How to install a Yandex page. Changing the start page in Yandex.Browser

Among search engines, Yandex ranks first in Russia. This popularity among the huge segment of Russian-speaking users can be explained quite simply - Yandex’s focus on the Russian audience is a preference.

This is what the owners want Android devices learn how to make “Yandex” the start page on Android. This is what we will talk about today. So.

The issue can be resolved in several ways. We will now talk about each of them.

How to make Yandex the start page in a stock browser

Go to the main application menu and open the pre-installed browser. Call the context menu (three vertical dots in the right top corner), click the item “ Settings". In the section that opens " Settings» click « Are common«:

Then select the item “ start page". In the list that opens, mark the line “ Other". Now all we have to do is enter the address of the Yandex main page (, press the button “ Save«:

How to make the Yandex start page on Android in the Google Chrome browser

Let's say right away that you cannot change in Chrome home page, but there is still a way out: we will make Yandex search the default and from it you can already go to the Yandex page in one click:

Open the Chrome browser on your device, press the button to call up the settings menu (in in this case three vertical dots at the top right of the display). From the drop-down list of actions, select “ Settings", in this section select " Search system". Next we note “ Yandex", ready:

In the Opera browser

Through the Opera browser, as in previous case, you won’t be able to directly make “Yandex” the start page, but by adding Yandex to “Favorites” you can display a shortcut to main screen and, with the browser running (Opera), directly from the main screen go to home page popular search engine. What needs to be done: by launching the Opera browser, we are taken to a page with an express panel. On some devices, the express panel needs to be opened by swiping left. Next, click on the free field with a plus and use the keyboard to enter the Yandex address:

Then open Yandex and click on “Add to home...” Now a Yandex shortcut will appear on the main screen:

Yandex start page on Android using special software

Yandex browser

If you install, then Yandex will always be the start page. In this modern web browser, users are attracted by the ability to voice search, accelerated page loading, Turbo mode, which speeds up the loading of photo and video files, watching videos without slowdowns, and quick access to frequently visited sites:

Yandex search widget

By installing the Yandex widget for free, you can search in Yandex using voice input(function “Listen to Yandex”), search necessary information in “Dictionaries”, “Pictures” and any other Yandex services. The system will quickly detect bookmarks, applications that have been installed, SMS or contacts. All information about traffic jams and weather, answers to other queries can be obtained directly on the search results page:

We tried to answer in as much detail as possible the question often asked by our readers - how to make Yandex the start page on Android, I hope that we succeeded. Good luck everyone, stay in touch!

Hello friends! You have probably often encountered such a situation that when you open your browser, your start page suddenly changes to some kind of left page, which we don’t need at all. Most often the start page is changed free programs- didn’t uncheck the extra box during installation? That's it, Khan, now Bing or something worse opens on our home page...

Don’t worry, now I’ll tell you and show you how to make Yandex your home page automatically in any browser. This method is the easiest and fastest. There is no need to tinker with anything, a special program from Yandex will do everything for you, you just need to download and install. In the article you will also learn about the browser manager; it blocks all changes in your browser. This is protection against any virus bars (panels) and programs that change settings and the start page in browsers without your knowledge.

Make Yandex the start page automatically in all browsers

To make Yandex the start page automatically, a special utility was developed; you can download it from the link: don’t be shy about visiting, the site is verified and official.

Nothing complicated or scary: feel free to click the “Download” button, and soon we will have Yandex as a start page, and for free!

Just install the application, you don’t need to do anything, launch it - and you’re done! Our beloved Yandex is with us again! Well, after restarting your browser, of course. But Yandex also offers us a certain browser manager, I wrote about it above. If necessary, why not? Security wouldn't be unnecessary, would it?

