Oksimiron life story. Oksimiron - the path to success and all-Russian recognition

Because in the biographies of both these guys there is a thorny road to fame. Oksimiron (Oxxxymiron) is called an erudite who revived Russian rap. This well-read guy won’t go into his pocket for words: Miron Fedorov won more than once in Versus Battles. Although the guy appeared on the hip-hop scene in 2008, his popularity has not subsided to this day: fans memorize Oxy’s verses, and some even get tattoos with his portrait.

Childhood and youth

Miron Yanovich Fedorov (the singer’s real name) was born on January 31, 1985 in the city on the Neva (Leningrad, USSR). The future rap artist grew up in an average intelligent family: his father had an education as a theoretical physicist and worked in scientific field, and my mother worked at the local library. Initially, the boy studied at local Leningrad school No. 185, but then, when Oxy turned 9 years old, the Fedorov family moved to historical city Essen (Germany).

Emigration was due to the fact that the head of the family was offered a new position. Miron often recalled that he, a Russian boy who did not know German language, it was difficult to adapt to a foreign country. He entered the elite Maria Wechtler gymnasium, but each new lesson was an unbearable torture, because Fedorov’s classmates did not welcome him: the major boys and girls constantly made fun of the new student. By the way, later all these events and Miron’s emotional experiences will be reflected in an early song called “Last Call” (2009).

When the young man was 15 years old, he and his parents moved to Slough (Bexshire, UK). According to Miron, in this God-forsaken town, programs a la “Cops at Gunpoint” were constantly filmed: pious keepers of order confiscated bags of powder and various crystals from criminals, filming what was happening on camera. However, this is not surprising, because at that time Slough was considered a hot place where, as in the series “Breaking Bad,” the drug trade flourished.

The school where the future rapper studied was half Pakistani, and among the students there were many chavs (chavs are a derogatory nickname for a certain group of white people in the UK, usually white teenagers from working-class families, characterized by antisocial behavior). Although Miron’s environment was similar to what he describes in his novels, the guy developed warm relationships with his classmates.

Therefore, nothing prevented the gifted young man from plunging headlong into his studies: the guy pored over textbooks and made his parents happy good grades in the diary. On the advice of an English history teacher, the rapper entered Oxford. Myron chose to major in English medieval literature. At the university, the rapper’s studies were difficult: Fedorov found it difficult to adapt to a society consisting of Anglo-Saxons from the elite, while he positioned himself as “coming from peasants.” In 2006, Miron was diagnosed with bipolar personality disorder. For this reason, he was expelled from the university, but then reinstated. In 2008, Oksimiron received a diploma.


Oxy started making music back in early age. It started in Germany: due to emotional distress, a 13-year-old boy under the pseudonym Myth began to plunge headlong into rap. Initially he performed recitatives in German, but later began to use his native language. At that time, Miron thought that he would become a kind of innovator, the first person who thought of rapping in Russian. At that time, there were no Russian emigrants around the guy, so he did not suspect how deeply he was mistaken.

However, the illusion did not last long: after a trip to his homeland, the guy learned that the niche of Russian rap had long been occupied, having found cassettes of the Baltic Clan and Ch-Rap, the repertoire of which he perceived as primitive rhyming counts. In the 2000s, when Miron and his family moved to England, he got the Internet. Thanks to him, the guy appreciated the scale of Russian rap. Around the same time, the gifted young man appeared on the website Hip-Hop.Ru, where he demonstrated his skills to users.

Later, Oxy realized that although his repertoire differs from the simple creativity of his colleagues, it still falls short of perfection. Therefore, Fedorov stopped putting his songs on public display and started rapping for himself.

After graduating from Oxford, Miron was a lot of things: he worked as a cashier-translator, an office clerk, a builder, a tutor, etc., sometimes working 12-15 hours a day without days off. The fact is that in England leaders small companies they are afraid to hire poor smart people with diplomas from influential universities, while prestigious companies are staffed by the elite - people from wealthy families. Therefore, with an Oxford diploma, you can only get from rags to riches outside the United Kingdom.

Oxy said that he, like Raskolnikov, had to live in a basement without a door, and later he moved to an unfurnished apartment that was rented out by a Palestinian scammer. At this time, the singer met another performer - Shock.

