True stories about the existence of corruption. All about damage. What to do if she was targeted. History of damage. A ball of needles to a new home

Good day to all! Recently this story happened to me. I’ve always been pretty good at work, but in the last six months strange things have started to happen. At home, everything seemed to be fine, but as soon as I came to work, took my favorite chair and sat comfortably at the computer, something strange began to happen: either my head would suddenly hurt until my eyes darkened, then my nose would bleed, or some kind of chill would begin. And so constantly, day after day. I left work and everything was fine, as if nothing hurt, I came back and again I was bent over in pain. I decided to ask my grandmother for advice, she is smart, she has seen a lot in her lifetime, and I already wrote about her in my first story. So here it is. She told me to take a good look at everything at work. The next day I came running early and started looking at everything. And then in the chair, underneath the seat, I found pins, inserted very carefully and almost invisible at first glance. I’ve had suspicions for a long time that one employee was losing her temper, that at work I was more successful than her. And he always looks at me unkindly. Well, I took out the pins. And that day, lo and behold, I worked calmly, without any distracting pains or ailments. I thought: well, thank God, it’s all over; but, as it turned out, it was all just beginning...
Sunday morning and a sharp ringing of the mobile phone, that unkind employee calls and says: I’ll come to your house now, I want to take documents from you, work at home. I said in response: there’s no need, I’ll do everything myself, but she got stuck and couldn’t help it - now, she says, I’ll be with you, and she passed out. I was upset, I really didn’t want to see her on Sunday. And I didn’t expect much good from her. I called my grandmother, and she said, put the door knife under the threshold, so that it cannot be seen, and a person who brings evil will not come to you. I did so, stuck the knife in, and sat and waited. Call. I open it and an employee stands there and says: I baked you a pie, here you go, help yourself and hand it over, and I walked away from the door and said, take it to the kitchen, we’ll eat it together. The employee raised her leg over the threshold, and it seemed to burn her. Her face distorted, and she even seemed to hiss. She pulled her leg back and stood in the corridor. And hatred splashes in the eyes. We were silent for two minutes: I, not believing what I saw, she, witheringly looking at me. And then she turned around and quickly ran down the stairs. I shouted: “What about the documents?”, but she didn’t even turn around.
About half a day later I was getting ready to go to the market, I opened the door, and near my threshold the earth mixed with pins was scattered. She didn't touch anything. Just passed by. I’m walking back, and our cleaning lady, my grandmother, God’s dandelion, saw me and said: they have spoken to your death. I say: “What should I do now?”, and she just shrugged her shoulders. I went home and locked all the doors. And I decided to take a bath. I filled up with water and was just about to dive in when I saw that instead of water in the bathtub there was dark liquid, and it smelled like a swamp. I jumped away from the bath, turned around and looked pure water. I think, well, everything is going crazy. But I didn’t want to swim. She flushed the water, and it seemed like there was a light smell like a swamp coming from it. I went to the kitchen, and in the hallway there was a mirror in my full height standing, I walk past him and out of the corner of my eye I see that it’s like a black woman is following me. I turned around sharply - there was no one. But it gave me goosebumps. I couldn’t stand it, got dressed and decided to go to my grandmother. I got into the minibus, and I was shaking all over. And I see through the window, again a woman in a long black dress is standing on the street in the crowd and looking at me, and no one sees her. And she is scary, her skin is yellow-blue, her eyes burn with black fire, her mouth is twisted in a grin. And people walk past without turning around, and she looks straight into my eyes and reaches out her hand to me. Then the minibus left. I don’t remember how I got to my grandmother. I started stuttering out of fear. I told her everything, and she said: it was death that was looking out for you. And she began to whisper something to me, then she crossed herself and said everything should get better, but don’t take anything else from the employee’s hands and don’t give her anything. I have become much more careful now. And every day I start my working day by looking around my office. Here's the story.

