Pulkovo Observatory. Presentation on the theme of the world observatory

Resort Phuket. .

According to a recent publicationThailandis not only a popular tourist destinationMecca,but also the location of a rather large 2.4-meterThailand National Telescope. For comparison inRussiathere are only a few telescopes of comparable size. So I decided to go through the largest telescopesSoutheast Asia .

Geographically to Southeast Asia include the following countries:

Let's start with Thailand. The main observatory of this country is located near the highest local mountain Doiinthanon.

Topographic map Thailand. .

The height of the observatory is 2457 meters above sea level. It has several telescopes: 2.4- and 0.5-meter. The largest telescope was made in Arizona, and its main mirror is in Moscow region at the factory LZOS.

2.4 meter telescope in Thailand. .

The telescope is expected to receive a spectrograph at the end of 2014 high resolution. In addition, it is planned to create a network of public observatories with 0.5-meter telescopes and spectrographs by 2015.

Now let's move on to largest country region - Indonesia. Because of high humidity tropical region is hard to find here good place for astronomical observations. The largest Indonesian observatory named after Bosses located on an island Java. It was built in 1923.

At the observatory named after Bosses There are several small telescopes with an aperture of 0.4-0.7 meters.A similar situation is withPhilippines. At the observatory Pagasathere is a 0.45-meter telescope built in 1954 with a Japanese grant.

0.45 meter telescope at the observatory PAGASA. .

IN Malaysiaalso known0.5 meter telescopes.

Space observatories play a major role in the development of astronomy. Greatest Scientific Achievements last decades rely on knowledge obtained using spacecraft.

A large amount of information about celestial bodies does not reach the ground because it is hampered by the atmosphere we breathe. Most infrared and ultraviolet ranges, as well as X-rays and gamma rays of cosmic origin are inaccessible for observation from the surface of our planet. To study space in these ranges, it is necessary to move the telescope beyond the atmosphere. Research results obtained using space observatories revolutionized man's understanding of the universe.

The first space observatories did not exist in orbit for long, but advances in technology made it possible to create new instruments for exploring the universe. Modern space telescope- a unique complex that has been developed and operated jointly by scientists from many countries for several decades. Observations obtained using many space telescopes are available for free use by scientists and astronomy enthusiasts from all over the world.

Infrared telescopes

Designed for space observations in the infrared range of the spectrum. The disadvantage of these observatories is their heavy weight. In addition to the telescope, a cooler must be placed into orbit, which should protect the telescope’s IR receiver from background radiation - infrared quanta emitted by the telescope itself. This has resulted in very few infrared telescopes operating in orbit throughout the history of spaceflight.

Hubble Space Telescope

Image by ESO

On April 24, 1990, with the help of the American shuttle Discovery STS-31, the largest near-Earth observatory, the Hubble Space Telescope, weighing more than 12 tons, was launched into orbit. This telescope is the result joint project NASA and European Space Agency. The Hubble Space Telescope is designed to last for a long time. The data obtained with its help are available on the telescope website for free use astronomers all over the world.

Ultraviolet telescopes

The ozone layer surrounding our atmosphere almost completely absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the Sun and stars, so UV quanta can only be detected outside of it. Astronomers' interest in UV radiation is due to the fact that the most common molecule in the Universe, the hydrogen molecule, emits in this spectral range. The first ultraviolet reflecting telescope with a mirror diameter of 80 cm was launched into orbit in August 1972 on the joint American-European Copernicus satellite.

X-ray telescopes

X-rays bring us information from space about powerful processes associated with the birth of stars. The high energy of X-ray and gamma rays allows them to be recorded one at a time, with an accurate indication of the registration time. Due to the fact that X-ray detectors are relatively easy to manufacture and light in weight, X-ray telescopes have been installed on many orbital stations and even interplanetary spacecraft. spaceships. In total, more than a hundred such instruments have been in space.

Gamma-ray telescopes

Gamma radiation is similar in nature to x-ray radiation. To record gamma rays, methods similar to those used for X-ray studies are used. Therefore, space telescopes often examine both X-rays and gamma rays simultaneously. The gamma radiation received by these telescopes provides us with information about the processes occurring inside atomic nuclei, as well as about the transformations of elementary particles in space.

