Sports entertainment for the middle group “Journey to the autumn forest. Physical education for children of the middle group"Journey to the autumn forest


Children go into the music room, stop.

Vedas. Barefoot across the lawn

warmed by the sun

Behind the colorful moth

Summer has passed.

Bathed in the river

Lie down on the sand

Burned out, gone

And disappeared into the distance.

We call him and ask

Summer, wait!

And in response comes autumn,

And it's raining.

It's wet in the park, outside the window

Autumn walks under an umbrella.


Vedas. That's an artist so an artist!

He gilded all the forests,

Even the heaviest rain

This paint has not been removed.

Please solve the riddle:

Who is this artist?

Children. Autumn.

1 child Lush sundress

covering the earth,

Walking to visit us

Autumn is golden!

2 children If the rain hits your face

The wind shakes the tree

Clouds float across the sky

It's called autumn.

Vedas. Here comes the beautiful Autumn! I suggest you guys go for a walk in the forest. To see how Autumn gilded the leaves of trees, to see how the forest dwellers prepared for the winter. Do you agree? Go?


Vedas. So we arrived in the forest, where it is full of miracles!

Today we are asking for a visit

To the mistress of the forest - Miracle Autumn!

(teacher Autumn enters to the music of the waltz)

Autumn. I came today children

Celebrate the holiday with you.

And follow me through the forest

The mischievous rain rushed,

Guided me a little

And all the tracks got wet.

reb. Only the wind has blown

Did a lot of work right away.

Dispersed the clouds in the sky

Plucked a leaf from a tree,

Spin them high

Scattered them far away.

We'll pick up the leaves

Let's dance with them!

(Ved. offers to take the leaves and dance)


Vedas. Sit down, children, all in a circle

Let's hide behind our paper.

Maybe someone will come to us

They will look for us and leave.

(The children hid behind the leaves. The Bear comes out)

Bear. I heard music here

I ran in five minutes (looking for children)

Only they are nowhere to be seen

How embarrassing for me!

Bear. I'll look behind the bush

Maybe I'll find the guys there?

I'll look for them in the corner -

How many leaves are there in the wood!

(children raise leaves: "We are here!". The bear growls, the children scatter.)

Vedas. Do not growl Mishka, but dance with the guys a pair of polka.


Vedas. The sun shines in the autumn sky

Someone's beautiful hat is on fire.

(Borovik is sleeping under the tree)

Borovik. I am a boletus fungus

Both beautiful and great.

In a dark hat on one side,

The leg is strong as a stump!

Autumn. Guess my riddles soon

Then I will invite guests to the feast.

1 riddle. What kind of forest animal is this?

I stood up like a post under a pine tree,

And stands among the grass

Ears above the head? (Hare)

2 riddle. He sleeps in a den in winter

Under the big pine

And when spring comes

Wakes up from sleep. (Bear)

3 riddle. Like a Christmas tree, all in needles. (Hedgehog)

Vedas. Did our guys guess your riddles correctly?

Autumn. Correctly!

Vedas. Once upon a time in the autumn forest

Late at times

The Hedgehog came back

With one song...


Hedgehog. hello little fungus

Get on my side!

Borovik. I can't get to you

I have a family.

I grow up on this bump

And with me my mushrooms.

Hey guys get out

And show me your dance!


(Squirrel throws cones from behind a tree)

Autumn. Who's throwing cones

Come out, you fools!

1 squirrel. Surely you recognize us?

We threw these cones!

2 squirrels. I carry nuts, cones

My kids are waiting

In my knot

Very tasty food.

Autumn. I want to play with you.


Bunny. I also want to play with you.

Autumn. I invite you to dance with us.

Hare. Again we will frolic

Department of Education of the Administration of the City of Nizhny Novgorod

Municipal preschool educational institution

child development center Kindergarten № 111

(MDOU No. 111)

The script of the autumn holiday

in the middle group

"Trip to autumn forest»

music director:

Odegova A.A.

October 2014


1. To develop children's responsiveness to the emotional manifestations of adults and peers in the process of preparing for the holidays.

