How to make it rain. Spell: how to make rain. Rites for the rain

The moisture falling from the heavens ensures the existence of all life on Earth and has always contained magical power. During a drought, the services of shamans, priests and people endowed with paranormal abilities were often resorted to, because it seemed to many that they knew how to make rain.

Magic and rain

Although the concept of "rainmaker" or "weather shaman" appeared in antiquity, it has survived to the present day. Many ancient peoples believed in the ability of the shaman to cause rain torrents. However, it happened that in case of failure he was killed if he did not provide a good reason in his defense.

So, according to one of the superstitions, it is only necessary to douse a local witch with water to make it rain, sometimes an unfortunate woman could be dipped into a pond three times, then thrown into a pit, where they continued to douse her with water.

More recently, people sincerely believed that if, during a drought, 12 buckets of water were poured onto the grave of a drowned or hanged man, then it would definitely rain.

In the Belarusian village of Stary Dedin, many traditions have been preserved from ancient times. And this despite the fact that outside the window is a century information technologies, atom and other mental achievements of man. One of them tells how to make rain: “During the great heat, women plow the river. You need to do this rite without clothes. At the same time, certain ritual words-calls must be spoken.

local residents, and many of them have higher education, we are sure of the effectiveness of this method. They often had to watch how it rained after such a ceremony. This is one of the ancient pagan rites, which is aimed at summoning the spirit of rain.

In the Ukrainian Polissya in the Zhytomyr region, residents, in order to cause long-awaited precipitation, poured water on each other, saying: “How water pours on you, so that the rain pours over the earth.” The ritual was performed near a well or near a river.

In the minds of many Slavic peoples special magic power pregnant women possessed - a symbol of fertility; shepherds, who allegedly can influence the "herds" of clouds; priests. Then it was they who were subjected to the ritual of dousing.

Often the villagers, before , cleaned out abandoned springs, made religious processions around the fields and villages, they said special prayers at the reservoir or well.

In Polissya and among the peoples of the southern Slavs, another way is known to cause rain - to stir up an anthill with a stick. Creeping insects symbolized drops of rainwater. At the same time, it was necessary to say: “How many goosebumps, so many drops!”.

There was a period when they believed that it was enough to cut and burn the fern (in some regions - heather) and.

By country and continent

Any nationality among beliefs and rituals has its own version of how to make it rain.

On the shore of the English Black Lake, stone steps are carved into the water and have the ability to cause precipitation. To do this, you need to go down the stone stairs deeper, scoop up water and splash on the Red Altar (the farthest stone) as a result - rain is guaranteed, even if it does not portend anything.

In France, many people know a simple technique for making rain: you need to throw a little flour into the river and shake a hazel twig with a twig. The suffering people sincerely believe that in this case, vapors will rise from the water and gather into a rain cloud.

Macedonians conjure rain with a peculiar rite - Dodola. First, the inhabitants of Macedonia sing ritual songs asking for rain, and a girl dressed in a vine skirt dances along the street and stops at every courtyard, waiting for the owners to pour a bucket of water on her.

It is not rare that sacrifices were made in rituals to make rain. Most of them were animals. For example, among the Indians, it was customary to sacrifice some black animal, and the priests at that time stood up to their necks in water and cast spells; the Chechens killed the snake; Tatars cut the throat of a ram, etc.

On the island of Java, morals are more stringent - two men whip each other with flexible rods until blood profusely appears - this symbolizes rain streams, which after that should have spilled onto the ground.

Science and rain

Man's desire to compete with the forces of nature has been known since the moment he appeared on planet Earth, and in many respects he has achieved results. But how to bring rain when drought calls into question the existence of all life - the answer to this question has been under development for many centuries.

In Kaliningrad, a retired inventor has been coming up with a technology for collecting rain clouds for a quarter of a century. The essence of the invention is that before causing rain, coal must be enriched with special magnetic pulses, then the coal dust crystallizes and enters the atmosphere through the chimney.

Having reached a height of several meters, the combustion products enter into chemical reaction Finally, it starts to rain from the sky. It turns out that it is enough to flood the furnace with charged coal and it will rain? But in practice, it turned out that the drops fall over a short time period and the device for charging coal needs to be improved. Again nature has won.

