How to overcome insomnia. How to overcome insomnia effectively?! Causes of insomnia, its types and treatment. How to stay awake for good sleep

It's 3 am and I'm still lying in bed and thinking about everything except sleep. Looking at the clock, I understand that there are 4 hours left before the alarm goes off, and it is not clear what is worse: to continue to suffer from insomnia or to sleep for several hours and wake up exhausted.

And I'm not the only one. Many people experience symptoms of insomnia. It is for such people that we have prepared material that will help get rid of wakefulness at night and gain restful sleep. And if you are reading this article at 3 am, know that this is the last time.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by insufficient duration or quality of sleep, or a combination of these phenomena, over a significant period of time. Symptoms include difficulty falling asleep, poor sleep quality, restlessness, inability to concentrate and irritability. Insomnia can be chronic (a month or more) or acute (lasting several nights).

Do not rush to be treated with pharmaceuticals. Try changing something in your lifestyle. For example, this:

  1. Keep a diary. Write down how much and when you slept, your level of fatigue during the day, and other symptoms. This will help you understand what needs to be changed in your routine, and also, in extreme cases, may be useful to your doctor.
  2. Set a schedule. Find an activity that helps you fall asleep and stick to it. Also try to go to bed and wake up at the same time.
  3. Use the bed correctly. The bed should only be used for sleeping and sex. Don't move your work there. This will only make things worse for you.
  4. Choose a good mattress. The mattress greatly affects the quality of your sleep. A bad mattress can cause insomnia and discomfort, so make sure you have a quality and comfortable mattress.
  5. Quit smoking. This is for quitting smoking. Smokers often suffer from insomnia. Some studies suggest that this is due to a lack of nicotine at night.
  6. Consult your doctor. If you've tried absolutely everything and nothing helps, then it's time to turn to a professional. Your doctor can look into your sleep patterns and prescribe medications to help you get back to healthy sleep.
  7. . Moderate aerobic exercise has a positive effect on sleep quality. You can train at any time, but at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  8. Incorporate a few “worry minutes” into your schedule. Spend 10-15 minutes during the day to solve important issues. If it is not possible to solve them, write them down so that they do not get in the way in your head. This will help you avoid thinking about problems at night.
  9. Limit caffeine. Yes, we know how much you love coffee. To begin with, try to move all coffee intake to the first half of the day. If this doesn't help, you know what to do.
  10. Take a nap. 10-20 minutes short nap during the day they will help you relax and unwind. However, you should not take a nap after 3 pm. This will negatively impact your sleep at night.
  11. Take a walk. Large quantity sunlight Helps restore the balance of melatonin, which helps you fall asleep at night.
  12. Eat sleepy foods. Introduce foods rich in magnesium into your diet. For example, halibut, almonds, cashews, spinach, as well as foods with vitamin B. For example, green vegetables, nuts, legumes. Some experts also recommend taking vitamin B6 and magnesium complexes.
  13. Try doing it. Meditation can not only have a positive effect on the quality of your sleep, but also on the quality of your entire life! You can also add yoga to this tip, as well as deep and proper breathing.
  14. Avoid large meals in the evening. The body will have to digest all this food while you sleep, and this will not lead to anything good.
  15. Dim the lights two hours before bed. American studies have shown that the amount of light in the evening affects the quality of sleep. You probably don't want to sit in the dark all evening, so find a level of lighting that suits you. By the way, you can use a utility that will do the same with your computer screen.
  16. Limit the use of gadgets in the evening. Cold light from gadget screens prevents the body from preparing for sleep, stimulating the production of daytime hormones. If you can't give up your devices, at least lower your screen brightness as much as possible.
  17. Don't drink before bed. We are, of course, talking about alcohol. Does drinking seem to promote sleep? You may fall asleep faster, but alcohol can disrupt your sleep cycles, and even though you'll be asleep, you'll wake up groggy in the morning.
  18. Avoid mental activity before bed. Put down work, don't watch science shows and read light literature.
  19. Have sex. Probably should have put this point higher :)
  20. Keep your bedroom cool. Preferably within 20 degrees.
  21. Use natural sleeping pills. For example, valerian extract.
  22. Don't try to sleep if you don't want to. Yes, I know that feeling when it’s already 2 a.m. and you don’t want to sleep at all. But going to bed when you don't feel sleepy at all is even worse. If you don't fall asleep within the first 20 minutes, get out of bed and do something relaxing.
  23. Minimize the amount of noise. Having lived in a hostel for several years, I understand that this is not always possible. However, if you can control the sources of noise, then keep it to a minimum.
  24. Release your stress. Write down everything that worries you on a piece of paper. Although no, to hell with it. Go to the gym and hit a punching bag. Try it and write down your feelings!
  25. Brew chamomile tea. Chamomile has long been renowned for its calming properties, so you can't go wrong here.
  26. Take a hot bath or shower. A sudden jump in temperature can make you sleepy.
  27. Drink hot milk. Science has not proven the effect of milk on sleep, but many of us still remember hot milk before bed as children. It might work!
  28. Count the sheep. This is not a 100% method, but focusing on one thing can really help you fall asleep. Not too fond of sheep? Focusing on inhaling or exhaling is also a good way.
  29. Visualize the dream. Imagine yourself on the ocean shore on snow-white sand. Although why am I telling all this, your imagination will do all the work for me. Just imagine yourself in a pleasant place, relax and have fun.
  30. Don't be mad at yourself. Accept your insomnia and try to find your positives even in such a hopeless situation. Don't judge yourself for not being able to sleep. After all, you can see a wonderful sunrise.

