Inanimate nature tasks for preschoolers. Synopsis of nodes in the senior group. Topic. What is animate and inanimate nature. Colloquial speech: pure talk about nature

Tatyana Nazarova
Abstract of the lesson on ecology in senior group"Alive and inanimate nature»

Target: to summarize the knowledge of children about living and inanimate nature to promote the development of cognitive interests.


1) Educational

Develop curiosity, memory, the ability to draw conclusions about development nature;

Develop creative imagination, the ability to fantasize;

Develop active speech skills, enrich active vocabulary;

To promote the development of cognitive interests;

Attach to an effective attitude towards nature.

2) Educational

Expand knowledge of living and inanimate nature, show their interdependence;

Learn to guess riddles;

Learn to quickly find the right answer to the question;

Learn to solve problematic problems;

To consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe conditions for the growth and development of all living organisms on earth;

To consolidate the knowledge of children about animals and birds, the ability to classify them;

Describe the respiration of plants and the conditions for growth.

3) Educational

Teach ways of self-knowledge;

Continue to cultivate love for nature and respect for her;

Cultivate the desire to restrain, show patience. persistence

To form a desire to grow a plant ourselves, take care of him.

Methods and materials: gaming, practical, verbal

Individual work: activate inactive children

Lesson progress:

Children in white coats (stand in a semicircle)

caregiver: Guys, say hello, we have guests today. And today you will be young environmentalists. And who is this young ecologist?

(children's answers - "this is a child who loves nature, always and everywhere takes care of her”).

What do you think - how can you become young ecologist? (children's answer is “do good deeds towards each other and towards nature»)

A game "Three words"

caregiver: Young ecologists know a lot about nature. Let's play a game "Three words"(the teacher calls the concepts, and the children say what is included in this concept)

1. Vegetables. (cabbage, cucumber, tomato)

2. Fruits. (banana, orange, apple)

3. Wintering birds. (sparrow, dove, owl)

4. Migratory birds. (cranes, swallow, cuckoo)

5. Pets. (cow, horse, dog)

6. Wild animals. (wolf, fox, hare)

7. Animals Far North (polar bear, seal, fur seal)

8. Animals of the tropics (lion, lynx, gorilla)

9. Marine life (fish, whale, dolphin)

10. Insects. (mosquito, fly, butterfly)

11. Waterfowl. (goose, duck, swan)

12. Berries (raspberry, strawberry, cherry)

Well done, you got everything right. (brings a telegram)

caregiver: Oh guys, we have a telegram (is reading): "We invite young ecologists at the academic council which will take place today at 9 o'clock. We urgently need to go to the academic council. Please, come into the meeting room.

(children enter group -"conference hall", chairs stand in a semicircle, two "tribunes", pictures depicting nature, audio recording sounds "Magic nature» )

caregiver: (in scientist's clothes) I welcome you, my young friends, to the meeting room of the council of young ecologists. Today we will listen to the reports of young scientists, talk about living and inanimate nature how all living things grow, let's play smart games environmental games, learn how the plant grows, put the experience.

(knock on the door, young scientists come in, stand behind the podium)

A game "Scientific Message"

caregiver: And here are our young scientists. Timur will tell us about the living nature.

(children make a message)

1 child: The world is alive nature is plants, animals, insects, birds, fish (shows pictures). Both man and all living organisms cannot live without air, without water, without sun, without food. Wildlife is everything that grows, breathes, feeds, develops (shows diagram)

caregiver: Julia will tell us about inanimate nature.

2 child: Inanimate nature is everything that does not breathe, does not grow, does not develop. This is everything that surrounds us - stars, moon, planets, sun, mountains, water, stones, air, etc. (shows pictures). Both man and all living organisms cannot live without inanimate nature.

caregiver: Thank you young scientists for the messages.

A game "Finish the sentence"

Of course, you remember what my young colleagues were talking about. Finish my sentence.

1. Inanimate nature is. (stars, moon, wind, water, air, etc.)

2. Living nature is. (plants, animals, insects, fish)

3. All living organisms cannot live without. (inanimate nature) .

Competition of riddles and problematic questions

Well done, and now riddles and questions for the mind. Let's test your ingenuity.

