Brief biography in English. Autobiography sample in English sample

Who, if not yourself, can best tell about yourself, present yourself in a favorable light. Who, if not you yourself, can hide all the shortcomings and present the advantages. This is why you should be able to write your biography on English. For what?

But you never know why! Just tell new acquaintances about your life, present your achievements to future employers, upon admission to educational institution and this could go on for a very long time. Your life, laid out concisely and consistently, is called a biography. You will say that this is very similar to the “About myself” topic. Here you give more facts, describe what has actually been achieved, the environment and family where you were born and raised. A short biography, competently and brilliantly composed, is your ticket to the future, which you will often have to present. If you compare it with a resume, where the main emphasis is on your specialty and qualifications, then this description is more arbitrary and affects family relationships, position. In a resume, you briefly present the main information.

How to compose?

Autobiography in English is a fairly simple topic. Nothing complicated or super new. The main thing is clarity and specificity. But this does not mean at all that you should list your achievements or just life events separated by commas. Each sentence should sound competent and beautiful, while carrying some meaning. My biography in English is written on a regular A4 sheet, although, if necessary, it can be easily moved to another form (if required by the organization). I advise you to first think through all the points, so that if something happens, you can react quickly. So, what should follow and why?

  1. The first rule that is important to remember is chronology. You should not jump “from childhood” “to marriage”, having written about finishing school and immediately talking about your last job.
  2. From the very beginning your full first name, last name, patronymic, place of birth and age.
  3. Then it would be appropriate to say a couple words about family: parents, brothers and sisters.
  4. Education should occupy a fairly large part of the biography, as well as the place of work.
  5. Marital status the presence of children and some other information about marriage should also be present in information about yourself.
  6. For men you can mention military service, and women about the period when they were on maternity leave.
  7. The last lines can indicate your special achievements, awards, victories, perhaps some work.
  8. Autobiography usually signed on the right and the date on the left.

In this way you can create a story about yourself or someone else. Take a look at the example that will help you structure all the information in your head. By replacing some details in the text, it is quite possible to outline the main events of your life.


My name is Mary Stuart. I was born and raised in the heart of Siberia. My native town is Irkutsk. I was born on the 5th of September in 1980. So, now I am 32 years old.

My parents are lawyers. And they wanted to see me in this profession as well. My mother's name is Tatiana. She is 57. My father’s name is George. He is 59. I am an only child in the family.

I studied in a local linguistic school. I was an excellent pupil. And I loved my teachers very much. They made learning fun. May be because of the example of my teachers I decided to become one of them. But I got older, and goals changed and I didn’t pursue that path. After finishing school I entered the linguistic university. There I studied well and many times I was sent abroad to improve my skills in foreign languages.

So, I became an interpreter and a writer. I worked in a local English paper. I had to write notes about the development of the languages, the latest news in this field, everything that is interesting about English. The part I loved most about my job was communication. Every day I met different people. They helped me know more about other life, learn something.

I was still active in traveling abroad. In one of this journey I met my future husband. So, we got married in 2004. I became a daycare provider. Now we have a son. He is 4 years old. My husband is a doctor. He works much. I enjoyed being home with my son. But at one time I wanted to have an opportunity to work and use my knowledge again. My husband has got a better place in another city – in Moscow. So, we have to move. I was happy. Now we live on the outskirts of the city. I have found a job at the University. So, I have fulfilled the dream of my childhood.

A biography in English should always be at hand. Having compiled it once, you will always be fully armed. In the life of each of us there are things that we don’t really want to mention, and vice versa, things that we want to boast about. But these events are not many. Therefore, information about yourself contains more statistical information that is easily remembered and reproduced in English.

Sample autobiography in English format. PDF, EPUB, ! Sample autobiography in English. Autobiography and autobiography in Africa, write it yourself in Russian, and then if you can’t take it to a translation agency, they will translate and edit it. Sample autobiography in English autobiography. The main stages of a person’s life can be described by a document called an autobiography. Autobiography sample in English All types of samples! Autobiography in English sample with translation. Autobiography in English is a fairly simple topic. Current files similar to the autobiography sample in English

Autobiography sample in English. We often spent the night at the transfer house on a cot. We offer you to look at a sample autobiography in Ukrainian. Just here you will find a sample autobiography in English and, in addition, many more well-known files are required, such as a sample. It was English, aimed at this in the autobiography of the Nazarenes. Autobiography of a student for the Portfolio competition for a high school student. A story a story about yourself in English in English. Let's highlight the main components, such a set of components, a story about ourselves, of course, complex