2. Stimulate the activity of children in dance, singing and theatrical activities.

3. Cultivate a culture of behavior and relationships.



Dr. Aibolit:

A fox:

Bear, Fox, Hare, Squirrel, Mole, Hedgehog (children of the group)

On the eve of the holiday, children receive a letter from forest animals. In the letter, the “animals” talk about how the forest has changed, that autumn has come to the forest, and invite the children for a walk.

Children go to the hall according to the prompts - autumn leaves.

Presenter: So we came to the autumn forest.

We walk slowly along the golden path,

From multi-colored maple leaves quietly fall, rustling.

The host, together with the children, are considering the design of the hall.

Presenter: Autumn is a very beautiful season. They say autumn has come and brought autumn colors with it. What colors of autumn did you see in the autumn forest?

Children list the colors of autumn

Presenter: Autumn is a wonderful time, our children know about it.

Child 1: In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly.

Child 2: Admire - a masquerade!

The forest changes its dress

He took off the green, measures a new one -

Yellow, red and purple!

Child 3: Autumn drops gold,

Autumn steals the birds

- "Goodbye, forest and meadow,

We are flying to the warm south!”

Child 4: We are about autumn songs

We sing together.

Come, we are waiting for you

Autumn is golden!

"Autumn song" S. Nasaulenko (Autumn, autumn has come ...)

Presenter: Look, there is a golden carpet under your feet. Who wove this carpet, like an autumn pattern embroidered with gold? (children's answers). You and I will walk along the patterned carpet, we will collect many different leaves in a bouquet.

Plastic study "game with leaves" (A. Lyadov "Musical snuffbox")

Children fold the leaves at the central wall, sit down, at this time the yellow cover is removed from the screen (the screen is at the door).

Host: What kind of house is here? Is there a red cross on it? Who, the children live here, who is waiting for us? (Assumptions of children).

Vedas: I also think that this is Dr. Aibolit. Here the forest people hurry to him in the morning. Heal everyone, heal kind doctor Aibolit. Let's call the doctor together, come soon doctor, we are all waiting for you.

Dr. Aibolit enters to the music.

Aibolit: Hello, guys, hello, dear adults. Guys, did something happen to you, did someone get sick? (children's answers). Now I will look at you, and I will tell you everything in order. You like to harden, to engage in physical education. You sing songs, live happily. Oh, I completely forgot to say: you love to dance! Show me your dance, tell me everything about the roosters.

dance "Roosters sang" (Spanish show - group "Smile")

Aibolit: Well done guys! And now attention, tell us about your diet! Name useful products and receive my praise!

Game "Useful products"

Aibolit: I am very glad that you are such smart guys. Tell us how you prepare for winter? Do you think the forest dwellers are also preparing for winter? And this is what we will see now. I invite you to the forest clearing. Someone walks in the forest, but checks the property.

scene "Misha and his friends"

Presenter: A bear walked along the rubble, along the ravines with a master's step.

Bear: Animals, answer me

Are you ready for winter?

Presenter: The fox answered here.

Fox: I knitted mittens.

Mittens are new, soft, downy.

Presenter: The hare also answered.

Hare: I have felt boots.

What is a blizzard to me, but a blizzard?

If you want, Mishenka, try it on!

Presenter: The squirrel is watching from the hollow.

Squirrel: I saved nuts.

My hollow is high

It's both dry and warm

Presenter: The mole answered the bear.

Mole: I made a move underground.

Underground there with my sister.

We will drink tea in winter.

Presenter: A hedgehog got out of the foliage.

Hedgehog: You forgot about me.

Here in the bushes is my hut,

And in the hut there is a tub of mushrooms.

Presenter: The bear went around the whole forest

And climbed into the lair to sleep.

He put his paw in his mouth.

And I saw a sweet dream.

Aibolit: Bear dreams of delicious honey,

He brings health to all.

Animals sleep until warm,

There was silence.

The phone rings.

Aibolit: Someone is still awake, calling on the phone.

Is he waiting for me to visit?

Aibolit: Guys, do you know who called me? (reaction of children).

Fox enters, carries 2 empty baskets.

Lisa: Hello, I'm very upset. Doctor, help me quickly! I got sick, or rather, my head hurts, it must be diphtheria.

Doctor: Come on, fox, look at me. Something you're cunning, cheat, your healthy head.