1. Not a bird, but with wings, not a bee, but flies over flowers (butterfly).

2. Eight legs like eight arms, embroider a circle with silk (Spider).

3. From a branch to a blade of grass, from a blade of grass - a spring jumps onto a blade of grass, a green back (Grasshopper).

4. Flies, buzzes, eats in summer, sleeps in winter (bug).

5. They fly without wings, run without legs, swim without sails (clouds).

6. What is the nose for? (breathe and smell).

7. How to see the air? (vane, windmill, Kite).

8. How can you reach the sky? (with a glance)

9. What can you see with your eyes closed?


Well done, you answered correctly.

A game "Guess whose ad"

caregiver: (picks up newspaper) Look, a newspaper of forest announcements, but without signatures. Let's guess whose ads these are.

1. Come visit me. I don't have an address. I carry my house (snail, turtle)

2. Tired of crawling! I want to take off. Who will lend wings (caterpillar, snake, worm).

3. I am the most charming and attractive! Whoever you want to deceive, I'll circle your finger (a fox).

4. I have been waiting for a friend for 150 years. The character is positive, but I am very slow (turtle).

Well done, you guessed it.

Fizminutka "Droplets"

(audio sounds "Sounds nature» )

caregiver: Stand up, I turn you into droplets (waves his hand, run, water the ground, flowers, grass, trees.

(children run "watered" ground)

Everything, the rain is over, the plants thank you.

caregiver: How does all living things grow and develop?

A game "How all living things grow"

caregiver: Look (shows picture)- we talked about how a child grows and develops ( Small child, preschooler, schoolboy, young man, man, old man). For this you need. (heat + food + water + air + love)- a scheme is laid out on the carpet - This is how a person develops and grows. See what you were, what you have become, and what you will be. Here is a picture showing how a chicken grows and develops. Go tell Alina.

(child in the picture tells: mother chicken hatching an egg, then a chicken hatches from an egg, it grows, becomes a young chicken, then an adult chicken)

caregiver: What does it take for a chicken to grow and develop?

(you need to feed him with grain, walk, bask in the sun, breathe fresh air, bask under his mother's wing)

caregiver: It turns out that for the growth and development of a chicken, you need the same as man:

Children: heat + food + water + air + care

caregiver: As you can see, all living organisms need the same thing for growth and development. same: heat, food, water, air, care.

caregiver Q: How do plants grow and develop? Plants are. (herbs, trees, bushes, flowers). Guys, are the plants alive or inanimate? (plants live)

Why do you say plants are alive? (grow, feed, breathe, live, multiply, die.)

It turns out that plants eat differently than animals. Under the warm rays of the sun, they absorb carbon dioxide from the air that people and animals exhale. And turn it into starch and sugar. Plants need water. They take it from the earth, from the soil, along with nutrients, in order to grow and develop. Without water, carbon dioxide and sunlight plants cannot eat. As they eat, plants release oxygen into the air. Oxygen is necessary for all living things to breathe and live. In the forest, where there are many trees, flowers, grass, the air is cleaner - there is more oxygen in the air. And what should we do in the city so that the air is the same as in the forest? (plant trees, flowers, lawns, take care of plants, do not tear them)

A game "Let's Plant a Tree" (on carpet)

Let's plant a tree on this magic carpet. Let's take it first. (seed) and put him in. (ground).

For the grain to sprout, you need it. (water).

The plant needs more. (Sun)

Time will pass and it will appear. (sprout)

Over time, if everything is good and there are all conditions, the thin trunk of a young tree will grow stronger and become more powerful, the crown of the tree will become thicker. Most good conditions for plant growth where it is warm and humid. For example, in the tropics. Look (shows a corner "jungle", designed in group, here we have, as it were, the tropics. The jungle is called the kingdom of plants. In our area, when cold weather sets in, plants dry up, shed their leaves, and their growth stops. The plants seem to have died. But their roots are alive, and the buds are alive. And a blanket in the winter cold will be a snow cover. In the spring, when the sun warms, the plants will come to life again and turn green.

