How to braid a steel cable - a process diagram that is understandable to everyone. How to use the tow rope, where to fasten the tow strap

Unfortunately, even the strongest steel cable can break. As a result, there is a problem of connecting two parts of a metal product, and therefore it is necessary to create a loop at its end. As a rule, you can braid the end of the cable yourself, even if it breaks away from home.

Main functions

Steel cable - the main bearing element of load-lifting mechanisms. It is used in all industries ranging from Agriculture, mechanical engineering, construction, shipbuilding, ending with the oil refining and coal industries. According to the thickness and endurance, power and possible carrying capacity, the steel cable is divided into several types. The choice depends on the goal and the need to perform certain tasks. The main component of product selection is the ability to withstand a certain mass of cargo.

The main area of ​​use of steel edges is their use as traction mechanisms. The cable is used for drilling rigs in stretching for all objects that require a certain fastening. In addition, steel ropes are necessary for the movement of goods. They are also needed for lifting mechanisms for freight and passenger elevators.

Reinforcing steel rope is used for reinforcement reinforced concrete products. In addition, the cable is used as load-bearing and auxiliary elements of various structures. Its use provides reliability, which is achieved due to the main characteristics of the element that can withstand any load. A cable is especially needed in construction, when there is a need to supply reinforced concrete slabs to the desired height.

Rope slings are made from metric steel ropes - special kind steel cable, which differs from all main types in its special flexibility, strength and ability, due to flexibility, to grab the load for suspension by the hook in order to deliver the load to its destination. Steel slings are used during unloading and loading, in the transportation of the heaviest, bulky goods, which have loops, brackets, eyes for this purpose, in order to carry out a strong reliable grip.

Steel element design

Due to the interlacing, the cable has the ability to stretch, thereby allowing you to transport cargo of various masses. There is a core in the middle of the braided rope strands. Outside, the metal steel rope is coated with a special zinc or aluminum alloy. This provides the product with protection against corrosion. The core in the center of the rope performs the main role of supporting all the braided strands, preventing them from falling through, facilitating the pressure resistance from the braided strands during loading, thereby preventing transverse deformation of the element. For the manufacture of steel products, different materials are used:

  • organic;
  • natural;
  • synthetic.

Organic material used in the manufacture of cable cores:

  • hemp;
  • sisal;
  • beckoned;
  • cotton fabric.

All these are the materials due to which the round shape of the rope is formed. Thanks to special impregnation, cannon grease, petroleum jelly and rope ointment, friction between the strands is reduced.

The mineral material is asbestos. Its main task is to allow the product to be used at high temperatures.

Lubricant, penetrating between the strands, protects the product from corrosion. The outer layer of the steel cable is made of thick wire. In this connection, the steel rope is the connecting part of the product. This is the most suitable option for the use of wire rope in chemical conditions. Zinc - the outer layer of the wire, which protects the product from rusting.

There are three types of zinc coated steel cable:

  • LS - a rope for working with a light load;
  • SS - rope for medium conditions;
  • ZhS - a rope that is designed for use in more severe conditions, for example, in water.

In the production of cables, strands of wire are used. At the same time, for the manufacture of each type of product, a wire of a certain type of grade is used: I, II and B. The highest quality wire with increased strength is grade B wire.


Depending on how much wire is used in the rope, steel ropes have several flexibility options. The most flexible of them have 42 wires, the flexible ones already consist of 72 pieces, that is, 12 in each coil around the central core. And the high-flex cable already has coils of very thin 24 wires per strand, for a total of 144 thin wires around a central steel core.

Construction types

There are three types of steel cable construction:

  • Single rope. The design of this type differs from the others in that it consists of only one strand, where all the wires around the central core have the same diameter, are twisted in several or in one layer in a spiral around the core.
  • Double rope. This design consists of a double lay, one or two layers of wire in strands, wrapped around a central metal core.
  • Ropes with a three-strand construction, when three-strand ropes are twisted into one element. This type of steel rope components is also called strands. It consists of two or three strands of wire with the same or different diameters.

Terms of Use

First of all, it is worth warning everyone who buys a cable for work. It is quite thin, so if you braid the cable with your own hands incorrectly, it will unwind. There are several reasons for this.

