Chinchilla - caring for a fluffy pet, simple tips. Chinchilla breeds: description of chinchilla colors

Even in ancient times, man, realizing how useful animals can be, began to tame them. Among pets, there are those that we keep for good, and there are pets for the soul.

Often, pets become so close to us that we treat them like members of our family.

Nowadays it is difficult to surprise someone with the presence of an exotic animal in the house. And you definitely won’t surprise anyone with a funny animal chinchilla. But more recently, this exotic animal was wild.

Breed classification

Chinchilla is one of the representatives of the rodent order. Chinchilla in nature is small long-tailed and coastal. The habitat of this animal is rocky terrain.

Currently, there are about 14 chinchilla breeds and 12 interbreed species.

Basic color: light, dark and gray, the most popular color is dark with a light zone at the roots.

Chinchilla breeds depending on the color of the fur

Chinchilla is not agouti. This type of animal suggests gray fur.

Chinchilla charcoal. This variety of chinchillas is distinguished by black fur and the same eyes.

Chinchilla albino. This animal has white fur and red eyes.

Chinchilla white stone. This breed outwardly resembles an albino, that is, the same white fur, but the eyes of the animal have a different shape. The cubs of this animal are most often born spotted with red eyes, as in the photo of a chinchilla.

Chinchilla foggy. The animal is dark gray in color with a fuzzy pattern on the fur.

Chinchilla beige Sullivan. The animal of this breed is beige with red eyes.

Chinchilla beige Wellman. The skin of the animal is beige, and the eyes are black.

Chinchilla sapphire, blue powder, blue carat. An animal with bluish fur.

Chinchilla is colorful. An animal with light fur with white spots.

Chinchilla black velveteen, artillery velveteen. This chinchilla is characterized by contrasting fur, in which the animal has a black back and a white abdomen.

Beige chinchilla. The animals of this species have pale beige fur and white down.

White Chinchilla British Chinchilla. This animal has a white skin with a silvery sheen.

Chinchilla brown velvet. The skin of this animal is brown.

Chinchilla whitish pink, apple color, yellow powder, star shine. This animal is characterized by a beige-pink color.

Care rules

Having decided to start a chinchilla, it must be taken into account that the room in which she will live must meet certain requirements, first of all, she must be warm, light and dry, and the animal needs good ventilation.

The most suitable temperature regime for chinchilla health 18-20°C.

The cage should be equipped with wooden shelves for animals to rest. The width of the shelves should be 15 cm.

If desired, the cage can be equipped with ladders and tunnels. The cage must have a house in which the animals could rest and have offspring. The bedding in the house needs to be changed constantly.

The house should have the following dimensions: length 30 cm, depth 15 cm, height 15 cm, there should be twilight in the house.

A ceramic or iron feeder and drinker is attached to the wall of the cage or mounted on the door.

Eating and bathing

Since the chinchilla at home, as in natural environment needs to eat hay, then for this ingredient she will need an additional feeder.

For full life and the beauty of fur, chinchillas need a bath. Chinchilla bathes in special sand made from crushed volcanic stone. This procedure is necessary for the animal to clean the coat.

You should not use ordinary sand for bathing chinchillas, because the animal's fur deteriorates from it.

The bath cannot be kept in cages all the time, it must be placed for half an hour, this time is enough for the animal for the procedure, otherwise the chinchilla's skin will become dry.

Since the very process of bathing chinchillas is very interesting, a transparent bath or an ordinary three-liter jar can be an ideal option for observing this cute animal.

Another rule for keeping chinchillas is due to the fact that chinchillas are primarily rodents, respectively, like all rodents, the animal has an instinct that requires something to gnaw.

In addition, there should be wooden sticks or toys in the cage, as well as mineral or chalk bars that the chinchilla will gnaw with pleasure.

Photo of chinchilla

Chinchilla (lat. Chinchilla) belongs to the order of rodents, suborder porcupine, superfamily chinchilla, family chinchilla, genus chinchilla.

