Dream interpretation of dreams: why do you dream about nails? Why do you dream of nails: new, rusty, buy, hammer, pull out

Seeing nails in a dream happens to many people. Especially in lately when the stress associated with continuous swearing and swearing has become an integral part of everyday life. This symbol is often interpreted modern dreamers and dreamers of past centuries, as a symbol of resentment, or a sign that can warn you of impending enmity. Someone even has to see rusty nails in a dream, and he will definitely find the answer in the interpretations and sayings of experienced specialists given below. Many will search for “dream book of hammering nails” and will also be able to find all the necessary answers to this message. Find your interpretation of dreams in order to measure your actions according to the information received.

Miller's Dream Book

According to long-term research by the American psychologist Miller, seeing nails in a dream does not bode well and is most often associated with an impending quarrel. Try to listen in the most sensible way this interpretation, in order to subsequently avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles and reproaches addressed to you:

  • To see nails in a dream - save on anything in your life except common sense.
  • Hammering nails in a dream - in all likelihood, you have long forgotten and forgiven some old quarrel and continue to communicate quite peacefully with the offender. Beware of his rancor, because nature has endowed him with scoffing and a good memory. So wear a bulletproof vest on your back in the coming days and, if possible, do not take it off, especially near the offender.
  • The dream "rusty nails" says that your relationship with one of your relatives has reached the stage undeclared war. Perhaps it’s time to stop communicating with each other for a while, so as not to aggravate the brewing conflict. Why get on each other's nerves and make these conversations obligatory if you have completely different interests and characters.
  • Collecting nails in a dream - you have already collected more than one piece of incriminating evidence on virtually everyone around you. Of course, we are all not without sin, but do not forget about the logs sticking out of your eyes. The time has come to carefully process them and then you will look at society with completely different eyes.
  • Pulling out nails in a dream - it will be useful for you to prevent a quarrel that will soon arise between your two friends. Just try to do this delicately and not intrusively, otherwise you will be in a position where you find yourself between a rock and a hard place.
  • The dream “a nail in your hand” says that your fists will itch very much, with the desire to soap someone’s neck. Try not to use force unless absolutely necessary, but we won’t encourage you to turn the other cheek. Our world resembles an hourglass. Sometimes, to keep it from freezing in place, it needs to be turned over.

Vanga's Dream Book

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud

Modern dream book

Why do you dream of nails according to the dream book of health?

  • You dream that there are nails in your head - one of your relatives is constantly poking you, like a naughty kitten in a puddle, reminding you of some kind of joint. It’s as if there is a mirror constantly hanging in front of you, in which you observe your mistakes again and again. Naturally, this caused headaches. Do not tolerate them under any circumstances, take the pill that suits you best. And stop tolerating this injustice without complaint.
  • Why do you dream that a nail is sticking out in your hand? Recent swearing has caused muscle spasms in my arm. For some, this manifests itself in the form of skin rashes, and for others, in the form of a nervous tic. Get busy breathing exercises to bring your body into proper condition.
  • Why do you dream about a nail in your foot? You risk waking up on the wrong foot. In order not to spoil the life of yourself and those around you, try not to make empty claims to anyone on this day. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of nails in your mouth? Your negative thinking can lead to breathing spasms. It's good if you feel a simple hiccup, but don't let it develop into dangerous asthma and try to calm down. Turn on your favorite relaxing music and try to relax.
  • Why do you dream of swallowing nails? Swearing at work colleagues can even cause vomiting and abdominal cramps. Try not to eat heavy food on this day, as it won’t last long anyway. Better drink more plain water. This will remove unnecessary toxins from the body and allow the brain to work much more productively.

Esoteric dream book

As can be seen from the above sources, the dream book “nails” can bring a lot of troubles into your everyday reality. Follow and heed these recommendations and then after the wonderful requests “dream book of nails in feet” or “dream book of rusty nails” you will understand what to do next and how to profitably spend the coming day. Turn to your favorite dream books more often, and you will certainly find out the reason why you dreamed of nails.

Like any long and sharp object, nails symbolize the penis and sex life.

Large quantity nails speaks of intense sex life.

Rusty nails indicate loss of strength and possible impotence.

Crooked and broken nails indicate various disorders, diseases or disorders in the functioning of the genital organs.

Missing nails indicate that you overestimate your sexual attractiveness.

If they borrow nails from you, then someone wants to steal your sexual partner.

If you buy nails, then you are used to living an intense sex life and are always planning your adventures.

If you want to borrow nails from friends, then you may have an affair with a person you haven’t consciously thought about yet.

If you put nails in your pocket, then you are aiming for group sex.

Hammering nails means there are no disorders or deviations in your sex life.

Hammering nails and hitting your finger - be careful, as unexpected disorders of sexual function or a sexually transmitted disease are possible.

If a woman falls on a nail in her clothes or is scratched, then this symbolizes the loss of innocence, or unplanned sexual contact, possibly associated with violence or coercion.

If a man tore his clothes on a nail or got scratched, then this foretells homosexual inclinations from strangers with possible showdowns.