Fox: So be it, I'll tell you everything, I'll ask you for advice. I wanted to collect mushrooms for the winter, but I don’t know where to look. I picked up some mushrooms, but they say that they are not good. And where can I get others, I will have to die of hunger.

Aibolit: Yes, fox, there are no mushrooms in the forest now, they do not grow.

Chanterelle: Why don't mushrooms grow? Guys, do you know? (Children express their guesses). How can we call the rain, so I want to collect mushrooms!

Aibolit: Let's call the rain together: "Come soon rain, we are all waiting for you!". The rain does not start, some kind of disgrace turns out.

Reb: We will sing a song about the rain,

We will invite rain to visit Aibolit.

song "Rain" by M.Partskhaladze (with musical instruments)

During the performance, mushrooms are placed.

Fox: Oh, I found a mushroom. And one more. How many mushrooms appeared in the clearing after the rain. Guys, help me collect them.

game "Collect mushrooms"

Lisa: Thank you guys for helping to look for mushrooms, otherwise I would have been looking for them alone for a long time.

The fox puts down the baskets and starts sneezing.

Aibolit: So fox, what happened?

Chanterelle: Aibolit, I caught a cold. The tail is wet, it flows from the paws, the nose sneezes, the skin sheds.

Aibolit: This is a common cold. You need a fox to be treated. This is where raspberry jam comes in handy. Guys, help me cook it, we need to treat our fox with jam.

dance "About jam" (from m / "Masha and the Bear")

At the end of the dance, the children treat the fox with jam.

Lisa: Oh, thank you guys. The jam turned out delicious, delicious, now I definitely won’t get sick.

Aibolit: But it’s better for you to lie down in a mink so as not to get wet again.

Fox: I say goodbye to you friends, I return to my mink.

Aibolit: Guys, do you know what leaf fall is? (Assumptions of children) Yes, leaf fall, this is when the leaves fall and a beautiful autumn carpet is obtained.

Child: We know the song about leaf fall and we will give it to you.

Song autumn leaf fall

After the song, the children sit down.

Aibolit: Thank you very much, very beautiful song. I also have a present for you. Where is my magic box? (Looking for him). And there is no stove, and no under the stove, and no on the chair, and no under the chair.

Presenter: What are you looking for Aibolit?

Aibolit: I have a magic chest. But he is such a fidget, he never sits still. Let's look for it with me together.

Children are looking for a chest, find it, open it, there are handkerchiefs in it.

Aibolit: I have stocked handkerchiefs for girls. The wolf brought them from the forest just right. You choose handkerchiefs, start our round dance.

The host distributes handkerchiefs to the girls. Children from chairs start a round dance.

round dance "The leaves turned yellow"

Aibolit: I liked you guys so much that I decided to prepare a vitamin treat for you. From my health tree, I collected them and passed them on to you guys. Distribute apples to children.

The presenter and the children thank Aibolit.

Presenter: And it's time for us to return, goodbye.

Elena Otroshchenko

Scenario open sports leisure in the middle group« Journey to the autumn forest»

(for students of teacher training college)


Popularization physical education and involving children in healthy lifestyle life.


exercise in various types basic movements.

Develop coordination, speed, endurance.

Raise interest in physical education.

Props: gymnastic bench, hoops - 6 pcs., rope, arches, images of a mushroom, nut, berry; leaves according to the number of children, tree, Christmas trees, animal toys.


Guys, I invite you today to go for a walk in autumn forest. And in order for us to get into the forest, we need to overcome a difficult path.

First we have to go through mountain road/walking on the gymnastic bench/;

Then go through the swamp

/jumping from hoop to hoop moving forward/

Pass under a densely growing bush / crawl under the arcs /

Walk along a narrow winding path /walking on a rope with a side step/.

Children perform tasks to the music.

Guys, here we are with you and came to autumn forest where there are many animals.

Each of the animals is busy with something, let's see what and try to repeat (do O. R. W. in a circle).

The bear scratches its back against a tree.

/and. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered, shoulders alternately up and down, then simultaneously - up and down /

Squirrel collects nuts.

/and. n. feet shoulder width apart, arms up and down alternately /

Chanterelle stretched, basking in the sun. Arches the back, / and. n. feet shoulder-width apart - lean forward, do not bend your knees /.

