Said Muhammad Haji Abubakarov family. Sayyidmuhammad - Haji Abubakarov. Work in the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Dagestan. Election to the post of Mufti

Sayidmukhammad-haji Abubakarov(September 15, 1959, Tsilitl, Gumbetovsky district - August 21, 1998, Makhachkala) - mufti, chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Dagestan. Died as a result of a terrorist attack.


Born on September 23, 1959 in the village of Tsilitl, Gumbetovsky district. Even at a young age I learned Arabic alphabet. His parents, appreciating the child's abilities, sent him to school when he was only five years old. Thanks to classes with a teacher hired by his father, Sayyid Muhammad Haji mastered Tajwid at the age of ten.

In 1975, Sayidmuhammad-haji entered the dental faculty of the Makhachkala Medical Institute, after graduating from the institute he worked in his specialty for 3 years in Goragorsk, then in one of the clinics in Makhachkala, after which he was engaged in private practice.

Since 1993, he has been deputy mufti of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Dagestan. In 1993-94 he studied at the Syrian Abu Nur University.

On July 1, 1996, due to the illness of Alihaji Aliyev, who was the mufti at that time, Sayid Muhammad-haji was appointed acting mufti. On August 26, 1996, Sayidmukhammad-haji Abubakarov was unanimously confirmed as the Mufti of Dagestan by members of the Council of Ulama of Dagestan.


On August 21, 1998, when Abubakarov, in a GAZ-3110 official car, was driving into the territory of the central mosque of Makhachkala for Friday prayers, unknown criminals detonated a radio-controlled bomb planted on the road. Along with Sayidmukhammad-haji, his brother Ahmed and the driver died.


Sergei Stepashin, who headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs at that time, took the matter under personal control.

Ravil Gainutdin said: “The murder of the Mufti of Dagestan is a tragedy for all Muslims in Russia. IN last time we met with him on July 24 at a meeting of muftis in Moscow. Abubakarov said that he is forced to constantly change cars. This means that even then he was in danger.”


On August 22, 2003, in memory of the fifth anniversary of the death of Sayid Muhammad-haji, a scientific-practical conference"Islam in modern world: life and work of Sayidmukhammad-haji Abubakarov.”


Sayid Muhammad Haji was an active fighter against the Wahhabis. According to him, if we do not fight them, “religious fanatics will turn our country into Afghanistan.”

He became one of the initiators of the law of the Republic of Dagestan “On freedom of conscience, freedom of religion and religious associations”, adopted on December 30, 1997.

  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Abubakarov Sayidmukhammad. Gray magazine. Retrieved March 8, 2015.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Black August. Sayyidmukhammad-haji Abubakarov. Moskovsky Komsomol member. Retrieved March 8, 2015.
  3. 1 2 3 4 Terrorist attack in Makhachkala. Kommersant. Retrieved March 8, 2015.
  4. The public celebrated the fifth anniversary of the death of Mufti S.-M. Abubakarov. Caucasian Knot. Retrieved March 8, 2015.

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Sayidmukhammad Khasmuhammadovich Abubakarov(September 15, 1959, Tsilitl, Gumbetovsky district - August 21, 1998, Makhachkala) - mufti, chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Dagestan. Died as a result of a terrorist attack.


Born on September 23, 1959 in the village of Tsilitl, Gumbetovsky district. While still at a young age, he learned the Arabic alphabet. His parents, appreciating the child's abilities, sent him to school when he was only five years old. Thanks to classes with a teacher hired by his father, Sayyid Muhammad Haji mastered Tajwid at the age of ten.

In 1975, Sayidmuhammad-haji entered the dental faculty of the Makhachkala Medical Institute, after graduating from the institute he worked in his specialty for 3 years in Goragorsk, then in one of the clinics in Makhachkala, after which he was engaged in private practice.

Since 1993, he has been deputy mufti of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Dagestan. In 1993-94 he studied at the Syrian Abu Nur University.

On July 1, 1996, due to the illness of Alihaji Aliyev, who was the mufti at that time, Sayid Muhammad-haji was appointed acting mufti. On August 26, 1996, Sayidmukhammad-haji Abubakarov was unanimously confirmed as the Mufti of Dagestan by members of the Council of Ulama of Dagestan.


On August 21, 1998, when Abubakarov, in a GAZ-3110 official car, was driving into the territory of the central mosque of Makhachkala for Friday prayers, unknown criminals detonated a radio-controlled bomb planted on the road. Along with Sayidmukhammad-haji, his brother Ahmed and the driver died.


Sergei Stepashin, who headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs at that time, took the matter under personal control.

Ravil Gainutdin said: “The murder of the Mufti of Dagestan is a tragedy for all Muslims in Russia. The last time we met with him was on July 24 at a meeting of muftis in Moscow. Abubakarov said that he is forced to constantly change cars. This means that even then he was in danger.”


On August 22, 2003, in memory of the fifth anniversary of the death of Sayidmukhammad-haji, a scientific and practical conference “Islam in the modern world: the life and work of Sayidmuhammad-haji Abubakarov” was held in Makhachkala.


Sayid Muhammad Haji was an active fighter against the Wahhabis. According to him, if we do not fight them, “religious fanatics will turn our country into Afghanistan.”

He became one of the initiators of the law of the Republic of Dagestan “On freedom of conscience, freedom of religion and religious associations”, adopted on December 30, 1997.

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Sayidmukhammad Khasmukhammadovich Abubakarov(September 15, Tsilitl, Gumbetovsky district - August 21, Makhachkala) - mufti, chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Dagestan. Died as a result of a terrorist attack.