Description of chinchilla and photos.

Chinchillas have round heads and short necks. The body is covered with dense soft hair, and stiff hairs grow on the tail. The body length is 22-38 cm, and the tail grows 10-17 cm long. The weight of a chinchilla reaches 700-800 grams, while females are larger and heavier than males.

At night, chinchillas are easy to navigate thanks to their huge eyes that have vertical pupils. The whiskers of mammals grow up to 10 centimeters in length. The ears of chinchillas are rounded and have a length of 5-6 cm. There is a special membrane in the auricles, with which the chinchilla closes its ears when it takes a sand bath.

The chinchilla's skeleton can shrink in a vertical plane, so the animals can climb into the smallest cracks. The hind legs of chinchillas are four-toed, and the front ones have 5 fingers. The hind limbs are very strong and twice as long as the forelimbs, which allows mammals to jump high.

The life expectancy of a chinchilla reaches 20 years.

Do chinchillas have teeth?

Chinchilla teeth are very strong, however, like all other rodents. They have 20 teeth in total: 16 molars and 4 incisors. Newborn babies have 8 molars and 4 incisors.

Interesting fact: adult chinchilla has teeth orange color. Cubs are born with white teeth that change color with age.

Colors of chinchillas. What color are chinchillas?

Chinchillas have an ash gray color and a white belly - this is the standard color of the animal. In the 20th century, more than 40 different types chinchillas, the coat color of which has more than 250 shades. Thus, chinchillas come in white, beige, white-pink, brown, black, purple and sapphire.

Types of chinchillas.

Exist the following types chinchillas:

  • Small long-tailed chinchilla (coastal)
  • Short-tailed (large) chinchilla

Male and female chinchilla.

Chinchilla female larger than the male and weighs more. Males are more tame. But if you take not a female, but a male first, the chinchilla may be offended and turn its back.

Where does the chinchilla live?

Chinchillas are native to South America. The short-tailed chinchilla lives in the Andes of southern Bolivia, in northwestern Argentina and northern Chile. The long-tailed chinchilla lives only in certain areas of the Andes in northern Chile.

Thanks to strong hind legs, chinchillas are capable of high jumps, and a developed cerebellum guarantees them excellent coordination. These are colonial animals that do not live alone. Chinchillas are most active at night. If there are no crevices and voids in their habitats, the chinchilla digs a mink.

What does a chinchilla eat?

Like all rodents, the chinchilla feeds on seeds, cereals, herbaceous plants, lichens, bark, moss, legumes, shrubs, and insects. In captivity, the animal eats dried foods: hay, dried dandelions, nuts, as well as special feeds, which include oats, barley, peas, lentils, beans, grass flour and other components. Especially chinchillas love such dried fruits as raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dried and apples, dried cherries, wild rose and hawthorn. Do not feed your chinchilla many fresh vegetables and fruits, as this can lead to stomach problems.

Reproduction of chinchillas.

Chinchilla couples are monogamous. At the age of 7 months, the animals reach sexual maturity. The female can give birth up to three times a year. On average, two cubs are born, but sometimes more. Females go pregnant up to 115 days. The male becomes caring and helps the female care for the chinchillas. Little chinchillas are born with open eyes, with fur and can move around on their own.

A pet is a source of positive emotions. Today, along with cats and dogs, the chinchilla is gaining popularity. The care and maintenance of such an exotic animal, of course, requires knowledge of special rules. But the charm of fluffy pets is very difficult to resist. So, what should be considered before getting a chinchilla at home.

Chinchillas as pets

Fluffy and kind - the chinchilla will become a great family pet

In order to make an objective decision as to whether it is worth having such a pet or not, you should first familiarize yourself with the positive and negative aspects of the presence of a chinchilla in an apartment.