If in Lately you experience constant malaise, dissatisfaction with life, and in general everything around you has invariably become associated with the prefix “not” - there is reason to think. Maybe you have been damaged? An incident from life with a person whom I knew well made me believe that damage is not a fiction, but a real phenomenon. And it can lead to dire consequences. This prompted me to figure out what damage is, how to recognize it and, most importantly, how to get rid of it?
First, about this very case. My brother had a friend, they grew up in the same yard, played Cossacks-robbers together and stole apples. Then, when the boys grew up, those around them began to notice that Sashka was clearly going downhill. From the age of sixteen he began to drink heavily and did not even think about studying and working. He lived for today, although he has a very decent family, one brother lives in Germany, the other in America. Sasha was invited abroad and offered a job, but everything was useless. It was as if he had lost his taste for life, and only alcohol eased his torment.
At twenty-five, Sasha died. From what, it is unknown. The doctors threw up their hands in bewilderment. And only after his death my brother told me a terrible story, which I would never have believed if I had heard it from another person. He told me that Sashka had been hexed to death. This was confirmed by the “grandmothers” to whom he went in the hope of getting rid of the damage, but none of them had sufficient power to remove such a strong conspiracy.
The worst thing was that he knew about his fate and could not do anything. I don’t know what kind of moral monster you have to be to wish someone dead, but now I’m sure that such people live next to us. And they should be feared.
History of corruption
In Rus' they have always been afraid and wary of damage; they were even severely punished for causing it. The chronicles describe one of the most powerful black magic methods of witchcraft - casting “damage on the trail.” In addition to the fact that the spoken earth was poured down (as a rule, from the cemetery), certain spells were said, a number of magical actions over the trail of a person who gradually became ill, could lose his mind and even die.
According to literary sources, it is known that the Kazan Tatars at one time unleashed Russian army spoil with the wind. If damage is sent “through the wind,” it may accidentally fall on the wrong person for whom it is intended.
Sometimes damage was done through some thing, an object that was given to a person or thrown (for example, money under the door, crosses, pins, etc.). There is mention of this in the court chronicles of the 18th century: the townsman filed a petition that in the corner at the edge of his garden he found pieces of baked bread, rolls and some honey (from a criminal case about a witchcraft object, 1672).
What is damage, if since ancient times they were afraid of it and cruelly punished those who did it?
What is damage?
It is known that in addition to the physical body, a person also has so-called energy bodies, several of them. Currently, Russian scientists have quite clearly substantiated the existence of energy fields around living organisms.
So, on one of the energy bodies, in particular on the astral body, sometimes you can observe some kind of clot of energy of clearly foreign origin, usually black. This anomaly of the energy body is called damage or the evil eye. There are a wide variety of localization locations, but most often this clot of energy “hangs” above the head.
The difference between damage and the evil eye is that the evil eye can be involuntary. For example, a person with a strong will or possessing “evil” negative energy can jinx it with a look or a word, as they say, in the heat of the moment, not on purpose: he seems to splash out the accumulated charge of negative energy. And this clot of negative mental energy gradually or immediately penetrates the astral body of the “victim”. Moreover, such a clot, in addition to the negative charge, also has a whole block of negative information inherent in the owner: these are diseases from which he suffered, and negative emotions, and irritability, and fear, which is abundant in each of us.
This works most quickly on infants, children in general, and adolescents. Newborns react almost instantly - they begin to be capricious, cry, sometimes their stool becomes upset, and their sleep worsens. In a word, torture for parents. That is why the custom has survived to this day not to show a newborn to anyone in the first few weeks of life - “so as not to jinx it.”
We ourselves, sometimes fearing when talking about a particular topic to upset, “jinx” the situation or person being discussed, no, no, and knock on wood, saying at the same time: “So as not to jinx it.” Such security measures are embedded in our subconscious by our ancestors. And for good reason.
Damage, unlike the evil eye, is a targeted, concentrated energy impact on one person by another, say, a sorcerer or practicing black magician.
In this case, the sorcerer usually uses spells addressed to forces that are in one way or another connected with the devil, calls upon these forces and supplements the action with his psychic energy and information. Aimed at creating fear, melancholy, illness, and a desire to commit suicide in the victim.