The foxes are playing hide and seek nearby.

/and. p. - feet shoulder width apart, squat /

The cubs woke up and also began to play.

/and. p. kneeling and palms to raise straightened legs up alternately /

The hares were frightened by the wolf cubs and jumped in different directions to cover their tracks.

/ turned one after another, jumping to the right - to the left moving forward /

The hedgehog saw us. He got scared and decided to drive us away, / breathing exercise /

Guys, here is the first halt. Let's take a break and play. Now we will split into two teams and start the competition.

The teacher conducts games and competitions.

Relay race "Let's collect autumn bouquet»

AT autumn the forest has a lot of trees, autumn starts.... leaf fall. Correctly. Now we will collect autumn bouquets. On one side of the court, lay out leaves in hoops according to the number of team players. It is necessary to transfer the leaves from one side of the site to the other. Each participant can take only one sheet.

The team that completes their bouquet the fastest wins.

A game "Find your supplies"

Children are divided into three teams. There are three circles on the floor, in the center of each there is an image of a mushroom, a nut and a berry. Teams stand near their reserve. On a signal, the children scatter around the hall to the music. When the music stops, kids should quickly find their stock image.

While the children were playing, a toy hare appears unnoticed.

caregiver: Well done boys. Well you play, fun, friendly. Your ingenuity will help you cope with difficulties. Guys, look who came to us? He wants to tell us something ... Bunny says that winter will come soon, cold will come and he is very afraid of catching a cold. Let's guys show the bunny what gymnastics to do every day so as not to get sick.

Massage of biologically active zones "Neboleyka"

(for the prevention of colds. Development of M. Yu. Kartushina.)

So that the throat does not hurt, perform movements according to the text.

We will stroke him boldly.

Not to cough, not to sneeze,

I need to rub my nose.

We will also rub the forehead,

We hold the palm with a visor.

"Fork" do it with your fingers

Massage your ears skillfully.

We know, we know - yes - yes - yes!

We are not afraid of a cold!

Bunny: Now, guys, I will definitely do this gymnastics with my hares, so that I can always be healthy. Thank you very much, and for being so kind, brave, dexterous and strong, I want to treat you to these ripe apples because they have so many beneficial vitamins needed for your health. Well, it's time for me to go to my bunnies. They've probably already been waiting. Goodbye, guys!

caregiver: Yes, and us guys, it's time to get ready for the road. Let's take our beautiful leaves and go home. Let's remember our favorite song and hit the road (final walking to the music of Shainsky "Together it's fun to walk"). The children sing along at will.

Children enter the hall and become a semicircle

Yellow leaf in the palm
It used to be green
He flew into our window,
Why did he turn yellow?
Whom friends do not ask
They say it's coming...

Children: Autumn!

Presenter: Autumn is very beautiful time. The trees are dressed in bright festive attire and are so colorful and solemn. I propose to go for a walk in the autumn forest, do you want?

I hope we will see a lot of interesting things in the forest clearings. What should we ride on, because the forest is far away? Let's get on the train! ( children stand one after another and go around the hall at a stomping step, when they reach their seats, they sit down)

Presenter: We traveled by train, reached the forest. Stop! We've arrived!

(curtain opens)

Presenter: Here we are in the autumn forest. Look how beautiful!

1. Autumn has come to us again along the paths.
She began to dress up in golden dresses
And a slender birch, and bushes,
And under each bush-mushrooms.

2. Rustled with leaves Thin aspens
Autumn is golden, They look into the puddles ...
The sun no longer warms, raindrops on the branches
Starlings are flying away ... Hanging with beads.

Presenter: These are the beautiful leaves scattered by the wind along the paths.

Distributes to children and says:

Autumn leaves flying and spinning
Multi-colored rain falls on the ground ...
Leaf fall, leaf fall, leaves fly in the wind ...
And the children walked through the forest and collected leaves.
The leaves are so beautiful on an autumn day!
We will show the dance now with our leaves.

"Dance with leaves" (with the end of the music they put the leaves on the floor and go to their places)

Presenter: Autumn painted the leaves very beautifully in different colors. Let's play with leaves.

Game - attraction: "Collect leaves" (3 children collect leaves of the same color in a basket)

Presenter: Hey guys, it's starting to rain! Let's sing a song for him so he doesn't wet us.

