The most successful top models of our time. Known models: names, rating, parameters. Famous Russian Models

The fashion and modeling industry has an almost endless list of women with beautiful faces and flawless bodies. We'll just list the top ten of them...

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10 Candice Swanepoel

Candace gained popularity in the modeling world when she became one of the Victoria's Secret models. Her flawless face and perfect body attracted the attention of designers. Born and raised Candace in the province of Natal in South Africa. She started modeling at the age of 15.

Big names on her resume include Tommy Hilfiger, Michael Kors, Oscar de la Renta, just to name a few.

Video of Candice Swanepoel

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09. Carolyn Murphy

The model was born in the USA and grew up in Panama City, Florida. AT early age Caroline became interested in the modeling world. Mom enrolled her in a modeling school, and Carolyn got her first fame at the age of 16.

In 1998, she became the model of the year according to Vogue magazine. Among the main names with whom she happened to work as a model are Calvin Klein, Estée Lauder, Versace, Tiffany.

For some, perhaps, working as a model may seem frivolous and unpromising, however, looking at magazines and watching fashion shows on TV, you are convinced of the opposite.

Every year, different publications conduct research and choose the most beautiful, sexy and famous top models in the world. These women were able to conquer the whole world with their charm and beauty, femininity and professionalism. We offer you to find out which beauties were honored to be included in this number.

The most famous top models of the world among women

  1. Tenth place was Anais Mali. This colorful top model of French origin. She became a real discovery for the modeling business. Her performances on the catwalks are always successful and sensual.
  2. In ninth position was an American model and actress who is known to the whole world -. She is considered the standard female beauty, and almost every woman dreams of having a figure like hers.
  3. Kate Moss- British supermodel and part-time actress, was in eighth place. Catherine is considered one of the highest paid models in the world, despite the fact that several times she was treated for alcoholism and even drug addiction.
  4. Brazilian supermodel Adriana Francesca Lima took an honorable seventh place. In addition to being successful on the catwalk, she is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world. Long time Adriana was the angel of the Victoria's Secret brand and participated in the Victoria's Secret Fashion show, known throughout the world.
  5. Sixth place rightfully belongs to Christie Brinkley. The American supermodel did not stop there and developed her talents in the film industry, music, tried herself as an illustrator, photographer, fashion designer and writer.
  6. Russian top model Natalya Vodyanova took fifth place. The girl is very talented and successful. During her career, she has represented many famous brands.
  7. An honorable fourth place Nimue Smith- Dutch top model. Gained particular popularity due to participation in the shows of Prada and Miu Miu. To date, it is considered one of the top ten best new models.
  8. Naomi Campbell won third place. The British supermodel of Afro-Jamaican origin is also known under the pseudonym Black Panther. Naomi became the first girl to appear on the covers of Vogue and Time.
  9. In second place was a supermodel, actress, producer, singer and TV presenter. Tyra Banks. At the age of 17, participating in a fashion show in Paris, she made a splash on the catwalk and a huge impression on 25 designers who offered her cooperation. She has collaborated with many famous brands, and her face adorned the most popular publications.
  10. Gisele Bündchen became the leader in this list. The girl, originally from Brazil, has become the most famous and highly paid top model in the world.



Now the names of Heidi Klum, Kate Moss, Gisele Bundchen, Natalia Vodianova are on everyone's lips. And this is not surprising, because the peak of popularity of these models falls on the 2000s. But long before that, models appeared in the fashion industry that left their mark on history. Their names are remembered decades later, because each of them has become the embodiment of its era.

1. Lisa Fonssagrives (1911-1992)
Peak popularity 30-50 years. It was Lisa Fonsagriv who was the first to receive the status of a supermodel. She collaborated with the most famous photographers of her time, her face did not leave the covers of Vogue, Vanity Fair, Harper's Bazaar and other glossy magazines. “She obeys every word of the photographer, it seems even before this word is uttered” (c) - Time magazine Lisa continued to work as a model until the end of the 50s, her career was one of the longest in the history of the profession.

