Diversity and distribution of organisms on earth message. Pictures on the topic “Diversity of living organisms on Earth. Methods of spreading mushrooms

This lesson will introduce you to the topic "Distribution of Organisms." It is the first in the “Biosphere” section. The lesson will help you form an idea of ​​organisms as components, their uneven distribution across earth's surface. Consider all the diversity that exists on our planet and discuss the relationship between them.

The distribution of living organisms is determined by climatic conditions, soil structure and other factors. On the other hand, organisms themselves can change their habitat and influence the climate. The highest concentration of living organisms is characteristic of the land surface, in the shallow part of the ocean.

Living organisms closely interact with each other and with other shells of the Earth and thus exist. Living organisms live even in the stratosphere and in the deep parts earth's crust. The richest plant and animal world wet equatorial forests. These forests contain an abundance of heat, moisture and food.

Rice. 2. Equatorial rainforests ()

Plants are capable of creating organic substances from inorganic ones. Plants are eaten by certain types of animals (herbivores), which in turn are eaten by predators.

Rice. 3. Predatory animals of the Arctic ()

In the cold and hot dry areas of the planet there are much fewer living organisms than in forests.

Rice. 4. Sahara Desert in the photo ()

Conditions for the existence of living organisms in the ocean:

1. Amount of sunlight

2. Depth

3. Properties of water (salinity, composition, amount of nutrients)

4. Currents

5. Availability of food

6. Temperature

Algae predominate among plants in the ocean.

Rice. 5. Algae ()

Most large inhabitants oceans swim freely (seals, penguins, whales, walruses, dolphins, etc.). Crustaceans, mollusks, and worms live at the bottom of oceans and seas. Small organisms that are carried by the water column are called plankton. Plankton is the main food for fish and mammals, so waters rich in plankton are also rich in fish. At significant depths there are much fewer living organisms.

Many living organisms live near hydrothermal vents. There are many bacteria here, which, like plants, produce organic matter. Also near these sources live large worms and crustaceans that are not found in other places.

Lianas are very common plants. They are very flexible and can reach significant lengths.

These fish live in cool waters at considerable depths, burying themselves in the sand.

Rice. 7. Anglerfish ()


Paragraphs 46, 47.

1. What factors influence the distribution of living organisms?



1. Basic course in geography: textbook. for 6th grade. general education institutions / T.P. Gerasimova, N.P. Neklyukova. - 10th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2010. - 176 p.

2. Geography. 6th grade: atlas. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard; DIK, 2011. - 32 p.

3. Geography. 6th grade: atlas. - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, DIK, 2013. - 32 p.

4. Geography. 6th grade: cont. maps: M.: DIK, Bustard, 2012. - 16 p.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

1. Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia / A.P. Gorkin. - M.: Rosman-Press, 2006. - 624 p.

Literature for preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam

1. Geography: Beginning course: Tests. Textbook manual for 6th grade students. - M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2011. - 144 p.

2. Tests. Geography. 6-10 grades: Educational and methodological manual/ A.A. Letyagin. - M.: LLC "Agency "KRPA "Olympus": "Astrel", "AST", 2001. - 284 p.

1.Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ().

2. Russian geographical society ().

3.Geografia.ru ().

“Individual development of the body” - Double fertilization. Contains a double (diploid) set of chromosomes. Double fertilization is typical for angiosperms. Press conference. Internal fertilization. Lesson objectives. The similarity of the embryos of some animals to early stages development. Stages of embryonic development. A single-layer spherical animal embryo with a cavity inside is called:

“Life activity of organisms” - Oxygen is released during photosynthesis. There are several types of respiration: cellular, cutaneous, tracheal and pulmonary. Breath. The fertilized egg is called a zygote. Oxygen. Sexual reproduction animals. Mechanical tissue performs a supporting function in plants. The skeleton is the support of the body. The process of fusion of germ cells is called fertilization.

“Questions about organisms” - Square with 36 sectors different colors. Why are abrasions and scratches dangerous for humans? Which vegetable should we be grateful for? Which bird is the smallest? Parrot. Game pause. Name the animals shown in the pictures. How many times does your microscope magnify? Beavers. Prove that fish are inhabitants of the aquatic environment.

“Digestive system of the body” - Digestion occurs in the process of moving food through the organs that make up digestive tract. Fats. Compound digestive system. Processing and cooking lead to the destruction of some of the starch granules. Digestion. Functions of the digestive system. The pancreas is an organ of the digestive system of vertebrates.