A nail in a shoe indicates some discomfort in your relationship with your sexual partner.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Nail

Carpenter's Nail: Symbolizes the fastening piece needed for a larger structure.

Nails tie together the various parts of the project.

Are all the pieces needed for the big project of your life in place? Are you getting to the heart of the matter by “driving the nail in to the head”? If not, then it's time to change your life plans and goals.

This symbol may indicate that you may be “nailed” or caught red-handed.

If you are engaged in any secret activity, this may serve as a warning to you to be careful.

You may be exposed.

The expression “spitting out nails”: means extreme irritation.

Is there a problem in your life that is driving you crazy? Breathe deeply. Cool down. Get someone's objective opinion.

Interpretation of dreams from

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 23rd day of the month. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is the 18th lunar day. Dreams dreamed on the night of today come true on the 20th day.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is strictly a day of Saturn, the planet of fate, rock, and trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so dreams for Saturday will tell us about the rules that we must obey, show what we will have to limit ourselves to, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday’s dream is colorful and pleasant, it means that no serious restrictions are foreseen, and much of what was planned can easily be implemented. But if the dream is gloomy, black and white, with pictures of high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then plans will come to life only as a result of hard work, that is, nothing will come easy in the near future. On Saturday night you can learn about your fate or the fate of other people.

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NAILS – Miller's Dream Book

If you see nails in a dream, this means that quarrels and grief await you. If a woman dreams that she is hammering nails, this is a sign that she will defeat her rival. If she hits her finger while hammering nails, she will be in serious trouble.

NAILS – Modern Dream Interpretation

Seeing a nail(s) in a dream means achieving your goal soon.

You dream of nails in a box, in a drawer, in your hands - this dream is a sign of quarrels and grief, you will “hammer nails” into someone and they will “hammer nails” into you. Another interpretation of the dream: you have to work a lot, but you will get paid in crumbs.

You see in a dream that, while hammering a nail, you hit your finger - serious troubles await you.

A woman dreams that she is hammering nails - this woman has a rival who cannot withstand the confrontation and admits herself defeated; You shouldn’t finish her off; it’s much wiser to make friends with her.

You dream of rusty nails - this means illness.

Hammering nails is a sign of strengthening your position.

Hammering nails into a fence means that you will ensure that nothing disturbs your happiness.

NAILS – Slavic Dream Book

Drive in – right decision; to see is an opportunity; find - happiness; pulling out is failure (the size of the nail is the size, scale of knowledge, opportunity, happiness or misfortune).

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Why do you dream about nails? The dream in which you saw nails demonstrates that you need to consider final decisions to ensure that you are protected from possible adverse situations that may occur in your life in the near future. There may be a need to reconsider areas in your life to, for example, correct some mistakes you have made in the past.

Why do you dream about nails - Freud's dream book

Nails in a dream mean that you will have good luck in the near future. This dream is generally a good sign.

You dream of a nail in your foot, the dream means that you have spent a lot of effort to get rid of your problems. This dream also suggests that fate will always help your friends in any difficulties.

Dreaming of a nail in the wall, this dream means that you value independence and often strive for freedom. This is a very important aspect of your life.

As our dream book interprets, if you dream of nails in your hands, this means that you are a very independent person on a daily basis.

In a dream you dream of small nails, the dream proclaims your prosperity - both material and emotional.

When you dream of big nails, this is a dream that foretells you a great career that will give you the opportunity to fulfill your dreams.

The dream book says that if you dream of big nails, such a dream means that your life will be very successful and peaceful. And it will not be disrupted by serious problems.

If you dream of hammering nails, it means that you will have great success, but for this you will have to overcome many problems.

Seeing nails in your body in a dream is a sign that you will not be able to achieve your goal, because there is a person next to you who is interfering with this process in every possible way.

When you step on a nail in a dream, such a dream means that you are unlucky with variety in your daily life.

You dream of a nail in your head - this is a promise that your existence is now in great danger.

If you dream of nails in your mouth, this is a sign that you are worried about many factors in your life that you are very unhappy with.

Dreaming of nails and repairs, this dream indicates your ability to fully focus on your activities in your life and this is a good quality.

Sweeping up nails in a dream is a sign that maybe a person in your life is causing you problems and escalating aggression.

I dreamed about nails - Miller’s dream book

If you dream of nails, this may mean that other people will turn to you for wise advice, since you have good authority in your environment. Special attention focuses on feeling positive and strong about life. If in a dream you accidentally stepped on nails that were scattered on the floor, this may indicate that you are feeling possible depression or anger.

If you dreamed of nails being in your pocket, the dream indicates how you feel inside. Make sure no one makes your life feel depressed. When you pulled nails out of your pocket in a dream, this is evidence that you need to relax in order to progress in life.

If rusty nails appear in a dream, this may indicate that you feel that not everything in life is as fair as you would like. Perhaps the person is dishonest with you and they are talking about you behind your back. This may indicate that other people are discussing you because there is a person nearby who does not keep his mouth shut.

