The magic of numbers. Menstruation in a dream - for better or worse

Life's worries. Maybe you should take a vacation?

Walk alone through a field, forest, labyrinth- you are confused about some problem. Ask someone in authority for advice.

Walk across the bridge- complete what you have planned. It will bring you success.

Walk in the crowd- no one understands you. Take a closer look at your surroundings. Someone you haven't considered before may be able to support you.

Walk together, three of us- you have a task ahead of you that requires composure. Luck is likely. Mobilize your efforts.

Modern combined dream book

A dream in which you had to walk somewhere for a long time and quickly is a warning- you will not be able to correctly assess the situation and make the wrong decision. You will have to pay for your mistakes later.

Walk on the carpet- glory awaits you in the future.

Go hunting- your friends or loved one will cheat on you.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Walk barefoot- need for grounding.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Walk quickly- obstacles; through the meadow- your friend will cheat on you; through the swamp- stinginess will bring a lot of trouble; around- change of position; towards - bad situation affairs; in the company of friends- pay attention to your wife’s behavior; go straight- greater awareness.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Walk quickly in a dream- means that in reality you will encounter unforeseen obstacles. Walk on the carpet- glory awaits you in the future. Go hunting- your friends or loved one will cheat on you. Walk on brickwork- portends anxiety and fear about loved ones.

Seeing yourself walking through a meadow in a dream- suggests that in reality you yourself will aggravate relations with friends and will only lose their trust and respect. Walking through a swamp in a dream- get into trouble from your superiors, by water- to joyful events, through the forest- to quarrels in the family, across the field- to gossip.

Walking across a bridge over a stormy, foaming river in a dream- a sign that you will soon achieve your deepest desire. If you are walking through dew and feel that your feet are already wet- this portends troubles, illnesses and hardships that will force you to mind your own business, which will also not lead to success.

To dream that you are walking through mud in reality- portends a loss of trust and respect among friends own family, which will be caused by your rash behavior. Seeing other people walking through mud- foretells dirty gossip about you coming from people from your close circle.

Walking on rails and sleepers in a dream- a sign that you will achieve great happiness thanks to your skillful management of affairs. Walk through the railway crossing- portends a time of anxiety and exhausting work.

Walking in a dream among snakes swarming around you- means that you will live in constant fear of losing someone dear to you, and selfish people will encroach on your place in a friendly circle. Walking in the rain, from which even an umbrella can’t save you- a harbinger of the pain that awaits you after a disagreement with a friend.

Walking on a tightrope in a dream at a dizzying height- means that you will take part in some risky transaction, but you will be lucky enough to get away with it. Seeing others walking on a tightrope in a dream- this means you will benefit from a successful scam.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Go- period of life, the course of current affairs (based on the nature of the movement, road, place...).

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Go fast- obstacles.

Esoteric dream book

Go fast- to overcome obstacles.

Legs tangle- to many years, a long fruitful life.

Slowly trample- rapid progress towards the goal.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Go fast- obstacles; on the grass- betrayal of a friend, difficulties; through the swamp- other people's squabbles; in the company of friends- wife's infidelity; go around something- change of position.

Collection of dream books

Walk quickly- you are overcome by physical inactivity; at a slow pace– you need to think about your behavior; barefoot on the ground- you lack communication with nature.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Friday to Saturday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Dreams can predict what awaits a woman in the near future. Especially when she dreams that she has started menstruation, although in reality there is nothing like that. And there are no worries about her absence either. What would that mean?

Also, some dream interpreters claim that such dreams warn the fairer sex that in reality she will most likely commit some kind of offense, for which she will then have to blush and even bitterly repent.

Interesting looks psychological dream book“Interpretation of dreams” menstruation in dreams. Most likely, the woman in reality wants to stop some process in her life and avoid losses. For example, she wants to keep a man near her who decides to break up with her. Or, foreseeing an imminent separation from her daughter, she tries in every possible way to dissuade her from a rash marriage. Or maybe the seriously ill mother has long been sent home by the doctors - death has approached the very bedside of a close and beloved person.

But she is unable to stop these processes, and no matter what the unfortunate woman does, it is not within her competence. Therefore, the dream book interprets menstruation in a dream in this way: for sure, your efforts will be in vain. Don't waste your energy trying to turn back the rivers! Just as menstruation was given to us by the Lord God, and it is impossible for a healthy, non-pregnant woman to avoid it, so moments like these were sent by him. They are obvious and inevitable. Don't grumble - accept your whole life as a gift!

