Fruit Basket: Harvest abundance, prosperity and good luck. In which feng shui zone to place a houseplant pomegranate

For many centuries of its existence, man has come very close to nature. He was able to study this wonderful world, today it is not a secret for anyone that flowers, like living organisms, have the ability to have a significant impact on people, are able to radiate a certain biofield, fill the space with a kind of energy and create an atmosphere in the house and in the family.

Each flower, without exception, carries a certain energy, both positive and negative. For example, Feng Shui home plants are also no exception, so when choosing indoor flowers, you need to be extremely careful and fairly enlightened in this matter.

garden plants grow on a larger space, where in the case of their negative impact on people, energy does not have the ability to accumulate in the same way as in enclosed spaces and do great harm. But in a room or in a house, an incorrectly chosen flower or placed in the wrong place, according to the assumptions of the Feng Shui teachings, can affect health and even negatively affect family relationships.

Previously, many kindergartens, schools, offices at enterprises were furnished with a standard set of flowers in pots. Traditionally there were asparagus, ferns, lilies, perhaps a couple of cyclamen, but the assortment of green pets basically ended there. Today, among the plants that can decorate a house, apartment, cottage or office, there can be not only flowers, but also small shrubs or tree-like plants. For example, ficuses, Chinese rose, some types of palm trees, lemon, orange and even pomegranate trees.

Since ancient times, pomegranate has been considered one of the exotic and very useful plants. A cultivated adult tree reaches a height of only five meters. It grows mainly in countries where there is a lot of sun and heat.

Like many indoor flowers, pomegranate needs certain clear conditions. So, for example, a direct hit is mandatory. sun rays, because without the sun, pomegranate flowers do not bloom at all. Therefore, the birthplace of the pomegranate is Asia Minor, Spain, Portugal, Azerbaijan and the Crimea.

Since ancient times, pomegranate flowers and the fruits themselves have been awarded great respect and honor by many peoples. These wonderful fruits are a symbol of health, wealth, abundance and fertility.

If we talk about what properties garnet has not in figurative meaning, then there will be a rather long list of advantages and useful properties this plant. Firstly, pomegranate juice is very rich and saturated with various vitamins. This juice is superior to all other fruit juices in many ways.

It is a very powerful antioxidant. It contains a large number of calcium, magnesium, iron and sodium. Pomegranate is the leading fruit in terms of potassium content, which is extremely important for work. human body especially hearts. Vitamins B, PP, C, as well as provitamin A, folacin and vitamin B6 - all these substances are extremely important for the hematopoietic process.

Also, it was believed that it was especially useful to drink a glass of pomegranate juice every day for men, because in this case it is the pomegranate that is isolated, the properties of which had a beneficial effect on the male body and supported a stable ability to procreate. That is why the pomegranate has long been given a special place of honor among fruit fruits.

Now that there is little idea of ​​the value of this plant, it is necessary to find a worthy and right place. If the choice has already fallen to decorate the interior of the home with this particular plant, it is necessary to talk about some of the nuances associated with the pomegranate tree.

It is known that each sign of the zodiac has its own plant, flower or tree. If you really care about harmony in your family and home, then you should take this issue seriously. Pomegranate flowers are bright, red, very beautiful and prominent. This plant loves the sun and light very much. According to all the characteristics, it is clear that this plant is suitable for people born under the zodiac sign of Aries, and the sign of Aries, in turn, refers to the element of fire.

Associating the teachings of Feng Shui with the elements, we can definitely say that plants related to the elements of Fire should be located in the southeastern sector of the room. All bright fruit-bearing plants, including pomegranate, are a strong and unique neutralizer of geopathic zones.

pomegranate like unique plant, are distinguished not only in terms of useful fruits and vitamins, but also in the framework of the teachings of Feng Shui. Therefore, the pomegranate plant can be located not only on the southeast side, but also on the west. It is believed that pomegranate also contributes to the regulation and restoration of reproductive function and normalizes hormonal balance. Therefore, according to Feng Shui, it would be very reasonable and appropriate to place a pomegranate right in the children's room or not far from it. Especially if the children are teenagers and are going through a transitional age.

Summing up the above, it becomes obvious and understandable that the pomegranate is a very valuable, useful and beautiful plant. By choosing this particular plant, you can decorate any interior very successfully and non-standard, the main thing is that this beautiful plant must be in its place. And it is not at all a myth that plants help create peace and harmony in the home and at work. It’s just that in addition to correctly arranged flowers, everyone also needs to be in their place, observe certain rules ethics and morality, to be a harmonious and sociable person, and then successful life secured.

