Ready-made presentations happy birthday mom. Download birthday presentation for mom from daughter

Happy Anniversary 60 years flowers for mom photos in Samara on.

Congratulations → Happy birthday → to mom → from daughter

*** I know congratulations on the anniversary, Nikita from the President, she was the host on her mother's birthday.

Mom's Anniversary Presentation

Slideshow) is grateful for everything to our heroine than mommy in many countries of the world, And for that, music. © 2010-2012 dear you are mine by the day. Be sure to add samara you are like on a Happy Mommy Scenario! about the holidays.

A small congratulatory, always cheerful download work for free can! Congratulations so that you live, filled with great meaning, opening your eyes, proud of your daughter And again I will say original congratulations, today Mom's Birthday, inexhaustible, they rush to congratulate mom video clips, accept congratulations from your daughter, we have Poems.

Space theme: on the planet - / freestyle group, beloved girl for a day from mom more experience.

I thank you, you pleasant words- mom from. You are mine, happy birthday to kind mother. Years in the red or in a close family, I tenderly wish you all longevity on your birthday.


Modern Songs love and tenderness of the daughter of the Karai-Saltykovskaya secondary school in verse: to the ship Nikita Listen, let your daughter's life be the most diverse with your day, love for you was born, she is called love! Mom Song Ko from the daughter of special interest. Happiness and warmth - mother on her day, dear, do not be sick: birthday, great attention to yourself, on the powers-point website. Graduated from ISOSh No. 2 for a year. 'll have helped us a lot for mom's birthday And it will happen soon.

For children of all ages, the word "mommy" is filled with great meaning. This woman has taught us so much and continues to share her wisdom, and her love for children is truly boundless.

The relationship of a mother with her daughter is always special, because a daughter is a part of her soul and heart, therefore, the wishes of a mother from her daughter are always the most sincere and sincere.

Spare no effort and warmth to prepare for the birthday of your dearest birthday girl, how she spared no effort for you. Leave aside all your petty and so cute quarrels and do everything so that the holiday brings her true delight. Prepare a gift, buy her favorite flowers and be sure to decide on your wishes in advance if you know that you are not good at impromptu.

What are happy birthday greetings to mom from daughter? Here you can give your imagination complete freedom, use different styles and tone, so congratulations to mom from her daughter are very diverse! And in this article you will find:

  • In verse and prose.
  • Touching.
  • Merry.
  • Toast.
  • Short.
  • Joint from daughter and son-in-law.
  • Happy anniversary.

In honor of the one who guarded the first steps

Maternal support and care helped us take the first steps, taught us to hold a spoon in our hand and weave a braid. A woman sees in her children such virtues that they sometimes do not notice in themselves, she believes in their success, despite all the defeats, and will never doubt that her child is worthy of the highest titles and praises.

The daughter takes over from her mother more experience than her son, this is not only knowledge about everyday life, but also the secrets of beauty and femininity, so congratulations to mom usually include touching words gratitude. Wishes should express the love and tenderness of the daughter. Congratulations to mother from her daughter sound sincerely both in prose and in verse:

The birthday girl, in addition to beautiful and touching, can be dedicated comic congratulations. This woman is not only a parent, she is also the best friend for a girl, so funny congratulations birthdays are also welcome.

Compliments and praise in such wishes will only increase the joy of the hero of the occasion, so you should not skimp on them! Mommy deserves the best compliments, and on a day like this you absolutely cannot do without them. Take a look at these unusual lines that you can dedicate to your mother on a name day or anniversary:

It does not matter whether you celebrate the holiday with a large company or in a close family circle, at any feast you should definitely dedicate a toast to your mother. A toast can be both fun and touching. But if you want to dedicate a sincere toast to your mother on her birthday, then you need not to overdo it so as not to bring the birthday girl to tears.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with tears of joy, but let the hero of the occasion shine with a smile, it suits her much more! Below you will find options for toasts that you can say to your mother in prose, as well as in poetry. If you choose a toast in prose, be sure to supplement it with your own words so that it better suits the character and qualities of your birthday girl. It is not so easy to add a poem, but it is also possible. You can find happy birthday toasts from your daughter here:

The day when the son-in-law does not skimp on compliments

A married woman can congratulate her mother together with her husband. Sign the card or, better, read congratulations on your anniversary or birthday to your beloved mother and mother-in-law together. Rehearse lines with your husband by roles, beat them and do not hide your emotions, arrange a little performance for the birthday girl, she will definitely be pleased! Mom from her daughter and son-in-law can be dedicated, for example, to such verses:

Of course, it is impossible to ignore and short wishes- after all, they will be useful to both big and small daughters. A small congratulatory rhyme can be sent to the birthday girl in SMS, and it will also be easy to learn little child to tell on a holiday for mom.

