Marten habitat. What does a forest animal look like - a stone marten? Where does the marten live

This is what a pine marten looks like

The pine marten (every hunter is probably familiar with its description) is considered to be one of the most valuable fur-bearing animals. Tens of thousands of skins of this predator are mined by our hunters during the hunting season for it. But, in order for you to be able to lead in, it is worth studying in more detail the information about this animal, about the features of its behavior and habitat. And, our publication is ready to help you with this ...

Where does the marten live

What does a marten eat

The composition of the diet of the pine marten is very diverse. And, if we say that she is a polyphagous predator, then we will not be mistaken. Moreover, the marten is always ready to make up for the lack of one food with several others. An interesting fact and that The diet of male martens is somewhat different from the diet of females.. But, basically, these animals prefer mouse-like rodents, small birds, and do not even disdain insects. Although, if there is a shortage with a carnivorous diet, the marten is always ready to make up for it with plant foods - such as nuts, berries and fruits ...

Do martens eat squirrels

It is noteworthy that some experts argue that if squirrels are not found in marten habitats, then martens can even leave this forest zone in search of food such as. However, recent studies by zoologists and scientists allow us to conclude that it is not entirely correct to think this way. Only, in the zone of coniferous taiga in winter period 44.5% of harvested martens were found to have squirrel residues in their stomachs. Whereas, in the summer, the marten may not even pay attention to them at all. Therefore, the relationship between squirrels and martens and whether the gastronomic preferences of the marten affect the fluctuation in the number of squirrels themselves - in fact, there is none. An exception can only be a picture when the number of martens is high and in order to provide food for themselves, they can begin to exterminate squirrels. In all other situations, the reason for the lack of squirrels (this is often complained by hunters who go for squirrels) are rather food reasons - the lack of basic food for this animal.

marten habits

Marten tracks

It is generally accepted that the marten is a fairly sedentary forest predator that can live within its forest range for years if it is not disturbed by other predators and hunters do not threaten its peace. It is noteworthy that each marten has its own area - its territory. Depending on the food supply of such a site and the predatory abilities of the animal, the territory can range from 1 to 25 square kilometers. And, where did the myth about the nomadic lifestyle of martens come from, you ask? So, this is most likely due to the fact that every year, in the fall, young martens settle in the forest, in search of their food site.

Reproduction of martens

Also, it will be useful to know that fluctuations in the number of such an animal as the pine marten occur slowly and with a small gap. So, the years of special abundance are once in 9-11 years, and they are explained by a combination of a number of favorable reasons for this. And, here, estrus and mating occur in the marten usually once a year, at the end of July, and this period lasts until the end of summer. However, not all martens are capable of breeding in the 2nd year of life - only 33-35%, while reaching 3 years old - all individuals already breed.

marten pregnancy

Pregnancy in a marten lasts 236-237 days and is divided into 2 periods. The first period includes 200 days and is latent and hidden. At this time, the embryos practically do not develop and they have not yet attached to the walls of the uterus. And, here is the second period of development - intensive, lasts only 27-28 days. And, as a rule, in late March-early April, pregnancy ends in childbirth. Moreover, in one litter there can be from 1 to 8 cubs, but most often it is 4-5 animals. Larger litters are observed only in favorable years, which we wrote about above. However, the mortality rate of young martens is still quite high. And, only 39-58% of small martens live up to 1 year. True, concomitant factors also influence this, and not only the very early mortality of these small predators.

How many years do martens live

Zoologists say that the life expectancy of a marten can be up to 16 years, however, in nature, naturally, these predators live less. So, for example, the number of martens in the upper reaches of the Pechora River in 1957, which were more than 2 years old, was only ... 12% of the total number of individuals.

Where does the marten live

We already wrote above that these little predators do not live outside the forest. However, in order for the marten herself to feel calm and confident in the forest, she needs a good shelter. The marten itself does not build a nest, but does not mind occupying a hollow of a squirrel, or hiding in deep snow in a littered well or in a hollow of an old tree. Yes, martens still climb trees. And, although until recently it was generally believed that this was not the case, such a tree climber is really worth looking for. True, in some areas of its habitat, in view of the fact that there is no such need, the marten does not show such skills of climbing trees. Either a squirrel can drive a predator onto a tree - a marten will pursue it, or a dog - it will hide from its persecution on a tree. Moreover, females climb treetops more often than males.