In 2007, Oxy made friends in Green Park with the local Russian crowd, due to whose influence the young man began recording songs again. Thus, in 2008 the track “London Against Everyone” was released. The gifted guy was immediately noticed by the popular label OptikRussia, through which Fedorov acquired his first wave of fans. At the same time, Miron delighted fans with his debut video “I’m a Hater.”

A year later, Oksimiron took part in the independent rap battle Hip-Hop.ru. The talented performer reached the semi-finals and became the winner in several categories, for example, “Best MC of the battle”, “Discovery of 2009”, “Breakthrough of the battle”, etc. Fedorov later left the OptikRussia label due to a discrepancy in creative interests.

In 2011, Miron, together with his partner Shock and manager Ivan, created the Vagabund label, which included the rapper’s debut album “The Eternal Jew.” Due to a conflict with Roma Zhigan, Fedorov left the label and gave a free solo concert in Moscow as the final tour. Later he moved to London.

In 2012, Oksimiron presented the online release of the mixtape “miXXXtape I”, and in 2013 the second collection of songs “miXXXtape II: The Long Way Home” was released, which contained compositions released in 2012–13 (“Lie Detector ", "Tumbler", "Before Winter", "Out of this World", "Signs of Life").

In 2014, the guy recorded the song “I’m Bored of Life” together with LSP, and then their fans heard the common track “Madness”. Later, due to disagreements between the guys, a conflict arose. In 2015, Oxxxymiron pleased admirers of his work with a video for the song “Londongrad,” which he wrote specifically for the adventure series of the same name, in which the main roles were played by and.

Also in 2015, Oxy released the album “Gorgorod”, which included popular singles such as “Intertwined”, “Lullaby”, “Polygon”, “Ivory Tower”, “Where We Are Not”, etc. . It is noteworthy that this album is a kind of musical novel: all tracks are intertwined with a single plot and arranged in a common chronological order. The story tells about the life of the writer Mark: the listener learns about this man’s conflict with a literary agent, about his unhappy love, creativity, etc. At the same time, Fedorov released the sensational video “City under the sole” and the track “Immersion”.

It is worth saying that Oksimiron is a regular on the Internet show on YouTube “Versus Battle”. The essence of the program is that representatives of rap and hip-hop culture compete with each other in verbal art. Episodes with Miron instantly gain more than a million views. He defeated Kripple, Dunya and ST, but the most famous and anticipated fight was the crossover between Oxy and Joniboy (2015).

This battle went down in the history of hip-hop as the most watched in a day. According to rumors, the guys began to clash long before the battle, so fans were waiting for this epic fight to happen. Johnnyboy initiated the fight. Some people who are not indifferent to hip-hop believe that by doing so Denis Vasilenko (Johnyboy) dug a hole for himself: although young man was good text, it’s really difficult to resist Oksimiron’s charisma and erudition.

Personal life

For many fans, Miron Fedorov is a mysterious man. The rapper does not like to advertise his own personal life, and even more so love relationship. According to some information, the guy was married.

Oksimiron and Sonya Dukk

Internet users also attribute Oxy’s romances with Sonya Dukk and Sonya Grese, as he often appeared with these girls in photographs. Grese on her Ask.fm page did not confirm, but did not refute her subscribers’ guesses. On at the moment it is unknown whether Miron has a girlfriend: the rapper does not publish in "Instagram" pictures with your beloved.


The life of rappers is so vibrant and diverse that there is nowhere without conflicts arising from creativity. Oksimiron is no exception. In the winter of 2015, a member of the rap gang Centr criticized Fedorov’s work to smithereens in an interview. Miron responded by mentioning the provocateur in the track “Deja Vu”, after which Centr threatened Oxy that they should not be touched.

In 2012, Miron was invited to the Russian Urban Music Awards (the concert was organized by Rap.ru, with whom Fedorov had a tense relationship). During Miron’s performance, a certain man in a mask came out and began reading the track “Tumbler” along with the soundtrack. Fedorov remained behind the scenes. Thus, the performer demonstrated that he was not ready to sell himself for money in order to perform at such shows.

Almost every network user knows about the conflict. But the famous blogger went too far: he recorded a video in which he insults Ivan and challenges the rapper to a battle. At the end of the video, Khovansky breaks the album of a famous artist and throws it into the toilet. Myron reacted to such an act in his

Oksimiron is one of the most famous Russian-speaking rappers of our time. Oksimiron’s biography is filled with constant difficulties and trials, which is reflected in his work. You could write a book on the life of a performer, it is so diverse.