2. Dorian Leigh (1917-2008)
Peak of popularity 40-60s. Dorian Lee began her modeling career quite late (at 27, having two children), but this did not stop her from becoming one of the most prestigious and highly paid models. The first contract allowed Dorian to immediately get on the cover of Harper's Bazaar. Diana Vreeland (editor of Harper's Bazaar) really liked the girl. “Just never touch those eyebrows!” (c) Diana said as soon as she saw Dorian. Dorian Lee gained worldwide popularity thanks to a contract with the cosmetic brand Revlon, becoming her face at the age of 35.

3. Dovima (1927-1990)
The peak of popularity in the 50s. Dovima had a difficult fate - at the age of 10 she fell ill with rheumatism, and spent 7 years without getting out of bed. She managed to overcome a serious illness. Dovima became world famous with Richard Avedon's photo session with circus elephants "Dovima and Elephants". Dovima has become a style icon. Despite this, Dovima once admitted: “I never considered myself beautiful woman. As a child, I was a bony, lanky creature with ugly front teeth - I broke them playing in my mother's closet. (with)

4. Suzy Parker (1932-2003)
The peak of popularity in the 50s. Susie Parker - younger sister Dorian Lee (age difference 12 years). Susie had an atypical appearance for the model: short stature, big-boned and freckled, she, however, later became the face of Chanel (befriending Coco Chanel herself), and this was followed by non-stop shooting for Givenchy, Vogue, Revlon, Max Factor, etc. Soon she became more famous than her sister, and went down in history as one of the highest paid models of the 20th century, earning huge money in those (and now) times - $ 200 per hour of work.

5. Veruschka (1939)
The peak of popularity in the 60s. Veruschka was the biggest model of her time - in many ways. Her height was 186 centimeters, she was not only the tallest of all the top models of that time, but also the most titled (hereditary countess). For one exit, Verushka received a fee of 10 thousand dollars, she was the muse of the most famous designers: from Yves Saint Laurent to Paco Rabanne. Over the decade of her modeling career, Verushka has been on the covers of 800 magazines, and in the fashion world, this is equivalent to eleven Oscars.

6. Jean Shrimpton (1942)
The peak of popularity in the 60s. Jean Shrimpton, nicknamed Shrimp (translated from English shrimp - shrimp) became the first icon of the swinging 60s. According to actual data, it was Jean who had the right to be considered the first supermodel - she appeared on the covers of fashion magazines more often than others (Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Vanity Fair), was the most popular, most sought-after and highest paid model of her decade.

7. Lauren Hutton (1943)
Peak of popularity 60-80s. "Brand name" Lauren Hutton - a gap between the front teeth. In the fashion business, she was persuaded to get rid of this shortcoming, advised to go to dentists, straighten her teeth to correct her bite. But Lauren made the whole world love herself for who she is. After being a top model for 10 years, at the end of 1973 (she was then 32 years old), Lauren made a historic step by signing the first exclusive contract in the cosmetics business with the Revlon brand for 400 thousand dollars. Today, this amount does not seem large, but then it was a breakthrough.

8. Marisa Berenson (1947)
The peak of popularity in the 60-70s. Granddaughter of the famous French designer Elsa Schiaparelli. Having done successful career fashion models, Berenson began to regularly appear on the covers of famous glossy magazines: Harper’s Bazaar, Vogue, Time, People, etc. “Once I was one of the most expensive models in the world” (c) Marisa Berenson for the New York Times. Yves Saint Laurent nicknamed Marisa "The Girl of the Seventies", considering her the ideal representative of this decade.

9. Cheryl Tiegs (1947)
The peak of popularity in the 70s. In the late 60s, Glamor magazine first named 15 girls, including Cheryl, "supermodels". Her photo in a pink bikini in the pages of Sports Illustrated became a symbol of the 70s. This photo opened up new horizons for Cheryl, she regularly appears on the covers of Harper's Bazaar, ELLE, Vogue, Glamour, and other magazines. After that, she concludes a $ 1.5 million contract with Cover Girl cosmetics. real beauty It is the radiance that comes from within. It is it, and not cosmetics or clothes, that makes a person beautiful ”(c) Cheryl Tiegs.