The stone marten is a predatory animal, despite the fact that it is very pretty. And it is called stone, because it lives mainly in rocky areas. The animal is not so dangerous for people as for the animals themselves living in the forest.

The marten is usually the most common animal among all mammals. The fluffy forest dweller is dangerous enemies for many representatives of the animal world, and often poses a threat to people.

General description of the stone marten

A lot of people wonder what it looks like stone marten. An adult forest animal can reach a very considerable size, up to 60 cm in length, and in weight up to 2 and a half kg. The length of the tail can reach 30 cm. Nevertheless, the stone marten is very beautiful and luxurious in appearance. The coat of the animal is fluffy, shimmers in the sun and has a brownish tint. Also, the color is light beige, reddish, yellowish brown.

The stone marten has a slender, long body, with a luxurious tail. The muzzle is slightly elongated, while the animal has a powerful jaw. Triangular ears flaunt on the top of the head.


The stone marten eats not only raw meat, but also eggs, insects and their larvae. The diet may also include berries, frogs and fish. The forest animal loves honey, so it occasionally visits the bee hive. Based on the above facts, we can conclude that the animal is absolutely not picky about food, and eats everything that it finds, whether it be a fat caterpillar or delicious juicy strawberries, or maybe a hare.

The following berries are most suitable for the proper development of the animal:

  • raspberry;
  • cherries;
  • cherry;
  • strawberry;
  • blueberry.

From fruits, pears and all varieties of apples can be distinguished. Undoubtedly, the animal loves nuts, because they contain all the necessary proteins and vegetable fats that help develop properly and do not lag behind in development at all.

The main delicacy in the forest are small rodents:

  • mice;
  • red squirrels;
  • shrews;
  • hares.

Also, the animal does not disdain small birds:

  • partridges;
  • woodpeckers;
  • tits.

These animals are not stupid and know what to do so as not to die of hunger in winter. They prepare everything necessary materials for living in a harsh snowy season, as well as certain food. This is very important, because in addition to the cold, there is almost nothing to eat in winter, everyone hides under layers of snow and foliage. Animals love store different varieties of berries, nuts, eggs. As a rule, all this is in the trees. And if someone else finds this blank, it is almost impossible for a marten to survive in winter without food. Only occasionally run hares and rodents, but this is not enough.

Habitat of stone marten

The animal mainly lives in oak and spruce mature forests. Only here it is cozy, spacious and most comfortable. But apart from forests, there are exceptions, the animal can be in fields and meadows. Rocky landscapes are not his part, the animal does not tolerate this.

Reproduction and care of young

capable of reproducing after a year of life. Preferably in summer, the animal tries to find a forest partner. Oddly enough, the female's pregnancy lasts about 28 days. One healthy female can give birth to up to 4 small animals. Cubs are born blind, absolutely without hair. They are able to open their eyes only after 30 days.

The life of a marten on average lasts about 3-4 years, but it is extremely rare for an animal to live 10 years.

Since the marten is a mammal, it is natural that she feeds her young with milk. Feeding period approximately 40 days, then, after the teeth have come out, the animals eat solid food and live with their mother for another whole season.

The main enemies of the stone marten

Although the marten itself is very dangerous predator, yet she has a large number of enemies. In the first place, a ferocious wolf. It is the main predator and owner of the forest. Next come foxes, owls and strict hawks. Undoubtedly, all those animals that are much larger than the marten are the main enemies and competitors for food. Therefore, a forest animal does not always walk calmly through the forest, it carefully looks through all the mysterious corners before resting and falling asleep in one place or another.

Animal lifestyle

The animal loves the hollows of dry trees, the height of which ranges from 2 meters to 5. Also, marten can become a home bird nests, gorges between stones, because it is very convenient for her there. Permanent place of residence, the animal does not have, since it constantly roams in certain territories, especially marked by it (a special secret). In these places, the stone marten can live annually, feeding and hunting there.

The marten mostly lives alone, only in summer season She is looking for a breeding partner.

The hunting time of the animal is night, therefore the animal is awake mainly in the dark. The animal loves darkness, and at this time feels like the king of the forest. It hunts both on the ground and in trees, strangling its prey.

marten hunting

Almost all types of mustelids have luxurious beautiful fur so people hunt them. Now, in certain areas, hunting for martens is prohibited, as there are fewer and fewer of them. People began to think about how to compensate for this. They grow and fatten martens for industrial purposes, and in the end they get luxurious fur coats for noble ladies. After all, a marten fur coat is very warm and you can wear it for up to 5 seasons.