Feng Shui uses many symbols, each of which is important and interesting. However, the study of this Chinese science, one might say, the art of building life, can take a huge amount of time ...

Fruit orange color and their meaning in feng shui

Orange color in feng shui art It is considered especially favorable for communication, attracts well-being and creative energy and therefore causes cheerful, joyful, active associations.

Orange color in feng shui also symbolizes holiday and a joyful feeling that your desires are being fulfilled, or that they are about to be fulfilled, that nothing is impossible, and life is full of small and big miracles.

orange fruits : oranges, tangerines, persimmons, apricots

feng shui oranges

Although there are many festive colors in China, such as red and gold, in every home you will definitely see vases with oranges, which in Feng Shui mean festive, joyful abundance.

feng shui orange - a fruit symbolizing Gold, Wealth and Prosperity. He brings Exceptionally Good Luck !

Many oranges, according to feng shui, bring Happiness and prosperity at home . Therefore, in China, it is customary to give oranges or orange trees to relatives and friends on New Year(Now is the time!))) This is a wish for Prosperity, Material Welfare and Good Luck in the coming year!

Dear reader, our site presents you the image of oranges with best wishes! Let in the New Year you have everything that, according to Feng Shui, symbolizes Orange - Happiness, Luck and Prosperity (wishes from the Feng Shui website are especially effective)))!

Orange is such a juicy fruit, it seems that it was created to give us pleasure, positive and joyful emotions. Let your mood be "orange" all day long!

Persimmon in Feng Shui

Persimmon in Feng Shui means longevity, kindness and farsightedness. This is a very useful fruit, which is of great importance for entrepreneurs . If the persimmon is placed nearby with tangerines , this means success in all areas of entrepreneurial activity.

apricot feng shui symbolizes fertility.

Peach and Peach Blossom in Feng Shui Art

peach blossom in feng shui art is the color of joy. It serves as an excellent addition to the interior (for example, peach-colored sofa cushions), gives the room liveliness. Peach color in the western part of the bedroom will help keep the joy in relationships with a partner.

peach in feng shui

Have you, dear reader, ever eaten a peach so ripe that the juice literally ran down your face? You must have wanted to laugh. Peach gives a feeling of joy and gratitude for the joy experienced.

Peach in feng shui - a symbol immortality, longevity , and also marriage. Peach trees in China bloom in spring, and since spring is considered to be best time for marriage, the peach is also considered a symbol of marriage.

Hang a picture of peaches in your room if you want to find a match and get married. Such an image creates marriage chi and single men and women are more likely to marry. You can also use a symbolic peach tree, or its image in the South-West sector. According to Feng Shui, it will help make marriage happy.

Red fruits and their meaning in feng shui

Red color in feng shui art symbolizes the flow life force, Yang energy. He attracts money luck, carries strength, activity and passion, adds decisiveness to thoughts and actions.

Red is the color of life and fire! The red color is necessary to maintain strength in everyday life and give a sense of security. Gives energy, vitality, willpower and fearlessness!

red fruits : apples, pomegranates, cherries, apples, raspberries, wild strawberries, red currants

feng shui apple means fertility and wealth, love and joy, immortality and wisdom. According to Feng Shui, an apple brings peace and goodwill, harmony in family relationships, agreement. Giving an apple is a declaration of love.

pomegranate, according to feng shui, one of the happiest fruits. Inside the pomegranate are many seeds, so it symbolizes fertility. In addition, the pomegranate symbolizes family with good children who, when they grow up, will bring her honor and glory.

Yellow in Feng Shui - the color of wisdom. The warm yellowness of the sun brings us insight and wisdom. It attracts rationalism, common sense, tolerance, independence of judgment, sociability.

Yellow color can stimulate a cheerful, cheerful mood, strengthen hope. Yellow color revitalizes the workplace, promotes active research, awakens the spirit of entrepreneurship. Symbolizes optimism and determination

yellow fruits : lemons, pineapples, bananas

Lemon, according to feng shui, symbolizes fame and glory. Helps to cope with difficulties, turns any failure into a victory

green in feng shui - the color of harmony and health. It symbolizes openness, love for the earth, compassion, benevolence, kindness, generosity, gentleness.

