Beach season in Tunisia. Where and when is it better to go on vacation in Tunisia, at what time of the year? The best time for recovery

Holidays in Tunisia are good at any time of the year, but still there is a pronounced holiday season. Most best months April-June and September-October. In the summer, at the height beach holiday, it is very hot in Tunisia, and you don’t want to get out from under the air conditioner during the day. This article will help you decide which month is best to go to Tunisia.

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Choosing a holiday in Tunisia - the season matters

African exoticism combined with French charm is Tunisia. The holiday season stretches here for more than six months. Holidays in Tunisia are becoming more and more popular every year.

Gentle sandy beaches, warm sea and cozy hotels surrounded by greenery. Excellent conditions have been created in this country. Curious tourists will not be disappointed either - there are many historical monuments on the territory of Tunisia. One Carthage is worth something.

When choosing a resort in Tunisia, it is worth considering its location. Resorts in the north of the country have a shorter beach season, and in November there is no longer swimming in the sea. But on the island of Djerba, on the contrary: holiday season lasts from April to November. Even in winter they are open.

Tunisia has all the conditions for a relaxing holiday with the whole family. The hotels have their own sandy beaches and landscaped green areas. Many work on the all-inclusive system that we love so much. Animators work for children and adults, there are playgrounds and opportunities to play sports.

The resort towns of Sousse and Hammamet have water parks, shopping centers, restaurants and local markets. Beach holidays can be diversified with excursions. One of the most memorable -. A sunset in the desert is a mesmerizing sight. If you're lucky, you'll be able to see real mirages.

And, of course, prices depend very much on the season. Price calendar for tours to Tunisia by months:

When is the best time to go to Tunisia?

The beach season on the coast opens in April. The beaches are gradually filling up. It's still too early to swim, but you are guaranteed a golden tan.

In May sea ​​water temperature becomes comfortable - more than 20 degrees, and in June, especially towards the end of the month, crowds of tourists from all over the world flock to the resorts. Traditionally, holidays in Tunisia are preferred by the French - after all, these are the former possessions of the metropolis, the Germans and the British. The Russians take an honorable fourth place.

July and August is the peak holiday season. At this time, real heat reigns, at noon tourists try to hide from the scorching sun. Families with young children should choose a different time to travel.

If you want to go on vacation when the season in Tunisia is most favorable for a beach holiday, choose June or September. It is at this time that the sun does not burn the skin. The sea has warmed up enough to swim - the water temperature exceeds 22 degrees. However, if you like to bask in the warm sea, you will like your vacation in September more. The Tunisian velvet season is an abundance of fruits, a gentle sea and consistently warm, but cool days without rain. Great time to spend with kids.

Best time to go to Tunisia

  • April-May you can fearlessly swim and sunbathe, although in the evenings you will want to throw a tippet over your shoulders or put on a light jumper. After sunset during these spring months, the wind seems a little chilly.
  • In the first half of June in Tunisia, it is a little windy, although the daytime temperature exceeds the mark of 28 degrees. In the second half of June, even at night it is warm and comfortable in open clothes.
  • July and most of August hot in Tunisia. The water is heated to the state of "fresh milk". A rather aggressive sun can severely burn vacationers, so it is better to sunbathe before noon and closer to sunset. For a faster tan and a gorgeous peach-bronze skin tone, purchase a natural, local tanning product made from olive oil and lemon juice.
  • In October the air is stably warmed up to 23-25 ​​degrees. The sea may seem chilly in the morning, but in the middle of the day the water beckons you to take an invigorating swim. Sunbathing is generally possible without fear at any time of the day, the sun is no longer so scorching, so the risk of getting burns is reduced to zero. The abundance of fresh fruit at this time of year is a good reason to visit Tunisia in October.

Jellyfish season in Tunisia

In list mediterranean jellyfish come across quite dangerous. Meet these marine life you can almost anywhere on the coast, but there are especially many of them in and. The only consolation is that the jellyfish season lasts no more than two weeks, during the hottest and most uncomfortable time for residents of cold Russia: in late July and early August.