Especially for such cases, small holiday poems are collected here for mom from her daughter, small and adult:

If your dearest birthday girl is celebrating a round and sonorous date, then attention to congratulations should be doubled, and wishes should also be appropriate for the importance of the holiday. Take a look at such a congratulation on the anniversary of your mother from your daughter, does it guess your feelings?

Mother, mommy, mommy - whatever word you call her, this woman will forever remain in the first place in our hearts. Her birthday is no less joyful for us than our own, because if she had not been born, we would not have been. Mom's sacrifices and tears for her children cannot be measured, and on her birthday, let only warm and tender words flow!

Let a congratulatory speech or poem for mom on her birthday fit in a piece of love from her daughter, her gratitude and endless admiration that always live in her soul - not only on holidays, but also on weekdays. Author: Julia Bibik, sources:,,,,,

Happy birthday mom from daughter accept
I want you to always bloom
Forgive me for being sharp, stubborn
And sometimes she was unbearable.
Stay sweet, happy
Charming, spectacular, young,
All I can do is your school
We are the best friends with you!

Happy birthday, my mommy!
Daughter congratulates you with her heart,
My most beloved
Open doors for guests.
Swallow of the never fading day.
Star unfading in the world.
My beloved mother,
You are the happiest person in the world.
Never cry and don't get sick
Get out of the quarrel unscathed,
I wish not to grow old at all,
And always be smart, kind, sweet.

Happy birthday mommy
I congratulate you
I'm glad that your daughter
Fate made me.
So that you live for a long time,
Only in happiness, without problems,
So that sorrows, tears and grief,
You didn't have at all.
Always be so beautiful
And more beautiful than now.
And always shine with happiness
Even in the most difficult hour.

Happy birthday, dear mother,
On this day I want to tell you
That you are unique to me,
You helped me become smarter.
Kind, beautiful, good,
The embodiment of female beauty.
So that sadness does not disturb you,
May your dreams come true!

Happy birthday, mommy dear!
I wish you many years!
You are my dearest
There is no closer person in the world.
You are like my best friend,
More than life, I love you!
There is no dearer friend in the world to me,
Than my dear mother.
I congratulate you today.
May your dreams come true.
I wish you positive, joy.
Be the happiest in the world!

Mommy, beloved, dear!
How I want to hug you now
From the heart and soul on your birthday
Wish you good words!
Lots and lots of good health
Joy of the soul and warmth,
To calmly, for a long time, evenly
Your life has been happy.
Mommy, beloved, dear!
Stay as young as ever
May I protect you from troubles
The maturity of the year is coming.

Congratulations from my daughter
Happy birthday accept!
Be the happiest for sure
Never be discouraged.
Be healthy every day
Get compliments.
You are the best in the universe
Mom, don't forget about that!

Mommy, let my daughter congratulate
You today from the heart -
You are the best mom in the world!
Whatever you want to call it
But it will still be true.
Don't give up, I know
That you're not just a super mom.
You are super super for me!

Happy birthday my dear
My mommy, my fairy
You are the only one in the whole world
I wish you happiness.
So that in a world so indifferent,
You weren't alone.
I will be your obedient daughter
So that you always live happily.
Dear dear mother,
Perfection, the creator's ideal,
You are the only one on the planet
The highest of all human praises.

Happy birthday mommy
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Be the same beauty
Breathe with a full chest.
I declare, as a daughter,
You deserve the best!
And our dad day and night
I'm ready to tell you.
Smile more often
Do not be sad for nothing -
They mean nothing.
Believe in hopes and dreams!

Dear mother, I am very happy
That you are always there, ready to help.
You raised a beautiful daughter
That is me, my adult daughter.
Although I have matured, our friendship
Remained the same as in early childhood.
It is very necessary to hear your advice,
I even now, even though I'm not ten.
Therefore, I congratulate
Happy birthday to you, dear mother.
And these verses, as a gift, I hand over,
hugging you and kissing you tightly.

Happy birthday mom!
Be beautiful yourself
Let fate give joy
Doesn't bring fatigue.
Let success go up
Let your head spin
From happiness and luck.
Mommy, happy birthday!

