Demonstrative pronouns these those. Difference between that and this in English

This and that in English

In English speech and in literary texts the words that and this are often found. There is, of course, a difference between them, but what it is remains a mystery to many.

Today we will look not only at the use of this and that, but also at the correct use of these and those pronouns. The difference between these pairs is quite significant, and once you understand it, you will never again confuse the words that, this, those and these.

This or that: usage rule

This and that are demonstrative pronouns.

This translates as this/this/this.
That's accordingly how that/that/that.

Both pronouns refer to the SAME object (or person), the difference between this and that is that the objects that we denote by these pronouns are at different distances from the speaker.

This denotes what is nearby, nearby, nearby.
That- something that is located in the distance, remote from the speaker.

For example,
This cat is mine. This cat is mine.
That cat is yours. That cat is yours.

“Cat” is a singular word. Choice this or that depends exactly on WHERE exactly this cat is located. The one that lies near my feet is this cat. The one that is far from me is that cat.

When we talk about the distance of an object, we're talking about not only about space (the physical location of an object - far or close to the speaker), but also about time.

For example:
That was awesome! I had a wonderful time!
It was great! I had a wonderful time!

The action took place in the past, the narrator now recalls a pleasant time spent and uses the pronoun that. Please note that we will most likely translate into Russian that as “this”, and not as “that” - due to the stylistic features of the Russian language. For us, the difference between “this” and “that” in this context is insignificant. But it is fundamental for the English language. Consume this in this case it will be an error.

Thus, when talking about distant events (actions in the past), we use the pronoun that.

This and that in live speech

This and that are often confused in dialogues, for example, in a telephone conversation.

If you are introducing yourself in a conversation, use this:
- Hello. This is Mary.

If you are asking a question, clarifying who is speaking to you, use that:
- Is that Julia?


Is that George?
- No, this is Mike.

These and those: difference and use

In addition to this and that, you can often find another pair of demonstrative pronouns: these-those. The rule for their use is: if there are many items, not just one, we change this to these, and that to those.

These - these
Those - those

These cats are mine. These cats are mine.
Those cats are yours. Those cats are yours.

As you can see, both pronouns those, these indicate many objects (several cats). What is the difference between them? These and those, as well as the pair this–that, denote objects that are at different distances from the speaker.

These - objects are close (these)
Those - objects are far away (those)

Thus, when choosing a suitable pronoun, we always look at only two aspects:

1. Number of objects/persons (how many - one or many)
2. Their distance from the speaker (here or there)

The this–these pair is used if the object/objects are near the speaker. The pair that–those is used if the object or objects are far from the speaker.

We pronounce it correctly: these or this

You have probably encountered the fact that in live speech it is difficult to hear the difference between these and this. Therefore, they are often confused both in speech and in writing. Both pronouns are pronounced similarly, and in a conversation it is not always possible to catch what was said - these or this. How to pronounce these and this correctly:

This is pronounced briefly, with the s at the end sounding like “s”, dull. But these is pronounced with a long “i” sound (as in Russian “NII”), and at the end it sounds “z”, not “s”.

If you yourself pronounce these pronouns correctly, you will hear the difference between them in someone else’s speech.

How to correctly use this, that, these, those in a sentence

Demonstrative pronouns this/that/these/those can be used with or without a noun. Take a look:

Without a noun:
This is your last chance to see him.
This is your last chance to see him.

With a noun:
This meeting is your last chance to see him.
This meeting is your last chance to see him.

If demonstrative pronouns come at the beginning of a sentence and there is no defining noun after them, then, as a rule, the verb to be follows in singular or plural form:

This is/These are/That is/Those are

This is a cat. - This is a cat.
These are butterflies. - These are butterflies.
That is a train. - This is a train.
Those are cucumbers. - These are cucumbers.

Both this and that serve as the subject here and are translated as “this.”

Demonstrative pronouns without nouns may appear in various parts offers:

Which trousers would you choose, these or those?
Which trousers would you choose, these or those?

What is that?
What's that there?

If a demonstrative pronoun precedes a noun, its function is to point to a specific object:

This cat has drunk our milk. - This cat drank our milk.
IN in this case the pronoun this specifies that it was this cat, and not some other, that drank all the milk.

Any of the four demonstrative pronouns can be accompanied by a noun:

This flower smells great. - This flower smells great.
That man is very angry. - That man is very evil.
These tickets cost too much. -These tickets are too expensive.
Those presents are from my friend. - Those gifts are from my friends.

