The secret of wish fulfillment. The secret technology of wish fulfillment.

The loving Universe constantly takes care of us. She is able to fulfill all our desires and dreams. She is always ready to help us in the implementation of our plans. The main thing is that we declare it. Concentrating on something, we send a signal of a certain frequency to the Universe, it is received by it, and we get into our lives what we think about.

Taking our signals sent with the help of thoughts, the Universe fulfills our order in the form in which we ourselves wanted.

The universe cannot determine what is good and what is bad for a person. She sends
him what he thinks.

Each person can remember the moments of his life when he began to think about some question and the answer came to him in the form of thoughts, an answer on TV, an article in a newspaper, a call from friends, a conversation overheard by chance. So the Universe gives us answers to our questions and suggests solutions.

In a famous Russian fairy tale, Vasilisa the Wise says to Ivan the Tsarevich: "Morning is wiser than evening." Thinking about something before going to bed, we send our question to the Universe, and in the morning we always receive an answer.

We must always remember about gratitude and thank the Universe for everything that it gives. Even if it seems bad to us. We have drawn him into our lives. So our task is to learn to think positively.

Give thanks with love and radiate that love.

How to properly interact with the universe?

The first secret is to ask.

Our desire for the Universe is the law. We can ask her for whatever we want. And she will do everything for us. The universe is abundant.

We just need to know exactly what we need. The uncertainty of desire or dream gives uncertainty on the part of the Universe. Desires must be specific.

It is necessary to think very well about what you want in life, and what it should be in order to feel happy man. Imagine your life with all the details and in great detail.

This is a very important moment. Only clearly realizing, imagining, feeling, you can send your request to the Universe.

It is enough to do it once. So, as if we made an order for goods in the catalog. We opened the catalog, chose a product, placed an order and are waiting for its delivery.

Having determined what we need, we communicate this to the Universe and wait for the fulfillment of our dreams or help in achieving our goals.

It is best to write down your desires or goals. Entries must be in present tense. It should be detailed description desired life. It is better to make such records on the growing moon, on Friday. You need to write it down on a beautiful, preferably red, sheet of paper or in a beautiful notebook, preferably of the same color.

The second secret is to believe.

The Bible says:

“And whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”

Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 21:22)

“Therefore I say to you: whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you will receive it, and it will be for you.”

Gospel of Mark (Mark 11:24)

If a person does not dare to dream, believes that he does not deserve all the best, that only selected people can get the best in life, that nothing just falls on his head, but is achieved through hard work and is not easy, then he will remain in that the position in which he is, even if it does not quite suit him.

Often a person does not even try to wish just because he does not believe in the fulfillment of his desire.

Unshakable faith that the desired will be fulfilled, makes it a reality. Already at the moment when the request is sent to the Universe, one must immediately not doubt the fulfillment of one's order, relax and live as if the desire has already been fulfilled.

To get what you want, you need to believe that it is already there at the moment, that you are already receiving it. It is necessary to create in oneself a feeling of receiving in order to radiate the corresponding frequency of receiving and thereby attract people, circumstances, and events for the fulfillment of goals.

Be sure to imagine what you want. Don't be afraid to fantasize. These fantasies are known only to man and the Universe. Plunge into the fantasy, keep it in your head and live in it as a fait accompli.

No need to ask questions about how the desire will be fulfilled. The universe itself organizes everything. But an attempt to figure out how the realization of the desired takes place indicates a lack of faith that the desired already exists and the radiation of the frequency of the lack of faith occurs.

Appearing disappointments or doubts should be replaced by an unshakable faith in the help of the Universe and the fulfillment of desires.

The third secret is to accept.

Having sent a request to the Universe, being in a state of complete confidence that everything will be fulfilled, it is necessary to constantly be in a good mood, a feeling of happiness and joy. You need to feel as if what you want has already arrived.

It is necessary not only to believe with the mind, but also to confirm the faith with feelings. A positive attitude attracts only the good and the desired.

If you only believe and do not confirm faith with feelings, then there will not be enough strength to realize what you want.

The actions taken on the way to the realization of desire should be filled with inspiration and carried out with joy.