Ways to accelerate the formation of rain clouds have been studied by Swiss scientists for many years. A few years ago, they demonstrated an experiment showing how to make rain using lasers.

Scientists conducted a series of physical experiments using infrared lasers over the Rhone River in the Canton of Geneva. The technique has been applied to various weather conditions, different temperature and air humidity. As a result, scientists have found that even at a relatively low atmospheric humidity of 70%, laser beams can cause the growth of microscopic drops of moisture.

Recently, a Russian scientist even received a patent for an invention that helps make it rain. To do this, you need to "raise" the air to a certain height. In addition, this system is able not only to cause precipitation, but also to clean the air of cities from smog.

Japanese scientists can also boast of the ability to cause rainfall. To do this, they used carbon dioxide, spraying it over Miyake Island. The Japanese claim that this method is absolutely safe.

No matter how ridiculous or wild the ways showing, but the statistics are disappointing - over the past forty years, the volume fresh water for each person has already decreased by 60 percent and continues to decrease. And its lack often leads to an aggravation of political relations between countries.

The ancestors did not have modern goods. Therefore, they resorted to the help of higher powers, calling them with rituals. Water is one of the four elements. How to call a rain spell at home? Let's find out below.

Previously, only shamans or leaders could cast spells. Now everyone who is pure in soul, does not consider himself superior to others, can learn this. Consider white magic, with the help of which we can only ask for help from higher powers, but not order in any way.

To call rain with a thunderstorm, a ritual is performed. You will need: hammer, metal, water bottle. Put metal on a stump in the forest and hit it with a hammer. It makes a sound like thunder. After that, continue to splash water from the bottle like rain. A day later, thunderstorms and rain will please the residents.

How to make rain at home

How to make rain at home in 5 minutes? There are many ways to call for rain. But the caller will need a lot of strength, energy and magical experience in order to a short time invoke the element. Let's see the most effective and ancient rituals.

Ritual "Kurek biche" (Princess-shovel)

Take a shovel, wrap it with dry grass and cloth, make it look like a stuffed animal, dress it in a woman's shabby clothes. Two boys take a scarecrow and carry it between houses, singing a song:

The ceremony should be carried out strictly, without mockery and laughter, with confidence in its action. The shovel must be treated as real woman: tremulously and with tenderness. The ritual will definitely help in a day. The constructed princess should not be dismantled, put it in the garden to scare the crows and call the weather.

Ritual of mourning for the drowned Makarka

Pagans before Christianity believed that this natural phenomenon is caused by drowned people. Rain was caused by those who drowned in summer, autumn and spring, and snow and hail were caused by those who drowned in winter.

In Polissya and in our time, they practice calling rain with the help of rituals.

Tools: long stick, well, poppy seeds. Poppy seeds are poured into the well, stirring with a stick. The conspiracy must be pronounced with intonation of grief for the deceased:

Option two, yell that there is a spell:

Then you need to bow to the well, go to the house and pray for the drowned people. Prayer depends on the religion followed by the performer.

Spell water

All sorts of water conspiracies are loved by the Slavs because of high strength actions of these rituals. The person conducting the ceremony must collect in two containers:

  • Dew in the morning.
  • Water from a source created by nature.

A spell to make it rain is cast when two liquids are poured into one container:

The resulting mixture is poured through the window with the words:

The power of the spell is great when performed correctly. Wait for the end of the drought in a couple of hours. Otherwise, repeat the ceremony until it starts to drizzle. Distinctive feature rain called by this spell: it will not be long and not strong.

Rite made on sheepskin

The rite is widespread in Romania. It is necessary to take yarn or a thing from a sheepskin. The person conducting the ceremony is a piece of dried land. The sheepskin is soaked in water, wrapped in an apron and, sitting on dry ground, they raise it to the sky, symbolizing a gift to heaven. Speaking the words:

Then the sheepskin is squeezed out, the water is absorbed into the dry earth. The caster bows three times to the floor and goes home. Rain is expected a week after the ceremony.