10. Twiggy (1949)
The peak of popularity in the 60s. Unusual appearance Twiggy: big eyes, long eyelashes and a figure of an unformed teenager made her one of the most famous models in the world. With a height of 164 cm, she weighed 40 kg. But this did not stop her from becoming an icon of the style of the 60s and turning into an object to follow and a standard of female beauty of that time. The girls went to drastic measures to lose weight, cut off their curls, thickly summed up their eyes and eyelashes, trying to get closer to appearance Twiggy.

11. Iman (Iman) (1955)
Peak popularity in the 70s and 80s. Iman is the first African supermodel, it was she who opened the way to the world haute couture black models. Her debut serious work was shooting for Vogue in 1976. Soon the face of the beautiful Somali woman graced the covers of the most prestigious glossy magazines, and Iman herself received the status of a supermodel. In an era when individuality was held in high esteem, Iman became a muse for many famous couturiers: Gianni Versace, Calvin Klein, Donna Karan, and Yves Saint Laurent once said about her: "Iman is the woman of my dreams" (c).

12. Janice Dickinson (1955)
Peak popularity in the 70s and 80s. Janice Dickinson grew up in dysfunctional family, her mother abused drugs, and her father showed aggression and even violence towards Janice and her sisters. To escape from this hell, the girl decided to become financially independent by all means and went into the modeling business. But in the 70s. among the models, only blue-eyed blondes with completely different facial features were in demand than Janice. In the most famous modeling agency Ford Models, the girl was given a turn from the gate. But she did not despair and continued to beat the thresholds of modeling agencies. Janice's first agent was Wilhelmina Cooper, the founder of the modeling agency Wilhelmina Models, who saw a kind of alluring beauty in an exotic brunette with non-standard facial features. The girl's career immediately took off. She regularly shoots for glossy magazines Elle, Harper's Bazaar, Cosmopolitan and appears on the covers of Vogue 38 times. Janice became the first model in the world whose fees approached the amounts received Hollywood celebrities($2,000 per day).

13. Patti Hansen (1956)
Peak popularity in the 70s and 80s. Patti Hansen - incarnation american dream- tall tanned blonde. At the age of 17, she was noticed on the street (Patty was selling hot dogs) by the manager of the famous modeling agency Wilhelmina. Soon, Wilhelmina Cooper offered the girl a contract, according to which Patty could earn $ 100,000 a year. For the next 2 years, the girl was at the epicenter of all fashion shows and filming (Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Harper's Bazaar). She did not hesitate to be naked in front of the camera and often walked around the studio naked, which caused unkind thoughts of envious rivals in modeling business. No one could understand the secret of Patty's success - her numerous freckles and relatively curvaceous forms became the subject of discussion around the world. But for many, Patti Hansen has become the epitome of the sexy and healthy "girl next door", gradually displacing the image of unattainable, impregnable models from fashion.

(to be continued)

Nowadays famous models are highly valued. They are offered cooperation by various brands, invited to act in films or become the face of a particular company. Therefore, we regularly see modern models on blue screens and, in principle, we know something about them. But after all, there were models in the 80s, and in the 60s, and even at the beginning of the last century! And many have left their mark on history! It is interesting. Therefore, now not only the famous top models of our time will be listed, but also those women who represented this profession more than a hundred years ago.

Early 20th century

Then, in the distant 1900s, there were not so many famous models. But if anyone gained popularity in those years, it was Denise Poiret. She was the wife of Parisian fashion designer Paul Poiret. Who, in turn, was the most influential figure in the fashion world of the early twentieth century.

Denise was for him not only a wife, but also a muse and a model. All Parisian fashionistas tried to repeat her images. And in the 1910s, Denise imprinted her name in history as the first model to take part in the fashion show.

Twiggy - calling card of the 60s

Since the middle of the twentieth century, there have been more and more famous models. One of the most recognizable was Leslie Hornby, known as Twiggy (pictured above). A simple London girl who, at the age of 16, by chance met the fashionable hairdresser Leonardo and agreed to become the face of a beauty salon owned by him.