Electromagnetic spectrum studied in astrophysics

Wavelengths Spectrum area Passing through the earth's atmosphere Radiation receivers Research methods
<=0,01 нм Gamma radiation Strong absorption
0.01-10 nm X-ray radiation Strong absorption
O, N2, O2, O3 and other air molecules
Photon counters, ionization chambers, photoemulsions, phosphors Mainly extra-atmospheric (space rockets, artificial satellites)
10-310 nm Far ultraviolet Strong absorption
O, N2, O2, O3 and other air molecules
310-390 nm Near ultraviolet Weak absorption Photomultipliers, photoemulsions From the surface of the Earth
390-760 nm Visible radiation Weak absorption Eye, photoemulsions, photocathodes, semiconductor devices From the surface of the Earth
0.76-15 microns Infrared radiation Frequent absorption bands of H2O, CO2, etc. Partially from the surface of the Earth
15 µm - 1 mm Infrared radiation Strong molecular absorption Bolometers, thermocouples, photoresistors, special photocathodes and photoemulsions From balloons
> 1 mm Radio waves Radiation with wavelengths of about 1 mm, 4.5 mm, 8 mm and from 1 cm to 20 m is transmitted Radio telescopes From the surface of the Earth

Space observatories

Agency, country Observatory name Spectrum area Launch year
CNES & ESA, France, European Union COROT Visible radiation 2006
CSA, Canada MOST Visible radiation 2003
ESA & NASA, European Union, USA Herschel Space Observatory Infrared 2009
ESA, European Union Darwin Mission Infrared 2015
ESA, European Union Gaia mission Visible radiation 2011
ESA, European Union International Gamma Ray
Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL)
Gamma radiation, X-ray 2002
ESA, European Union Planck satellite Microwave 2009
ESA, European Union XMM-Newton X-ray 1999
IKI & NASA, Russia, USA Spectrum-X-Gamma X-ray 2010
IKI, Russia RadioAstron Radio 2008
INTA, Spain Low Energy Gamma Ray Imager (LEGRI) Gamma radiation 1997
ISA, INFN, RSA, DLR & SNSB Payload for Antimatter Matter
Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics (PAMELA)
Particle detection 2006
ISA, Israel AGILE X-ray 2007
ISA, Israel Astrorivelatore Gamma ad
Immagini LEggero (AGILE)
Gamma radiation 2007
ISA, Israel Tel Aviv University Ultraviolet
Explorer (TAUVEX)
Ultraviolet 2009
ISRO, India Astrosat X-ray, Ultraviolet, Visible radiation 2009
JAXA & NASA, Japan, USA Suzaku (ASTRO-E2) X-ray 2005
KARI, Korea Korea Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology Satellite 4 (Kaistsat 4)
Ultraviolet 2003
NASA & DOE, USA Dark Energy Space Telescope Visible radiation
NASA, USA Astromag Free-Flyer Elementary particles 2005
NASA, USA Chandra X-ray Observatory X-ray 1999
NASA, USA Constellation-X Observatory X-ray
NASA, USA Cosmic Hot Interstellar
Spectrometer (CHIPS)
Ultraviolet 2003
NASA, USA Dark Universe Observatory X-ray
NASA, USA Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope Gamma radiation 2008
NASA, USA Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) Ultraviolet 2003
NASA, USA High Energy Transient Explorer 2
(HETE 2)
Gamma radiation, X-ray 2000
NASA, USA Hubble Space Telescope Ultraviolet, Visible radiation 1990
NASA, USA James Webb Space Telescope Infrared 2013
NASA, USA Kepler Mission Visible radiation 2009
NASA, USA Laser Interferometer Space
Antenna (LISA)
Gravitational 2018
NASA, USA Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope
Array (NuSTAR)
X-ray 2010
NASA, USA Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer X-ray 1995
NASA, USA SIM Lite Astrometric Observatory Visible radiation 2015
NASA, USA Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared 2003
NASA, USA Submillimeter Wave Astronomy
Satellite (SWAS)
Infrared 1998
NASA, USA Swift Gamma Ray Burst Explorer Gamma radiation, X-ray, Ultraviolet,
Visible radiation
NASA, USA Terrestrial Planet Finder Visible radiation, Infrared
NASA, USA Wide-field Infrared Explorer
Infrared 1999
NASA, USA Wide-field Infrared Survey
Explorer (WISE)
Infrared 2009
NASA, USA WMAP Microwave 2001