So, the advantages of the content include the following aspects:

  • chinchillas have a good-natured character, they rarely bite;
  • without problems are accustomed to hands;
  • there will be no difficulties with training, since chinchillas lend themselves well to it;
  • the period of their life is quite long and reaches 20 years;
  • they are attractive appearance;
  • animals are unpretentious in maintenance and nutrition;
  • do not create an unpleasant odor.
  • Pets are most active at night. They run and jump, which creates noise and can interfere with sleep;
  • with free movement around the apartment, the animals will not miss the opportunity to gnaw on furniture, shoes, wires and everything that will attract their attention. Weaning them from such a habit will not work;
  • if you accidentally leave the cage doors open, you will have to put in a lot of effort and time to find a chinchilla;
  • animals take sand baths daily, as a result of which dust is constantly formed in the apartment;
  • a lot of space is required to accommodate the cage;
  • in the room where the chinchilla is located, it is necessary to adhere to a stable temperature regime, and also to avoid increasing humidity;
  • in the case of an animal disease, finding a veterinarian specializing in this animal is quite problematic.

Chinchillas love human company

Alone, these animals do not feel comfortable, and the owner needs to pay more attention to them.

The selection criteria include financial opportunities potential owners. The price is determined by the color of the animal and age. Chinchillas, which have a common gray color, are more expensive than colored animals.

Content Features

A chinchilla in an apartment will feel quite comfortable if she is provided with the necessary living conditions. Let us consider in more detail the features of keeping a fluffy animal in an apartment.

The necessary conditions

The cage should be comfortable for the animal

Before a fluffy pet appears in your apartment, you need to prepare a house for it. This can be a cage or an aviary that meets the needs of the chinchilla. She prefers well-ventilated, bright, dry and warm rooms. The cage can be purchased at ready-made or do it yourself. But some nuances should be taken into account:

  1. If you are going to get offspring, you should not choose a high cell. Small animals will climb the walls of the enclosure, while they may fall and be injured.
  2. For several chinchillas, you will need a spacious cage - at least 70x90 cm and 50 cm in height.
  3. For one animal, a house measuring 50x70 cm is suitable.
  4. It is recommended to purchase cages with a retractable tray, where chips or sawdust are poured. They will serve as bedding for the chinchilla.
  5. You can install wooden shelves up to 15 cm wide, tunnels and ladders where the animals will rest and hide.
  6. To raise cubs and rest, chinchillas need a house that fits in a cage. It should be borne in mind that it will also have to periodically change the litter.
  7. In the house you need to organize twilight so that the animals can feel in natural conditions. Its length should be 30 cm, height - 15 cm.
  8. It is advisable to place the drinker and feeder on the door or front wall. It is not recommended to put them on the floor, as the animal can turn them over or use them as a toilet.
  9. A ceramic or metal feeder designed for parrots, which has a special mount, is suitable. Chinchilla drinkers can be found at any specialty store. They are bottles equipped with a metal rod 5-6 cm long.
  10. One of the components of the diet of this animal is hay, which requires a separate feeder. It is fixed on the roof of the cage or installed inside. Hay that has fallen from the feeder onto the floor should be removed.
  11. Chinchilla belongs to the order of rodents, so one of its main instincts is the constant need to gnaw something. To do this, a stone or wooden objects are placed in the cage.
  12. The humidity level in the room where the cages are located should be 50%-70%, and the temperature should be 18°C-20°C.

How to toilet train

Toilet training is an important step in raising chinchillas.

First you need to track the area in the cage where the animal goes to the toilet, then pour sand or sawdust there. If the animal again uses this place for its needs, you can put a container with filler on it. First you need to check whether the animal goes to the tray. If the chinchilla does not use the prepared container as a toilet, wet sawdust is poured there. Then the animal will understand what is being sought from it.

But chinchillas can go to the tray not only for small needs, these animals do not control the process of defecation. Therefore, sawdust in the cage must be systematically removed. Once a week will be enough. The tray is changed with the same frequency.