I also installed a browser manager, my feedback is only positive. It immediately became clear that this was a useful thing. More than once it happened that all sorts of or Rambler satellites installed programs on the sly for me, and yet many people don’t even know how to remove this crap from the browser. And the browser manager knows and will protect you from this dregs, and if the settings have already been changed, it will return the default settings.
I had a whole bunch of all kinds of bars hanging in the Internet Explorer, but Yandex returned everything back:

Making Yandex your home page automatically has become easy. Our Yasha definitely rules! If you liked the article, click on the social buttons! See you in the next posts, good luck!

Attention! You might be interested in how to use Paint on a computer, for example, and other tricks.

How to make Yandex the start page in all browsers manually

So, now we will tell you how to do this action manually.

How to make Yandex the start page in Opera

Fans and admirers of Opera Browser can be offered a simple option on how to make Yandex the start page in the Opera browser in just a few steps. We just repeat and everything will work out.

Open the Opera browser (this is important, don’t make the wrong button, otherwise nothing will work) and either simultaneously press the buttons on the keyboard Alt and P, or go to the browser menu and select the “Settings” tab in it:

In the window that appears (and it will definitely appear, don’t doubt it) find the “At startup” section and check the box next to “Open a specific page...”:

As a result, the “Start Pages” window will open. In it we find an empty field and just impudently enter the address After that, click the OK button:

The hard part remains. Yes Yes! We need to close our beloved Opera. Closed? What's wrong? Well, don't cry, don't kill yourself. Now let's open our Opera again. Here, they opened it. So, what do we see? Yandex? Wow! Is it really Yandex? Still would! Now your dear search engine is always with you when you start Opera. Simple as pie, right?

How to make Yandex the start page in Mozilla (Mozilla Firefox)

How to make Yandex the start page in Mozilla ( Mozilla Firefox)? It's terribly difficult. This will take you as much as 1.5 minutes! Have you changed your mind? Well, then open your “fire fox” browser, find the “Settings” tab at the bottom and left-click on it:

In the window that appears, find and select the “Basic” tab:

Now comes the most important part of the job. We work with full dedication and by the sweat of our brow. So, in the new window we find the “Home Page” item and in the field opposite it, enter the Yandex address ( and click OK:

We close the browser and, lo and behold, after opening Mozilla Firefox again, Yandex appears as the start page. Difficult? Well, you were worried!

How to make Yandex the start page in Internet Explorer

What to do with setting Yandex as the home page for Internet Explorer? Yes, very simple! To get started, just open your Internet Explorer browser. Have you dealt with this? Well, then you can handle the rest. What are we doing? Find the “Service” button at the top of the page, click on it with our favorite left mouse button and select the “Browser Options” tab:

In a new window, we find the data “Home Page” and enter a new one instead of the old address: (of course, if you have not changed your mind about setting Yandex as the start page for Internet Explorer). After that, put a checkmark next to the item “Start from the home page”, and let everything be OK with the button of the same name:

Want to check if the method worked? Yes please! We close the browser, open it and admire our miracle Yandex. That's all! Thomas is an unbeliever, this is necessary!

How to make Yandex the start page in Google Chrome

Have no idea how to make Yandex the start page in Google Chrome? Then open the browser. Come on, come on, don’t be shy, not at a gynecologist’s appointment, by God! Have you opened it? Great! Now enter the address chrome://settings/ into the search bar. What do we see? Right! Settings window! Now find the “Initial group” section and check the box next to “Next pages: add”:

After that, enter the Yandex URL in a new window and click OK:

This is all! Don't believe me? Yeah, you've been scammed here like a rabbit! Then close Google Chrome and open it again. What do we see? Yandex? Oh really! Come on again! Closed, slowly opening. What appears? Yandex again? Oh, this can't be true! The miracle happened, and that means we did a great job!

How to make Yandex the start page if it doesn’t work

What's happened? Why so sad? Wai-wai-wai! What, do you feel sorry for the bird? No? A! Did you fail to install Yandex as the start page in your favorite browser using this method? Yes, well, it happens. What, the seedy Webalta is appearing again? No? And what? Conduit Search? Not again? Ah, then, probably Pirrit Suggestor! Exactly? Well, getting rid of these “junk” programs won’t be difficult either. This is what we do.

