Prayer that everything will work out at work and everything will be fine. A strong prayer that everything will be fine

Prayers Everyone Should Know Orthodox Christian : Our Father, Heavenly King, Prayer of thanksgiving, Invoking the help of the Holy Spirit for every good deed, the Most Holy Theotokos, May God rise, the Life-giving Cross, the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, the Most Holy Theotokos, For the pacification of those at war, For the sick, Alive in help, St. Moses Murin, Creed, other daily prayers .

If you have anxiety in your soul and it seems to you that everything in life is not working out the way you want, or you don’t have enough strength and confidence to continue what you started, read these prayers. They will fill you with the energy of faith and prosperity, surround you with heavenly power and protect you from all adversity. They will give you strength and confidence.

Prayers that every Orthodox Christian should know.

Our Father

"Our Father who art in heaven! Hallowed be your name, may your kingdom come; Thy will be done both on earth and in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil; For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen".

Heavenly King

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

Prayer of thanksgiving(Thanksgiving for every good deed of God)

From time immemorial, believers have read this prayer not only when their deeds, through prayers to the Lord, ended successfully, but also glorifying the Almighty, and thanking Him for the very gift of life and constant care for the needs of each of us.

Troparion, tone 4:
Give thanks to Thy unworthy servants, O Lord, for Thy great good deeds upon us; we glorify Thee, bless, thank Thee, sing and magnify Thy compassion, and slavishly cry out to Thee in love: O our Benefactor, glory to Thee.

Kontakion, tone 3:
As a servant of indecency, having been honored with Your blessings and gifts, Master, we earnestly flow to You, giving thanks according to our strength, and glorifying You as the Benefactor and Creator, we cry out: Glory to You, All-Bountiful God.

Glory even now: Theotokos
Theotokos, Christian Helper, Your servants, having acquired Your intercession, cry out to You in gratitude: Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin Mother of God, and always deliver us from all our troubles with Your prayers, One who will soon intercede.

Invoking the help of the Holy Spirit for every good work

Troparion, Tone 4:
O God, Creator and Creator of all things, the works of our hands, begun for Thy glory, hasten to correct them with Thy blessing, and deliver us from all evil, for one is all-powerful and Lover of mankind.

Kontakion, Tone 3:
Quick to intercede and strong to help, present yourself to the grace of Thy power now, and bless and strengthen, and bring about the good work of Thy servants to accomplish the good intentions of Thy servants: for all that thou desirest, for strong God you can create.

Holy Mother of God

“O Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, save and have mercy on us, Thy sinful servants; from vain slander and all misfortune, adversity and sudden death, have mercy in the daytime hours, morning and evening, and at all times save us - standing, sitting, on on every path that walks, on those who sleep at night, provide, intercede and cover, protect. Lady Theotokos, from all enemies visible and invisible, from every evil situation, in every place and at every time, be to us, O Most Blessed Mother, an insurmountable wall and strong intercession. always now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

May God rise again

"Let God rise again, and let His enemies be scattered, and let them flee from His face. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts before the fire, so let the demons perish before His face." lovers of God and signifying sign of the cross, and in joy they say: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by force on You, the crucified Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power of the devil, and gave us Himself, His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honorable One and life-giving Cross Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen".

Life-giving cross

“Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross, save me from all evil. Weaken, forgive, forgive, God, our sins, voluntary and involuntary, both in word and in deed, both in knowledge and not in ignorance, as day and night, both in mind and in thought, forgive us everything, as you are Good and Lover of Mankind. Forgive those who hate and offend us, O Lord, Lover of Mankind. Do good to those who do good. Grant to our brothers and relatives forgiveness and eternal life even for salvation. In weaknesses Visit those who are and grant healing. Rule the sea. Travel to those who travel. Grant remission of sins to those who serve and have mercy on us. Those who commanded us, the unworthy, to pray for them, have mercy according to Your great mercy. Remember, O Lord, our fathers and brothers who have fallen before us and give them rest, where the light of Thy countenance abides. Remember, O Lord, our captive brothers, deliver them from every situation. Remember, O Lord, those who bear fruit and do good in Thy holy churches, give them the way to salvation through petition and eternal life. Remember, O Lord, us, the humble and sinners and unworthy Thy servants, and enlighten our minds with the light of Thy mind, and make us follow the path of Thy commandments, through the prayers of our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary and all Thy saints, for blessed art Thou unto the ages of ages. Amen".

Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

“O Great Saint of Christ and glorious healer, Great Martyr Panteleimon. With your soul in heaven, stand before the Throne of God, enjoy the tripartite glory of His glory, but rest in your holy body and face on earth in divine temples, and by the grace given to you from above, emanate various miracles. Look with your merciful eye on the people ahead and more honestly than your icon, praying and asking you for healing help and intercession, extend your warm prayers to the Lord our God and ask for forgiveness of sins for our souls. Behold, raise your voice of prayer to Him, in the Divine unapproachable glory with a contrite heart and a humble spirit for you, mercifully intercessor to the Lady and we call for a prayer book for us sinners. For you have received grace from Him to drive away illnesses and heal passions. We ask you, do not despise us, unworthy, praying to you and demanding your help; be a comforter to us in sorrows, a doctor in severe ailments to those who suffer, a giver of insight, with those who exist and babies in sorrow, the most prepared intercessor and healer, intercede for everyone, everything useful for salvation, as if by your prayers to the Lord God, having received grace and mercy, we glorify all the good sources and Gift-Giver of the One God in the Holy Trinity of the Glorious Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen".

Holy Mother of God

“My Most Holy Lady Theotokos, with Your saints and all-powerful prayers, take away from me, Your humble and accursed servant, despondency, oblivion, foolishness, negligence and all nasty, evil and blasphemous thoughts.”

To pacify the warring

“O Lord, Lover of Mankind, King of the ages and Giver of good things, who destroyed the enmity of the mediastinum and gave peace to the human race, grant now peace to Thy servants, quickly instill Thy fear in them, establish love for each other, quench all strife, take away all disagreements and temptations. Like You is our peace, we send up glory to You. To the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

About those who are sick

Master, Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not kill, strengthen those who fall and raise those who have been cast down, correct the bodily sorrows of people, we pray to Thee, our God, Thy servant... visit the weak with Thy mercy, forgive him every sin, voluntary and involuntary. To him, Lord, Thy healing power was sent down from heaven, touch the body, extinguish the fire, steal away passion and all lurking infirmity, be the doctor of Thy servant, raise him from the bed of sickness and from the bed of bitterness, whole and all-perfect, grant him to Thy Church, pleasing and doing will. Yours, yours is, to have mercy and save us, our God, and to you we send up glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Alive in Help

“He who is alive, in the help of the Most High, will dwell in the shelter of the Heavenly God. He says to the Lord: My God is my intercessor and my refuge, and I trust in Him. For He will deliver you from the snare of hunters and from the words of rebellion; His blanket will cover you, under His wings you have trusted "His truth will surround you with weapons. There will be no slaughter from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies in the days, from things that come in darkness, from the debris and the demon of the midday. A thousand will fall from your country, and darkness will be at your right hand, but it will not come close to you, otherwise Look into Your eyes and see the reward of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope; You have made the Most High your refuge. No evil will come to you, and no wound will come near your body, as He commanded His angels about you, to keep you in all your ways. On They will take you in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone, tread on the asp and the basilisk, and cross over the lion and the serpent. I am in his tribulation, I will destroy him and glorify him, I will fill him with long days, I will show him My salvation.”

Venerable Moses Murin

ABOUT, great power repentance! O immeasurable depth of God's mercy! You, Reverend Moses, was formerly a robber. You were horrified by your sins, grieved over them, and in repentance came to the monastery and there, in great lamentation over your iniquities and in difficult deeds, you spent your days until your death and received Christ’s grace of forgiveness and the gift of miracles. Oh Reverend, from grave sins Having achieved wonderful virtues, help the slaves (name) who pray to you and are drawn to destruction by the fact that they indulge in the immeasurable consumption of wine, which is harmful to the soul and body. Bow your merciful gaze upon them, do not reject them or despise them, but listen to them as they come running to you. Pray, holy Moses, to the Lord Christ, so that He, the Merciful, does not reject them, and may the devil not rejoice at their death, but may the Lord have mercy on these powerless and unfortunate (name), who are possessed by the destructive passion of drunkenness, because we are all God's creatures and redeemed by the Most Pure Blood of His Son. Hear, Reverend Moses, their prayer, drive away the devil from them, grant them the power to overcome their passion, help them, stretch out your hand, lead them from the slavery of passions and deliver them from wine drinking, so that they, renewed, in sobriety and a bright mind, will love abstinence and piety and eternally glorified the All-Good God, who always saves his creatures. Amen".