His fans share on forums a variety of assumptions about their idol. This is due to the fact that Oksimiron’s biography is described only in a few of his interviews.


Real name - Born in 1985 in St. Petersburg. His family represented a typical Soviet intelligentsia. My father was a scientist, engaged in developments in the field of theoretical physics. Mother worked in the library. Both were Jews. In 1994, the whole family moved to Germany. My father found a job there. But after some time it became clear that with the collapse of the GDR, the former Soviet physicists are no longer so in demand.

Miron studied at the Wechtler School. Teaching was conducted in German, since at that time there were not enough immigrants in Germany to open Russian-language schools. Relations with classmates were very tense. German children did not like the Russian visitor, which is why they regularly encountered conflict situations. Later, Miron will reflect his hatred of his classmates in the song " Last call", which I wrote under the impression of the film "Class".

According to the plot of the Estonian film, two students, tired of bullying, carry out reprisals against their classmates.

First experience

IN teenage years Oksimiron tries to throw out his aggression through creativity. What attracts him most is music. Oksimiron gets his first experience in rap. He writes lyrics in German under the pseudonym Myth. Interest in music makes me try myself in different directions. But the lack of necessary data returns Miron to rap. At the age of 15 he begins to read in Russian. The lack of connection with Russia gives Miron reason to believe that he is the only Russian-speaking rapper. But after a trip to St. Petersburg, he realizes that this is far from true.

Moving to the UK

After 9th grade, Oksimiron’s family moved to England. There are no more problems with classmates there. Miron demonstrates excellent language skills. Having learned German, by the age of 16 he was fluent in English. At school he devotes himself entirely to his studies. In addition to schoolwork, he reads a lot. According to Miron himself, he spent almost all his free time reading books. Moreover, these were quite serious works like Loughcraft or Nietzsche. At school he was taught by a teacher from Oxford, who saw talent in the Russian emigrant.

She advised him to try to enter the philological department of a famous university. Myron passed the interview largely thanks to his literary English, which he learned by reading the classics, which was a rarity among young people at that time.


Myron is studying to become a historian of the Middle Ages. But in 2006, doctors diagnosed him, which led to his expulsion from the university. Oksimiron himself spoke about this. The songs also reflected this fact. For example, the track “Spontaneous Combustion” talks about the rapper’s mental problems. After a short break, Miron is reinstated at the university and receives a diploma.

After graduation, it turns out that the certificate of one of the most prestigious universities peace does not guarantee getting a decent job. Here Oksimiron’s biography reminds life path legends like Eminem or Dr. Dre. He works as a loader, salesman, guide and much more. Gets acquainted with the extensive representation of Russian emigrants in Europe. This reminds him of his passion for rap. Miron combines his name with a literary term and begins writing songs under the pseudonym Oksimiron. The albums “The Eminem Show” and “Collapse” by Slim Shady leave a noticeable imprint on the kind of rap Miron writes.

Oxxxymiron, can be described as a battle (combat). The texts are filled with hatred and witticisms about opponents. After Oksimiron’s participation in the famous online battle, he was invited to the Optik-Russia label. There he records joint songs with Shock, Dandy, First Class and other emigrant rappers. It was on this label, produced by the German Cool Savash, that Oksimiron gained his first popularity. In 2010 he left Optics. But at the same time he continues to cooperate with Shock. Together with him they create the label "Vagabunt", which translated from German means "wanderer".

Gaining popularity

It was at this time that a wide Russian audience learned that there was such a rapper as Oksimiron. Oxy and Shock's albums are released in mid-September. The collection of tracks "The Eternal Jew" is a real breakthrough in Russian rap. The complex combination of rhymes and punches does not leave fans of the genre indifferent. Oksimiron's style is different from all other Russian MCs.

Myron raps in the style of English grime. That is, a fast recitative is superimposed on a dub-step backing track. Along with obscene language, the lyrics contain truly bookish definitions and archaeological units, which makes the rapper even more unusual.

In 2010, there was a conflict with Roma Zhigan during Oxy and Shock’s tour of Russia. In his texts, Shock insulted Zhigan. To take revenge, the rapper broke into the apartment where Mirok, Shock and his girlfriend were. Together with several masked people, they beat Shock and forced him to ask for forgiveness, while filming what was happening on camera. After this conflict, Oksimiron breaks ties with the Vagabund label and continues his solo career.