Features of care

Chinchillas have long been tamed and feel comfortable in human society. They have a developed desire for socialization, so caring for your pet will soon become one of the pleasant concerns, rather than a duty.

Chinchilla diet

Balanced nutrition is the key to chinchilla health

These animals eat hay, special feed, nuts, barberries, wild rose, dry bread crusts. They love fruits: plums and apples, they will not refuse raisins or dried apricots. When buying food, you need to make sure that the expiration date has not passed, and also study its composition. Hay ensures the normal functioning of the intestines of the animal. IN summer period the diet can be diversified with a small amount of hazel, nettle, birch and apple branches.

Food is placed in the feeder once a day in the evening between 17.00 and 21.00. The chinchilla also consumes chalk, replenishing the content of mineral elements in its body. You should limit the amount of high-calorie foods, the consumption of which causes obesity. This negatively affects the reproductive ability of chinchillas.

Chinchillas must have constant access to water.


Chinchillas can only swim in the sand

To keep their coat in good condition, the animals take sand baths. For such a procedure, they need a special container - a bathing suit. This is a plastic or tin container 20x20x30 cm in size. The bathing suit is placed in the cage twice a week for 30 minutes. It is not recommended to leave the container for a longer period, as the chinchilla may mistake it for a toilet, and the sand will need to be thrown away.

In addition, frequent sand bathing dries out the animal's skin. Bathing a chinchilla is quite a funny sight. If possible, a container made of transparent materials should be used to allow observation of this procedure. The container can be made on your own from a three-liter jar or pan.

Do not use water to bathe chinchillas.

The wool of these animals has a high density, so it takes a long time to dry. Animals should not come into contact with the liquid, this can lead to their death.

Video: the process of bathing a chinchilla in the sand

Chinchilla training at home

In order for your pet to please with its behavior, it is necessary to conduct special training sessions. This is perhaps the most enjoyable part of keeping a chinchilla. Let's look at the main points to remember.

How to teach to hands

A little patience and your chinchilla will become tame and affectionate

To successfully establish contact with a chinchilla, you should remember that this is a shy animal. You do not need to take the animal in your arms on the first day of his stay in your home. Actively imposing friendship will scare him away. Initially, you need to wait a few days, during which the chinchilla will adapt to a new place. Then you can start dating:

  1. You should talk to the animal using an affectionate intonation, repeat its name.
  2. A slice of raisins will help to earn his trust, as chinchillas love him very much. But it is important to observe the measure. For one time, half a raisin will be enough, 1-2 pieces can be given per day. In larger quantities, this delicacy will disrupt the process of digestion of the animal.
  3. The highlight of the first days is offered through the cage. In this case, sudden movements should be avoided. Then you can open the door and treat the pet by sticking your hand into the cage. If the animal boldly takes a treat, you can proceed to the next step.
  4. Chinchilla can be picked up. Stroking in the chin area and behind the ears will help to earn trust.
  5. After a certain time, she will try to explore the hand, maybe get close to the shoulder or face.

It is worth remembering that acquaintance will not happen in one day. This may take several months.

How to get used to sleep at night

Chinchilla leads night image life. But if desired, its mode can be adjusted. This process can be started no earlier than the animal gets used to the new habitat. All necessary actions consist in feeding no later than 19 hours. Over time, the chinchilla will become awake during the day and use the night for sleep.

Diseases: what are dangerous and how to treat

Chinchilla has a strong immune system, but poor care provokes illness

These animals have strong immunity, due to which, when proper care get sick very rarely. But staying in adverse conditions may adversely affect their well-being. If the animal has a loss of appetite and a decrease in activity, this is a cause for concern. The following diseases are characteristic of chinchillas:

  1. Bronchopneumonia is accompanied by fever, difficulty breathing, nasal discharge, coughing and wheezing. The animal is treated with glucose, vitamins. As well as small doses of penicillin. This drug is prescribed 1 time in three days intramuscularly. The dosage must be agreed with the veterinarian.
  2. Prolapse of the rectum. This provokes constipation. The precipitated part is first treated with a solution of furacilin, then with paraffin oil and, using a pipette, gently set.
  3. The formation of hair rings around the male genital organ. This prevents it from reproducing. Rings are removed by hand. If they are dry, they are treated with soapy water.
  4. Constipation. It can be triggered by a lack of fluids and dietary changes. If there is such a problem, dry food is excluded. The pet is given a laxative, and paraffin-based oil is also injected into the mouth or rectum.
  5. Keratitis is a lesion of the cornea of ​​the eyes. The disease occurs due to contact of the chinchilla with low-quality sand or mechanical damage. The eyes are washed with furatsilin and treated with levomecithin or tetracycline ointment.
  6. Diseases of the teeth occur in the absence of a stone for grinding. The incisors of the animal reach 8 cm and injure the tongue. The molars move. The chinchilla is unable to eat and dies. Treatment consists of grinding down the teeth, but this procedure should be carried out by a veterinarian.
  7. Conjunctivitis is expressed in the form of purulent or clear discharge from the eyes. May indicate an infection. The eyes of the animal are instilled with fluorescene, then every hour they are treated with eye ointment.
  8. Ticks. You can find them after careful observation of the animal. The skin of the chinchilla flakes off and becomes thicker, the animal suffers from itching. The animal loses weight, and in the absence of adequate treatment, it dies. Wool needs to be cut off, and the affected areas should be treated with the composition of bromocyclene with breaks of 8 days. The dosage is prescribed by the veterinarian. You will also need to disinfect the cage.
  9. Flatulence occurs as a result of feeding low-quality food. The temperature of the animal drops to 34.5°C, the general condition worsens. The animal is given Activated carbon in powder form. You can use dill water or chamomile infusion. It is better to coordinate treatment with a veterinarian.
  10. Otitis media is an inflammatory process that affects the external auditory canal. It is the result of pollution. You can detect the disease by the flowing brown liquid. Ear treated fish oil and ointment containing zinc.
  11. Diarrhea - occurs due to stress and unbalanced nutrition. The animal has a fever. He is given oak bark, maple leaves and activated charcoal.
  12. Heatstroke. This malaise can be recognized by observing the behavior and appearance of the animal. It lies on its side, the ears turn red, there is a copious flow of saliva. The chinchilla is transferred to a cool place, a cold object is placed in the cage. For example, a bottle filled with cold water.
  13. Ringworm - baldness appears in the back, sides, head, neck and tail. The skin is flaky and inflamed. The animal is treated with a 5% solution of iodine, medical sulfur or fungistop.

Where do chinchillas live, what family do they belong to, do they have family ties with a rat or a squirrel, and ? Such questions are often of interest to fans of these little amusing rodents.

Chinchillas are cute, funny and cute animals that many people keep as pets.

Because of the thick iridescent fur, fluffy animals have also become the object of attention of fashionistas who want to flaunt in a luxurious chinchilla coat. Therefore, in nature, the number of these amazing animals is catastrophically reduced.

  • choosing a cage for a fluffy pet is one of the most important stages. The rodent's dwelling should be spacious and roomy, with several shelves and made of durable, safe material;
  • the cage should be equipped with a feeder, a drinking bowl and a house. If the size of the cage allows, you can arrange it with additional accessories (hammock, ladders, tunnels and toys);
  • another important point is . They feed mainly on cereals and hay, so you should choose high-quality grain or granular food for your pet;
  • The Indians believed that the chinchilla animal does not drink water at all, but this is not so. Although rodents drink little, there should always be fresh clean water in their cage;
  • once or twice a week, fluffy rodents are given sand baths to make the fur of the animal look attractive and well-groomed.

Important: unlike other domestic rodents, chinchillas live a very long time. With proper care, a pet can live fifteen to twenty years.

Chinchilla lifestyle

IN wild nature these rodents are nocturnal and at home animals, showing activity only in the dark.