Look at the diagram of how a tree grows

(seed - sprout - tree - adult tree)

caregiver Q: Why do we need plants? (purify the air, make it easy to breathe).

Yes, trees are called the lungs of our planet. Hear folk sayings about plants:

The plant is an ornament of the earth.

To break a tree - not for long, to grow - years.

You killed one tree, plant forty.

- old young trees protect.

A lot of forest - do not destroy, a little forest protect, no forest - plant.

Psycho-gymnastics "seed"

(calm music playing)

caregiver: Now each of you will become a small grain. Close your eyes. Imagine you are a small seed. You are sitting deep in the earth. Dark. It suddenly got warmer. You reached up and your sprout was free. The sun warmed you, the warm rays touched your stalk, the breeze swayed. You wanted to spread your young green leaves. The sun with its rays pulled you up. You began to grow higher and higher. And then the life-giving rain splashed, you began to drink rain water, became strong and big. Your bud opened and you turned into beautiful flower. And you feel so good that you live on this earth, breathe fresh air, drink rain water and bask in the warm sunshine. And so it grew beautiful flower (the teacher shows a beautiful flower)

caregiver: Guys, did you like being a living grain? I'll give you little beans. Why do you think the seeds do not germinate during storage? (no water, light)

Our beans want to become alive and grow. Let's experiment and plant them in the ground, we will love them, look after, water, fertilize, and they will enjoy life and delight us.

An experience "Let's Plant a Seed"

caregiver: Guys. Come each to your desktop and plant a seed (children plant a seed and water it). Well done, the grains will thank you.

caregiver: Guys, today we had a scientific council of young ecologists. What did we talk about (about living and inanimate nature how all living things grow, how a grain grows, we conducted an experiment). Did you like it? What did you like?

Our common Home (shows a globe) is the planet Earth that revolves around the sun. There are other planets - Venus. Jupiter. Mars, etc., but there is no life on these planets, because there is no air and water. Earth is a common wonderful home for all people, birds, fish, insects, plants. We must protect our planet and the nature of the earth so that the air and water are clean, and plants and animals grow, and young people help adults in this ecologists.

(children read poems about the planet Earth)

Is on the ground huge house

Under a blue roof

Sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

Cheerful sound of the stream.

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead,

You will always be in it.

The nature of the native land

This house is called. (verses by L. Daineko)

caregiver: On this, our scientific council finished its work. Thanks everyone. I tell you - well done, thank you and award these commemorative badges. Goodbye my young friends.

Nature and man-made world: didactic games for children, flashcards for download. educational video for children about animate and inanimate nature.

Nature and man-made world: didactic game for children

From this article you will learn how to introduce the baby to the outside world, how to explain what animate and inanimate nature is, what a man-made world is and how they differ, what educational and educational games will help you.

Today I am pleased to introduce another reader of the site "Rodnaya Path" and a participant in the contest This is not only mother of many children, but also a student of a pedagogical college and a kindergarten teacher by profession. Marina has prepared a game for the readers of Native Path to introduce children to the world around them.

I give the floor to Marina: “My name is Smirnova Marina Anatolyevna. I have been on the site “Rodnaya Path” not so long ago - about a year. I live in with. Chastozerie. I have three children, a student of the 4th year of the Pedagogical College. Work in kindergarten educator. I am fond of beading, drawing (both with pencils and paints), plasticineography, modular origami, sewing simple toys for classes from felt, doing various crafts, etc. Recently, I started making didactic games for children.” And today Marina Anatolyevna shares with us two games and cards for them.

The natural world and the man-made world. Living and non-living nature

In didactic games, not only children's ideas about the world around them and the need for careful attitude to it are clarified, but they also develop: coherent speech, cognitive interest, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, group objects, children's attention.

In didactic games, children learn that the objects around them are different.

Some objects are made by human hands (man-made world), while other objects are created by nature (natural world).

The natural world is also very diverse. There is living nature and there is inanimate nature.

To the natural world include the stars and the moon, forests and mountains, grass and trees, birds and insects. These are the objects that exist outside of man, he did not make them with his own hands or with the help of machines and tools.