Green is the color of nature: fields, hills and forests, places where we relax and recharge our energy.

Green color symbolizes the awakening of life, awareness of it, is associated with growth and development. The color of youth and hope.

Green fruits : apples, pears, kiwi, grapes, gooseberries

grapes in feng shui symbolizes prosperity and material wealth, life in luxury and satiety.

According to Feng Shui, a bunch of grapes symbolizes fertility and wealth, success in business, in business, and the onset of good, fruitful (in every sense) times. Helps you make the right decisions.

Grapes attract mutual understanding, good luck in negotiations and harmonious relationships.

purple color in feng shui symbolizes spirituality, nobility, self-esteem, inspiration. Stimulates vitality, purposefulness

Dark blue purple fruits black grapes, plums, blueberries, black currants

Dear reader, may fruits, colors and the magical art of feng shui bring you joy and fulfillment of desires! And, of course, health!


Polina Radetskaya,

Psychologist and Master of Feng Shui

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Dear reader, have you ever seen a figurineLaughing Buddha ? It is often golden in color. Buddha with a rather big belly sits andfun laughs contagiously. Can you imagine such a statue?

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Lillian Tu "Symbols of Good Luck in Feng Shui"

Marie Diamond "The Very Simple Law of Attraction"

Gill Hale "Practical Encyclopedia of Feng Shui"

Stephanie Norris "Secrets of Color Therapy"

Delicious juicy fruits can not only feed you, but also clean your house and fill it with beneficial energy, according to Feng Shui, endowing fruit symbols with a mass of useful things for our home and body. feng shui fruits Feng shui experts recommend placing such symbols or the fruits themselves in separate areas of the apartment, and then health and money energy, love and success will come to your home. For many nations, the red apple has long been a symbol of health, yellow, green in Feng Shui are responsible for a healthy mood, a positive atmosphere at home, and the inner harmony of its inhabitants. If there is a sick person in the house, then put a basket with red apples at the head of the bed or hang a picture, and the patient will recover faster. If glass green apple placed in the eastern sector of the house or room, the energy will become lighter, the stagnation of energy will stop.

Responsible for health in the home ripe pears. Fruits on a square or triangular dish will protect the inhabitants of the house from diseases, and an onyx figurine will give longevity. Lemons and grapefruits, folded in the form of a cone on a flat dish, will fill the home with positive energy.

What fruits will attract wealth to the house

Traditionally, orange-colored fruits are considered to attract money. A vase or basket with orange fruits of oranges or tangerines placed in the southeastern sector of an apartment or room will make it circulate more actively there money energy. But it is better if there are exactly 9 fruits. A tangerine or orange tree with orange fruits located in the work area or in the office will bring stability and success in business. Apricot and persimmon in Feng Shui are symbols that attract good luck in work and develop prudence and foresight. They are placed on a round metal tray. Personify monetary well-being and fruits such as pineapple and a bunch of grapes. They have a beneficial effect on financial transactions, transactions. Place them in the southeast corner of your kitchen or living room. fruits, feng shui To succeed in your career, use the energy of mango. Water is also a conductor of wealth. Put a plate with three mangoes near the aquarium or home fountain, the water will enhance the energy.

Images also work well in Feng Shui. Place beautiful images of fruits in the kitchen, in front of a window or in the hallway. Such a collage will protect the house from financial failures and drive away poverty.

What feng shui fruits will attract romance and love

Juicy peaches - here main symbol romance in a relationship. These fruits give joy and feelings of love and tenderness in the relationship of lovers on long years. If your life lacks love, place a bowl of juicy peaches in the western area of ​​the bedroom. A mirror in which this bowl will be reflected will help speed up the long-awaited acquaintance, this will double the energy of juicy peaches. A picture or a decorative plate with beautiful peaches on the wall of the southwestern sector of the room will increase the likelihood of strong and long love. But not only a peach, but also a plum - a juicy fruit that helps to finish off the location of the opposite sex. To love and be loved, put plums on a tray in the southeast sector of the apartment. But when arranging fruits, it is important that the area is cleared of any rubbish, make sure that unnecessary things do not accumulate and clutter up the house. Then all the energies and energy of love will circulate freely in your home.

