Drawing up a brief note of the problem conditions. Presentation on the topic "Schemes for briefly recording tasks"

Brief entry. Why is a short note needed?

A short note is a briefly written condition of the task; the last thing in the short note is the question for the problem. The next stage is the decision. After that the answer.

Why do you need a short note? Previously, it was considered to facilitate the choice of action to find an unknown quantity. But is this true?

"At school, my eldest son is being tormented by some kind of short recording of tasks “... These are the opinions of the parents and I agree with them.

When I received teacher education, a short notation when solving a problem was required (we wrote types of short notation: curly bracket - how much in total; arrow to a larger (smaller) value - so much more (less); was, took, remains... etc.) For example:

Here is a fragment of a lesson on the topic "Brief entry."

"There were 20 swallows sitting on the wires. Of these, 5 swallows flew away. How many swallows are left on the wires?

U.: - What are the conditions for this task?

What is the requirement of this task? (Problem question.)

Let's return to the conditions of this problem. What are they talking about? What were the swallows doing?

Let's make a short note.

Seat - 20 l.

Flew away - 5 liters.

Left - ? l.

U.: - What do you think, when there is a short record of the task , will it be easier to solve the problem itself?"

I, Safonova Irina Evgenievna, teacher primary classes, I think that NO, based on work experience, personal experience(doing homework with your own children)!

Time passed, my work experience increased, I became aware of the methods acquired at the institute, and I began to understand that children with mental flexibility easily make a short note and choose the correct method of action, finding an unknown quantity. And most importantly , that these children do not even need a short note; even without a short note, they choose the correct action to find the unknown!

But we, teachers, must give a “crutch” - support, to those students who do not have flexibility of mind, and these students, as a rule, cannot even write a short note! And when they see a short recording (see above), arrows, brackets going somewhere incomprehensible, connecting something, children who do not know how to solve problems simply get lost, not understanding what is written in this recording and lose interest in this task! It turns out that for these children the task is an insurmountable obstacle. First, somehow you need to make a short record. Secondly, choose the correct action to find the unknown quantity.

I found a way out of this situation while working in the Elkonin-Davydov developmental education system, and I especially like the short notation, or rather the diagram (model, drawing) in Peterson mathematics! This is a representation of quantities in segments. To solve all simple problems you need to know only two rules: how to find the whole and how to find the part. And one scheme approaches all these tasks.

Examples of tasks for which such a diagram is drawn up:

1. There were 20 swallows sitting on the wires. Of these, 5 swallows flew away. How many swallows are left on the wires?

2. Tanya has 5 apples, her sister Valya has 7 apples. How many apples do Tanya and Valya have together?

3. There were cars in the parking lot. After 17 cars left, there were 9 cars left in the parking lot. How many cars were in the parking lot?

And exactly the same approach to the simplest problems of multiplication and division. In a word, if you want to give a “crutch” to a weak student when solving problems, I recommend working with the diagram.

Reminder for writing short notes for tasks

1 type. Option A

Vova had 5 candies. And Lena has 2 more candies than Vova. How many sweets does Vova have?

Vova – 5 k.

Lena - ? k., for 2 k.

5 + 2 = 7 (k.)

Answer: Vova has 7 sweets.

1 type. Option B

Anya had 6 balloons. There are 2 fewer balls. How many balls does Anya have?

It was 6 sh.

It became - ? sh., for 2 sh.

6 – 2 = 4 (w)

Answer: Anya now has 4 balls.

2nd view

Varya glued together 5 lanterns for the Christmas tree. Alena glued together 3 lanterns. How many lanterns did the girls glue together?

Varya – 5 f. ? f.

Alena – 3 f.

5 + 3 = 8 (ph.)

Answer: The girls glued together 8 lanterns in total.

3rd view. Option A

There were 7 dolls in the store. They brought 3 more. How many dollsbecame in the store?

It was 7 k.

Brought - 3 k.

It became - ? To.