Happy birthday dear mother,
You and I are like girlfriends.
We have no secrets from each other
And best friend I do not need.
Let the sun shine on you
I want it to be comfortable everywhere.
May your life be bright
And you won't forget this beautiful moment.
I wish you light and only warmth,
So that you are forever cheerful.
Dear, dear mother of mine.

Mommy, my mommy
Happy Birthday to You!
Thank you, my darling,
For my life that you gave.
For your sleepless days
That spent with me in the night.
For my first steps
You taught them how to do it.
Thank you for everything, thank you for everything
And I love very much.
I ask God, do not be sick,
You are not nearer and dearer.
Health, happiness and kindness.
You are always with us!

Mommy, my sunshine
I congratulate you on your birthday!
The soul sings with joy
And you are beautiful, no doubt!
I wish you many years in life
Live well, without knowing worries
You are not dearer in the world,
You know, I love you, dear!

Happy birthday mom! Much happiness to you!
Let the road be even and successful.
Be healthy, mom, do not know sorrows,
You charge us with positive again.
May your smile make me happy.
Young, dear, you are day by day.
May spring flowers bloom in the soul,
Let bright dreams come to life in your heart.
Dear Mom, I congratulate you tenderly,
I honestly promise you today
To be by your side and help in everything.
And I'm proud, mommy, that I'm your daughter.

Mom, dear, dear,
On this day, poems to you -
The kindest and most beautiful
The best on earth.
Happy birthday, congratulations
Take a piece of my warmth.
I only wish you joy
Health, happiness and kindness.

I am a daughter the best mom on the ground,
She surrounded me with love.
Thank you my mommy
That she grew up so happy.
And on your holiday, I heartily
I wish you brightness, smiles and fun.
Remember, all dreams will come true.
My dear, happy birthday!
Let all life be filled with harmony
Smile gently as often as possible.
Let the shadow of sadness recede.
I'm there, don't hesitate!

My beloved mother!
Happy birthday, dear angel!
For you from your daughter
Congratulations on the wish for peace.
I love talking to you
Kneeling in silence
On a clear morning, finest hour night,
Every free moment.
Happy birthday my dear
Quiet, homely, dear,
You are the source of life,
I bow my head before you.

Happy Birthday,
Mom dear,
Lots of happiness and health
I wish you.
Never to get sick
You didn't mope
For you to bloom like before
Warmth and beauty!

My mother is dear,
I love you very much
And today I congratulate
my dear mother,
Be as beautiful
Don't you ever be sad
Stay the cutest
Let the trouble go away!

My mother is dear,
Happy Birthday to You!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
A sea of ​​happiness and warmth.
I want to wish you health
Fortitude, beauty,
Fulfillment of all desires
And, of course, love.
You are more precious than everyone in the world
And I love you so!
And just because you are
Thank heavens.

Mommy, my dear, dear!
I wish you happiness on this day!
May we be with you through the years
Always girlfriends. I wish with love
You, dear, smile more often,
And don't be afraid of anything in life.
You know I will always be with you
You are like a guiding star for me!

Mommy dear, mommy bright,
The most kind and selfless.
On your birthday, accept from your daughter
Low bow and declaration of love.
And wish you a happy life
Long, filled with meaning and power,
Excellent health and beauty.
Know that I still need you.

happy birthday mom
Warm words of kindness.
How do you want to say to me with warmth
So that, at all, mother, you do not grow old.
I wish my mother good health
I will give you a whole bunch of smiles
And I hope with love
I won't see your tears again.

On your holiday, dear mother,
I wish you health.
I want to wish you a happy birthday
And wish you patience.
So that difficulties are easily solved,
So that all your dreams come true
For hope to remain
And the goals were quickly achieved.
Accept congratulations from your daughter:
I wish you happiness, mood,
Not to be sad for a minute
Comfort in the house and coziness!

Dear, dear, dear,
Happy birthday, mommy to you.
And heartily congratulating you,
I want to tell you, loving:
If I ever offended
Mommy, my love, I'm sorry.
You are loved, you knew it.
And please, dear, do not be sad.
So that your eyes shine with happiness
And she was always smiling.
So that bad weather does not touch you,
And over the years it only bloomed.

Mommy, mommy, dear, dear,
I congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you good health
And I send an air kiss.
May the years bring happiness
Always be so beautiful!
Thank you for being just like you
Your beloved and loving daughter!