What methods do you use to combat insomnia?

Insomnia(insomnia - medical) - a sleep disorder manifested in insufficient duration or poor quality of sleep caused by the inability to turn off brain activity.

Types of insomnia

Insomnia can be acute or chronic according to diagnosis, duration and degree of manifestation:

  • a person cannot fall asleep at all for various reasons;
  • the person sleeps, but the sleep is short, accompanied by frequent night awakenings or early awakenings;
  • periodic insomnia, occurring from time to time, caused by mental or psychological disorders experienced during the day;
  • Chronic insomnia is a reason to go to the doctor.

The mechanism of manifestation of insomnia is as follows: when night falls, a person goes to bed, his nervous system sends impulses to the brain, brain activity turns off and sleep sets in. In cases where this chain cannot close and the brain does not turn off, they speak of insomnia.

Responsible for restful sleep in our body melatonin hormone. It is he who ensures the change of rhythms of the day. With age, the amount of this hormone decreases, which is why insomnia is more likely in older people. In this case, it is possible to use artificial melatonin preparations.

Research has recently discovered a gene that responds to and triggers the mechanism of chronic insomnia. The same gene causes mad cow disease. Insomnia, triggered by this gene, is called a genetic fatal sleep disorder. As we must understand, genetic predisposition is to blame.

During sleep, a person’s lymph increases its activity and washes the brain; if a person does not fall asleep, this leads to a deterioration in brain function, which can ultimately lead to very disastrous consequences, including death. It is important to examine the patient based on the results of which treatment will be prescribed.

Causes of insomnia

I think each of us, being healthy and young, at least sometimes experienced the feeling insomnia By various reasons. Most often it is caused by the following factors:

  • Chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, accompanied by a frequent urge to urinate and the desire to drink.
  • Failure of sleep patterns: sometimes you just overslept in the morning or decided to take a nap during the day and sleep dragged on for several hours; At the right time, the body simply does not need sleep.
  • Physical fatigue caused by hard, often monotonous work. Overstrain in muscles and joints can cause insomnia.
  • Nervous overstrain experienced during the day, an unpleasant conversation on the phone before bedtime;
  • Watching an emotional television program or film that left a deep, both positive and negative impression;
  • The air temperature in the bedroom is high or, conversely, too low. By the way, normal temperature temperature of the sleeping area is considered about 20 degrees. But here everything depends on the individual characteristics of each organism. Not everyone can sleep in the cold. So the main thing is comfort.
  • Overeating during dinner or too salty or fatty foods in dishes.
  • Overstrain caused by working at the computer is not even work, but sometimes entertainment in the form of games, browsing social networks, visiting guests on blogs)).

How to overcome insomnia

In order to fall asleep on time and ensure deep, normal sleep, you should follow a number of rules:

Prayer for the coming sleep

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, our reverend and God-bearing fathers and all saints, have mercy on us. Amen.
Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.
Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Thrice)
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.
Lord, have mercy. (Thrice)

Another very simple one, but great for helping with difficulty falling asleep:

I go to bed, spread myself with a cross, a cross at my feet, a cross at my heads, angels on my sides. (Three times)

They read it three times and crossed themselves three times.