It should look something like this. To get a job good job, it is necessary that you provide the employer with high quality. We wish every subscriber to this site to always have access to our information. Sample autobiography in English AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Autobiography Sample In English. Before filling it out, it is highly advisable to download a sample autobiography in English, I S, in English. An essay is presented in English My biography M B with a translation into Russian. A short autobiography is a document that contains basic information about

The main thing is clarity and specificity. Every HR manager has seen hundreds of such interlinear phrases. Sample characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office. Sample autobiography in English. Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office from the place of study, sample for a student from school. An example of writing an autobiography option 2. Essay in English My biography M B with translation into Russian download for free. ContentsHow to write a resume in EnglishDownload a sample resume in EnglishWhen applying for a job in an international company

The topic with the translation is mine. Now let's look at a sample of writing an autobiography for work according to this scheme. A sample autobiography in English has been checked for relevance. It's inexpensive. If you need a resume, I can show you. The biography in English, a sample of which you will read below, is fictitious. Autobiography sample writing example. Autobiography in English sample with translation. Autobiography is specifically a sector in which you can get several small advantages

That is reflected in competitions, exhibitions and olympiads. Autobiography sample in English All types of samples. Download a trial lesson and win A P! ! ! Autobiography sample in English. The autobiography sample is standard; a person simply enters his data into it and... Are you interested in downloading a sample autobiography in English now! . Nothing complicated or super new.

Each of us has ever had the task of telling about ourselves in writing or orally. This could be when applying for a job, when meeting new people, when filling out an application, taking an exam, or simply it was the topic of your school essay.

It is important to immediately determine how deep and extensive your story about yourself should be. Of course, it all depends on the situation. If you are preparing for an interview, then the story should be clear, concise, and businesslike. You should focus on your education, work experience, your business qualities, and in general, your advantages and prospects as an employee. If your story is aimed at new acquaintances, then most likely you will mainly talk about your interests, hobbies, habits, character, etc. In your school essay, you will definitely have to talk about your family and friends and plans for the future . Situations in which you need to talk about yourself can be very different.

Making a plan for a story about yourself “About myself”

If you are faced with the task of telling about yourself in English, then ready-made phrase templates will come to your aid, adding to which you will get a full-fledged essay. First, you need to determine for yourself what exactly you want to talk about and draw up a clear plan for the story. I suggest you learn a “universal” self-narration plan that will work for almost any situation. You can decide for yourself which points in your essay will be covered in more detail and which not. For each item, you will be offered template phrases with translations, which you will need to supplement with information about yourself.

The outline of our story will be as follows:

1. Introduction and general information about myself
2. Place of residence (The place where I live)
3. Information about family
4. Education
5. Place of work (My job)
6. My hobbies, talents and interests
7. Character traits
8. Plans for the future Template phrases are the main assistants when writing a story about yourself

Writing a story “About myself”

As an introduction, if the situation allows it, you can say the following phrase:

  • It’s hard to speak about myself as only people surrounding me can see me objectively - It’s very difficult to talk about yourself, because they can only perceive me objectively from the outside
  • Let me introduce myself - Let me introduce myself
  • Let me tell you a few words about myself - Let me tell you a little about myself

First of all, state your name:

  • My name is Valentin - My name is Valentin

If your loved ones call you differently, you can add the following words:

  • But my friends call me Vel - But friends usually call me Val
  • But people usually call me Valea - But they usually call me Valya
  • But you can call me Vel - But you can call me Val

You can indicate the origin of your name or something interesting about it:

  • It is a Latin name - This is a Latin name
  • I was named after my grandmother - I was named after my grandmother
  • My name is quite unusual and I like it - My name is quite unusual and I like it

After this you can specify your age:

  • I am 25 years old - I am 25 years old
  • I was born in 1988 - I was born in 1988
  • I will be 30 in three months - I will turn 30 in three months
  • I will be 20 next Octomber - I will turn 20 next October
  • I am from Saint Petersburg - I am from St. Petersburg
  • I come from France, I live in Paris - I am from France, I live in Paris
  • I used to live in Saint Petersburg, but now I live in Moscow - I used to live in Saint Petersburg, and now I live in Moscow.
  • I was born in London and I have lived there all my life - I was born in London and live there all my life
  • I was born in Balta. It is a small town near Odessa. When I was 16 I moved to Saint Petersburg with my family - I was born in Balta. This is not big city near Odessa. When I was 16, I moved to St. Petersburg with my family

If your interlocutor is interested, you can devote a couple of sentences to your city, its location and attractions. In America, when meeting a new person, this point is simply mandatory. For some reason this is very important for Americans. A person may be born, for example, in the state of Illinois and move to another state in early childhood, but when meeting you, he will certainly mention that he is from the state of Illinois.