River plowing

Such a ritual of calling rain is common on the territory of Belarus. Spend women and girls near the river. The more fun and louder the ceremony is, the more productive and faster the rain will pass. The girls must plow the river with all sorts of wooden units, while singing:

There is a second version of the song:

Rain Prayers

In addition to paganism, there Orthodox prayers with great strength. The text below is read at night on the moon at the time of growth.

After that, the worshiper must cross himself. Then say facing the moon:

Prayers that have high strength, so dripping from the sky often begins when reading. You don't need to stop, you need to read everything to the end.

Required Items

The objects for such rituals are things created by nature itself. Anyone can get them easily. There is a well in any village, and it will not be difficult to find a long stick in the forest. Poppy seeds are sold for pennies in gardening stores. Dew and water from the pond. Sheep is not new to all Slavic peoples, not only to Romanians. Sometimes a ritual requires only a person, prayer and his faith in Nature.

Correct execution

All these rites are united by one condition for their correct performance: the need to believe in what the caster is doing. Always remember, you cannot demand from Nature, you can only ask and beg. There should not be any smiles and smirks when performing rituals. You need complete devotion with your soul to what you do and say, and then Mother Nature will have mercy and grant the person what he asks for.

What to do if it didn't work out?

The question to be asked is: did I believe in what I was doing? With all your heart? The purpose of the ceremony should be exceptionally bright, kind and pure. An urgent need is definitely needed in order to resort to extreme measures, as a petition from Nature herself. During the ceremony, one cannot offend Nature and everything that relates to it. Will you help those who offended or hit you? The rules are the same for everyone.

How to chase away the rain and bring up the sun

To drive away the rain and return the sun to man is feasible. There are situations when there is no time for drought, it pours for days without ceasing. Then they resort to the rite against the rain. You need to say the words:

Say three times, take the earth from the pot (handful) where the flower grows, pour it out into the street, cross yourself three times. Soon the rain will stop.

Religious Reading: Rain Call Prayer to Help Our Readers.

“Farmer Leonid Fomich is writing to you. A few years ago I bought land. I have many children, and I realized that in order to raise them to their feet, feed them, clothe them, put them on and give them a decent education, I need to do something. I took a loan, got into unthinkable debts, but circumstances arose that could ruin all my plans.

It is very difficult in Kazakhstan if there is no rain. Drought is my enemy. From my grandmother, I heard that the villagers went to one healer and she read some prayers. Shortly thereafter, torrential rains followed. Do you know such prayers?

While casting the spell, you cannot talk to anyone. The master who causes rain must refrain from eating meat until the rain is charged. The spell is read like this:

How to make rain, if you really need it: a rite of making rain

Today we'll talk how to make it rain. But be modest and humble - so that everything works out for you and the elements obey you, do not feel like a god, feel like a part of the elements. Only in this case ritual of making rain will go right.

One day I received a letter in the mail from a woman from a village in the eastern region of Ukraine. She wrote that they had not had a single rain for several years in a row. But they live by what they grow in their garden and in the field. There is a church in the village, but according to my subscriber, there are also a lot of witches. Of course, she had no proof and it was all more like the superstitions of a strange person. But just think about it - for several years in a row it rained in neighboring villages, it rained everywhere - at arm's length on the border between villages. And they didn't.

She even sent me a photo - on the ring road, wet asphalt is clearly on the "boundary", and then, as if under a ruler, it is dry.

According to her, God punished the village with drought because it was densely populated with witches. That the village has become a kind of funnel negative energy, over which the clouds only swirled, but could not give birth to rain. Hence the question arose - how to cause rain, because it is necessary to save the crop.

What you will learn from the article:

How to make rain - rituals

Sometimes it's not about witches or evil spirits at all, it's just that the weather is not disposed to rain.

The rite of calling rain has been known for centuries in almost all countries of the world engaged in agriculture.