Oksimiron: songs

At the moment, one full-length album by Oksimiron called “The Eternal Jew” has been released.

The next one is expected in November 2015. In addition, the rapper recorded a mixtape, which included verses of his best tracks. In 2014, Oksimiron takes part in “Versus Battle” - a verbal duel for Russian-speaking rappers. The first time he competed with Cripple and won a landslide victory. The video of the battle has received more than 3 million views on YouTube. After this there were two more fights with Johnny Boy, which Oksimiron also won.

On the eve of the new album, Miron released the single “City Under the Sole,” after which he announced a tour of the same name and recorded a video for the song. Oksimiron’s biography is filled with various events that, it would seem, cannot concern one person. He went from a graduate of a prestigious university to a loader, from to the most famous Russian-speaking rapper.

Even people far from hip-hop understand that for most of its history, the so-called “Russian rap” was rich in expressive means fully corresponded to the cultural outlook of his listeners and performers. That is, most Russian rappers since the early 90s have been spouting monotonous and not very rhythmic verses about courtyard life, gang warfare, boys, neighborhoods; and even the “slippers on the balcony” from the genre reformers of the Center group, judging from the position of an outside observer, did not bring anything new to this dull landscape.

And this is amazing. After all, if the simplicity of musical thought in rap is excusable, then it would be logical to expect more unprecedented poetic achievements from the homeland of Pushkin, Mayakovsky and Kharms. It was during the period from the early 1990s to the early 2010s that Russian society lost faith in Russian rap, which became the lot of provincial teenagers. Individual breakthroughs in the form of Noise (who is not a rapper, but a rock musician) and the group “Krovostok” (who are not rappers, but artists) only confirmed everyone’s fears.

And then in 2009, a thin guy with a biblical profile, a London residence permit, an Oxford diploma and a diagnosed manic-depressive psychosis appeared on the horizon of Russian rap. The guy's name was Miron Fedorov (stage name Oksimiron), and he managed to squeeze a huge dose of psychosis into every line of his rap and at the same time load it with literary baggage. His erudition and nerve helped him win a number of rap championships, win the sympathy of the Russian hip-hop community and become a favorite of the capital's intellectuals. The long-awaited connection between city and countryside, in the sense of classical literature and street rap, has finally come true.

Already in the first album “The Eternal Jew”, numerous ears of the rapper’s favorite writers stick out from each track: the first track is called “East Mordor”, reminiscent of Tolkien, and the last one is “The Beetle in the Anthill”, like the Strugatsky novel. Such references to literature have become his signature style and weapon in rap fights.

Oksimiron could liken himself either to Cyrano de Bergerac, or to Laocoon, who is entwined with women’s curls, or to a flutist from Hamelin, taking children with him (read: the entire multi-thousand-strong Russian rap audience that fills clubs and recreation centers at his shows). The adult public, however, is also delighted with Oxy: in interviews he speaks knowledgeably about Spengler and Crowley, writes music for fashion TV series and appears on glossy covers.

And in the new, second album “Gorgorod” Oksimiron outdid himself in bookishness: this is not just a set of songs, but an integral story told by a sequence of rap tracks. The action takes place in the near future in a certain city ruled by a despotic and cynical mayor, and main character, a writer, joins a conspiracy in which she is involved... Stop, another word - and the article will turn into a spoiler. Let us only add that this dystopian little world also strongly resembles the Strugatskys with their philosophical and social pathos, and

Miron Fedorov was born on January 31, 1985 in St. Petersburg. His family represented a typical Soviet intelligentsia. My father was a scientist, engaged in developments in the field of theoretical physics. Mother worked in the library. In 1994, the whole family moved to Germany. My father found a job there. But after some time it became clear that with the collapse of the GDR, former Soviet physicists were no longer so in demand.

Miron studied at the Wechtler School. Teaching was conducted in German, since at that time there were not enough immigrants in Germany to open Russian-language schools. Relations with classmates were very tense. German children did not like the Russian visitor, which is why conflict situations regularly arose. Later, Miron would reflect his hatred of his classmates in the song “Last Call,” which he wrote under the impression of the film “Class.” According to the plot of the Estonian film, two students, tired of bullying, carry out reprisals against their classmates.

