What is the fire show called? What is a fire show? Circus art, by the way

Fire show - a symbol of the confrontation between light and darkness

For man since ancient times, the most attractive sights have been fire and darkness. They carried within themselves the mysteries of nature that humanity could not comprehend. Two opposites are a reflection of the inner world of every person, so the fire show leaves no one indifferent. People are ready to admire the beautiful images created with the help of the element of fire and the skill of fire fighters.

Most of the programs that make up the repertoire of fire shows almost always base their plots on stories related to the confrontation between opposing forces: good and evil. In the end, victory always lies with light and beauty. Our performances involve the audience in the theatrical magic that happens in the darkness, and this makes them even more spectacular and mesmerizing. Thanks to the splendor of the acting, their outfits and actions, wonderful mirages and fantastic images come to life. Unforgettable heroes, among which the main thing actor- fire!

To more accurately convey the diversity of fire, emphasize characteristics characters, a variety of fire equipment is used. It helps to realize the ideas of the show’s creators, “draw” a suitable background, and open and end the performance.

On the black canvas of the night sky, spread over gardens and parks, skyscrapers and small houses, in the center of the metropolis and on the outskirts, columns of fire soar, torches shine, and giant swallowtail butterflies fascinate with fiery fans and spheres. They flash and dim, breaking up into droplet stars and fiery fountains. All this is a fiery show, for which the most spectacular decoration is the coming night, which gradually fills the white canvases of the day and paints everything in shimmering blue ink. The contrast of darkness and light, the mystery of the starry sky and the fiery flashes illuminating the world hypnotizes the viewer, forcing them not to take their eyes off the spectacle.

What is a fire show?

Modern fire performance can be safely called a new form of art with ancient traditions. Its performers are brave people who master tricks that force the fire to become obedient and obey the will of the artist. Its hot tongues weave into intricate, unique patterns and draw grandiose figures in the darkness, scattering magical sparks across the night sky.

The movement of a fiery flame has always fascinated people, regardless of religion and culture. And the dance handsome man and rebellious fire is higher than any words of outright admiration. This fire show brings joy to everyone: both children and the older generation. It is important that the program you choose is well thought out and implemented by real professionals and experts in their field.

So what is a fire show? What can it be classified as? Some call it the fire dance. After all, the entire performance is accompanied by mesmerizing music; there is always a certain stylistic direction and movement. However, such demonstration performances are not the only ones that consist of them. Great value has a technique that allows the performers to safely perform stunts, exactly what a fire show is unthinkable without. Its components are both artistry and correct composition, i.e. technique and choreography are important parts of fire theater. The firemen themselves, and their ardent fans, classify the show as an original genre.

Are fireworks always necessary at a performance?

Today it has already taken shape interesting tradition complete significant event fireworks This is amazing! A magnificent fireworks display is a spectacular conclusion that brings the final line to the holiday. The volleys lift the spirits, and the memories from the celebration last a lifetime.
IN Lately Fireworks are not only part of state ceremonial events; people often cannot do without them. lavish weddings, and holidays at enterprises (corporate parties), and birthdays. Even a modest fireworks display will be the highlight of any holiday.

Of course, you can arrange a small fireworks display and decorate the skies above the spectators and guests with your modest efforts. Pyrotechnics are purchased in special stores, but such fireworks, of course, cannot be compared with those arranged by professionals.

If you want to experience truly festive fireworks, please contact us. You will get a great mood, your attention will be focused all evening on the unforgettable spectacle, and the memories will leave a joyful and bright trace in your soul. Usually, there is a salute after the artists perform. The cocktail of fire and sound is amazing.

How to choose a fire show?

Today, fire shows are among the most popular services during grand celebrations. His choice must be approached with due attention so that the holiday is truly a success. When ordering a fire show, first of all you should pay attention to the team. At the same time, it is important to know about technical requirements to the site, what props will be used, etc. All this will allow you to prepare your holiday well and save money and time. Of course, information about everything can be obtained from company employees.