  • In Belarus, girls plowed the water in the river with a real plow, pronouncing special ritual words and stripping naked.
  • In Russia, in the villages, they went to the witch (people always know the local leaders) and poured water from the spring on her so that it would rain during the day.
  • Water for those purposes was poured into different places a priest, a pregnant woman as a symbol of fertility, shepherds who knew how to handle “the flocks” (including clouds).
  • The ritual with ants is also known - you need to turn an anthill in the forest with a stick and with the words “how many ants scatter, how many drops fall from heaven” to provoke the elements.
  • Also, people went to reservoirs, asked for rain, read prayers, cleared springs, symbolically releasing water. In general, all rituals are somehow connected with certain actions over the element of water.

Ritual of making rain

Water is able to perceive, store and transmit information. All the water in the universe on the subtle plane is one and is able to transmit the necessary information along the chain to anywhere in the world.

Get dressed in white clothes, you can silver or gold (it will look strange, so white is better).

Find quiet place not far from a natural water source (although in the absence of such an artificial reservoir, the bottom of which is earth, is also suitable).

Sit comfortably, stop the mind, relax the body. Feel the breath of the wind on you, feel it for a while. Note from which side of the world it blows. Imagine how clouds are gathering over you and your city or village, and from the side where the wind blows. The clouds are all drawn to a point above you like a magnet.

Move into the midst of this natural element - look around you with an inner eye. A cloud consists of a vaporous substance, which turns into heavy drops of water before your eyes, full-bodied, juicy, very heavy. The clouds are like pregnant, deeply pregnant, literally on demolition and will inevitably give birth to powerful heavy rain. Feel this life-giving moisture with every cell of your body. Stay in the cloud and in this state.

After a while, return to the body by slamming the whole palm hard on the ground.

Now the clouds swirl right above you, above your city or village. They form a powerful funnel, full of moisture, ready to give birth to a downpour at any second. Watch this phenomenon for a while. A feeling of the inevitability of rain, the certainty that a downpour is approaching, should be firmly established in your head. Smell the ozone and the heaviness of the humid air before the rain.

After a few minutes, take ten deep breaths in and out. Gradually return to your normal state of consciousness.

Within a day after this powerful practice, if you did everything right, completely immersed yourself in the process and have normal level energy, it will rain.

Well, if you have pumped energy. Then rain is inevitable.

Tell us in the comments how rain is made in your homeland?

With love, as well as wishes of rain and generous harvests

we will try to do it hope that everything will be as planned

Themes for Yukoz

“13 winds, 13 whirlwinds I call here, 13 devils I call to myself.

Raise the devils from behind the mountains - what I call, bring here. Blow the winds, twist the whirlwinds, everything is on

turn your way. Buzz, dust, play, don't let people live in peace.

How to make it rain.

1.) (The spell calls on the spirits of water and air, but success depends on the level.)

"Takshamone tizeren ahitare komashan

Sagit toshem valan tisare

Ivodan naah action sarah

Ishatan vair tabul komsare

Shakan em soet var simatah

Eramanan avatan sah

Kovoel asatan sosh tizeren tash

Owotas omah shaet tasan

Kovosal raet tishan tairdibajit.”

2.) To say: "Esse Irreide Irri!"

3.) This method can be used always, for any purpose, but it is better not to do it for the sake of

fun or bet. So, spit on the ground and, raising your eyes to the sky, say:

“Pull up, zavolutsya, swirl.

Close cloud with cloud.

Saliva to the ground, rain to the ground.

I call with a toad tongue, call with saliva.

Tighten up, wrap yourself up, swirl in a cloud,

get out of the rain. Amen".

Spit on the ground and looking at the sky, say:

4.) Lyrics: "Impente Dominus Priante!"

1. It is necessary to sit near the water (lake, spring stream, etc.).

2. We sit comfortably (so that nothing interferes, so that the body does not become numb, etc.).

3. We completely relax (do not fall asleep) and renounce the world (that is, you should not

worry about the heat, and other factors, feel like everything and nothing at the same time)

4. Turn off the internal dialogue

5. We feel the coolness coming from the water, try to feel it with your body and

spirit. those. how to connect with the elements. like it wraps around your body and

6. Having done step 5, feel that coolness envelops not only your body, but everything around,

imagine that from any part of the world (for example, at this time for your country

rains come from the west) - a cloud is approaching, feel that there is water in it and that

rain is inevitable. (if you really have rain at this time only from the west

or from another specific part of the world, then you are unlikely to call, for example, from the east

7. "Sit mihi adjuctor non timebo quid faciat mihi homo in vternum" - vibrate this text

(better to memorize) visualizing the pulsation (as if you are saturated with these words (they

exude from you into the world like lightning, quickly and brightly, imagine the color of lightning, etc.))),

additionally we present and visualize everything related to bad weather (rain,

coolness from which goosebumps run, air purity, etc.).