In his youth, Oksimiron tries to throw out his aggression through creativity. What attracts him most is music. Oksimiron gets his first experience in rap. He writes lyrics in German under the pseudonym Myth. Interest in music makes me try myself in different directions. But the lack of necessary data returns Miron to rap. At the age of 15 he begins to read in Russian. The lack of connection with Russia gives Miron reason to believe that he is the only Russian-speaking rapper. But after a trip to St. Petersburg, he realizes that this is far from true.

After 9th grade, Oksimiron’s family moved to England. There are no more problems with classmates there. Miron demonstrates excellent language skills. Having learned German, by the age of 16 he was fluent in English. At school he devotes himself entirely to his studies. In addition to schoolwork, he reads a lot. According to Miron himself, he spent almost all his free time reading books. Moreover, these were quite serious works like Loughcraft or Nietzsche. At school he was taught by a teacher from Oxford, who saw talent in the Russian emigrant.

The teacher advised him to try to enter the philological department of a famous university. Myron passed the interview largely thanks to his literary English, which he learned by reading the classics. Myron studied to be a historian of the Middle Ages. But in 2006, doctors diagnosed him with manic depression, which led to his expulsion from the university. Oksimiron himself spoke about this. The track “Spontaneous Combustion” talks about the rapper’s mental problems. After a short break, Miron is reinstated at the university and receives a diploma.

After graduation, it turns out that a certificate from one of the most prestigious universities in the world does not at all guarantee a decent job. Here Oksimiron’s biography resembles the life path of such legends as Eminem or Dr. Dre. He works as a loader, salesman, guide and much more. Gets acquainted with the extensive representation of Russian emigrants in Europe. This reminds him of his passion for rap. Miron combines his name with a literary term and begins writing songs under the pseudonym Oksimiron.

Oxxxymiron, can be described as battle, combat. The texts are filled with hatred and witticisms about opponents. After Oksimiron’s participation in the famous online battle, he was invited to the Optik-Russia label. There he records joint songs with Shock, Dandy, First Class and other emigrant rappers. It was on this label, produced by the German Cool Savash, that Oksimiron gained his first popularity. In 2010, he left Optika. But at the same time he continues to cooperate with Shock. Together with him they create the label “Vagabunt”, which translated from German means “wanderer”.

It was at this time that a wide Russian audience learned that there was such a rapper as Oksimiron. Oxy and Shock's albums are released in mid-September. The collection of tracks “The Eternal Jew” is a real breakthrough in Russian rap. The complex combination of rhymes and punches does not leave fans of the genre indifferent. Oksimiron's style is different from all other Russian MCs.

Myron raps in the style of English grime. That is, a fast recitative is superimposed on a dub-step backing track. Along with obscene language, the lyrics contain truly bookish definitions and archaeological units, which makes the rapper even more unusual.

In 2010, there was a conflict with Roma Zhigan during Oxy and Shock’s tour of Russia. In his texts, Shock insulted Zhigan. To take revenge, the rapper broke into the apartment where Mirok, Shock and his girlfriend were. Together with several masked people, they beat Shock and forced him to ask for forgiveness, while filming what was happening on camera. After this conflict, Oksimiron breaks ties with the Vagabund label and continues his solo career.

The Internet release of miXXXtape I took place in 2012 on March 12th. A year later, on October 18, miXXXtape II: The Long Way Home was released. The second mixtape contains songs recorded in 2012-2013, in between which added mixed excerpts from Myron’s performance at the Versus rap battle, where his opponent was Cripple. The confrontation between Oksimiron and Creep-A-Creep, which ended with Myron's victory, became the third release of Versus Battle, which later became the first video on the official Versus YouTube channel, the number of views of which exceeded 4 million.

In 2014, on April 11, a battle took place against Dunya, better known as Alexander Parkhomenko. The battle itself took place in Moscow, at the open Main Event. Oxxxymiron won.

In 2015, season 3 of Versus Battle started on April 12. The first release was the battle Oxxxymiron vs. Johnyboy, in which Oxxxymiron won a landslide victory, all judges voted for Miron. The battle itself received 1 million views on YouTube within 24 hours, which became a record for battle views. With this, Oxxxymiron attracted the attention of the organizers of the Canadian battle KOTDru en and one of the best battle emcees in the world - Dizaster.

