How to draw a firebird step by step. How to draw a fairy bird

The Firebird is a character from fairy tales that the heroes of these same fairy tales are trying to find. This is a fiery bird, which is a symbol of immortality. She is the personification of fire, sun and light. This article shows how to draw a firebird with a pencil.

Tools and materials

To draw the firebird you will need Blank sheet paper, a simple pencil, a ruler and an eraser. When coloring the picture later, you will need felt-tip pens/colored pencils/paints various colors. If you choose watercolor paints/gouaches, you will also need brushes and a jar of water. If you have already prepared everything you need for drawing, then let's get to work!

For beginners: how to draw a firebird step by step

First of all, we draw a “plus sign” - we draw two lines: one horizontal, the other vertical. With their help it will be easier to draw a picture. On the upper right side we draw a large oval, and a little higher from it another smaller one. We connect both ovals with two wavy lines. This will be the body, head and neck of the firebird. On a small oval we draw a beak - a triangle. Let's move on to the next step.

Tail? From the bottom of the body we depict three feathers looking in different directions. They should be smooth and wavy.

We add three more feathers to the existing three.

The next stage is the wings. We draw them on the sides of the body, as if the firebird were waving them - they should be raised. We finish drawing the end of the bird’s body - making it a little sharper. Using an eraser, we remove excess lines that intersect with others on the body.

We modify the shape of the wings, using an elastic band to remove unnecessary contours.

In the middle and with patterns in the form of drops we decorate the wings of the firebird. How to draw patterns? Look at the photo below. We also draw eyes on the face. We finish drawing the feathers on the top of the head.

That's all. The Firebird is ready!

Coloring the Firebird

How to draw a firebird for beginners? We discussed this with you, now let's color it. For this you will need paints/markers/pencils in yellow, orange, blue and white. Since the firebird is a fiery bird, its wings resemble tongues of fire, and its feathers shine with gold.

We paint the body and head of the bird in yellow. And also the upper half of the wings. We paint their lower half orange. We make the “droplets” blue and white, alternating colors with each other. Feathers on the head - yellow, blue and orange flowers. Let's move on to the tail. We paint it randomly in different colors from our arsenal. Here we have such a beautiful firebird.

Drawing with children

It will probably be difficult for children to draw the firebird as shown above. Therefore, it is better to try a different way of drawing with children. Firstly, kids should talk about the bird being depicted, read a story about it, and show pictures with its presence. Then tell the child that now you will try to portray her together. It is very important to help children while drawing, to tell them some points: how to draw this or that part/detail. It will be better if you draw together with your child, that is, not for him, but with him at the same time, on a separate sheet.

We start drawing from the head. We draw an oval, marking the beak, draw below: the neck, abdomen, back, connecting the lines at the end.

Let's move on to how to draw the firebird's tail - its most beautiful part. We draw short and long feathers looking in different directions. The further they are from the bird’s body, the wider and wider they become. We decorate the feathers with circles closer to their ends. We draw the legs in the form of elongated triangles.

The next step is adding color, how could we do without it. Coloring the firebird. Wax crayons are perfect for this. We paint the feathers green, red and orange colors. We color the circles at their ends blue. The bird's body is orange, its wing is fiery red. The crest is green, the beak, legs and eyes are brown. We take the red chalk and go over it again along the entire contour of the firebird. After this, we add even more patterns to the bird’s body: blue beads on the neck, wing and crest, as well as green stripes again on the wing. You can make any patterns - your choice.

If your baby is still very small, it will be difficult for him to draw such a firebird, you can do it easier. You can help your child trace own hand, which will serve as the basis for the drawing. The body is the thumb, the tail is all the rest. And then add a couple of touches. Good luck!

Already drawn +7 I want to draw +7 Thank you + 71

Step 1.

At the beginning of the firebird drawing, draw an approximate general shape the body of the Firebird and its legs. Remember, these are just initial outlines, you should not draw the details at this stage completely, you may have to correct them. For the initial contours of the firebird, you need to draw an oval for the body and triangles for the wings. The tail of the firebird will consist of a free-form figure, copy it from my drawing to your sheet. It’s also worth drawing the initial outlines of the firebird’s paws so that you don’t forget to draw them in the future.