Song: "Rain" (NEAR THE CHAIRS)

Presenter: The rain is over. The sun came out and it got warmer. Let's sit on the chairs, relax and listen to autumn poems.

1. What time of year?

The weather is gloomy

Leaves fall,

The birds are flying away.

The cloud covered the sun

This autumn has arrived!

2. It suddenly became twice as bright,
Yard as in the sun.
This dress is golden
At the birch on the shoulders ...
In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves fall like rain
Rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly...

3. Gossamer webs fly
With spiders in the middle.
And high from the ground
The cranes flew by.
Everyone is flying! It must be
Our summer is flying by.

4. Yellow paint someone
Painted the forests
For some reason they became
Below the sky
Blazed brighter
Tassels of rowan.
All flowers withered
Only fresh wormwood.
I asked my dad:
- What happened all of a sudden?
And dad answered:
It's autumn, friend.

5. Autumn. Frosty in the morning.
In the groves yellow leaf fall.
Leaves near the birch
They lie like a golden carpet.
In puddles, the ice is transparent blue.
There is white frost on the leaves.

6. Autumn. All our poor garden is sprinkled,
Yellowed leaves fly in the wind;
Only in the distance they flaunt, there, at the bottom of the valleys
Brushes bright red withering mountain ash ...

Presenter: Guys, look how many mushrooms are in our forest clearing, let's see the scene "How the animals collected mushrooms"

Scene "How the animals gathered mushrooms"

Presenter: grew upmushrooms in a small forest. And they are so different. A mouse ran past and saw a mushroom.

Mouse (child ) Here are beautiful mushrooms! I will get them for my daughter.

Presenter: What are you, mouse! What are you, mouse!
You ask the kids.
All the guys say

Children: Mice don't eat mushrooms!

Presenter: The fox ran past
And I saw mushrooms.

A fox: That's how many fungi are here,
I will collect for my sons.

presenter : Oh, little fox, don't!
Don't feed the fox cubs!
All the guys say...

Children: Fox cubs don't eat mushrooms!

Presenter: The wolf passed by
Almost crushed the mushrooms.

Wolf: Oh, how many mushrooms are here!
I would love to eat them all!

Presenter: Gray wolf, don't be ridiculous
And ask the guys.
All the guys say

Children: Wolves don't eat mushrooms!

Presenter: Hedgehog ran past
And I saw mushrooms
Let's ask our guys
Do hedgehogs eat mushrooms?

Children: Yes, they eat!

Hedgehog: (collects in a basket) I'll take my mushrooms to the hedgehog children in the bushes.

Presenter: Let's go and we guys will wander through the forest, pick mushrooms ...

They collect mushrooms in a basket, give it to the hedgehog and say goodbye to him.

Presenter: good fairy tale we got it. And now let's play the game "Amanita" (A fly agaric hat is put on for one child)

The game "Amanita"

(They sit down. Lesovichok enters)

Lesovichok : Oh what a noise! What happened? Why are there so many children here?

presenter : We came to the autumn forest to admire nature, to celebrate the golden autumn holiday.

Lesovichok: And I am Lesovichok, I keep order in the forest and do not like it when animals and birds are offended. And among you guys, there are no such children? I have been living here for a long time, but I still cannot stop admiring these beauties. And autumn is mine favorite time of the year.

Presenter: What are you, Lesovichok, our guys protect nature, do not make noise in the forest, do not break trees and love autumn very much. Here, listen to what song they learned for the holiday.

The song "Autumn, autumn has come"

Lesovichok: So, you really love the forest and autumn, since you learned such a song! Do you want me to introduce you to the Queen of Autumn? Where is my Magic wand? Autumn, Autumn! We ask you to visit!

Enter Autumn Autumn: I am Golden Autumn, I came to you for the holiday, And I brought different leaves to the guys!I heard, guys, what songs you are, you sing about me, you tell poems. I really liked it. (Rain noise sounds) Again the rain came running after me !!

Autumn: Along the paths, along the paths
Raindrops are falling from the sky.
Yes, the rain does not scare us:
Umbrella saves from the rain!