“The effect of smoking on the body” - Cataract 15. Smoking. 8. Osteoporosis 9. Emphysema 10. Purpose: Hearing impairment 13. Baldness. Learn about the effects of smoking on the body. If you smoke, the effects of smoking on the body. Skin cancer 12. Do you choose death or life? Early wrinkles 14. Life. It is better to exercise than to smoke. Make your choice. If you smoke, you may have:

“Human Organism” - Habitat of living organisms. “To be healthy and happy, you need to protect nature.” Beauty. Human habitat. Life. Wealth. Pollution (emissions). World of nature. Reshetnyak Lena, 8th grade. Joy. Clean air and nature. Impact of pollution environment on the human body.

This lesson will introduce you to the topic "Distribution of Organisms." It is the first in the “Biosphere” section. The lesson will help you form an idea of ​​organisms as components and their uneven distribution on the earth's surface. Consider all the diversity that exists on our planet and discuss the relationship between them.

The distribution of living organisms is determined by climatic conditions, soil structure and other factors. On the other hand, organisms themselves can change their habitat and influence the climate. The highest concentration of living organisms is characteristic of the land surface, in the shallow part of the ocean.

Living organisms closely interact with each other and with other shells of the Earth and thus exist. Living organisms live even in the stratosphere and in the deep parts of the earth's crust. The richest flora and fauna of the humid equatorial forests. These forests contain an abundance of heat, moisture and food.

Rice. 2. Equatorial rainforests ()

Plants are capable of creating organic substances from inorganic ones. Plants are eaten by certain types of animals (herbivores), which in turn are eaten by predators.

Rice. 3. Predatory animals of the Arctic ()

In the cold and hot dry areas of the planet there are much fewer living organisms than in forests.

Rice. 4. Sahara Desert in the photo ()

Conditions for the existence of living organisms in the ocean:

1. Amount of sunlight

2. Depth

3. Properties of water (salinity, composition, amount of nutrients)

4. Currents

5. Availability of food

6. Temperature

Algae predominate among plants in the ocean.

Rice. 5. Algae ()

The largest inhabitants of the ocean swim freely (seals, penguins, whales, walruses, dolphins, etc.). Crustaceans, mollusks, and worms live at the bottom of oceans and seas. Small organisms that are carried by the water column are called plankton. Plankton is the main food for fish and mammals, so waters rich in plankton are also rich in fish. At significant depths there are much fewer living organisms.

Many living organisms live near hydrothermal vents. There are many bacteria here, which, like plants, produce organic matter. Also near these sources live large worms and crustaceans that are not found in other places.

Lianas are very common plants. They are very flexible and can reach significant lengths.

These fish live in cool waters at considerable depths, burying themselves in the sand.

Rice. 7. Anglerfish ()


Paragraphs 46, 47.

1. What factors influence the distribution of living organisms?



1. Basic course in geography: textbook. for 6th grade. general education institutions / T.P. Gerasimova, N.P. Neklyukova. - 10th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2010. - 176 p.

2. Geography. 6th grade: atlas. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard; DIK, 2011. - 32 p.

3. Geography. 6th grade: atlas. - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, DIK, 2013. - 32 p.

4. Geography. 6th grade: cont. maps: M.: DIK, Bustard, 2012. - 16 p.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

1. Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia / A.P. Gorkin. - M.: Rosman-Press, 2006. - 624 p.

Literature for preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam

1. Geography: Beginning course: Tests. Textbook manual for 6th grade students. - M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2011. - 144 p.

2. Tests. Geography. 6-10 grades: Educational and methodological manual / A.A. Letyagin. - M.: LLC "Agency "KRPA "Olympus": "Astrel", "AST", 2001. - 284 p.

1.Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ().

2. Russian Geographical Society ().

3.Geografia.ru ().

This lesson is built on the principle of a systemic activity approach and promotes the development of meaningful reading skills. During the lesson we use different shapes working with printed text and presentation slides.

"Worksheet for the lesson"



    Methods of spreading mushrooms

    Solve the test.

        Is there seasonal migration?

    Yes 2) No 3) Not installed

    Yes 2) No 3) Not installed


          Name the reasons for the dispersal of living organisms.


    Read the text and come up with two questions for it.