First of all, this is possible due to a poor-quality product. This usually applies to very thin elements. In addition, it should be remembered that the thinner the diameter of the wire in the strands, the more often the cable breaks. The product is also often susceptible to corrosion. Therefore, it is better to buy a cable with an anti-corrosion coating. To date, the most resistant to corrosion are products made of stainless or galvanized wire. But a cable without such a coating quickly becomes covered with a corrosive coating, quickly deteriorates and can break at the most inopportune moment.

The most reliable in operation is a galvanized steel cable, made using a specific technique for interlacing steel wires of different diameters. At the same time, the core located in the center has an increased resistance to different impact, as it is coated with a special lubricant and impregnation, which has an anti-rotten property.

The main task in the care of a steel product during its use is the preservation of its structure and shape, which was created at the time of manufacture. This means that such a rope should only be stored in the drum. In cases of long-term storage, the entire surface of the steel rope must be carefully treated with a special lubricant. For these purposes, a special lubricant or film is used:

  • "Torsiol-55";
  • "Torsiol-35";
  • BOZ-1.

The main condition during the application of the lubricant is to clean the entire surface of the cable from contamination, remove dirt, and clean its parts damaged by corrosion. Places of damage must be covered with a special anti-corrosion agent. And only after that, using a special brush, treat the entire surface of the product with a lubricant.


How to braid a rope? This question always arises when it is torn. In fact, all strands of wire, woven into a single product with a strong core, have high strength. But there are times when even the strongest cable can break. The main thing is that a gap or a place of damage to the integrity of the element is detected in time. To do this, it is necessary not to neglect the extra check, which should always be carried out before starting any work.

To prevent the cable from unwinding, it is necessary to braid it with a loop in places of a possible break. And bite off the untwisted sections with wire cutters. This is necessary so that the end at the place where the cable is woven into a loop is even, all the wires converge and do not have different lengths.

How to braid a cable if you have never encountered such a problem?

In order to properly braid a steel product, you need an I-beam. Through it, as a rule, the ends of the product are bent. Excess parts are cut off or cut off with a cutting wheel. If there is an angle grinder, the remnants of the cut-off part from the cable must be disposed of.

All work is carried out in the presence of special clothing. Mittens and goggles will protect against small wires getting into the eyes and reduce the likelihood of splinters from the cut off residues.

Step-by-step instruction

As a rule, sooner or later any cable unwinds. First you need to unwind the cut-off sections of the cable at a distance of 70-80 centimeters from the end of the product. Then the untwisted parts should be divided into two parts. Next, you need to braid one part of the piece for one or two turns, leaving the ends free. After that you need a mount. With its help, it is necessary to weave two more turns, weaving the remaining strands. It should be a strand. True, the ends after that will stick out.

And yet, how to properly braid the cable if the ends are uneven? In fact, everything is correct. After weaving the strands into a loop, you will always get protruding ends.

To complete the connection, you need to wind one end onto two woven branches and hide it, and wrap the other end of the cable on the reverse side. Better yet, take the existing three parts and weave them together, according to the pigtail principle, and wrap the resulting pigtail with the third strand, weave a loop here and wrap it around the pigtail again.

The whole procedure is repeated several times until the free ends run out. In this case, each rod must be directed towards the next inside the pigtail, with the establishment of their ends.

Often beginners are faced with the problem of how to braid a cable. And for them it really is dangerous job. Therefore, in order to avoid injury and give the braid greater reliability, the braided pigtail must be fixed in several places using special clamps. The role of the clamp can be performed by ordinary pieces of steel wire. They are wound in a certain area at the place of interlacing of the strands with the help of pliers, bending the strands of wires inward.

Safety during work

To avoid injury, the pigtail must be wrapped with electrical tape.

To get a strong connection after weaving, it is necessary to distribute the strands evenly. This will allow in the future to equally disperse the load throughout the product during operation.

We figured out how to braid the cable into a loop. Thus, this issue has been sorted out. But how to braid fire on a cable? To do this, you must first understand what fire is and the principle of its weaving.

Basics and features of the device

Before proceeding with the manufacture of fire, you need to fix the ends of the product with a brand, after which the rest of the end should be dissolved into strands. The next step is to lay out the untwisted part of the cable with a loop of the required size and punch through the running gear of the strands. There are many methods to weave fire on a wire.