If you dream of hammering nails - Vanga’s dream book

In your dream you happened to hammer nails, this dream indicates that you will face difficulties that may arise in the future.

Hammering nails into a wall in a dream, this dream means that perhaps you will need to understand that the events that are now gaining momentum or emotions you must eliminate in any possible way. Such a dream is a warning that you do not have the opportunity to look at your life soberly. Which is negative for you. You may be facing difficulties in making plans for the future, and this dream could mean that you are seeking freedom to make those decisions or difficult choices.

Why do you dream about nails? This question is asked by a huge number of people. The answer to this can be found in dream books. To choose a suitable interpretation, you will need to remember the details of the plot and try to take them into account.

According to the dream book of esotericist Tsvetkov, hammering nails with a hammer in a dream means finding the right solution. A woman should be stricter with her husband, as he looks at other ladies. Simply seeing nails in a dream is a sign of a good opportunity; a person needs to be more efficient in order to be able to take advantage of it. It would be useful to learn to make decisions quickly, and not think for months. After all, opponents may turn out to be much more agile and will take advantage of the chance, leaving the dreamer with his nose.

If a person dreams that he was pulling out a nail, bad luck awaits him, so you should not invest money or sign documents in the near future. A woman needs to be more careful, otherwise her husband may find out about her little affairs and secret meetings with fans. A colossal scandal will break out, which will leave no stone unturned for the family.

If a person sees a huge nail, great luck awaits him. He can win the lottery, casino, find money or inherit real estate.

Hammering a nail with an ax in a dream means danger. The dreamer should be more careful not to get into a tough mess from which even his friends will not be able to get him out. When a woman has such a dream, she needs to settle down and not change boyfriends like gloves. Many call her a walker, and some ladies do not want to communicate.

Esoteric dream book

It will help to understand why nails are dreamed of. esoteric dream book. Pulling it out means losing a good opportunity due to cowardice. Moreover, the person will also make serious enemies that will be difficult to deal with. It will become a matter of honor for them to humiliate the dreamer and put a spoke in his wheels.

A scattering of nails promises a person good health, drive them in - find the right solution. This symbol will instill optimism in the dreamer, and he will become more fortunate that in a positive way will affect him financial situation. A nail in the mouth promises difficulties for a person; he will have to make great efforts to solve everything.

If a woman dreamed that she was looking for red nails in a dream, but could not find them, then in reality she will have to make a decision. Once in stressful situation, she will become confused, as a result of which she will miss the good opportunity that fate gave her.

When a girl has such a dream, in reality she will choose between two gentlemen, weigh all the pros and cons. In the end, she will be left alone, as young people find out that she is dating several guys and leave her. But she won’t learn her lesson and will continue to date two or three gentlemen at the same time. She just likes male attention, so the girl doesn’t want to give up pleasure.

Modern dream book

To find out the answer to what nails may mean in dreams, you should open modern dream book. Such a dream promises a person failure. You should not do anything in the near future, as all efforts will go to waste.

For a woman, such a symbol portends resentment. Perhaps someone will insult or disgrace her, but the dreamer will promise herself to take revenge on this person. For a girl, this symbol promises sadness. There is a possibility that she will break up with her lover, or he will simply leave for a while.

White nails foreshadow an unusual situation from which it will not be easy to get out. But the dreamer should remain calm, otherwise he will not find the right solution.

Hammering nails with a hammer is a pleasant surprise. A person can receive both a gift and a salary increase.

Watching a stranger do this is frustrating.

You should not trust others and talk about your personal life, because people like to invent fables that are filled with unprecedented details.

If you dreamed rusty nail, you should expect trouble. Problems can arise both in your personal life and in business sphere. The girl needs to be more careful and not go on dates with everyone. After all, some men may have bad intentions.

If you dreamed that a nail was stuck in your leg, then in reality the person will learn about betrayal close relative. This will be very painful for the dreamer. He will stop trusting people and will try to use them. However, this approach is fundamentally wrong; thanks to it, you can make many enemies. The dreamer already has such goodness in abundance, so you just need to be careful so that the negative experience does not repeat itself.

They will try to lure him into a trap, it is very important not to give in to temptation. For a woman, such a dream promises failure on the love front. Her lover will disappoint in every sense. Subsequently, she will not date men for a long time.

Spring, summer, autumn dream books

If in a dream a person managed to hammer a nail with a hammer, then, according to spring dream book, he will easily deal with his enemy. For a woman, such a dream promises positive changes. She will be able to identify the lady who is spreading unpleasant gossip about her and force her to publicly talk about it. Thanks to which she will be able to restore her reputation, universal respect will return to her, many will ask for forgiveness.

If a person hammered nails in a dream, then, according to summer dream book, he will be able to make a substantial fortune for himself. However, he will have to work hard, but it will not be a burden, since he is a workaholic by nature.

The autumn dream book promises an unmarried lady fast wedding. A respectable man will propose to her, and without thinking twice she will give the go-ahead. The dreamer will not regret her decision, the marriage will be harmonious, and her husband will never raise a hand against her. You can always rely on him.