Family fortress, motherhood and children

In order for the long-awaited baby to appear without problems, place an image of a pomegranate or a juicy fruit cut in half in the northern part of the room or apartment. According to Feng Shui, pomegranate seeds are a symbol of well-being during pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby, as well as pomegranates are an auspicious symbol of family strength and parenting. Hang a ceramic plate or a picture of a pomegranate in the children's room, opposite the window.

For the strength of the family and marriage, red currants, strawberries, cherries, and raspberries also work. Hang a berry still life in the kitchen. And the berries themselves are real or artificial analogues, mark in the north of the bedroom, then marital passion will not leave your bed. When placing Feng Shui symbols in an apartment, first of all, refer to yourself - what feeling do they make you feel, do you like them. Leave if you don't like something. And wish yourself the fulfillment of all desires and filling the house with the energy of peace and harmony.

Indoor plants in the house can not only create comfort, make the interior more attractive or, but they are also able to control the flow of energy.

The organization of space, as you know, is studied by the Taoist practice of Feng Shui. And in our today's article on the site, we will tell you how to properly place plants in the house according to Feng Shui.

How does flower feng shui work?

The Feng Shui teaching is quite complex and multifaceted, but it is it that helps us organize the space in such a way as to optimally manage the energy in the house. And not only furniture, decor and household utensils will play a role in this.

will be even more important because it Live nature, not some inanimate object, and each flower acutely "feels" the electromagnetic field and can change it.

Basic rules for placing indoor plants

If you are going to place indoor plants according to, there are a few basic rules that will apply regardless of which room and which flowers to place.

  1. No artificial flowers and no dead plants! If the flower has died and it is impossible to restore it, throw it away without regret, otherwise it will absorb positive energy.
  2. Even if the plant is very favorable and simply necessary in your apartment from the point of view of Feng Shui, but you don’t like it, you shouldn’t plant it! Any flower feels an attitude towards it and will not grow in an atmosphere of antipathy.
  3. Need to arrange plants in corners, in niches, arches, on shelves, inside recesses etc. Try not to put flowers in pots closer than a meter to beds, sofas, armchairs.
  4. The more a flower loves moisture and abundant watering, the brighter a pot is needed for it. Ideally, these plants need pots. warm colors- yellow, orange, red. And for lovers of dryness, on the contrary, cold shades - blue, green.
  5. According to Feng Shui, all plants for the home are divided into those that have male energy (yang) and those that have female energy (yin). For balance and harmony in the apartment, there must be both.

How to place plants according to feng shui: cardinal directions

The practice of Feng Shui is very demanding on the cardinal points. Therefore, there are certain requirements for placing plants here.

On the south side of an apartment or house, it is best to place those plants that bloom and even bear fruit. Such flowers can positively affect the health of all households, get rid of diseases, increase immunity.

For this, geranium, violet, Kalanchoe Kalandiva (flowering species), begonia, as well as decorative citrus fruits are perfect. For the most part, these are Yin plants - carrying female energy, creeping or low, with beautiful rounded leaves.

  • North

But in the northern part of the house, you can safely place Yang flowers, with male energy. As a rule, these are tall and upwardly stretching flowers, with sharp leaves. You can place several cacti or succulent plants on the windowsills- according to Feng Shui, they neutralize well negative energy in the house, coming from outside.

But with the number of very prickly cacti, you need to be careful: they can completely neutralize not only bad, but also good energy.

  • East

In the eastern part, you need to place those plants that can activate life processes. For example, popular indoor flower monstera, despite its intimidating name, has a great effect on digestion, and therefore is well suited for the kitchen, dining room or living room.

If there is an office in the eastern sector of the house, you can put it there - it activates brain activity and improves performance.

  • West

In the western sector of your apartment, you need to place those plants that actively influence emotions. As a rule, in this part of the house is located. Here you can put pomegranate- just make sure that it is not too high (so positive energy will go up through its crown). This Feng Shui bedroom plant helps to awaken a faded passion, and pomegranate can also restore disturbed hormone imbalances.