Most modern scientists believe that the first inhabitants of the Earth were bacteria. Bacteria are the oldest group of organisms that currently exist on Earth. They have lived on our planet for a long time - about 3.5 billion years. When bacteria appeared, there were no people, animals, or plants on Earth. For almost a billion years, bacteria were the only living things on Earth.

There is practically no place on Earth where bacteria are found. They live in the ice of Antarctica at a temperature of - 83 0 C and in hot springs, where the temperature reaches + 90 0 C, as well as in the famous Dead Sea. Bacteria live in water, in food, in the air, in the body of humans and animals, where they enter along with food and water. Many bacteria are carried by insects and rodents.

Living bacteria were discovered in the permafrost of the Arctic, where they remained for 2-3 million years. In the ocean, at a depth of 11 km; at an altitude of 41 km in the atmosphere; in the depths of the earth’s crust at a depth of several kilometers – bacteria were found everywhere.

    Methods of spreading mushrooms

    Solve the test.

      1. What is the movement of animals due to changes in environmental conditions called?

    Reproduction 2) Migration 3) Freezing

        Is there seasonal migration?

    Yes 2) No 3) Not installed

        Do irregular animal migrations occur?

    Yes 2) No 3) Not installed

    Connect the beginning and end of the sentence with arrows.

6. Connect the beginning and end of the sentence with arrows.


square kilometers

In 200,000 animals

increase group endurance

Ascension Island is a breeding ground for green turtles. They come from...

In the spring, the Canadian caribou moves north. One herd can number...


Taking the shape of a wedge when migrating allows birds...

square kilometers

When migrating, a cloud of locusts can measure...

In 200,000 animals

During winter migration to India, the Central Siberian mountain goose crosses...

increase group endurance

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“My 6th grade biology lesson”

Biology lesson 6th grade “Dispersal and distribution of organisms”

Lesson type: Lesson - discovery of new knowledge.

Target: study the features and methods of settlement of plants, bacteria, fungi and animals, find out the role of settlement and distribution of organisms.


- educational: know about the methods of settlement and distribution among representatives of different kingdoms of living nature; on the role of settlement and distribution for organisms

- developing: analyze, compare and summarize facts; establish cause-and-effect relationships; determine the method of distribution and settlement of different organisms; be able to organize joint activities; be able to express your thoughts.

- educational: consciously achieve the goal; bring up positive attitude to joint work.

Planned learning outcomes.


Know the methods of settlement and distribution; consider the adaptations of different organisms to settlement and distribution;


- regulatory:

Independently determine the goal of educational activities, look for ways to solve the problem and means of achieving the goal; participate in a collective discussion of a problem, be interested in other people’s opinions, express your own;

- communicative:

Discuss in working group information; listen to a friend and justify your opinion; express your thoughts and ideas.

- educational:

- work with a textbook; work with informational texts; explain the meanings of new words;


Show interest in new content; establish a connection between the purpose of an activity and its result; evaluate your own contribution to the work of the group.

Formation of UUD:

Cognitive UUD

    Continue developing the ability to work with the textbook.

    Continue to develop the ability to find differences, draw up supporting diagrams, work with informational texts, explain the meanings of new words, compare and highlight features.

Communicative UUD

    Continue to develop the ability to independently organize educational interaction when working in a group.

    Continue to develop the ability to listen to a friend and justify your opinion.

    Continue to develop the ability to express your thoughts and ideas.

Regulatory UUD

    Continue to develop the ability to independently discover and formulate an educational problem, determine the purpose of educational activities (formulation of a lesson question), and put forward versions.

    Continue to develop the ability to determine the criteria for studying the structure of a cell.

    Continue to develop skills in dialogue with the teacher and improve independently developed assessment criteria.

    Continue training in the basics of self-control, self-esteem and mutual assessment.

Personal UUD

    Creating conditions (CD) for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and self-knowledge.

    Be aware of incomplete knowledge and show interest in new content

    Establish a connection between the purpose of an activity and its result

    Evaluate your own contribution to the work of the group.

Lesson construction technology: developmental education, development of semantic reading skills .

Forms of work: individual, frontal, group.

Equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard, handouts.

Lesson plan:


      Updating the material covered

      Discovery of new knowledge.

      Repetition of the topic studied



During the classes:


Good afternoon guys. Glad to see you! I hope you are in the mood for a productive lesson?

