Contents of the journal geodesy and cartography 3. Scientific journal News of higher educational institutions “Geodesy and aerial photography”

The initiator of the creation of a unified printed geodetic body was the Military Topographical Directorate, and the decision on publication and the program were made at the First Congress of Military Topographers in the spring of 1924. In January 1925, the newspaper “Kipregel” began to be published, and in August 1925 the first issue was published scientific, technical and socio-political magazine “Geodesist” - an organ of the Military Topographical Directorate and the Higher Geodetic Directorate. The magazine became a conductor of geodetic science in the USSR. Famous scientists in the field of geodesy and cartography played a major role in its formation and development: corresponding member. USSR Academy of Sciences, Professor F. N. Krasovsky, Professors N. A. Urmaev, V. V. Danilov, A. S. Chebotarev, F. V. Drobyshev, A. A. Mikhailov, etc. From the first issues, the magazine discussed the tasks of organizing and improvement of topographic-geodetic and cartographic works, published articles devoted to the development and implementation of more advanced production methods, scientific and technical problems related to the study of the figure and gravitational field of the Earth, basic work on the construction of state triangulation and leveling, etc. Along with this was given great attention achievements of the best teams, leaders and innovators of production, as well as occupational health and safety. The most prominent scientists and production workers collaborated with the magazine, sharing their experiences and setting new pressing challenges for production.

With the beginning of the war, the publication of the Geodesist magazine and the Aerophotogeodesist newspaper of the Moscow Aerogeodetic Enterprise, published since 1932, ceased. Works of engineers and researchers published non-periodically published “Collection of scientific, technical and production articles on geodesy, cartography, topography, aerial photography and gravimetry”, as well as special collections of articles on geodesy and cartography. In 1956, the publication of the scientific, technical and production journal “Geodesy and Cartography” was resumed. In No. 2 for 1957, in the article “The main tasks of the journal “Geodesy and Cartography”” it is noted that “The absence for fifteen years (1941–1955) of a regularly published special journal was felt ... as a significant drawback that created difficulties in popularizing the achievements of geodetic science and technology and especially in the exchange of production experience...". Being an organ of the Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography, first of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and then of the Ministry of Geosciences of the USSR, the magazine published decisions of CPSU congresses, tasks of five-year plans, recommendations of the International Geodetic and Geophysical Union (IGGU), highlighted the experience of leading experts, and presented rationalization proposals. The magazine, open to criticism, fairly objectively covered the organizational and technical problems of production, which in one way or another contributed to their solution. The newspaper of the Moscow Aerogeodetic Enterprise, already under the name “Geodesist”, began to be published again in 1957.

In 1950–1970 The sections “Letters to the Editor” and “Answers to Readers’ Questions” occupied a special place. Detailed answers were prepared by specialists from TsNIIGAiK, among them famous scientists L. P. Pellinen, V. Ya. Mikhailov, A. P. Kolupaev, E. G. Larchenko, M. I. Yurkina, V. N. Shishkin and others. It seems that that the practice of publishing notes - letters to the editor and answers to readers' questions - would be useful to resume. Post-war period known for the rapid development of geodetic gravimetry associated with the theory of determining the physical surface and gravitational field of the Earth by M. S. Molodensky. Domestic theoretical geodesy has reached the world level. In No. 11 for 1957 in the article “Soviet geodetic science on the 40th anniversary of the Great October Revolution” socialist revolution"Director of TsNIIGAiK A. Sh. Tatevyan writes: "M. S. Molodensky made a convincing conclusion that to practice geodetic calculations it is not necessary to know the geoid figure. This new and rigorous solution to the reduction problem... has great scientific and practical significance" In the article of the same issue, “New methods for studying the figure of the Earth,” M. S. Molodensky, for the first time in the general press, substantiated the concepts of “normal heights” and “quasi-geoid heights.” The journal “Geodesy and Cartography” prepared the ground for the adoption of a fundamentally new, strict system for calculating heights on the territory of the USSR. Along with the “Results of Science” series of VINITI “Geodesy and Aerial Photography”, the journal “Geodesy and Cartography” published lists and abstracts of new industry publications. All since 1964 information materials in the field of natural and technical sciences began to be accompanied by the Universal Decimal Classifier (UDC) index. In 1971, a “Calendar of Events” appeared in the magazine, which was kept in different times A. V. Butkevich, N. V. Vasiliev, A. V. Postnikov, E. B. Melnikova, A. S. Leonov, L. A. Goldenberg, P. V. Yarotsky, S. I. Slipchenko, M. V. Kuznetsov, and since 1992 - G. N. Teterin and M. L. Sinyanskaya. In the 1970s The magazine became part of the publications of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC). In 1975, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the magazine, the magazine was awarded “ Certificate of honor Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR". The magazine's circulation at that time was 9,000 copies. The 1990s were a turning point for the magazine, and for the entire industry; individual issues were printed in duplicate and with delayed release. Editor-in-Chief magazine V.I. Berk appealed to readers with a request not to cancel their subscription to the publication under any circumstances (article “How can a magazine survive?”, 1992, No. 2). In No. 4 for 1992, after an article dedicated to the 70th anniversary of L.P. Pellinen, the tragic news of his death was published. Through the issue, an official obituary and several articles were published, in which leading geodesist scientists considered it their duty to honor the memory of the great scientist. In subsequent years, on the pages of the magazine there was a discussion on issues of theoretical geodesy by M. I. Yurkina and V. V. Brovar, on the one hand, and M. M. Mashimov, on the other, which was received with interest by the geodetic community. Since 2004, the magazine began to be regularly published in color, which made it possible to insert color maps into articles. In a special issue for December 2012, the proceedings of the conference “Domestic developments in the field of geodesy and cartography and their application in the economic and defense activities of the country” were published. Despite certain difficulties, the magazine continues to live, the format and design change, but its industry character remains unchanged. Since 2013, the editorial staff of the journal has become part of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Center for Geodesy, Cartography and IPD”, which united TsNIIGAiK, TsKGF and State Geological Center. The magazine is an open professional platform for discussing and informing about all the ongoing changes in geodesy and cartography and is always looking for new articles and proposals from the authors.