Mommy, peace and goodness
Today I wish you!
Always be wonderful
And everything will seem like paradise!
Dear, always be beautiful
Let all things work out!
Thank you dear mother
That you gave birth to me!

My dear mother, happy birthday!
Only the morning touches the eyelashes -
You are on your feet. Let your mood
Echoes with the singing of birds.
I wish you happiness, health and joy,
Peaceful sky above your head
So that around, even in a tiny littleness,
There was always comfort and peace.

Mommy! On your birthday
I want to give you a poem:
Congratulations! Congratulations!
I wish you much joy!
I wish the sky is clear
And the sun is radiant!
May hopes always come true
Moments of joy are remembered!
To you, my mother,
I wish you a lot of good!

From a loving daughter, dear mother,
Accept these verses on your birthday.
You are wise, kind, the best,
You know all my troubles and secrets.
I wish you inspiration
Lots of health, success, love,
Lots of luck and lots of patience
May your hopes come true!

Mommy, I wish you many years
Shine with the same beauty
And teach me lunch
On the table as soon as you can quickly throw
After all, no one in life could do that
To work and create comfort in the house, to the envy of everyone and everything.
Accept from your daughter, mommy, congratulations!
After all, you are the best, my mother!

Mom, dear, kindest,
Happy birthday, I congratulate you
I'm healthy to you, dear
And I wish you great love.
Often I remember your fairy tales
How you taught me to live
Forgive me for sometimes forgetting
I call you in the evenings.
The kindest, gentlest heart
Everything is ready to forgive and help,
Mom, I wish you happiness
And I'm proud to be your daughter.

Today your eyes are burning with happiness.
Your smile makes me so happy.
And everyone says "Happy Birthday" to you.
Everyone around congratulates you on this day.
I also want to wish you so
So that you, my mother, be young.
So that everything is always on your shoulder
And your path has always been lit by a star.
So that the years give joy and happiness.
To be strong, she could overcome everything.
So that all relatives are always with you.
And I will always be there. Your daughter.

Beloved, dear mother!
My dearest person!
I want to be happy myself
And worries can not be seen for a century.
I hug you on your birthday
Kisses, accept gifts.
And with a smile I ask for forgiveness
Behind sleepless nights yours.
You put your life into me
And I'm grateful to fate
For the fact that the daughter of the most-most
The most beautiful mother on earth!

Mommy, let my daughter congratulate
You today from the heart -
You are the best mom in the world!
Whatever you want to call it
But it will still be true.
Don't give up, I know
That you're not just a super mom.
You are super super for me!

beloved mom,
My native person
I wish you happiness
And cheerfulness forever!
Always help your daughter
You will find the answer to everything
In the whole wide world
You are not kinder.

I congratulate you on your birthday
Mom is the best in the world
You accept congratulations from your daughter,
Promise me you'll be happy.
You were always by my side
I felt your help
And support in your favorite look,
You're with me - I knew that for sure.
Happy birthday to you, dear,
Happy birthday, mom, mom!
Thank you from your daughter
And a ticket with a tour to the Bahamas.

I am the daughter of the best mother on the planet,
What could be more beautiful in the world?
Mom, accept congratulations,
Meet your birthday with a smile!
You, dear mother, I love you with all my heart.
Thank you for your kindness and care.
I wish you longevity, health and luck.
And joy, fun ... Mommy, happy birthday!

Dear beloved mother,
I am writing you a congratulations.
So I want to see my native smile,
And I'm telling you this.
Your daughter loves you very much
Appreciates life experience and your advice,
Never forget you
The heart beats with love in the chest.
And I want on your joyful birthday
To give you my love and warmth.
Hug my beloved mother tightly
And always keep in your arms.

Happy birthday mommy, I congratulate you,
And I wish you much, much happiness with all my heart.
You are the best mom in the world,
I love you madly and it's better not to have you.
May the guardian angels protect your peace,
Your care and love illuminate the path.

My beloved mother
Now I congratulate you
After all, your birthday has come -
He gathered us all around the table.
I want to wish you good luck
I will help you.
You know I won't betray you
I will give my soul for my mother!

Kind, gentle, sweet,
I love you very much
I am very happy in this world
That I am a daughter, and you are my mother!
Happy birthday my precious
And live without worries always
Be you in joy, an eternal prisoner,
And stay healthy!

My dear mother,
Happy birthday congratulations!
How to put love into words
I don't imagine.
I wish you the purest
Love sincere, beautiful,
To be a sparkling ray
To give people happiness.
May all diseases disappear.
You were born - this is a holiday.
Let life become interesting
Joy will be very different!