As mentioned above, martens are known to live in the wild for about 3 years, but there are exceptions up to 10 years. This figure is extremely small compared to life in captivity. After all, life on a farm proper care, food and amenities, reaches 20 years. This figure is staggering, but people do not have to keep and spend so much on martens, because they use them for other purposes, and not for years life.

The marten is a very cute animal, albeit a predatory one. A beautiful neat muzzle, long fluffy hair, five-fingered paws and a long luxurious tail give the animal a well-groomed appearance. After all, this animal native forest dweller, which decorates it with its appearance, participates in the food chain. People often don't think about it. They shoot them ruthlessly and cruelly, thinking only about profit. This attitude may lead to serious problems, up to the disappearance of some species of mustelid animals.

A predatory mammal with long valuable fur from the mustelid family and the genus of martens is called the pine marten. In another way, it is also called zheltodushka. pine marten elongated and graceful.

Its valuable and beautiful fluffy tail has dimensions that are more than half the length of the body. The tail not only serves as an ornament of this beast, with its help the marten manages to maintain balance when jumping and while climbing trees.

Its four short legs are characterized by the fact that their feet are covered with wool with the advent of winter cold, which helps the animal to easily move through snowdrifts and ice. These four paws have five toes, with curved claws.

They can retract half way. The muzzle of the marten is wide and elongated. The animal has a powerful jaw and mega sharp teeth. The ears of the marten are triangular, relatively large in relation to the muzzle. From above they are rounded and with a yellow edging.

The nose is pointed, black. The eyes are dark, at night their color becomes copper-red. Forest marten in the photo leaves only positive impressions. In appearance, this is a gentle and harmless creature with an innocent look. The beautiful color and quality of marten wool are striking.

It ranges from light chestnut with yellow to brown. In the region of the back, head and legs, the coat is always darker than in the region of the abdomen and sides. The tip of the animal's tail is almost always black.

hallmark martens from all other breeds of mustelids is a yellow or orange coat color in the neck area, which extends beyond the front legs. From this came the second name of the marten - zheltodarka.

The parameters of a predator are similar to those of a large one. Body length 34-57 cm. Tail length 17-29 cm. Females are usually 30% smaller than males.

Features and habitat of the pine marten

All forest zone Eurasia is densely populated by representatives of this species. Forest martens live on the large area. They are found in places ranging from Great Britain to Western, the Caucasus and the Mediterranean islands, Corsica, Sicily, Sardinia, Iran and Asia Minor.

The animal prefers the nature of mixed and deciduous forests, less often conifers. Rarely marten sometimes settle high in mountain ranges, but only in those places where there are trees.

The animal prefers places with trees with hollows. AT open area can only go out to hunt. Rocky landscapes are not the right place for the marten; she avoids it.

There is no stable abode in the zheltodushka. She finds refuge in trees at a height of 6 meters, in hollows, abandoned nests, crevices and windbreaks. In such places, the animal stops for a day's rest.

With the advent of twilight, the predator begins to hunt, and after it she seeks refuge in another place. But with the onset severe frosts her position in life may change somewhat, marten long time sits in a shelter, eating pre-stored provisions. The pine marten tries to settle away from people.

Pictures with pine marten they make you look at her with tenderness and some irresistible desire to take the animal in your hands and stroke it. The more hunters for the valuable fur of these animals and the less forest area with favorable living conditions for martens, the more difficult it becomes for them to live and breed. European pine marten in Russia still considered important commercial species because of the value of her fur.

Character and lifestyle

The pine marten, more than any other representatives of its kind, prefers to live and hunt in trees. She easily climbs their trunks. Her tail helps her cope with this, it serves as a rudder for the marten, and sometimes as a parachute, thanks to which the animal jumps down without any consequences.

The tops of the trees are absolutely not afraid of the marten, she easily moves from one branch to another and can jump four meters. She also jumps on the ground. He swims skillfully, but rarely does it.

In the photo, a pine marten in a hollow

It is a nimble and very fast animal. Can overcome fairly quickly. long distance. Her sense of smell, sight and hearing are highest level, which helps a lot on hot. By nature, this is a funny and inquisitive animal. Martens communicate with each other by purring and growling, and sounds similar to chirping come from the kids.