From a psychological point of view, this is quite understandable. This is how the dream book reasons: a woman’s period is an indisputable, obligatory fact. Although they are sometimes painful and abundant. Every period is associated with loss of blood and strength. But the woman takes it calmly. Most likely, she will worry if she suddenly does not get her period. After all, the absence of “blood” signals either the onset of pregnancy (great, if long-awaited!), or female disease. Therefore, representatives of the weak half of humanity are morally ready to sacrifice their blood, accept troubles associated with overcoming pain and dizziness.

Understanding that many sacrifices are simply inevitable, thereby freeing the individual from worries. After all, before the woman could not unravel the meaning of the dream, she was in a state of unfreedom. Now, having fully realized the necessity of losses, she is morally freed from worries.

And one more thing interesting meaning The dream book suggests: menstruation sometimes means a meeting. The vision itself suggests that very soon you will meet a loved one with whom you are in a long separation. Menstrual blood speaks of sexual kinship. That is, the person you were once in a relationship with love affairs, may come to you any day now.

In general, dreams and predictions of the future are a deeply personal matter. Smart people They specially keep individual records in which they record dreams and events that follow. It is quite possible that your dreams have original, different from generally accepted, explanations. For example, the famous Vanga solved dreams completely differently than other predictors did. So, before deciding which explanation to give preference to, you should carefully read not one, but several dream books in order to choose the appropriate one.

A dream about menstruation can be strange and even frightening, and here everything depends on the details of the vision itself, on its key features seen by a person. Why did you dream that your period came - key question, which this article will try to answer.

What if you dream about your period?

A dream in which the girl got her period and found it on her underwear means that a bright streak awaits her in the near future. Troubles will subside for a while, and the lady herself will be able to reach certain peaks.

If in the vision your periods come very heavily and literally flow down your legs, the girl urgently needs to undergo a medical examination. Such an alarming sign. Almost always foreshadows serious illness, which is about to develop, and with what formerly man starts to fight it, the better it will be.

If someone else gets their period in a dream, it means the girl should temporarily reduce her level of vital activity. A period of creation begins for her, and therefore it is necessary to make as few serious decisions as possible, temporarily postponing them for later.

A vision in which a pregnant woman begins to menstruate has an excellent interpretation. Usually such a dream foreshadows a very easy birth and a painless birth of a healthy baby.

Sometimes men also have dreams about menstruation. If a representative of the stronger sex sees such a dream, it means that his beloved must have serious life problems. You should warn your significant other and help her in every possible way during this difficult period.

If a woman who has long since reached menopause sees menstruation in a dream, it means real life she should expect dramatic changes. Perhaps these changes will affect a person’s personal life or her general financial condition.

An alarm bell comes from a dream in which a woman not only observes the arrival of menstruation, but also feels very strong, uncharacteristic pain. Most likely, this vision warns the lady about a possible development serious illnesses. You should undergo a medical examination to identify the problem early and correct it.

If you see menstruation in a dream unmarried girl, then most likely they are expecting her serious problems in my personal life. Perhaps the lover will commit meanness, for which the girl simply cannot forgive him. If a married lady sees menstruation in a dream, then she is expecting imminent pregnancy. Conception could have already occurred, and very soon the lady will find out about her interesting position.

What does it portend?

Seeing menstrual discharge of a strange color in a dream means diseases of the genitourinary system. If a woman sees that the discharge has a pale pink or brown tint, then in real life she should be examined by a specialist as soon as possible.

Also, a vision in which a woman feels a pungent odor from the discharge has a negative interpretation. Usually this dream means that the lady has complexes that prevent her from building her personal life. Having gotten rid of these complexes, the girl will feel much better.

A dream in which menstruation comes unexpectedly means that bad news awaits the lady. Bad news is due any day, and the owner of the vision can only prepare for it.

If in a dream a person gets his clothes dirty because of a sudden onset of menstruation, it means that in real life the dreamer will face large expenses. The most unpleasant thing here is that the spending will turn out to be pointless, and the person will only lose the amount of money that has been saved with difficulty.

Dreams about menstruation have both positive and sharply negative interpretations, and here everything directly depends on the details of the vision. Using several dream books, a person will be able to interpret his vision in detail, but this must be done as soon as possible, while all the details of the dream are fresh in memory.

Why do you dream about menstruation?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

A woman dreams of menstruation - to the illness of a relative; for a man to see that his woman is having her period - to her illness associated with internal bleeding.

Why do you dream about menstruation?

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Menstruation (menstruation) - If a woman sees her menstruation, and she actually doesn’t have it at that time, it means that she will commit some serious offense in reality.

A woman dreams of menstruation for some reason - to the illness of a relative; for a man to see that his woman is having her period - to her illness associated with internal bleeding.

Why do you dream about menstruation?

Everyday dream book

For a young woman to see her period in a dream means that she may have health problems in the near future, and she needs to undergo a medical examination as quickly as possible, while the problems are not too big.