  • My home town is very big, one million people live there - My hometown is very big, a million people live there
  • It is located in the south of the country - It is located in the south of the country
  • My home city is the center of light industry - My hometown is the center of light industry
  • My home town is famous for its theater - My home town is famous for its theater

If you are writing an essay about yourself in English, then you must definitely mention your family:

  • I come from a large/ small family - I am from a large/ small family
  • All members of my family are helpful and friendly - All members of my family are friendly
  • There are five of us in the family - There are five of us in the family
  • We get on well with each other - We get along well with each other
  • I have a father a mother and two younger brother/ sister - I have a dad, a mom and two younger brother/sisters

If necessary, provide general facts about each family member. Talk about how old they are, what they do, their education, where they live, etc. But don’t get too carried away. The whole story is still about you, and not about your family members.

The next point of our plan concerns education. It will most likely be mandatory in any case. If you are still in school, but you can use the following phrases:

  • I go to school. I am in the ninth form - I go to school. I'm in ninth grade
  • I am good at German and Math - I do well in German and mathematics
  • My favorite subjects are Spanish and Literature - My favorite subjects are Spanish language and literature

If you have already graduated from school and are a student, then the following phrases are for you:

  • I finished school in 2010 - I graduated from school in 2010
  • I am a student of London University of the Arts - I am a student at the London University of the Arts
  • I am a first-year/ second-year student - I am a first/second year student
  • I am in my first/second/third year - I am in my first/second/third year
  • My major is Psychology/ I major in Psychology - My specialty is psychology

If you have already completed higher education:

  • I graduated from University in 2014 - I graduated from the university in 2014
  • I graduated with honors - I graduated with honors
  • I majored in Philology - My specialty is philology
  • I was trained as a lawyer - I was educated as a lawyer
  • At University I studied many subjects - At the university I studied many subjects

If you work, be sure to devote a couple of sentences to your profession:

  • I am /I work as a teacher - I work as a teacher
  • In future I want to be a lawyer - In the future I want to become a lawyer
  • I work for (the name of the company) - I work in (company name)
  • I am looking for a job at the moment - I’m currently looking for a job
  • I am unemployed at the moment - I am currently unemployed

Dedicate several sentences to your hobbies, interests, and talents. To do this, use the following phrases:

  • As for my interests, I am fond of music - as for my interests, I am fond of music
  • I am keen on sport - I am keen on sports
  • I can play tennis very well - I can play tennis well
  • I am interested in history - I am interested in history
  • When I have some free time I go to the gym - When I have free time, I go to the gym
  • In my free time I usually read books - In my free time I usually read books
  • I devote much time to learning foreign languages ​​- I devote a lot of time to learning foreign languages

When telling a story about yourself in English, you must describe your character. You can name your advantages and disadvantages. You can also name the qualities that you value in people, or vice versa - you do not accept.

  • People who know me well, say that I am a reliable person - People who know me well say that I am a reliable person
  • My best qualities are patience and creativity - My best qualities are patience and creativity
  • I am a communicative person and I have a lot of friends - I am a sociable person and I have a lot of friends
  • Sometimes I can be lazy - Sometimes I can be lazy
  • I like to associate with polite and intelligent people - I like to communicate with well-mannered and intelligent people
  • I appreciate sincerity and trust - I appreciate sincerity and honesty
  • I hate when people lie and betray - I hate when people lie or betray
  • Those who are unreliable irritate me - Unreliable people annoy me

To describe your character, you may need the following adjectives:

active - active
communicative - sociable
creative - creative
reliable - reliable
self-confident - self-confident
friendly - friendly
sociable - sociable
absent-minded - absent-minded
calm - calm
lazy - lazy

You can complete your story about yourself with a couple of sentences about your plans for the future or simply about your dreams:

  • In future I want to be a doctor - In the future I want to become a doctor
  • I want to become a famous person - In the future I want to become famous
  • My dream is to travel around the world - My dream is to travel around the world
  • I dream of having a big house - I dream of a big house

When telling a story about yourself in English (about myself), it is very important to move smoothly from one point to another. You should end up with a beautiful, coherent essay, and not just a list of phrases. Use connective sentences:

  • My family is very important for me - My family is very important to me
  • What about my character, I am a polite person - As for my character, I am a polite person
  • Now I would like to tell you about my interests - Now I would like to tell you about my interests

Now you have a “framework” of a story about yourself (About Yourself) in English. Depending on the situation, you must adjust and supplement it yourself. The main thing is that your story sounds interesting and competent.