7 + 3 = 10 (k.)

Answer: There are 10 dolls.

3rd view. Option B.

There were 7 dolls in the store. Sold 3 dolls. How many dollsleft in the store?

It was 7 k.

Sold - 3 k.

Ost. - ? To.

7 – 3 = 4 (k.)

Answer: 4 dolls left in the store.

Formatting tasks:
- after writing the word “task” it moves down
one cell ;

A brief recording is made in the form of a picture, table, drawing, etc.
- writing down words, numerical values produced by blue paste, arrows, braces, drawings, etc. performed only with a simple pencil;
- the solution to the problem is written below, indenting one cell from the short entry or from the word “Problem”.
- each task action is written indented by one cell indicating the order of action.
- writing the names of the results obtained is required in parentheses after each action. The name is written in abbreviation. The entry is abbreviated by the last consonant.
- an explanation is written down for each action, except the last one. The answer is written in full with one cell indented from the solution.

Accepted international abbreviations, such as kg, dm, cm, ha, m, dm, mm, etc., are written briefly in the answer. There is no period after contractions.


All entries in notebooks should be written in neat calligraphic handwriting.

Besides ballpoint pen school sample with blue ink, in class and homework, students use a simple pencil to perform other operations in notebooks.

After each class (homework) work, two lines should be indented (we write on the third).

Throughout the entire work, we do not miss a single line. It is necessary to take into account that when preparing written works in Russian in new page should be written from the top line, to the end of the page, including the last line.

On the left, when creating each line, we retreat along a single vertical line (no more than 5 mm from the edge).

On the right we add to the end of the line, while from the very beginning of the 1st grade we teach normative hyphenation of words using traditional methodological approaches. There should be no unnecessary empty spaces at the end of each line.

The date of writing the work is recorded in the center of the working line.

The title of the work is written on the next line and is formatted as a sentence.

For example:
Cool job.
Independent work.
Work on mistakes.

The numbers of all exercises performed in notebooks must be indicated. Several options for recording the exercise number are allowed. The exercise number must be indicated in the center of the line (short or full form records) or in the margins ( short form records).

For example:
Exercise 14.
Ex. 14.

New stage work is done from the red line. The design of the red line should be carried out from the very beginning of the design of texts in 1st grade. When creating a red line, you need to indent to the right about 2 cm (2 fingers).

Underlining letters, words, members of a sentence, highlighting parts of a word, stress, inscriptions above words, indicating the relationship of words in a sentence is done with a sharply sharpened pencil. All underlining should be done using a ruler. In some types of work, underlining without a ruler is allowed, which depends on well-developed skills in working with a simple pencil.

Highlighting spellings should be done with a simple pencil.

The transition of students in 2nd grade to working in wide-lined notebooks is determined by the teacher himself. In this case, the teacher is guided by the presence of each student’s successfully developed writing skills.

In writing morphemic parsing words, it is necessary to highlight each morpheme more clearly and accurately. If three (two, four, five) letters belong to the root (prefix, suffix, ending) of a word, then these morphemes must be designated more precisely.

When parsing, only the definition should be underlined with a wavy line if the study minor members offers provided by the program.

When assigning marks for work in the Russian language, the student’s calligraphy is taken into account.

Phonetic analysis words.

1. How many syllables are there in a word, what is the stress count?

2. Vowel sounds: stressed, unstressed. What letters are they indicated by?

3. Consonant sounds: deaf and voiced, hard and soft, paired and unpaired. What letters are they indicated by?

4. The number of sounds and letters in a word?


carrot, carrot (2 syllables, 2 verbs, 4 consonants)

m [m] acc., sound, tv., unpaired,

o [a] vowel, unstressed.

r [r]-acc. sound, tv. , unpaired,

to [k] acc. deaf., tv., par., [g]

o [o] vowel, percussion

in [f] acc. deaf., soft., parn., [f]

b -_______

7 b., 6 stars.