How to independently determine whether you have damage
There is a way to determine damage that can be used a common person, even without being a master of this matter. This method is described by the sorcerers themselves. It is simple and completely safe.
If you suspect something is wrong, if long time everything falls out of hand and you have no luck in anything, health complications, carry out such a diagnosis. This will help identify damage.
Take a jar or glass and fill it with cold water from the tap. Fresh egg you need to carefully break it and pour it into this water. It is important not to catch the yolk with a knife. Immediately place the jar on your crown, leaning your chin to your chest. Hold this for 2-3 minutes. Now look what is visible in the water. If the water is clean, transparent and the yolk lies in the white, there is no damage to you. If the yolk lies, and stripes go up from the white, witchcraft intervention is obvious. If these strips (candles) have bubbles, then the damage is severe. If there are black dots in the stripes, damage has been done to death or with grave soil. In these cases, you simply need the help of a specialist.
How to remove damage
Damage cannot be treated with medication. Doctors are trying to treat the diseases that damage causes, but, as is correct, to no avail. Or it also happens like this: damage can move to energy body from place to place, causing one disease or another. Doctors will cure one thing, then another, but the cause of the disease - damage - remains and can cause a number of other diseases. Sometimes an old, experienced doctor himself will suggest that someone turn to a “grandmother” or a person who can remove the damage. But this happens quite rarely in our enlightened age. So sick people suffering from damage suffer.
Of course, damage is an unpleasant thing, but if you contact a specialist, it is completely curable. Today, progressive techniques have been developed, thanks to which it can be removed quite easily. Strong “grandmothers”, healers, masters cope with the removal of damage quickly and painlessly. On the Internet I even found a description of how to remove damage yourself. However, I would not recommend using them; if the damage is handled ineptly, it can transfer to the person who is trying to remove it. It's best to go to someone who has been doing this for many years. Surely, in your area there is a healer whose power everyone is talking about. Listen to the stories of those who have already visited her, and make up your mind!
Precautionary measures
Interesting techniques have come down to our time that can be classified as precautions against damage. You can believe or not believe in the existence of corruption. But, as they say, God protects those who are careful. Under no circumstances throw away cut nails or hair at random; Do not give your photographs to strangers or people you barely know. Remember that it is easy to damage you through a photograph. We must not allow leftover food, scraps, scraps to fall into the hands of ill-wishers.
Try not to pick up anything on the street or near your house. If you have a suspicion that you have been damaged, take a good look at the entire house, especially the door jambs and frames. Any items found that do not belong to any family member should be thrown away. When you find something suspicious, it’s better not to touch it with your hands, take it with tweezers or some kind of forceps. Be sure to look through the pillows or feather beds, if any, in the house. Contact a healer you trust.
If, upon arriving home, you see spilled liquid or some objects that do not inspire confidence at the threshold, it is necessary, without stepping over them, to remove everything from the threshold and burn it.
There are old beliefs about how to protect yourself from the evil eye. A silver cross helps silver chain, consecrated in one of church holidays. But it is advisable to wear it constantly. Another method is also known: take a safety pin and pin it to your clothes, closer to your heart, so that others cannot see it. The head of the pin should be pointing down. White magic recommends wearing a red thread on your left hand at all times against the evil eye.
But the most effective way protecting yourself from negative psychic influences (damage-evil eye) is the protection of that egregor ( energy education, ideology - editor's note), the ideas of which you profess, this could be Christianity or another religion, moral, ethical, cultural values.
Be confident!
They say that after the damage is removed, a person is transformed. He looks different, his work is going well, his business is going well, his health is restored. If you already feel that way, great, congratulations: you happy man. Sorcerers believe that it is almost impossible to jinx or cast a spell on people who are completely confident in themselves. But this faith must be not only conscious of the mind, but also subconscious. In any situation, you must always remember that a person decides his own destiny. Just be confident in yourself, in what you are doing, and then no damage or evil eye will be afraid of you.