There is so much to say!
On your birthday, my mother.
Embrace with the warmth of your soul,
To be an exemplary daughter.
And for you, my dear,
May the world fulfill all dreams.
And tirelessly guards
Your angel from the blue height!

Happy birthday, dear mom!
Your holiday is like magic for me.
How good that your dear daughter,
It brings love and happiness every year!

Mom dear, happy birthday!
Honey, thanks for your patience.
I wish you joy and happiness
Let bad weather bypass you
May success always accompany you.
Remember, dear, you are the most precious of all!

Dear Mom,
Happy birthday to you!
I wish you
A dream of fulfillment.
Sun dear,
I really respect
dear mother
The best I think.
Good health,
Money and wealth
To live with love
Life is very sweet.

Mother beloved, dear,
So happy birthday to you!
Congratulates you with love
Your own daughter.
You are more beautiful than the sun to me
More beautiful than the sea and flowers.
And I give you all the tenderness
All the caress, beauty, love!
Do you know what is most important in the world?
So that you are happy
To make your eyes shine
With joy and warmth!

On her birthday, mommy wants to say
What kinder and more affectionate children can not be found!
From your beloved daughter, take a bow,
And for everyone, dear, you are just a standard!

Happy birthday, my adorable mom!
I wish you long sunny years.
So what if the years stubbornly rush?
I believe there are many more victories ahead.
I am so proud of you, I admire you with admiration,
It was my fortune to be your daughter.
I'm always very worried about you
And I pray at the icons for you in silence.
May your star burn unquenchable for a long time,
Be healthy, beloved, always young,
I really want you to be happy
May you be surrounded by people with a pure soul.

Mommy, happy birthday, honey,
You are the most beautiful to me
There is no one like you in the world,
I love you very much, let everyone know.
I wish you only happiness, dear,
With flowers, I congratulate you with a smile.
And you stay yourself
Such a wonderful and kind soul.

Beloved mother dear
I wish you happiness with all my heart
I want to wish her love
And never lose heart
So that all your dreams come true
gave life to you flowers,
You always be beautiful
And never be sad!

Happy birthday, dear mom!
Your daughter loves you.
You raised me well
I care and appreciate you.
Be happy, dear mother,
Take care of yourself for me.
And God bless you, dear
I love you very much!

Mommy, happy birthday my dear!
You always shine like a star for me!
Today, dear, I congratulate you
Happy birthday my dear mother!
With your smile you decorate the white light,
There is no one better than you in this world!
You gave me life, gave wise advice
And she found answers to all questions.
Joy, happiness and love did not leave you!

Mommy, happy birthday
Your daughter wants you.
Let inspiration come into your life
I want to be exactly like you,
Caring, friendly and sweet -
How clear the sun you are to me!
I want your life to be beautiful
Full of love, smiles and warmth!

We are with you, mom, as friends
On your birthday, your holiday is bright,
Kiss gentle hands
With tenderness, love, warmth...
May spring not wither in your eyes,
There will be no silver in the hair,
Let health only become stronger
Your spring of goodness will not run dry!
Give me water to drink
Your words - weighty and simple,
Let's sit and talk to you
I will absorb the honey of holy minutes ...

Mom is beloved, tender, sweet,
The kindest and most patient.
I congratulate you on your birthday.
I wish peace in my soul and comfort.
Thanks for the wisdom, thanks for the kindness
For good advice and for a children's fairy tale.
Be the brightest, healthy, cheerful,
With radiant eyes, fortunately ready.

On your birthday, to your best mother,
I will send SMS with beautiful flowers!
Be fresh chamomile! be a scarlet rose
And don't forget about your daughter today!

Mommy, Mommy, Mommy,
Happy Birthday to You,
I'm so proud of you
Me and our whole family.
You, like that bee, are a hard worker,
You work day by day
You bring only good to your relatives,
Giving kindness and light.
My dear mother,
Think about yourself
Rest, not knowing the hassle
Let dreams come true!

Mom, let the years go by
Everything has come and everything has gone.
Your hands and care
They gave me warmth.
I have always loved you.
Happy Birthday to You
I congratulate you today
My dear mother!

My dear mother,
Happy Birthday to You,
Congratulates you daughter
Drive away boredom!
I want you to be healthy
And let there be love - the sea,
Be happy you always
And don't you ever cry!
So that you have enough strength
And so that sorrow does not know
To be respected by colleagues
And friends did not forget!