We imagine all this so much that we convince ourselves that rain is inevitable.

All this is done within 30-60 minutes. (During this time, if there were no clouds, they will appear if

were, then “black” clouds (rain) will appear, if not, then repeat several times.

Every Soul is potentially Divine.

The purpose of Life is to manifest this Divinity in itself by subordinating inner and outer Nature.

Accomplish this by labor, prayer, mental exercise, or philosophy, one of these ways, several of them, or all of them, and you will be Free.

This is the whole essence of Religion; teachings, dogmas, rituals, books, temples, statutes - all these are only minor details.

Lyrics: "Aizej lietinj ruukdams kaukdams

Atnaac Saukiite spiiguljodama".

Every Soul is potentially Divine.

The purpose of Life is to manifest this Divinity in itself by subordinating inner and outer Nature.

Accomplish this by labor, prayer, mental exercise, or philosophy, one of these ways, several of them, or all of them, and you will be Free.

This is the whole essence of Religion; teachings, dogmas, rituals, books, temples, statutes - all these are only minor details.

Hands in front of you, palms towards the place where the fog is needed, slightly at an angle

to each other. Direct energy and say several times:

At you terra! (emphasis on "e")

Ai At Toozor! (emphasis on the first "o")

Every Soul is potentially Divine.

The purpose of Life is to manifest this Divinity in itself by subordinating inner and outer Nature.

Accomplish this by labor, prayer, mental exercise, or philosophy, one of these ways, several of them, or all of them, and you will be Free.

This is the whole essence of Religion; teachings, dogmas, rituals, books, temples, statutes - all these are only minor details.

To say the words: “Three brothers live on the sea-ocean on Buyan Island, three winds: ONE

NORTH, ANOTHER EASTERN, third western. Listen brothers, fly me

brothers there, drive away the clouds (spit on your hand rub (this means clouds) and

point to the clouds.

Every Soul is potentially Divine.

The purpose of Life is to manifest this Divinity in itself by subordinating inner and outer Nature.

Accomplish this by labor, prayer, mental exercise, or philosophy, one of these ways, several of them, or all of them, and you will be Free.

This is the whole essence of Religion; teachings, dogmas, rituals, books, temples, statutes - all these are only minor details.

Invocations of energy and spirits of the Earth.

1.) Set up a circle, position yourself in its center. Relax and even out your breathing.

Sit quietly for a while and then read: "Hummus fecunda tollere saxa de

2.) This call is suitable if you are in nature. Stand facing north and

spread your arms to the sides and loudly, in a singsong voice: “Sarakos Zipai apptar

latigos! Ashe! Ashe! Ashe!

3.) On the palm of your left hand, write "Zipai" in green or black ink. And on

palms right hand draw a square. Join your palms and say several times

whispering "Rupes!" This will multiply your inner Earth Force.

Every Soul is potentially Divine.

The purpose of Life is to manifest this Divinity in itself by subordinating inner and outer Nature.

Accomplish this by labor, prayer, mental exercise, or philosophy, one of these ways, several of them, or all of them, and you will be Free.

This is the whole essence of Religion; teachings, dogmas, rituals, books, temples, statutes - all these are only minor details.

Calls of energy and spirits of Water.

Stand facing west. Better if you are near a pond or in the rain.

Relax, take a deep breath. Exhale slowly. With another breath

visualize energy of blue color that enters you. Keep inhaling

the energy of Water until you feel that it has filled you. Then in a whisper

say: “Aqua lustralis loco! Aqua Pura Protinus!

Every Soul is potentially Divine.

The purpose of Life is to manifest this Divinity in itself by subordinating inner and outer Nature.

Accomplish this by labor, prayer, mental exercise, or philosophy, one of these ways, several of them, or all of them, and you will be Free.