When taking action on the path to your goal, you need to trust your intuition, do not delay, do not hesitate and do not doubt.

Desiring something, we turn into a magnet that attracts what we want. If you need money, we will attract money; if you need people, we will attract the right people. What we want enters our physical reality through the Law of Attraction.

How long does it take to fulfill wishes?

Einstein proved that time is an illusion. quantum physics claim that everything happens at the same time. And what we wanted is already there.

Fulfillment of desires depends only on how quickly we achieve faith and the feeling of "I already have it." The universe does not need time to realize desires, and the delay is due to our faith and our feelings.

Ask the Universe for everything you need, unshakably believe in the fulfillment of desire, gladly accept what you want in your life. May your life be happy and successful!

I wish you a happy life!


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Desires really come true - and for this you don’t need Magic wand, nor gold fish. In this wonderful process - the fulfillment of desires - there are secrets, rules and a special practice, the application of which will lead you to your cherished goal. Are you ready to find out all this?! Natalia Pravdina reveals the secrets and gives you the power and energy of Abundance from New York! A new detailed webinar workshop awaits you on how to wish and fulfill dreams, what are the subtleties and magical secrets.

June 11, 2017 at 17:00 Moscow time, online

We learn - we do - we get results!

Desires do come true - and neither a magic wand nor a goldfish is needed for this. In this wonderful process - the fulfillment of desires - there are secrets, rules and a special practice, the application of which will lead you to your cherished goal.

Are you ready to find out all this?! Natalia Pravdina reveals the secrets and gives you the power and energy of Abundance from New York! A new detailed webinar workshop is waiting for you on how to wish and fulfill dreams, what are the subtleties and magical secrets in this.

The highlight of the webinar is a collective meditation with the Fairy. With the help of meditation, everyone will tune in to get what they want, and also program their subconscious mind for success and the fulfillment of their dreams.

The Good Fairy opens the door to meet your dream!

The author's program - all the best for the fulfillment of desire:

  • Learn how to desire correctly and in a big way and receive it at the right time;
  • Get effective tools work with your personal luck;
  • Decide what you want "here and now" and order it to the Universe;
  • Open your new possibilities and be filled with strength, thanks to unique mantras;
  • Participate in a collective meditation to get super results in short term;
  • Attract what you want and quickly with the help of Heavenly Helpers.

Dear friends, take the opportunity to learn the secrets of wish fulfillment. And be prepared for the fact that the real information at the webinar will be significantly VOLUMEER and MORE USEFUL!

Don't put off your dreams for tomorrow!

With this knowledge, everything will start to catch up to your dream. You will no longer have stress, tense expectation, fuss and panic, you know - wishes will definitely come true! You will finally catch the feeling of a fair wind in your back, you will be carried at full sail to desires and dreams! You are happy, happy and satisfied with yourself - you did it!

This webinar will provide you with:

  • Super-effective desire technique in various aspects of life;
  • Special mantras and rituals with 100% efficiency;
  • A real spiritual collective practice that will fill your desires with strength;
  • Creation-modeling of a successful present and a beautiful future;
  • A unique set of energy for the "dream come true" in the near future.

And also - a motivating charge from the unique Natalia Pravdina, which is aimed at achieving an excellent result - your harmonious, vibrant, abundant and successful life!

How to make a wish to make it come true? The secret is simple.

I like to poke around in famous sayings and interpret them in your own way. They are so conveniently “common to the word” and so familiar that no one even thinks about their true meaning. What I like most is the expression "According to your faith, let it be done to you." Because it contains the secret of the fulfillment of desires. Any desire of any person. This is the biggest secret in the world, which, in general, lies in plain sight.

In the country where for a long time atheism was planted and cultivated, this phrase - "According to your faith, let it be to you" - is perceived rather negatively. And it is worth taking it rather positively. And the sooner, the better. Because it contains the key to the fulfillment of absolutely any desire of absolutely any person.