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Special Astrophysical Observatory

Special Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) - research institute Russian Academy Sci. The main instruments of the Observatory are the BTA optical telescope (Large Azimuthal Telescope) with a main mirror diameter of 6 meters and the RATAN-600 radio telescope (Radio Telescope of the Academy of Sciences) with a ring multi-element antenna with a diameter of 600 meters. The Observatory staff provides astronomical observations on telescopes in accordance with the decision of the program committee and conducts their own research in various areas astrophysics and methods of astronomy.

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South African Large Telescope SALT

In the 1970s South Africa's main observatories were merged into the South African Astronomical Observatory. The headquarters is located in Cape Town. The main instruments - four telescopes (1.9-m, 1.0-m, 0.75-m and 0.5-m) - are located 370 km from the city inland, on a hill overlooking the dry Karoo plateau. In 1948, a 1.9-m telescope was built in South Africa, it was the largest instrument in Southern Hemisphere. In the 90s last century, the scientific community and the South African government decided that South African astronomy could not remain competitive in the 21st century without a modern large telescope. Initially, a project for a 4-m telescope similar to ESO NTT (New Technology Telescope) was considered New Technology) or more modern, WIYN, - at the Kitt Peak Observatory. However, in the end, the concept of a large telescope was chosen - an analogue of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) installed at the McDonald Observatory (USA). The project was called the Large South African Telescope, in the original - Southern African Large Telescope. Cost project for a telescope of this class is very low - only 20 million US dollars. Moreover, the cost of the telescope itself is only half of this amount, the rest is the cost of the tower and infrastructure, another 10 million dollars. modern assessment, it will cost to maintain the instrument for 10 years. Such a low cost is due to both its simplified design and the fact that it is created as an analogue of something already developed.

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SALT (and therefore HET) are radically different from previous designs of large optical (infrared) telescopes. The SALT optical axis is set at a fixed angle of 35° to the zenith direction, and the telescope is capable of rotating in azimuth in a full circle. During the observation session, the instrument remains stationary, and the tracking system located in its upper part provides tracking of the object over a 12° area along a circle of heights. Thus, the telescope allows you to observe objects in a ring 12° wide in an area of ​​the sky located 29 - 41° from the zenith. The angle between the telescope axis and the zenith direction can be changed (no more than once every few years) by studying different areas of the sky. The diameter of the primary mirror is 11 m. However, its maximum area usable for imaging or spectroscopy corresponds to a 9.2 m mirror. It consists of 91 hexagonal segments, each with a diameter of 1 m. All segments have a spherical surface, which dramatically reduces the cost of their production. By the way, the segment blanks were made at the Lytkarino optical glass plant, primary processing carried out in the same place, the final polishing is carried out (at the time of writing this article is not yet completed) by Kodak. The Gregory corrector, which removes spherical aberration, is effective in the 4? area. Light can be transmitted via optical fibers to spectrographs of various resolutions in temperature-controlled rooms. It is also possible to mount a lightweight instrument at direct focus. The Hobby-Eberly Telescope, and therefore SALT, are designed essentially as spectroscopic instruments for wavelengths in the range 0.35-2.0 µm. SALT is most scientifically competitive when observing astronomical objects that are evenly distributed across the sky or located in groups of several arcminutes in size. Since the telescope will operate in a queue-scheduled mode, studies of variability over a period of a day or more are especially effective. The range of tasks for such a telescope is very wide: research chemical composition and evolution Milky Way and nearby galaxies, study of objects with high redshift, evolution of gas in galaxies, kinematics of gas, stars and planetary nebulae in distant galaxies, search and study of optical objects identified with X-ray sources. The SALT telescope is located on the summit where telescopes of the South African Observatory are already located, approximately 18 km east of the village of Sutherland at an altitude of 1758 m. Its coordinates are 20°49" east longitude and 32°23" south latitude. The construction of the tower and infrastructure has already been completed. The journey by car from Cape Town takes approximately 4 hours. Sutherland is located far from all the main towns, so it has very clear and dark skies. Statistical studies of the results of preliminary observations, which were carried out for more than 10 years, show that the share of photometric nights exceeds 50%, and spectroscopic nights average 75%. Since this large telescope is primarily optimized for spectroscopy, 75% is quite acceptable. The average atmospheric image quality measured by the Differential Image Motion Monitor (DIMM) was 0.9". This system is placed slightly above 1 m above ground level. Note that the optical image quality is SALT - 0.6". This is sufficient for spectroscopy work. Southern African Large Telescope (SALT). The segmented main mirror, tracking system structures and instrument compartment are visible. Telescope tower (SALT) BYuAT. A special alignment tower is visible in the foreground to ensure alignment of the main mirror segments.