This is the whole essence of Religion; teachings, dogmas, rituals, books, temples, statutes - all these are only minor details.

1.) "Fiery Word of Power"

Light a candle. Look at her and say "N'omus". Believe in yourself and the flame will dance and

will tell about himself.

2.) "Heavenly Fire"

Flame blue color, which does not burn and has a clear boundary, in contrast to

ordinary flame. And this fire does not burn fuel, it has its own internal source.

After some time, heavenly fire turns into ordinary fire.

3.) Supreme Fire Spell: "NAUR AN ENDRAJT AMMEN!"

4.) Face South. Relax. Take a few deep breaths.

Say, as if in a chant: "Eum aresum yes orap!" Start humming in a whisper

gradually increasing the volume.

5.) Read, during rituals with "live" fire (bonfire, candles): "Atesh kagyrma,

Atesh Afet kher erde! Atesh kagirma, Afet Atesh, Yazsin ileride boyuule!”

6.) A slightly masochistic method, but very effective. Burn the tip of the large

right hand finger. Visualize the pain energy focused in place.

burn (better if you imagine it as a glowing red dot). Holding this

picture, say: “Burning in a flame, I call on the Force, I conjure with a word, Pain on

I change the fire. Then release the pain energy from your finger into the sky and feel

as the air around you becomes denser and drier. Can visualize around you

ruby color - this will be the element.

Every Soul is potentially Divine.

The purpose of Life is to manifest this Divinity in itself by subordinating inner and outer Nature.

Accomplish this by labor, prayer, mental exercise, or philosophy, one of these ways, several of them, or all of them, and you will be Free.

This is the whole essence of Religion; teachings, dogmas, rituals, books, temples, statutes - all these are only minor details.

1.) When making fireballs for throwing at a live target, say: “Ka-ba-gesh-

You can talk about yourself.

(The target has a slight burn and a severe headache.)

First, while saying "Ka" visualize a sphere of cold air in the air. Further

heat it up to the maximum and say "Bah". Say "Gesh" - and cover with black

film (protection that bursts upon contact with the target). Say "Kum" and

squeeze the ball up to minimum dimensions. At the word "Ram" throw the ball at the enemy.

It affects not only people, but also spirits.

Every Soul is potentially Divine.

The purpose of Life is to manifest this Divinity in itself by subordinating inner and outer Nature.

Accomplish this by labor, prayer, mental exercise, or philosophy, one of these ways, several of them, or all of them, and you will be Free.

This is the whole essence of Religion; teachings, dogmas, rituals, books, temples, statutes - all these are only minor details.

2.) "Energy Ball".

Lyrics: "Desirtarast Globe Endimapus Stringest Elterast!"

FROM last word he is thrown.

Every Soul is potentially Divine.

The purpose of Life is to manifest this Divinity in itself by subordinating inner and outer Nature.

Accomplish this by labor, prayer, mental exercise, or philosophy, one of these ways, several of them, or all of them, and you will be Free.

This is the whole essence of Religion; teachings, dogmas, rituals, books, temples, statutes - all these are only minor details.

Lyrics: "FiErro SintAsco DestrAtum".

Every Soul is potentially Divine.

The purpose of Life is to manifest this Divinity in itself by subordinating inner and outer Nature.

Accomplish this by labor, prayer, mental exercise, or philosophy, one of these ways, several of them, or all of them, and you will be Free.

This is the whole essence of Religion; teachings, dogmas, rituals, books, temples, statutes - all these are only minor details.

Draw a pentagram on the floor, put candles in the corners (5 candles in total).

Then you need to collect a ball of fire energy. Whoever has the Seal of the Salamander can

from there or on from the same candles.

There should be a lot of energy in the ball. Then it's a ball like a sphere you place over

a pentagram that will serve as a portal.

We visualize the element of Fire and say the following:

“Potestas de ignis vengo ad ego

opening gesture (as if pushing the shutters or doors).

"Habeo potestas de ignis

Mens de ignis vengo ad ego

Auscultes ad ego."

Closing gesture (we bring our hands to the cross on the chest and sharply spread apart to the sides), and

then extinguish the candles.