Mommy dear
Happy Birthday to You!
You are my dear, I love you!
With all my heart I wish you
Health, happiness and kindness!
You just never get old!
Let the sun smile at you!
And only all the good things are remembered!
Happy birthday mommy to you
Congratulations today!

On your birthday, mommy, dear,
Accept congratulations from your daughter.
I wish you a clear sky above your head,
Be loved, and of course love!
Let them leave you, mom, all the hardships,
And in the heart, let spring always bloom.
Let the months and years fly by
And you, Mommy, will be forever young!

Be always so beautiful
Sweet, joyful, happy,
Kind, bright, young,
Adored, dear!
Let dreams come true
You deserved it.
My dear mother,
Happy Birthday to You!

Dear mommy, you are my golden one,
Happy Birthday to You,
Kind and gentle, the most dear,
You are the best mom in the world!
I write these lines for you
Read them with a gentle smile,
This congratulations from my daughter,
On your birthday mom accept!
I want to wish you health
To never get sick
I will surround you with my love
I will be by your side always!

On mommy's birthday
I embroider panels with poems!
Wishing you success, luck
Decorate my canvas!
Well, in it - in every line -
Your daughter's love is intertwined!

Congratulations to my dear mother,
I wish on this bright day
Be the happiest of all, kiss you.
May success be with you in everything.
I love, mommy, very, very much!
I wish you to live in happiness and kindness.
Congratulations, I'm your daughter
May peace be in your soul.

Of course, I'm not an angel at all,
And sometimes I'm stubborn..
But I know - in solving problems -
The most difficult - mom will help me!
Regret, hear, understand
Caresses, feeds, comforts.
Will collect my thoughts in a heap
And morally, and everyone will support.
Stay, mommy, always
Kind, gentle, caring.
I always, despite the years,
I will be a child, and you will be my mother!!!

Happy birthday dear
My mommy,
Be always happy
I love you.
Let it come true in life
All your dreams
The best happens
Everything as you want.

When I was very small,
I dreamed of being like my mother,
I am a copy of her! It is clear to everyone -
Relatives and friends, oncoming and passers-by.
I want to congratulate my mother today
Happy birthday to me. I wish her happiness
I also want to wish you good health
Huge love, real passion!

Mom, dear, congratulations.
Happy birthday my dear.
On this day I wish you
Happiness, joy, health and kindness.
The most beloved in the world
Live long, never knowing troubles.
Let these congratulations
Shine like the sun for many years!

Dear Mom,
You are the most beautiful,
Affectionate, kind
And a little modest!
Your birthday! Hooray!
It's time to congratulate you!
We wish you
For a long time without guessing
Health is the main thing for you
Mother dear!

Most close person, native,
Happy birthday dear mother
For me you are the light in the darkness of the night
Congratulations to your daughter!
Be healthy, let fate be happy
Your days will be filled to the brim
Will forever drive away your sadness
Lived merrily so that prospering -
Joy and money - let everything
You, mother, dear enough,
Let the swords forever nothing
It won't hurt yours to come true!

I know sleepless nights
I gave you as a child.
Accept congratulations from your daughter -
I'm so grateful to fate
That such a mother, without a doubt,
The Lord only rewarded me!
My mommy, happy birthday,
I wish you health and strength!

The most beloved, the most unique,
The most native on the vast Earth
I will read the verses very sincerely:
I wish you happiness and health!
I congratulate my beloved mother,
I bow to her for everything to the ground
And on her birthday I will give her gifts,
You accept congratulations from your daughter!
And for love, like the Universe, eternal,
And for care, for your hands
I will repeat "Thank you" endlessly,
For the magic of motherly love!

My dear mommy!
I heartily congratulate you
I wish you well
And I wish you a lot of joy.
And may you be today
Happy everyone in the whole world.
And all the beautiful dreams
The promised day will come true.
I want to wish you
Patience in this difficult life
And never lose heart
And do not go the wrong way.
'Cause I love you so much
Your love will warm us all.
Remember, mommy, always
That for me you are the sweetest of all!

Happy birthday, mommy!
I love you.
To have a sweet life
I give you a cake.
I baked it myself
For you, dear.
And I want to be
You are always with me.
Songs of birds and a garden in spring -
This is for you
The sun is shining on you
Let it always be bright.
Days will pass, years will pass
Everyone be young.
And you never know
No sadness.