  • To inanimate nature include snow and sand, a ray of sunshine and stones, clay and mountains, rivers and seas.
  • To wildlife include plants, fungi, animals and microorganisms.

To the man-made world include our clothes and shoes, houses and vehicles, tools and hats and much more, shops and other buildings around us, stadiums and roads.

How to explain to children how the natural world differs from man-made world What is the difference between living and non-living things?

It explains very well to children what nature is and how animate and inanimate nature differs, in my favorite program for children around the world “Shishkin's school. Natural History". Watch this educational fun show for kids with your kids. Play the game with the characters and discuss their answers and mistakes.

What kingdoms does the natural world consist of?

Children will learn about this from the program"Shishkina School" on the topic "Kingdoms of Nature", and together with the animals - the heroes of the program - will guess riddles about the inhabitants of these kingdoms

And now, when your baby has learned what nature is, how to distinguish the natural world from the man-made world, how to distinguish living and inanimate nature, let's play didactic game and we will consolidate and clarify children's ideas about the world around them. And Marina's games and cards will help us with this.

Didactic game 1. "Living and inanimate nature"

material for the game

  • Pictures depicting objects of animate and inanimate nature (planet earth, duckling, forest, butterfly, mushroom, mountains, etc.)
  • Red and green cards (per child)
  • Two dolls or other toys.

Game progress

Create a playful situation with toys. Two toys (dolls) quarreled and cannot separate the pictures in any way. Ask the children: “How can we reconcile our dolls? How can these pictures be shared between Katya and Masha?” The children discuss how they can help the toys.

Draw the children's attention to the cards - tips, remember what they mean. The duckling is the world of wildlife. And mountains are the world of inanimate nature. The child helps the dolls to correctly separate the pictures.

  • You can give pictures to dolls, for example, Masha doll - give cards with the image of wildlife, and Katya doll - with the image of inanimate nature.
  • And you can enter conditional icons. The duck card is green and the mountain card is red. Invite the children to close the pictures of wildlife with green squares (like the duck), and close the pictures of inanimate nature with red cards (like the “mountains” card).
  • If the game is played with a group of children, then an adult gives each child a set of pictures and red and green cards to lay them out.

The task of the children is to correctly divide all the pictures into two groups.

Doll Masha and Katya each take their pictures and thank the children for their help, praise them for being very quick-witted and inquisitive.

Download pictures for the game "Living and non-living"

Didactic game 2. Nature and man-made world

In this game, children will learn to distinguish objects of the natural world from objects made by human hands, classify pictures, reason and draw conclusions, describe objects.

Materials for the game

For the game you will need pictures depicting objects of the natural and man-made world (anthill, mirror, bell flower; electric lamp, etc.).

Game progress

A group of children are playing. You can also play in a pair of "adult and child".

Each child receives from an adult a set of pictures depicting various objects of the man-made world. An adult shows a picture of an object of nature.

For example, an anthill is the home of ants. Children are looking for objects of the man-made world, similar to an anthill, among their pictures. For example, a pair for an anthill can be modern house, birdhouse, stable, poultry house made by human hands. Or perhaps your child will find another pair and be able to prove that it fits, because. similar to the original picture in some way.

It is necessary not only to guess and find the right picture, but also to prove that this picture fits like a pair of a picture shown by an adult.

Examples of such pairs in cards for the game:

  • flower bell ( natural world) - bell (man-made world),
  • the sun is a light bulb
  • hedgehog - metal brush - comb with long teeth,
  • live butterfly - a butterfly for a festive costume,
  • planet Earth is a toy ball,
  • web - fishing nets,
  • swallow with wings - a plane with wings,
  • claws of cancer - pincers as a tool of man,
  • snowflake and snowflake - lace doily,
  • a live mouse is a computer mouse.

Competition "The best methodological development"





Purpose: To teach children to distinguish natural objects from artificial, man-made, objects of wildlife - from objects of inanimate nature. To form in the child an idea of ​​​​the inextricable connection between man and nature (man is part of nature). To acquaint with the main natural components and their relationships.