To begin with, I propose to recall what we already know.

    Updating the material covered

Over the course of many lessons, we have studied the processes occurring in living organisms and ensuring their vital functions. Let's remember what processes we studied (breathing, nutrition, reproduction...). During each of them, organisms provide themselves with everything they need. But is this enough for the survival of organisms in nature?

“At the edge of the forest there grew an oak tree - gloomy, grumpy and greedy. I didn’t want to share anything with others. Once a mouse came running to him and said: “Let me take two acorns from you. I’ll eat one, plant the other in a distant clearing so that an oak tree will grow there too.”

And the oak tree will attack her: “Get out while you’re still alive!” I won’t give you acorns, let them stay with me!” The mouse got scared and ran away. Since then, none of the animals dared to approach the oak tree: neither mice, nor squirrels, nor chipmunks. So he lived in complete solitude.

From time to time acorns appeared at the oak tree. Having matured, they fell to the ground and immediately, under the crown, sprouted. But the sprouts did not have enough space and sun. They interfered with each other, suppressed each other and died at a young age.

Years have passed. The oak grew old, became decrepit, and one day, during a storm, it collapsed. The greedy old man never got his replacement.”

Why didn't the oak tree wait for the change? (All the sprouts died under the oak tree, it was cramped and dark there)

What did the seeds need to do? (Plant seeds need new places to germinate and give birth to a new plant.)

But fruits and seeds cannot move on their own, so how can they travel? Wise nature I came up with many ways to do this.

What phenomenon do you think in the life of organisms will we get acquainted with today? (With the settlement and distribution of organisms). (SLIDE 2)

3. Discovery of new knowledge

So, guys, we have the topic of the lesson. What needs to be taken apart in it?

Settlement is a very important process for all living organisms on Earth, no matter which kingdom they belong to.

But what is the point of resettlement? Let's work in pairs now, and you will try to come up with 3 reasons why resettlement is beneficial for living organisms. (1 min)

Let's check.

As I already said, all living organisms strive to settle, i.e. expand your habitat.

Let's consider how this happens in organisms of different kingdoms:

First, let’s remember what 4 kingdoms living organisms are divided into.


Let's start with organisms whose cells do not have a nucleus. Who is this? ….. BACTERIA. How do bacteria reproduce? (body division). Where do bacteria live? (Everywhere). How do they get to such diverse places?

I propose now to work in this way: you read the article and ask 2 questions about the article.

Most modern scientists believe that the first inhabitants of the Earth were bacteria. Bacteria are the oldest group of organisms that currently exist on Earth. They have lived on our planet for a long time - about 3.5 billion years. When bacteria appeared, there were no people, animals, or plants on Earth. For almost a billion years, bacteria were the only living things on Earth.

There is practically no place on Earth where bacteria are found. They live in the ice of Antarctica at a temperature of -83 0 C and in hot springs, where the temperature reaches + 90 O C, as well as in the famous Dead Sea. Bacteria live in water, in food, in the air, in the body of humans and animals, where they enter along with food and water. Many bacteria are carried by insects and rodents.

Living bacteria were discovered in the permafrost of the Arctic, where they remained for 2-3 million years. In the ocean, at a depth of 11 km; at an altitude of 41 km in the atmosphere; in the depths of the earth’s crust at a depth of several kilometers – bacteria were found everywhere.

Let's play chain. The one who asks the question can direct it to anyone in the class, and after answering the question, he asks his question to the next person.

So, you have 3 minutes to do this.

Conclusion: how do bacteria spread? (SLIDE 3,4)

Dispersal of mushrooms.

What method of mushroom dispersal is shown in the story?

(Electronic application - favorites - mushroom dispersal)

With the help of the wind.

See what fungal spores look like (Electronic application - favorites - fungal spores)

What other ways can they spread? (work with textbook + slide)

Conclusion: How do mushrooms disperse? (SLIDE 5)

Now guys, let's move on to the next kingdom. And what kind of kingdom is this, you can tell me after guessing the riddle

The tablecloth is green

Spread out to the whole world.

(Vegetation cover on Earth.)

What kingdom are we talking about? Of course about the plant kingdom.

How long do you think the area that was left without vegetation, which, for example, was plowed, will remain empty? Indeed, plants very quickly end up in such places.

Plants lead an attached lifestyle, so they had to adapt very well to dispersing their seeds and spores as far as possible.