Vocabulary words 1st grade

Aspen, glass, magpie, cross, cabbage, class, lemon, milk, boots, gram, sum, city, vegetable garden, tomato, cow, crow, wind, ton, lunch, dog, Saturday, ram, drum, basket, guys, rowan, berry, apple, apple tree, good, walked, girl, what else, excavator, escalator, ecology, student, student, teacher, teacher, kilogram, amount.

Math lesson notes
Drawing up a brief note of the problem conditions

The purpose of the teacher's activity: contribute to the development of the ability to write a short note for a task, choose a short note for a given task.

Planned educational outcomes.

Subject:know how make a short note for a problem, solve word problems in one operation involving addition and subtraction, add and subtract numbers with passing through ten in different ways, compare the results of calculations, create an expression based on the conditions of the problem.

Personal: show positive attitude and interest in mathematics lessons; have cognitive motivation and demonstrate interest in mathematical tasks of increased difficulty.

Metasubject:regulatory: plan their own actions to fill knowledge gaps; plan their own computing activities; educational: highlight what is essential and what is not essential in the problem statement; make a short record of the conditions of the problem; select tasks from the variable part in accordance with given condition; decide logic problems; compare the problem condition with a numerical expression; communicative: reason by choosing keywords when compiling a brief statement of the conditions of the problem; answer questions, ask questions, clarify what is unclear; participate in educational games; When performing tasks in pairs, they listen to each other, agree, and combine the results obtained in a joint presentation of the solution.

Lesson progress

I. Updating knowledge. Oral counting.

1. For kindergarten we bought 7 dolls, 2 more nesting dolls than dolls, and 5 fewer cars than nesting dolls. Find out:

1) How many nesting dolls did you buy?

2) How many cars did you buy?

3) How many dolls and nesting dolls did you buy?

4) How many dolls and cars did you buy?

5) How many nesting dolls and cars did you buy?

6) How many toys did you buy for kindergarten?

2. The little hare and the little rabbit ate carrots. The bunny ate 6 carrots, and the little rabbit ate 3 carrots more. How many carrots did the little rabbit eat? How many carrots did your friends eat?

3. Decipher the name of the strictest teacher.

II. Learning new material.

Work according to the textbook.

Exercise5 Students perform in pairs.

– Read problem 6. What is known? What do you need to know? Write a short note and solve the problem.

It was 14 pm. Solution:

Flew away - 3 pts. and 2 pt. 1) 3 + 2 = 5 (pt.) – flew away.

Left - ? Fri. 2) 14 – 5 = 9 (Fri.) – left.

– Has the number of birds on the pond increased or decreased? (Decreased.)

– Which short notation best suits the conditions of the problem?

They swam... They flew away... They stayed - ?

– Select the appropriate entry and complete it with numerical data.

III. Consolidation of the studied material.

Task 7 (work in pairs).

– Select one of the tasks. Try to write a short note about it. Show it to a friend. Check if the task can be restored using a short recording.

IV. Lesson summary.

– Name the characteristics of the task.

V . Reflection

Content Simple tasks Finding a sum Increasing a number by several units 44 Decrease a number by several units 55 Finding an unknown term Finding a remainder 88 Finding an unknown subtrahend 99 Finding an unknown minuend 1010 Difference comparison Compound problems Finding a sum Finding a remainder Finding an unknown term Finding an unknown subtrahend Finding the third term Finding an unknown minuend Difference comparison

Anya washed 5 plates, and Misha washed 4 plates. How many dishes did the children wash? Anya – 5 t.? t. Misha – 4 t = 9 (t.) Answer: The children washed 9 plates. Problem 1

There were 2 trucks in the parking lot. In the evening, 5 more trucks arrived. How many trucks are there in the parking lot? Was - 2 years Arrived - 5 years Became - ? r = 7 (r) Answer: There are 7 trucks in total in the parking lot. Problem 2