The elemental is controlled by the will.

Every Soul is potentially Divine.

The purpose of Life is to manifest this Divinity in itself by subordinating inner and outer Nature.

Accomplish this by labor, prayer, mental exercise, or philosophy, one of these ways, several of them, or all of them, and you will be Free.

This is the whole essence of Religion; teachings, dogmas, rituals, books, temples, statutes - all these are only minor details.

Wind spell.

Cast this spell only when the Spirits of the Wind are really needed,

not just joke. Saying to visualize the rising wind:

Come help me!

Hear me Winged Thinker

By the power of Thor I conjure you

and at this moment I call you!

If you no longer need the wind, release it:

"Calm down the Violent Winds!

Calm down mighty winds!

Go away, Spirits of the Great Space!

May peace and quiet come with your departure.

So be it!"

Every Soul is potentially Divine.

The purpose of Life is to manifest this Divinity in itself by subordinating inner and outer Nature.

Accomplish this by labor, prayer, mental exercise, or philosophy, one of these ways, several of them, or all of them, and you will be Free.

This is the whole essence of Religion; teachings, dogmas, rituals, books, temples, statutes - all these are only minor details.

"Onimnima Tae-s tajakh tagosh timnis timnima koobeshan"

Every Soul is potentially Divine.

The purpose of Life is to manifest this Divinity in itself by subordinating inner and outer Nature.

Accomplish this by labor, prayer, mental exercise, or philosophy, one of these ways, several of them, or all of them, and you will be Free.

This is the whole essence of Religion; teachings, dogmas, rituals, books, temples, statutes - all these are only minor details.

(This spell does not cause wind or anything like that. It is aimed at

attraction to any action of the spirits of the air):

“Etash Siratam Ankhne Shat Aitesh

Jad sar komhare cortish tizeren

Savor tashit em onoblima sonoblima, Vaaran.”

Every Soul is potentially Divine.

The purpose of Life is to manifest this Divinity in itself by subordinating inner and outer Nature.

Accomplish this by labor, prayer, mental exercise, or philosophy, one of these ways, several of them, or all of them, and you will be Free.

This is the whole essence of Religion; teachings, dogmas, rituals, books, temples, statutes - all these are only minor details.

There are several ways in which a common person may cause rain. To this end, you can turn to both magic and use the simplest and even a little funny ways.

Now, as in the old days, some especially gifted people can make rain on their own. To the common man little is known about this, but magicians and sorcerers may well make it rain quite unexpectedly. But if they can, then why not? ordinary people not learn it? It turns out that it is quite possible for someone who wants to know how to make rain to learn these magical techniques, and more.

You can use the simplest, but at the same time effective way make it rain. This method has been known for a very long time, and therefore we can safely count on the fact that it will really help. This magical method was used at one time by the southern Slavs, when there was a need for precipitation. You need to go into the forest and find a stick there, which should be strong.

Then, with the help of this stick, you need to stir up the anthill. Insects at this point will begin to crawl and run away in different directions. Observing such a picture, you need to pronounce the words of the following conspiracy: "How many ants run on the earth, so many drops will spill from heaven."

Who has his own garden, and even the river is not far away, you can resort to the help of such a magical rite. To begin with, you will need to pluck any dry plants and flowers in the garden that have become such as a result of drought. You need to be sure that the plants have dried up so much that they will not be able to come to life again. Then, a wreath is woven from them.

Once everything is ready, you need to go to the river. Having approached there, the wreath must be lowered into the water, while saying the following spell: “Without rain and water, my flower, the seven-flower, died and dried up. Wreath, you swim to the land where there is a lot of water, but ask her to come visit us. To this magical rite strengthen, you can cry while reading the conspiracy so that tears fall into the river.

The next rite ensures that after it is carried out, precipitation should be expected in the next 24 hours. You need to go to the forest. With you on a hike you need to grab a bottle of water, a hammer and a metal sheet. Arriving in the forest, you need to find a flat stump. A metal sheet is placed on it, which will need to be beaten with a hammer.