Listen to the meow of the pine marten


This omnivore is not particularly picky about food. The marten feeds depending on the season, habitat and food availability. But she still prefers animal food. The most favorite prey of martens are squirrels.

Very often, the predator catches the squirrel right in its own hollow, but if this does not happen, it hunts for it for a long time and persistently, jumping from branch to branch. There is a huge list of representatives of the animal world that fall into the marten's grocery basket.

Starting from small snails, ending with hares and hedgehogs. Interesting Facts about the pine marten they say that she kills her victim with one bite to the back of the head. The predator does not refuse carrion either.

The animal uses summer and autumn to replenish its body with vitamins. In the course are berries, nuts, fruits, everything that is rich in useful microelements. Some of them the marten prepares for the future and saves in a hollow. The most favorite delicacy of the zheltodarka are blueberries and mountain ash.

Reproduction and life expectancy of the pine marten

In the summer, these begin the rut. One male mates with one or two females. In winter, martens often have a false rut. At this time, they behave restlessly, become belligerent and inflated, but mating does not happen.

Pregnancy of the female lasts 236-274 days. Before giving birth, she takes care of the shelter and settles there until the babies appear. 3-8 cubs are born. Although they are covered with a little fur, the kids are blind and deaf.

Pictured is a young pine marten

Hearing and them erupt only on the 23rd day, and the eyes begin to see on the 28th day. The female can leave the babies for the duration of the hunt. In case of possible danger, she takes them to a safer place.

At four months they can already live independently, but for some time they live with their mother. The marten lives up to 10 years, and when good conditions her life expectancy is about 15 years.

The pine marten belongs to the group of polyphagous predators, therefore its existence does not depend on the abundance of any one food. The most important food groups of the pine marten include: 1) mouse-like rodents (mainly bank voles); 2) proteins; 3) birds; 4) insects; 5) forest fruits (including berries, nuts).

The specific gravity and species composition of feed is very variable. Each locality and each season has its own set of forages and the proportion of each. From year to year, they also do not remain unchanged. Nutritional variation depends on geographical location the locality, which most of all determines the species composition of forages, and on the time of the year, what is the reason for the availability of food and the degree of its availability for the pine marten, and finally, on the abundance (yield) of each of the forages.

In the geographical variability of the diet of the pine marten, there is a quite definite pattern - from south to north, the degree of carnivory increases, and from north to south, polyphagous increases. This is reflected in the variability of the chewing apparatus. From north to south, mammals, birds, especially from the grouse family, as well as bird eggs naturally decrease in the food of the pine marten. On the contrary, the occurrence of murine rodents among mammals and insects increases from north to south.

AT coniferous taiga plant foods are more common in the snowless period of the year. On the contrary, in the south lying zones - in the snow. Their average annual occurrence is the same everywhere and reflects the size of the animal's need for plant food.

The seasonality of feed is also clearly expressed. For example, protein in the diet of the pine marten is predominantly found in the snowy period, reaching an occurrence of 44% or more, and in the snowless period - no more than 6-8%. The same can be said about grouse birds and mountain ash. On the contrary, insects, bilberries, and mouse-like rodents are typical foods of the predominantly snowless period, and in the snowy period, except for the latter, they are absent or occur much less frequently.

There is a well-pronounced sexual dimorphism in the diet of the pine marten. Hares, capercaillie, black grouse are not found in the food of a weaker and smaller in size and weight female, i.e. more big booty. On the contrary, hazel grouse, mouse-like rodents in her feed are more common than in males.

Even within the same zone (in the European northern taiga), there is a significant variability in the occurrence of the main food groups. In particular, in the Arkhangelsk region, the range of fluctuations for individual food groups is more pronounced than in the Pechora; since there (in the Arkhang region) the occurrence of squirrels and plant foods is lower. The latter is due to the lack of winter nutrition"Nuts" of cedar. On the Kola Peninsula the differences are even sharper.

The basis of the food of the pine marten is everywhere mouse-like rodents, mainly voles, and among the latter - mainly red and red. Only in the northwestern Caucasus they are replaced by local species - shrub voles, etc. In the diet of the pine marten, mouse-like rodents continue to be encountered, even when their numbers in the forest become small. The high abundance causes the concentration of the marten in habitats that are not typical for it: in clearings, burnt areas, along the edges, etc. This situation also causes an increase in the autumn migrations of young martens. It is mouse-like rodents, especially in combination with secondary and occasional food, that provide martens with a food minimum in hungry years. During the snowless period of the year, when the acquisition of mouse-like rodents for martens is greatly facilitated, their proportion in the diet of the martens increases.