Symbol of faith

“I believe in one God, the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible, in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, who was born of the Father before all ages; Light from Light, God the truth and from God the truth , born, not created, consubstantial with the Father, by whom all things were. For our sake, man and our salvation came down from heaven and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate and suffered and was buried. And rose again on the third day according to the Scripture. And He ascended into heaven, sitting at the right hand of the Father. And again He will come with the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord Life-Giving, who proceeds from the Father. Who is worshiped with the Father and the Son and glorify the one who spoke the prophets, into the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. Tea of ​​the Resurrection of the dead and the life of the next century. Amen".

Prayer of spouses without children

“Hear us, Merciful and Almighty God, may Your grace be sent down through our prayer. Be merciful, Lord, to our prayer, remember Your law about the multiplication of the human race and be a merciful Patron, so that with Your help what You have established will be preserved. He created everything out of nothing and laid the foundation for everything that exists in the world - He created man in His image and with a high secret sanctified the union of marriage as a foreshadowing of the mystery of the unity of Christ with the Church. Look, O Merciful One, on us, Your servants, united in a marital union and begging for Your help , may Thy mercy be upon us, may we be fruitful and may we see the sons of our sons even to the third and fourth generation and to the desired old age, live and enter the Kingdom of Heaven by the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship is due Holy Spirit forever. Amen."

Daily Prayers

When you wake up in the morning, mentally say the following words:
“In our hearts is the Lord God, in front is the Holy Spirit; help me with you to start, live and finish the day.”

Going to long journey or just for some business, it’s good to mentally say:
"My angel, come with me: you are ahead, I am behind you." And the Guardian Angel will help you in any endeavor.

To improve your life, it’s good to read every day next prayer:
“Merciful Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit, save, preserve and have mercy on me, the servant of God (name). Take away from me the damage, the evil eye and bodily pain forever. Merciful Lord, cast out the demon from me, the servant of God. Merciful Lord, heal me, God's servant (name). Amen."

If you are worried about your loved ones, say the following prayer until calm comes:
“Lord, save, preserve, have mercy (names of loved ones). Everything will be fine with them!”

The Savior said “Ask, and it will be given to you.” These words of Christ often encourage us to think that God is a kind of sorcerer and wizard who will fulfill all our desires: now we will just read the holy prayer for the fulfillment of a desire in the near future. However, a situation often happens to us when we set a goal for ourselves, try to do everything to achieve it, pray for a wish to come true in the near future, but there is no result. Why does this happen? There may be several reasons. The first and most obvious is that we ourselves do not know what we are asking. How often does a person ask for wealth, and only the Lord knows that big money will harm him. Asks for a soul mate, but he himself is not yet ready for serious relationship, repels all potential grooms/brides with his behavior, and blames others for this. He asks for children, but not because he is ripe for the great mission of fatherhood/motherhood, but to be “like everyone else.” And there are many such examples. That is why you should not grumble; you can read a strong prayer to God asking for the fulfillment of a desire in one day, but do not forget to always add “Thy will be done” at the end.

When reading a prayer for the fulfillment of a cherished desire, specify it

The second reason is that you yourself don’t know exactly what to ask for in prayer for the fulfillment of your desire. For example, the prayer “Lord, let everything be fine” is incorrect. What is “everything” and how is it “good”? You should ask for a specific need. For example, about health, about the successful resolution of childbirth, about profit in business, about the successful sale of a house, etc.

It should be noted that there is no Orthodox prayer that guarantees the fulfillment of your desire. Prayer differs from a conspiracy in that in it we ask without knowing in advance whether what we ask will be given to us, and a conspiracy, as it were, sets us up for a positive result in advance.

But is it possible to force God to fulfill a desire with a strong prayer? This kind of practice has nothing to do with Orthodoxy; these are occult actions, which ultimately cause great harm to the soul. It is very simple to distinguish conspiracies from prayers - there is no request in them, but an installation, almost an order, moreover, conspiracies often need to be combined with different actions (buy ten candles and light them on the full moon, read a prayer forty times and send them to forty people, etc. similar).