It is important to make the first punching correctly if the fire with the curved side is turned to the working part, and the running parts of the cable strands are located on the right. In this case, you need to take the first running strand, draw it into the cable against the descent in the direction from right to left under the 3 main strands. The second and third strands break through under two and into one, respectively.

When the punching of the first three strands is completed, the fire must be turned over so that it is possible to punch the fourth and fifth running gear of the strands. And so to the end of the rope. The remaining ends of the running strands need to be chopped off, and the product itself should be caged with wire.


A cable is a complex wire structure that carries a lot of responsibility. Therefore, the quality of the product must be at the highest level, and for this you need to know how to weave a steel cable correctly, how to properly braid it into a loop. And even if the work is done for the first time, it is still necessary to do everything efficiently, firmly and reliably. To do this, even a beginner must know and understand the basic nuances of weaving a cable. It is important to remember that the quality of operation of the product and, of course, your own safety depend on the work performed.

We have sorted out tips for a beginner on how to braid a cable.

Using a towing cable gathering dust in the trunk, you can always pull out the car or tow it to the nearest car service point.

Towing cables sold at auto parts stores are usually equipped with metal hooks or carabiners. Thanks to them, the procedure for attaching the cable to the eye of the car is quick and easy.

And if your tow rope is not equipped with such a useful element? Or, due to the lack of a cable, do you have to use a piece of parachute sling or cord that is at hand?

How to tie the tow rope to the eyelet so that you don’t waste precious time trying to untie a tightly tightened knot?

There are several ways to tie knots: gazebo, towing, Eskimo and a simple half-bayonet.

Their advantage over the many other knots is that they simply fit, do not tighten and do not spoil the cable.

They do not spontaneously untie, however, if necessary, they can be easily and quickly untied.

Arbor knot (bowline)

towing knot

Simple half bayonet

eskimo knot

Remember that one end must be fixed to the left eye of the towing vehicle, and the other end to the right eye of the towed vehicle.

Due to this, the driver moving significantly improves the visibility of the space in front of the towing vehicle, and the cable itself, with this method of attachment, will be located almost parallel to the axis of the car, which can significantly reduce the force of jerks.

Good luck to you! Not a nail, not a wand!

oak knot. This knot sailors use in exceptional cases when it becomes necessary to tie two cables very quickly. It has a serious drawback: a tightly tightened knot is very difficult to untie later, especially if it gets wet. In addition, a cable tied in such a knot has less strength and, during operation, creates a danger of catching on something during its movement. His only positive traits is the speed at which it can be tied. To connect two cables, their ends must be folded lengthwise together and, stepping back 15-20 centimeters from the edges, tie both ends as one with a simple knot. Do not try to tie synthetic cables and fishing line with this knot: he crawls on them. (Fig. 20)

flemish knot. This is one of the oldest sea ​​knots, which was used on ships to connect two cables, both thin and thick. There are two ways to knit this node. First, make a figure eight at the end of one of the cables tied together. Towards the exit of the running end from it, enter the running end of the second cable and repeat figure 8, tied on the first cable. After that, grasping each two ends, left and right, evenly begin to tighten the knot, trying to keep its shape. For final tightening node pull on the root ends of the cables. To connect two cables with a Flemish knot in the second way, put the running ends of the connected cables parallel to one another so that they touch each other approximately along the length of one meter. At this point, tie a figure eight with two cables folded together. In this case, you will have to carry around and thread into the loop along with the short running end of one of the cables and the long root. This is precisely the inconvenience of the second method of knitting the Flemish knot. The connection of two cables with a Flemish knot is considered very strong. This knot, even being strongly tightened, does not spoil the cable, and it is relatively easy to untie it. In addition, it has excellent quality - does not slip and holds securely on synthetic fishing line. (Fig. 21)

water node. No less durable is the connection of two cables with a water knot. To tie it, lay the ropes to be tied with their ends towards each other so that their ends run parallel and touch each other. Holding the running and root ends of two different cables in one hand, begin to knit an oak knot with them, but instead of one run-out of the root end, make two. Before finally tightening the knot, check that one pair of ends comes out of the loop from above, and the second from below, as shown in the diagram. Water knot simple and reliable. (fig.22)