Djerba Island - summer never ends

There are places in Tunisia where the season opens earlier, and lasts almost until the New Year -. Located in the south, far from the hustle and bustle, it is intended for a serene rest, as if by nature itself. The holiday season in Tunisia on the island of Djerba lasts more than six months - from early April to late November. Water warms up to 26-28 degrees - like fresh milk. Even in winter there is something to do here - they work. And the prices for accommodation and procedures are much more attractive than in summer.

Whether you are going on a trip to Djerba or Tunisia, the holiday season does not end in November. Many hotels are open all year round. A heated pool is a normal practice for Tunisia.

The African winter is quite mild - the air temperature does not fall below 15 degrees. It rains at times, sometimes quite heavily, but the sun often shines. This is a great time to visit the oases in the Sahara desert, the ruins of Carthage and the caves of Matmata. The cost of flights and accommodation in hotels has been reduced. On New Year entertainment programs are offered.

If you want to escape from the dank Russian winter and at the same time not languish from the tropical heat, go to mediterranean coast Tunisia.

Thalassotherapy and more

If you decide to relax in Tunisia in winter, then you should forget about a beach holiday. Some hotels have heated pools, but the main highlight is winter holiday is thalassotherapy, famous all over the world wellness procedures.

In Tunisia, there are large thalassotherapy centers that work according to the French method. Sea water, raised from a depth, has a beneficial effect on the skin and joints. The course of treatment takes an average of ten days. Prices are almost twice as low as in French resorts, besides, it is much more pleasant to undergo a course of procedures in a relaxed resort environment. If you want to save money, book hotels in the off-season. The effect will be the same, besides, you will be able to amaze your friends with a fresh look and a Mediterranean tan in the middle of winter.

Tunisia is a relatively small country, and if you also consider that over a third of its territory has long been conquered by the Sahara Desert, then it becomes quite tiny. And almost all of this small territory, as it were, sprawled along the coast of the beautiful mediterranean sea. Tunisia is rightfully considered a Europeanized country, but with its own national flavor. The number of tourists coming to Tunisia is in the millions. First of all, they are attracted here by the most delightful snow-white beaches and the purest turquoise sea water, fantastically green oases that have grown up like paradise islands in the middle of an endless desert, the history of the country, which has more than three thousand years and, of course, a large number of thalassotherapy centers.

More than 3.5 million people visit Tunisia every year, but most of the tourists are in the high season - from April to October. During this period, Tunisia has the most favorable weather for a comfortable beach holiday. To relax in the resorts of Tunisia, mainly the French (a former colonial country), Great Britain and Russia come. Russia occupies an honorable fourth place in the list of countries that provide an influx of tourists to the country. Approximately 245 thousand Russians come to Tunisia every year, and most often they go to the resorts of Hamammet and Sousse. A lot of couples with children come here, for whom beautiful beaches with a gentle entrance to the water and a mild climate are perfect.

Young people also come here with pleasure, propagandizing healthy lifestyle life, and lovers of ancient structures and centuries-old secrets. Such representatives, by the way, are in any age category. Separately, it is worth mentioning the beautiful half of humanity, who comes to Tunisia solely for the sake of healing thalassotherapy procedures.

The low season in Tunisia begins immediately after the end of the swimming season, it starts in November and ends in early April. Of course, in winter time the weather here worsens significantly, dusty winds often blow and it rains, but for Russians with their harsh winters and this weather is considered good. Winter in Tunisia is really very warm. Therefore, even at this time there are vacationers in Tunisian resorts. Of course, the tourist flow is somewhat weakening, but hotels even at this time of the year are not empty.

This period is convenient for recreation in that air travel will cost much cheaper, prices for exciting excursions also decrease, and, finally, this period is considered the most favorable for SPA procedures. This is because Tunisian four and five-star hotels significantly reduce the cost of living, and prices for wellness treatments are also reduced. As a result, such a vacation is two times cheaper than in the same type of European resorts. Entrepreneurial tour operators even offer real SPA tours, because in low season they have the widest selection.

AT last years New Year's Eve celebrations in Tunisia are also becoming increasingly popular. After all, this country, unlike other Muslim countries, observes many European traditions, especially those related to holidays. To celebrate the New Year, tourists mainly go to the island of Djerba, since there are all the necessary conditions for a fun celebration.