The most important issue is the safety of the upcoming performance. It is clear that a fire show cannot be called in a safe way art. Therefore it is necessary preliminary preparation. Artists who are serious about their work travel in advance to the upcoming location of the celebration. The site is carefully checked. The costumes worn during the performance also serve as security. They are not only beautiful, but also serve as protection for their owners.

If serious professionals are invited, then ordering a fire show will be absolutely safe for everyone: spectators and everyone present. The main thing is to select a show program that will fully suit the theme of the festive event. You should clearly understand what the show number will consist of and clearly understand how everything will go.

In order to make your holiday unforgettable, you should prepare in advance and invite the best fire show in Moscow, which can be ordered from us. The brightest show programs dazzle and impress. Combining high-quality choreography with professional direction and technical innovations, our fire performances are unparalleled.

A fire show is a spectacular, enchanting, spectacular and quite dangerous hobby, but despite this, it is extremely popular and is gaining more and more fans, both among spectators and among artists. Why is it that people are so attracted to close proximity to fire? Most likely, it is the call of the ancestors that forces a person to tame the fire, as they did. The fire show is distinguished by its philosophy, which accompanies the artist’s entire life.

The fire show looks like a real performance, during which artists perform various tricks with special props, the purpose of which is to show the beauty of fire. One artist or a group of artists can take part in a fire show. Most often, the show is accompanied by music specially selected for the fiery action. Tricks with fire are usually complemented by elements of acrobatics and theatrical production with additional pyrotechnics.

It is believed that the fire show culture has its roots in New Zealand, the homeland of the Maori tribe. It was they who invented the original “poi” tool - a stone wrapped in a rag suspended on a rope, which must be rotated in every possible way. With the help of poi, the men of the tribe trained their dexterity. Most often, training with poi was accompanied by certain paraphernalia - drumming and the sounds of a tambourine, which was borrowed by modern fire show artists. Fire show performers are called “firemen”, “poers” or “poysters” - from the name of the main instrument “poi”. In addition to this, “stuff” is used during the show - a fire pole, fans, torches and much more.

This original hobby is suitable for young people physically developed people. It is better to keep children away from the fire show props and from participating in it. A child can only be trusted with safe LED lights or glow sticks. You should start learning tricks with fire by studying safety precautions and videos, and you need to train with training poi without fire.

To comprehend this fiery art, extreme care will be required; clothing should not be synthetic or woolen, without developing details. Shoes should be comfortable, without heels, laces or other loose elements. Accessories in the form of bracelets and neck jewelry should be discarded. Hair must be collected in such a way that it does not develop; you can wear a hat on your head to protect the hair. Poi should be selected for your own convenience - suitable weight, size and comfortable handles.

Fire show activities are contraindicated for people suffering from epilepsy or diseases respiratory tract those with sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions. You should not train with fire poi indoors, near electrical wires, trees or other flammable objects.

What is a fire show?

This is a unique performance of its kind, harmoniously combining dance, music and an undying flame! Specially trained artists create unique flaming pictures using their dexterity and special equipment.

Majority fire showconsists of acrobatic tricks and dance, but they can also include other elements. The main techniques include:

Shocking juggling with flaming torches, maces and staffs (special clubs);

Impressive performances using chants, devisticks and fans, creating magnificent fire pictures, original and mesmerizing;

Breath of fire - soaring tongues of flame, which seem to be blown out by the artist, in combination with correctly selected design and staging - an incredibly beautiful and exciting spectacle;

The use of various flaming structures, both for background design and for use in productions (cubes, hoops, spheres, etc.).

Many artists offer different variants fire show - using an open flame or pyrotechnic decoration, scattering thousands of sparks, and each of them looks chic in its own way.

In an effort to create truly unique performances, “fiery” groups create unique performances, using all sorts of tricks and plots - from battles with flaming swords, to impressive “giants” on stilts, releasing jets of flame or wielding all kinds of burning balls, clubs, etc.