How to correctly pray for the fulfillment of a desire?

The Orthodox Church teaches us that in prayer to the saints the most important thing is repentance and humility. If your request pleases God and does not harm you or others, then God will certainly fulfill it, although perhaps not as quickly as you would like. In addition, do not forget to contribute to the speedy fulfillment of your desire, do not expect obvious miracles from a strong prayer to God (remember the Gospel parable about buried talents): for example, when asking for a well-paid job, strive to improve your qualifications, learn languages, be active in sending out resumes.

Listen to the video of the Orthodox prayer for the fulfillment of St. Martha's wishes

Read the text of a very strong prayer to Saint Martha for the quick fulfillment of your desire

“Oh Saint Martha, You are Miraculous! I turn to you for help! And completely in my needs, and you will be my helper in my trials! I promise you with gratitude that I will spread this prayer everywhere! I humbly and tearfully ask you to console me in my worries and hardships! Humbly, for the sake of the great joy that filled your heart, tearfully, take care of me and my family, so that we preserve our God in our hearts and thereby deserve the Saved Supreme Mediation, first of all, with the concern that now burdens me, (hereinafter precisely speak your wish). I tearfully ask you, Helper in every need, conquer the burdens just as You conquered the snake until it lay at Your feet!”

Text of a prayer to the Lord God for wishes to come true soon

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Fulfill my cherished desires and do not deny their sinless achievement. Bring good luck to wise actions and ward off success in sinful ambitions. May all good desires certainly be fulfilled, and bad deeds banished. Let it be so. Amen.

Listen to the video of the Orthodox prayer for the fulfillment of a wish to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Orthodox prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for the quick fulfillment of desires

Wonderworker Nicholas, help me with my mortal desires. Do not be angry at the impudent request, but do not abandon me in vain matters. Whatever I wish for good, do it. If I want something bad, turn away adversity. May all righteous wishes come true, and may my life be filled with happiness. Thy will be done. Amen.

A strong prayer for the fulfillment of a wish to Saint Matrona of Moscow

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Help me fulfill all my bright desires - innermost and cherished. Save me from vain desires that destroy the soul and wound the body. Ask the Lord God to protect me from nasty rottenness. Thy will be done. Amen.

7 prayers for everything to be fine.

Most often, we trust in the Lord when some problems arise in our lives and we want everything to get better quickly. But in moments of joy, few remember to give praise to God.

Therefore, in the temple there is a prayer so often that everything will be fine, implying the universal help of higher powers in any matter that is not in dispute.

There are quite a few and they have different recipients. Let's talk about the most common options.

How prayer can make everything go well

Once I heard a wise thought from a priest: “We want everything to be good in life, but at the same time we do not want to change for the better.”

But it’s true: how many of us can be called good people that they do not commit “voluntary or involuntary sins”? Well, let us still remember the basic commandments - “Thou shalt not kill”, “Thou shalt not steal”, “Thou shalt not commit adultery” - but what about sins such as envy, anger, despondency, murmuring against God’s will?

The last point is especially important.

We are ready to accept good gifts from higher powers, but we exclaim indignantly: “Why do I need all this?!” when something bad happens in our lives.

But without the black stripes we would never have known the white stripes, without the sorrows we would never have known the joys. And even if everything was always good in our lives, many would never come to God.

The Church is confident that any trials are sent to us for a reason, but in order to:

  • protect us from even more terrible shocks;
  • restore faith in God;
  • make stronger;
  • make us appreciate the good things in our lives;
  • punish for some sins, etc.

Whatever happens, you must not be angry with the Lord, but remember the line of the most popular prayer: “Thy will be done.”

Don't complain to God. Say the words of prayer and ask that everything goes well with you.

It is appropriate to pray and ask for everything to go well in your life when:

  1. Everything is bad. A dark streak has come and any business, even the smallest one, does not go well. It seems to you that you are driven into a blind corner and you cannot get out of it. It is possible if you pray and believe.
  2. Need help with a specific matter. God helps his children not only in some global affairs, but also in everyday issues, such as opening a business, signing a business contract, etc. Even before you start doing anything, you need to visit the temple and say a prayer so that everything works out well for you. And you definitely need to pray when any difficulties arise along the way.
  3. Everything is fine. Are you happy now? Are you and everyone in your household healthy, no shocks, life is wonderful? So thank the Lord for this, say a prayer so that the future turns out well.