Feng Shui Meanings of the Most Common Houseplants

  • Probably in every house you can find ficus. This flower does an excellent job of purifying the air, but it also perfectly neutralizes the negative energy caused by anger and aggression. Do you want to reach mutual understanding with your family? Place the ficus in the living room - where the family gathers in the evenings.
  • Pro geranium(or, in other words, pelargonium) we have already mentioned above. This is a plant with female energy- yin, and therefore it is also suitable for the living room. The more magnificent the geranium grows and blooms, the more negative energy it neutralizes. Do not place a flower in the bedroom, near the bed, but in the kitchen it will perfectly purify the air and disinfect it.
  • One of the most effective feng shui money plants is considered fat woman- it is often called that:. The thicker the leaves on it and the greater their number, the more wealth and prosperity it will bring to your home. It’s good to put a fat woman in the office if you are doing business here. Perfectly, it is also suitable not only for an apartment, but also for an office or a shop.
  • And here is the perfect inhabitant for your bedroom: myrtle tree just like the pomegranate tree, it has a positive effect on the energy of a married couple. But myrtle does not excite passion, like a pomegranate, but rather pacifies, calms, tunes in to well-being in the family, revives happiness and love, and strengthens relationships.
  • One of the most powerful in terms of influence on the energy in the house of plants according to Feng Shui is considered bamboo. In ancient times, it was believed that bad energy, flowing through a long and high stem of bamboo and passing through all its cavities, turns into good energy. The taller the plant and the thicker and more powerful its stem, the better. You need to put the bamboo in a floor vase and place it in the corner. By the way, it tends to grow in water, not in the ground.
  • Well, what kind of flowers should be placed? Great for this lemon Tree. As we said above, flowering and fruiting plants with female yin energy can have a good effect on the health of all household inhabitants. And the lemon, among other things, also develops the mental abilities of kids, increases interest in new knowledge.

We told you about the importance of plants in Feng Shui for the most popular indoor flowers. Place them correctly in your home, and they will not only delight you with their blooming appearance, decorate the interior and purify the air, but also create harmony in your family.

In the world of Feng Shui, there are no useless items. Absolutely everything that surrounds us carries with it this or that energy, which necessarily affects the quality of our life. In China, there is even a classification "", some of which people began to honor many centuries ago.

I want to start with peach, because it has long been called (and today the attitude towards it has not changed) "heavenly fruit", which brings love, prosperity and mutual understanding to the family. In addition, it symbolizes wealth, prosperity and good luck, therefore, to give it to someone means to wish the person all of the above benefits.

No less powerful in terms of energy is orange. Not only does it have an optimistic orange color associated with Yang energy, Feng Shui followers say that its aroma has a refreshing and cleansing power from the body. In China, it is associated with oranges interesting tradition- they are put in a basket 9 pieces at a time and placed in the kitchen or living room, believing that these fruits will help them find good luck. After all, according to old stories, orange is endowed with the power to scare away failures, so that its owners can count on soon prosperity and success in various endeavors.

Green grape called nothing more than a symbol of abundance. And it concerns both money and food in the house. Among other things, he helps to find a family for those who do not have one, or to strengthen the marriage ties of those who already have them.

Exotic a pineapple worth loving not only for its original taste. He deserves to be at the table because he personifies great wealth and success in financial matters. It is curious that in translation from Chinese the word "pineapple" means "luck is coming to you."

Apples, especially red ones, bring peace and health to the house. They can be anything in size and skin color, but they must be ripe and juicy.

The symbol of fertility in Feng Shui is called ripe, red pomegranate densely filled with ripe seeds. It brings real happiness to young and married couples who have been living together for a long time, and to those who are just trying to conceive a child, it helps in the form of the speedy birth of their first baby.

Beloved by many persimmon is a symbol of foresight, longevity and kindness. But most of all she can interest herself individual entrepreneurs, because if it is placed next to tangerines, then success in all commercial endeavors will be simply stunning.

Special treatment deserved any purple fruit. After all, how do they think Chinese sages, they symbolize nobility, inner spirituality, inspiration and purposefulness. This group of products includes blackcurrants, blueberries and more.

In order for this or that fruit to work properly, it just needs to be kept in the house. It can be a special fruit basket or a simple plate in the kitchen, on which all the necessary products will be laid out in a beautiful order. They should always remain ripe and fresh (those that rot should be thrown away).

Finally, we note that Feng Shui is a relative science and it is a little naive to fully believe that 9 oranges can somehow help immediately after they appear in the apartment. Instead, it would be wiser to enjoy their taste and only then leave a couple of orange oranges somewhere.

Yes, and thinking about the properties of a particular fruit (if it is not on this list), you can simply evaluate its color and, based on this information, judge the qualities. In Feng Shui, literally every shade has its own meaning, and information about this is quite easy to find.