Fire show for the holiday

An enchanting end to any festive event will be an impressive fire show! Such a spectacle will definitely not leave any of the guests indifferent, and for a long time you will hear enthusiastic stories about the magnificent performance that ended your holiday.

It is not necessary, of course, to use fire performances at the end of the program, but this is the most convenient and practical, especially from a safety point of view, because most holidays are held indoors, and performing such acts in them is categorically not recommended. Therefore, shocking and wonderful tricks with fire are most often performed under open air, which is most convenient for guests at the end of the event. They will look especially impressive in combination with fireworks and other pyrotechnic techniques.

If your birthday, anniversary, wedding, corporate party or any other festive event takes place in the open air, then it is quite possible to arrange such an extremely beautiful performance between the numbers, the main thing is to correctly place the accents so as not to spoil the overall impression for the audience. Naturally, you need to take into account that you need to hold a show with fire after dark - otherwise you simply will not be able to appreciate all its incredible beauty.

Extreme, enchanting, bewitching and simply magical you can using the online catalog EVENT -ORDER .RU! We have a huge selection of organizers of fire performances that amaze with their splendor.

Fire show

In the middle of the 20th century, the fire show philosophy was positively accepted by youth subcultures (hippies). Fire shows and hippies became inextricably linked.

At the end of the twentieth century, this type of art, in addition to its physical orientation, began to acquire philosophical meaning unity with the elements.

The artist performs a complex figure (poi)

Props and fuel

The most common prop used in fire shows since ancient times is poi or poi (short for poitoa - in the Maori language - ‘a ball in a bag on a string’). Other popular projectiles are snakes (scythes), rope darts, staffs, fans, torches. The most common flammable substance among firemen is kerosene.

  • Poi (poi)- a pair of wicks or weights attached to a cord or chain. There are several types of poi, they differ primarily in the type of use (“training” - for practicing new elements and “combat” - for performances), in type (“fire” - poi are impregnated with a flammable composition and are set on fire, and “light” - poi glow thanks to LED elements or chemical sources Sveta). Poi consists of a wick (which is soaked in a flammable substance), a chain (a thin, strong and flexible chain) and loops (and sometimes swivels (to rotate the chain in a new direction)) placed on the fingers. In some cases, special handles are used instead of hinges. There are also varieties of poi that have not one, but several wicks attached to the ends of the chain.
  • Rope dart (ropedart)- came to us from Chinese Wushu. It consists of one wick on a long rope and a short chain (the chain connects the rope and the wick). Often, for rope darts, a “comet” wick is used, which is 2-3 rings connected in the shape of a sphere. Such a wick gives a very spectacular fiery trail, but heavy weight and size do not allow carrying out many elements.
  • Staff, pole (staff)- usually a metal pipe (occasionally a wooden stick wrapped in thermofoil), to each end of which a wick is attached.
  • Paired meteors (double meteor)- a chain with wicks at both ends. The size depends on the desire of the owner: some prefer to twist the fastened poi, while others prefer long chain, which, folded in half, can touch the tip right hand one end and the other - the left shoulder.
  • Fans (fans)- several metal rods rigidly fastened at one end, each of which is crowned with a small wick at the other end.
  • Claws, or "fire fingers"- metal rods with wicks at the ends, which, unlike fans, are not rigidly fastened to each other, but are attached to the fingers using special attachments or gloves.
  • Double staffs, doubles (double staff, doubles)- two short staffs.
  • Triple (three staffs) (triple) - three staffs, each with a wick on the edge. The main techniques are juggling with three staffs, so the symbiosis of contact juggling with staffs with rotations a la spin, antispin
  • Torches- two torches can be twisted in your hands, and three or more can be juggled.
  • Blowing fire- spraying a flammable substance from the mouth through the flame of a torch. As a result, a large amount of fire ball. The most dangerous (toxic) type of fire show.
  • Fire jump rope (skip rope)- this is a jump rope that is on fire. You can jump over it alone, twist it, you can make the rope longer so that two people hold and twist, and the third (and fourth?) jumps, performing various acrobatic tricks.
  • Hula Hup (hoop)- aluminum or plastic hoop with 5-8 wicks. You can spin it on your body or on your hands, or throw it in the air. With a small weight, you can juggle or twist several hoops at the same time
  • Palm trees, palm trees (Palm Torches)- a rod with a wick at the end, attached to the palm.