Babi knot. This knot must not be tied. sailors- He is very primitive. A naval man who unluckily tied a woman's knot even on the shore will surely be ridiculed by his colleagues. But among land people this knot is a universal. However, this knot traitor. Throughout the history of mankind, he has done many troubles and even claimed a lot human lives. The Babi knot consists of two half-knots tied in series one above the other in the same direction. If he ties two ropes and pulls, then it is immediately clear that he begins to move along the rope, to slide along it. And if you tie it close to one of the connected ends of the rope, then when pulling it, it can slip and will certainly slip if the connected ropes are of different thicknesses. Unfortunately, not everyone knows about this and continues to use it. Among the Slavs, this knot got its name due to the fact that from time immemorial, women tied the ends of headscarves with it. When jerking at the root of the mooring line, the woman's knot turns into a simple bayonet. (Fig. 23)

"Teschin" knot. This knot is similar to a woman's and is also not entirely reliable. If the latter has running ends coming out of the knot on one side, then the mother-in-law node they come out from different sides diagonally. (Fig. 24)

straight knot. It consists of two half-knots, sequentially tied one on top of the other in different directions. There are several ways to knit this maritime node. (Fig. 25)

Thieves knot. It is not recommended to use this knot, as it is very reliable for tying two cables. Exists interesting version origin of the name: in order to prove the act of stealing from a bag, the owner deliberately tied it with a similar straight knot, and the thief, not paying attention to the trick, tied the robbed bag with a straight knot. (Fig. 26)

Surgical knot. It is used by surgeons to tie threads of ligatures to stop bleeding and to stitch tissues and skin. When tying a surgical knot, first two half-knots are made one after the other with two ends, which are then pulled in different directions. Then they tie from above, but in the other direction, another half-knot. The result is a knot very similar to a straight knot. The principle of the knot is that the first two half-knots do not allow the two ends to disperse in different directions while another half-knot is knitted on top. This knot is convenient to use when there is a need to pull off and tie some kind of burden with a rope. (Fig. 27)

academic node. It is very similar to the surgical knot, it differs only in that instead of one half-knot it has two. This has the advantage that when the rope is heavily loaded, it does not tighten as much as a straight knot and is easier to untie. in the usual way. (fig 28)

flat knot. It has long been considered one of the most reliable knots for tying cables of different thicknesses. They even tied anchor hemp ropes and moorings. After removing the load on the cable, this knot is easy to untie. The principle of the flat knot lies in its shape: it is really flat, and this makes it possible to choose the cables connected with it on the drums of capstans and windlasses. In marine practice, there are two options for knitting this knot: a loose knot with tacking of its free running ends to the root or half-bayonets at their ends (a) and without such a tack, when the knot is tightened (b). This knot indispensable for tying two cables (even steel ones, on which considerable effort will be applied, for example when towing a heavy truck). (Fig. 29)

dagger knot. In foreign rigging practice, this knot is considered one of the best knots for tying two large diameter cables. It is not very complicated in its scheme and is quite compact when tightened. It is most convenient to tie it if you first lay the running end of the cable in the form of a figure of the number 8 on top of the main one. After that, pull out the running end of the second cable and thread it into the loops, pass it under the middle intersection of the figure eight and bring it over the second intersection of the first cable. Next, the running end of the second cable must be passed under the root end of the first cable and inserted into the figure-eight loop, as the arrow indicates. When the knot is tightened, the two running ends of both cables stick out in different directions. The dagger knot is easy to untie if one of the extreme loops is loosened. (Fig. 30)

herbal knot. It is easily untied in the absence of traction. It is used for tying two belts or two ribbons. For this purpose, the "herbal" knot is very convenient (Fig. 31).