This scary tale Happened to me at the beginning of December. I became very ill and spent two weeks in the hospital with pneumonia. It all started with an ordinary cough, then it couldn’t even occur to me that damage was to blame.

I thought, well, it doesn’t happen to anyone. She got sick, however, out of the blue, literally out of nowhere. But still, it’s an everyday matter. I took antibiotics and felt better. I was discharged in more or less decent condition. There was only a cough, as I was told - a “residual phenomenon” and weakness. For example, I wiped the floors, and I was tired, as if I had been unloading the cars all day.

The doctors kept blaming it on pneumonia, it seemed like that was all, it should get better soon. Only “soon” didn’t come. So she existed in a strange state - she didn’t seem to be sick, but she had no strength for anything. Here in Once again a friend came and began to feel sorry for her, and she said that she had an acquaintance with a grandfather, a retired military man, and he was like a healer. He collects all kinds of herbs, people go to him, some for advice, some for health reasons, and everyone gets better.

She tried to persuade me for a long time; I really didn’t want to go anywhere. In the end, a friend brought him to him herself. I felt uncomfortable until the very end, but there was nothing to do when they were already standing in front of the door.

The door was opened by a grandfather, cheerful, with posture and bearing, but you could see from his face that he was old. He recognized my friend and let her into the apartment. I stood there and thought, how will he help me? An ordinary pensioner. And my grandfather told my friend to sit in the hall, and he took me to the kitchen. We sat down, didn’t offer any tea, didn’t say a word. He sits, looks, and his gaze is so intent, tenacious - in a word - military.

We sat and sat, and everything felt stupid. I started telling him about pneumonia and how I was feeling. And he, it feels like he’s not listening. He looks out the window and nods. Then he interrupted me:

- Let's watch.

- What shall we see? - most uncomfortable. I think now this old man will start examining me again.

- Well, you brought it with you.

- So you don’t even know? – here the old man laughed, and I felt completely uneasy. - Give me your bag.

She got up and went into the hallway to get her bag. Brought it. He rather unceremoniously dumped all the contents onto the table and shook it further so that everything fell. Then he carefully began to push things away with his finger, as if he was looking for something. I’m sitting, but I feel uncomfortable, after all, personal things. And the old man froze and pointed. I look, and there is a cross. Normal, wearable, but definitely not mine.

“Well, here it is,” said the grandfather, and he poured water into a glass. - You take it yourself, I can’t.

I picked up the cross with my nails, and it looked so strange. It weighs a couple of grams, but is heavy. And yet, in the place where the face of Christ should be, everything has been erased.

“Throw it into a glass,” says the grandfather. “I just don’t know if I can handle it.” If I fall asleep, wake me up, and most importantly, don’t sleep. Understood?

I nodded. Grandfather closed the glass with his hand and muttered. You can’t make out a word: boo-boo-boo and boo-boo-boo. Only these words acted on me like a strong sleeping pill. The eyes began to close on their own, the head bowed towards the table. I shuddered sharply several times, but it didn’t help. And then the old man slaps me in the face - I look, I’m almost lying on the table. Cheered up.

Soon the old man himself began to doze off. The muttering has become slower, the words are drawn out and blinks slowly. I shake his shoulder, he starts talking quickly again, but this action didn’t last long, about half a minute. They sat like that. I don’t know for a long time or not, I completely lost the sense of time. Then the old man just fell silent. At first I thought he had fallen asleep, I began to shake him, and he removed his hand from the glass. At the bottom, the cross was completely black, as if it had been lying in the ground for several years.

Grandfather stood up, calmly poured the water into the sink, and simply threw the cross into a bucket. He put the kettle on the fire and shouted to his friend:

“Marina Alexandrovna, my dear, let’s go and have tea.” And you,” he had already turned to me. “Get things off the table, I don’t need someone else’s,” and he smiles.

We sat and drank tea. He didn’t say a word about everything that happened, he tried several times to talk about this terrible story, about the damage, about the cross, but Marinka kept pointing at me. Later, when we were getting ready, I wanted to give money, but my grandfather didn’t take it. Only when she left did he say:

“We need to teach this goat a lesson...” It seems like he’s staring into space, but he’s looking at me. “Today, no matter who comes and asks, don’t give anything from home.” Understood?

I nodded.

“Well, God bless you,” he crossed me and my friend and closed the door.

Here Marinka lost her chain. The whole time they were with my grandfather, she endured it and remained silent, but when they came out, she started asking questions. I told her everything, my friend got five rubles from this terrible story with an erased cross in her eyes. She drove me home and offered to sit with me, but she refused. It's enough that it's been killing me all day. She's married, unlike me. With that we said goodbye.