In the first issue of the journal “Geodesy and Cartography” for 2016, the article “Legal basis for geodetic support in the construction and improvement of populated areas” was published.

T.V. Ilyushina, A.P. Sizov, T.K. Kolevid, T.F. Pushkina, O.V. Miklashevskaya note that legal basis geodetic work includes a complex of regulatory legal documents from the level federal laws to departmental building codes and technical regulations. In accordance with regulatory legal documents, a technological basis for geodetic support of cadastral work in populated areas is being developed.

The accuracy of geodetic support must meet the requirements for the development of design and working documentation, construction of structures and housing and civil facilities, performing special engineering and geodetic work and stationary observations of hazardous natural and man-made processes, as well as ensuring the construction, operation and liquidation of facilities.

In the article “Methodology for nominalizing the values ​​of high-altitude benchmarks of leveling networks”, Yu.P. Kurenev, T.N. Malik propose a technique with which you can bring the values ​​of the normal heights of old or new benchmarks to a single beginning. The use of this method makes it possible to significantly reduce the number of calculated reference points of the anomalous height grid.

Article by K.V. Ebauer “Joint determination of station coordinates, Earth rotation parameters and gravitational field coefficients from combined laser processing satellite observations. Theoretical and practical aspects" introduces readers to some theoretical and practical aspects of the joint determination of station coordinates, Earth rotation parameters and gravitational field coefficients from combined processing of laser observations of LAGEOS-1/2 satellites and low-orbit satellites. The author considers possible correlations between the parameters and the errors in their determination for various configurations of the orbital group.

I.N. Vladimirov, D.V. Kobylkin, S.A. Kholboev is being considered new approach to the study and mapping of restorative successions of fallow lands. The authors conduct a cartographic analysis of the dynamics of land categories over the past hundred years based on an analysis of maps compiled by the Corps of Military Topographers and remote sensing data.

Article by E.G. Voronin “Weights of photogrammetric measurements. Additional criteria for the reliability of adjustment" is the final in a series of three publications on the topic of assigning measurement weights when the exact variances of measurements are unknown. It justifies the existence of additional criteria for the reliability of adjustment results for direct and indirect measurements.

Material by S.N. Guzevich “On the stereoscopic method of measurements” is devoted to consideration of the reasons for the inaccurate determination of position and linear dimensions objects when using paired meters and the stereoscopic method.

Article by L.I. Serebryakova contains proposals for improving scientific and methodological documentation for organizing work on modern research movements earth's crust at geodynamic sites of Rosreestr.

In the article by S.A. Ganieva and J.T. Mehdiyev considered issues of improving the geomorphometric model for detecting landslides using lidars.

Peer-reviewed scientific journal Izvestia Higher educational institutions"Geodesy and aerial photography" - the oldest Russian magazine in the field of geodesy, published since 1957.

The founder of the magazine is the USSR State Committee for Public Education.

The magazine is registered with the USSR State Committee for Press under number 743 dated October 26, 1990.

Publisher: Federal State Budgetary educational institution higher education"Moscow state university geodesy and cartography" (MIIGAiK)

In accordance with GOST-7.56–89 “Publications. International standard numbering of serial publications”, the journal was assigned ISSN 0536-101 (print), ISSN 2618-7299 (online).

The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) system and in the list of journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for the publication of main results scientific research for the scientific degree of doctor and candidate, is included in the Russian Science Citation Index database on the Web of Science platform.

All articles are assigned a DOI.

The main goal of the publication is to promote improvement in the quality of training of specialists in accordance with the strategic directions to ensure a unified public policy in the area state certification scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel. The magazine publishes original scientific articles and reviews devoted to fundamental and applied problems of geodesy (see Sections of the journal). All authors make significant contributions to research published in the journal.

The journal is published in printed form with a frequency of six issues per year and has a full-text electronic version identical in content, which, after the publication of the printed version, is posted in the Scientific Electronic Library (SEL) and on the journal’s website.

The printed version of the Journal is distributed by subscription to OJSC Rospechat (subscription index in the Rospechat Catalog - 70365). You can subscribe to the magazine from any issue. The cost of one issue of the magazine is 500 rubles, an annual subscription is 3,000 rubles. Full texts of articles and annual subscription for issues No. 1 to No. 6 in electronic version are available for paid access on the website

The archive of issues of the journal News of Universities “Geodesy and Aerial Photography” from 1990 to the present is located. In the event that the journal is no longer published, access to the archives is maintained.

According to Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which has come into force, in order to publish an article in a journal when it is posted electronically on the Internet and to comply with copyright, it is necessary to conclude a written agreement with the author. The author (a group of authors represented by one author) fills out, signs the agreement and document, sends it to the editorial office of the journal along with the article, complete with other documents.

The journal is published at the expense of own funds university. Publication of articles is free of charge. No fee will be paid. The editors of the journal ensure registration of incoming materials, prepare for publication of the journal, review, correspondence with authors, distribute proofs, formulate the content of each issue and carry out pre-press preparation of the author's originals and the original layout of the issue, control the sending of obligatory free copies of each issue of the journal to the Russian Book Chamber and an electronic copy – to the Russian State Library(RSL).