We find the shortcut of our browser and right-click on it. You can also do this from the Start menu. Do you know how to open it? Right! The Windows logo key on the keyboard or the same shortcut, far left in the tray. After clicking on the shortcut, in the menu that opens, find the “Properties” item and click on it now with the left mouse button:

After that, in the new window we find the “Object” tab and remove the Webalta address and other “add-ons” from it. You should get “clean” browser data. For example, like this:

The final touch is the OK button. Note that in 98% of cases after this intervention the problem disappears on its own. There is nothing to worry about.

I think it’s already clear how to make Yandex the starting browser, so I missed one of the popular browsers, can you guess which one? Yes, that same Yandex.Browser, if you got to the page from it, then read the latest, fastest and easy way(will work for sure).

As you can see, setting Yandex as the start page is as easy as a piece of cake, regardless of the browser installed on your computer! Enjoy it for your health!

P.S. Eh, let's tell you another secret!
You can make Yandex your home page automatically in any browser on the search engine’s website itself: Just select the “Make Yandex start page” section, and then in the window that opens, click the “Add” button:

Well, that’s it, now our conscience is definitely clear! Use Yandex and find everything you need without wasting time!

Popular articles:

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Hi people! Today I want to tell you how to make Yandex the start page automatically in browsers such as Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome. I don’t know about you, but I personally use the Google search engine, but it’s up to you to decide which one to use.

Some users are unable to change the start page due to malicious code, and instead of Google or Yandex, they use search engines such as Webalta, Pirrit Suggestor or Conduit Search. We will also talk about this, but only at the end of the article. Now let's move on to the usual methods of changing the starting one.

How to make Yandex the start page automatically


To change the start page in Opera you need to do the following:

  • In the upper corner of the browser, click on the Tools button
  • Then select Settings
  • Next is the first tab Basic, go there
  • In the At startup section, select the item Start from home page
  • In the Home section we write
  • Click the OK button

Mozilla Firefox

If you use the mozilla browser and want to make Yandex the start page automatically then read on.

  • When starting Firefox - Show home page
  • In the Home page line we write the address
  • Click OK and restart the browser

Internet Explorer

For retro browser lovers, you can also set Yandex as your home page. To do this you need to repeat after me. By the way, you can read at your leisure an article about one error called .

  • Go to the main page of Yandex
  • In the browser window we can see a little blue house, click on it
  • There we select Use as the only home page

Google Chrome

For Google Chrome users, you can also set the start page. Repeat after me.


That's all friends! Now you know how to make Yandex the start page automatically in different browsers. In gratitude, please click on the social buttons, this will help me a lot. Thank you and good luck!

If you have landed on this page, then the problem with setting Yandex as the start page is half solved. Next, all you have to do is read the article, select the browser you are using, and follow the instructions offered in the text.

Many users may not have a clear idea of ​​what this home page is. This is the page that opens in the browser while it is loading. As a rule, this is a quick launch panel, also called an express panel, a search or site frequently visited by the user. It can also be the last page loaded before closing the browser window.

Several years ago, the Yandex search engine became the most used among Runet users. And not in vain - among numerous tests, it was Yandex that took first place in the accuracy of issuing results of search queries related to the discovery of information in the Russian-language segment of the Internet, which is why many users set the site as their start page. In addition to an excellent search engine, here you can also view news feeds, see the weather, check email, etc.

Replacing the start page in your browser will not require any unique skills or special knowledge in area computer technology. The only problem that users face is the operation of malicious applications that change the start page leading to a malicious or advertising site. To check your computer for these, you should use an installed antivirus or antispyware program. An excellent solution, in this case, would be the domestic AZV utility.