But that is not all. This terrible story has a continuation. In the evening, around eight o'clock, the intercom began to chirp. On the monitor is my colleague from work – Masha. The girl is still quite cheerful and funny. We even communicate quite well. I pick up the phone.

- Len, hi. Listen, it's scary at work. The chief asked to pick up the applications in November, it is not known when you will be released.

In general, the situation is similar to the truth. Because I was still on sick leave, and usually I took the attachments to the documents home. But no one at work dealt with them anymore, and there was never any urgency.

“Masha, I don’t have them, they’re all at work,” I lied.

“Well, maybe you can look, it’s definitely not there,” the girl insisted.

- I don’t have them, Mashul.

“At least let me drink some tea, I died before I got there.”

- Masha, don’t be offended, I’m coughing all over here, I don’t want to infect you. Let's see you at work. And she passed out.

I look out the window onto the street, but the girl doesn’t leave. Everything is rubbing near the entrance. Then I dropped in with someone, and not a minute later the doorbell rang. I sit, neither alive nor dead. She just started banging on the door and shouting something. About ten minutes, probably, until the neighbor intimidated her with the police. Then Masha ran away.

Four days later I returned from sick leave and felt much better. Masha was not there. It turned out that she had been hit by a car, she had some kind of very serious fracture of her leg, they even inserted knitting needles. I saw her only about four months later, when she came to quit her job. They didn't even say hello. By that time, I already knew that while I was sick, Masha was actively wagging her tail in front of the boss, taking on my work, actively helping me out. Yet, despite this, she could not help but feel pity, looking at her hobbling on crutches.

And so this terrible story ended. Never plot intrigues with people. Because everyone will be rewarded for their sins, not here, but in heaven.

Everyone probably knows about evil eyes, damage and all sorts of “black magic”, because the subject of this site is obligatory. This means that there are people here who will believe what I tell you next. I personally had to deal with all these nasty things, to put it mildly.
Show me in detail..

The village where I grew up was not very big, but not very small either: if you wanted, you could find out everything about everyone. There was a paradox on the face: Soviet time killed the fear of the supernatural in people, but in such villages there remained quite a lot of practicing witches and sorcerers (or those who want to be such). Only on my street there were three of them: however, I learned this much later (as soon as we were “treated” for one, another appeared, and while we were figuring out where the new nasty thing in our family was coming from, we had to endure a lot).
Don't think about it, no throwing fireballs or similar heresy. It’s just that one day scandals will begin in the family, the father will miss one pile after another and become mad in a drunken stupor, raising his hand against the mother, someone will break into the house and steal all the money, the barn with hay will burn down, pets will begin to die - a lot of funny things differences are waiting. And, if you're lucky, you can find salt, ashes, eggshells, and there are needles in the pillows. Then you need to overcome your mistrust (there will be a persistent feeling that all this is stupidity; such frequent failures are purely an accident, it doesn’t happen to anyone; people will laugh; and so on) and try to “cure”. Yes, the process of getting rid of damage is akin to treatment, and the more complex and sophisticated the damage, the more difficult the treatment, to the point that, I know, some people could not withstand many years of testing and simply died.
Well, we're lucky.

The first time my mother and I realized that we were damaged was when I was eleven years old. Everything was already bad in the family at that time, and my mother was thinking about divorcing my father. They were both good though. They later admitted that it was as if someone was pushing them to do various stupid things, scandals, causing incomprehensible anger and, sometimes, real hatred towards to a loved one for seemingly mere trifles.
And then one day we were returning from a walk, and my mother suddenly noticed white grains of salt scattered in front of the entrance gate to the yard. Now I’m more than sure that this salt appeared in our house almost every week, it’s just that the damage turned a blind eye to all family members and no one noticed this salt.
The first time we didn’t do anything with the salt, my mother just mentioned it in a conversation with a neighbor and asked who could pour it in and why. And then the neighbor said that, most likely, someone was casting a spell on our family, and advised my mother next time to sweep this salt into a pile and hammer a nail into the middle of this pile. This is the sign.
When my mother and I found salt for the second time, I immediately ran for a broom, hammer and nail. Mom did as she was advised: she swept the salt and soil into a pile and tried to hammer a nail into it.
That's exactly what I tried. I remember this moment so vividly that I think I can name exact amount grains of salt in a pile. When mom started hammering a nail, it flew out of the ground. Half a meter. Believe it or not, that’s how it happened. He just jumped up like a spring. And for the second time, and for the third. The nail did not even penetrate halfway into the ground; he immediately flew out, as if someone was pushing him out. She managed to achieve the goal only the fourth time, although it took a lot of work: my mother said that it felt like she was driving an iron pile into concrete, and not an ordinary nail into soft ground. And the next day this nail disappeared altogether, but we never found any traces next to the pile of earth and salt. From the outside it doesn’t seem scary, but my mother and I were very, very scared at the time. And although I was quite small, all this was so ingrained in my memory that it still sends shivers through my body.