Prayer for everything to be fine: different options

For everything to be fine is a very vague concept and is somewhat reminiscent of a request “for nothing and everything at once.”

Don't let this bother you. The Lord knows exactly what you need to give and what to protect you from.

There are numerous variations of prayer, the purpose of which is to ask for all good things. Accordingly, its recipients are different.

Here are some common prayer options for you that are relatively easy to learn by heart:

To whom is the prayer addressed?
Prayer text
1. Nicholas the Wonderworker
About the saint Hristov Nicholas! Saint Nicholas. Hear us, sinful servants of God, praying to you, and pray for us, unworthy, that our Creator and Master, who is merciful to us, may not reward us according to our deeds, but reward us according to His grace. Deliver us, saints of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves of passions and troubles that rise against us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers the attack will not overwhelm us, and we will not wallow in the abyss of sins and in the mud of our passions. Pray to St. Nicholas, Christ our Lord God, that he may give us a peaceful life and forgiveness of sins, and salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.
2. Joseph VolotskyOh, most blessed and glorious is our Father Joseph! Leading by your great boldness towards God and resorting to your firm intercession, in contrition of heart we pray to you: illuminate us (names) with the light of the grace given to you and with your prayers help us to calmly pass through the stormy sea of ​​this life and safely reach the haven of salvation. Behold, beings who are enslaved by vain things are sin-loving and weak from the evils that have befallen us. You have shown the inexhaustible wealth of mercy in your earthly life. We believe that even after your departure you acquired a great gift to show mercy on the needy. Therefore now, as we come running to you, we tenderly ask you, Holy One of God: having been tempted, help us also who are tempted; by fasting and vigil, trample down the demonic power, and protect us from enemy attacks; nourished by the hunger of the perishing, and ask us from the Lord for an abundance of the fruits of the earth and everything needed for salvation; disgracing heretical wisdom, protect the Holy Church from heresies and schism and confusion with your prayers, so that we all may also be wise, glorifying with one heart the Holy Consubstantial, Life-giving and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.
3. Holy Mother of God
O Most Pure Lady of Heaven, Holy Mother of God, you are our representative and intercessor. Have mercy on me, a sinful servant of God ( given name) and sent down restful sleep to my child. Fulfill my request and cover my child with your cover, do not allow me to approach him in a dream. evil spirits. Glory to you, Most Pure Virgin Mary, now and forever. Amen.
4. Jesus ChristHear the prayer of the Servant of God (proper name) to the Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ, and do not refuse your support and help. Help me get rid of everything sinful and cleanse my soul from sins, known and unknown, committed due to my lack of understanding. I sincerely repent of them and ask them to fill my life with everything good and joyful. Give me a crust of bread for the journey and a flask of water, but just save my soul and protect me from sinful temptations. I don’t ask for much pleasure, but I pray for peace of mind and the well-being of my loved ones. Let it become a holy reward for me, the hope of saving my soul. I trust in You, Lord, and accept Your every will. Amen.
5. Matrona of Moscow
Matrona of Moscow, Blessed Elder. Send me your goodness from heaven, and help me to reject all illnesses. Do not let the holy faith leave me. Turn away from what the demon can lead you to. And let my children grow up healthy, help them get up from their knees. Let the shackles of misfortune be opened, and let not be bound by the captivity of sinfulness. And let your will be done. Amen!
6. To the Holy SaintsSaints of God, my heavenly patrons! I pray to you for protection and help. For me, a sinful servant of God (your name), pray, ask our God, Jesus Christ, for forgiveness of sins for me, and beg for a grace-filled life and a happy share. And through your prayers, may my aspirations come true. May he teach me humility, may he bestow love, deliver me from sorrows, illnesses, and earthly temptations. May I walk the earthly path with dignity, successfully cope with earthly affairs and be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen!
7. To your Guardian Angel
I cross myself with the Holy Cross and offer praise to the Lord God. I pray that my Guardian Angel stays with me all day and supports me in everything. Help me, my Heavenly protector, in my affairs. And if I commit a crime or admit sinful thoughts out of my own lack of understanding, then ask our Lord, the Great Lover of Mankind, not to punish me, but to forgive all my sins. Help me in my trading affairs, my Guardian Angel. If something unexpected happens, then strengthen my spirit and help me survive in difficult times. Save me from bankruptcy and ruin. Amen.