If you have insomnia, do not rush to take sleeping pills; at first you will notice the effect of improving sleep. But over time, addiction will begin and you will no longer be able to sleep without the drug. And the initial dose will not be enough for you. Subsequently, you will have to treat your dependence on sleeping pills. In this case, it is worth taking medications homeopathy or as already mentioned melatonin .

Insomnia medications

If you still choose pharmaceutical drugs, you should know that there are several types of drugs.

  1. Preparations containing narcotic substances: valocardine, corvalol, which recently were easily purchased in pharmacies without prescriptions.
  2. Drugs for plant based relaxing nervous system, resulting in sleep: tinctures of motherwort, valerian, extracts of hops, mint, Novopassit, Persen, Ortho-Taurine. Taking such medications is recommended if insomnia is temporary.
  3. Insomnia medications that have a sedative effect. This means in the morning, when you need to get up, their effect does not end and the person feels lethargic and overwhelmed. These include such as diphenhydramine, phenazepam. Each person has their own relationship with chemistry.
  4. The drugs are modern, containing substances that open the same chain in the brain and provide good sleep, and within 7-8 hours, waking up a person feels alert and well-rested.

One disadvantage of all these means, as mentioned above, is that they are addictive. Important point: taking medications is not compatible with alcohol!

  1. A glass of cherry juice, drunk 1 hour before bedtime, will ensure good sleep. Since 200 grams of juice contains 1 mg of that same hormone melatonin- a regulator of circadian rhythms, promoting relaxation of the nervous system and normalizing sleep.
  2. While lying in bed, try to replay your day in your head, but reverse order: Start with the evening moments before bed before the start of the day; It's like being in a tunnel and reliving your day and it's very relaxing.
  3. If sleep does not come, you can take off the blanket and lie there until you freeze. Be patient a little, and then throw the blanket back on, you will be enveloped in pleasant warmth, you will become comfortable, sleep will close your eyelids...
  4. Before bed, eat a few leaves of green salad containing lactucin, promoting good sleep.

Healthy sleep is necessary in our lives. To be healthy, it is important that you sleep as well.

Have a nice sleep!

Everyone knows about insomnia, but only a few know about the reasons why it occurs. Workers are the most likely to suffer from insomnia mental labor. They spend a lot of energy and effort, often become overtired, and interrupt their sleep by drinking a cup of coffee. But coffee does not relieve fatigue, but can only invigorate you. short time, fatigue grows.

In an uncomfortable bed, a person has difficulty falling asleep and cannot find a comfortable position; this may be the cause of insomnia. The issue can be solved if you use orthopedic pillows and mattresses. Sleeping on them is not only healthy, but also comfortable.

Insomnia affects people who have some kind of nervous system disorder or overwork. It can appear in people who suffer from shortness of breath, coughing attacks, and circulatory problems.

Measures for insomnia

You need to maintain a sleep schedule. Evening walks in the fresh air before bedtime help with insomnia. You should avoid mental work before bedtime. You need to have dinner early and not very heavily, and not just before bed. Before going to bed, you need to take a warm bath. 200 ml of milk will help you fall asleep and sleep peacefully.

A folk remedy for insomnia is lavender oil. Before going to bed, you need to eat a piece of sugar with 2 drops of lavender oil or lubricate your temples with lavender oil.

Six effective ways overcome insomnia

1. You need to sleep on a low pillow on your left side or stomach, this will help improve bowel function and help you fall asleep.

2. Ventilate the room before going to bed. Do not drink strong tea or alcohol at night, this will only interfere with sleep.

3. Herbal pillows will help against insomnia; they are made from mint, hazel, laurel, fern leaves, as well as oregano leaves, geranium, rose petals, hop cones, and pine needles. You can use different such plants. Stuff the pillows with them, then dry them on the central heating radiator. You can put a bag of hops under your pillow; it will quickly induce sleep.

4. Warm baths with the addition of scented essential oils- orange, chamomile, mint, valerian decoction, infusions of fragrant herbs - oregano, mint, calendula, pine needles. After a bath with such infusions, oils or decoctions, you should not dry yourself with a towel, but go to bed.

5. Decoctions of hop cones, caraway seeds, hemp seeds, berries and viburnum bark, valerian, infusions of elderberry roots, decoctions of sage, chamomile, pumpkin with honey, hawthorn fruits, taken before bed, help.