Mastering ecological knowledge

Develop cognitive and language skills.

Form different types relations to nature (environmental, aesthetic, humane, cognitive).

Technology: Ecological games according to the program of Komarova and Veraksa

N. Ryzhova's program "Our home is nature"

Methods and techniques: Conversation, didactic games; experiences; observations.

Planned results:

Mastering ecological ideas

Development of cognitive skills

Accumulation of experience of humane attitude to nature

1. Game "Living and inanimate nature"

Purpose: To continue to teach children to distinguish between objects of living and inanimate nature.

2.Experience. Thunder and lightning

Purpose: Through experience, help children understand interesting things. a natural phenomenon- thunder and lightning.

Developing environment: objects of nature and "non-nature" (for example, a piece of granite, brick, a bouquet of flowers) and drawings depicting objects of animate and inanimate nature. Flannelgraph. Two balloons for experience.

  1. The teacher reads a poem by L. Daineko:

Here on earth is a huge house

Blue roof.

Sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf,

Birds and flowers live in it,

Cheerful sound of the stream.

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead

You will always be in it.

The nature of native land

This house is called.

You are familiar with the word "nature". And what does it mean? Children express their assumptions about what nature is and give examples: the sun, air, water, plants, animals, birds.

Why do you attribute this or that object to nature? And what can not be called nature? (What is made by human hands.)

Is there a car in nature? (No, because it was made by human hands; but a horse and a camel, which a person also rides, are already nature. Man only tamed them, made them domestic, they existed in nature without him.)

Nature is what exists without the help of man, and “non-nature” is everything that is made by human hands.

Educator: A person often comes up with things that are similar to "nature".

The helicopter looks like a dragonfly. Submarine - on a whale ... (Children continue this row.)

Educator: The whole nature of the Earth can be divided into two huge world: the inanimate world and the world of living nature. There are pictures on the table, help me separate them. Put wildlife on one easel, and inanimate nature on the other.

Children arrange and explain: wildlife is what moves, grows, develops, dies and multiplies.

The teacher invites the children to a magical meadow:

- An old woodman came to visit us. He mixed up all the pictures and can’t figure out which ones are related to nature and which ones are not. Children take one picture and tell what is shown on it. If nature, then explain what kind (living or inanimate). If not nature, then why do they think so (because it is made by human hands).

2. Game "Living and inanimate nature"

The teacher calls objects of wildlife - children move, inanimate - stand still.

And what is man in relation to nature? What nature? (Man himself is a part of living nature and at the same time a thinking being.)

Prove that man is part of wildlife. How is it related to animate and inanimate nature? (A person moves, grows, develops, dies and multiplies, which means that he is a part of living nature. And since a person is himself a part of nature, then without nature he is doomed to death, because there will be no air, water, plants and animals that give him food, clothing, plenty various materials, drugs and the same air!)

Man is called the king of nature. Is it correct? Why is a person called that? (Children express their opinions.)

The teacher completes the answers of the children. Man is a thinking, rational being. He learned a lot from nature.

On Earth, he is smarter than everyone,

That's why everyone is stronger!

But, thanks to his power, man caused the death of many animals, plants, and their habitats.

Man must take care of nature.

What do you mean without herbs and birds,

And without love for the buzzing bee,

Without cranes over the coniferous thicket,

Without pretty fox faces?

When you finally understand

Cutting into dead rocks

O man, crown of nature,

What is your end without nature?

(S. Kirsanov)

  1. The teacher asks the children if they observed an interesting natural phenomenon - thunder and lightning (thunderstorm), reads the poem "Thunderstorm" by F. Tyutchev

Reluctantly and timidly

The sun looks down on the fields.

Chu, it thundered behind the cloud,

The earth frowned.

Here it broke through the clouds

Blue lightning jet -

The flame is white and flying

Bordered its edges.

More often raindrops

A whirlwind of dust flies from the fields,

And thunder rolls

All angry and bold.