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Presentation on the topic: Observatories of the world

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Special Astrophysical Observatory Special Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) is a research institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The main instruments of the Observatory are the BTA optical telescope (Large Azimuthal Telescope) with a main mirror diameter of 6 meters and the RATAN-600 radio telescope (Radio Telescope of the Academy of Sciences) with a ring multi-element antenna with a diameter of 600 meters. The Observatory staff provides astronomical observations on telescopes in accordance with the decision of the program committee and conducts their own research in various fields of astrophysics and astronomical methods.

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The South African Large Telescope SALT in the 1970s. South Africa's main observatories were merged into the South African Astronomical Observatory. The headquarters is located in Cape Town. The main instruments - four telescopes (1.9-m, 1.0-m, 0.75-m and 0.5-m) - are located 370 km from the city inland, on a hill overlooking the dry Karoo plateau. In 1948, a 1.9-m telescope was built in South Africa; it was the largest instrument in the Southern Hemisphere. In the 90s last century, the scientific community and the South African government decided that South African astronomy could not remain competitive in the 21st century without a modern large telescope. Initially, a project was considered for a 4-m telescope, similar to ESO NTT (New Technology Telescope) or a more modern one, WIYN, at Kitt Peak Observatory. However, in the end, the concept of a large telescope was chosen - an analogue of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) installed at the McDonald Observatory (USA). The project was called the Large South African Telescope, in the original - Southern African Large Telescope. Cost project for a telescope of this class is very low - only 20 million US dollars. Moreover, the cost of the telescope itself is only half of this amount, the rest is the cost of the tower and infrastructure, according to modern estimates, servicing the instrument within 10 years. years. Such a low cost is due to both its simplified design and the fact that it is created as an analogue of something already developed.

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The Hobby-Eberly Telescope, and therefore SALT, are designed essentially as spectroscopic instruments for wavelengths in the range 0.35-2.0 µm. SALT is most scientifically competitive when observing astronomical objects that are evenly distributed across the sky or located in groups of several arcminutes in size. Since the telescope will operate in a queue-scheduled mode, studies of variability over a period of a day or more are especially effective. The range of tasks for such a telescope is very wide: studies of the chemical composition and evolution of the Milky Way and nearby galaxies, the study of objects with high redshifts, the evolution of gas in galaxies, the kinematics of gas, stars and planetary nebulae in distant galaxies, the search and study of optical objects identified with X-ray sources. The SALT telescope is located on the summit where telescopes of the South African Observatory are already located, approximately 18 km east of the village of Sutherland at an altitude of 1758 m. Its coordinates are 20°49" east longitude and 32°23" south latitude. The construction of the tower and infrastructure has already been completed. The journey by car from Cape Town takes approximately 4 hours. Sutherland is located far from all the main towns, so it has very clear and dark skies. Statistical studies of the results of preliminary observations, which were carried out for more than 10 years, show that the share of photometric nights exceeds 50%, and spectroscopic nights average 75%. Since this large telescope is primarily optimized for spectroscopy, 75% is quite acceptable. The average atmospheric image quality measured by the Differential Image Motion Monitor (DIMM) was 0.9". This system is placed slightly above 1 m above ground level. Note that the optical image quality is SALT - 0.6". This is sufficient for spectroscopy work. SALT (and therefore HET) are radically different from previous designs of large optical (infrared) telescopes. The SALT optical axis is set at a fixed angle of 35° to the zenith direction, and the telescope is capable of rotating in azimuth in a full circle. During the observation session, the instrument remains stationary, and the tracking system located in its upper part provides tracking of the object over a 12° area along a circle of heights. Thus, the telescope allows you to observe objects in a ring 12° wide in an area of ​​the sky located 29 - 41° from the zenith. The angle between the telescope axis and the zenith direction can be changed (no more than once every few years) by studying different areas of the sky. The diameter of the primary mirror is 11 m. However, its maximum area usable for imaging or spectroscopy corresponds to a 9.2 m mirror. It consists of 91 hexagonal segments, each with a diameter of 1 m. All segments have a spherical surface, which dramatically reduces the cost of their production. By the way, the segment blanks were made at the Lytkarino Optical Glass Plant, the primary processing was carried out there, the final polishing is carried out (at the time of writing this article is not yet completed) by Kodak. The Gregory corrector, which removes spherical aberration, is effective in the 4? area. Light can be transmitted via optical fibers to spectrographs of various resolutions in temperature-controlled rooms. It is also possible to mount a lightweight instrument at direct focus. Southern African Large Telescope (SALT). The segmented main mirror, tracking system structures and instrument compartment are visible. Telescope tower (SALT) BYuAT. A special alignment tower is visible in the foreground to ensure alignment of the main mirror segments.