Tricky question “What is this?”

When you ask the question “What is this?”, you may encounter difficulty. After all, spoken in Russian, the question “What is this?” It sounds the same no matter how many objects there are and no matter where they are located. Take a look:

Due to the fact that in Russian the question sounds the same in all four situations, many are confused about how to correctly ask in English: “What is this?”

Focus on the distance of the object and the number of objects. Have you determined? Now choose the appropriate pronoun and the appropriate form of the verb to be.

Demonstrative pronouns and one

Sometimes after demonstrative pronouns you can find the word one. And even ones. What is it?

It happens that in order to preserve the beauty of speech it is necessary to avoid repeating a noun. For example:

This T-shirt is too expensive. That T-shirt is cheaper.
This T-shirt is too expensive. That T-shirt is cheaper.

The repetition of the word “T-shirt” is not justified here. For what? In Russian speech we would rather say: “This T-shirt is too expensive. That one is cheaper.” Everyone understands that “that” = “that T-shirt.”

IN English something similar happens. Just like in Russian, we get rid of the double word T-shirt. But if in Russian we can leave the pronoun “ta” in splendid isolation, then in English we must choose a substitute for the noun. This function is performed by the word one. Take a look:

This T-shirt is too expensive. That one is cheaper.
This T-shirt is too expensive. It's cheaper.

Since we are talking about one subject, we used the singular demonstrative pronoun - that. After the pronouns that/this, the rule requires the use of the word one.

If we are talking about many objects and using the pronouns these and those, then we will use ones.

These glasses are awful! Pass me those ones, please.
These glasses are terrible. Pass those to me, please.

Common Mistake: no need to try to translate one and ones. Neither as “one”, nor as “alone”, nor in any other way. In this case, one/ones is a building block that allows you to correctly construct a sentence in terms of structure; neither one nor ones are translated into Russian in such sentences.

Now you know when to use the demonstrative pronouns this, that, these, those and you can correctly structure your speech. Read other Puzzle English articles and improve your English!

Demonstrative pronouns this, that, these And those are used to refer to people or things in a certain way.

This And these denote persons or objects that are in close proximity to the speaker in time or space. When mentioning people or objects more distant in space or time, determiners are used that And those.

This And that are placed before singular nouns, uncountable nouns and pronoun one. These And those are placed before plural nouns and pronouns ones.

This, that, these And those often called demonstrative adjectives.

This and these

This And these denote persons or objects that are completely obvious in a situation. This And these are used to distinguish these persons or objects from a group of similar ones. For example, if you are in a house, you can mark it this house. If we have the keys in our hands, we can talk about them these keys. If you are at a party, you can talk about it this party.

Didn't have a private practice in this fiat.
I am going to walk up these steps towards you.
I’ll come as soon as these men have finished their work.
I like this university.
Good evening. In this program we are going to look at the way in which British music has developed in recent years.

When it is obvious what or who we are talking about, this And these can also be used as pronouns (pronouns).

This And these are part of many expressions relating to the present time period, for example, this month, this week And these days.

That and those

That and those are used in relation to people and objects that are within sight, but distant in space.

When it is obvious who or what we are talking about, that And those used as pronouns (pronouns).

Could you just hold that ?
Please don't take those .


Use this, that, these And those before a noun indicates that the person or thing has just been mentioned. For example, if you just mentioned a girl, when you mention her again you can say this girt or that girl. Usually in such cases, a pronoun (a pronoun) is used to repeatedly mention someone or something, but sometimes this is impossible due to the fact that it is not clear who or what it refers to.

Students and staff suggest books for the library, and normally we’re quite happy to get those books.
Their house is in a valley. The people in that valley speak about the people in the next valley as foreigners.
They had a lot of diamonds, and they asked her if she could possibly get these diamonds to Britain.

IN colloquial speech that And those can also be used before a noun to denote people or objects already known to the addressee.

That idiot Antonio has gone and locked our cabin door.
They learned how to eat with those horrible chopstics.
Do you remember that funny little attic apartment?

That can be used before nouns when talking about something that just happened, or something that the speaker just had a direct connection to.

I knew that meeting would be difficult.

That is often used as a pronoun to refer to something that just happened or happened.