Packet node. Its name speaks of its application. Simple, original and designed for quick knitting. In terms of its strength, it is not inferior to the herbal knot. (Fig. 32)

Fisherman's knot. It is a combination of two simple knots, tied with running ends around other people's root ends. To tie two cables with a fishing knot, you need to put them towards each other and make a simple knot with one end, and pass the other end through its loop and around the root end of the other cable and also tie a simple knot. knot. Then you need to move both loops towards each other so that they come together and tighten the knot. The fishing knot, despite its simplicity, can be fearlessly used to tie two cables of approximately the same thickness. It is used for tying fishing line (not synthetic) and for attaching leashes to the fishing line. (Fig. 33)

snake knot. This node is considered one of the most reliable nodes for tying synthetic fishing tackle. It has quite a lot of weaves, is symmetrical and relatively compact when tightened. With a certain skill, they can even tie the strings of the piano. The snake knot can be successfully used to tie two cables made of any material when a strong, reliable connection. (Fig. 34)

weaving knot. Some weaving knots have long been borrowed by sailors in their original form and serve them reliably. The weaving knot can be called the "brother" of the clew knot. The only difference is in the way it is tied and in the fact that the latter is tied into a krengels or sail fire, while the weaving knot is knitted with two cables. (Fig. 35)

Versatile knot. This knot is similar to a weaving knot, in its principle. The only difference is that when tied, the running ends look in different directions - this is very important when tying. This knot is famous for the fact that on its basis you can tie " knot king"- gazebo knot. (Fig. 36)

clew knot. It got its name from the word "sheet" - a tackle that is controlled by a sail, stretching its one lower corner, if it is oblique, and simultaneously for two, if it is straight and suspended from the yard. Sheets are named after the sail they are attached to. AT sailing fleet this knot is used when there is a need to tie tackle into the fire of the sail. The clew knot is simple and very easy to untie, but it fully justifies its purpose - it securely holds the sheet in the crank of the sail. (Fig. 38)

Bramstring knot. This sea ​​knot they tie bram-sheets and bom-bram-sheets, bram-halyards and bom-bram-halyards, as well as bram-gits. The clew knot is more reliable than the clew knot, because it does not immediately untie when the pull on the cable stops. It differs from the previous sea knot in that the loop (or krengels) is surrounded by the running end not once, but twice and passed twice under the root end. At times sailing fleet the bramshkotovy knot was widely used when working with gear. It was used when it was necessary to take the tackle with the end into the fire. (Fig. 39)

docker node. In marine practice, it often becomes necessary to attach a much thinner cable compared to it to a thick rope. Such a need always exists during the mooring of the vessel to the berth, when one or several mooring lines must be supplied from the deck. To tie this knot, double the running end of the thick cable, to which the thin cable must be attached. Insert a thin cable into the loop formed from below, make one run around the root of the thick cable, pass it under the thin cable, then over the running end of the thick cable, and then under the three cables, insert it into the loop. This nautical knot reliable enough to pull a heavy mooring line with a throwing end. (Fig. 40)

furrier knot. It is relatively simple, has many crossed ends and is quite compact. In addition, the furrier knot has an excellent property: designed for strong traction, it is tightly tightened and untied without much difficulty. This knot can be successfully used for tying synthetic cables and fishing lines. (Fig. 41)

creeper knot. This node has not been distributed to fleet, but is one of the original and reliable knots for tying cables. With a very simple interlacing of each end separately, it holds tightly with a very strong pull and, moreover, it is very easy to untie after removing the load on the cable. It does not slip on synthetic fishing line and can be successfully used by anglers. (Fig. 42)

hunting knot. In our time, inventing a new knot is not an easy task, since more than 500 of them have been invented in five millennia. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the invention of a new knot by the English doctor Edward Hunter in 1979 caused a sensation in marine circles. In essence, the hunting knot is a successful interlacing of two simple knots tied at the ends of the cables. It holds perfectly on all cables, including the thinnest synthetic fishing lines. Since Hunter means "hunter" in English, the knot was named hunting. (Fig. 43)

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Any rope or cable, although it is made of solid and strong steel, can unravel or even break at any moment. Despite the apparent complexity of the repair, anyone can do it, even without special skills. The most unpleasant thing in the current situation is the possibility of a collision with it anywhere and precisely when such an accident is absolutely not expected.

Therefore, it will be useful to know how to properly braid a steel cable. Moreover, this does not require any special tools or special skills. In the future, both the hook and the earring can be woven into the cable. In this case, the strength of the structure will be high level and it will serve you for more than one year. Before starting work, it is advisable to wear protective gloves, as the sharp ends of the strands of the steel cable can seriously injure your hands.