Ancient observatories of different nations
Medieval observatories
The first observatories and observations of
space in Russia


The light of distant stars has always attracted
people with its mystery. And incredible
the pattern of certain events on
sky evoked different emotions in people and
there was even some predestination
life. But to identify these
patterns needed regular
observations of the sky and space. With this
goal still in ancient times and there were
observatories were built.

Observatories of the Ancient Mayans

BC one of the
most developed nations
in space exploration
there were ancient tribes
Mayan. It is this people
some of the most
the first observatories. This
ancient picture
shows the observatory
Maya of those times. She
looks like
modern buildings, but
its dome does not rotate,
because it is made of stone

Observatories of the Ancient Mayans

Mayan astronomers
made observations
beyond the heavenly ones
luminaries made of stone
observatories that
been to many cities.
calculations of the Mayan priests
were different
incredible accuracy.
The photo shows
Palenque Observatory.

The largest observatory of the ancient Mayans

But among many
stands out for its
dimensions exactly
Karakol –
observatory in
city ​​of Chichen Itza.

Astronomy in the Mayans

complex in ancient
city ​​of Washactun.

Astronomical complex in Palenque

Mayan Research

In general, priests
Mayan tribes
made a big deal
breakthrough in
space exploration and
constellations. One of
most studied
planets by tribes
Maya – Venus

The first observatories in China

But China did too
significant contribution to
astronomy First
observatories in this
the country is considered
ruler U-Wan of
Zhou Dynasty,
ruled in
Celestial Empire in the 12th century
BC It was built
I was in the city of Zhougong,
which is in
modern province

Contribution of ancient China

Thanks to the emergence
observatories and observations
Chinese astrologers precisely in
the first appeared in this country
star globe.
Also Chinese astronomers
solar and
lunar calendars compiled
star catalogs, sky more
precisely divided into constellations,
than the ancient Mayans.
It was invented in China
many devices and
devices that
used by astrologers and
this day.

Astrology of the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages people
were very
illiterate (even
kings and
the emperors entered
to this number) and to them
it was typical
trust the stars
believe that everything
happens by will

However, not everywhere
the situation was like this
deplorable. Very
great contribution to
astronomy and
astrology done
Arabic and

Old Royal Observatory

Old Royal
observatory in
Greenwich was
built by Charles II,
its purpose
it was accurate
ships by stars

First space exploration in Russia

The first space explorations and
the first observatories appeared
only in the era of Peter I. Peter decided
learn from the experience of European countries where
astronomy already existed
for a long time. He met many
European and Arab
astrologers and astronomers, much
learned from them and gave the order to create
and in Russia observatory, where
Western researchers shared
experience with ours. At first
an observatory appeared in Moscow, in
Sukharevskaya Tower. There was
two-meter star globe,
brought from Holland. Then
there was another observatory
built in St. Petersburg in
the building of the first Russian museum -

Not very old, but very beautiful observatory in Los Angeles, USA.

Not very old, but very
beautiful observatory in Los It is famous
Angeles, USA.
Griffith, open
May 14, 1935. Not
very old, but
very beautiful, with
which opens
beautiful view of