This movement mimics thunder. Next, you need to throw out the water from the bottle, but you need to do this in such a way that it scatters in different directions. This movement characterizes the going rain. That's actually all, nothing to read and sentence in this case no need, it remains only to wait for the rain to go for real.

When there is a long drought, it is simply necessary to make it rain, because the harvest depends on it. Therefore, one can refer to the following magic method. As soon as the sun sets, you need to get to the nearest reservoir, in which natural water flows. This suggests that a pool or bath with water cannot be used in this case.

Next, you will need to undress completely, leaving nothing of the clothes on the body. Then, you need to go into the water so that it is up to the neck. After that, three times you need to repeat this spell: “Voditsa, we miss you. Even life without you is not sweet. Don't let me die, save me soon."

As soon as the words written above are read, you need to wash your head and face with water. In an empty vessel you need to draw water from the reservoir, get dressed and go home. Upon arrival, you do not need to bring a bottle of water into the house, but you must leave it on the doorstep. It is worth noting that the cork from the bottle must be removed, it must be open.

As soon as the sun starts to rise, you need to go out, take a bottle of this water and spray it all over the garden. If a person lives in an apartment, then water can be splashed from the balcony, or by climbing onto the roof. Such a ritual guarantees that in two days it will definitely rain.

Helps bring rain and dance. To do this, you need to go to an esoteric store, where you need to purchase an item called "rain noise". It is a tuba made of wood. This tube is closed, and grain is poured inside. When they begin to turn this object over, the grains, rolling down it, make a sound that resembles the sound of rain.

As soon as the item is purchased, you can proceed to the next step, namely, you will need to shed a path from the hose that leads from the house to the gate. You need to pour enough water to form puddles. Then, you need to put on white clothes and take off your shoes. In such attire and with the "noise of rain" you need to dance through the puddles. The object during the dance must be turned over every now and then.

There is an opinion among the people that if you see a crushed frog, then soon you need to wait for rain. Therefore, you can try to crush one or a couple of frogs on your own, and it is possible that a miracle will happen.

There is one more folk way cause rain, which, perhaps, is known to everyone, and even to children. It is necessary to pick up coins, which should be thrown somewhere to the side, while saying the following phrase: “for rain”. Thus, very soon, perhaps, precipitation will appear in the sky, and the long-awaited rain will shed.

Now that the methods and ways of making rain are known, you can use them at any time if you want to enjoy rainy weather. Most importantly, do not overdo it, otherwise it can quickly get bored.

In ancient times, in order to make it rain, one had to go to a shaman or sorcerer who performed a special ceremony. Today, anyone can perform a ritual, it is enough to have certain knowledge and follow all the requirements.

How to make rain for a modern person?

To cause rain, you should conduct a ceremony for which you must have the following items on hand:

  • a hammer;
  • a bottle of water;
  • sheet of any metal.

It is necessary to go into the forest, taking the above items with you, and find an even stump there. A sheet should be placed on it and beaten with a hammer, simulating thunder. A few minutes will be enough. Then you need to take a bottle and slowly pour water out of it. After that, you can go home. Rain should fall within the next few days.

Calling rain after a long drought

This ritual to call rain is allowed to be performed only after a long drought. It is necessary to go after sunset to the reservoir with natural water, strip naked and go into the water up to the neck. Then you need to say the following spell three times: “Water-water, you are missing. Life without you is not nice to me. Save quickly, don't let me die."

After that, you need to wash your face and head with water, collect water in a pre-prepared vessel, go ashore, get dressed and go home. A vessel with water must be left on the threshold of the house, uncorking the cork.

The next day, you should get up at sunrise, take a vessel with you and sprinkle water around the garden or simply from the balcony if you live in an apartment. It should rain in 48 hours.

Calling rain with a wreath

by the most effective ways cause rain are those during which spells are cast. To call rain, you can try the following ceremony.

You need to collect dry flowers and weave a wreath out of them. Then you need to go to the river, throw a wreath into the water and say such a spell: “My seven-flower flower died, died without water, dried up without rain. You swim, wreath, to a distant land, to a land rich in water, but ask for water to visit us. If you want to spend this rite with more efficiency, you will have to cry. It is important that your tears fall into the river.