Step 2.

At this stage we will begin to draw the wings of the firebird. First you need to outline the base of the wings. Birds' wings are hands, but they are, of course, different from human ones. If you look at how a bird's wing is structured, it's easy to tell. Draw the wings like branches on a tree. Next, draw the curved lines of the feathers. Now you can draw the body of the firebird, but to do this, erase the preliminary excess contour lines. Draw the eye of the firebird and a small crest on the top of the head. There are a lot of small feathers on the bird’s body; they definitely need to be drawn. Try to draw it as if it were scales.

Step 3.

Now you need to draw the feathers for the firebird. You need to draw a firebird with all the effects, so the feathers must be drawn in detail. Let's return to the drawing. Draw the lower contour lines of the wings in a zigzag manner. Then remove the bent long “leaves” from the previous bases of the wings. These will be the main feathers of the firebird.

Step 4.

Now you need to draw curved lines to the “leaves” from the previous zigzag. Try to make lines with the same slope, except for the lower lines that are closer to the body. We’ll start drawing the firebird’s tail in detail a little later, but for now it will look like a snag. To draw a tail, you need to divide the tail into three parts. Fill these parts with shapes similar to orchid flowers.

Yudina Elena Vitalievna

You and I are adults, we remember our favorite fairy tales that our parents read to us. Everyone loves fairy tales without exception! Children listen with pleasure when fairy tales are read to them, especially if in the fairy tale you need to help the heroes; easy way! However, fairy tales are not just exciting stories, they are very useful for our children!

Fairy tales were popular in ancient times, they were told, read, retold after hearing from someone. Much has changed, characters, plots, location, but the essence of the process has remained unchanged!

Let's think about it? Why are fairy tales needed? What role do they play in a child’s life? Why, from an early age, do children love to listen and read to them? Of course the answer ready: "This good fun for a child!" But, in fact, the need for fairy tales is much greater! Mystical, fantastic stories help kids learn about how the world was created, what it is like, they get an idea about it, about human relationships. The concept of good and evil, meanness and nobility, betrayal, friendship - this prepares the child for how to behave in a variety of situations, if obstacles arise along the way, when you are offended, or someone asks for help.

Parents often tire their children with moral lectures, rarely achieve their goal, and a fairy tale sometimes gives necessary information in an accessible form, the child easily understands this or that situation. It is the fairy tale that is the tool for their learning!

The influence of fairy tales is great: they teach goodness, give an understanding that nothing is given for nothing in life, everything is achieved only through hard work, children learn to fantasize, thereby developing speech, imagination, a child who smiles little suddenly begins to laugh, he relaxes - a disadvantage emotions – compensated! In addition, the fairy tale teaches us to overcome difficulties, teaches us to think, and teaches communication skills.

The fairy tale is wonderful! Love, peace, adaptation to real life!

All this is a FAIRY TALE!

Within theme week V kindergarten : "Fairy Tale World", many events took place. The children visited the library, watched video fairy tales, and listened to fairy tales that were recorded on records. Of course, the games and activities were more emotional, the children fantasized and sketched what they heard. One of the homework assignments was to guess a riddle and find the answer in a fairy tale.

My question is

Believe me, it's simple!

Who, what, has a fan, a tail?

Who is proud of plumage?

What kind of bird?

Look into the book with mom,

And bring me the answer!

Homework has been completed! The riddle was solved, and we boldly began the next task!

Drawing Firebirds! This is how it turned out!

In fairy tales Firebird,

He sits in a cage.

Flies little

More silent.

Our bird

Not in a cage

She is beautiful,

Feathers glow with fire

And it's light all around

Like during the day!

We invite you to draw with us Firebird!

The album sheet is in front of you. Let’s get our bearings and draw two circles in the middle, different in size. (big and small). We connect them with lines, we get the body of a bird, we finish drawing the beak, eyes, plumage on the head. The image is ready.

She glows, sparkles,

Feathers seem to be burning with heat!