Then it was even more fun when we began to “be treated” with the help of various grandmothers and healers. I will write about this later, because there was something to be scared about.
And further. Even if the story doesn’t get any positives or comments, I hope that my stories will help someone in the future to discern someone else’s interference behind a bunch of big or not so big problems.

Good things happen - bless God and good things will remain!
Bad things happen - bless God and the bad things will stop!
Thank God for everything! (St. John Chrysostom)

To distant school years my friend Alena had a wonderful family: dad - Uncle Tolya, a handy man, a craftsman, they say about such people - homely; mother - Aunt Shura, kind and caring, an excellent housewife; older brother - Yura, an institute student; cousin - Zhenya, a student at Gnesenka, who lived with hospitable relatives during his studies, fortunately the living space allowed.

In the late eighties, I had to work as the head of the wine department of one of the grocery stores. A store located in the private sector. At that time, the coupon system flourished in trade, naturally, for alcohol. The norm of two half liters per snout per month did not suit many. No doctors, no cops, no artists, no brothers. That's why the circle of acquaintances with interesting people mine was very wide. Shopped with us outside general rules and some priests. They are mortals just like everyone else. They want to eat and drink. Moreover, not only in the fast days.
Among these clergy was Father Gennady, known in the world as Alexander. Or vice versa... Due to the passage of time, I might confuse it.

Life brought me together with one woman - Svetlana, who told me this story about herself. She was 15 years older than me, and it seemed like we shouldn’t have crossed paths much, but, as they say, the ways of the Lord are inscrutable... It turned out that I was in a class with her brother, Alyosha; we lived in the same house, only on different floors; Our parents and she worked at the same enterprise. Of course, I knew that she was the sister of my classmate and often met her near the house, but due to the difference in age, the entire dialogue between us was limited to only a couple of routine phrases: hello - goodbye.

Surely almost everyone was taught from an early age: “Don’t steal.” Even if not everyone follows the Bible.
But, as they say, “learning is light, but the ignorant are darkness.” It’s just that life sometimes punishes you very severely for poorly learned lessons. There are a lot of examples of this. I’ll tell you one rather strange incident from childhood...

One summer, as usual, the boys and I were kicking a ball around at the courtyard stadium. When, having run around, they immediately plopped down on the grass not far away, one of the “football players” named Pavlik, stretched out his leg, scratched the back of his head with annoyance and said:

Well, here we go, kirdyk kedu!..

Blue sneaker on right leg“asked for porridge.” Not a tragedy, of course. But Pavlik grew up in large family. At that time, father and mother already had about six of them, children (later two or three more were born).

If we tell you in order, then we should start in February 2018. My husband and I rent an apartment in an ordinary nine-story building. There were elderly people living in the apartment, very devout - icons everywhere, books with prayers. At first everything was fine. My husband left for work in the morning, I was doing housework, I wasn’t working at that time. He came in the evening, around 20:00 - 21:00, sometimes later.

It all started when I returned from the store one weekend morning. Mom stared at me as if she saw all the aliens descending to earth at once.

- How did you end up here? – she asked a question that seemed strange even to me, immediately running away from the threshold into the room.
When I entered there, she frightenedly pointed to a chair. There was a pillowcase there that she gave us as a gift. New Year one of the relatives.