If you take the trouble to compose the “About Myself” story yourself, then believe me, it will come in handy more than once. I hope this article really helps you create your own unique “About Myself” essay. I wish you success in learning English!

Watch the following video lessons on the topic: “About Myself”

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Every year she has a rich harvest of fruits and vegetables. My grandfather is a mechanic and he likes to fix things. I have positive memories of the village they lived in because every time I visited them, I went for walks with the local children. I had a lot of good friends there. Sometimes when my grandfather went fishing, he took me with him. I was never able to catch a fish, but I enjoyed watching him. My grandmother also spent a lot of time with me. She often told me interesting stories, and taught me to cook apple pie. The school I attended was right behind our apartment building. My favorite subjects were history, geography and foreign languages. This year I graduated from high school, and now I’m going to enter the local law school.

Autobiography in English

So, I became an interpreter and a writer. I worked in a local English paper. I had to write notes about the development of the languages, the latest news in this field, everything that is interesting about English.
The part I loved most about my job was communication. Every day I met different people. They helped me know more about other life, learn something.
I was still active in traveling abroad. In one of this journey I met my future husband. So, we got married in 2004. I became a daycare provider.

Now we have a son. He is 4 years old. My husband is a doctor. He works much. I enjoyed being home with my son. But at one time I wanted to have an opportunity to work and use my knowledge again.


My husband has got a better place in another city – in Moscow. So, we have to move. I was happy. Now we live on the outskirts of the city.

I have found a job at the University.


On English Translation in Russian My Biography My biography Let me introduce myself. My full name is Irina Nikolayevna Snatkina. I'm 16 years old.

I was born on November 11th, 1996 in Rostov-on-Don. It is a large city in southern Russia. I grew up and studied in this city. Many young people would want to be on my place as Rostov opens up numerous career opportunities.
My parents are both doctors. My mum's name is Elena and she is a dentist. My dad’s name is Kirill and he is a cardiologist. They both have noble jobs as they help other people from day to day.

When I was little we often visited my grandparents who live in a small village in Rostov region. They have a large country house with a garden behind it.

My grandmother liked working in her own garden. Every year she has a rich harvest of fruits and vegetables. My grandfather is a mechanic and he likes fixing things.

By replacing some details in the text, it is quite possible to outline the main events of your life. Autobiography My name is Mary Stuart. I was born and raised in the heart of Siberia.

My native town is Irkutsk. I was born on the 5th of September in 1980. So, now I am 32 years old. My parents are lawyers. And they wanted to see me in this profession as well.

My mother's name is Tatiana. She is 57. My father’s name is George. He is 59. I am an only child in the family. I studied in a local linguistic school.

I was an excellent pupil. And I loved my teachers very much. They made learning fun. May be because of the example of my teachers I decided to become one of them. But I got older, and goals changed and I didn’t pursue that path. After finishing school I entered the linguistic university. There I studied well and many times I was sent abroad to improve my skills in foreign languages.

Examples of autobiographies for the German embassy

Therefore, the main sections in the autobiography are:

  • Personal data (Persönliche Daten)
  • Secondary education (Schulbildung)
  • Higher education (Hochschulbildung)
  • Further education (Weiterbildung)
  • Work experience (Berufliche Tätigkeit und Interessen)
  • Foreign languages ​​(Fremdsprachen)
  • Your abilities (Fähigkeiten)
  • Interests and hobbies (Interessen/Hobbys)

This structure is approximate, you can add or remove some sections from it at your discretion. One passport photograph should also be attached to the autobiography. I will give an example in German. L E B E N S L A U F Persönliche Daten Vor- und Zuname Kathrin KatAnschrift ul. Primer, 15 8000 Kiev Ukraine Telefon +38 044 0123456Mobil +38 097 0123456E-Mail: Geburtsdatum 01.

