesov dream book

The small Veles dream book says:

Living flowers dream - to joy and celebration;

Seeing fresh flowers on the window is in trouble;

If flowers bloom on the street, but at the wrong time of the year - to illness, disappointment, spending money;

Tearing flowers - fortunately and good luck;

Planting flowers is in trouble;

Watering flowers is a joy in the house;

Yellow flowers - to obstacles and difficulties;

Red - for the wedding and prosperity;

Fading flowers - to danger;

Decorate your head with fresh flowers - to success in business;

To see a fresh bouquet - to joy and happiness;

Putting flowers in a bouquet - to good news and news;

If there is dew on the flowers, the business will end in failure.

It is also important to remember what emotions accompanied the dream, at what time of the year you saw fresh flowers, and what sensations you had caused by contact with them. In some dreams, flowers talk. They talk a lot and ask questions. You should not be afraid of such dreams, they simply symbolize your desire for communication and reveal your hidden blocks and fears.

Why dream of fresh flowers in an esoteric dream book

AT esoteric dream book it is said why fresh flowers dream:

To great joy and love in your home;

If they began to fade, the novel comes to an end;

If a girl is given several fresh flowers in one pot, she will stand in front of difficult choice;

If the flowers grew on infertile soil - to sadness and deceit in love, optimism and will help to cope with grief in this situation. positive attitude;

Blooming roses symbolize strong love and long family happiness;

If a girl cuts roses, she will be offered to marry;

Blooming poppies dream of lust and sexual pleasure;

Blooming daisies symbolize timid and innocent love;

Chrysanthemums in a dream symbolize the memory of past love;

Lilies in a dream speak of an imminent separation;

If a young girl cuts lilies in a dream, such a dream may speak of the imminent death of her lover;

Blooming daisies symbolize happiness and harmony;

If the bouquet of daisies faded almost immediately, you will be disappointed in your other half;

Snowdrops dream as a symbol of the first true love and a symbol of mental torment;

The lotus is considered a sacred flower that opens the way to enlightenment.

Why dream of fresh flowers according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says why fresh flowers dream - they dream as a symbol of unfading love and energized love relationships. Of course, it matters which flowers appeared to you in a dream.

If a man dreams of a bush of scarlet roses- in reality, he will be tormented by female reproaches and jealousy. If a woman has such a dream, she will become a participant in a major scandal. If a young girl dreams of a snowdrop that has just made its way through the snow, true pure feelings await her.

Tulips in a dream, both a man and a woman promise a strong and fulfilling relationship. For couples who were in a quarrel, they promise a truce. If the tulips yellow color- a disagreement between partners is possible.

Wildflowers dreamed of by a girl- they say that she was confused before choosing between several gentlemen. She should take a closer look at the dream, perhaps she was walking with someone in a dream among the flowers. This person should become her chosen one.

If a girl dreams that a stranger gives her fresh flowers- such a dream opens up prospects for her to get new relationships built on love and trust. If a girl sees a pot of fresh flowers on her windowsill, the relationship is holding her back, she cannot fully develop because of them. It is worth reconsidering your priorities and not giving preference to despotic men, because freedom in a relationship should be mutual.

Carnations that appeared in a dream is a symbol of unfading devotion. It is worth considering the fact that only dreams about fresh flowers have such an interpretation, flowers cut in a dream have a different meaning.

If you give someone a living flower- you will give a chance to a person to be rehabilitated in your eyes. If your whole house is furnished with fresh flowers, you have great authority in it and bring only well-being and financial success.

For a lonely woman, to see lilies in a dream- to prolonged loneliness and possible depression. If she dreams of chrysanthemums, she will begin to fade and will not be able to do it the way men like it before. If a lonely woman dreams of a lotus flower, she will become pregnant from a little-known man. It is worth listening to such a prediction and decide for yourself whether this scenario suits her. If a lonely woman dreams of cornflowers, she will soon meet a sweet and affectionate man who will give her unforgettable moments of happiness.

If a lonely man sees a blooming cactus- he will be able to restore the lost relationship quite quickly, and they can already develop into marriage. If you dream that a flower has bloomed that cannot bloom in reality, life will give you hope for a resolution. difficult situation.

Why dream of fresh flowers in other dream books

In Medea's dream book it is said that fresh flowers appear in a dream when a person needs to sort out his feelings. Flowers that are bright and healthy in appearance represent a strong and healthy relationship. If the flowers are broken, the spirit of the partners will be broken in the same way. If you dream of a poppy, someone will strongly influence you, someone will impose their ideas on you. Lily of the valley promises the emergence of new feelings. Narcissus in a dream portends an excessive ego, which will in every possible way prevent the emergence of relationships.

Roses dream of successful love;

Chamomile - to small joys;

Exotic flowers dream of a variety of intimate life.

AT Eastern dream book it is said that it is very important to remember with whom exactly you were during sleep, when fresh flowers appeared to you. If it was a person close and beloved to you, your relationship will get stronger. If your lover picks fresh flowers in a dream, you should expect disappointment in relations with him, since you initially have different life priorities. If your chosen one is full of strength and energetic, but wants to transplant flowers, you will have tremendous changes in your personal life. You will not change your partner, but the relationship itself will change.

If fresh flowers wither near you- someone strongly envied you and now your family happiness is in danger. If you meet a stranger among fresh flowers, new ones await you. secret relationship. In any case, the interpretation of dreams in which fresh flowers appear is often positive. Of course, it is more pleasant to look at living plants and flowers, because they will delight the eye for a long time, and in a dream - fresh flowers represent a long and strong relationship.