The key word in this phrase is "faith". This is what confuses everyone. Because for many, faith is associated exclusively with the church, God, prayers, etc., etc. Everything is correct. Faith - from the word to believe. Only God and the church have nothing to do with it. If we rephrase this expression - replace "believe" with "accept on faith" - then the key word is no longer faith, but "accept". That is, you accept what someone said or read somewhere. Or you don't. You accept if you are sure of it and know that it is so and not otherwise. And I'm not sure - do not overtake, do not accept.

So. Many (if not all) events and circumstances in a person's life depend on how strongly he believes in them. When you dream about something and know that it will definitely happen, it will definitely happen. Everything is decided by this very knowledge. This is what I call the state when a person is sure of something firmly and unconditionally. "Only in this way, and not otherwise." When for a person some fact is something taken for granted.

Are you sure that after summer comes autumn? And after Wednesday - Thursday. You know that. For you, this is undeniable. You do not have to control the coming of autumn or Thursday. Because you know that they will come anyway - with or without you. You may not fully understand how this happens - and you do not need to. Because you accepted this fact on faith. (Figuratively speaking, you do not need to understand the device of an iron or microwave in order to successfully use them).

When you think about something in the same way and dream about something, the same thing happens. If your knowledge is undeniable, the wish comes true. Because it cannot fail. Because it goes without saying. You do not need to understand what processes are running in the universe in order for your wish to come true. Just plug in the plug or press the button and don't worry about anything else. After all, you don’t think when walking which leg muscles and with what force you need to tighten, and which ones to relax for the next step - you just walk. Everything is the same here.

If you do not admit that your desire may not come true, then there will be nothing left for it but to come true. Because there are no other options, and all your energy is concentrated on the direction of the main strike, as the military leaders say. One main arrow comes out of the point, which leads to the fulfillment of desire. Because there are no other directions. It is worth allowing a bit of doubt about the desired outcome - and the energy will begin to dissipate. As if several arrows were coming out of the point in different directions. Along which the energy obediently scatters - after all, you yourself indicated these paths to it with your doubts.

The same thing happens when you are afraid of something. There is only one mechanism here, so it does not matter at all what you put into the thought - positive or negative. Let's say you know that nothing will work out for you, that something will happen to the child, the car will break down, and the guy will definitely leave. You are so sure that this is exactly what happens: the car breaks down, the guy quits, etc. And it won't work any other way, because you have just drawn this particular direction of your energy with your own hands.

Here is such a know-how, which consists in the fact that the success of everything that you undertake and dream about depends on the degree of your confidence in this very success. In short - "according to your faith be it to you"

© Text and photo by Noory San.

This Wish Fulfillment Secret Has Been Scientifically Confirmed! Read carefully and you will find out this hidden secret!

In the Universe, everything is very simple and fair - in order to fulfill any of your desires, you first need to ...

What is important to know when using this secret of wish fulfillment?

To get the most out of life, you need to sincerely and joyfully help others in the fulfillment of their desires, without thinking about your own. own desires and end result.

You need to learn to enjoy the process itself ... It is actually very pleasant and useful. In fact, a person cannot get more pleasure and happiness than from the realization of what caused joy in another person. Everything is very simple.

When one person expresses a sincere desire to serve another person, when he sincerely wishes another person happiness, joy and prosperity, then the other person feels positive vibrations¹ directed at him.

Thus, very strong and beneficial flows of energies arise between people, which bring great benefits to both of them.

Thanks to this new energy, any desires are fulfilled.

How does everything really happen?

Unfortunately, in the world most often everything happens exactly the opposite. When people want to harm each other, they send out destructive vibrations, thus destroying everything good in their lives.

It is the cause of suffering and all destruction in the world...

And at the same time, all people suffer, since everyone contributes to the general negative flow. The saddest thing is that this process is very difficult to stop. When one person deliberately harmed another person, the harmony of their relationship is destroyed for a very long time, and sometimes forever.

In what case does this secret of wish fulfillment not work?

For a person, there is no greater suffering than the feeling that he is alone and no one needs him ... In this state, a person simply dies due to the lack of creative energy.

This is the main reason for the aging of the human body. This is the main reason why our wish fulfillment techniques don't work!