Fire whips, swords with blades wrapped in fiberglass, and much more are also used.

see also


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    See what “Fire show” is in other dictionaries:

This term has other meanings, see Poi (meanings). Diode poi, long exposure photography Poi is a type of equipment for juggling, balls on ropes that are held in the hands and twisted ... Wikipedia

Each of us has probably seen performances of artists spitting fire and performing incredible fiery pirouettes with burning objects. What is a fire show, is it difficult?

I will share the practice of mastering the art of wielding flame.

Like any serious hobby, a fire show requires significant effort in mastering, practicing and developing skills.

What is it and what is it eaten with? Fire show – a type of street performance, the essence of which is to perform tricks with fire, as well as use flames to realize creative idea

. The list of attributes used for this includes: poi, staffs, fans, “comets”, etc.

The most popular tools for embodying “fire magic” are poi. These are ordinary balls on a rope, nothing complicated at first glance. Indeed, there is nothing difficult in creating them, but thanks to them you can perform a huge number of tricks.

Let's talk about the two main types of “fights”: training and combat. Training rooms are designed to teach new tricks to beginners and seasoned professionals. They often consist of loops into which fingers can be inserted, chains, and tennis balls. There is an option for the “greenest” - stockings (“knee socks”) with a tennis ball inside.

Combat ones serve as a tool for performing fire elements. The main difference from “sweatpants” is a lump of dense fabric instead of a ball at the end of the chain. It is soaked in kerosene and then set on fire. The burning lasts about 10-15 minutes, then the flame begins to go out and the whole “procedure” has to be repeated again.

What could be the consequences?

The most popular fuel used in fire shows is kerosene. The fighting pots are soaked in it and then set on fire. Accordingly, there is a risk of getting exposed to dripping kerosene, which can subsequently lead to ignition of clothing. You'll be lucky if only your clothes are damaged and not your whole body.

While performing the elements, each “fireman” runs the risk of getting a burn of arbitrary severity. People who spit fire are at even greater risk than those who simply twirl fire props. Important point– never use gasoline to soak props, because it very dangerous and not a single artist will use it to play poi, stuff, etc.

Anyone can do this

Fire show is an art that is learned after many months and even years of training. But anyone can do it, even the most unsure of their abilities. The main feature here is the development of the elements that make up the entire performance.

Learning new tricks often requires basic skills. Each complex ligament most often consists of several simple ones, which are taught at the very beginning. For example, everyone can do a simple butterfly trick. You just need to synchronously and rhythmically move your hands in a circle while holding the poi. But you can’t cut corners if you want to learn something more. If you decide, go consistently and to the end!

Why I loved the fire show

I really like to develop physically, but often I don’t have time to go to the gym or exercise outside for a long time. Poi gives me the opportunity to:

  • keep your body in good shape
  • develop shoulder flexibility
  • strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the arms
  • improve coordination of movements
  • teach you to keep balance
  • In addition, I really love music and “twisting” to it is something special. During explosive moments in songs, you can create bomb elements and use various combinations to make it look even cooler. And the most important thing why I like fire shows is the involvement in the culture itself. Yes, in Everyday life you can't tell a fireman from ordinary person, but when they all get together, it’s a new, different and completely unique atmosphere.

    Plus, there is room for creativity. Fire magic is endless, everyone can come up with their own elements or even props to perform tricks. And that's cool!


    If you are interested in trying yourself in something new and truly cool, then hurry up and try your hand at this difficult but incredibly exciting activity.

    Yes, it won't be possible without bruises. But how many emotions will you experience when the first elements begin to come out? But with fire everything is completely different, the madness of fire magic will engulf you from the first seconds of the “twist” and will only drag you in even more.