General information about ropes

In the field of agricultural and transport engineering, in the construction, oil and coal industries, in the fields of river and river, ropes and cables made of stainless or ordinary, but at the same time reliable and durable steel are used. Usually they are used as the basis of various transport, lifting and road mechanisms. If you look at the steel rope carefully, you will notice that this is a flexible metal product consisting of strands of steel wire twisted together. The number of strands in each individual cable can be different, as well as the number of wires from which each of them is twisted. A zinc or aluminum coating is often applied over the strands to the cable to improve its anti-corrosion properties. Galvanized pipe (or stainless steel equivalent) coated with special composition will last much longer than without it. If you do not know how to braid a steel cable, the diagram with the description below will definitely help you.

Inside the steel rope there is usually a core, the main task of which is to prevent the development of transverse deformation in the product and the twisted strands of wire to fail to the center. This is a mandatory attribute of any rope or cable made from organic, metal, natural or synthetic materials. In other words, the core is the inner frame for its strands. Knowing the device or cables will help you understand how to properly braid the cable yourself.

Types of steel cable structures

Steel cables are divided into three types according to the lay:

In single cables, the wire of a single strand with one section is twisted in a spiral in several layers. Usually the number of layers is from one to four. In double cables, several strands are twisted around the core. In the manufacture of three-strand cables or ropes, several cables with different or identical sections are used.

Varieties of cables according to the degree of flexibility

There are steel cables:

1. With increased flexibility. In them, 24 wires are twisted around each core. There are 144 such thin wires in total.

2. With standard flexibility. Twelve wires are located around the core. In total, there are 72 wires in such cables.

3. Low-flex cables. Only 42 wires are used in their production.

Varieties of cables in the direction of lay

1. Cross - strands are twisted into a cable in the direction opposite to the direction of the twist of the wire.
2. Unilateral - the direction is the same.
3. Triple - a lay of the 1st type is used, but at the same time the wires and strands are twisted in different directions.
4. Combined - in such products, left and right lay directions are simultaneously used.

In addition, the cables are divided into rotating and low-torque. The material from which the core is made also divides them into organic, single-strand or steel wire.

Now you can consider in detail how to braid the cable yourself. Tools needed for the job:

  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • wire cutters;
  • metal scissors;
  • wire;
  • gloves.

How to braid a rope?

The scheme and algorithm of the process are not as complicated as it might seem to an inexperienced person.

1. We cut off the ends of the cable as evenly as possible, and if the ends of its cores are bent or uneven, then we unwind each strand a little and cut off the defective sections with scissors or wire cutters. It is convenient to cut off the ends by placing them on a metal rail or on a sledgehammer and striking at the same place with the sharp edge of a hammer. As a rule, after 10-15 such blows, the ends of the cable are chopped off.
2. At least half a meter from the edge, unwind the cable into strands.
3. We determine the diameter of the future loop we need and, having measured this distance from the edge of the unraveled cable, we take 2 strands. 3-5 cm must be added to the diameter of the future loop, since it will certainly decrease in size when weaving. We make a loop from the selected strands, wrapping them.
4. Either end of the thread is untwisted and wound into intertwined strands. The other needs to be wrapped in reverse side. If the length allows, then from the resulting three strands you can weave a pigtail, alternately weaving the threads.
5. The third strand is twisted around the pigtail, then a loop is woven into it, and a turn is made around the braid again. The wires in the weaving process are passed in such a way that the previous one always goes towards the next one.
6. Then all the ends of the wires are hidden inside the pigtail, and the resulting two strands are hidden inside with a screwdriver or pliers.
7. It is desirable to tighten the resulting braid with clamps in two or three places. You can use ordinary wire, which is tightly wrapped around the cable and then tightly pulled together with pliers. The protruding ends of such a collar are also hidden inside the pigtails so that they do not interfere.

At the end of the work, it is desirable to isolate the place of the operation, for example, with an insulating tape. It will help to fasten the ends of the steel wires together and prevent future damage to the hands of the one who will use this cable.

Speaking about how to braid a cable, it should be remembered: in order to get a strong and reliable connection, during the laying, it is necessary to lay the strands symmetrically and press evenly on them. Periodic crimping of twisted strands will be an additional guarantee that the entire structure will receive sufficient strength.