At the edge of the forest there were 5 maples and 4 poplars, and there were as many pines as there were maples and poplars together. How many pine trees grew at the edge of the forest? Klenov – 5 d. Poplars – 4 d. Sosen – ? d., K. + T = 9 (d.) Answer: 9 pine trees grew on the edge of the forest. Problem 3

Vasya has 7 marks, and Egor has 3 marks more. How many stamps does Yegor have? Vasya – 7 m. Egor – ? m., at 3 m. > = 10 (m.) Answer: 10 marks from Egor. Problem 4 7 + 3 = 10 (m.) Answer: Egor has 10 marks. Problem 4"> 7 + 3 = 10 (m.) Answer: Egor has 10 marks. Problem 4"> 7 + 3 = 10 (m.) Answer: Egor has 10 marks. Problem 4" title=" Vasya has 7 marks, and Egor has 3 marks more. How many marks does Egor have? Vasya - 7 m. Egor - ? m., by 3 m. > 7 + 3 = 10 ( m.) Answer: 10 marks from Egor. Problem 4."> title="Vasya has 7 marks, and Egor has 3 marks more. How many stamps does Yegor have? Vasya – 7 m. Egor – ? m., by 3 m. > 7 + 3 = 10 (m.) Answer: 10 marks from Egor. Problem 4"> !}

The first group has 10 students, and the second group has 3 fewer students. How many students are in the second group? In the first year – 10 school days. In the second year - ? uch., for 3 uch.

There are several bears in the zoo. When three bears were transferred to another zoo, there were 6 bears left. How many bears were there in the zoo initially? Was - ? m. Transported - 3 m. Remaining - 6 m = 9 (m.) Answer: There were 9 bears in the zoo initially. Problem 10

II m. – 3 k. 8 – 3 = 5 (k.) Answer: the first boy caught 5 crabs more than the second. Problem 11" title="One boy caught 8 crabs, and the other 3 crabs. How many crabs did the first boy catch? more than the second? I m. – 8 k. on? > II m. – 3 k. 8 – 3 = 5 (k.) Answer: the first boy caught 5 crabs more than the second. Problem 11" class="link_thumb"> 13 One boy caught 8 crabs and the other 3 crabs. How many crabs did the first boy catch more than the second? I m. – 8 k. on? > II m. – 3 k. 8 – 3 = 5 (k.) Answer: the first boy caught 5 crabs more than the second. Problem 11 II m. – 3 k. 8 – 3 = 5 (k.) Answer: the first boy caught 5 crabs more than the second. Problem 11"> II m. - 3 k. 8 - 3 = 5 (k.) Answer: the first boy caught 5 crabs more than the second. Problem 11"> II m. - 3 k. 8 - 3 = 5 ( j.) Answer: the first boy caught 5 more crabs than the second. Problem 11" title=" One boy caught 8 crabs, and the other 3 crabs. How many crabs did the first boy catch more than the second? I m. - 8 k. on? > II m. - 3 k. 8 - 3 = 5 (k.) Answer: the first boy caught 5 more crabs than the second."> title="One boy caught 8 crabs and the other 3 crabs. How many crabs did the first boy catch more than the second? I m. – 8 k. on? > II m. – 3 k. 8 – 3 = 5 (k.) Answer: the first boy caught 5 crabs more than the second. Problem 11"> !}

One watermelon weighs 5 kg, and the other 8 kg. How many kilograms is one watermelon lighter than another? I ar. – 5 kg per?

There are 6 birches in the school plot, and 4 fewer linden trees. How many trees are there in the school grounds? Birches – 6 days ? Lip village - ?d., 4 d. Answer: 8 trees in total on the school site. Problem 13 1) 6 – 4 = 2 (d.) – lip 2) = 8 (d.)