The premiere of the video for the song “Londongrad”, written specifically for the series of the same name, took place on August 25, 2015. Then the premiere of the video for the song “City Under the Sole” took place, which had previously been performed only at concerts. In the same year, on November 13, a new album, called “Gorgorod”, was posted on official page VKontakte Mirona for free download.

In 2016, on June 19, Oxxxymiron took part in a battle against rapper ST, the battle ended with a score of 3:0 in Miron’s favor. This is the only Russian-language battle that was blocked on YouTube. In the middle of the year, Oxxxymiron became the face of the Reebok Classic brand in Russia. In February of the following year, he headed the booking agency Booking Machine.

Miron was born in Leningrad into the family of a theoretical physicist and a librarian. In 1994, he and his father moved to Germany, and then in 2000 to England.

Graduated from the faculty English language and literature from Oxford University. During his studies, he specialized in the Middle Ages. After graduating from university, he settled in London in the East End.

He began his rapper career in the late 1990s. In 2001, he recorded his first tracks in collaboration with other rappers, and also participated in the independent battle Hip-Hop.ru. After that, he took a break and returned to the music business only seven years later.

In 2008, Oxxxymiron began posting his demo tracks online. At the same time, he was noticed by the music label Optik Russia, with which he began collaborating. That same year, the rapper released his first video for the song “I’m a Hater.” In subsequent years, he gained fame thanks to his participation in the Hip-Hop.ru battle, in which he reached the semifinals.

In 2010, he stopped collaborating with Optik Russia and, together with friends Ivan “Vanya Lenin” Kara and Schokk, founded the independent label “Vagabund”, under which the artist’s first album “The Eternal Jew” was released. In 2011, Oxxxymiron left the label after the Vagabund conflict with Roma Zhigan.

In 2011, he toured the CIS countries. In 2012, he received the GQ magazine award in the “Discovery of the Year” category.

In 2012 - 2013, he released two mixtapes “miXXXtape I” and “miXXXtape II: Long haul Home".

In 2015, Miron broke the world record for rap battles, collecting a million views on Youtube in the first 24 hours. At the same time, he attracted the attention of the organizers of the Canadian rap battle site “King of the Dot”.

In 2015 he also released a new album, “Gorgorod”.

In 2017, he became the face of the Reebok Classic brand in Russia. In the same year, he headed the concert agency Booking Machine.

In 2017, he took part in a rap battle against rapper Gnoyny. In the same year, he was the first Russian performer to take part in a battle against rapper Dizaster at the “King of the Dot” site.

Hobbies : Music, reading

Personal life : Miron does not like to reveal details of his personal life. It is known that he was married, but later divorced.

In addition, the tabloids attributed the rapper to an affair with Sonya Grese. Oksimiron himself denied this information.

Scandals\interesting facts\charity

After graduating from university, he worked as a tutor, office worker, seller, translator, loader, guide, entertainer and “literary black man”.

Oxxxymiron entered the university twice: the first time he was expelled from educational institution due to his diagnosis of manic depression.

Miron became the prototype of the hero of the series “Londongrad”, aired on “STS”.

Oxxxymiron has repeatedly come into conflict with various performers. So, in 2010, he, together with his colleague on the Vagabund label, Shock, made unflattering statements about the Casta group. Subsequently, Miron apologized to all members of the group.

Quotes :

I continued to do my job even when many in my place would have already given up because of hopelessness and hopelessness. Plus, probably, unlike many people who are trying to fit into some niche, I just went and created it from scratch

Paradoxically, battle rap, for all its rudeness, is much to a greater extent is a dialogue. Because the pinnacle of battle rap is not just to insult, but to get into your opponent’s head, find the necessary levers there and push them

I am clearly aware that the chance that I have been given comes very rarely and, no matter how lazy I am by nature, not to use it to the fullest would be disgraceful, at least towards those who are less fortunate. I never thought of myself as a workaholic, but my appetite comes with eating, and I gradually got the taste for it.

Art, poetry, hip-hop - everything should always be fucking fresh. Alas, a huge percentage of people are essentially repeaters of Uncle Piggy. One made a conventional black square, the second thinks: “Oh, that’s great, now I’ll do it too, and everyone will like it.” Fuck it, it doesn't work like that