Making a loop on a steel cable

Often, in addition to solving the problem of "how to braid a cable", there is a need to form a loop at its end. For example, when repairing a stretch on a towing cable or on an antenna, it becomes necessary to lower something to a depth, for example submersible pump. Since the steel cable or rope is quite rigid, it will not work just to tie it in a knot at the end. In this case, there is nothing left but to braid the cable into a loop. And there is nothing complicated in this either. Just like in braiding a rope

The process of doing work

1. We cut the ends of the usual seven-strand cable evenly with a grinder or chop off with a hammer (its sharp part).
2. Unwind the cable by 50-70 cm and use a screwdriver to divide it into two parts. In one, three strands are obtained, and in the other, four.
3. We twist the strands of both parts together.
4. We make a loop with a diameter of at least 10 cm.
5. We bend the first four-strand part towards the other, which we place in the bends of the main cable.
6. The ends of the woven threads are alternately wrapped around an impromptu cutting.
7. Then we twist each free strand alternately around the cutting, weaving it into a loop, and repeat the process.
8. After that, laying the next one on the previous one, cover the ends of all strands. As a result of such manipulations, we get two threads that must be placed with a screwdriver between the loops. In this place, it is better to seal the tubes with pieces, flattening them, or use insulating tape. This will help you avoid injury in the future.

Fire on a rope or cable

Speaking about how to braid a cable - steel or from another material, it should be mentioned that fire can be made. It's a little more difficult. At some distance from the end of the cable, a strong temporary mark is made, and the ends of its strands are fixed with the same marks. After that, the end of the rope should be dissolved.

In the form of a loop, the cable is laid on a surface (preferably hard), all its strands break through. There are several punches, but Special attention give the first, as it is the most important of them. The reliability and strength of the fire is ensured mainly by the first punching. This is also an acceptable way to braid a cable. The scheme will not cause difficulties.

How to tie a loop on a rope?

If for some reason you decide to try to tie a loop, and not unwind the cable and twist the strands, as discussed above, then you can use the old sea knot, the simplest - oak. Algorithm this method how to braid a steel cable is presented below:

  1. Fold the end of the rope in half and wrap it around to form a ring.
  2. Thread the loop that formed at the end into the ring and tighten tightly. You will get a strong and very reliable knot. Its main drawback is that when pulled, it is very tight and then it is quite difficult to untie it.

Now you can fix the steel cable yourself, because you know how to braid the cable into a loop, and henceforth such a breakdown will not cause you much trouble.

The faithful towing cable is one of the most necessary items in the trunk of the whole car. On the shelves of modern auto parts stores, you can find a lot of types of cables: nylon, polypropylene, iron, flat, braided, ropes.


1. Traditionally, motorists who purchase towing cables prefer cables with carabiners and metal hooks. This simplifies the application, and, say, in frost or rain, there is no need to knit knots.

2. When towing, the cable is hooked obliquely, from the left eye of the towing vehicle to the right eye of the towed vehicle. This helps reduce the force of the jerks and allows the co-driver to have a better view of the road behind the towing vehicle. However, some motorists reasonably believe that the place where the carabiner is connected to the cable reduces its safety.

3. In order to tie the tow rope to the car, several tried-and-tested knots are used, say, a tow knot and a bowline (or a gazebo).

4. Towing knot Throw the end of the cable onto the hook of the towing machine from left to right with a loop so that the free right end of the cable extends from below from under the tensioned cable to the left side. Make a primitive loop on the free left end and overlap it on the hook, pull the free end on the right side out of under a tight rope. Now make a primitive loop from the free end of the cable on the right and loop it over the hook again. Secure the free end with an ordinary knot.

5. Bowline or gazebo knot Take one end of the cable in your hand, bend it, twist it into a loop. Bend this loop to the cable and pull another loop through it (as in crochet). This loop is movable. Now insert the remaining end of the cable into this loop, pull it to the required loop size and put it on the tow hook. This knot is strong and excellently untied after towing.

Not all cables, as they say, are identically suitable. It would seem that the strongest iron cable has significant drawbacks. It rusts, and additional precautions must be taken when applying it. A rebounded iron cable is much more likely to break a person's bones. Rules traffic also did not ignore the sore subject of towing a car. In accordance with them, the length of the towing cable must be at least 4 m, and the cable itself must be marked with red flags.