The hardest part is the tail. Using a pencil, draw a small semicircle, then a large one, and determine the position of the tail. To make the pattern on the tail symmetrical, divide it into even parts, and only then add a pattern to the tail. He may have different shapes, the oval fits best - closest to the original. The artist's hand makes the final touch - finishing the drawing small parts and the bird is ready!

We paint it step by step with watercolors. We recommend using a brush with fine bristles; it is easier for the child to trace complex lines. Coloring proceeds in the same way as drawing with a simple pencil - from the body to the tail. Advice: First apply the pattern to the tail, and then paint it over. Be careful and patient, then drawing will bring satisfaction and a lot of emotions!

Our mini-lesson has come to an end! Thank you for your attention!

We hope that a fairy tale will always be nearby in your life, to help and advise!

Publications on the topic:

Fairy tale "Firebird" In a certain kingdom-state. A bright holiday. They are waiting for guests. They brought various gifts for the king for his anniversary. A feast is being prepared in the palace to bring them together.

Summary of an integrated educational activity for cognitive development and drawing in the senior group “Firebird, light up the forest!” Program content: To consolidate children's familiarity with folk art. Teach children to convey in drawing character traits fabulous.

Goal: to teach children to correlate real and fairy-tale images, to create in an application the image of a fairy-tale bird, conveying its unusualness and brightness.

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Master class “Let’s give the Firebird a beautiful tail” Firebird In a wonderful country. On Earth, or on the Moon, a miracle bird settled - the Real One.

Drawing a bird is a task that often faces children and their parents. Sparrows, crows, jackdaws, nightingales, bullfinches, eagles, tits and other birds are common objects in children's albums. There is also room for unusual characters - firebirds and Angry Birds. However, everything is not as difficult as it sometimes seems for beginning artists. Using visual lessons and acting step by step, step by step, you can make a high-quality and clear drawing. After several trainings in drawing birds, the child will get better and better.

Step by step bird drawing lessons

Bird drawing lessons with step by step photos for beginners will help artists master the art of creating birds on paper.

Wintering bird: drawing a sparrow

Among wintering birds, the most popular are sparrows. Creating a drawing of such a bird is quite simple if you proceed in stages.

  1. You need to draw an elongated oval. This is the base of the bird's body.
  2. At the top of the workpiece you need to draw a figure with rounded contours. This will be the head. Several straight lines are drawn below. This is the tail of a wintering bird.
  3. Next, the beak is clearly drawn.
  4. Then you need to use smooth contours to create the outline of the breast, wings and make the eye.
  5. You need to draw the sparrow's legs with a pencil.
  6. All that remains is to color the drawing using colored pencils or felt-tip pens. If desired, you can use paints.

Bird in flight: drawing a seagull

  1. The process of drawing a bird in flight is much simpler than it seems. Even a child can cope with the task. First you need to draw a circle, which in the future will become the head, and the body of the bird. The bottom and top of the body should be a little sharp. There is no need for roundness here. Then the eye and beak are drawn, after which the contours of the circle must be erased with an eraser.
  2. Now we need to draw the span of the flying wings and the tail. The wing, which is located closer to the right edge of the paper sheet, should be much larger and longer than the second and the body. No need to grind!
  3. Next you need to finish drawing the paws and wings. The first ones need to be depicted folded tightly to each other.
  4. Then you need to draw lines that will make the thigh. To do this, the contour is drawn from the seagull's foot down. Next, the feathers on the tail and wings of the bird are depicted.
  5. It is necessary to remove all unnecessary contours.
  6. All that remains is to draw the shadows. The wings of the bird in flight should be made almost black and the underside of the seagull should be greatly darkened. Plus, a shadow also falls from the wing on the body. On the second wing, located closer to the left edge of the sheet, you should slightly outline the outlines of the feathers along the entire length. Similar contours need to be made on the body and around the head.

Angry Birds


This master class is designed to help you draw a tit.

  1. Draw a circle: this is the future head. Using straight lines we sketch out the body of the tit.
  2. We give the bird's head the necessary shape. We make the tit's beak and draw an eye in the upper right part of the head.
  3. We make the contours of the tit’s body more distinct. The head should flow very smoothly into the body. Draw the abdomen round. We remove the auxiliary lines.
  4. Now we draw a twig. We depict the wing of a tit and top part bird's legs.
  5. We complete the image of the paws. Draw the fingers and tail.
  6. Using small, abrupt lines, we sketch out the boundaries of the color transitions. We draw feathers on the wing and tail.
  7. We complete the work: shade the tit’s head and tail. Draw small feathers where necessary.