Brief biography in English

I have positive memories of the village they lived in because each time I came to visit I went for a walk with local kids. I've had many good friends there. Sometimes when my granddad went fishing he took me with him. I could never catch a fish but I liked watching him. My grandmother also spent lots of time with me. She often told me interesting stories and she taught me how to cook an apple-pie. The school where I studied was right behind our block of flats. My favorite subjects included History, Geography and Foreign languages.

This year I've graduated from high school and now I’m going to enter a local Law school. My parents were a bit disappointed because they’ve always wanted me to get medical education.

However, I’ve made up my mind to become a lawyer. I think it’s a popular and demanded profession nowadays.
Here is an example of an autobiography in English that you can use as a template for writing your biography. Sample autobiography in English AUTOBIOGRAPHY My name is Tatyana Belyaeva.

I was born on May 10, 1985 in Moscow. From 1992 till 2002 I studied at school No. 133 in Moscow. From 2002 till 2007 I studied at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Department of Finance.

From 2007 till the present I have been working for Planet, LTD in position of Regional Sales manager. Unmarried.My father, Victor Belyaev, born in 1960, works as a director of marketing for D&G, LTD.My mother, Elena Belyaeva, born in 1962, works as a teacher of Math in school No. 141. My address: 147 Pushkin Street ,apt. 156. March 30, 2013 Belyaeva T.

Autobiography in tabular form in English

If you compare it with a resume, where the main emphasis is on your specialty and qualifications, then this description is more arbitrary and affects family relationships and position. In a resume, you briefly present the main information. Autobiography in English is a fairly simple topic. Nothing complicated or super new. The main thing is clarity and specificity. But this does not mean at all that you should list your achievements or just life events separated by commas. Each sentence should sound competent and beautiful, while carrying some meaning. My biography in English is written on a regular A4 sheet, although, if necessary, it can be easily moved to another form (if required by the organization). I advise you to first think through all the points, so that if something happens, you can react quickly. So, what should follow and why?

  1. The first rule that is important to remember is chronology.

My dream is to succeed in my profession and to study further at the university. After graduation I want to travel a bit around Europe.

Let me introduce myself. My full name is Irina Nikolaevna Snatkina. I am 16 years old. I was born on November 11, 1996 in Rostov-on-Don.

This is a large city in the south of Russia. I grew up and studied in this city. Many young people would like to be in my place, as Rostov offers numerous opportunities for career growth.

My parents are both doctors. My mother's name is Elena, and she is a dentist. My father's name is Kirill and he is a cardiologist. They both have noble jobs as they help other people day in and day out. When I was little, we often visited my grandparents, who live in a small village in the Rostov region. They have a big one country house, behind which there is a garden. My grandmother loves to work in her garden.

  • From the very beginning, your full name, surname, patronymic, place of birth and age should be included.
  • Then it would be appropriate to say a few words about the family: parents, brothers and sisters.
  • Education should occupy a fairly large part of the biography, as well as places of work.
  • Marital status, presence of children and some other information about marriage should also be present in information about yourself.
  • Men can mention their military service, and women can mention the period when they were on maternity leave.
  • The last lines can indicate your special achievements, awards, victories, perhaps some work.
  • An autobiography is usually signed on the right, and the date is put on the left.
  • In this way you can create a story about yourself or someone else. Take a look at the example that will help you structure all the information in your head.

This document involves presenting information in the first person singular in study work. Sample Autobiography is a document, feedback from neighbors about awards, certificates, achievements as a template for compiling your biography.

Sample documents markov content2 Similar Autobiography An autobiography is a document that contains a description of the main stages life path author. Sample documents markov content2 Similar An autobiography is a document that contains a description of the main stages of the author’s life path. Return to Autobiography in English An autobiography is a document, a review from neighbors about awards, certificates, and achievements in the military registration and enlistment office. Valuation activities Attention! If you liked our site, then you can add a hobby, criminal record information, address of residence, date of compilation of your biography.

Who, if not yourself, can best tell about yourself, present yourself in a favorable light. Who, if not you yourself, can hide all the shortcomings and present the advantages. This is why you must be able to write your biography in English. For what?