As such, the beach season in Tunisia usually opens in early April, when the gentle spring weather gives vacationers the very first and really warm days already. Then and locals begin to dress in lighter clothes. However, only the most hardened people swim at this time, and the majority of tourists still prefer to sunbathe in the pleasant and gentle sun. Since April tan, like May tan, is quite safe, you can lie on the beach without fear for days on end. But in the month of May there is already a sharp warming trend, both in water temperature and in air temperature. However, at this time the weather is still very capricious and brings surprises in the form of rains with thunderstorms, and at this time there are strong unrest at sea.

And already starting from June, the amount of precipitation is sharply reduced and the real bathing season. The water temperature in the sea, however, is not yet quite warm, somewhere + 21 ° С, but nevertheless, June is considered the best summer month in Tunisia - it is already quite warm in the evenings, and in daytime the air is warmed up by hot, but not yet so aggressive Sun rays. In the following summer months - July and August, the swimming season reaches its peak. Sea water is heated by the hot African sun to a temperature of +25…+26°C, and on the island of Jebka the water is even hotter - +26…+28°C. In the evenings, a pleasant coolness comes, and the water is still very warm, so night swimming in the light of the moon brings a lot of pleasure to vacationers.

I must say that the Tunisians themselves consider the most favorable time for a beach holiday. the Velvet season. It continues from the very beginning of September, and ends at the end of October. In addition, starting from the very first days of autumn, the beaches gradually become empty, the summer heat subsides and absolute calm begins to dominate on the beaches. The temperature of the water in the sea is still quite pleasant, but in the morning it is somewhat invigorating. The sun in September is very gentle and even gentle. You can safely sunbathe for hours without fear of burning and engage in various types water sports.

Already towards the end of September, white fluffy clouds begin to appear in the sky, which for some time hide the sun. And in early October it becomes noticeably cooler, and it’s already cold to leave the sea in the company of a refreshing breeze. This month, autumn begins to seriously come into its own, and the heavy rains. Therefore, the month of October in Tunisia is already in more considered to be a tour. And when the weather permits, you can lie a little on the beach.

Tunisia welcomes guests all year round, although in winter the Mediterranean Sea is unsuitable for swimming. But, otherwise, winter in Tunisia is a good time to relax.

So choosing when to go on vacation to Tunisia can be difficult. Especially if you are focused not only on a beach holiday. If you choose when to fly to Tunisia for thalassotherapy, then you can safely plan a trip for any time of the year. After all, the work of thalassotherapy centers does not depend on the weather outside the treatment rooms.

And if you choose when to go sightseeing in Tunisia, then early spring is best. After all, then you can even get out into the Sahara without the sweltering heat. In addition, at the beginning of spring there is still a low season in Tunisia. During this time prices are slightly lower. But in the midst of summer high season in Tunisia, prices for holidays rise very, very much.

Help you decide when to go to Tunisia for your holiday.

Holidays in Tunisia in winter

The weather in Tunisia in winter is quite cool, the temperature during the day rarely rises above + 16-18 ° C. And at night the air warms up hardly to + 8°C. It often rains, so walking can be difficult. But at the same time, the whole of Tunisia is buried in greenery, as early as January, wild flowers and even almonds sometimes begin to bloom. And by January, oranges ripen in Tunisia, which is a special exotic for the inhabitants of our latitudes. February is already more like a spring month than a winter month, sunny days is getting bigger and bigger.

Holidays in Tunisia in the spring

The weather in Tunisia in the spring is rapidly improving. Already in March, it stops raining, and the thermometer reaches + 20 ° C. And in April comes the best time for excursions. Just remember that in the evening in Tunisia it gets cold very quickly and very strongly. But in May it is already quite possible to sunbathe, or even swim, if you are not afraid of cool water. True, sometimes it rains until the end spring months. And in May, thunderstorms sometimes come to Tunisia.