Vases – ? pcs., K. + S. Answer: 7 vases are in the closet. Problem 14 1) 2 + 3 = 5" title=" There are 2 pots in the closet, 3 more pans, and as many vases as there are pots and pans together. How many vases are there in the closet? Pots - 2 pcs. Pans – ? pcs., for 3 pcs. > Vases – ? pcs., K. + S. Answer: 7 vases in the closet Problem 14 1) 2 + 3 = 5" class="link_thumb"> 16 !} There are 2 pots in the closet, 3 more pans, and as many vases as there are pots and pans together. How many vases are there in the closet? Pots – 2 pcs. Frying pans – ? pcs., for 3 pcs. > Vases – ? pcs., K. + S. Answer: 7 vases are in the closet. Problem 14 1) = 5 (pcs.) - frying pans 2) = 7 (pcs.) Vases – ? pcs., K. + S. Answer: 7 vases are in the closet. Problem 14 1) 2 + 3 = 5"> Vases - ? pcs., K. + S. Answer: 7 vases are in the closet. Problem 14 1) 2 + 3 = 5 (pcs.) - frying pans 2) 2 + 5 = 7 (pieces)"> Vases – ? pcs., K. + S. Answer: 7 vases are in the closet. Problem 14 1) 2 + 3 = 5" title=" There are 2 pots in the closet, 3 more pans, and as many vases as there are pots and pans together. How many vases are there in the closet? Pots - 2 pcs. Pans – ? pcs., for 3 pcs. > Vases – ? pcs., K. + S. Answer: 7 vases in the closet Problem 14 1) 2 + 3 = 5"> title="There are 2 pots in the closet, 3 more pans, and as many vases as there are pots and pans together. How many vases are there in the closet? Pots – 2 pcs. Frying pans – ? pcs., for 3 pcs. > Vases – ? pcs., K. + S. Answer: 7 vases are in the closet. Problem 14 1) 2 + 3 = 5"> !}

Pieces Peaches – ? pcs., for 4 pcs. ? pcs. Peaches – ? pcs., for 4 pcs. 17 Tanya has 3 apples, 2 more pears than apples, and 4 fewer peaches than pears. How many fruits does Tanya have? Apples – 3 pcs. Pears – ? pcs., for 2 pcs. > ? pcs. Peaches – ? pcs., for 4 pcs. ? pcs. Peaches – ? pcs., for 4 pcs. ? pcs. Peaches – ? pcs., for 4 pcs. ? pcs. Peaches – ? pcs., for 4 pcs. ? pcs. Peaches – ? pcs., for 4 pcs. title=" Tanya has 3 apples, 2 more pears than apples, and 4 fewer peaches than pears. How many fruits does Tanya have? Apples - 3 pcs. Pears - ? pcs., 2 pcs. > ? pcs. Peaches – ? pcs.

Yellow – 17 k. Green – ? k., by 6 k. There are 17 yellow cubes in the box, 6 less green than yellow, and 12 more red than green and yellow cubes together. How many cubes are in the box? Answer: 68 cubes in total in the box. Problem 16 1) 17 – 6 = 11 (k.) – green 2) = 28 (k.) – yellow and green together 3) = 40 (k.) – red 4) = 68 (k.)

Was - 4 g and 6 g. Used - 8 g. Remaining - ? d. We found 4 porcini mushrooms and 6 boletuses. 8 mushrooms went into soup. How many mushrooms are left? Answer: 2 mushrooms left. Problem 17 1) = 10 (g.) – was 2) 10 – 8 = 2 (g.)

It was 23 r. Gave - 6 rubles. and 4 r. Left - ? r. Did Fedya have 23 fish in his aquarium? The boy gave 6 fish to Vanya and 4 fish to Maxim. How many fish are left in Fedya's aquarium? Answer: 13 fish are left in Fedya’s aquarium. Problem 18 1) = 10 (r.) – donated 2) 23 – 10 = 13 (r.)

It was - 22 p. and 13 p. Arrived - ? p. It became 49 p. There were 22 sparrows and 13 titmice sitting on the field. When a few more birds arrived, there were 49 of them. How many birds arrived? Answer: 14 birds arrived. Problem 19 1) = 35 (p.) – was 2) 49 – 35 = 14 (p.)