Dance with umbrellas

Autumn: And now to us, children,

It's time to play!

a game

Lesovichok: Autumn, I know that you have fun with the guys, but I hear that someone needs help in the forest, let's go faster.Autumn: Guys, thank you for a great holiday! But it's time for us to part. Accept gifts from me! (Gives a fruit basket)Lesovichok: Goodbye guys!

Presenter: Guys, it's time for us magical forest back to kindergarten. Get on the train and go! (leave for group)

Egorochkina Larisa Alexandrovna.

mini-center educator

Kulomzinskaya NSh / North Kazakhstan region / district M Zhumabaev

Entertainment "Journey to the autumn forest"

(script for middle group d/s)

Hello guys. You recognized me? (children's answers) That's right, I am Autumn, I came to visit you, brought pictures about the autumn season.

Come and see how beautiful they are. Take one at a time, look carefully at the picture and name one sign of autumn that you immediately saw.

Children's answers:

There are clouds in the sky, it is raining, the wind is blowing.

The leaves on the trees are yellow and red.

Leaves fell to the ground...

That's right, you named all the signs of autumn correctly. And to admire the autumn colors, I invite you on a journey through the autumn forest. Do you agree? (children's answers), and so that the road is not boring, tell me a poem about this time of year.

1 child:

Autumn looked into the garden

The birds have flown away.

Outside the window rustling in the morning

Yellow blizzards.

2 child:

Under the feet of the first ice

Crumbles, breaks.

The sparrow in the garden will sigh

And shy to sing.

3 child:

The wind washed the leaf in a dirty puddle,

Only he did not become cleaner - he became worse.

4 child:

But the most offensive thing is that from washing

The leaf has become like a sieve: there are holes everywhere.

5 child:

Rain waters the ground, sidewalks and bushes,

And colorful umbrellas are blooming everywhere.

6 child:

Their closed buds always open

If water pours from the sky onto the lawns in autumn.

Well done, good poetry. Oh look, it's raining. In autumn it often rains, sometimes with snow. But we will open the umbrellas - and the rain is not terrible for us.

Let's sing a song about the rain.

Performance of the song "Rain" by Y. Verizhnikov

So we came to the autumn forest. The rain has already ended. See what's here beautiful trees! And why do we have leaves under our feet, guys?

They were blown off the trees by the wind.

Correctly. Let's spin with you like leaves in the wind

(children take beautiful leaves and follow the text)

Leaf fall, leaf fall, leaves fly in the wind.

As if in a dance they swirled and fell to the ground.

We rested and again flew to dance.

Guys, let's collect a beautiful bouquet of autumn leaves.

(children collect a bouquet from leaves)
- What a beautiful and elegant bouquet we got. Well done!

Shh-s-s-s. Here you have to go quietly. This is a lair, and you know who sleeps in it? (children's answers) That's right, bear. After all, winter is coming and the bear went to bed. And how much will he sleep? (children's answers) That's right, all winter. Therefore, we will not interfere with him and move on.

Like snow on a hill, snow

And under the hill snow, snow,

And on the Christmas tree snow, snow,

And under the tree the bear is sleeping: hush, hush, don't make noise!

Listen to the sounds: it is quiet in the forest, little birdsong is heard.

Where have the birds gone? Yes, they flew to warmer climes. But in the spring the birds will return to us again and will delight us with their beautiful singing.

Look who is jumping on the branches? Yes, it's white! Why does the squirrel collect cones and nuts? (children's answers) That's right, guys. ahead long winter and the squirrel needs supplies to have something to eat. Can we help her get more bumps?

(Children collect cones in a basket)

Now the squirrel has a lot of stocks. Let's leave our hotel on a stump for her, and it's time for us to return to the nursery. By the short road we will go back through the field. And vegetables grow in this field. They were not collected. Can we help you harvest?

(children pick vegetables)

How many vegetables did you collect! Well done! What are these vegetables called? What can be cooked from them? (Children's answers) Correct.

I propose to play the game "Guess the taste": (with eyes closed)

We will take the vegetables to the dining room to our chefs. From them they will cook for us delicious salads and soups. Well, our journey has come to an end. Did you like the trip? (children's answers) I'm returning to the autumn forest. I still have a lot to do: I need to follow all the animals, how they prepared for the winter. Goodbye!