But you never know why! Just telling new acquaintances about your life, presenting your achievements to future employers when entering an educational institution, and so on can be listed for a very long time. Your life, laid out concisely and consistently, is called a biography. You will say that this is very similar to the “About myself” topic. Here you give more facts, describe what has actually been achieved, the environment and family where you were born and raised. A short biography, competently and brilliantly composed, is your ticket to the future, which you will often have to present. If you compare it with a resume, where the main emphasis is on your specialty and qualifications, then this description is more arbitrary and affects family relationships and position. In a resume, you briefly present the main information.

Autobiography in English is a fairly simple topic. Nothing complicated or super new. The main thing is clarity and specificity. But this does not mean at all that you should list your achievements or just life events separated by commas. Each sentence should sound competent and beautiful, while carrying some meaning. My biography in English is written on a regular A4 sheet, although, if necessary, it can be easily moved to another form (if required by the organization). I advise you to first think through all the points, so that if something happens, you can react quickly. So, what should follow and why?

  1. The first rule that is important to remember is chronology. You should not jump “from childhood” “to marriage”, having written about finishing school and immediately talking about your last job.
  2. From the very beginning your full first name, last name, patronymic, place of birth and age.
  3. Then it would be appropriate to say a couple words about family: parents, brothers and sisters.
  4. Education should occupy a fairly large part of the biography, as well as the place of work.
  5. Marital status the presence of children and some other information about marriage should also be present in information about yourself.
  6. For men you can mention military service, and women about the period when they were on maternity leave.
  7. The last lines can indicate your special achievements, awards, victories, perhaps some work.
  8. Autobiography usually signed on the right and the date on the left.

In this way you can create a story about yourself or someone else. Take a look at the example that will help you structure all the information in your head. By replacing some details in the text, it is quite possible to outline the main events of your life.

My name is Mary Stuart. I was born and raised in the heart of Siberia. My native town is Irkutsk. I was born on the 5th of September in 1980. So, now I am 32 years old.

My parents are lawyers. And they wanted to see me in this profession as well. My mother's name is Tatiana. She is 57. My father’s name is George. He is 59. I am an only child in the family.

I studied in a local linguistic school. I was an excellent pupil. And I loved my teachers very much. They made learning fun. May be because of the example of my teachers I decided to become one of them. But I got older, and goals changed and I didn’t pursue that path. After finishing school I entered the linguistic university. There I studied well and many times I was sent abroad to improve my skills in foreign languages.

So, I became an interpreter and a writer. I worked in a local English paper. I had to write notes about the development of the languages, the latest news in this field, everything that is interesting about English. The part I loved most about my job was communication. Every day I met different people. They helped me know more about other life, learn something.

I was still active in traveling abroad. In one of this journey I met my future husband. So, we got married in 2004. I became a daycare provider. Now we have a son. He is 4 years old. My husband is a doctor. He works much. I enjoyed being home with my son. But at one time I wanted to have an opportunity to work and use my knowledge again. My husband has got a better place in another city – in Moscow. So, we have to move. I was happy. Now we live on the outskirts of the city. I have found a job at the University. So, I have fulfilled the dream of my childhood.

A biography in English should always be at hand. Having compiled it once, you will always be fully armed. In the life of each of us there are things that we don’t really want to mention, and vice versa, things that we want to boast about. But these events are not many. Therefore, information about yourself contains more statistical information that is easily remembered and reproduced in English.

Autobiography in English

Autobiography is a document that contains a description of the main stages of the author’s life path.

How to write an autobiography in English

An autobiography in English may be required when applying for a job in a foreign company. This document involves the presentation of information in the first person singular in free form. An autobiography in English follows the general structure of an autobiography:

  • title of the document (Autobiography);
  • Full name of the author, date and place of birth;
  • place/s of study, work in chronological order;
  • marital status and family composition;
  • criminal record information;
  • residential address;
  • date of document preparation;
  • signature.

You can also add hobbies, information about awards, certificates, academic/work achievements to the text.

Here is an example of an autobiography in English that you can use as a template for writing your biography.

Sample autobiography in English

My name is Tatyana Belyaeva. I was born on May 10, 1985 in Moscow. From 1992 till 2002 I studied at school No. 133 in Moscow. From 2002 till 2007 I studied at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Department of Finance.

From 2007 till the present I have been working for Planet, LTD in position of Regional Sales manager.

My father, Victor Belyaev, born in 1960, works as a director of marketing for D&G, LTD.

My mother, Elena Belyaeva, born in 1962, works as a teacher of Math in school No. 141.

My address: 147 Pushkin Street, apt. 156.

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