If a pregnant woman dreams about her period, then such a dream can mean that the birth will take place quickly and without complications, and the baby will be healthy and strong.

Menstruation - If in a dream you saw clothes stained with blood, then in the near future get ready to encounter troubles; it is quite possible that you will find yourself in an awkward situation, and you will not be able to get out of it without moral losses.

If a woman dreams that she has her period, but in reality she does not, it means that big troubles await her, for which she herself is to blame. If you dreamed that you stained someone else’s bed or furniture with blood, then in reality you will really need help, but asking for it would be beneath your dignity.

Menstruation - In this case, you will have to either come to terms with big losses, which threatens you with trouble, or hurt your pride and ask for help, which, by the way, you will not be denied.

Why do you dream about menstruation?

English dream book

Period Blood - The onset of menstruation symbolizes the young woman's ability to bear a child. Why do you dream about period blood - it can mean relief if you were afraid that you might be pregnant, or frustration if you want to get pregnant. It can also reflect awkwardness in sexual matters.

Why do you dream about menstruation?

Muslim dream book

If a woman sees her period, but she actually doesn’t have it at that time, it means she will have committed some kind of offense.

Why do you dream about menstruation?

Online dream book

Menstruation in a dream portends health problems for loved ones.

If your chosen one has them, serious problems await you internal organs, bleeding may occur that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

A dream with menstruation for a girl warns that something is wrong with her body and she definitely needs to see a doctor.

For a pregnant woman

Why do you dream about menstruation?

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

If in a dream any woman sees her period, but in reality she does not have it, she will commit a rash action.

Why do you dream about menstruation?

Dream book of the 21st century

Menstruation - If in a dream a woman has a delay in menstruation, she will soon meet a very rich lover or short-term but passionate love.

For a young woman, a dream in which she sees that she is menstruating hints that she should take care of her own health. Perhaps it’s time to deal with those sores that do not make themselves felt constantly, but have been accumulating for years.

If a pregnant woman dreams of menstruation, she will give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby.

Seeing clothes stained with menstrual blood in a dream means serious problems.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Friday to Saturday

The dream contains encrypted advice, a hint on how to act in the future for the sleeper or his loved ones. A bright and pleasant dream foretells good luck in current affairs and endeavors. Pictures that contain barriers or restrictions have the opposite meaning. Dreams for this day of the week are prophetic.

Menstruation in a dream is a symbolic letting go of the past and a willingness to accept something completely new. Why do you dream that your period has started? The dream book advises preparing for a visit from relatives or receiving news from them.

Family ties

Like any other blood, menstruation reflects a blood connection. The dream book is sure that everything that happened to be seen in a dream will be closely connected with relatives, including distant ones.

Sometimes you may dream of bleeding like a woman as a sign of imminent pregnancy. But most often, menstruation “begins” in a dream before a relative’s illness.


Did you dream that “these days” have begun, although the actual date is still far away? You risk committing a rash act that will lead to great difficulties.

Did you get your period in a dream? This means that in reality something will have to be sacrificed in order to achieve the goal.

If a man happened to see that his lady started menstruating, then her illness will be associated with blood loss.

Engage your soul!

Why else do you dream that your period has started? In dreams, this is a reflection of the desire to become closer to nature. The vision conveys a trend of spiritual development, the realization that it is necessary to free oneself from the past, move away from everything real and focus on one’s inner world.

Let go...

If in a dream menstruation is especially heavy and even turns to bleeding, then this is an unkind sign. The dream book believes that you are afraid of missing out on something very important and valuable, in your opinion.

Perhaps what you are clinging to is not worth the effort and resources. It's time to let go of the situation or person.

By the way, if you dreamed that blood loss began after a long delay, then this means that you will lose a rich and generous lover.

For better or worse?

Did you dream that your period started? Changes are coming, but the dream book cannot say for the better or for the worse. It all depends on how you personally perceive these changes. After all, sometimes even misfortune allows you to find happiness.

In this case, the interpretation of sleep must be done taking into account the type and quality of blood.

  • Pure, scarlet - do the impossible.
  • With clots - to illness.
  • Black - the difficult period has come to an end.
  • Cake - to emotional unrest.
  • Flows down the body - to receive help and money.
  • On clothes - to a successful turn of events.

If in a dream you happen to see that you are literally bleeding, then the dream book offers two interpretations: either you will soon become seriously ill, or you are spending money exorbitantly and living beyond your means.

Miller warns

Why do you dream about getting your period according to Miller’s dream book? He believes that this is a warning about a disease, most likely in the female part. The disease is in its development stage and has not yet manifested itself, but everything will change soon.