Born on September 23, 1959 in the village of Tsilitl, Gumbetovsky district. While still at a young age, he learned the Arabic alphabet. His parents, appreciating the child's abilities, sent him to school when he was only five years old. Thanks to classes with a teacher hired by his father, Sayyidmuhammad-haji at the age of ten mastered Tajwid to perfection.

In 1975, Sayidmuhammad-haji entered the Faculty of Dentistry, after graduating from the institute, he worked in his specialty for 3 years in Goragorsk, then in one of the clinics in Makhachkala, after which he was engaged in private practice.

Since 1993, he has been deputy mufti of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Dagestan. In 1993-94 he studied at the Syrian Abu Nur University.

On July 1, 1996, due to the illness of Alihaji Aliyev, who was the mufti at that time, Sayid Muhammad-haji was appointed acting mufti. On August 26, 1996, Sayidmukhammad-haji Abubakarov was unanimously confirmed as the Mufti of Dagestan by members of the Council of Ulama of Dagestan.


On August 21, 1998, when Abubakarov, in a GAZ-3110 official car, was driving into the territory of the central mosque of Makhachkala for Friday prayers, unknown criminals detonated a radio-controlled bomb planted on the road. Along with Sayidmukhammad-haji, his brother Ahmed and the driver died.



On December 7, 1998, Chernyshevsky Street in Makhachkala was renamed Abubakarov Street.

On August 22, 2003, in memory of the fifth anniversary of the death of Sayidmukhammad-haji, a scientific and practical conference “Islam in the modern world: the life and work of Sayidmukhammad-haji Abubakarov” was held in Makhachkala.


Sayid Muhammad Haji was an active fighter against the Wahhabis. According to him, if we do not fight them, “religious fanatics will turn our country into Afghanistan.”

He became one of the initiators of the law of the Republic of Dagestan “On freedom of conscience, freedom of religion and religious associations”, adopted on December 30, 1997.

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An excerpt characterizing Abubakarov, Sayidmuhammad Khasmuhammadovich

The next morning Caraffa appeared. He was fresh and very happy, which, unfortunately, did not bode well for me.
By sitting down in a chair right in front of me, but without asking permission, Caraffa made it clear that he was the master here, and I was just a defendant in a beautiful cage...
“I hope you made it through the journey easily, Madonna Isidora?” – he said in a deliberately polite tone. - How are your rooms? Do you need anything?
- Oh, yes! I would like to return home! – Playing along with his tone, I answered jokingly.
I knew that I had practically nothing to lose, since I had almost lost my life. Therefore, having decided not to give Karaffa the pleasure of breaking me, I tried my best not to show him how scared I was...
This is not death, which is what I feared most. I was afraid even of the thought that I would never see those whom I loved so deeply and selflessly - my family. That, most likely, I will never hug my little Anna again... I will not teach her what my mother taught me, and what I could do myself... That I will leave her completely defenseless against evil and pain... And that already I won’t tell her anything I wanted or should have said.
I felt sorry for my wonderful husband, who I knew would have a very hard time bearing the loss of me. How cold and empty his soul will be!.. And I will never even be able to tell him the last “goodbye”...
And most of all I felt sorry for my father, for whom I was the meaning of his life, his guiding “star” that illuminated his difficult thorny path... After my mother “left”, I became for him everything that was left to teach and hope that one fine day I would become what he so persistently tried to “blind” me into...
That's what I was afraid of. My soul wept, thinking about everyone I love so much. About those whom I was now leaving... But this was still not enough. I knew that Caraffa would not let me leave so easily. I knew that he would certainly make me suffer greatly... Only I still had no idea how inhumane this suffering would be...
“This is the only thing I cannot provide you with, Madonna Isidora,” the cardinal answered sharply, forgetting his secular tone.
“Well, well, then at least allow me to see my little daughter,” I asked, growing cold inside from impossible hope.
– But we will definitely organize this for you! Only a little later, I think, thinking about something of his own, Caraffa said contentedly.
The news shocked me! He apparently had his own plan for my little Anna!..
I was ready to endure all the horrors myself, but I was never ready to even think about what my family could suffer.
– I have a question for you, Madonna Isidora. And how you answer it will determine whether you will see your daughter soon, or whether you will have to forget about what she looks like. Therefore, I advise you to think carefully before answering,” Karaffa’s gaze became sharp, like a steel blade... “I want to know where the famous library of your grandfather is located?”
So this is what the crazy inquisitor was looking for!.. As it turned out, he was not so crazy after all... Yes, he was absolutely right - my grandfather’s old library contained a wonderful collection of spiritual and mental wealth! She was one of the oldest and rarest in all of Europe, and she was envied by the great Medici himself, who, as is known, rare books was ready to sell even his soul. But why did Karaffa need this?!
– My grandfather’s library, as you know, was always in Florence, but I don’t know what happened to it after his death, Your Eminence, since I never saw it again.
It was a childish lie, and I understood how naive it sounded... But I just couldn’t find another answer right away. I could not allow the world’s rarest works of philosophers, scientists and poets, the works of great Teachers to fall into the dirty clutches of the church or Caraffa. I had no right to allow this! But, for now, not having had time to come up with anything better to somehow protect all this, I answered him with the first thing that came into my head, inflamed from wild tension, at that moment. Caraffa's demand was so unexpected that I needed time to figure out what to do next. As if he had overheard my thoughts, Caraffa said:
“Well, Madonna, I’ll leave you time to think.” And I strongly advise you not to make a mistake...