6. To make the bedroom suitable for sleeping, you need to avoid noise, remove flowers with strong odors, strong intoxicating odors, and avoid red tones.

How else can you overcome insomnia?
When insomnia comes to us, what do we do to fall asleep, count sheep and elephants, and, in the end, toss and turn until the morning. Now, if only there was a safe and universal remedy for insomnia, but, unfortunately, it has not yet been invented, and some tablets have side effect. You can force yourself to sleep with others effective methods.

1. Take off your daily problems with your clothes.
We also do not sleep because our worries and anxieties prevent us from completely relaxing. You need to drive away all negative emotions, such as envy, resentment, anger. As the proverb says, envious people cannot sleep, so concentrate on something pleasant, and do not make plans for revenge at night.

2. Listen to a fan or Mozart
Compared to other works, Mozart's melodies have a therapeutic effect for insomnia. They relieve nervousness and normalize blood pressure. And if the classic doesn't work for you, just turn on the fan. You will be lulled to sleep by the monotony of its buzzing in no time.

3. Get yourself a dog
Relieves stress by talking to your four-legged friend. And then whether you want it or not, you need to go outside in the evening with the dog. Walking before bed perfectly calms the nervous system and provides you with long and sound sleep.

4. Give it to your body physical activity
You, of course, have noticed that you have been busy with business all day, and by the evening you are already falling from fatigue. But you don’t need to bring yourself to the point of overwork every time, because this is fraught with insomnia, but you need to give yourself normal physical activity during the day.

5. No need to eat at night
After 19 hours there is no need to overload the body with food. And it is not recommended to go to bed hungry, as your sleep will be disturbed and you will not be able to fall asleep for a long time due to the rumbling in your stomach. Therefore, if you didn’t have enough dinner, you need to drink a glass of kefir or eat yogurt.

6. Take a bath
A bath with sea ​​salt or with pine extract. The duration of the procedure should be 20 minutes, and the water temperature should not be higher than 37 degrees. Then go to bed and your insomnia will go away.

7. You need to go to bed at the same time
If you follow a routine, your body will let you know that at a certain time it is time to go to bed. On average, adults need at least 8 hours of sleep, while children are recommended to sleep at least 10 hours.

8. Pick up an uninteresting book
It can guarantee that you fall asleep quickly, but grammar can work that way on others. foreign language. If something seems uninteresting to us, blood pressure drops, yawning appears, lethargy appears and we really want to sleep.

9. Apply a warm water bottle or heating pad to your feet

The warmth lulls you to sleep. There is another way, to do this, throw back the blanket and freeze for a while. You need to be patient, even if trembling appears. Then cover yourself with a blanket, you will immediately be overcome by a feeling of bliss and warmth, and the bed will seem very cozy.

10. Drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed.

This will help you relax and calm down. In addition, honey has the same components that are found in sleeping pills. But if someone is allergic to honey, then this method will not work for you.

11. Have sex
This proven remedy has been used by many people for centuries to treat insomnia. Having thus received a discharge, every cell of the body rests, and we relax, and substances that are responsible for sleep are released.

Now we know about the 6 most effective ways to overcome this insomnia. There is no need to worry about insomnia; these experiences can lead to nervous exhaustion. And when no one can help folk remedies To overcome insomnia, you need to see a doctor.

One way or another, insomnia affects everyone, but not everyone has the character of a disease. Very often the illness is episodic and occurs against the background of overwork or overexcitement. This does not require special treatment and goes away quickly.

If insomnia is characterized by such symptoms as intermittent sleep with dreams, sometimes nightmares, fear and a feeling of loneliness, then it takes on a chronic form and may require the help of a doctor. As a rule, a specialist is consulted if insomnia lasts for three weeks or more. In this case, the cause of the disease is determined and medications are prescribed.

If insomnia has not yet reached the stage of a chronic disease, then you can cope with it on your own.

Sleep hygiene

The first thing you need to do if you have insomnia is to improve sleep hygiene, since its quality directly depends on this.

· The time spent in bed should be close to the time allotted for sleep. That is, if rest is equivalent to 8 hours, then it is advisable to stay in bed for no more than 8.5 hours. How longer person stays in bed, the more interrupted and ineffective his sleep will be.