Using those instead of the

In a more formal speech those can be used instead the before a plural noun when that noun is followed by a relative clause. When used in this way, the relative clause specifies which specific group of people or objects is being referred to.

those workers who are employed in large enterprises.
The parents are not afraid to be firm about those matters that seem important to them.

Informal use of this and these

In informal conversation this And these sometimes used before nouns, even if something or someone is mentioned for the first time.

And then this woman came up to me and she said, “I believe you have a goddaughter called Celia Ravenscrofi.”
At school we had to wear these awful white cotton hats.

In the first section of the second lesson, the demonstrative pronoun was introduced This as an alternative to the word It:

It is a cat = This is a cat

Let's see how these words differ.

What's happenedit?

It- This personal pronoun , the most adequate Russian translation of which would be: It. From previous lessons we remember that in English nouns have neither masculine nor feminine. It cannot be said that a table (table) is He, and a car (car) is She. All these words will belong to one neutral gender - It (it).

This is where the whole sentence comes from:

It is a table - This is a table literally: It is a table
It is a car - This is a car literally: It is a machine

Of course, it doesn’t sound very good in Russian word for word, so it’s better to try to understand these sentences from the point of view of the English language and just forget that words have genders.

What's happenedthis?

This– this is also a pronoun, but this demonstrative pronoun : This . We use it when we point to some object - hence the name “demonstrative pronoun” (For example, we point our finger at the table and say: This is a table)
This is very suitable for constructing sentences like "This is..."

This is a book - This is a book
This is a pencil - This is a pencil

In all these cases the words This And It are equal. You can say this and that.

This is a car = It is a car (This is a car)
It"s a room = This is a room (This is a room)
What is it? = What is this? (What is this?)
Is it a bicycle? = Is this a bicycle?(Is this a bicycle?)
It"s not a flower = This is not a flower(This is not a flower)
It isn't a river = This isn't a river(This is not a river)

This and That

Besides the pronoun This(this), which indicates an object nearby, in English there is another pronoun to indicate a more distant object - That(That).

· >We use the pronoun This (This) when we point to an object located next to us (Here):>

T his is a flower he is nearby
T his is a room she is nearby

· >When the object is a little further from us (There), you need to use the pronoun That. The closest Russian equivalent is To. Although in Russian in a sentence we very often translate the word That with the pronoun This.>

That is a house - This is a house verbatim: That is, house
That is a bike - This is a motorcycle he is located at a somewhat distant distance from us
That is a tree - This is a tree here we also mean that tree, it is located not here, but there

So, if the item is HERE, then we use This, when the item is THERE, then we say That.


This is a pen and that is a pencil- This is a pen, and that is a pencil.

Say it in English with the pronoun that:

This is a shirt
This is a flower
This is a glass
This is a newspaper

With the pronoun That we can shorten the verb is and say briefly and concisely: That's.

That is a phone = That"s a phone(This is a phone)
That is a clock = That"s a clock(This is a clock)
That is a shelf = That"s a shelf(This is a shelf)

Say it briefly:

This is the door
This is a computer
This is a mug
This is a mirror

Now we can use That in all kinds of sentences.

What is that? – That is a car.
Is that a car? - Yes, that's a car.
That is not a dog, that is a cat.
Is that a cow? – No, that "s not a cow, that"s a bike
That isn't a boy, that's a girl.

Hover your cursor to find out what all these sentences mean.

Note also that if the question contains the pronoun this , then it is not at all necessary to use it when answering. Everything will depend on how close the subject is to you and to the interlocutor. So very often you can find such cases:

What is that? – This is a bicycle The bike is further away from the person asking, but closer to the person answering

Is this a cupboard? – Yes, that"s a cupboard
Is that a clock? – Yes, this is a clock

Try to speak in English, imagining that the following objects will be close to the person asking the questions, and far from the answer. And then vice versa:

What is this? - This is a guitar

What is the difference between this and that in English?

Here you can find out what is the difference between the words this and that.

The English language has many pronouns that serve different roles. This and that are demonstrative pronouns. They indicate a certain object and its distance.

For example, the pronoun this is used with an object located nearby, and the pronoun that with an object located far away. Let's look at this with examples:

I'd like to buy this dress. - I would like to buy this dress.
Look at that scenery. It's absolutely stunning. - Look at that landscape. He's amazing.
Don't touch this big black box. - Don't touch this big black box.
Do you like that jacket? - Do you like that jacket?