Of course, it is better to pray in church, and even better - to attend a service in order to appeal to higher powers during service, but also home prayer will also be effective if it is sincere.

Priests hold a similar opinion regarding prayers in their own words. It is not necessary to memorize the canonical text to ask the Mother of God, Jesus Christ or one of the saints that everything will be fine with you.

You can explain what is on your heart in your own words, adding at the end: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen” and crossed himself three times.

It’s just better to think in advance what exactly you want to say so that your plea does not resemble an incoherent monologue.

Prayer to the Almighty

Reading a prayer for everything to be fine

Often we refuse to turn to God for help until the last minute, thinking that we can handle everything ourselves. As a result, we go to church when the troubles have already happened, and we were completely unprepared for them.

So maybe we should make sure that the Lord is constantly in our lives?

How to read a prayer so that everything is fine

Of course, any prayer is not an order to the inhabitants of heaven to immediately settle your affairs. It's a request. And like any other request, it can either be fulfilled quickly or ignored.

Here a lot depends on how exactly you ask.

It’s not for nothing that there are a number of rules for reading prayers. These are worth following if you want everything to go well:

  1. learn the text of the prayer you like by heart so as not to read it from a piece of paper;
  2. ask sincerely, without mental reproaches;
  3. read the prayer calmly, without falling into a trance, hysteria, or religious fit;
  4. before turning to higher powers, place a candle in front of the selected icon;
  5. Don't get distracted while reading - you must fully concentrate on what you are doing.

If you are in a nervous, upset state, then first you need to completely calm down and let peace and grace into your soul. Otherwise, emotions will overwhelm you and you won’t be able to pray normally.

  1. Learn to visit the temple on a regular basis (at least once a week) and praise God before going to bed. A prayer text should be heard from your lips every day, and not only when you feel very bad.
  2. Don't let anything shake your faith. Too much testing can lead weak people to doubt the existence of the Lord. But is it possible, indulging in such doubts, to count on his help?
  3. Live in such a way that you can be called a good person without guile:
    • do not sin;
    • help not only your neighbors, but also strangers who are less fortunate than you;
    • do not achieve your goals dishonestly;
    • donate money to church and charity;
    • love life, etc.
  4. Stick to basic rituals. You need to not only read prayer when you need life to be good, but also take communion, fast, and read the Bible. Either you are a believer or you are not. Here you really need to make a decision.
  5. Think beyond yourself. During prayer, you need to ask not only for mercy for yourself, but to make sure that everything is fine with your loved ones. Selfishness is a sin.

It’s also important to decide for yourself: in difficult times, do you seek help from magicians and read conspiracies or stay faithful to the church? One excludes the other.

Does prayer even help to make sure everything goes well?

People love stories of miracles. They give us faith that a miracle will happen in our lives, that everything will truly be fine.

But stories about how God supported us in difficult times and fulfilled our cherished desires are side by side with complaints from dissatisfied people: “All this is nonsense, it didn’t help me.”

And why? Why do some achieve what they want, while others constantly mark time? Priests say that a lot depends on the strength of your faith.

Oksana has long gotten rid of the attitude towards God as a business partner: you set your conditions for him, he fulfills them, if not, he becomes a deal breaker.

She thanked him not only for the good in her life, but also for the bad, prayed daily, regularly visited church, fasted and received communion.

I noticed that the bad things in life have really diminished and any difficulties are overcome more easily, and they are not perceived as a universal tragedy, which significantly preserves nerve cells.

Her favorite prayer is “Our Father.” A woman says it in the morning, as soon as she wakes up, and in the evening before going to bed. He says that the text is not so important as the cordiality and regularity of appeals to the Lord.

So maybe it really is a matter of who asks, and not how exactly they do it?

A correctly chosen prayer that everything will be fine does not guarantee that it will be “good” if you bad person. Work on yourself first, and then ask God for something.

Every person has troubles in life that require help from Above. In many situations, we pray for the protection of the Holy Saints, because they have the boldness to pray for us before the Almighty. Moreover, at one time they were also ordinary people and understand our problems.