Leading into the world negative energy instead of a positive one, we destroy all favorable circumstances for the realization of desires. Moreover, the vibrations of other people can also destroy intentions, which is why it is so important not to talk about your desires². And that is why it is important to appreciate and cherish all the good that is in everyone's life.

How do our vibrations affect our youth and beauty?

This also applies eternal youth. A person can remain young, healthy and attractive as long as he intends to sincerely be useful and give happiness and joy to other people. It - main secret fulfillment of dreams!

The more sincere the intention, the more chances a person has to maintain youth and health. If a person does not have this desire, then no technique for fulfilling desires and practices will help him.

This was confirmed Scientific research(remember the experiences of sending love to water). By sending vibrations of love and peace into the Universe, a person renews himself. And it is also very important for a man to have a beloved woman, and for a woman - a beloved man. The more sincere the relationship is, the more chances they will have to maintain youth and attractiveness.

It is also very important to direct your energy to those people who feel, understand, appreciate the sincerity of our desires and respond in kind. If this does not happen, then the element of response is lost, in which case it is better to reduce communication to nothing.

Although a person who sends love to other people changes his life for the better, and this is the most important thing. His well-being and his fulfillment of desires depend on this.

Valuable information! Audiobook: The Amazing Power of Emotions. Press!

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Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

² Learn more about why it's important to keep your intentions private:

This Wish Fulfillment Secret Has Been Scientifically Confirmed! Read carefully and you will find out this hidden secret!

In the Universe, everything is very simple and fair - in order to fulfill any of your desires, you first need to ...

What is important to know when using this secret of wish fulfillment?

To get the most out of life, you need to sincerely and joyfully help others in the fulfillment of their desires, without thinking about your own desires and the end result.

You need to learn to enjoy the process itself ... It is actually very pleasant and useful. In fact, a person cannot get more pleasure and happiness than from the realization of what caused joy in another person. Everything is very simple.

When one person expresses a sincere desire to serve another person, when he sincerely wishes another person happiness, joy and prosperity, then the other person feels positive vibrations directed towards him.

Thus, very strong and beneficial flows of energies arise between people, which bring great benefits to both of them.

Thanks to this new energy, any desires are fulfilled.

How does everything really happen?

Unfortunately, in the world most often everything happens exactly the opposite. When people want to harm each other, they send out destructive vibrations, thus destroying everything good in their lives.

It is the cause of suffering and all destruction in the world...
And at the same time, all people suffer, since everyone contributes to the general negative flow. The saddest thing is that this process is very difficult to stop. When one person deliberately harmed another person, the harmony of their relationship is destroyed for a very long time, and sometimes forever.

In what case does this secret of wish fulfillment not work?

For a person, there is no greater suffering than the feeling that he is alone and no one needs him ... In this state, a person simply dies due to the lack of creative energy.

This is the main reason for the aging of the human body. This is the main reason why our wish fulfillment techniques don't work!

By directing negative energy into the world instead of positive, we destroy all favorable circumstances for the realization of desires. Moreover, the vibrations of other people can also destroy intentions, which is why it is so important not to talk about your desires. And that is why it is important to appreciate and cherish all the good that is in everyone's life.

How do our vibrations affect our youth and beauty?

This also applies to eternal youth. A person can remain young, healthy and attractive as long as he intends to sincerely be useful and give happiness and joy to other people. This is the main secret!

The more sincere the intention, the more chances a person has to maintain youth and health. If a person does not have this desire, then no technique for fulfilling desires and practices will help him.

This has been confirmed by scientific research (remember the experiments of sending love to water). By sending vibrations of love and peace into the Universe, a person renews himself. And it is also very important for a man to have a beloved woman, and for a woman - a beloved man. The more sincere the relationship is, the more chances they will have to maintain youth and attractiveness.

It is also very important to direct your energy to those people who feel, understand, appreciate the sincerity of our desires and respond in kind. If this does not happen, then the element of response is lost, in which case it is better to reduce communication to nothing.

Although a person who directs love to other people changes his life for the better, and this is the most important thing. His well-being and his fulfillment of desires depend on this.