As can be seen from the examples, this indicates the proximity of objects, and that indicates distance. Both pronouns have plural forms:

this - these (this - these)
that - those (that - those)

These clothes are mine. - Are these things mine?
Can you see those stars? - Do you see those stars?

The words this and that There are other functions too. This can easily replace the pronoun it:
It is a red clock. = This clock is red. - This watch is red.

That can sometimes replace the pronoun which:
I saw the camera which you bought. = I saw the camera that you bought. - I saw the camera you bought.

The pronoun that is often used in harsh statements, fixed expressions and other emotionally charged phrases. For example:

That’s none of your business! - This doesn't concern you!
That's why you chose to skip my lesson. - So that's why you chose not to come to my lesson.
Never mind. That's all right. - Don't worry. Everything is fine.
That's just what he suggested. - That's exactly what he suggested.

How demonstrative pronouns are used in spoken English.
Demonstrative pronouns:
this, this, this these - this
that, that, then - that
those - those
this is it
such, such - such
the same (s), the same (same) - the same
That/that. This/these.

1. This (these)index fingers pronouns used:
to indicate an object located close to the speaker.
This old woman is Mr. White's secretary.
This elderly woman is Mr. White's secretary.
to describe situations relating to the future or present time.
We are sorry but Dr. White is out at this moment.
We're sorry, but Dr. White is not available at at the moment.
I'm seeing Tom this Sunday.
I'm meeting Tom this Sunday.
in a situation where you introduce people to each other or introduce yourself over the phone.
Kate, this is Liz and these are my friends Bob and Ted.
Katya, this is Lisa, and these are my friends Bob and Ted.

2. Those/that are used:

To indicate an object or person located at a certain distance from the speaker.
Look at those new beautiful buses over there! they are his!
Look at those beautiful new buses over there! They are his!
to describe situations related to the past.
That month spent at the seaside was the best in my life!
That month spent on the sea coast was the best of my life.
when talking on the phone, to clarify who you are talking to.
"Hello! This is Lilia Smith. Who is that, please?”
"Hello. My name is Lilia Smith. Who, tell me, am I talking to?

3. these/ this, those/that are used as pronouns and independently without a noun behind it.
Let's have a talk over this. Let's discuss this.
These peaches are riper than those in the basket.
These peaches are riper than the ones in the basket.

4. If in interrogative sentence If the pronouns these /those are used, then in the answers they are replaced by they.
Are these papers yours? Are these your papers?
Yes, they are. Yes.

It is also used as a demonstrative pronoun.
It is a candle. This is a candle.

5. When answering special and general questions containing this or that, the pronoun it is used
Is that a butterfly over there? Is that a butterfly over there?
Yes, it is. Yes.
What is this? What is this?
It is a beetle. It's a beetle.
It or There?

How to use It correctly:

1) in sentences with It +be + adjective + to infinitive, highlighting the adjective, or it + be + adjective (+ that)
It is useless to know how it works without manual.
It's useless to know how it works without instructions.
It was coincident (that) Zinaida met her future husband in Paris.
What a coincidence that Zinaida met her future husband in Paris.

2) When we talk about the weather It has been foggy today.
Today it was foggy.
It has been snowing here since 2 o’clock.
It has been snowing since 2 o'clock.

3) When we ask for the exact time -What is the time?
What time is it?
-It is 23.30 sharp.
Exactly twenty three thirty.

4) When we describe places (terrains)
It is always calm and beautiful here at the lake.
Here by the lake it is always quiet and beautiful.

5) When we use phrases like it is becoming/ it is going to...
It is going to be boring at Rubik’s party.
Rubek's party promises to be boring.
It is becoming less and less interesting film to watch on TV. There are less and less interesting movies to watch on TV.


Used when there is a combination: there + be (is, are, will be, have/has/had been, was, were):

1) When we say that something exists somewhere (is, exists, is located)
There is wooden old church in my village.
In my village there is an old wooden church.

2) When we indicate the presence of something, someone
I ‘m sure there was some people at the restaurant.
I'm sure there were several people outside the restaurant.

3) When we indicate that something is happening or will happen in the future
There was a wedding here 3 hours ago.
There was a wedding here 3 hours ago.

If there is an enumeration in the sentence, then in the phrases there is / are be consistent in number with the first noun.
There was his aunt, two cousins ​​and Granny at my last birthday party. My birthday party last year was attended by his uncle, two cousins ​​and grandmother.