Why do thunderstorms happen? (In one place the air is very hot, in another it is cold.) At what time of the year are thunderstorms more common? (More often in summer.) Are there thunderstorms in the deserts? (No - dry air.) Where do thunderstorms occur almost every day? (In the tropics, where it is very hot, it is humid.) What is lightning? ( electrical discharges.) What is thunder? (In the place of the flash of lightning, a void forms and immediately it is filled with air - we hear thunder.)

3.Experimental activity

The teacher invites the children to experience lightning, or rather, its relative. The experiment is carried out in a dark room. You will need two inflated elongated balls. Rub the balls with a woolen mitten or scarf. Gradually bring one ball closer to the other, leaving a small gap. Sparks jump between them - like lightning in the sky, flashes, a slight crackle is heard - like thunder.

* In their free time, children reflect their impressions in art activities.

During the walk, invite the children to find as many objects of animate and inanimate nature as possible, once again emphasize how they differ. Play Games:

  1. The teacher takes turns naming different objects. If the object belongs to nature, the children raise their hands; if not, they do not. To complicate the game, the teacher can make "deceptive" movements.
  2. The ball game is played by analogy with the well-known game "edible-inedible". The teacher names the objects of animate and inanimate nature and throws the ball to the children in turn. If an object of wildlife is named, the child catches the ball, if it is inanimate, he throws it.
  3. The game "Guess what's in the bag." Give the children bags in which there are cones, pebbles, dry branches, pieces of brick. Invite each child to feel by touch what belongs to nature and what to “non-nature”.

You can finish the walk with a poem by V. Orlov:

Under one blue

We live under a common roof.

House under blue roof

Both spacious and large.

The house is spinning around the sun

To keep us warm

So that every window

It could illuminate.

For us to live in the world

Not afraid, not threatening

Like good neighbors

Or good friends.

Abstract of the GCD in the senior group on the topic "Living and inanimate nature"