Let's look at ways to spread seeds and spores.

Method 1. Which association from flora comes to mind? (SLIDE 6)(Spread by wind).

Which other plants will disperse seeds or spores by the wind?

Method 2: How else can seeds spread? (SLIDE 7)

What is this? The creator of Velcro fastener took this method from nature. What do you think served as the prototype?

Indeed, burdock. This method is called: distribution by animals.

Method 3. What do we see now? Indeed, many plants disperse seeds by water. (SLIDE 8)

There is another way to spread seeds, in this case, the plants do not rely on wind or water, but they themselves spread their seeds.

Method 4. Self-spreading. For example, this is typical for next plant, here's the riddle:

What kind of fruit is this spitting?

It’s not given to anyone whole! (mad cucumber) Not only the mad cucumber spreads like this, for example, the impatiens spread. (SLIDE)

So, we're done with plants, what kingdom do you think is left for us to sort out?

Distribution of animals.

Animals have a huge advantage over plants. Which? They are capable of active movement.

Now you are given a task - an oral test. You need to find our answers using the article in the textbook called "Dispersal of Animals."

So. Let's check.

        What is the movement of animals due to changes in environmental conditions called?

    Reproduction 2) Migration 3) Freezing

        Is there seasonal migration?

    Yes 2) No 3) Not installed

        Do irregular animal migrations occur?

    Yes 2) No 3) Not installed


Every year, flocks of birds and fish, herds of animals set off on their journey. Try to uncover their secrets yourself. And to do this, complete the following task, which contains the beginning of a sentence and the end; you need to correctly connect these sentences. I wish you success!

Ascension Island is a breeding ground for green turtles. They come from...


In the spring, the Canadian caribou moves north. One herd can number...

200,000 animals

Taking the shape of a wedge when migrating allows birds...

increase group endurance

When migrating, a cloud of locusts can measure...

in square kilometers

During winter migration to India, the Central Siberian mountain goose crosses...

So what is migration? Let's find the definition in the textbook. (SLIDE 9)

Migration is a regular movement that repeats from year to year. large number animals from one habitat to another.

I would like to show you examples of migrations from the lives of animals. (SLIDE 10)

Migration is one of the most important annual events for many animals. They cover vast spaces, going to wintering grounds, spawning, breeding grounds, and rarely for other reasons. While making this long, multi-day journey, the animals often unite in very large groups.

          Arctic terns have the longest migration (Sterna paradisaea ). They cross twice a year (back and forth). Atlantic Ocean along the coast of South and North America. It was believed that these birds annually cover about 20,000 km (one way) on the way from their native Arctic to Antarctica. However, studies carried out using mini-geolocators attached to the legs of several dozen terns showed that 20 thousand km is a fair understatement of the achievements of these birds.Arctic terns travel at least 40 thousand km in one direction only!

          Swallows- migratory birds, even children know this, but the fact is that during their seasonal flights they fly a distance 620 times the length of their own body (about 10000 km), not everyone knows. It is interesting that swallows fly away for the winter and return every year on the same day. For example, swallows from California always leave their nests on October 23 and return on March 19.

          Not only birds make annual migrations, but alsoinsects(ladybugs, butterflies, dragonflies and others). They gather in large groups and fly to their wintering grounds, covering thousands of kilometers. It is believed that the Monarch butterfly makes the longest migration among insects, but this turned out not to be the case.Dragonflies, migrating from India to Africa, fly over17000 km. Not even all birds can handle such a distance.

So we talked about the settlement of living beings on Earth. Let's remember the goal we set at the beginning of the lesson? Have we achieved it? Now let's repeat it a little.

    I show a plant, and you guess how it spreads. (SLIDE 11)

    Is it true that bacteria are very selective in their habitat - they do not live in hot springs or in the thickness of Antarctic glaciers? (No)

    Some types of bacteria are able to remain viable for a long time, since they

1) when unfavorable conditions occur, they form disputes

2) have microscopic dimensions

3) enter into symbiosis with other organisms

4) feed, as a rule, on ready-made organic substances

    Fungal spores, unlike bacterial spores,

1) perform the function of nutrition and breathing

2) are formed as a result of sexual reproduction

3) necessary for reproduction and settlement to new places

4) serve as an adaptation to endure unfavorable conditions

And now the last thing remains:


    Paragraph 52

    Find information and write a message about in an unusual way dispersal of any plant.