A photo of Twiggy was accidentally seen by a journalist from the Daily Express. It changed the girl's life. She was the face of the cover of Tatler and Vogue, played in 18 films, won two Golden Globes and became a style icon. Most historians call Leslie Hornby the first supermodel. By the way, in the mid-60s, even the “Twiggy syndrome” appeared - millions of girls around the world diligently lost weight, just to become as thin as she was.

In 1970, Leslie suddenly decided to end her career. Now she is 67 years old, and Twiggy is still slim and attractive for her age.


This is a real era, to which several famous world models belong. In particular, two.

Jerry Faye Hall is an American model who, at the age of 16, decided to move to a completely alien and unfamiliar Paris. Together with the equally young and ambitious Jessica Phyllis Lange and Beverly Grace Jones, she posed for an illustrator named Antonio Lopez, who worked with major fashion publications. Her career quickly took off - by the age of 21, Jerry appeared on the covers of the iconic Vogue magazine more than 40 times. By the way, in the 70s, the model became infamous - she starred completely naked for an advertisement for Opium perfume from Yves Saint Laurent.

The second model of the 70s is Vera von Lendorf-Steinort, a German hereditary aristocrat from Königsberg (now Kaliningrad). She was not interested in social events, so in her youth she moved to New York and changed her name - she became Verushka. Starting her career in the 60s, she immediately became a star thanks to her alien appearance and incredibly tall height (190 cm). By the way, her photo is presented above.

The peak of his career came just in the 70s. But in 1975, she fell out with the editor-in-chief of Vogue, after which she left the fashion world forever. However, even now, at the age of 78, Verushka participates in fashion shows as a guest star.

Up until the 90s

Continuing to list the most famous models, it is worth noting the attention of Yasmine Le Bon (photo above). She was born in Oxford to an English mother and an Iraqi. She started her career at school and by the 80s she became one of the highest paid models in the world. Now she is called the owner of ageless beauty - Yasmin is already 52, but she is as attractive as in the 80s.

Another star of that period is the Australian Elle MacPherson. This girl became known for a record six-time appearance on the cover of such an elite publication as Sports Illustrated Swimsuit.

Not to mention the Somali model Iman Mohamed Abdulmajid. She is known as the widow of David Bowie. Worked with Iman famous photographers, including Annie Leibovitz, Helmut Newton and Richard Avedon.

"Model" era

Perhaps this is how you can call the nineties. Many of the girls who then performed in fashion shows and posed for photographs were included in the list of the most famous models in the world. And they are worth listing.

Claudia Schiffer. Record holder among models for the number of photographs on the covers of magazines. Moreover, this figure is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. She began her career in 1988 and quickly became successful. At her peak, Claudia was the highest paid model in the world, earning over $50,000 a day.

Linda Evangelista (pictured above). She was nicknamed the "chameleon" for her ability to quickly transform, change hairstyles and hair colors. She has collaborated with Versace, Calvin Klein, Chloé and many other famous brands. And Linda became the first supermodel who was offered huge sums for a simple appearance at any event. It was she who said famous phrase, which was then quoted in all the media: "I will not get out of bed for less than $ 10,000."

Cynthia Ann Crawford. The now famous actress and model was accidentally spotted by a newspaper photographer when she was 16 years old. And how! At work when she was picking corn! This is where it all started. During her career, Cindy has appeared on the covers of 600 magazines around the world, including ELLE, People, Vogue, Cosmopolitan. By the way, in 1997 she became the second most beautiful woman in the world after Demi Moore out of 4,000 applicants.

Other big names

There were really a lot of famous models in the 90s. It is difficult to go into detail about all of them. But a few more names are worth mentioning.

Naomi Campbell. The Afro-Jamaican British model has been on the catwalk since she was 15 years old. It was Naomi who became the first black girl to appear on the covers of Time and Vogue.

Tyra Lynn Banks. The girl from Inglewood also started at 15. Two years later, she moved to Paris - she was invited to perform in catwalk shows. In the first week, Tyra made a splash - the girl was offered cooperation from 25 designers at once!