Target: generalize children's knowledge of animate and inanimate nature, develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation; expand knowledge about air.
1) Educational
- develop curiosity, memory, the ability to draw conclusions about the development of nature;
- develop creative imagination, the ability to fantasize;
- develop active speech skills, enrich the active vocabulary;
- to promote the development of cognitive interests;
-expand knowledge about animate and inanimate nature, show their interdependence;
- learn to guess riddles;
- learn to quickly find the right answer to the question;
- teach ways of self-knowledge;
- continue to cultivate love for nature;
- generalize, clarify previously obtained knowledge about the properties of air;
- to acquaint with the properties and methods of air detection;
- develop the skills of conducting experiments;
- expand and activate children's vocabulary;
- encourage hypotheses;
- develop the ability to independently draw conclusions based on practical experience;
- to cultivate accuracy when working with water.
Methods and materials: gaming, practical, verbal
Individual work: activate inactive children
- schemes of animate and inanimate nature;
- pictures of animate and inanimate nature;
- a toy "Doll" and a screen;
- plastic bags (according to the number of children);
- rescue sleeves;
- a bowl (preferably glass) 2 pcs. ;
- Cup;
- toys and other small objects are dense and hollow;
- chest;
- cups with boiled water and tubes according to the number of children;
- garlic, garlic press;
- fans by the number of children;
- balloons according to the number of children.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, say hello, we have guests today.
(Children say hello).
Today we will talk about nature, listen to the poem:
Here on earth is a huge house
under the blue roof
Live in it the sun, rain and thunder
Forest and sea surf,
Birds and flowers live in it,
Cheerful sound of the stream.
You live in that bright house
And all your friends.
Wherever the roads lead,
You will always be in it.
The nature of native land
This house is called.
– What is nature? (children's answers)
That's right - flowers, rivers, trees, plants, people, animals, air, water, mountains, stones, stars of the planet and much more that is created by nature.
Why didn't you name the houses, the cars? (Answers of children). That's right, because all this is created by man, not nature.
- All nature can be divided into two huge worlds: the world of animate and inanimate nature. Now Samira will tell us about wildlife.
Samira: The world of wildlife is plants, animals, insects, birds, fish (shows pictures). Both man and all living organisms cannot live without air, without water, without sun, without food. Wildlife is everything that grows, breathes, eats, develops (shows a diagram)
Educator: Danil will tell us about inanimate nature.
Danil: Inanimate nature is everything that does not breathe, does not grow, does not develop. This is everything that surrounds us - stars, moon, planets, sun, mountains, water, stones, air, etc. (shows pictures). Both man and all living organisms cannot live without inanimate nature.
Educator: Well done! Now let's play the game "Finish the sentence."
Of course, you remember what Samira and Danil told us about. Finish my sentence.
Inanimate nature is. (stars, moon, wind, water, air, etc.)
Living nature is. (plants, animals, insects, fish)
All living organisms cannot live without. (inanimate nature).
Educator: We said that living organisms cannot live without inanimate nature. Recently, we set up an experiment. Sprouted onions in different conditions. And they found out that onion growth needs: heat, water, light and care. It can be concluded that without water, heat, light and care, more than one living organism cannot survive, and therefore we cannot survive. And without what people and living organisms still cannot live, you will find out by guessing my riddle:
Passes through the nose to the chest
And the reverse is on its way.
He's invisible, but still
We cannot live without it.
We need it to breathe
To inflate the balloon.
With us every hour
But he is invisible to us!
Children: Air!
Educator: That's right, it's air! And I propose to do research now and investigate the properties of air.
Doll, appearing from behind the screen: Hello guys! What are you going to do here?
Educator: The guys and I are talking about nature. And we want to explore the air and learn more about it.
Doll: Air? And who saw it, this air? Maybe it doesn't exist at all? Personally, I have never seen air! What about you guys?
Educator: Tell me guys, do you see the air around us?
Children: No, we don't.
Educator: Since we don’t see it, then what kind of air?
Children: The air is transparent, colorless, invisible.
Doll: There you go! Invisible! So it doesn't exist at all!
Educator: Wait, wait, Doll! I haven’t seen the air either, but I know that it is always around us!
Doll: Oh, you know everything! And I don't believe you! Prove that this same air exists!
Educator: Guys, let's prove to the Doll that there is still air! To see the air, you have to catch it. Do you want me to teach you how to catch air?
Children: Yes.
Experience 1. With a plastic bag
Teacher: Take plastic bag. What's in it?
Children: It's empty.
Educator: It can be folded several times. Look how thin he is. Now we draw air into the bag and twist it. The bag is full of air, it is like a pillow. Air took up all the space in the bag. Now untie the bag and let the air out of it. The package is thin again. Why?
Children: There is no air in it.
Educator: Look, Doll! Conclusion: the air is transparent, in order to see it, it must be caught. And we were able to do it! We caught the air and locked it in a bag and then let it out.
Doll: And this package reminded me of something! In the summer, I saw how people use such "locked" air! On the sea! It looks like it was an air mattress! And I also saw children wearing rescue sleeves and even a life buoy!
Educator: But I have children's rescue sleeves. Let's get the air out of them. Air is lighter than water! And if there is air inside the mattress, then, of course, it floats! Now we will check it.
Experience 2. Submarine.
Educator: Take a bowl of water and put a glass in it so that it is completely immersed in water. Let's turn it upside down. Now lower the tube with the fold down and stick it into the glass. The main thing is that the glass does not tip over. We gently blow into the tube, and the glass floats to the surface, filling with air. Guys, why did the glass float?
Children: Because it was filled with air.
Doll: So if there is air inside something, it will float? Guys, help me sort out the toys: which ones will float and which ones won't? Where is the air hidden? (Pulls out a chest).
Didactic game: "Sinking - not sinking." (children alternately take out a stone, a wooden block, and other small objects from the chest and lay them out in two basins).
Teacher: Well done guys! Help! Now you know, Doll, that objects with air inside will float.
Educator: Well done, now let's rest a little.
If we are dealing with water, (show - we pour water from one cam to another)
Let's roll up our sleeves boldly (roll up our sleeves)
Spilled water - it doesn't matter (hands on the belt, shake your head)
A rag is always at hand (showing palms connected by an edge to each other)
An apron is a friend. He helped us (run your palms from the neck to the knees)
And no one got wet here (hands on the belt, head turns to the sides)
Have you completed the work? Did you put everything in place? (step in place)
Educator: We rested, and now I ask everyone to the tables (there are glasses of water and straws on the tables).
Doll: Is there air inside people?
Teacher: What do you guys think? Let's check?
Experience 3. Air in a person.
Blow into a tube dipped in a glass of water.
Educator: Blow into a tube lowered into a glass of water. What's happening?
Children: Bubbles come out.
Teacher: You see! Conclusion: it means that there is air inside us. We blow into the tube and it comes out. But in order to blow more, we first inhale new air, and then exhale through a tube and bubbles are obtained.
Doll: Understood. You exhale air. So it is within you. But how does it get to you? Through the nose?
Educator: Of course! All people breathe through their nose. Guys, let's show how our noses breathe. When we simply inhale and exhale air, do we see it?
Children: No.
Educator: But we can feel it with our nose. I'll take the garlic and crush it.
Doll: Oh! What a smell of garlic! I don't want that smell! I'd rather close my nose and not breathe.
Educator: What are you, Doll! Without air, you will suffocate. All life on earth needs air: people, animals, and plants! Without air, they will die.
Experience 4. “I don’t breathe”
The guys pinch their noses and try not to breathe.
Educator: You see, not even all the sand was poured into the hourglass, you could not live even one minute without air!
Educator: Doll, if you don't like the smell of garlic, we will help you. Guys, do you want to arrange the wind?
Children: Yes.
Educator: Guys, let's try to arrange a wind with a fan! Wave the fan first at yourself, then at each other. What do you feel?
Children: A breeze blows in the face.
Doll: Oh, thank you. So when air moves, wind is produced.
Educator: Guys, what do you think, does the air itself smell? Smell. But how is it that when pies are baked, we smell? It turns out that the air moves and brings these smells to our noses, although the air itself has no smell.
Doll: Thank you! How much I learned about air today!
- that the air constantly surrounds us;
- that the way to detect air is to “lock” the air, “catch” it in the shell;
- that air is lighter than water;
- that there is air inside people;
- that life is not possible without air;
- that the air is odorless, but can transmit an odor;
- that the wind is the movement of air.
Educator: Doll, where did you disappear to? What are you doing over there?
Doll: I'm here! (blowing). I lock the air in beautiful elegant balloons. I want to give these balloons to all the guys who helped me understand what air is. Thanks guys! I'm going to tell my friends everything I learned today. Goodbye!
Educator: And it's time for us guys to say goodbye. Let's get dressed and go outside - breathe fresh air!