The species composition of mouse-like rodents eaten by martens is diverse. It depends not only on species composition and relative abundance in the local forest fauna, but also from relative availability: more mobile forest mice are always much less common. Forests are an exception. Black Sea coast Caucasus, where, in places, there are no other mouse-like rodents.

It has long been widely believed that the pine marten feeds mainly on proteins. Already from the above tables it is clear that this is far from being the case; The pine marten can also exist perfectly where there is no squirrel at all, for example, in the Caucasus, where the marten thrives. Even now, after the settlement of the squirrel in the forests of the northwestern Caucasus, the pine marten makes little use of its reserves (6.6%). Also during the snowless period, in taiga forest, where the marten has much more food available than in winter, the importance of protein in nutrition drops sharply. The destruction of squirrel squirrels in secrets has not yet been substantiated by facts.

AT last years the role of the pine marten (as well as sable for Siberia) in reducing the number of squirrels was intensively elucidated. Of primary importance is the ratio of the abundance and density of both species per unit of forest area, as well as the degree of abundance and availability of its main food for the marten. On average, the Pechora marten (which feeds on squirrels here more than anywhere else) eats 8-10 squirrels over the winter. In years when there are very few squirrels, and, on the contrary, there are many martens, these predators can destroy up to 30-35% of all squirrels; in other years, the value of proteins is much less. It is believed that in the European North, the pine marten is not able to influence the dynamics of the number of squirrels, and even more so to determine it. It causes noticeable damage to the local population of squirrels only in those rare years when the same low number of grouse birds, mouse-like rodents, and there are many martens at the same time coincide with a low number of squirrels.

The abundance of protein in nature does not cause an increase in its occurrence in the diet of the marten, especially if there are many voles. As was noted in the Pechora, the increased occurrence of protein in marten food is also associated with an increased occurrence in nature of weakened and diseased proteins.

In the diet of the pine marten of the European taiga and partly of the zone mixed forests grouse birds are essential: capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse and ptarmigan. Of these, hazel grouse is the most common victim of the marten. The marten hunts grouse birds mainly in their snowy burrows, at night, so in summer their occurrence in the marten's food drops noticeably and becomes more or less random. In the footprints in the snow, one can often trace the unsuccessful hunts of the pine marten for the capercaillie or hazel grouse. The number of grouse birds in the food of the marten usually increases in years of decline in the number of voles and squirrels. Capercaillie is found in the Pechora, like black grouse, only in the food of a larger and stronger male. Only hazel grouse is found in the female's food. This is also the case in the Vologda Oblast. The hare is also found only in the food of males. In the Central forest reserve there were individual male rabbits who specialized in the pursuit and production of hares. Their daily track was often especially long.

Catching small birds characteristic pine marten, although their proportion in the diet is very small. This is determined by the small size of the prey. Hollow-nesting birds predominate among the preyed birds: woodpeckers, tits, nuthatches.

Shrews in marten food are either an accidental element or a sign of an acute shortage of basic food. Sometimes, in some winters, marten appears in food common mole, and quite often. This is due to the death of moles during severe freezing of the taiga soil in winters with little snow. Also, special circumstances cause the appearance of eggs of grouse birds, mainly capercaillie, in the winter diet of the marten. It's related to death in early spring whole clutches of eggs from hypothermia, which occurs only when the female leaves the clutch for a long time in years when repeated and prolonged June frosts occur.

Sometimes, in the winter, the remains of frogs and their caviar are found in the remains of the marten's food. This is observed in winters with little food, when the predator manages to find a wintering cluster of frogs somewhere on a melted stream. .In Tataria, on the Small Cheremshan, traces of a marten were repeatedly observed, passing on the ice of the river, where the American mink got frogs. The mink often left the frogs in the snow and the marten picked them up.

AT southern parts of the range of the species during the snowless period, the marten eats a large number of insects, including wasps, bees, bumblebees, beetles (especially ground beetles), In the taiga and in forests middle lane wasps, bumblebees and bees are more common in food. Beetles predominate in the Caucasus. In the taiga, the value of this food group is naturally less, as are the food objects themselves. Having found a hollow tree inhabited by wild bees, the pine marten willingly and for a long time feeds on honey and bee larvae.