And if you have a fluffy pet at home, get ready for the fact that you will have to adapt to such a night mode of the day.

Some owners try to teach the animal to sleep at night and stay awake during the day, but experts do not recommend doing this. If you do not give the chinchilla a rest and sleep during the day, the pet will become nervous and irritable, which can lead to stress and psychological disorders.

Are chinchillas intelligent?

Fluffy rodents can be confidently called smart and quick-witted. Many chinchillas skillfully manipulate the owners, begging them for a treat or another walk around the apartment.

Cunning pets take advantage of the fact that the owner cannot resist the offended expression of their faces and rush to please the pet with a delicious treat or open the cage. Knowing about this weakness of the owner, many chinchillas put on an unhappy and distressed look, and the smarter ones even grab the bars of the cage with their fingers, begging to be released into the wild.

Features of character and behavior

Chinchillas rarely show aggression.

And the behavior of two animals, even from the same litter, can be radically different.

Like people, chinchillas are divided into four types according to the type of character.


These are smart, mobile and active animals. During the day, the animals sleep, but they have a very light sleep and the rodent wakes up at the slightest rustle. During waking hours, the pet inquisitively explores the environment and everything that interests him. Pets of this type are very shy, and if the animal is frightened, it will panic rush all over the cage, sweeping away everything in its path.


Chinchillas belonging to this type, also active and curious, but not shy and react more calmly to loud sounds and rustles. Rodents do not like to sit in one place for a long time and will walk around the apartment with pleasure, if the owner allows it.


Rodents related to phlegmatic, calm and balanced. They spend the whole day in their house, preferring active games sweet Dreams. Even during waking hours, phlegmatic pets move slowly and lazily, freezing in one place for a long time and looking at everything around with an attentive look.


These are the calmest and quietest animals. They are so shy that with a loud sound they can hide in the farthest corner of the cage and not come out for half a day. It is undesirable to let out melancholic rodents for walks around the house, since the animal will not run, but will find a dark and quiet gap for itself, from where it will be very difficult to get it.

Sanguine chinchillas are the easiest to tame. Animals of this type are more trusting and have an excellent memory. Phlegmatic animals can also become tame and willingly sit on the hands of the owner, although it will take a long time to tame them. But animals belonging to the type of choleric and melancholic are quite difficult to tame, as they are wary of people, and are constantly distracted by extraneous sounds.

Important: females are smarter than males, they are much easier to tame and get used to the owner faster.

Features of the collective and solitary keeping of animals

In the family of chinchillas, the female dominates

Chinchillas do well alone and can live their entire lives without a mate.

But, if you decide to have several fluffy pets, then follow these rules:

  1. For breeding, it is advisable to buy an already formed pair.
  2. A female with several males can get along well in one cage.
  3. Do you plan to breed these rodents? Then get two males, as the boys will get along well with each other.
  4. Two females will never get along in the same cage and fights between females cannot be avoided, therefore.


Sexually mature and become at the age of eight months.

The female carries the cubs for one hundred to one hundred and ten days. Given such a long pregnancy, the chinchilla is not allowed to give birth more than twice a year so that her body has time to recover.

Most often, two babies are born in rodents, rarely there can be three or four cubs in a litter. The female feeds newborn babies with breast milk. If the mother does not have enough milk, the cubs are transferred to artificial mixtures. To a full-fledged adult diet, babies are taught when they reach two months of age.

In conclusion, we can say that these are extremely cute, shy and vulnerable creatures. Therefore, knowing everything about chinchillas, one can only wonder how it is possible to exterminate these amazing and wonderful animals because of a fur coat or gloves.

Video: who are chinchillas

Who is a chinchilla: what does it look like and what is this unusual animal like a pet?

5 (100%) 3 votes
2017-10-24 Igor Novitsky

Chinchillas are known both as pets and as fur animals. Funny appearance and cheerful disposition make these animals real pets. But since the chinchilla comes from the distant South American Andes, not everyone knows what conditions need to be created for keeping these animals at home.