organized learning activities

for older children

Educational area: "Knowledge"

Chapter:"Fundamentals of Ecology".

Topic:"Living and non-living nature".

Target: to teach children to distinguish natural objects from artificial ones created by man, objects of wildlife from objects of inanimate nature.

Oz: To form an idea of ​​the inextricable connection between man and nature.

RZ: To develop thinking, speech, interest in objects of animate and inanimate nature.

VZ: Cultivate respect for nature.

vocabulary work: the concepts of "living", "non-living" nature



Actions of the educator

Children's actions



Brings into the group objects made by human hands, objects of living

and inanimate nature

in three bags.

Show interest

to the contents of the bags.

Organizational search

Reads a poem by L. Daneyko

“Here is a huge house on earth.” Chatting and asking questions

Explains the concepts of "living", "inanimate" nature. Explains

that objects made by human hands do not apply

to inanimate nature.

Organizes a didactic game for the classification of natural objects "Living-non-living".

Listen to the poem, answer questions, give examples.

Remember the meaning of new words.

Actively participate

in the game, comment on their choice.


Invites children to draw conclusions, completes the answers.

Ends with a poem

V. Orlova "We live under one blue common roof ..."

draw conclusions

about objects of nature, about human connection

with nature

and respect for her.

Expected Result:


The concept of "living" nature;

- "inanimate" nature.


Ideas about the difference between objects of animate and inanimate nature from objects made by human hands;

About the relationship of living and non-living objects of nature, about their significance in human life.

Be able to:

Classify objects of animate and inanimate nature;

Anwser the questions;

Name the signs that distinguish objects of living and inanimate nature.