Plant foods are found in food in taiga forests, mainly during the snowless period. Then blueberries take the first place. Other fruits, including bird cherry, are of secondary importance. Only in the upper reaches of the Pechora importance acquires a cedar "nut" in autumn and winter, of course, in the years of its harvest. It is usually found in the stomachs of martens together with forest voles. The marten eats mountain ash in winter, far from being in accordance with its availability and accessibility. She uses the fruits of mountain ash very moderately, especially when there are many other feeds. Where there is no cedar in the taiga, mountain ash and other plant foods appear in the food of martens in winter, when there is little basic food. In the southern parts of the range, fruits, especially in autumn and winter, are much more greater value than in the taiga. In the northwestern Caucasus, along with a whole list wild fruits(including mountain ash), yew fruits, which are poisonous to humans, are also of significant importance.

Polyphagous is a very characteristic feature of the pine marten. It allows her to switch to others with a shortage of one feed. However, the comparison of combinations in one stomach different number food with the degree of fullness of the stomach and the fatness of the animal shows that the diversity in the daily diet is a negative sign, indicating a lack of basic, complete feed. An analysis of long-term data on the diet of the pine marten also shows that, along with the existing relationship between the degree of abundance of basic foods in nature and the frequency of their occurrence in the diet, there is another relationship - a decrease in the occurrence of one of the food groups causes an increase in the consumption of another group or groups, regardless on the abundance of these foods in nature. In general, due to the polyphagous pine martens there are no deep and prolonged depressions in numbers, primarily where conditions are more favorable for them. However, although rare, there are seasons when most of the main food in nature is scarce, martens starve.

Table 68 on the diet of the pine marten shows that during the snowless period, due to a more diverse and more accessible range of food, the occurrence of mouse-like rodents noticeably increases, mainly forest voles, eggs of birds, insects and their larvae, as well as fruits. At the same time, the occurrence of more difficult-to-get foods: squirrels, grouse birds is decreasing. It has already been said above that this general position there are a number of local deviations. So, in the Arkhangelsk region, 70% of the data were found in the summer diet of voles, birds - 23.2%, insects - 24.2%, fruits (including berries) - 21.2%, among birds the value of grouse decreases and increases the role of small birds, as well as appear lizards, reduced the value of shrews - forced food, and squirrels.

The marten's stomach holds an amount of food equal to 1/10 of the animal's live weight - this is the optimal daily rate. It is not often achieved. The most filled stomachs contained 60-90 g of food, most often about 50 g. The pine marten does not eat more than one squirrel per day; much more often it leaves a part of the carcass. To assess the overall supply of marten fodder in this year and season, the researcher has data on the average fullness of the stomach with food (by weight) and on the number of empty stomachs. In the zone of middle and northern taiga, the pine marten feeds worse than in the zone of mixed forests. The average fullness of the stomach of the Pechora marten for 7 winter seasons was 28.7% of the optimal fullness, in the forests of the middle zone - 80-95%, which is 50-70 and up to 90 g. For Tataria, the filling is about 44% (32 g) . All this corresponds to the geographical variability of marten nutrition in different areas its habitat and duration daily journey. In the Pechora marten for 7 years, the average percentage of stomach fullness in the winter season ranged from 14.6 to 51.1%, and average weight(without empty ones) - from 10.6 to 37.1 g. In Vologda pine martens over 4 winter seasons, the average weight of the contents of the stomach ranged from 25.5 to 35.5 g (average - 29.3 g); the maximum was 126 g (a frog and its caviar). The best fullness in the upper reaches of the Pechora usually occurs with a predominant diet of squirrel and upland game, but at this time there is also the largest percentage of empty stomachs.

Do you know why the stone marten is called that? Where does this cute little animal live? What does it eat? Can a stone marten live at home? We will try to answer these and many other questions in this article.

External features

The marten is one of the most widespread predators of the class Mammals. This small animal, having a slender and flexible body, fluffy wool, is a serious enemy for many birds and animals. To date, scientists distinguish 8 types of martens. The most famous of them are stone and forest varieties.