Chinchilla domestic

A chinchilla is a rodent from the chinchilla family that looks like a cross between a rabbit and a giant mouse with some squirrel. Chinchillas are native to the Southwest. South America, where in nature there are quite a few of these animals left. There are two types of these animals - the short-tailed plains and the long-tailed mountain chinchilla. It is the latter that people bred as fur-bearing animals and pets.

On average, chinchillas grow up to 20-35 cm in length (excluding the tail), while females larger than males. The animals have a very thick and pleasant to the touch fur. Animals have rather large locator ears and whiskers. Both help the chinchilla navigate in pitch darkness. Since these animals come from mountainous areas, they are excellent at climbing any vertical surfaces that can be hooked on, as evidenced by numerous amateur videos about chinchillas.

As pets, chinchillas are valued for their cute and slightly amusing appearance. In addition, they have a very meek disposition. While cats, dogs, ferrets and minks, being natural predators, sometimes behave quite aggressively, the chinchilla, on the contrary, is a very peaceful and non-confrontational animal. She almost never bites or scratches unless provoked. The animal that you raised "from the cradle" will be absolutely tame and completely devoted, like a puppy. In addition, chinchillas are smart enough, they can be taught to return to the cage on command after walking around the room.

At right conditions chinchilla content is quite unpretentious. In nature, they live in flocks or colonies, so they get used to the society of people quite easily.

At home, chinchillas live a little longer than cats and dogs - up to 20 years. Some individuals live up to 25 years or more.

conditions for chinchilla

Even if you prefer the animal to roam freely around the apartment while you are at home, it is still better to close it in a cage during your absence. It should be spacious enough - at least 50x50x60 cm. Cages with metal rods should be preferred, but in no case with laminated ones. The distance between them should not exceed 1.5 cm. In this case, the cage should have a deep tray with a grate above it, or the cage itself should be placed on such a tray.

Inside the cage for chinchillas, you need to install several shelves 10-15 cm wide. And they should be at different heights. Also in the cage you should put a "house", an automatic drinker and a feeder. It is important that all this is securely fastened, otherwise the chinchilla will have fun rattling around with these items all night long.

Chinchilla home - care and maintenance

A chinchilla should be taken at the age of two months, since at this time the animal can already eat on its own, but is still able to easily adapt to new conditions and owners. You can determine which of the proposed chinchillas is healthy by clean eyes, clean uniform fur and a cheerful look. In this case, it is always better to give preference to professional breeders, not amateurs.

No matter how cute this animal may seem, like all other phytophages (eating plant foods), chinchillas have an unpleasant feature - they do not control the defecation process well. Although, according to reviews, a chinchilla is able to become accustomed to a tray, many individuals are completely unable to master this science. Despite the fact that their poop is dry and almost odorless, collecting them around the house is below average pleasure. This is one of the reasons why most owners prefer to keep chinchillas in cages, only letting them out for a short time under supervision.

The tray under the cage is filled with either sawdust or granular cat litter. Since the urine and feces of chinchillas practically do not stink, you can change the filler once a week or even less often, which greatly simplifies the maintenance of a chinchilla at home.

Most owners prefer to keep chinchillas exclusively in a cage, only occasionally taking the animals in their arms or allowing them to walk around the room strictly under supervision. Is it possible for chinchillas to walk on their own - a rhetorical question. Left to themselves, the animals can be naughty - gnaw on wires and furniture, ruin pots with indoor plants etc.

What do chinchillas eat?

In the wild, chinchillas feed on herbaceous plants, primarily cereals and legumes, as well as shrubs and bark. They also sometimes eat insects.

At home maintenance there is one main rule regarding what chinchillas eat, or rather do not eat: these animals cannot be fed from the table, like a cat or a dog. In addition to the fact that it is not a predator and not an omnivore, the chinchilla also has a very sensitive digestive system that just can't handle the wrong products.