Was - 6 k. Berthed - 3 k. and? k. It became 19 k. There were 6 boats at the pier. In the morning, 3 boats moored and several boats moored in the evening, and after that there were 19 boats at the pier. How many boats docked in the evening? Answer: 10 boats moored in the evening. Problem 20 1) 19 – 6 = 13 (k.) – only 2) 13 – 3 = 10 (k.) moored

It was – 7 points. and 3 b. Flew away -? b. Remaining – 5 points. Masha saw 7 white and 3 colorful butterflies. When several butterflies flew away, there were 5 left. How many butterflies flew away? Answer: 5 butterflies flew away. Problem 21 1) = 10 (b.) – was 2) 10 – 5 = 5 (b.)

It was 20th century. Flew away - 10th century. And? V. Remaining - 6 c. There were 20 helicopters at the airfield. In the morning, 10 helicopters took off. How many helicopters flew away during the day if by evening there were 6 left? Answer: 4 helicopters flew away during the day. Problem 22 1) 20 – 6 = 14 (v.) – only 2) 14 – 10 = 4 (v.) flew away

It was - 9. Withered - ? There were 2 years and 3 years left. There were 9 carnations in the bouquet. When several carnations withered, only 2 red and 3 pink carnations remained. How many carnations have withered? Answer: 4 carnations have withered. Problem 23 1) = 5 (years) – 2) left 2) 9 – 5 = 4 (years)

In three classrooms there are 35 pots of flowers on the windows. There are 11 pots in the first class, 13 in the second. How many flower pots are there in the third class? Answer: There are 11 pots of flowers in the third class. Problem 24 1) = 24(year) – in grades I and II 2)35 – 24 = 11(year) I grade – 11 grade II grade – 13 grade 35 grade III grade – ? G.

Grandma baked pancakes. Dad ate 15 pancakes, mom 10. How many pancakes did grandma bake if there are 22 pancakes left? Answer: Grandma baked 47 pancakes in total. Problem 25 1) = 25 (b.) – ate 2) = 47 (b.) Was – ? b. Ate - 15 points. and 10 b. Remaining – 22 points.

There were pencils in the pencil case. When 3 more pencils and 7 colored pencils were put there, there were 22 of them. How many pencils were in the pencil case at first? Answer: 12 pencils were in the pencil case at first. Problem 26 1)3 + 7 = 10 (k.) – put 2)22 – 10 = 12 (k.) Was – ? k. They put - 3 k. and 7 k. It became - 22 k.

There are 18 paintings in the museum hall. Of these, 6 are landscapes and the rest are portraits. How many more portraits than landscapes? Answer: 6 more portraits than landscapes. Problem 27 1) 18 – 6 = 12 (k.) – portraits 2) 12 – 6 = 6 (k.) Landscapes – 6 k. 18 k. on? > Portraits – ? To. Portraits - "> Portraits - ? k."> Portraits - " title=" There are 18 paintings in the museum hall. Of these, 6 are landscapes, and the rest are portraits. How many more portraits than landscapes? Answer: 6 more portraits than landscapes. Problem 27 1) 18 – 6 = 12 (k.) – portraits 2) 12 – 6 = 6 (k.) Landscapes – 6 k. 18 k. on? > Portraits –"> title="There are 18 paintings in the museum hall. Of these, 6 are landscapes and the rest are portraits. How many more portraits than landscapes? Answer: 6 more portraits than landscapes. Problem 27 1) 18 – 6 = 12 (k.) – portraits 2) 12 – 6 = 6 (k.) Landscapes – 6 k. 18 k. on? > Portraits –"> !}