· For those who suffer from insomnia, it is important to wake up at the same time, both on weekdays and on weekends. This is necessary for the body to establish its biological rhythms. And since the time of falling asleep here varies, the only stabilizer is the hours of getting out of bed.

· People who have sleep disorders should not look at the clock at night to avoid discomfort. In addition, when waking up, it is better not to open your eyes - this way you will be able to fall asleep again faster.

· After 16-17 hours of the day, it is better not to eat fatty, heavy foods, and you should also avoid smoking.

· Before going to bed, a leisurely walk will be useful, followed by a warm shower or bath with sea salt, pine needle or chamomile extract, as well as lavender or oregano oil. In this case, the water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees.

· Good remedy for insomnia - this is a sport. Exercise improve blood circulation, improve metabolic processes and neutralize stress, which promotes healthy sleep.

· The bedroom should be quiet and not too dark.

· The room is well ventilated before going to bed. The ideal temperature for relaxation is 16-18 degrees.

· The bed should be spacious and comfortable, with an orthopedic or moderately hard mattress.

· Before going to bed, you should not engage in mental work.

Traditional methods for insomnia

1. 30 minutes before bedtime, you can drink tea made from hops, lavender, lemon balm, motherwort or valerian. For this, 1 tsp. Any of these herbs is brewed with boiling water and left for 20-30 minutes, after which it is filtered.

2. A proven remedy for insomnia is a glass of kefir or warm milk, with honey and nutmeg, for the night.

4. A few dates or a couple of pieces of chocolate for dinner will contribute to a sound and restful sleep.

5. Good medicine for insomnia, use crushed poppy seeds (1 tbsp) poured over a glass of boiling milk. The composition is infused for 15 minutes and drunk an hour before bedtime.

6. 50 g of fresh calendula flowers are poured with a quarter of vodka and left for a week in a warm and dark place. The finished infusion is filtered and drunk 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

Compresses on the forehead made from cucumber juice, as well as dill, mint or wormwood infusion, are good for insomnia.

Insomnia is debilitating dangerous disease, tormenting many at night. Man suffering from insomnia for many years, just exhausted and tired from the constant struggle for normal, healthy sleep. And I would really like to wake up fresh and rested every day.

Many have already tried this endeavor large number funds...and, unfortunately, we were left alone with our problem. Today there are many recipes, but find effective remedy not easy enough. This is because there are several types of this disease.

Types of insomnia:

1.Difficulty falling asleep.
2. Restless sleep.
3. Sleep against a background of neurasthenia and depression.

The causes of insomnia are stress, overwork, poor environment...

The most dangerous form of insomnia is neurasthenic, with resulting depression and apathetic moods. Such insomnia requires mandatory medical intervention. In this case, drugs that suppress the central nervous system (antidepressants and tranquilizers) are prescribed. Difficulty falling asleep and restless sleep do not require radical intervention. Herbal medicine, yoga and correct mode day.

How to overcome insomnia effectively? Traditional medicine recipes

A miracle cure is a simple medicine made from natural and useful product. It's very simple. For a glass of warm milk (you can also use warm water), take a tablespoon of honey. This syrup should be drunk before bed. Within a few days, sleep returns to normal.

Natural birch or beet sap and lavender oil also help well with insomnia: place 4–5 drops of oil on a piece of sugar and suck before going to bed, then lightly lubricate your temples with it.

For nervous overexcitation, a decoction of valerian root is considered useful: pour 1 teaspoon of crushed root with a glass of water, boil for 5 minutes and leave for 30 minutes.

But there is a stronger remedy for valerian. This is an infusion of dog nettle: pour 1 teaspoon with half a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Take three times half an hour before meals.

A decoction of hop cones is also popular. Use one tablespoon of cones per glass of water, boil for 3 minutes and, after cooling, take orally three times a day.

For nervous excitement and headaches, use dill tincture. For 400 ml of water 1 tbsp. fruits Leave for an hour and take 1/3 twice a day.

In general, cyanosis (not to be confused with alcohol) is rightly called the “queen” of sleeping pills. Boil the cyanosis rhizome along with the roots (1/3 tsp per 100 grams of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and take a teaspoon or a tablespoon half an hour before meals 3 times a day - the effect will not slow down in its manifestation!).