For those who decide to get a chinchilla for the first time, at first they should limit themselves to ready-made concentrated feed from the pet store and the recommendations that the chinchilla seller gave. In general, all acceptable food can be divided into three types:

  • ready-made food for chinchillas;
  • cereals;
  • herbs and dried fruits and vegetables.

Having taken a chinchilla into the house, you should buy several types of ready-made feeds in order to decide which pet will be most to your taste. This is important, because ready-made feeds should in any case form the basis of the diet of indoor chinchillas. They are the most nutritious and easily absorbed by the animal's body.

Purchased food already contains the necessary types of grain, but if desired, chinchillas can be given separately grains of wheat, barley, millet and corn. Also, to the question of how to feed a chinchilla, it is worth adding that the animals willingly eat beans, lentils and peas. As "snacks" you can pamper your pet with dried fruits and dried vegetables (carrots, raisins, dried apricots, apples). But everything should be dried and in small quantities.

Along with ready-made food, high-quality hay should always be present in the diet of animals. Without it, the animal will get sick and may die. Hay is also recommended to buy ready-made at the pet store. At least for the first time, until you get comfortable with what exactly you need to give a chinchilla.

Also in the cage should always be a dry branch of a tree or shrub. This is not food, the homemade chinchilla will grind down the teeth that grow non-stop on wood.

Feed the pet should be once a day, and better evening. The water in the cage must always be fresh.

Because the chinchilla most time is kept in a cage and let out for a walk only under the supervision of the owners, there is no particular problem of coexistence with other pets. Nevertheless, we can note that the best chinchilla at home gets along with other animals of the rodent order, for example, with hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs etc.

With cats, chinchillas usually maintain a restrained neutrality, although conflicts are possible. Especially at first, while the animals get used to each other.

With dogs (non-aggressive breeds), chinchillas are usually friendly, but, as with cats, caution should be exercised while the chinchilla is small.

How long do chinchillas live

Many people are very surprised when they learn that domestic chinchillas live longer than cats and dogs. It is believed that in the wild, a chinchilla lives on average up to 6-7 years, up to a maximum of 10. But this is under the constant threat of hunger, cold, predators and poachers.

If we talk about the maximum life expectancy of chinchillas at home, then we get completely different terms. Of course, a lot depends on how well the owner takes care of the animal, and in some cases on the breed of chinchillas. But on average, these animals live up to 15-20 years. Also, a certain percentage reaches the age of 25 years. Some sources claim that some individuals overcome even the 30-year milestone.

Chinchilla - for and against

Despite the fact that interest in keeping chinchillas at home is constantly growing, it is safe to say that they will never really compete with cats and dogs as the most popular pets. By virtue of their natural features, and also due to the fact that, unlike the cats and dogs mentioned, they have not gone through a many-thousand-year-old path of adaptation to life next to a person, chinchillas cannot become full-fledged " four-legged friend". But for the role of decorative pet they fit perfectly.

So here are a few reasons why you should or shouldn't get a chinchilla. "Behind":

  1. Chinchillas feel great in a human home if elementary living conditions are created for them - a suitable size cage for a chinchilla, normal nutrition, etc.
  2. These animals by nature do not have an unpleasant odor. Even the natural secretions of chinchillas have almost no smell. If there is always enough hay in the cage, then the fur of the animal will give exactly hay.
  3. Chinchillas have a very kind disposition and generally do not tend to show aggression even towards strangers. Guests can always be offered, without the slightest risk, to hold a chinchilla and take a photo with her in their arms.
  4. Chinchillas are very smart, they can follow some commands and respond to their nickname.
  5. Don't be surprised when you find out how long chinchillas live. When you get a pet, you can not worry that he will die and thereby break your child's heart.
  6. Chinchillas combine a very beautiful coat with a rather silly expression of the muzzle, which makes them even more charming.