There are 15 raspberry bushes in the garden, 3 less gooseberry bushes than raspberries, and 11 more currant bushes than raspberries. How many fewer currant bushes are there than gooseberries and raspberries together? Answer: 1 bush has less currants than gooseberries and raspberries together. Problem 28 1) 15 – 3 = 12 (k.) – gooseberries 2) = 26 (k.) – currants 3) = 27 (k.) – raspberries and gooseberries together 4) 27 – 26 = 1 (k.) Raspberries – 15 k. Gooseberries – ? k., at 3 k. ">

8 bees and 11 dragonflies were circling over the clearing. 15 of them sat on the flowers. How many more insects landed on the flowers than continued to circle? Answer: 11 more insects landed on flowers than continued to circle. Problem 29 1) = 19 (n.) – was 2) 19 – 15 = 4 (n.) – left 3) 15 – 4 = 11 (n.) Was – 8 n. and 11 n. Sat down – 15 n. Left - ? n. on? > ">

Reminder for writing short notes for tasks

1 type. Option A

Vova had 5 candies. And Lena has 2 more candies than Vova. How many sweets does Vova have?

In ova – 5 k.

Lena - ? k., for 2 k.

5 + 2 = 7 (k.)

Answer: 7 candies.

1 type. Option B

Anya had 6 balloons. There are 2 fewer balls. How many balls does Anya have?

It used to be – 6 sh.

With Talo - ? sh., for 2 sh.

6 – 2 = 4 (sh.)

Answer: 4 ball.

2nd view

Varya glued together 5 lanterns for the Christmas tree. Alena glued together 3 lanterns. How many lanterns did the girls glue together?

In arya – 5 f. ? f.

Alena – 3 f.

5 + 3 = 8 (ph.)

Answer: 8 flashlights.

3rd view. Option A

There were 7 dolls in the store. They brought 3 more. How many dollsbecame in the store?

It was 7 k.

Brought - 3 k.

It became - ? To.

7 + 3 = 10 (k.)

Answer: 10 dolls.

3rd view. Option B.

There were 7 dolls in the store. Sold 3 dolls. How many dollsleft in the store?

It was 7 k.

Sold - 3 k.

Ost. - ? To.

7 – 3 = 4 (k.)

Answer: 4 dolls.

Explanatory note

This year I took first grade and, unfortunately, when doing homework in mathematics, I was faced with the fact that not all parents know how to correctly write a short note for a particular problem. This means that they cannot competently help reinforce the material studied in class. Moreover, in most cases they begin to retrain “in their own way.”

To avoid such mistakes, together with students, we developed a “memo for parents” on the rules for writing a short note for tasks different types. The kids really liked the idea of ​​creating such a reminder. We gradually became familiar with the new type of task and, accordingly, added it to our “memo”. It took us two weeks to create it overall.

It was possible to clearly give an idea of ​​the general “moments” of design, such as: when abbreviating, put a period, always indicate the name in brackets, write an answer, etc. Next, I use a “memo template”, the guys easily learned to distinguish one task “by type of design "from another. Although earlier, right off the bat, it was quite difficult to do this.

At the very first parent meeting, we shared our “memo-development” with parents. The students were proud of their creation, and the parents were pleasantly surprised by such a useful and understandable (for both parents and children!) reminder.

It was very important to develop a unified system for formatting short notes, since various reference manuals often contain different types of formatting for similar tasks. Moreover, it was precisely the fact that the guys themselves developed this memo that made it more accessible and understandable for them.

Analysis of homework and independent work over the next month (after the implementation of these reminders) showed a significant increase in the quality of design and solution of problems. The pace of work on the task also increased: the guys learned to quickly isolate objects, establish relationships, etc. Questions from parents on this topic amounted to zero.

Dear colleagues (especially 1st grade class teachers), I highly recommend that you develop such a reminder with your students.

Note: For a more detailed consideration of each type of task, a presentation was prepared for the parent meeting.

Sincerely, primary school teacher GOU secondary school No. 378

Starikova Olga Sergeevna

Slide 1

Memo on how to prepare a short note for tasks (grade 1) Author: primary school teacher, secondary school No. 378 Olga Sergeevna Starikova, Moscow 2011