And after death, the Lord granted them the gift of helping people in various situations.

When to ask for help through prayer

Work is the place where a person spends most own life. Labor activity gives us the opportunity to provide ourselves and our family with material benefits.

But sometimes at work there comes a “dark streak”, a series of troubles, which forces you to look for a way out of the problems. Of course, you can endure attacks from colleagues and superiors, be under stress every day, or look for a new job, which is quite difficult during a crisis.

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Prayer for troubles at work to the Saints can influence the situation and change it for the better.

She is able to solve any problem, bring some sense to her enemies and calm their hearts. The Mother of God will protect you from enemies, eliminate omissions among colleagues, and improve the microclimate.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

O Many-sorrowful Mother of God, who surpassed all the daughters of the earth in Her purity and in the multitude of sufferings You brought to the earth! Accept our long-suffering sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy, for you are not known for refuge and warm intercession, but, as having boldness in the One who was born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity To the One God, always, now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas of Myra is one of the most beloved and especially revered saints among our people.

His miracles are countless, he helps people in almost all matters and life situations, including resolving work conflicts.


Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God, Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: May I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Favors desperate and weak-spirited people to come out of difficult situation.

The Lord awarded the future saint with the gift of healing in his childhood. The boy could cast out demons and heal the sick. According to legend, Saint Tryphon saved one of the cities from creeping reptiles, for which Emperor Troyan, an opponent of Christianity, subjected him to torture, and then ordered his head to be cut off, which is still kept in the Montenegrin Cathedral of St. Tryphon.

The saint does not refuse anyone; he opens new paths for those who believe in his help and gives strength for good deeds.

Prayer to Saint Tryphon

O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, I resort to you in prayer, before your image I pray. Ask our Lord for help in my work, for I am suffering inactively and hopelessly. Pray to the Lord and ask him for help in worldly affairs. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Mitrofan Voronezhsky

They pray at conflict situations At work.

In his youth, he served as a priest in one of the parishes, thanks to which his household lived in prosperity and peace. Having become a widower, the cleric began to think about asceticism and was appointed Bishop of Voronezh.

Mitrofan became famous for his deeds of mercy and assistance in resolving conflicts. He will always stand up for those who ask.

Prayer to Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh

O Bishop of God, Saint Mitrofan of Christ, hear me, a sinner (name), at this hour, in which I bring you prayer, and pray for me, a sinner, to the Lord God, may he forgive my sins and grant (request for work) prayers, holy, yours. Amen.

Spiridon Trimifuntsky

It must come from the very heart; it will not help in deception, but the pure thoughts of the person asking will bring great benefit.

You can ask him, in addition to resolving troubles, for promotions and salary increases.

We must not forget about thanking the saint who appears before the Lord for his help.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

O blessed Saint Spyridon! Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Remember us at the throne of the Savior and beg the Lord to grant forgiveness of our sins, a comfortable and peaceful life. We send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for work will strengthen the spirit and faith, relieve temptations, and help in difficult situations.

O glorious Apostle Peter, who gave up his soul for Christ and fertilized His pasture with his blood! Hear your children's prayers and sighs, now offered with a broken heart. Bear our infirmities and do not leave us in spirit. We ask for intercession for all of us. Help us with your prayers, turn the face of Christ to our requests and grant us, together with all the saints, the blessed Kingdom and Marriage of His Lamb. Amen.

Prayer to the Optina Elders

Prayer to the Optina Elders

Lord, give me s peace of mind to meet everything that the coming day will bring me. Let me completely surrender to Your holy will. For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and a firm conviction that everything is Your holy will. In all my words and deeds, guide my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by You. Teach me to act directly and wisely with each member of my family, without confusing or upsetting anyone. Lord, give me strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day. Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love. Amen.

In the Psalter, the Word of God is revealed to prayer books.

David's songs help to get rid of any everyday misfortune, to appease ill-wishers who do evil. Reading psalms can protect against demonic attacks.

Read the psalms:

  • 57 - if the situation around you has become tense and there is no way to calm the “storm”, prayer will protect and call on the Lord’s help;
  • 70 - will suggest a way out of the conflict, will calm down the tyrant boss;
  • 7 - helps to resist insults and quarrels, indicates right steps to solve the problem;
  • 11 - pacifies the spirit of an evil person;
  • 59 - reveals the truth to the boss if the employee has become a victim of gossip or conspiracy.