Let's move directly to assigning Yandex as the start page of your browser. For each Internet browser, its replacement occurs differently, but in general outline the procedure is similar in all cases.

How to make Yandex the start page in Google Chrome

This browser is used by a predominant number of users in the Russian-speaking segment global network, so let's start from there.

  1. Open the main menu by clicking on the button with three vertical lines.
  1. We find the inscription “Open at startup” and move the trigger switch (radio-button) to the “Specified pages” position.
  2. Click “Add”, enter the address and click “OK”.

The start page has been replaced; the next time you start Chrome, the Yandex main page will load.

If Yandex is used primarily as a search engine, then it can be set as the default search engine for the Chrome browser in the “Search” section of the application settings. To do this, select “Yandex” in the drop-down menu and restart the browser.

In all browsers based on Chromium, replacing the start page is carried out in a similar way. The settings interface or some inscriptions may differ slightly, but their meaning will remain the same. This shouldn't cause any difficulties.

Mozilla Firefox start page - Yandex

  1. We go to the application settings through the main menu.
  2. In the “Basic” tab, select the “Show home page” action when starting the browser.

  1. In the line below, enter the home page address “” and save the changes.

The next time you launch the browser, the Yandex website will be loaded in the main window.

Yandex - start page in Opera

Setting the start page in the Opera browser is similar to replacing it in other Internet browsers.

  1. We go to the settings through the main menu: “Tools” ® “Settings”.
  2. In the first tab, we define the action that the browser performs upon startup: in the drop-down menu, select “Start from the home page.”

  1. In the “Home” field, enter or paste the address of the Yandex website and confirm the changes made.

How to make Yandex the starting page for Internet Explorer?

In all versions of IE, replacing the start page is performed using the same method.

  1. Click on the button that opens the browser settings.
  2. In the “General” tab that opens, check the radio button next to “Start from home page”.
  3. In the form above, enter the address and click “OK”.

How to change the start page in Yandex browser?

This Internet browser is built on the Chromium engine and setting the start page in its window is similar to the same procedure in Chrome.

  1. Go to settings by clicking on the gear icon.

  1. In the section “Where to start?” select opening the quick access page and check the box “ Open if there are no tabs».

Now, when you start the browser, the Yandex page will open if all tabs were closed when you closed the browser. Otherwise, we will get to an express panel with links to frequently visited Internet resources.

Yandex itself makes sure that users use its page as a starting page. For this purpose, a utility and extensions have been created for all popular browsers. They can be downloaded from Also, during the installation of Yandex applications, such as Punto Switcher, the installer will offer to replace the start page of the default browser used on the system.

If you still have questions on the topic “How to make Yandex your start page?”, you can ask them in the comments

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Have you already chosen the best search engine and want to make Yandex your start page so that its main page opens automatically when you launch your favorite browser? No problem. In this article we will look at ways to change the home page in all popular browsers manually and automatically.

In rare cases, before changing or restoring the start page, you need to remove an adware virus that may have settled on your computer and opens one of the following pages with your web browser:


Acquainted with detailed instructions How to remove such viruses can be found in our article - and then continue.

Setting the start page in Mozilla FireFox

The Mozilla browser is a freely developed web browser and is supplied to users without a pre-installed start page (in cases where the program is downloaded from the official website).

To install Yandex as such, do the following:

1. Open Mazila and go to settings.

2. In the “Basic” section, select “Show home page” and below enter its address -

The changes will take effect the next time you start FireFox, and Yandex will become the new home page.

Mozilla version for mobile phones

Do you want Yandex to open when FireFox starts and on your phone, no problem.

1. Open Settings and go to the General tab.

2. In the "Home" section, select "Set Home Page".

3. In the pop-up window, enter the search engine address and click “Ok”.

You can verify that the actions were performed correctly by simply restarting the browser.

Making Yandex the start page in Google Chrome 63.00 and higher.