Kate Moss. This blonde-haired Brit is not just a famous model. In the late 90s and early 2000s, she was the highest paid representative of this profession in the world. Although they noticed her by chance - at Kennedy Airport, when she was 14 years old.

Nadia Auermann. German blonde diva and owner of the longest legs in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records (from 1997 to 1999). They reach 112 cm in her. And you can evaluate them from the picture presented above.

Gisele Bundchen. One of the most famous models in the world. And the richest to date. Having started her career in the 90s, Giselle continues to build it to this day. As an "angel" of Victoria's Secret, she no longer appears on the catwalks, but poses for eminent magazines.

Young beauties of our time

Well, the names and photos of famous models of past years were presented above - now you can talk about the girls shining on the catwalks, magazine covers and red carpets in our time.

Gigi and Bella Hadid. Two charming weather sisters, one of whom, at 22, is a Victoria's Secret Angel, and the other is the owner of a contract with IMG Models and the award "Model of the Year 2016" from Daily Front Row.

Kendall Jenner. Star of the Kardashian Family show and conqueror of high fashion since the age of 13. She is now 21 and is a model for The Society Manangement agency.

Taylor Hill. Not so long ago, the girl turned 21, but she already belongs to the famous models. Taylor has been a Victoria's Secret Angel since April 2015. She is also the face of the brand Lancôme and L "Oréal.

Cara Delevingne. British model and hot-blooded actress. She was the official face of the brands DKNY, Topshop, Asos, and also participated in the shows of Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Burberry, Stella McCartney, etc. this moment- one of the highest paid models in the world.

Sara Sampaio. Another young and spectacular girl who is the "angel" of Victoria's Secret. Interestingly, Sarah was originally a fashion model and appeared very rarely on the catwalks.

beautiful and sexy

Finally, it is worth listing the names of the girls who are the most attractive at the time of 2017 (according to the ratings compiled by the leading US glossy magazines).

Karlie Kloss. The face of the Donna Karan advertising campaign, Chanel perfume, L'Oréal Paris brand, as well as the former Victoria's Secret "angel".

Liu Wen. This beauty from China is the most popular model in Asia. And one of the highest paid in the world!

Doutzen Kroes. Charming supermodel of Frisian origin from the Netherlands. "Angel" Victoria "s Secret, regularly appears on the covers of iconic fashion magazines and participates in shows.

Miranda Kerr. The 34-year-old model from Sydney looks incredibly young. She has an unusual pretty appearance (perhaps due to the fact that she has English, Scottish and French roots). By the way, Miranda became the first Australian in Victoria's Secret.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. Also the "angel" of Victoria "s Secret and the face of many advertising campaigns (Clinique, LAMB, DKNY, Topshop), etc.

Well, in fact, the names of podium beauties can be listed for a long time. Only some popular models have been noted above. The list is much longer, and we can say with confidence: over time, it will only grow.

Alexandra Pivovarova

She was born on January 21, 1985 in Moscow. The girl from childhood was fond of drawing. Later, Alexandra graduated from courses at the Academy of Arts. The girl never dreamed of modeling career. Everything happened by accident. In 2005, Igor Vishnyakov sent photos of Alexandra to one of the New York agencies. After 2 weeks, Pivovarova received a proposal for cooperation.

The Russian beauty participated in the shows of such fashion houses as Christian Dior, Chloe, Gucci and others. Her face has repeatedly graced the cover of Vogue magazine.

Most of the female models are vegetarians. Among them is Pivovarova. With early years our heroine refused to eat meat and dairy products.

Like other famous models, she prefers to hide her personal life from prying eyes and ears. However, it is known that the girl has been married to the artist Igor Vishnyakov for several years. In 2012, the couple had a daughter.

Irina Shayk

Model parameters: chest - 88 cm, waist - 60 cm, and hips - 90 cm. With a height of 178 cm, Irina weighs 53 kg.

She was born on January 6, 1986 in Yemanzhelinsk, in Chelyabinsk region. She has Tatar roots. Real surname Irina - Shaikhlislamova. The future supermodel was brought up in an ordinary family. Her father worked at a local mine. He died early due to a complication of a lung disease. Irina's mother worked as a music teacher.