    Select an animal that migrates and make a plan for its migration, identify the reason for migration.

View presentation content
"Presentation 1 is mine"

1 slide

Topic: Diversity and distribution of organisms on Earth Objectives: Name the kingdom of organisms and their main characteristics; Determine the conditions for the existence of organisms.

2 slide

Composition of the Earth (shell, sphere) Lithosphere Hydrosphere Atmosphere The upper layer of the lithosphere, the lower layer of the atmosphere, the entire hydrosphere is populated by living organisms (these organisms form the BIOSPHERE)

3 slide

BIOSPHERE (from the Greek “bio” - life) is the earthly space, the shell in which life exists.

4 slide

5 slide

Diversity of Living Kingdom Presence of Cells Taxonomic units Representatives general characteristics Bacteria Fungi Plants Animals

6 slide

Kingdom Presence of cells Taxonomic units Representatives General characteristics Bacteria Unicellular. They come in the form of sticks, balls, and spirals (from the Greek “stick”) Most often they are very small. Their body consists of one cell. Differences. A bacterial cell does not have a nucleus, but a protozoan cell contains a nucleus. There are 2,500 known species of bacteria. Fungi. Multicellular and unicellular. Unicellular: mucor, yeast. Multicellular: penicillium, tinder fungus, for cap mushrooms: chanterelles, fly agaric, white. There are about 100,000 species of mushrooms Plants and animals

7 slide

Kingdom Presence of cells Taxonomic units Representatives General characteristics Bacteria Fungi Plants Multicellular and unicellular. Divisions: algae, mosses, gymnosperms, ferns, flowers. Unicellular: chlorella, chlamydomonas (algae). Multicellular (for all divisions). about 350 thousand species. Purpose: serve as food, raw materials, contribute to the conversion of solar energy. There are no other similar organisms on earth. animals

8 slide

Kingdom Presence of cells Taxonomic units Representatives General characteristics Bacteria Fungi Plants animals Unicellular (protozoan type); Multicellular (for all other types.) 1. invertebrates: * worms * mollusks * Echinoderms * Arthropods 2. Vertebrates * fish * amphibians * reptiles * birds * mammals. Earthworm. Octopus, mussel. Sea urchin, Starfish. Admiral, stag beetle, (insects); Pike, catfish, shark, seahorse. Toad, tree frog, newt. Snake, turtle, lizards. Owl, bustard, swan. Whale, dolphin, tiger, moose. The most diverse kingdom. About 1 million 500 thousand species are known. The most numerous species in terms of number of species are insects.

Slide 9

Kingdom Presence of cells Taxonomic units Representatives General characteristics Bacteria Unicellular. - They have the types of sticks, balls, spirals (from the Greek “stick”) Most often they are very small. Their body consists of one cell. Differences. A bacterial cell does not have a nucleus, but a protozoan cell contains a nucleus. There are 2,500 known species of bacteria. Fungi. Multicellular and unicellular. - Unicellular: mucor, yeast. Multicellular: penicillium, tinder fungus, for cap mushrooms: chanterelles, fly agaric, white. Unicellular: mucor, yeast. Multicellular: penicillium, tinder fungus, for cap mushrooms: chanterelles, fly agaric, white. Plants Multicellular and unicellular. Divisions: algae, mosses, gymnosperms, ferns, flowers. Unicellular: chlorella, chlamydomonas (algae). Multicellular (for all departments). about 350 thousand species. Purpose: serve as food, raw materials, contribute to the conversion of solar energy. There are no other similar organisms on earth. Animals Unicellular (protozoan type); Multicellular (for all other types.) 1. invertebrates: * worms * mollusks * Echinoderms * Arthropods 2. Vertebrates * fish * amphibians * reptiles * birds * mammals. Earthworm. Octopus, mussel. Sea urchin, starfish. Admiral, stag beetle, (insects); Pike, catfish, shark, seahorse. Toad, tree frog, newt. Snake, turtle, lizards. Owl, bustard, swan. Whale, dolphin, tiger, moose. Earthworm. Octopus, mussel. Sea urchin, starfish. Admiral, stag beetle, (insects); Pike, catfish, shark, seahorse. Toad, tree frog, newt. Snake, turtle, lizards. Owl, bustard, swan. Whale, dolphin, tiger, moose.