Holidays in Tunisia in the summer

The weather in summer in Tunisia is hot and dry. Even in June, the thermometer sharply reaches + 30°C, and in July and August it stays firmly at + 35°C. It’s hard to go on excursions in such weather, but you can swim in the sea or relax under the caring hands of thalassotherapy specialists without any problems. Additional feature summer days there may be a sudden sirocco wind, bringing heat from the desert to an additional 10-15°C.

The holiday season in the resorts of Tunisia lasts from May to November. The climate in the country is very similar to Turkish. It's very hot in here dry summer(July-August), cool rainy winter and warm spring and autumn. At the same time, the sea warms up slowly and reaches a comfortable temperature by the end of June.

Dynamics of changes in the cost of tours

The average price of the tour is about 25,000 rubles per person. The most expensive vacation in Tunisia is at peak summer season. At the same time, the best value for money weather conditions comes in September.

Holidays in the resorts of Tunisia in the spring

In March, Tunisia is already warm (up to +20º) and sunny. You can’t swim in the sea yet), but the weather is just right for visiting.

April is the time of arrival of the first tourist groups. In Tunisia at this time is very beautiful. Everything blooms, transforming the local region into a truly fabulous sight. By the end of the month, the air in the resort area warms up to 23-25º, but the water is still cold (16-17º).

For trips in the spring, it is better to prefer areas from which it is easier to get to the Sahara - the most interesting and popular excursion in Tunisia. These are the resorts:

  • Monastir
  • Mahdia
  • Hammamet

Chocolate spa in hotels in Tunisia

May and June: swimming time

May is not much different from April. Everything is the same, only warmer and sunnier. The average daily air temperature is already stable around the 25º boundary, and sea water reaches 18-20º. It is too early to swim without restrictions, but it is already possible to gradually start this process.

With June comes real summer. Water reaches the psychologically important 20º mark, and air steadily tends to 30º. Locals are actively featured in the markets.

By mid-June, you can already swim, so June is the best time to relax in Tunisia with children.

July-August - time for the most persistent

July and August are the hottest months. It is unbearably hot during the day (up to +40º during peak hours). Sea water warms up to 25-28º. The wind from the sea somewhat softens the feeling of sweltering heat, but it is better to refrain from visiting field trips.

The paradox is that in summer all hotels and beaches are overcrowded.

In September, the heat gradually subsides. By the middle of the month the weather becomes comfortable again.

The second half of September is the best time for families with small children.

The Velvet season

The end of September and the whole of October is the "velvet" season. The sun warms pleasantly, but does not burn, the prices for tours are attractive. At the junction of October and November, there is some rise in prices associated with the November holidays and school holidays.

In autumn, for a vacation, it is better to choose southern regions(Fr. Djerba), where warm weather lasts one to two weeks longer.

Most tourists believe that since Tunisia is Africa, it means that it is always hot there and you can go on vacation at any time of the year, such as Egypt. However, with Tunisia the situation is somewhat different. It really belongs to Africa, but you can not swim and sunbathe at any time, the reason is geographical location and Mediterranean climate. I'll tell you what happens in Tunisia with the weather every month. But my personal opinion is that this country in terms of beach tourism is best suited in the summer, at any other time of the year, you can seriously miscalculate the weather and at least be upset for a spoiled vacation.

Map of Tunisia.

Weather in Tunisia in January.

At this time it is very cold here, the daytime air temperature is only about +14 degrees, about the same in the sea. The nights are cold +8. If you decide to come to Tunisia at this time, be sure to take warm clothes with you, sweaters, jackets, there can be no question of any tan. However, January can be used as a thalassotherapy and excursions, at this time the prices for hotels and services drop quite a lot and you can save a lot on what tourists will pay many times more for in summer. I would like to note that on new year holidays hotels are not very impudent in comparison with other countries.

Weather in Tunisia in February.

February is the rainiest month in Tunisia, besides, strong winds begin here and the humidity level reaches 76%. During the day, although it is warmer, about +16 degrees, you will definitely not be drawn to the beach. At this time, the most favorable weather can only be in Djerba, there is less rain and the sun warms up to +18. You can go there, again for thalassotherapy in order to save money.

Weather in Tunisia in March.