Treatment of insomnia with hemp seeds

Recipe: 2 tbsp. Finely crush and sift tablespoons of seeds. Then pour a glass of boiling water over everything, wrap it up, and let it sit for half an hour. Drink the tincture warm, in two doses. Drink half a glass a couple of hours before bedtime, and an hour later – another half glass (including sediment). Take for 2 weeks.

There's another one interesting way fighting insomnia nervous type. This remedy was used by the Egyptian queen Cleopatra. Salt bath! Which has a calming and relaxing effect. I highly recommend trying it - it helps! (This bath also has a natural lifting effect).

A herbal bath, no worse than a salt bath, has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Calms and relaxes, thereby helping you fall asleep quickly. For such a bath, it is better to use a collection of chamomile, thyme, and lavender.

They are also used to “fumigate” the sleeping area. They are also used to make bouquets or bags that are hung on the walls or placed under the pillow. It is also brewed with milk and consumed as a drink. The ideal option is to sew scented pillows. The aroma of herbs that you put in such a pillow will help you treat insomnia.

To do this, fill a small linen bag with any herb: oregano, mint, St. John's wort, male fern, noble laurel, hazel, immortelle flowers, geranium, rose petals, thyme, hop cones. At night, place the bag under your pillow. Its aromas stimulate you to fall asleep quickly and have a sound, healthy sleep. In the morning, place the bag in plastic bag, to thus prolong the period of “herbal aroma”.

How to cure insomnia with yoga?

Since we are already talking about ancient methods, I dare to suggest the oldest of them - yoga. In the system of yoga exercises, a complex is accessible to everyone, which is possible without any preliminary preparations. Yoga is very beneficial and provides energy for the soul, spirit and body. Strength is quickly restored, and most importantly, through yoga, peace of mind and spiritual strength.

Yoga pose is wise, effective and simple. It looks like a man on vacation or a monk at a prayer service. It's very easy to do:

You need to sit on your heels and, as you exhale, touch your forehead to the floor. Your arms should be extended forward and your fingers clasped. And that's all! Rest in this pose until you want to sleep!

The following recommendation relates to the Yin-Yang theory. Sleeping according to Yin-Yang is recommended during the day in the “stomach” position. This will help relax the whole body and help restore lost strength and energy better than any tonic. By the way, if you have insomnia, you should forget about all kinds of tonics. Such as coffee, tea, cocoa, alcohol.

Night sleep will be stronger if moonlight does not penetrate the room, if the air in the bedroom is a little humid. To do this, just hang the curtains and place several plates of water on the windowsill.

Also, modern energy experts say, it is important to sleep with your head facing north, east or north-south. In all royal mansions, castles of princes and counts, the bed was always located with the head of the bed facing north.

You need to go to bed at 22:00 or, in extreme cases, before midnight, since this time contributes to the normal functioning of subconscious brain processes.

Before going to bed, be sure to wash your feet hot water. This is both a hygienic act and a calming one for the nervous system. It also increases your energy level and improves your sleep.

How to overcome insomnia effectively? Treatment of insomnia with spells

Conspiracies also help with insomnia:

Spell 1. Drink warm milk at night, after speaking it:

Oh, you, dawn-lightning, mother-queen herself, sleepy, midnight owl, would lie down, doze, fall asleep in bliss. Sleep on my eyes, sleep on my lips. The evening dawn flares up, and my clear eyes close. My word is first, my deed is true. Key, lock, tongue. Amen, amen, amen.

Plot 2. After waiting for the new moon, look at new month and say:

Young prince, golden horn, for you, good fellow, to walk at night, and for me, servant of God (name), to sleep soundly at night. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Required condition:

Before conspiracies, read the prayer “Our Father” three times.

It is worth learning for yourself that sound, healthy sleep lasting 6-8 hours contributes to good mood and a cheerful state.

And remember: salvation from all types of insomnia lies, first of all, in a correct, active lifestyle! Go for walks in the evenings. Take a walk at a slow pace. The fine, drizzling rain is very soothing. Talk to yourself less, going over the events of the day in your memory. Give thanks for the day and let it go. If you have a very strong nervous breakdown, do not get carried away with antidepressants; it is better to talk about the problem with a loved one, pour out your soul to him, that is, relieve yourself. Try to live in such a way that your body and soul are constantly working. Don't sit at home alone all the time. Take care of yourself - start visiting hairdressers, fitness, dancing, and finally yoga!

Plan your every day. And soon you will forever forget what insomnia is.

For more information watch the movie.