The stone marten has an elongated fluffy and long tail. Her limbs are short. This animal has a triangular face. set high. Many people think that this animal is very similar to a ferret. There are undeniable similarities. The main difference is a forked light spot on the marten's chest, passing in two stripes to the front legs. But it is necessary to know that the Asian population of the species may not have a spot at all.

The coat of the animal is rather hard, painted in a grayish-brown or brownish-yellow hue. The eyes are dark. At night they glow reddish. The stone marten, the photo of which you can see in this article, leaves clearer marks on the ground than its forest "relative". This one moves little predator jumps, while the hind legs clearly fall on the trail of the front. As a result, prints remain, which hunters call "two-beads".

The white-haired marten (stone marten) differs significantly from the forest individual. She has little longer tail, the spot on the neck has a yellowish tint, the nose is darker, the feet are covered with hair. The stone marten is heavier and smaller in size. The body length of an adult animal is 55 centimeters, the tail is 30 cm. Weight is from 1 to 2.5 kg. Males are noticeably larger than females.

Stone marten: distribution area

This animal lives in the treeless mountains of Altai in the Caucasus, in the floodplain forests of Ciscaucasia, and sometimes in cities and parks. southern regions Russia. This type of martens is widespread in Eurasia, in Mongolia and in the Himalayas.

It is also found in Ukraine, in Kazakhstan, Belarus, in Central and Central Asia. This animal does not live in forests, preferring open spaces with small shrubs and rare single trees, rocky terrain. That is why the animal was so named. Surprisingly, this small animal is not afraid of people at all, it can often be found in basements and sheds, in the attics of residential buildings.

Are you interested in the question of home maintenance? In captivity, the stone marten practically does not live. For this reason, it is rarely seen even in large zoos. True, in Germany, in the Central Zoo of Berlin, the Germans managed to create almost ideal conditions, as close as possible to natural environment habitat.


Biologists have divided all stone martens into four subspecies.

  1. European blond. Lives in some areas of the European part of the former Soviet Union and Western Europe.
  2. Crimean white lady. As it is already clear, this is a resident of the Crimea. It has a slightly different tooth structure from other relatives, a small skull and a lighter color.
  3. Caucasian white lady. This is the largest subspecies living in Transcaucasia, having valuable shiny fur and beautiful underfur.
  4. The Central Asian white-haired woman chose Altai as her place of residence. Her chest patch is poorly developed. Has very thick fur.

Behavior in the natural environment

The stone marten is active at dusk and at night. During the day they sleep in the hollows of trees or nest in the nests of feathered predators. Most martens spend their lives on the branches of trees, so they feel very confident there - they climb trunks, jump from branch to branch. Their jump can reach 4 meters.

Martens quickly move on the ground. Each individual owns its own allotment, the boundaries of which it marks with a special secret. If the territory is violated by a stranger, then a conflict is possible between the animals. True, in males and females, the ranges quite often intersect. The area of ​​such allotments varies depending on the time of year. In summer, the plots are larger than in winter.

What does a marten eat

Martens are predators, so the basis of their diet is small animals - rodents, squirrels, rabbits, birds. Rural residents note that these animals are quite frequent guests of chicken coops. When the birds begin to rush about in a panic, even a completely well-fed marten will not be able to suppress its hunting instinct - it will pass all the birds.

Having caught their prey, predators break her vertebrae, suck out warm blood with her tongue folded into a tube. The stone marten is able to catch up and grab a bird that has lost its vigilance or climb into a nest and eat eggs. In summer, these animals catch various insects, frogs. Sometimes martens add plant foods to their diet, usually berries or fruits.

Hunting stone marten with traps

For experienced hunter marten is a worthy trophy. This is a cunning, agile and fast predator, which is able to bypass various obstacles during the chase, maneuver and hide in the trees. The official season starts in November. As we have already said, this is a nocturnal predator (stone marten). Hunting is possible only at night. Only in this case you will not return home empty-handed.

by the most effective way hunting for this animal is the use of traps. Most often, trap number 1 is used. Each hunter has his own secrets of setting them. Let's share one of them. Traps should be set on tree branches at a height of from one to two meters, then they will not be covered with snow. And when the animal falls into a trap, he will not have a chance to get out (in limbo).

The bait trap must be placed near well-trodden forest paths. Hunting is not mass, since the number of these animals is not too large. In addition, it is quite difficult to get such an animal. Nevertheless, for the most adventurous hunters, the marten is a welcome trophy.