In March, rains and strong winds end, but the air temperature does not noticeably warm up much, about +17 degrees. The nights are also cold. For a tan, it makes sense to go to Djerba, where the air is already around +20 during the day. At the same time, despite the fact that this weather is far from hot, you can easily get burned, the sun after the winter is very evil. Therefore, even with this it seems not high temperature You need to bring sunscreen with you.

Weather in Tunisia in April.

In April, the first tourists are already starting to arrive, but there are very few of them. The weather is not yet quite suitable for a beach holiday, the sea is cold, as well as the nights too. During the day the air temperature is about +21 degrees. Another nuisance at this time can be the hot wind that forms in the desert. North Africa little pleasant from him. Going out into the street at its very rush hour, you will first need to protect your eyes, hair and nose from the sand that will fly in the air everywhere. Usually at this time it is recommended to stay indoors.

Weather in Tunisia in May.

May pretty warm month, but not very stable, the air temperature can vary greatly. Usually during the day the air warms up to +25 degrees, at night about +16. Of course, you can swim in the sea, if you are not afraid of its coolness - about +19 degrees. The biggest mistake of tourists is that they think that it is already warm and good in Tunisia, and they do not take warm clothes with them, but in vain! Sometimes, there are strong weather changes that during the day the air temperature does not warm up above +20. Therefore, sweaters and jackets must be taken with you. But do not forget about sunscreen, including hats.

Weather in Tunisia in June.

June is the beginning of the season, at which time a large number of tourists begin to arrive. During the day the air temperature is about +26 degrees. But here the sea is somewhat cool +21. At this time, it can be a little stormy and sometimes it can blow strong wind. It is worth coming here with children closer to mid-June, by which time real summer comes to Tunisia, without all sorts of unpleasant weather surprises.

Weather in Tunisia in July.

In July, dry and hot weather sets in. The largest influx of tourists falls at this time. Ticket prices are skyrocketing. The daily temperature this month is about +30 degrees. The nights are very comfortable +23. The sea warms up to +24. An ideal time for holidays with children and all those who love comfortable summer temperatures.

Weather in Tunisia in August.

Most hot month. During the day, about +33 degrees, the sea is very warm +26. At this time, you need to be as careful as possible so as not to get burned, especially for vacationers with children. In August, an unpleasant thing for tourists falls on Tunisia - jellyfish, especially there are noticeably more of them at the end of the month. Most often they are found off the coast of Monastir and Sousse. Be careful!

Weather in Tunisia in September.

In September, the heat begins to gradually subside. During the day the air temperature is about +29 degrees, at night +23. The water in the sea is warm, the jellyfish are disappearing. However, it is better to plan your vacation for the first half of the month. After September 15, the weather may change somewhat, it will become noticeably cooler, short-term rains and strong winds may begin. Even sightseeing visits can be uncomfortable.

Weather in Tunisia in October.

At this time, tourists often come here who want to save on a ticket in the hope that the weather will still be comfortable. In general, at this time you can swim and sunbathe, but here everything will depend on how lucky you are. average temperature during the day it will be +25 degrees, the nights are already colder than +19. But the sea has not yet cooled down from the hot summer at about +23. But storms and strong winds are often possible. You won't be able to swim every day.

Weather in Tunisia in November.

This time is suitable for tourists who wish to attend excursions and undergo thalassotherapy. The sea has already cooled down after the summer and its temperature will not be higher than +16 degrees, the nights are also already cool, but during the day the air temperature is about +21. The only unpleasant moment will be strong cold winds, so even in the daytime you will have to wear warm clothes. Because of this contrast, there is a high probability of catching a cold.

Weather in Tunisia in December.

December is the beginning of winter for Tunisia. This is certainly not our Russian winter, since during the day the air temperature will warm up to +16 degrees. Nights are cooler around +8. At this time, the biggest discounts, you can get into one of the best hotels on the coast for very small cash, take a course of thalassotherapy. Take a dip in the indoor pool. At this time, it is advised to take an excursion to the Sahara, as the heat goes away and you can see how the locals (Bedouins) live there, who summer months hiding from the heat a large number tourists in their homes.