The Chrome browser from the famous Internet giant Google is based on the Chromium engine, so the instructions for installing the start page will also apply to the following browsers:

  • Amigo;
  • Orbitum;
  • Satellite.

By default, for quick access to the necessary sites, Chrome uses the “Home” button, and on the first screen, a panel of the resources you most visit opens.

You can change the start page on Yandex manually through the settings.

1. Open Google Chrome settings.

2. Find the "Start Chrome" section and select "Set Pages".

Be careful, the list may already contain addresses of other sites, and when you launch the browser, additional tabs will open in addition to Yandex. You can avoid this situation by leaving no more than one address on the list.

3. Click “Add page” and enter “” in the window that opens.

All. If you followed the sequence of actions correctly, when you start Chrome again, the Yandex home page will automatically open.

Mobile version of Chrome

Setting Yandex as the home page in your Chrome mobile browser is not much different from its “web” version.

1. Open your browser, go to the settings section and select “Home Page”.

2. By default, most users already have this function enabled, but many smartphone manufacturers set their websites and services as home (as in my example).

We only need to change the address of the preset page on

Setting Yandex as the home page in the Yandex browser

It seems that users of Yandex Browser should have no problem setting the main page of the search engine of the same name as the start page - alas, this is not the case.

After, you might find that the concept of “Start page” is missing in the browser settings, so you can limit yourself to changing the default search engine, or partially solve the problem with simple steps.

1. Open the Ya Browser settings and find the “Open at startup” section.

2. Change the preset settings to those shown in the screenshot.

When you finish working with the browser, close all active tabs and the next time you start, the main page will open.

Setting up the home page in the Opera browser

Changing the start page on Yandex in Opera will not require more effort from you than in the case of other Internet browsers.

1. Open Opera settings, “General” section.

2. In the “At startup” tab, select the “Open a specific page or several pages” checkbox and click “Set pages”.

Do not include many pages in the list - this may cause short-term freezing operating system, when opening Opera, if your computer's performance is weak.

There is no need to save anything; the changes you make will take effect immediately after you restart the browser.

Unfortunately, in mobile version Opera ( we're talking about about version 44.11) there is no ability to customize the home page. Users have to be content with news provided by software developers and a list of recently visited sites.

How to make Yandex start in Microsoft Edge

The most popular, but not the most popular program for Internet surfing, is Microsoft Edge. Programmers from Microsoft took care of their users and made setting up Yandex as a start page accessible in a few mouse clicks.

1. Open the Edge browser and go to Settings.

2. In the tab indicated in the picture, select “Specific page or pages”. In the field below, enter the url address of the search engine -, and click on the floppy disk icon to save the changes.

The changes made will not work on the included Internet Explorer, but they are performed in a similar way.

Set Yandex as the start page automatically

Yandex is directly interested in popularizing its products and that is why it has developed a special extension for browsers that sets the Yandex home page automatically.

The extension is available at and is available for installation in the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome and others, based on the Chromium engine;
  • Mozilla FireFox.

If the web browser is not supported, the page will display an alternative manual installation method.

Analogue expansion for mobile devices- not provided.

Possible problems

Right-click on the browser icon and select “Properties”, go to the “Shortcut” section and remove all unnecessary labels without touching the direct path to the file.

This action will help temporarily solve the problem, since the virus may again replace the start page the next time the system starts. To remove it, follow the link mentioned at the beginning of the article.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated about changing the start page in the browser. The developers made sure that this function is available in a few clicks, and Yandex itself allows you to carry out this operation automatically.

The procedure I described is relevant for the following versions of browsers and does not depend on installed version windows:

  • Mozilla FireFox - 54.0 and higher;
  • Google Chrome - 63.00 and higher;
  • Yandex browser 17.00 and higher;
  • Opera 50.00 and above.

If you have any difficulties or find any inaccuracies in the article, write in the comments, and I will be happy to answer.