Thanks to this master class, you can draw a very nice and realistic woodpecker step by step. MK will help adults and children who have decided to master the technique of drawing birds.

  1. We schematically create the contours of the head and body of the future woodpecker. In this case, the sheet of paper should first be divided barely noticeably into four parts.
  2. Next, a sketch of the tail and beak of the bird is also schematically made.
  3. Now we need to draw the general outline of the torso of the depicted object and its head.
  4. We are engaged in creating details and their clear drawing: eyes, beak, feathers, wings, etc.
  5. We complete the work on the nuances and erase all the auxiliary elements.
  6. We shade with a simple pencil all the necessary areas according to the natural colors of the woodpecker’s plumage.


The proposed detailed MK will help beginners draw on our own very attractive bullfinch.

  1. Before starting work, divide the sheet into four segments. This will help you sketch correctly. We draw, as in the picture below, 3 circles. This is the basis of the future bullfinch.
  2. Next, the general outline of the image is created with smooth lines.
  3. We outline the previously created silhouette of the bullfinch.
  4. Draw the bird's legs and tail. We create recognizable details of the bullfinch. Don't forget about the eyes. Erase all unnecessary lines.
  5. Add small details of the bullfinch's legs and plumage.
  6. We shade all the necessary areas.


Using the one below step by step instructions You can easily portray a magpie. By following the recommendations and using drawings as tips, even novice artists will certainly succeed in creating a bird.

  1. First we draw a circle. From it we form the head of the future magpie, drawing the beak and eye.
  2. Let's sketch the silhouette of a magpie. At this stage, it is important not to forget about maintaining the proportions of the drawing.
  3. Let's create the shape of the magpie's body.
  4. We draw the tail, paws, wings.
  5. We depict other details. We form a contour for separating the magpie shades.
  6. We make the bird's plumage along the lower contour. We depict feathers and erase everything unnecessary.
  7. We shade all areas in accordance with the plumage of the magpie.

As you can see, drawing a bird with a pencil step by step is not particularly difficult. Tips for beginners will help you cope with the task in a few steps. Both children and adults will enjoy these drawing lessons. After all, the image will certainly turn out clear, realistic and original.

As everyone knows, the Firebird is a fairy-tale bird, which is why it is often painted in the process of taking off, when its wings are open and a fiery heat appears on its tail. It is because of its fiery tail that this bird got its name. If we talk about drawing the Firebird, then this process is not complicated, quick and does not differ from drawing an ordinary bird. Therefore, this lesson is aimed at teaching those who want to draw the Firebird.

1. Drawing the contours of a bird

The whole process begins with drawing the contours of the future bird, therefore, it is worth outlining an oval for the body, triangles for the wings, head and paws. As for the tail, its shape can be varied. This stage does not require detailed drawing of the details of the future drawing.

2. Bird's wings

The second step begins with drawing the Firebird's wings, so it's worth drawing the base first. They need to be drawn with curved lines, like tree branches. After that, you can start working on the feathers. Having finished drawing the wings, you can move on to the body, erasing the previous drawing. Also, at this stage, attention is paid to the head, namely, the eye and the crest on the top of the head. Special attention It’s also worth paying attention to the small feathers on the bird’s body.

3. Feathers

The lower part of the wings must be drawn in a zigzag-like shape, and former base erase. Next, we outline each feather in the form of leaves.

4. How to draw the tail of a fairy-tale bird?

The tail begins to be drawn from the wings using curved and curved lines, the slope of which should be in the same direction. If we talk about what it should be like in the middle, then it is worth filling it with an ornament that would look like flowers.

5. Final stage

The final steps of drawing a fairytale bird is to draw the tail in detail, namely, darkening the ovals in each feather, so the feather can resemble an eye. Further, with the help of strokes, certain lines are drawn from these ovals that look like hair. And then, you just need to darken some areas of the picture.

6. What happened in the end?