Prayer Rules

When entering the Holy Temple, you must cross yourself three times. It is important to touch your body with your fingers and not cross the air.

Having entered the chapel of the temple and stood before the face of the saint, you need to concentrate and devote your thoughts to the saint to whom the prayer will be addressed.

It is advisable, before turning to a saint, to read his life, confess his sins, and take communion. And strong faith and the Orthodox spirit will give strength in this situation.

In petitions, do not forget about basic gratitude. Even if the request has not yet been fulfilled, then you need to continue praying, not renounce the saints and not blame anyone.

It should be remembered that for every action and event there is a time and place.

Prayer for work to Saint Tryphon

A happy person is one who was able to succeed in life and bring something to it. Everyone chooses the most important and basic things for themselves. For some it’s family, for others it’s . In both areas, you cannot do without hard work and the desire to learn.

But sometimes desire alone is not enough - it happens that things don’t go well, they stall and a streak of failure begins. What to do? In such cases, people always turn to higher powers. If there is sincere faith, an appeal to the Almighty will be heard.

How to offer prayer correctly?

The very first rule is sincerity. That is, you must sincerely desire what you are praying for. You must also believe in the power of your words. Before reading a prayer, you must expel all evil feelings and thoughts from your heart. Prayer also cannot be rushed. It is important.

Any business or request begins to be voiced with a common prayer:

“Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Amen."

Patron Saints

All patrons for professions have long been determined by the church. The patron is chosen according to his deeds. Of course, there are no lists, but having read and learned the lives of the saints, you can choose for yourself a patron who was more closely related to your occupation.

From evil people

Good relationships with the team are the key to successful work. But some people may be negative towards you. It may be envy or just hostility, but it is unpleasant to work in this atmosphere. Believers in such situations will be helped by turning to the Holy Helpers.

  1. Prayer from spiteful critics:

    “Wonderworker, God's Pleasant. Protect me from the sorrow of those who wish to hide their thoughts under the guise of goodness. May they find joy forever and may not come to the workplace with sin. Thy will be done. Amen."

  2. Mother Matrona is asked:

    “Oh, Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow. Ask the Lord God for protection against enemy attacks. Clear my life path from strong enemy envy and send down from heaven the salvation of my soul. Let it be so. Amen."

  3. Powerful Prayer Mother of God:

    “Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us and resolve all the tightness of our souls. Looking at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy for us and we kiss Your wounds, but we are horrified by our arrows, tormenting You. Do not let us, Mother of the Compassionate, perish in our hardness of heart and from the hardness of our neighbors. You are truly evil hearts softening."

  4. For well-being, good luck in work and earnings

    Which saints should you pray to so as not to lose your job?

    Reorganization, crisis, staff reduction, conflict with the boss - there are so many reasons to be left without a livelihood. Prayers can help you not get fired from your job.

    1. They ask their angel to help:

      “Saint of Christ, my benefactor and patron, I pray to you, a sinner. Help an Orthodox Christian who lives according to God’s commandments. I ask you for a little, I ask you to help me on my journey through life, I ask you to support me in difficult times, I ask you for honest luck; and everything else will come on its own, if it is the will of the Lord. That's why I don't think about anything more than luck in life path in his own life and in all sorts of affairs. Forgive me if I have sinned before you and God, pray for me to the Heavenly Father and send your blessings upon me. Amen."

    2. Protect yourself from injustice and the machinations of spiteful critics:

      “Merciful Lord, detain now and forever and slow down all plans around me until the right time about my displacement, expulsion, displacement, dismissal and other machinations planned. So the demands and desires of everyone who condemns me are destroyed by evil. And in the eyes of everyone who rises up against me, bring spiritual blindness to my enemies. And you, Saints of the Russian Land, with the power of your prayers for me, dispel the demonic spells, the intrigues and plans of the devil - to annoy me to destroy my property and myself. Archangel Michael, the formidable and great guardian, with the fiery sword of the will of the enemies of the human race, cut me down to destroy me. And the Lady, " An unbreakable wall“called, for those who are hostile and plotting mischief against me, an insurmountable protective barrier. Amen!"

    You can also pray in your own words, which come from the heart. Remember, sincere prayer filled with faith will definitely help you.