In the period from 2010 to 2015, Irina Shayk met with the legend of modern football Cristiano Ronaldo. Unfortunately, this bright and famous couple broke up. However, in April 2015, popular American tabloids reported on the romance of Irina Shayk and actor Bradley Cooper. Let's hope it ends this time lavish wedding and happy family life.

Anna Vyalitsyna

The green-eyed blonde is a native Nizhny Novgorod. Her parents are doctors. Anna never aspired to break into famous models. The names of the stars of the world podium were not known to her. She planned to follow in the footsteps of her parents, that is, to become a doctor. But fate had its own way.

At the end of 2009, she began dating the favorite of millions of women - Leonardo DiCaprio. But their romance was short-lived. Soon the Russian model met the American baseball player Matt Harvey. This love story also ended quickly. Anna now lives in civil marriage with Adam Cahan, vice president of Yahoo. In June 2015, they became the parents of a charming daughter.

Evgenia Volodina

chest - 84 cm, waist - 61 cm, hips - 88 cm. With a height of 179 cm, she weighs 52 kg.

Evgenia was born on September 17, 1984 in Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. At school, the girl stood out among the other children with her tall stature. She attended sport sections: swimming, basketball and athletics.

In 1998, Volodina took part in a casting organized by one of the major Russian modeling agencies. Thanks to her excellent external data and sociability, the girl was able to get a job. In 2000 young model invited to Paris. A couple of years later, the Russian beauty appeared on the cover of Vogue magazine (Italian version). Representatives of the Gucci company signed a contract with her.

Evgenia Volodina participated in commercials for underwear, luxury perfumes, swimwear and decorative cosmetics. Her beautiful and sophisticated face adorned such world-famous publications as ELLE, Marie Claire, Vanity Fair and so on. In 2005, the Russian model, along with Adriana Lima and Julia Stegner, appeared on the pages of the Pirelli calendar. Whole circulation printed matter was sold out in a few days.

Other famous models with Russian roots

It is not possible to list the names of all fashion models who have built a successful career abroad. However, we cannot fail to mention some of them. Natalia Vodianova, Irina Poli, Tatyana Sorokko and Anna Selezneva - all these girls-models adequately represented our country in the beauty industry.

The highest paid models in the world

Nowadays, beauty is not only a source of pride, but also a source of income. Famous models earn millions of dollars by appearing in commercials and photo shoots for glamorous publications. Men admire their external data, and other girls want to be as beautiful and successful as they are.

1st place - Gisele Bundchen. This sophisticated Brazilian with ash-colored hair and blue eyes earns $45 million a year. One runway runway cost $50,000. She took part in advertising campaigns for Dolce and Gabbana, Versace, Chloe and other brands.

2nd place is occupied by a German supermodel Her annual income from advertising and filming for magazines is $ 20 million. The mother of four also manages to do business and build a television career.

Bronze goes to British model Kate Moss. Her external data is far from ideal. But this does not prevent Kate from receiving huge fees for her work in the beauty industry. Approximately 8-9 million dollars are received per year.

4th place is deservedly occupied by another Brazilian - Adriana Lima. A tall brown-haired woman with full lips and blue eyes is a tasty morsel for many modeling agencies and famous designers. This beauty earns about 7 million dollars a year.

Who took 6th place? We present to your attention a Canadian model with Ukrainian roots - Daria Verbova. The girl has long and fruitfully cooperated with the cosmetic company Lancome. She earns $5 million a year.

The seventh line is occupied by Lara Stone, and the eighth - These girls have the same annual income - $ 4.5 million each.

On the 9th place is the Russian beauty Natasha Vodianova. She is actively collaborating with worldwide famous brands: "Valentino", "Gucci", "Chanel" and so on. The girl spends the 4 million dollars received per year not only for her family, but also for charity. It must be said that other Russian models follow her example. And this is commendable.

Closes the top ten most wealthy models in the world This blue-eyed brown-haired woman is from Australia. She earns $3.5 million annually from her work.


The article listed well-known models that have received worldwide recognition. Representatives are equal to them younger generation. Millions of men living in different countries dream of such beauties.